Store Closes Regularly Store Closes Regularly BELL IMl—233ft UNITED HAHRIUBUBO, \\ ICOXBSDAV. DEC EMBER 11, 1018. . FOUNDED IRTI jdgoßsbL | ' | Bowman's Annex fait Sale of 1200 Pairs j| J Gilbert Building j P. Centemeri & CoFinest Imported Oppos,te the Court House ! Ms ■*- |&| If you cannot find what you want on the six large TO floors of this store, suppose you try the Bowman Annex. ' , M i -1, fH There you will find the closing-out sale of Henry Gilbert FflSrl Ifl F CiUV IrIPPfK A ■ 1 X I f I * ■ 111 & Son's high-grade stock of holiday novelties. And bear w 143/1 IH I t JWr UCC/ J jp£| Bj ■ | m I _ in mind, these novelties were purchased long before the j* /"A ✓"X frX "fl £ 1 -w I C| jMff war; consequently, of the highest grade workmanship s -K r - 7 7f-7 0 i £ IBL. I I 1 |6L A 1 I flf \/ i>- -tl m and material, minus the high war prices that became i 0T November llth --W ▼ wv m effective on similar merchandise later. Prices are espe- JL A ■ daily low. Also a complete line of Toys sold there. This store, as well as others, closed their doors 011 ® t November eleventh to celebrate the signing of the pp __ n _ # _ " _ 1 I "morrow, Friday and Saturday I i Drapery when the boys come back front "Over 'I here." ijj Oj * =— ' tS fr±ffJltSr You now have the opportunity to show whether your |y * Kg 5; . cheers were backed up by the sincerity of true patriot- m , * \ Ol I JPOfHTmPn f 3F F my? My g: j | ''' | ||j 1 j Gift Of a Dress I $1.65 Pair 3 Pair $4.75 .... i i • t i f • h'l ~ fl\ Pair, $2.00 to $7.50. . We will be pleased to assist you in the selection o a suit- UA gJ Leyer Lace> Brussels Net " and Filet Net Curtains . Pair> able quality and character of Dress Goods in a sutticiencj of u| ( i i i 1 pN $2.00 to $12.00. vardage to make the materials for a desirable dress, suit or ] Just one hundred dozen pairs at this price. No more to be had, but we were yy I & mighty glad and lucky to get these. It is our allotment out of thousands of 6 uou- F ,„„ Fall shades, extra fine finish. Special, yd. $4.50. dozens because of a mistake in a cablegram to the manufacturer. As a re- gy '*ll7' 5 CM tifS rolJr s iomWnS\s n P sJedah d yd tr sSs. Sk,rtinS ' bCa "' |2 sult two-thirds of the order was made in white and black in place of colors. |pj W QHIdl S ShOCS 54-inch Kitten's Ear Kersey Cloth, in black, Navy, seal A] These are the finest quality French imported kid gloves, without any imper- jpjj brown, reindeer; a beautifully finished fabric tor coats 01 Tj fections, but as good as our best grades. Thrown back on the manufacturer ffi PriPPfl suits. Special, yd., so.yo. rfj . ' r ° i • • i i mi i •1 1 J* J m UUCCiaUy 1 1 ICCti 52-inch Chiffon Broadcloth, in a good range of medium and because of an error in color instruction these gloves Will be quickly disposed jji§! —* * dark shades—plenty of black and Navy. Special, yd. $3Ab. id jy st before Christmas, when every body wants them for gifts. mi I Women's gray Suede Laced Boots, with French heels. I 42-inch Premier Crepe, in an extensive range ot the best j J v J J => Special $8 49 shades. Undoubtedly one of the most durable fabrics on the ,tg , E VVomen's gray Kid Laced Boots, with cloth tops, A tirnrh Frenrh Series of All trades and a verv <M Mostly white, some black and a few in colors. k |M French heels. Special, $7.49. t 36-inch to 34-inch Premh -ir h soi a g ades a d Cp The same Hove in nnv store will cost VOU a Women's brown Kid Laced Boots, with cloth tops, large color line; plenty of Navy and black. SI.OO to $3.9 a. if, 1 ile same glO\e in an) store Will cost you a gs. French heels. Special, $7.49. 54-inch Navy and black mannish Serge; good, hea\j r .>i great (leal moi e money. An unusual oppoi TIS Women's black Calf Button Shoes, cloth tops. Spe weight, yd. $4.95. feM P'\ \ tunity to secure exceptional values in gloves \ cial, $3.49. 40-inch Silk and Wool Poplin, all shades for street or t A \ at these prices—$1.65 pair—three pairs $4.75 \ A ' Women's black Patent Vamp Button Shoes, kid and evening wear, fine quality, yd., $2.00. |&j /1 \ 'f—six pars, $9.40. j fl cloth tops. Special, $2.49. ITT 1 1 eid (',75% ?!•{ BOWMAN'S—MaIr Floor. Wash Goods m mj&ll | 32-incb fine American and Imported Ginghams, in a larjte 'ii , l/lfllrff. A... - S I These Oriental Rugs Are variety of styles in plaids, stripes and plain shades, 50c to 75c |M \~jHp 7 ffi - 36-inch fleeced Eiderdown, in pretty floral designs on Kz)t)loV€&| Unusual in Value medium and dark grounds, lor kimonos and house dresses, gaS ■ 39c yd. A BOWMAN' S—Main Floor. floral effects and Oriental figures; also plain shades, 39c and 32-inch silk and cotton mixed Shirting, white grounds, with r T~ > l IA * H A * „ I _a_ f \ su ' talj|e ,or neat " ousc | The r iner r urs in Sets ror the {IIIKHI | 36-inch Percales, in a very extensive line of light, medium ————————lf H * and dark styles, extra fine grade, 33c to 50c yd. .—. # "XX T 1 mKF SllB_ 1 36-inch silk and cotton Crepe de Chine, all the best shades m Aif 4- I J y-v /-* 4- \\ / /'x 4- 3 \ , A -- for al! purposes, yd.. 69c. \jlll Ol 1 CIITI 0,11611 L VV OF 111 kf*>\ ' 32-inch Kiddy Cloth, in a large range of serviceable color- f?y ings and designs for the kiddies' wear. yd. 45c. /r /A J v — To those whose Christmas gift of Furs represents a substantial investment, these j AWSraj L m "" 4 £t f ~*' colleetions afford that all-important quality, surely, and style distinctiveness demand- e(l in f urs - Such furs as reflect credit on the sender and pay tribute to the good taste fjSflmSl You know what the war did to the Oriental rug trade. The v;, 4:r- 'of the recipient. Needless to sav, such furs may be chosen safely here, Where only world's finest rug makers found it difficult to continue busi ■ Msthfa*. a „ ,T7 , \ ness and almost impossible to ship the goods on hand to mar- T\ ~ m / P (jood Purs are admitted. kets. Much of the stock was destroyed in the war zone. r. •; o / 1 /" Taupe Fox Sets, large scarf, muff trimmed with head and tail. Set, $55.00. We have a choice lot of Shir van and Mossul Rugs that Qj Sbectal Sale of V 1 1 , , „ To A-- arrived in this country via the Mediterranean sea, after a —— / 10 Kamchatka brown Fox Sets, soo.oo, stormy passage of many months. W TT . , , II Gray Fox Sets, $29.50. The Shirvan Rugs average in size 3x5 feet, priced at $25 I Handkerchiefs f iWutiful Scarfs and Muffs sold scparitely, $19.50 to $125.00. ea^ h he Mosgul Rugs ayerage in size 4x6 feet priced {ronl l j We have Fox, Wolf, Mole, Molinc, Beaver, Nutria, Raccoon, Skunk, Kolinsky, $50.00 to S6O each. \ J Sea i Squirrel and Mink. i ' R;ch in des ' Rn ' ,hese ?, u 8 5 wou,d be caßerly prized " * 6 For 35c 12 For 69c A • r,. . •. WAh received as a Chmtmas gdt. y .4- ' . ' BOWMAN'S —Fourth Floor. Did you get your allotment of the 12,000 Handkerchiefs which was our quota from a large manufacturer's clearance of , # -B-V /. LJ 1 1 A rc*A r%r\A Regulars?" D P UllC ll U ailU V llLy Hundreds of women availed themselves of the opportunity, i.*r / ik/Si /// Hi I 1 111 fl ■ I>-| I 111 | I I I I I I I I I - |ut thousands of handkerchiefs remain for selling to-morrow If WWfrd Wit I U . T jjvand probably the rest of the week. But you can't tell. At T^Av'rjf'if a >' Jl 9 "* I Ol JT IFIO iVOTV the rate they sold to-day it will not take many days to clear I I ''Vgfri *Jm Wj //if _ - # _ I ■* i hClot ' BOWMAN'S Main Floor. /F jV IBt CFI 3.1 S 3fl Q O l\3 UC S The collection contains mir- I S Holiday Wrapping Accessories fif. T . boxes, hair receivers, picture \ I '■ ' lit"-A New Petticoats in fancy satins, Jerseys, taffetas, also plain frames, hat and c o es (Ik \ J \ po^x;^ u Jerseysinnarroweffects:all color 8: Navy> light w ne, rose, I. trays, pin cushions, perfume jq A / I^XInVV doubly appreciated. A / ' taupe, Copen, victory blue, brown and black, ' bottles and holders, nail files, \ A | _A_(IZU[/ Tissue Paper, doz., 10c. <0 MBBBRB&y nail buffers, rouge boxes, but- Wr Tags and Seals, 5c and 10c box. [JI I ton hooks, cuticle knives, J'&r rc " amlgo,d ' BTcen a,KI go,d mixcd ' sc j W\gcdws QK' Frt 11 OH ' icwc ,' \°r rTT s > hn " acrw^r 1 " 9 '' I <5 ' your Christmas gifts, 25c to $1.50. , BOWMAN'S—Main Floor -* * * ■ m, - - , x 1 nr—ipp 1 " JOWMAN'B—MI WEDNESDAY EVENING HA RRISBURG TELEGRAPH DECEMBER 11, 1918. 3
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