HIGH OFFICIALS OF TRANSIT CO. HED FOR TRIAL Warrants Charging Second Degree Manslaughter Is sued in Wreck Cases vr York, Dec. 12. Warrants charging manslaughter in the second 1 degree were issued yesterday by 1 Mayor Hyland, sitting as committing magistrate, against Timothy S. Wil liams, president of • the Brooklyn Company, four subordinate officials of the company, and Anthony Lu ciano. motorman of the train wrecked November 1 in a tunnel with the loss of 93 lives and injuries to many other passengers. The mayor scored the Public Ser vice Commission for "apparent failure and culpable neglect to perform its duty,'* and recommended that Dis trict Attorney Lewis present "the facts" to the grand jury with a view to ascertaining whether such alleged negligence constituted a violation of the-penal code. The testimony at the inquiry indicated, he said, that the commission had failed to in s-feet the construction work in the tunnel, where the wreck occurred; that it did not compel the installa tion of proper signals or speed regu lation devices, and that it apparently made no inquiry into the competency of matormen employed by the com pany. John J. Pempsey, vice-president and superintendent of transporta tion; W. S. Menden, chief engineer and assistant to Williams; J. H. Al lerek, president of a subsidiary com pany operating the line on which the wreck occurred, and Thomas F, Ble witt, a division superintendent, were the other officials accused. Bail for the defendants was fixed at $lO,OOO each except in the case of Luciana, I who was held in $5,000. Luciana j arraigned to-day and the others are | to appear to-morrow. German Brutality Is Denounced by Church Leaders in Session fly Associated Press Atlantic City, N. J„ Dec. 12. ! The temperance eompiittee of the ' Federal Council of Churches of ; Christ in AVnerica, o which Gov- j ernor Milliken, of Maine, is 'chair- ] man, is making preparations for a j world-wide prohibition campaign, it was announced last night at the meeting of the executive commit tee of the council. Denunciation of the "brutality shown by Germany," in her African ] colonies, was made by Dr. J. Hawk ins, of Washington, who said that I the peace conference should place j the colonies under protectorates. Bankerr Protest Great Tax Measures; Urged to Wait on Their Members fly Associated Press Atlantic City. N. J., Dec. 12. J Resolutions protesting against tax! law measures pending in Congress, j were adopted by the National Invest- ! merit Bankers' Association, at tpe ; cr63lh'c session of Its annual conven tlon here. Wn tern delegates were urged to stop in Washington on their.wav home and discuss the sub ject with United States Senators and Representatives. The association elected these of ficers: President. William G. Baker, Jr.; secretary. Frederick R. Fenton, Chicago: treasurer, H. L. Stuart, Chicago. Baby Suffocates in Fire That Destroys Home Margaret Farina, two-month-old child of Mr. and rMs. Frank Farina, 679 South Second street, Steelton, was suffocated late yesterday after noon in a lire that destroyed the half of the double house in which the family resided. Desperate ef forts of the frantic mother and Lloyd Hartman, member of the West Side Hose Company, to save the baby were unavailing. The flames hod gained consider able headway when discovered and the greatly frightened mother, for getting her child for the instant, rushed panic-stricken into the street. Safe herself, she became half crazed when she realized that her child was within the burning building and fractically .broke away and rushed into the blazing structure. Realiz ing that all of the mother's efforts must be futile, two tiremen raced after her and brought her back after she had already entered the smoke tilled rooms. An overheated stove in the din ing room of the family is believed by the authorities to have fired the room. This part of the house was gutted, but the other half and the barber shop of Lewis Farina, in the basement, were only slightly dam aged. 120 Billion Doilarr. Is Bill Against Huns Bristol, Doc. 12.—The war bill of the All es against Germany is $120,- 000,000,000. according to the British Prime Minister. David Lloyd George, who presented this and other inter esting facts before a large gathering here yesterday. The cost of the war to Great Britain was $40,0011.000.000. Before the war the estimated wealth of Germany, said the Premier, VUK between $75,000,000,000 and $lOO,- 00n.000.000. So, if the whole wealth est Germany were taken, there would not be enough to pay the account. Therefore, he used the words. "Ger many should pay to the utmost limit of her capacity." Yankee General and Officers Reach Berlin to Repatriate Captives fly Associated Press A Berlin, Dec. 12.—Brigadier Gen era! Harries and Lieutenants Gail lard and Schelling, of the American Commission for the repatriation of war prisoners, are the first Amer ican officers to reach Berlin since the armistice. They arrived last njght from Spa, Belgium, former German headquarters. 12 SHOT IN LONDON TOWER London, Dec. 12. —Durng the war twelve spies were shot In the Tower of London, according to reports now current. Carl Hans Lody, alias Charles A. Inglis. who at one time RYed in Omaha, was the first to be executed. Two women spies were? pcntgnced to death- Tut tjoth were rcpncvid, the sentences being ton}- rotted to long prison terms. THURSDAY EVENING HABBISBURG <&&&? TELEGRAPH DECEMBER 12, 1918. WE SELL FOR LESS ■ f wy.'' llll T twTTjTirmjiT"* A < n ■ IT\ A "VT" § 1 GREAI 7 DAY salkin^l I IaSpSiBSDEff.HBsaS *a o Mgolden RULE DEPT. STORE 1 428-430 Market Street |~l |\ fo 1 IV! A O 428-430 Market Street I f 1 I g (fY A ¥ IP IVORYorP.&G. | I X I GIFT SUGGESTIONS jBl 111 |1 m * j M ft SOAPS $ 5 Come Early, While Selections j| / M §W& |jl * j M ,C k fjf IYcnch r cufr >VUh $1 *29 % I M I M | 1 57c l/i ' ' . ill SWEATERS I I !i 1 I LJ Starts Friday Morning 9 O'clock Sharp (I | E_T' n ' s H ' avy 8, 2%J% >J I w & Men's Sd.no Dress Gloves, Capeskin s WunvM wuniml n colors TfO ;w ' * ft- "u'ni"gV'f t^"p'r lee'd & v This is the time of the year that money is very scarce—that is the reason we are offering this big Seven J* Ladies' Extra Heavy Q7 : M A I•# sc* at ' .'. *P Day Christmas Sale. We have reduced all our prices and are offering you our full selection of quality mer- Sweaters I L ft ft cUc^r'^iik^hirts; 1 "" 0 ** 00 * ,n "; ft chandise at real saving values. This will enable you to make a dollar go a little farther than usual. Be sure X Ladies' Slip-over Sleeveless Sweat- :Jt ft |S V 1 i) • i g YOU take advantage of it. colors ............. 97c I I I SHOP EARLY—YOU GET BETTER SELECTIONS |j I What Would Christmas Be Without a j SKIRTS 11 II BSeiS; I &'■ New COAT, SUIT or DRESS? j I|-|7 j j X £ 25c Ladies' Cotton Hose, <| A ft lfiJ, A : Ladies' Skirts & 3 4 fi : & black, white and colors... J- V.■* ' i & St _ M : $6.00 and $6.50 Q7 1 S #•' 25c Children's Fast Black Hose; \ Sk , B B I I*l M /\ Ladies' Skirts / fN : Jk '# sizes mto 6. 11. % 1 A & M M Bli I $7.00 and $7.50 CO7 W- S it B Special 11 v A l\ T% B Ladies' Skirts S ft '• •'?. u : w 29c Boys ' - and Girls heavy black \\ LADIES' $2O STYLISH COATS Blr H V® 11/ v : S '5 C ft H° se all s i zes - 17- A IV it to please every one. Every woman owes it to T #TO ** WT F\ C! fi •9 5 Special A•'l* a \\ || her pocketbook to investigate. It's foolish to pay several B| SBR == M IS 5% | ill iff 0| yY ! r W: rpi ."j |7i C 1 4k \\ dollars more elsewhere when she can come here and pay reS .4 •#: A V#WA/M */± :>/ ft third Moor specials ft \\ '| several dollars less. Great, new, rich Coats, season's gd ===== .ft 30c Longcloth, r% a// .ft "j*: W j?, $2.25 Heavy Outing Q* 1"7 Q f \ii smartest fashions Belted Coats, Fur Trimmed Coats. $ d ft £ ft Flannel Nightgowns $l. / O ft \MJ Loose Coats, Fitted Coats. Coats of every description in . A 35c and 40c Li M p ercal one J< S & 50c Percale Ol n every color and material. yard wide . no,// 'jj: ' J}s 11 57c 1 Other Coats, .Sl6 up to S4S I n'lzc 11 •: ft | $2.25 Heavy Outing <J | J £ $ | 39c and 45c Light 'OOIU - > : 1 1 lf£r : " mal f nprccuc cinTQ w lllc! I F: Gingham House Dresses, values up f fl B ff% _% M I K - jfcw-Y j®? ; e( l M us l m > Y ar d .... X B to $3.00 ft Blßtß A ILIS Al y ! yi 1 f # W 29c Unbleached Muslin, OO ' ft 3 :ff $4.50 Cotton Filled 'MI • L |j\\ §: yard ZZC ft J "ft New Silk, Serge and Satin Dresses, worth up to SIR, Women folks, yOU WOll't believe your W 1 irs j \ ft $1.50 Silk Poplm, all Q7n ft : M m iff $6-00 Cotton Filled 47 M : to 50,,, for 5990 - i'' ll " 'P hrit ' early for the „.L-„ , i-LJc. Quite- it tliic Hd 1 W All \ fflt shades, yard v• v jK jjW JL--W A°^l ( o tS ' i.M| Z J' ' ft best bMgain before CKrfstnias. Many different ' K .i , ft 50c good quality Seco Silk, 07 Li *M 1 C $7.50 Cotton Filled jg Qy g „„. k 1 _„, 8 ,..„.,cd pice - price. We sold them up to $24.00 all I yard O/C '§ f // i' 64x80° : Stri cd ft e,s ' p,aiu laUore<l B ar,en for oitier ladies. Every season, and to close out this lot we sacri- I | I 30c Cretonne, in all the newest ft ® ft s£• Cotton '# wanted eolor, every size, stunning trimming elTcetu. . fice them during the Seven Day Sale at I T!\ | shades, extra heavy, 24C ft j" stt ,Vr -J i i ft 29c Nainsook, O -fl y/^ ' iff- $6.00 Men s and Women s Heavy & A /fT% M 1 M i M: a * / I // f > I {Br~ $4.98 j tAlft * 1 A Qfi '' ,4 I wTicnrc i I II 48c § f I M *%HI • Wi\ | WAISI 11 I I Extra Speciab, First floor | f | /J \M\ d | § |f. 5c Pearl button, O M W _ S ======== j #up to $3.00 3)1 .DO it ft ' i i% c \t ™ ™L' '' j ft r ML H3 A ft One lot of Voile Waists, smart de- sf' Thread, M __— signs, latest patterns; ■ f I 2 spools ,# C ft V ft worth up to $1.50 O/C ft M. |: f 25c Ribbons, all shades; 1-7 jg. <gsrCl ft $2.98 Silk Waists-Small lot of #• '$ 1 | fepf oys ' 7 diet 17c | | MILLINERY | She'd Be Delighted With a§ | 1 I'l ft ft Ladies' White and Colored O .15 Ai: A few good Millinery items ill I A line of Black Lyon's \ civet &• , jl ft Wnistf come in all rh rv Ar\ i * Handkerchiefs ZC 1 | Vo''O I XM4S PFTTIPrt AT'f * aUes kptSal .. 53.48 f 'ff $l.OO Boys Heavy /J7 if a,,d T PO Velvet Hats, all pret-1 . (P 7Q E A. LS J. M..J IJL JL Vi' I*.J. W' ft % X ft Ribbed Union Suits O/C ft § tUy trimmed; every one of these j ft ' T ft ft TTAVC! S. & 1 i s M;L™d; n mou,essl.l7 I $2.98-c3szs£si.33t $1,95, $2.98, $5.98 II 11/13 % I :ff w cn T .-I _ _ ft W priced choice of house U 7 r .S Jr. Jfc., ! 50c Turkish OQ/v ft ; ff .. w... .. .... w .. _., w , r , -■ ,■- •• .-i.-- &'• jk Of All* Kinds—Take Elevator to M' /■ ft ft! Towels Zc/C & % ft Third Floor f\ ft ■fi: S l-ffi/tlgldo JIIUCO # Vffii M Will be on sale at following Sale Prices, at a saving of 25 to 40 per cent. $J* ft '£'■ *"1 U V | *¥ * ' 1 : Jf: on tbe dollar. Come and save! Hundreds of Men's and Young Men's ft ft f lOr Men Cinci Women % These wonderful values are f wmbe on sale at •ff 5 Better Shoes than we offer in our Seven Day Christmas Sale cannot SUre tO pleaSC yOlir Daddy and j \ 747 j 9*47 S.DCI ft Jff: be had in the city for the same money. Thousands know this from ft ~ . . - /* „x_ V 01,... t in nn _ u-- ft Xft experience. These prices are an inducement for you to make the test. # the SUItS and OverCOatS are % Men>s Hcayy Ribbed yffrJ ' 5 0c Silk Fourin-Hand W 'jt I' f • I sure to pea e you. 1 UNION SUITS & TIES .ft 1 m M A Genuine Brown \Wk Li'l Fine Soft Kid , 1 ' a7 JL. o 1 **'' tr &' Kid Boot IJptMi Lace Boots 2 Come in and see #• SI."/ A : § * f f wUh'wnS'Top, mm' |HU ft _ thefll nOW. f ■>'> Heavy Fleeced , " ,!f \- I 5 r h '- ivory .ops, f | SHIRTS 1/1. SUSPENDERS & f l yjP OQf . I Overcoats at Great Savings O 98c 37c II j ft ft lioy sieont shoes, made f ■ m" j'j Lp to $lO.OO Men's $5.00 Corduroy Men's 50c Leather Palm :ft ft i I . 52.25 % 1 UIT sfzes' $6.97 I PANTS Ml'il GLOVES $ i ft ft Boys' Coco* Brown Calf -'gjl to 2: va'ne S*J.5O, ® A ' OO Sr- Vt oizes M .LV 11iM ft ft frff Shoes; mothers say that' iT-S. Child's Black Ivid lace -ft /■ F M . .M U? "5 O*7 IUBHA _ .* d*: IE: this is the best value in ' H*T\ flthoes, pretty yet setvlee- :?* I 13 ~~~~ >7- D<3oO I Z7j C ( r ft the City; $3.45 jii \ $1.95 t0 Boys' Corduroy ?L' - ; ft jff 8; Extra Good Value In Men's House slippers, Suits, if Gi 7 Mens Heavy Flannel 'M $1.50 Boys Jersey K" I I s "s"l4i'up c " $7*487 Emm p " c "' al * SHIRTS SWEATERS A I I EXTfIA GOOD VALUES IN MEN'S SHOES I 54.97 | $1.97 p||i | I \ ft Tan Calf Blueher Army Style Work- ticniiine mahogany tan <£i* f\f\ m" \ : jP. 25c Men's K.JI ;* ft Tl/T 17 "W 'C D A TVT TC ft .ft if i"K Shoes, wiU, ca!f tjoxand <39 C <air shoes; value $6 A \ £• fJACI? fM |j j OrAJJIIO | -W. '[i 8 : °" Muso" last; value $5."0, === ® $9.95 Boys' $9.95 Boys' $8.50 Boys' ft ITUOUt | J ||| Work or Dress £ i % ... . TT7, T". F lit working Slims-with leather ft SUITS, SUITS, SUITS, 'M 17 fel Values up to $3.00 :g T ! I | $7.97 $6.97 $5.97 $/• if.lL $1.97 | I • WE SELL FOR LESS *• . . . • .... j 9
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers