J.WM. BOWMAN IS ELECTED HEAD OF BOY SCOUTS Former City Executive Suc ceeds George S. Reinoehl as Council President Harrisburg Council of Boy Scoutsf of America held its annual meeting In Scout HeadqJarters, 206 Calder Building last evening. The treas urer's report showed the council to be In good financial condition. George A. Gorgas and Arthur D. Bacon Were appointed auditors for the year. Under the election f of officers J. William Bowman was elected presi dent of the council. Dr. Charles B. Fager, Jr. first vice-president; David E. Tracy, second vice-president; William Jennings, third vice-presi dent; David Kaufman, fourth vice president ;A. Carson Stainm, fifth vice-president; Howard C. Fry, treasurer, and Samuel P. Eby, treasurer. In addition to tho above officers the following were elected to serve on the executive committee: Hen derson Gilbert, George S. Reinoehl, E, S. Herman, Herman P. Miller, Frank B. Musser. A n.ew constitution was proposed and referred for action to the next meeting of the council. A rising vote of thanks was given to the re tiring president, George S. Rein oehl, for his work the past year. Following are the members of the council for the year 1919: George S. Reinoehl, J. William Bowman, David E. Tracy, William Jennings, David Kaufman, A. Carson Stamm, Samuel P. Eby, Howard C. Fry, Henderson Gilbert, E. S. Herman, Arthur D. Bacon, Cnmeron L. Baer, Arthur H. Builey, W. H. Benne thum, J. Austin Brandt, Charles E. Covert, J. E. B. Cunningham, Fred ercik E. Downes, Dr. Charles B. Fager, V. Grant Forrer, Spencer C. Gilbert, George A. Gorgas, Edward Z. Gross, Ross A. Hickok, C. M. Kaltwasser, Paul Johnston, John J. Jessup, Augustus 11. Kreidler, Dr. George B. Kunkel, Leon Lowen gard, Henry B. McCormick, Vance C. McCormick, J. Horace McFar land, Herman P. Miller, It. W. Moorhead, Frank B. Musser, John S. Musser, Andrew' S. Patterson. Rob ert B. Reeves, Edward P. Robin son, E. J. Stockpole, W. P. Starkey, William ('. Sproul, Benjamin Strouse, William Strouse, George B. Tripp, J. H. Troup, E. Z. Wallower, Klavel L. Wright, C. H. Crumpton, Gus. M. Stelnmetz, Charles W. 8011, J. W. Rodenhaver, E. E. Beidleman, J. C. Ludes, A. B. Wallize, John Brehm, Joseph Claster, Frank W. Keiss, J. N. Hobart, the Rev. H. W. Hanson, C. Frank Class, the Rev. Thomas Reiseh, D. B. Cooper, E. C. Snyder, L. Henry Spicer, the Rev. Lewis C. Manges, W. Frank Wit man, Robert A. Enders, J. N. Kin nard, F. F. linger, E. Fred Rowe, L. J. Harvey, E. C. Diehl, A. Ramsey Black, G. H. Minnig, T. W. Small wood. J. R. Scott, the Rev. Claytqn A. Smucker, Dr. H. B. Walter, Harry P. Motter, and A. K. Morri son. RIVERSIDE GETS NEW EIRE ALARM BOXES Four fire alarm boxes and two po- j lice boxes were installed yesterday In the Fourteenth ward, as follows: Police boxes —Sixth and Lewis streets and Second and Lewis streets. Fire alarm boxes —Second and Lewis, Third and Lewis, Sixth and Lewis, and Fourth and Edwards. SEEK WAR PICTURES Photographs of Harrisburg during war times piay appear in the General Staff of the Army pictorial record of the war, according to a letter from <W. Weeks, colonel. General Staff. • The colonel in his letter requested the Mayor to furnish the required photography fr~ ■ "The smooth rich flavor of a cup of INSTANT POSTUM is one of its best advertisements Much like coffee in appearance and aroma, Postum is absolutely free from the drug caffeine. And besides this merit,its con venience, economy and practical usefulness make it the ideal all-meal drink for all the family. "There's a Reason " r 9 \ ,* \ . WEDNESDAY EVENING, Sergt. Rehkugler Is Reported Slightly Hurt SERGEANT REHKUGLER Sergeant John G. Rehkugler has been officially reported as severely wounded in prance, September 28, ac cording to a telegram received by his mother, Mrs. Emma Rehkugler, 347 I'oplar street, Steelton, from the ad jutant General. Sergeant Rehkugler is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John G. Rehkugler, Sr. He is widely known in Steelton and has a host of friends here,. Funeral Services Friday For Chauncey P. Rogers Funeral services of Chauncey P. j Rogers, special deputy in the depart ! ment of the Auditor General of Penn j s.vlvania, who was killed yesterday I when struck by an automobile near Mechanicsburg, will be held on Frl | day morning at ten o'clock from the | residence of his aunt, Mrs. Mary M. Boas, 124 Walnut street. Services will be conducted by Dr. Lewis S. Mudge, pastor of Pine Street Presby terian Church. As a special tribute to Mr. Rogers. [Auditor General Snyder has requested that he be given the privilege of mak- I Ing a few remarks of respect In honor of the memory of the dead as j sistant, the Auditor General's Depart- I ment will be closed all day on the I day of the funeral and workers in the department will act as pallbear- I ers. The body will be shipped to | Corry, Erie county, where Mr. Rogers formerly resided and where burial j will be made. THOMAS HUMPHREY Funeral services for Thomas j Humphrey, aged 58 years, who died I at his home, 214 Harris street, Mon day evening will be held at his late residence to-morrow afternoon at 2 j o'clock. For many, years he con- I ducted a greenhouse at Nineteenth and Greenwood streets and a florist's j shop in Fourth street near Chest nut. He has lived retired for the past three years. Burial will be in the Paxtang cemetery. His wife and two daughters, Violet, of Phila delphia, and Lillian, of Harrisburg, survive. TO INSTALL OFFICERS Thursday evening the Susannah Rebekah Lodge No. 2 41, Odd Fel lows, will Install officers at their hall, Third and Cumberland streets. Following the installation, refresh ments will be served. The officers are: Noble grand, Annabel Yeagley; vice grand, Mary Hogue; secretary, George Hollinger; treasurer, Esther K. Smith. WET WEATHER NO CHECK ONRE DCROSS [Continued front First Page.] bershlp in the Red Cross—and by paying a dollar receive the 1919 membership button, window emblem. Red Cross seals and receipt. Wherever this poster Is displayed dollar memberships will be received for the Red Cross. Wet Weather The wet weather of to-day put a damper on the preparations for llar rlsburg's big vounteer registration fqr the Rod Cross to-morrow and Friday, but it will take more tjian the weather to stop the registration Itself, headquarters at Third and Lo cust street said this morning. Harrisburg seems to be rather tired of well-doing, insofar as the majority of war activities are con cerned, but it still has a warm spot in its heart for the Red Cross. What's Going On? "What is the Red Cross trying to do?" Is the question heard occasion ally. Here is the answer: The Red Cross wants member ships. Merbersliips are $1 each. Hereafter the work of the organ izations will be kept up through memberships. Of each dollar paid for member ships fifty cents stays with the local chapter. That is the story in a nutshell. The regular campaign begins Mon day. Volunteers may join to-morrow and Friday. There is a place on each of the 403 city blocks where mem berships will bo received. Each block will have ten or twelve work ers during the regular push next weob. Hut .enrollments to-morrow and Friday are up to citizens them selves. Headquarters at Third and Locust streets will be opened evenings here after to receive volunteer niember ! ships. Additional Workers * A list of additional workers to assist in rounding up Red Cross memberships in Harrisburg during the next several days was announced to-day. Appended is a list of work ers, and, unless otherwise noted, the headquarters for the several pre cincts ure at th j homes of the cap tains: Fifth ward—Major, Mrs. Frank Sites; First precinct, captain, Mrs. E. C. Deen, 430 Boas street: Second precinct, captain. Mrs. Frank Hoy, 1015 Green street; Third precinct, captain, Mrs. George Bander, 1225 North Second street; Fourth pre cinct, captain, Miss Jesse Bowers, 318 Capital street; headquarters, store of Dr. John Fager, Sixth and Broad streets. Sixth ward—Major, Mrs. John Dapp; First precinct, captain, Mrs. W. A. Cartwright. Third and Calder street: Second precinct, captain, Mrs. Mael I. Sliker; Third precinct, captain, Mrs. A. C. Logan, 210 ltelly* street. Seventh ward —Major, Mrs. John Sherger; First precinct, captain, Miss Maud Sites, Sixth and Boas streets; Second precinct, captain, Mrs. J. G. Bless, 620 Calder street; i Third precinct, captain. Mrs. Rente Fourth precinct, captain, Mrs. Ed ward A. Wallower, 1741 North Sixth |street; Fifth precinct, captain, Mrs. Joseph Ibacli, Sixth and Dauphin streets. Tenth ward —Major, Mrs. Arthur Hull; First precinct, captain, Mrs. Fred McClintoclc, 225 Emerald street: Second precinct, contain Mrs. George S. Reinoelil, 2114 North Third street; Third precinct, captain, Mrs. H. A. Cook. 2306 North Sixth street; Fourth precinct, captain, Mrs. John M. Shelly, North Second street. Eleventh ward —Major. Mrs. E. J. Stackpole; First precinct, captain, Mrs. E. S. Herman: headquarters for First precinct, residence of Mrs. E. J. Stackpole. 2225 North Front street; Second precinct, captain, Mrs. William G. Gipple. 219 Aeffer street; lu adquarters residence of Mrs. Mark Myers, 443 Peffer street; Fourth pre cinct, captain, Mrs. Frank Payne, 1901 North Front street. Twelfth ward—Major. Mrs. John I Kelly; First precinct, captain, Mrs. i m A BBTfiBTTnO !&&&&& TELEGRIKPTt Wolfe Hoffman Returns From Service Overseas lyf WOLFE HOFFMAN Among the Yankees recently return ing on the Mauretanla from France and England, was Private Wolfe Hoffman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Moses Hoffman, 921 Pcnn street. Private Hoffman was private tailor to his regimental commander, und was in the Two Hundred and Fifty-ninth Aerial Squadron. He is now waiting his discharge, and is stationed at Camp Mills, New York. UPPER EM> ASKS 11F.1.1' TO PAY HOSIMTAI, 1i11.1.S A committee of members of the health bureaus of Wiconiseo and Ly kens met with the county comnfls sioners to-day to ask them to help pay bills incurred during the recent influenza epidemic. The county has been urged to pay half the emergency costs, or about S6OO. At Elizabeth ville the epidemic situation is still unimproved. New eases are being re ported daily. .GASOLINE DROPS CENT , Every motorist in Hariislmrg is re joicing this afternoon over tho glad news that the price of gasoline has started to skid downward. Manager Porte, of the Atlantic ltetlning Com pany, announced at a Kiwanis Club luncheon to-day that the price has been lowered to the extent of one cent. ADOPT GRANDSON Mr. and Mrs. Jacob E. Burger were given permission by the Court to adopt their five-year-old grandson, Elwood Croft Bergcr. The boy's father is now in the Navy, and his mother died a few months ago. Richard Wharton, 1319 North Sec ond street; headquarters, Mrs. J. 10. •Haldeman, 203 Harris street;. Second precinct,-captain, Mrs. Graham, 1629 North Second street; headquarters, residence of Miss Helen Ryan, 1601 North Third street; Third precinct, captain, Mrs. John W. C'owden, 1711 North Second street. Fourteenth ward Major. Mrs. F. R. Oyster; First precinct, Mrs. L. N. Neiffer, 2103 North Front street: headquarters, residence of Mrs. F. R. Oyster, 3211 North Front street. The residence of Mrs. J. A. J lager man, 1909 North Fourth street, lias een selected as the place for the Red Cross registration to-morrow and Friday for the Fourth precinct of the Eleventh ward. TURKEYDEMANDS THAT HUNS GIVE UP THEIR GUILTY i Serves Notice on Berlin For Extradition of Talaat and Enver Pasha Copenhagen, Dec. lie—Turkey has demanded the extradition of Talaat I'asha, former Grand Vizier, arfd Enver Pasha, the former war minis ter, as well as other members of the former Turkish government who lied to Germany. Wolff Bureau, the semiofficial news agency ut Berlin, says that Enver Pasha and Talaat Pasha will not be extradited, but that others charged with ordinary political crimes, will be extradited. TO BUlll) BRIDGES At a meeting of the State Water Supply Commission yesterday after noon, the commissioners of North umberland and Montour counties were granted permission to build a | concrete retaining wall along the right bank of the North Branch of/ the Susquehanna river, immediately below the downstream side of the right abutments of the highway bridge joining the borough of Dan ville, Montour county, and South Danville, Northumberland county. Applications were granted for one county bridge, a dam, twc\, railroad bridges two railroad bridges in need of repair, two culverts, one retaining wall and one trestle bridge. WILHELM TO KEEP MUM UNTIL TRIAL [Continued from First Page.] Into close contact with notorious women. The statement ,of complaint says that, whereas said commanders were thus guilty of the crime of abduc tion and that they were under com mand of their former emperor, pros ecution is demanded. 4 Count Czernin Points to Ludendorff as the Obstacle of Germany By Associated Press Vienna, Dec. 11.—Count Czernin, the former Austro-Hungarian For eign Minister, accuses General Lud endorff, the Quartermaster General of the German army and virtual dictator of the empire's military pol icy in the last days of the conllict, as the man who stood between the Cen tral Empires and peace on numer ous occasions. Ludendorff was adamant throughout* efforts to in i dure the G.irnmn government to make concessions of an important nature that would have gone far to ward ending the war. Count Czernin says. He outlined what in his esti mation were the problems to be set tled before peace can be made se cure, and expressed hope for an agreement among the nations of the world to disarm. Recounting the desperate efforts on the part of Austria to reach some j sortv of peace before the final and absolute, collapse of both the Aus? J Irian and German empires. Count | Czernin said: England in Way of Pence "The German people wanted peace j long ago, and even Emperor William wanted tb see the end of the war, j but the attitude of England prevent- . ed steps being taken. Emperor Wil- ! liam said to me on one occasion; j 'How can we get peace with England ! declaring we must be destroyed?' | "Nothing is more dangerous in pol itics than to see things as you wish to see them; not as they ure. We un- , derstood that the only way to arrange matters was to get England and Ger- j many to agree. "With the knowledge of Emperor ; Charles, I proposed to Emperor Wil- l liam that Austria would give Ger- ' many the province of Galicia and permit her to have her way in Rus- j sian Poland, provided. Alsace and j Lorraine were ceded back to France. ! I went to Kreizenach and presented i tht plan to Dr. Bethmann-llollweg, then German Imperial Chancellor. Later he informed me that he was forced to decline to enter into tho scheme. I do not know whether or not Ludendorff had a hand in the matter, but I was informed that it I was imposible to glvd up Alsace and •. Lorraine because the' German people j never would understand, the giving! up of land which had cost so much blood. Czernin Tries Other Way "The situation of Germany was dangerous, but nothing could be done. Our conversations were pleas ant and friendly, and our sacrifices were apreeiated by officials. X saw, however, that I could not arrange the matter because Germany was obliged to obey the military party. I then tried another way. Unknown to the Germans, I sent Herr Vassilko, a Socialist member of Parliament, to Berlin to talk with Mathias Erzber ger, the Clerical leader, and Dr. Al- 1 bert O. W. Suederkum, a Social mem- [ ber of the Reichstag. Ho was to tell j them why the war must end and give ; them both to understand that an other peace resolution should be in- J troduced in the Reichstag, directed ! against both the military party and 1 the pan-Germans. Rciclistag Fails to Act "At this juncture, however, the > German armies began to win vie-1 torles once more and the XXeicijstag did nothing. Thus we were badly > situated. When our chances were , bad and the Entente nations were elated, they would not talk peace. 1 When wo were winnjng, Ludendorff ; would not consent to permit peace negotiations. 1 always wanted to use victory as an opportunity to bring about peace, and several times had an impression that I might succeed. "I sent Count Mensdorft to Switzer land to see General J. C. Smuts, (who was In Switzerland last March in the interests of the British government). He succeeded, but I was unable to tell just what terms Germany would makp. I do not recall that Mr. I*loyd George, the British premier, men tioned any conditions last Febr uary. Germany assured me that no definite offers were received from | England, and I believe this was true. Mistrusted England and France "England appeared to Intend to crush Germany, and France showed a similar attitude. President Wilson was the only head of an Allied power who did not appear to have this In mind. Emperor Wilson could not bring himself to yield Alsace and Lorraine. "Regarding Emperor William I feel that he did not want the war, hut lie did not know how to get out of It. In this, I believe, the heads of the Entente powers are wrong, for they probably believe he causdd the strug gle. 1 was minister to Rumania when the war began and I honestly be lieve that no one wanted hostilities to begin. I have the Impression that neither Emperor Francis Joseph. Em iperor William nor their ministers wanted war. I might explain the fact that war started by saying that i tbelle was too much diplomatic bluf fing, with everyone looking for the other fellow to recede from his posi tion. PoiutM to Wilson Failure . "Every way to get out of the war was tried by us, excepting war with Germany. When one considers how inuch weaker than Germany we were, he can see how impossible it was for me to dictate terms. Now, if Presi dent Wilson finds it difficult to im press his views on the Entente, how was it possible for a man like me to do anything tfith Germany? "1 hope that an agreement to dis arm will be reached. President Wil son is the man who is able to bring this about. I believe his plan for a league of nations is feasible and would solve the whole problem. 1 ! have shown In public addresses why ] power to punish any nation resort ing to arms is the only way to keep the peace. l.urlendorlT Forced Treaty "I signed the peace treaty of Brest litovks, but we nothing from it This fact Is worthy of mention. It ■was Ludendol-fT who forced Dr. Rich ard Von Kuehlmann, the German for eign secretary to make that peace. We occupied the southern end of the line, whereas Germany had her troops against the line in the north. Gen eral Hoffmann then declared he \<oulrt move on Petrograd, if Leon Trotsky* the Bolshevik foreign min ister, did not sign the treaty. Trotsky InflumoN Berlin "Dr. Von Kuehlmann and I had hoped to make peace with Russia on the basis of President Wilson's prin ciples, but Ludendorff always tele graphed 'No' to our proposals. I worked day and night to bring Dr. Von Kuehlman and Trotzky together. At the last moment, the latter sent his famous telegram to the world, demanding that the German people revolt and destroy their government. This telegram inflamed Berlin, which denounced Trotzky as a man with whom it would not treat. Then Trot zky was Informed that the German troops would occupy Courland and Lithuania and would advance on Petrograd." Attend Cliureli Service The former German emperor and his wife attended religious services in the cast'e hall Sunday morning. The Bible reading was from the first epistle of Peter, Chapter V, sixtli to eleventh verses. Tho preacher was the Rev. Mr. Weiss, a missionary of the Moravian Brethren at Zeist, near Arnhem. The most striking passages in the Scripture text mentioned are: "Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God, that lie may exalt you in due time. "Be 'sober; be vigilunt, because your adversary, the devil, us a rout ing lion walketh about, seeking whom he may devour." These passages correspond so closely to the ex-Kaiser's own hopes and his views of his enemies that it may be suspected he selected thq text himself. Casts Off Uniform Since his formal abdication Herr Holienzollern has shed his uniform and appears regularly in civilian clothes about his retreat here, as do the members of his suite. The en tourage has been reduced in number SIOO in Cash Prizes Will Be Given to Four Persons For the Best Slog an Which in the fewest words most clearly directs the auto owner to the only WILLARD Service Station in Harrisburg and our NEW PARKING LO< A TION. This slogan is to be used in all our advertising—both newspapt ,ind outdoor. The one most easily remembered with the most simple directic ts is the one we want. Below is a general plan of our location showing, (1) Our Store (2) Our Service Station; (3) Our new Parking Location; (4) the Mayor's Office; (5) The Kaufman Building; (6) The Senate Hotel and (7) The Market Square Presbyterian Church. This will give you some idea and help you to form your slogan. All sfogans must be mailed not later than 8 P. M. Friday, December 20 so that we have them by noon Saturday, Decem ber 21 when the contest closes. Three men not interested in our business will act as judges. * Suggestions for signs and places to hang them which will facilitate making the slogan simple and understood by even a stranger will have weight with the judges in selecting the slogan. Here are a couple of ideas as to the kind of slogan— from City Hall," "One Block west of Main Street," "Willard Service Station Here." WHAT IS YOUR IDEA ? SEND IT IN AT ONCE —IMARKET ST BRIDGE ________ —mm—— FRONT T* STREET i f i§ I -n r Best Slogan There arc no rc ° <AJ gtrietiong what s•>o pS | ever. Each per , (jQ i-j-t I son mny send tn Second Best ' one slogan. Only one to eaeh pcr son will lie con & ' > side red. Address' Third Best J ■- nil mall to our sls RIVER x 1 \ X >—* AVENU F! Store Address. r f T T i' Prize winners _ , _ >r\ will bo nnnoune- Fourth Best, Tuesday, Dc slo H cembcr 21. ® * P tt ® |- 11 11 H _) MARKET SQUARE - L v Front Market Motor Supply Co. * 109 Market St. Opposite Mayor's Office 4 jsskt- - ... . * a-. . , . „ :l-U. ' . DECEMBER 11, 19.1 ft to eighteen, for himself and the for mer empress. The family life of the erstwhile royal pair appears to flow as evenly as that of any middle-aged couple who might be enjoying a quiet coun try holiday. Their rooms on the first floor of the castle command a wide view of the landscape. They dine with their host Count von Bentinck, being often joined at the meal by the count's brother, a noble residing in a neighboring castle, and pass much of their time together strolling through the grounds. On Saturday Herr Hohenzollern went for a walk into the country while his wife explored the neigh \jfp • this will insure you sound sleep or we pay you Proper breathing is the secret of restful sleep. —a little KONDON'S snuffed up each nostril at bedtime, clears the head, relieves that stopped-up feeling —and sound, refreshing sleep is apt to follow. Get a tube from your druggist. Try it. If it does not do all we say, we will pay you your money back. IB Whenever you brush your teeth, clear out your \B head by snuffing a little Kondon'a up your nose. JELLY _ I is guaranteed not only by us, but by 29 years' 1 p_ 0 . service to millions of Americans. If Kondon's fl r rear does'nt do wonders for your cold, sneezing, | cough, chronic catarrh, nose-bleed, head- a Coupon ache> Bore , no , se - etc :T? re 11 pay your 1 r * money back. Address if# KONDON'S MJ A tin (large *" Catarrhal Jelly dv enough for 20 appli- Minneapolis, Minn. . cations) will be mailed to you free of charge on receipt of your name and address. boring market town of Wagentnge* The ex-emperor visited Zuylestein, i Bentinck family property, where ho indulged in tree-cutting for the saks of exercise. The quiet of the village here is oc. j castonally started by wild rumors or plots upon the former emperor l j life, but the "suspicious person found lurking about the castle" gen< , erall.v turns out to be a harmlesf newspaperman in search of copy i Another rumor of which no conflr mation can be had, is that Heil Hohenzollern has bought a villa It the neighborhood. The entrance to the castle still u strictly guarded. 7
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers