16 25,000 WANT TO SEE EMERALD ISLE GOVERN ITSELF Great Meeting in New York Sends Message to Ocean Desk of Wilson By Associated Press New York, Dec. 11.—A resolution to be sent by wireless to President Wilson on bouril the transport George Washington, urging him to work at the peace conference for the self-determination of Ireland, was adopted last night at an "Irish self-determination" mass meeting at Madison Square Garden. It was estimated 25,000 persons were pack ed in the building and the square outside. "Twenty-five thousand American citizens assembled in and about Madison Square Garden," said the message, "with Cardinal O'Connell, of Boston, and Governor Whitman, of New York, as principal speakers, wish you godspeed and a safe return and urge you to demand at the peace congress self-determination for the people of Ireland." Another resolution offered for adoption requested the President to "declare that the people of Ireland should, as a matter of right and justice, be governed only in accord ance with their consent and that the will of the majority as ascertained by a plebiscite of the adult popula tion be accepted as the sovereign will of the people, instead of the present iron rule by force." While the principal meeting was being held in the big auditorium, thousands of persons who were un able to crowd their way in, held overflow meetings, staged impromptu Irish dances and paraded. Many of the paraders carried banners urg ing self-determination for the Irish. One of the banners bore the legend "Ireland is the test of America's sincerity in the war." Standing of the Crews HARRISBI RG HIDE Philadelphia Division The 121 crew first to go after 3 o'clock: 102, 125, 122, 129. Brukemau for 121. Engineers up: Sliue, Miller, Con dren, Blankenhorn, Binkley, Kline ) oung, Peters, Tholan, Gunderman, Houseal, Andrews, Ross, Small. Firemen up: Serge, Althouse, West fall, McKonley, llatton, Stewart, As ton, Frysinger, Wenzel, Kuntz, Yoglesong, Bradley, Myers. Brakemen up: Seymour. Mowery Hannan, Miller. Given, Scliarr. Bol ton, Burns. Cross, Petijean, Alexan der, Silks, Yoke. Middle Division- The 39 crew first to go after 1.30 o'clock: 38, 37, 28. Engineer for 28. Fireman for 37. Brakeman for 39. Engineers up: Krepps. Smith, Fish er, Leppard, Titler, Gladhill, McMur trle, Loper, Snyder, Mortz, Cook, Kreiger, Gray. Sheel.v. Firemen up: Ulslt, Banks, Bell, • Rumberger, Siegfried. It. E. Myers, Polin, Ulsh, Campbell, Hinies, Butt, Graham. Conductor up: Crlminel. Brakemen up: Rapp, Roebuck, Rich ards, Shearer, Baker, Bitner, Harris, Gross. Yard Honrtl Engineers for 6C, 2-7 C, 3-7 C, 10C. 2-14 C, 50C. Firemen for SC, 3-7 C, 12C, 2-14 C, 4- 15C, 35C. v Engineers up: Eyde, Keever, Ford. Klerner, Crawford, Boyer. Miller, R. B. Miller, Riftert, McCartney, Waltz, Hall, Fry. Firemen up: Geiger, Russell, Owens, Patrick, Drake, Little, Attick, Bow ers, Wolburn, Lake, Sliawfleld, Mum ma, Rhine, King, Rheam, Shant, Weaver. i:\OLA SIDE Philadelphia Division -The 227 new first to go after 3.15 o'clock: 236, 251, 232, 249, 211, 240, 245. Middle Division —The 228 crew first to go after 1 o'clock: 248, 236, 104, 106, 120, 116, 115. Engineers for 104, 10c. Firemen for 101. 120. 116, 115. Flagman for 106. Brakemen for 104, 116. Yard Hoard Engineers for 145, Ist 126, 2d 132, 140. 149. Firemen for 2d 126, 3d 126, 140, Ist 104. Engineers up: Books, Brown, Bair, Hanlen, Knwell, Ewing, I.utz, Zeid- Men in Danger of the Death Penalty f . m" 11 • A ? fjffirffiir ABOVI - HSHMAN ■W^rycvi'. £|jri-crw - A6PZB7 JVtUV VJVXCXE. Indictments charging treason have been returned by the Federal Grand Jury, in New York, against Herman Weasels (alias Carl Rod riger) and Albert Paul Fricke. The indictment charges that Fricke, from April 6, 1917, to October 29, 1918, concealed and harbored Wea sels, alias Rodriger, an alleged Ger man spy. The indlctm<r*~ further alleges that Fricke proc-t funds from Germany to aid Wessels. The penalty on conviction of the crime charged is death. WEDNESDAY EVENING era. Barnhart. Hugglns. 'Firemen up: Miller, Allen, Chap man, Rlckard, Henderson, Aahenfel ter, Jenkins, Fisher, Elchelberger, liruce, Bitting, MeCann, Shover, Gamber, Fake. PASSENGER SERVICE Philadelphia Division Engineers up: Kennedy, Gibbons. Firemen up:'Everhart, Cook, Spring, Sliive, Floyd, Shaffner, Cover. Middle Division Engineers up: Kcane, Crura, Crane, Buck, Shreck, Kelly. Miller. Firemen upp. Steele. Reish, Pierce, Hunter, Harsbarger, Howard, Wolf, Snyder, Barr, Horning, Wilson, Mor ris. THE READING The 6 crew first to go after 12.15 o'clock: 64, 68. 11, 18. 62. 62, 24, 53, 21, 60. 3, 67. 71, 54, 5. 15, 8. Engineers for 53, 54, 64, 68, 71. Firemen for 52, 53, 54, 60, 68, 71, 5, 21. 24. Conductor for 6. Flagman for 67. Brakemen for 54, 58, 67, 11, 15, 18. 21. Engineers up: Snoder. Stees, Lac ( Dives, Pomeroy Stewart _ Store Hours 9 to 5.30, Saturday 9 to 9 P. M. ' 1 For Beautiful and Enduring Gifts--Furniture Ly| J There is a great delight about the aromatic fragrance of the Cedar savors somewhat of old fashioned days—but these | chests belong to the present generation and find a hearty welcome in every home because of their fine lines and finish and utility. •j They are considered a fine addition to the furnishing of a room and a good place to store odds and ends of clolhingr WaT* I Jfe Cedar Chests in William and Mary period, 48 inches long, 22 inches wide, 29 inches high $49.00 v A WS\ Other styles of Cedar Chests, 45 inches long, $19.50 —4B inches long $22.50 \\ \ Mahogany Diningroom Suite ' , t' ftnC ilf i w nS oom ® ulte in tap©"try w Four piece Walnut Bedroom Suite $128.00 \ Handsome Mahogany Diningroom Suite, nine Five piece Fibre Livlngroom Suits in tan and Mahogany Toilet Tables, special $20.00 \j / ijCftj pieces, Adam period, 60-inch buffet, 54-inch table brown decorated; chair, rocker, settee, table and Three piece Mahogany Livlngroom Suite, spring ( * liieli? A —^! and slx l pather seat chairs, ....$260.00 lesk $126.50 scats, in tapestry, $30.00 I A A J 11 ill, ' brWtWx buffisT ami Overstuffed Chairs and Rockers Qolden Oak and Mahogany Rockers, genuine j A Needle vjfa, 1 iL : 1 six blue leather seat chairs $2-10.00 Overstuffed Chairs and Rockers in extra qual- leather spring seat and back with leather head -a jEMjSBT 7 " ,o:''' *7' |i Nine piece Walnut Diningroom Suite in Wm. & ity tapestry $35.00 rest - $19.50 a -i HP J/s' 1-1 i Mary design $210.00 Winer Chairs and Rnrkprc Mahogany Book Case in Chinese Chippendale W A"H M YT Pf ft/ Sj New Brown Fibre Fieces rf , . w design $35.00 /( XA-IlvA XT X VIJ L f - \ ' Frosted Brown Fibre Rockers, spring scat and spHng 6 seat^! B^ , .?" d . , R sio,so Solid Mahogan Y Secretar >', extension top. gril! \\ "P *1 1 ' T . !1 back, tapestry upholstering with extra pillow panel doors $50.00 W r\ 1 fY C< ' ■■' 11 ~ ~~ head rest $25.00 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Fourth Floor Solid Mahogany Gate Leg Tables, $11.05 J-VIUfJUIIo \ Stunning New A Wonderful Collection of Inex- For Men—Gifts That Are Allied £ Fur Hats pensive Gift Jewelry For Men with the Leather Goods Family J. Cuff inks, watch charms, stick pins —all pleasing gift items / i t > t-^i rr.i , / • • " ° . . • . lasnioning wonderful little trilt f\ i* iir ici i y 11 for men. Ihe variety of neat designs is sure to meet every require Thines that a mail can find use for manv timec .in.- . • , , . Delightful Styles hor llie ment, and a pleasing feature is the great choice of stvles to select , r . .< i tilings oi these exquisite tapestry Holidaus {,om ' mC " t0 rcce,ve SOfnethm ? useful - Here's a fine and warp print ribbons. Solid gold cuff links, $2.50 to $5.00 gift list that shows many ways of pleasing a man at a moderate Our Rihhon Section cl, nw! The master minds who evolve mil- Solid gold tie clasps, $1.50 to $3.00 cost . w h i can be aeeZnl U A . . . . . Solid gold cameo stick pins, $4.00 and $5.00 ' • what can be accomplished 11 iiei \ fas lion.s stun to ia\c agree Solid filled cuff links, 50£, SI.OO and $1.50 Cigar and Cigarette Cases, Military Brushes, in leather cases, with a needle and ribbon— on one thing—and that is, little tur- Gold filled stick pins, 50£, SI.OO and $1.25 ' $!• to $3.25 sl>2s to $J 2 v Boudoir caps of queenly grace $3 08 i A\-e 1. re-eive.l eloae to Gold filled tie clasps, 50c and SI.OO PoCket Lelter HO,de s 7' 00 to „. 50 J^ather and C a eß SsolesT. 0 ."??? sVos to UclllS. \\ C Il3\ C JllSt rCCCI\C(I close to y I I _l_^_ 0-1 AA . oso CIW to $12.00 < I'lrtors S1 (1(1 tn V(l , . Gold filled \\ aldmar watch chains, to Jp.J.OB Three Fold Secret Pocket Card Adjustable tit all cases Utihv roach Hnmn in nink ..mi a hundred of the smartest "stunning- Gold filled pocket knives, SI.OO, $1.50 and $2.00 cases SI.OO to ss.oo m anc , <3 75 blue .. .. . . sl4b ect" nmrleU In all fur and fur com- Gift Tewelry Neatly Boxed Combination Bill Fold and Pass First Aid Boxes in leather, filled Fancy bags In tapestry,'ss.so,'sejlo est models in all iur ana tur com U1 " y Case, seal, pin seal, crepe seal, hair with Johnson's goods. $2.50 to $1 00 Hair bow fasteners at Isc ... ... 0 . • ft vifrht Int. Ha ' Pins, pair 50c ami sl—s Pearl Ear Rings oOc to $1.25 seal and morocco $1.50 to $2.75 Pocl-et Picture . > .i bined With satin the right hats Beauty Pins, plain and engraved. Sterling Silver Bar Piiw, set with , Bill Fold and Pass Case for hold- ' 50c" to wear on cold, windy days. Lingerie Clasps, plain and pierced Sterling Silver Crescents, set with " 1B UN °' ,hlee 011(1 f °s'i 3 oo Writing Pads with blotter, • ai, lln tm / Turbans, lams and polo effects in Hudson designs. Sliver Hat' Pins" ""Parate Pass Cases.,2sc to 75c Portfoliof) cobra inch in such patterns as can seal, near seal, nutria SIO.OO to $20.00 50c and SI.OB 50c to $1.25 Card Cases ,50c to $1.50 buff alligator $1.25 to $5.50 not fail to insoire wonderful Ml. ana Fur Turban. .I.ow.us ,h. Broach., and Bar Pin. of brighter trimmings. Baby Lockets and Chains, Fancy Celluloid Necklaces in ail vi-\, . ' ° *l° ° Music Rolls, black and tan, Yard $1 90 iKI 10 -00 MSO*7SO S8 50 and $lO 00 50c to $1.25 the new shades SI.OO to $3.08 Wallets .50c to $2.73 50c to $7.00 "rq, JJiX.OU, $.>.00, 96.00, 97.00. 9.0 o Friendship Circles, plain and en- I-ancy Black Jet Bead Necklaces. Collar Bags, black and tan, Manicure Rolls, fitted with pearl, Jpl.lO to Dives Pomeroy & Stewart, graved 50c to $1.25 50c to SI.OB $1.25 to SI.OO horn and ivory fittings, $1.50 to SB.OO _ „ „ i c-a. a Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor Front Dives, Pomeroy & Stewait, ..treet Hoor Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor Street Floor, Front. The Curtain and Drapery Section f . s The Cheery Glow of a Beautiful Lamp on Offers Many Gift Things to Christmas Day Will Brighten Beautify the Home .£ H 1 \ m u Kiel, s ilk curtains tor doorways—dainty lace hangings for windows—table runners, jv jfo lVlHliy H liOITIC screens, fancy pillows—a whole host of delightful gift things. MN. • • Silk curtains for doorways in mixed col- Scrim or marquisette for half sash or sill varieties are presented here, where it is an easy matter for the gift shopper to ors, green and tan. brown and blue and length curtains. Yard, 39C and ;(><" decide upon the merits of each varied style. One may pay little or much as one elects old rose, braid edge. Pair $25.00 Fancy pillows in round, square or ob- i • y p y .raie or mucn as one elects, Tapestry curtains in plain green and long shapes, made of tapestry and silk, but each Lamp is well-chosen and makes an acceptable gift. brown. Pair $5.00 to SB.OO combined colorings. Each, $6 00 ■ '* Lamps with art glass shades in attractive new FLOOR LAMPS Medium weight curtains - shapes, finished in bronze, polychrome, Flemish Solid mahogany and mahogany finished floor brown and green. Pair, $0.50 to SB.OO rancy table runners in xapesii) , I . bras, antique copper, old gold, old blue and old lamps, with beautiful silk shades, in newest Curtains in lace or net, Filet, bobinet or med with velour and gold braid, Madeira Li I lie IIS ivory. sh Base's' n . C . lUd . in g ! he ' arUstic ° r, sS WMO $"5 oo Irish point. Pair $5.00 to $15.00 $5.00 to SIO.OO 11/,"// n The bases are beautifully designed, some hav- Shades . $6.00 to slis'.oo Scrim, madras or marquisette curtains Shirt waist boxes covered with white \\ Hi LJeilylll W the new vase effect; for gas or electricity, DINING ROOM DOMES in plain hemstitched hem, braid or lace matting, bamboo U imm rn T/Vtii c/jiiii fo s<.so to $55.00. Fitted complete for gas and electricity; art trimm d edge s'"* 50 to SIO.OO SB.;>U to $10.>0 11 U LA&tsLU LJ C Boudoir lamps and desk lamps in muny fin- glass, with metal trimmings and colored borders, Cretonne in many colorings and pat- Floor screens in fumed oak frame filled Madeira pieces are known "• • -, t . rlK f.-,,- nillows draneries bag or box with brown or green burlap, ~ . , . $1.25 to SO.OO effects; twelve styles, $20.00, $22.00 and $30.00. '„![ Yard ....... 500 to $1.25 SB.OO and $10.50 thcir beautiful needlework Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Basement. coverings. arc Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart. Third Floor. and are chosen by many who seek gifts for discriminating Cloth and Flexible Leather Editions Happy Children on Christmas Day of Poetry Make Ideal Gifts *T r mcssaßt ' a n,orc ioyous ca " ,orchildren " ,an il . J j a* 1 1 • 1 27 inch $2.00 Cabinet, Cambridge and Revenna editions of standard poelic works are being shown 3 6 ln c h •• •• ••• W.OO If you could read the minds of the little ones no doubt the tilings they were think in the Book Sect,on at interestingly low prices for seperate volumes. SSS^SS^JST..' '■ ing about and wishing for would include such things as these- STANDARD POETS \ Revenna Edition of Poets. SCARFS .... , "lings °s> uicst In various bindings, volume, I,oxd ' bo " nd ln fl tT ble black 18x36 inches $2.25 \" rls want carriages collapsible in vanous 1. 1 leather> &i]t cd(fes 30 . lnc hej 52.75 styles at $1.35 to tto 05 Kipling's Poems 18x54 inches $3.00 Reed doll x-arriacree B't GO >„ a i>>ou X Cabinet edition of rennyson's Poeins FANCY MADEIRA LINENS , .. g r — — T Oscar Wilde's Poems _ ~, ... . Black Boards 33 it to $2 25 A Tennyson Whittle.' Longfellow's Poems Round Dollies 2.K- to $!. Desks and Desk $1 08 > $ 1 oln 1 T / Burns Scott Whlttler's Poems ° val to • i - 0 ° ~ , ~ . S ®L9B to $12..>0 Holmes Proctor la>wcll's Poems CENTER PIECES ♦ Rocking Chairs 420 to $3.98 /" ' K, rT7 \ The Household Edition, i 11..- "SS."""" $1.50 " "\vsCH"*^ O I \ trated, volume, $1.50: Walt Whitman's r 4 j nc i l(H $lO oO t* Oo to #-^.30 .jriul®. SPH, Bret Harte Holmes Dictionary ot Poetical Lunch Napkins, doz., $7.00 to"$lo! . R°Hy Polys, fNf) (?) I I Longfellow Whittter Quotations SCARFS >0 to S#Oo >^23^- fi' '>Tl *. ' 4 Stedman Lowell Kulialyat of Omar 18x36 inches $3.50 to $6.50 Teddy Bears, r > r -"V. ■ '' U/' ™ Tennyson Gilder Shayyam - 18x46 Inches $5.25 to SB.OO ' 500 to 980 - ' ' Y~V\ i V •iJSjTmiC wl The Gold ©n Treasury 18x54 Inches $6.00 to $0.50 „. . Q 'tiiTV- 'MSM : WES' , *3 ' M I B Thin Paper Edition of Poets. Xhe Berkshire Poets, bound 13 piece sets $5.00 to $25.00 Blocks, 190 to 980 "X'' T * fl&Vk * CWS n —i L- •; ynSaH printed on India Paper; red un- in full ooze limp leather, gilt a , Toy Cannon, * '//QhS > dcr KOld d : bound ln mo- boxed, $2.00; • A ISO— $1.25 to $3.50 AolrSv' ' ' f l°\FN 'SI §MM\\ I|7' Brraln ICather ' b ° Xed ' Whittter A notable o{ lin " Long Tom Cannon, * igj3 The Rubatyat ens of finest quality in pattern $2.00 x ' Longfellow Kipling bound, $2.00: . . a I>< na u Jj I) Ten nyßon Rob't Browning Mrs. Browning Keats napkins. 1 oy S ..200 to $1.98 Jj ( \J Shelley Burns Longfellow Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, ins, , t? Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Scot? 6 " Shelley Second Floor 500 to 980 , Street floor Tennyson Whittter V Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Basement. key, Bates, Walton, Hollenbach, Grif fith, Beecher, Haasnmun, Jones, Little, Hoffman, Loltner, Boyer. Firemen up: Buul, King, Eberly, Kelfer, Morrison, Wangle, Cook, Win ters, Seasholti, Erb, Attlcks, Shay, Relnnlch, Burkholder. Conductors up: Eshleman, Hetrlck, Shover, Ford. Flagmen up: Lelbtreau, Gradly, Koons, Reneker, Mosser, Yunger, Darr, Keener, Powly, Batorf. Brakemen up: Parthemore, Osman, Lehman, Smith, Weber, Clepper, Bricker, Rhine, Oysler, Berry, Wray, Anders, Messersmtth, Burtnett. State Grange Meets at Tyrone in Annual Session Altotma, Pa.. Dec. 11.—The State Grange met in Tyrone yesterday with 1.600 delegates registered for the opening session. State Worthy Master F. E. McSparran made an address covering the . year's activi ties. Other officers reported rejoic ing over peace and plans for recon struction work being features. Gift HAJRRISBTTRG qSSSiJ TELEGRAPH ord Plnchot addressed the publlo meeting on forestry and forest Area Judge G. W. Woodruff, of Philadel phia, and R. S. Seeds, of Birming ham, also spoke.' Gettysburg to Continue Its Military Training Despite the fuct that the Students Army Training Corps at Gettysburg will shortly be dissolved, military training at the battlefield school will continue, it was decided at a meet ing of the board of trustees, held in Zion Lutheran Church. The ac tion came as the outcome of discus sion of the futuro of tho college when the Students Army Training Corps shall ho dlsbunded. It is probable that the college students will he resolved into a Reserve Of cers' Training Corps. Twenty-three of the 3 2 trustees of the college were present at yes terday's meeting. Harrisburgers present were Dr. J. B. McAllister, Burton F. Blough, Dr. George B. Kunkel and John F. Dapp. CANOPIC COMES HOME CARRYING 1,474 YANKEES Troops Swarm to Ship's Rail to Get Glimpse of the Boston Lights Boston, Dec. 11.—The White Star steamer Canoplc, with 47 officers and 1,427 enlisted men from overseas, anchored last night one and a half miles east of the Graves light, just outside Boston harbor. The steamer, the first to bring homecoming troops will dock to-day in Charlestown. The men will entrain at once for Camp Devens at Aycr. Boston newspapermen and the crew of a naval submarine chaser were the only persons to greet llie returning men last night. Tliey reached the big troop ship just i s taps were sounded, but laps meant nothing to the men aboard tho Oa noplc. They swarmed to v'no ship's rati In an effort zo got a glbnpso of the homo lights and to chaff the re| porters who tried to interview tliem by megaphone against a s;lff wind. "What cities are represented?" the reporters asked. A series of Incoherent yells fol lowed. ln which the words New York, Trenton, N. J., Texas, Providence, Sacramento, San Francisco, Los Angeles, were discernible. There are no wounded aboard the Canoplc and only one "bed case," i f flclals said. One man was taken ill on the way across. The following aviation units are aboard the Canoplc, It was announced by many officers: Ist Handley-Page acceptance park detachment; D.th, 282 d and 308 th aero squadrons, a detachment of the 2d Handley-l'age acceptance park, three officers and 12 enlisted men of the Medical Corps detachment and 14 unattached officers. DECEMBER 11, 1918. French Mine Sweeper Reported Safe, but in Distress; Crew Starving Snult Sto Marie, Ont., Dee, 11.. One of tho French mine sweepers reported lost ln a storm a week ago was seen In Richardson's bay by offi cers of the Midland Prince which Ar rived here early yesterday. The trawler was about fifteen miles of Otter Head and eighty miles out from Port Arthur whence help lias been sent to thp c.rew who are reported sufo but starving. JOIN OUR CLASSES .NOW'^Tj, SPECIALISTS IN EACH DIiIMHTMIiM SCHOOL OF COMMERCE Harrisburg's Leading and Accredited Business College I Bell 485—Day gnd Night School—Dial 4393 TROUP BUILDING 15 g. MARKET SQUARE V Write, Phone or ("nil—Send I'or Catalog V A Ue|ire.seiitatl\c Will Call Upon Request ■ Fire Destroys Naval Power Plant on Base at Hampton Roads, Va. Norfollk, Va., Dec. 11.—Fire last night destroyed the power plant at the naval operating base on Hamp ton Roads with a loss estimated at $500,000. Funned by a strong north easterly wind, the fire for a tima threatened the entire base*. Th base lire department, however, suc ceeded after hour's fighting ln confining the flumes to the power house. The origin of the tire has not been determined.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers