. | One Cake With A i >urc^ase . Two Cake A -49 Cent Purchase THIS gift bffer is made to introduce users of the famous Palmolive cents worth of the finest toilet soap made absolutely free. You will Soap to dther popular Palmolive products. You will like Palm- receive one full sized cake when you buy a tube of Palmolive Cold olive Shampoo, Palmolive Cold Cream, and Palmolive Talcum. Cream or a can of Palmolive Talcum—a 38-cent value for 24 cents T . . ~ . __. _. ...... —half the sum you spend returned to you in a gift cake of your favorite Iry them now and get this free Palmolive Soap-—full sized cakes selling regularly two for a quarter. . t • Just call on one of the dealers named below, make your choice All this week, or as long as the supply holds out, two of these full and he will wrap up the free Palmolive with your purchase. Don't delay . sized cakes will be given away with a jar of Palmolive Cold Cream or in accepting this gift offer. Each dealer's supply of this free Palmolive a bottle of Palmolive Shampoo a 75-cent value for 49 cents—2s is limited. PENNSYLVANIA /.*? • 4 / • Harrisburg Chambersburg Marietta . Steelton I'*♦ • ' * * Arnold, Df. C. M. Hallers' Drug Store W. E. McCloskey " -* Clark Nelson ' Skinner, H. W. Porr ' J n °" L " ' Weison Prowell, T. • ' Ensminger, J. T. v /i l l* ♦ , Forney, C. M, ColUßlbia Mechanicsburg Garland, J. K. Zemas, Harry ' Y ~ 7 . , Brunhouse, Harry F. ;Gross, E. Z. • f* i ' • Grunden, P. E. . . uettySUlirg Bear & Company £^, F - Gettystog Dept - Sto " ' -New Cumberland. ' v ' ' 1 Marshall, W.E. . Good's Pharmacy V s^t'/coV. Moller, C. A. • . Fraley, Wm. O. - % Packer E / Houghton & Co., J. C. ■ - Smyser, W. L.. . ' Imperial Drug Co. Rod I inn Warden Drug Store Potts, G. C. Linebach & Company HCU LIOD Weist & Son P. ' x>~n' . , Locher's Drug Store , '• Reuwer, G. \ Miller & Company, J. A Moody, C. W. Ziegler, A. L. Swager, E. F. P.", Runkle, N. B. . Strack & Co., Otto* Ziegler, R. W. THURSDAY EVENING, HAJEUUSBURG TELEGRAPH DECEMBER 12, 1918. 11
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers