LIBERTY'S YOKE NOT HARD, SAYS PRINCETON HEAD by Blood, Dr. Hibben Says Nation Should Remember • Jftxv York, Dec. 6—"When the ri ilag is carried upon our streets is a protest against law and or "y- and therefore a menace to our free institutions,'" declared Presi dent John Grier Hibben, of Prince ton University, in an address to day before the Association of Life Insurance Presidents. Dr. Hibben was emphasizing the obligation of liberty which, he said, the sons of America had established anew. "Through superficial thinking or through emotional frenzy, there are many people who think that where there is restraint of any kind what soever there can be no liberty," continued Dr. Hibben. "It would be well for us to recognize the truth that the idea of law is an es sential element in the concept of liberty. "Those who come to us from for eign shores must learn the first les son of American citizenship, name ly that in all matters of personal conduct there is an exact ratio which must be preserved between outer restraint and inner control, that as the outer restraint is les sened the inner control must be in creased. "We must remember at this time that our liberty has been re-estab lished for us at a great price. It has been bought by blood. The rights we enjoy have been assured through the vicarious sacrifice free ly offered by heroic souls who have tcught and died for us. We must on our part keep faith with the dead, safeguarding the liberty they have won for us, with their lives, maintaining it upon the secure basis of the law of right and of justice, and daily living to realize the reign of peace and good will toward men." Wicked Son's Rival From House Porch New York. —Charles M. Warner, millionaire president of the Warner Sugar manufacturing Company and a member of the Sugar Board, told before Justice Scudder in the Sup reme Court at Mineola how, despite his seventy-three years, he had pounced upon Harry P. Holbrook, of the New York Athletic Club, and thrown him from a porch. Charles Blaine Warner, son of the sugar man, is suing his wife for divorce. Holbrook is the corespond ent. The plaintiff's father said the young couple spent their summers at their Kensington home, but in winter came to his apartments in Manhattan. In June his son went to a sanatorium for nervous trouble. His daughter-in-law telephoned him < the father) one night and asked him to come to dinner. He declined the invitation, but later decided to go. When he arrived at Kensington I lie found the younger Mrs. Warner the- hostess of a party. She intro- him to Holbrook. "I have heard of him,' the aged man testified he had said. "Then I grabbed him by the throat, kicked him oft the porch and told him if he ever came back again I would kill j him." On Labor Day, he went on. he went to Goshen and broke into the ; Goshen Inn. where he found the de- | fendant with the corespondent. She ran up to him, according to j his testimony, and said: "I'm sorry, daddy. Don't tell i Blaine. Kiss me. daddy!" "In the five months my son was] away," Mr. Warner testified. "I ga\ei his wife between 527.900 and $25,000 • and paid many of her bills. Some of < them—stiff ones —were for liquor." ! Mrs. Mary Ficklin, of 600 West' One Hundred Thirteenth street, tes- , titled for the wife. She was with Mrs. Warner when the Goshen raid was made, and although she said Mr. Holbrook, of course, was there.' nothing wrong had taken place. She said that before her marriage sho, was on the stage and nppeared in : many Broadway productions. "Chorus girl?" asked the plaintiff's lawyer. BUSINESSMEN SHOW PEACE SPIRIT [Continued front First Page.] j technical skill and high ability: E.; J. Stackpole, editor-in-chief of the Telegraph, one of the national coun cilors representing the Harrisburg chamber of Commerce, and Warren Jackson, secretary of the Harrisburg Chamber. There is also present and taking an active interest in the pro ceedings Congressman A. S. Kreid er, who is much looked up to by the representatives of the shoe and j leather trades. Fine Spirit Dominates It is difficult to describe the deep l earnestness that pervades the gen- ; aral and group conferences. All i seem eager to reach conclusions that will aid in the solution of the tremendous problems that have de veloped suddenly with the ending • of the war. These are complex in their character, but the fine spirit which dominates the whole conven tion is certain' to inspire such action as will point the way to a recon- i struction of industry and business in i harmony with the ideals that ac. tuated the county in the prosecution of the war. Co-operation Is Emphasized There is absolutely no dissent from | the general proposition that business represents capital, labor and agri- 1 culture with all their ramifications, * and that only through co-operation can the problems which confront the county be solved in any satisfactory and permanent way. There is uni versal approval of the policy of a great merchant marine, and a gen eral demand for the relaxing witli t out delay of governmental restric tions. A spade is called a spade and the lid is off so far as suppression of speech is concerned. .Jever before in the history of the United States has there been a more friendly attitude on the part of employers toward employes. It is admitted that capital has been m Jite as responsible as labor for past differences and good will is more likely to play a big part in the busi ness game of the future. These thousands of brainy leaders of in dustry and commerce recognize the new day and the rights of men are bound to figure more prominently hereafter in the relationships of the farmer, the laborer and the busi nessman. A new and finer creed is being written here by men of vision and high purpose. FRIDAY EVENING. BRISBANE DEFENDS LOYALTY TO CAUSE OF UNITED STATES Tells Senate Committee of Washington Times Purchase and Contract With Hearst; Munsey Refused Offer to Buy Paper on Own Terms; Writes What He Pleases By ,4ssociatcJ Prtss Washington, Dec. 6. —In his tes timony before the Senate commit tee investigating: brewers and Ger man propaganda, Arthur Brisbane, denied writing editorial utterances favorable to Germany, saying he always has supported the cause of the United States and strongly op posed Germany. Excerpts front editorials appear ing in Hearst newspapers were pro duced by the committee, and Mr. Brisbane was asked regarding their authorship. Since only portions of the articles appeared in the reprints tho witness was not positive as to their author and he was given the excerpts with which to go over the lilcs to determine whether he wrote the originals. "If there was anything in these favorable to Germany I know I did not write it," the witness declar ed. Hearst Ignorant of Purchase Brisbane said William Randolph Hearst knew nothing of his pur chase of tHo Washington Times un til after the transaction was com pleted, and that Mr. Hearst at first objected to it. because Brisbane's contract with Hearst stipulated that the former give his entire time to the Hearst papers at a salary of $2,000 a week. Tile witness said he told Mr. Hearst that if the Wash ington Times interfered with his work Hearst could take over the Times at the price paid to Frank A. Munsey. He told the committee that he arranged the loan for the purchase of the Times with C. J. Feigenspan, a brewer of Newark, N. J.: that the transaction was a business affair entirely and that he did not know the other brewers who assisted i FACE POWDERS Houbigant's Ideal $4.98 Coty's Ix>rigan $1.90 Cotv's Jacqueminot Rose .... $1.90 Mrs. Vernon Castle $1.98 Kitty Gordon 98c Mary Garden 79c Azurea $1.19 Floramye $1.19 La Trefle $1.19 Manon Lescaut $l-15 Elmo Face Powder 23c Garden Allah Face Powder .... 59c Djer-Kiss Face Powder 57c La Blache Face Powder 39c Swansdown Face Powder ...... 13c Flora Sweet Face Powder 55c Ven Dome (Mio) Face Powder 98c Petalis Face Powder 49c Fascination Face Powder ...... 49c Valeska Suratt Face P0wder.....43c Mary Garden Face Powder 79c Freeman's Face Powder.... _.. 19c Pussywillow Face Powder 34c L-Ame. (LaMay) Face Powder 23c L-Ame (LaMay) Face Powder 43c Hudnut Gardenia Face Powder..B3c ( Hudnut Sweet Orchid 83c TALCUM POWDERS Garden Allah Talcum 21c Mary Garden Talcum 48c Waltz Dream Talcum 23c Jess Talcum (Tins) 13c Jess Talcum (Jars) 21c Hudnut Talcum (Tins) 19c Hudnut Talcum (Jars) 43c Babcock Butterfly Talcum 22c Babcock Corylopsis Talcum 15c Babcock Violet Elice Talcum... .13c Palmolive Talcum 19c Djer-Kiss Talcum 35c SOAPS Resinol Soap .....19c Hobson's Soap 20c Packer's Tar Soap 18c Colgate Ail-Round 50ap...3 for 25c Dr. Sayman's Soap 3 for 29c Life Buoy Soap.... 2 for 15c Jergen's Violet Glycerine..3 for 25c Jergen's Geranium Bath..3 for 25c SPECIAL Military Hair Brushes Per pair $1.48 CREAMS Pond's Vanishing Cream 30c Daggett & Ramsdell Cold Cream 33c Hudnut's Cold Cream 39c Palmolive Vanishing Cream 39c Palmolive Cold Cream 39c Sanitol Face Cream ....19c Hudnut's Original Cerate 45c Hudnut's Cucumber Cream 43c De Meridor Cream 33c Elcaya Cream 53c Ingram Milkweed Cream 73c TOILET WATERS Pinaud's Lilac 79c Hudnut's Toilet Waters 79c Garden Allah Toilet Water 45c Garden Allah Toilet Water .... 89c t FRECKLE CREAMS Stillman's Freckle Cream 32c Othene Double Strength 73c Ken Klay Double Strength 79c ODOR DESTROYERS Mum 19c Spiro Powder ,19c Odor Gone 25c Flora Sweet Deordoront 45c Feigenspan in underwriting the loan. The brewers advanced $375,000. Senator Sterling, of South Dakota, questioned Mr. Brisbane about edi torials in which he said that "Eng land has not always been renown ed for her unselfishness." Defends Fling at England "Now, isn't that reference to the principal ally of the United States calculated to reflect on the United States?" the senator asked. "No; I don't think so," the wit ness replied, "I thought then, and I think now, that England has not always been renowned for her un selfishness. That is not a reflection on the United States." Brisbane said that A. Mitchell Palmer, whose charge that brewers had financed the purchase of the Times led to the present inquiry, of fered to sell him tho New York Evening Mail, after that property came into Palmer's hands as alien property custodian. The price flixed was $750,000, the witness said, but he declined to purchase it because it was losing money. The only other newspaper he owns, Mr. Brisbane said, is the Wis consin News. He said he purchas ed the Wisconsin Free Press and News, and consolidated them and that rewers were not involved in that transaction. Munsey Refused His Plea The witness told the committee that his attitude toward the use of beer and light wines brought him in touch with brewers. He said he asked Mr. Munsey to pell him the Times and let him pay for it out of its earnings, but the request was refused. He then went to Fei genspan. "I said to him," declared the wit less, '.You know my attitude on beer. jdMSSr rflk 131 Jy fipjl WHITE IVORY BATH SPRAYS MANICURING. SETS $1.89, $2.39, $2.85, $3.57, SL7B, $2.58, $2.98, $3.98, $4.75, • 3 70 5 fit) $5.98, $6.48, $6.98, $lO.OO frO.O* SAFETY RAZORS White Ivory Toilet Gillette $5.00, $6.50, $B.OO ATCICieS Ever-Readv 85c, $1.19, $2.48 A full lme of wh,te ivor y mir " Qem g5 rors, trays, hair brushes, cllothes Leslie, Jr., '.. .7.7 59c brushes, combs, rouge boxes, nail Litt's Mufti Blade* $1.98 files - P°wder boxes, and puff boxes. ____ mmmmm All at cut prices. SOLDIERS' KHAKI MILITARY TOILET CASES HAIR BRUSHES 58c, $1.48, $1.58, $4.89 $1.48, $1.98, $2.48, $4.89 Brown's Toilet Water SACHET POWDERS Garden of R05e5.....-, Violet Simplicity rtQ Garden of Allah Garden of Roses .... Imperial Clover Garden of Allah Lily of Valley (-Q Lilac'l !".i i!!! aild Violet Simplicity lioomeranK f ess | Oriental Body Sachet ? ren Li,a f and Heliotrope Glory .... J OOt Japanese Incense .... N y Pearls Violet AO LIQUID CREAMS g Arbutus ..7.7 98c AND LOTIONS American Lilac Oriental Cream $1.19 Pearls of Hyacincth .. Orchard White 28c Pearls of Lilies Dermaviva 33c Pearls of Roses J Laird's Bloom Youth 55c OINTMENTS VIVAUDOU 25c Gingerole 17c Lady Mary Extract $1.39 25c Palmer's Skin Success 20c Mavis Extract $1.15 50c Hobson's Ointment 40c Lady Mary Toilet Water $1.68 Vick's Salve 23c Mavis Toilet Water 89c 50c Poslam 39c Lady Mary Sachet $1.15 10c Melena 6c Mavis Sachet 98c Leading Brand Cigars SPECIALLY PRICED BY TJSE BOX 25 Clncos . $1.40 50 Peter Schuyler $2.75 50 Clncos $2.75 50 First Quality .1 $2.75 50 Rose O* Cuba $2.75 25 Henrietta $2.35 50 Rolgs $2.75 50 Henrietta $4.60 100 Rolgs $5.50 50 Cortez $4.80 50 New Bachelor $2.75 50 Sanches & Haya $4.80 50 "44" $2.75 50 Robert Burns $4.30 50 Up &Up $2.75 50 Muriel $4.80 50 Martagan $2.75 50 Girard $4.80 COLGATE'S ECLAT GIFT BOX Each box in an Individual carton. Contents i La Franee Rose and Monad Violet Gift i No. 15 Eclat Extract, Boxes contain corresponding Items. x Eclat Toilet g Radiant Rose, Splendor and Violette de . .... „. , 0 ~ Mai Gift Boxes contain a somewhat dif- 1 smaJ | b°ttle Eclat Sachet, ferent assortment and sell at a slightly 1 regular size box Eclat Talc, higher price. , 1 No. 6 bottle Eclat Toilet Water HAimiSBURG 3?B|S3. TELEGRAPH You know how I feel toward your business." Brisbane then laid before Felgen span the plan for a loan to purchase the Times and the brewer said he believed it would be a good invest ment. The witness went on to say that Feigcnspan said he did not know that ho the full amount himself, but that he would raise the money among his friends. Feigenspan, according to Bris bane, refused to take a mortage on the Brisbane real estate, saying he did not wish to make a record of the loan as it might appear that he was purchasing newspaper support. "Do you regard that as a loan or do you regard it as a gift?" asked Senator Woieott, of Delaware. "As a loan absolutely," the wit ness replied. Explains Bergcr Bonn A loan by Mr. Brisbane to Vic tor Berger, of Milwaukee, the So cialist who was elected to Congress at the last election and who is un der indictment for violation of the espionage law, was described by the witness. He sail labor unions in Milwaukee erected a building which they called the Brisbane building, and that he loaned Berger $B,OOO for the project. Brisbane told the committee that in 1917, when the British govern ment closed the trans-Atlantic ca bles to the Hearst newspupers and news agents, he communicated with Lord Northcliffe, and the latter "ad justed" the matter. Writes What He Pleases Und%- his contract with Hearst, the witness said, he writes what he pleases, and Hearst publishes it if he wants to or declines to publish it if he desires. "Mr. Hearst controls no one's po litical views; at least not mine," he said. The committee completed the ex amination of Alexander Konta, of New York, who had dealings with Dr. Bernard Dernburg, the German propagandist, relative to the pur chase of a New York newspaper by the German government. It plans to hear A. Bruce Bielaskl, chief of the Department of Justice Investiga tion, who has inquired into the pro paganda work of various German organizations and publications. Standing of the Crews H.AHRISBIjRU SIDE Philadelphia Division Tho 128 crew first* to go after 4 o'clock: 118, 124, 114. Conductor for 124. Brakeman for 118. Engineers up: Btckle, Shue, Peters, Brawn, Schwartz, Wiker. Steffy, S. K. Steffy. Firemen up: WeiZei, Martin, Johns, Reisch, Stoner, Paxtan, Gingrich, Kuntz, Westfall, Hatton, Vogesong, Howe, Staub, Webb. Althouse. Brakemen up: Bolton, Petylan, Jones. Middle Division —The 230 crew first to go after 1 o'clock: 225, 232, 235, 214. 237. Front end: 26. 35, 28. Engineer for 28. Fireman for 35. Brakeman for 28. Eng'neers up: Beverlinn Rathefon, Strickler, Stone, Rowe, Kistler, Smith, Snyder. Hawk, Leib, Brink, McMur trlc. Cook, Leppard, Loper, ijmlth. Firemen up: Strayer, Seigfrled, Stemler, Denk, Hertzler. Swiler, Bow er, Himes, Ulsh, Myers, Rumberger, Greiff, Ulsh, Brown, Jones, Holsinger, Free Kiner. Brakemen up: Fenical, Young, Har ris, Delhi, Turnbaugh, Bitner, Wood ward, Rapp. Vnrd llonrd Engineers for 2-7 C, 3-7U, 4-7 C, 10C, 11C, 1-14 C, 2-14 C, 16C, 50C. Firemen for IC, SC, 6C. 3-7 C, 12C, 4-15 C, 16C, 23C, 61C. Engineers up: Miller, Rlftert, Kels er,.Ferguson, Ulsh, Bostdorf, Schlfer, Rauch, Weigle. Firemen up: Chubb, Baskin, Guyer, Shant, Weaver, Owens. Patrick, Drake, Little, Attick, Bennett, Bow ers, Kltnepeter, Lake, Shawfleld, Mumma, Dhine. ENOLA SIDE Philadelphia Division The 248 crew first to go after 1.15 o'clock: 237. 225, 209. 232, 239, 240. Fireman for 237. Middle Division —The 254 crew first to go after 2 o'clock: 238, 251 216, 215, 226. Front end: 122. 107. 117. Engineers for 122, 107, 117. Firemen for 122, 107, 117. Conductors for 122 v 107. Flagmen for 122, 107, 117. Brakemen for 122 (2), 107 (2). 117. A'urd llonrd Engineers for Ist 126, 3d 129, 2d 132, 135, 140, 149, 2d 102. Firemen for 2d 126, 3d 126, 4th 126, 137, 140, Ist 104. — PIVERS FOR THE BABY A2 Ure Extract $1.48 Kewpie doll filled with Floramye Extract $1.48 Talcum Powder .... 79c Azurea Toilet Water $1.98 ■ Floramye Toilet Water .1 $1.98 Letrefle Toilet Water $1.98 Safranor Toilet Water $1.98 Pompeia Toilet Water $1.98 BABY TOILET SETS 4zurea Vegetale $1.19 Containing Comb, Hair Brush and j h rpfu VpJSoi!!' 6 fi'iq t Pompeia Vegetale $1.19 Azurea Sachet ! 79c Floramye Sachet 79c cirn \ TTA\!I?DV 7 Djer Kiss Extract $1.35 AAI lUiN Hill I Qj er Kiss Toilet Water $1.35 A NICE LINE 01 BEAUTI- Qj er Kiss Vegetale 98c FULLY BOXED STATIONERY. Djer Kiss Sachet .. 69c HOLIDAY PACKAGES, 48<S Mary Garden Extract .. $1.15, $2.25 98<S $1.25, $1.48, $1.98. Mary Garden Toilet Water .... $2.65 1 Mary Garden Sachet 75c PACKAGE EXTRACTS Violet Simplicity PILLS AND TABLETS Garden of Allah 100 5-grain Caseara Tablets 35c Japanese Incense .... UOt/ " ™omel T ab ' e .f J* „ , 25c Miles' Pain Pills 23c Garden of Roses 1 K A. B. &S. Tablets 19c Lily of Valley p X • X 200 Bliss Native Herbs 69c Boomerang 100 Coryza Tablets 33c Dream Violet HHfl 60c D 0 8" '8 Kidney Pills 41c n.,f>Hr,, n i a Pviracf CHIXI. 25c Beecham's Pills 18c quadruple Extract ... 50c Exlax 1 37c siren Lilac $9 CQ 25c Olive Tablets 17c Garden of Lilies .... J 25c Schenck's Pills 17c ———————— 25c Pierce's Pills 18c EXTRACT 50c Wendall Ambition Pills 39c 75c Marmola Tablets 59c Azurea $1.48 50c Stuart's Calcium Wafers... .34c Houbigant's Ideal $6.25 *1 DeWitt's Kidney Pills 69c Cot,'a I.origan $6.78 lil! '- ru ' e " m 21c Golfs La Rose Jack $13.75 SACHET POWDER n S ia' ern< i, n M e ~T- Houbigant's Heliotrope $1.19 Geraldine Farrar $1.25 KlUy ( , ordo „ $1 . 25 Kitty Gordon $1.25 M ar y Garden 83c Mary Garden $1.15 and $2.25 Floramye 75c COLGATES EXTRACTS Cashmere Bouquet, Caprice, Dactylis, Eclat, Italian Violets, La France Rose, Lily of the Valiey, Monad Violet Each bottle is metal capped and is in a hinged cover box. Styles which have enjoyed great popularity in the past, and will probably be bigger sellers than ever this Christmas Djer Kiss gift packages put up in handsomely decorated boxes, containing soap, talcum powder, face powder, toilet water, extract, sachet, etc. PRICES $2.79 and $6.48 Roger and Gallet gift packages put up especially for holiday purposes in beautifully designed silk lined boxes, containing extract, soap, face powder, of different odors and assortments, PRICES $5.00, $8.75, $12.75, $16.48 and $27.50 DECEMBER 6, 1918. Engineers up: Lutz, Huggins, Seld ers, Sellers, Books, Barnhart, Bruaw, Blckhart, Fenlcle, Myers, Balr, Smith. Firemen up: Sunders, Allen, Chap man, Ashenfelter, Knackstedt, Hlc kcrt, Eichelberger, Bruce, Bitting, Shaver, Gamber, Fake, I'leree. Llglit ner. Miller, Koch. PASSENGER SERVICE Philadelphia Division Engineers up: Gibbons, Kennedy, Hall, Gilllums, Welsh. ONE HUNDRED PER CENT AMERICAN The war has taught us to save and serve. Dorit waste food or fuel Jfyou eat wheat be sure it is the whole wheat.Dorit waste any oflt. It is all food Shredded Wheat is die whole wheat,nothing wastedjriothing thrown away. It saves fuel and saves food, saves sugar and saves health for any meal with milk or cream or fruits. Firemen up: Copeland, Spring, Alt house. Middle Division Engineers up: Kelser, Crlmmel, Keane, Graham, Del ozler, mitb, Keane, Crum, Crane. Firemen up: Wolfe, Pennsyl, Kelly, Beisel, Sheafs, Morris, Kepner, Hum mer, Pierce, Hunter, Hnverstlne, Rup ert, Barr, Kelly, Snyder. THE READING The 24 crew first to go after 2.45 o'clock: 23. 18, 1, 70, 6, 11, 21, 3, 64, 63. 55. Engineers for 1, 18, 23, 24. Firemen for 70, 1, 21, 2S. Flagman for 23. Brakemen for 67, 70, 19, 21, Z3, • | f J: Engineers lip: Myle, Griffith. Firemen up: Schutz, beckert, Para-v-.j er, Stone, Myers, Fitzgerald, Cook, Smith, Arndorff. Conductor up: Hall. Flagmen up: Lutbtreu, Keener, . Thomas, Grady, Sourbeer, Otstot, ; Wampler. Brakemen up: Parthemore, Dear* < dorlt, Nessel, Berry, Thomas, smith, Kendrlck. RIGAUD'S Mary Garden sots arranged in n beanti ful rod satin lined box, containing toilet water, extract, lace powder and soap. Special price $7.1)8 and $lO.OB. Rigaud's Extracts, Toilet Waters, Etc, Rigaud's Violet Extract .. , $1.25 Rigaud's Violet Toilet Water .... $1.25 Rigaud's Violet Extract, large, .. $4.08 Uigaiul's Violet Sachet $1.75 Rigaud's Kitty Gordon Toilet W. .. $1.25 ltigaud's Kitty Gordon Sachet .„. $1.25 Rigaud's Libia Perfume .. .. ~ $1.25 Rigaud's Li Ins Toilet Water _. $2.08 Rigaud's Ltlhs Sachet OSc Rigaud's Geraldine Farrar Perfume $1.25 Rigaud's Vernon Castle Perfume $2.25 Rigaud's Trenlinl Perfume $1.48 RIGAUD'S LATEST CREATION "UN AIR EMBAUME," A BLEND OK THE FLOWERS OF THE ORIENT t'n Air Embaumo Perfume % oz, $2.08 ' I'" Air Emhnume Perfume 1 oz. $l.OB i L'n Air Embaume Perfume, Reg. sto.oo I n Air Embaume Toilet Water ~ $6.50 S L'n Air Embaume Sachet $2.25 | ALL RIG AID'S PERFUMES AND TOI | LET WATER PUT UP IN BEAUTI FULLY DESIGNED PACKAGES j TOILETTE WATER l Kitty Gordon , $1.25 1 Mary Garden $2.65 [ Mary Garden $3.48 Houbigant's Queiques Fleurs. .$7.98 Houbigant's Queiques Violets $5.69 Houbigant's Queiques Ideal .. $5.78 Houbigant's Rose $2.67 ■ Houbigant's Fougere Royale .„ $2.67 | Houbigant's Eau Spiritgeuse .. $1.15 Coty's La. Rose Jacqueminot...s3.39 Mrs. Vernon Castle $3.45 Geraldine Farrar $1.67 Floramye $1.98 Azurea $1.98 La Trefle ! $1.98 La Trefle Vegetale $1.19 Floramye Vegetale $1.19 Azurea Vegetale $1.19 I'ompeian Vegetale $1.19 PATENT MEDICINES Listerine 69c $1.50 Gude's Peptomangan 94c $1 Quaker Herb Extract ....69c 59c Mineral Oil 39c $1 Herpicide 69c $1 Empire Hair Regenerator....79c $1.50 Fellows' Syrup Hypo.. ....98c Hostetter's Bitters ......89c Pinkham's Compound 79c $1.25 Lash's Bitters 89c Sloan's Liniment 36c 75c Mellen's Food 54c SI Tnnlnr 7Qc ,$1 Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur ... 67c $1 Hay's Hair Health 67c $1 Wampole Cod Liver Extract, 60c 50c Phillips' Milk Magnesia....33c $1 Bitro Phosphates .—.79 c Sal Hepatica -—.69 c $1.20 Pinkham's Compound 79c TOOTH j PREPARATIONS Pebeco Tooth Paste 36c Kolynos Tooth Paste .19c Colgate Tooth Paste 25c Sanltol Tooth Paste or Powder, 17c Kal Pheno Tooth Paste or Pow der 18c Albodon Tooth Paste 16c Pyrodenta Tooth Paste ........2C; 8. 8. White Tooth Paste....—l7e Senreco Tooth Paste ....18c Colgate Tooth Powder 15c and 25c Graves' Tooth Powder or Paste 16c Kal Pheno Tooth Powder...—„. 18c Euthymol Tooth P0wder,......,18c Pyrroeide Tooth Powder ,79c Lyons Tooth Powder or Paste...l7e 7
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers