CONSCRIPTION IN EUROPE TO END, BRITISHDEMAND England to Press For Surren der of the Former Kaiser Dundee, Dec. 6. —The British rep q-csentatlves at the peace conference i will demand general and absolute I, abolition of conscription throughout • Winston Spencer Churchill made this announcement In a speech here last night. "We Intend to njako the Germans pay for the harm they have done to . the uttermost farthing th#y are cap able of paying, "said Colonel Church 11l later on In his address. 4Vitli rogard to the former Kaiser, he said. "We have, so far as Great Britain Is concerned, decided that so far as our iniluence goes, we shall demand his surrender. Stern justice must bo meted out to him and his accom plices. "We shall do our utmost to have his share in the responsibility for the unequaled catastrophe tested to the full before a tribunal of justice. "We shall also insist that those Goj-man subjects in this country or others of German origin who have abused our hospitality and who are interned shall go back to their coun try when peace is signed, and, in my opinion, it would not be right until the country has again been consult ed in three or four years' time that we reconsider the whole situation of allowing other Germans to come into this country from outside. "Ton for ton of gold, or other se curities, or any other liquid assets of which the Germans might dispose, we Intend to exact from them, sub ject to thc condition that in exact ing them we must not do anything that will injure our own trade. "Alsace-Lorraine must be given back to the French without any qual ifications of any kind. "Poland must bo reconstituted as a nation. '•'None of the German colonies or Turkish provinces we have captured will bo given back to Germany or Turkey. They must be disposed of in agreement with all other Allies at the peace conference, in accordance with tho wishes of the native popu lations. "Lastly, we enter the peace con ference with the absolute determina tion that there shall be no limita tion imposed upon our right to main tain our navy, which saved us from the horror of invasion and starva tion. "it has enabled us to save the cause of freedom throughout the world, and we do not intend-—no rhatter what arguments and appeals are addressed to us—to lend our selves in any way to fettering re strictions which would prevent the British navy from maintaining its well-tried and its well-deserved su premacy of the seas." Steamers Search in Vain For Crews Hit by Great Lake Gale Sault Stc Marie, Mich., Dec. 6. — Captain Leclerc, the French naval oflftcer in charge of the French mine sweepers which left Fort William, Ont., November 13, announced last night he was convinced that the Cerisoles and Inkerman, the two ves- , sels which became separated from! the fleet, had gone down in Lake, Superior with their crews, number ing seventy-six men. Both vessels were equipped with wireless and were last seen off Keweenaw Point November 24. The steamer Huronic and coast guard cutters are searching the lake lor the missing boats in the hope that they may have taken refuge from recent storms in some island harbor. lk>Y DIES OF PNEUMONIA Camp Ilill, Pa., Dec. 6.—Charles Paul Stone, aged one year, son of Carroll H. Stone, of New Cumber land, died at Camp Hill last evening from pneumonia. Funeral services will be held Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock at Camp Hill. LEAVES ALL TO RED CROSS New York. Dec. 6. —In gratitude for careful nursing, which saved his life in a Paris hospital, Salvatore Filllppo, of Erie, an American sol dier, has executed a will, leaving all his possessions to the American Red Cross, it was announced here last night. TO llOl.lJ SFUVICKS The annual Thanksgiving services of Mount Vernon Council. No. 333, Order of Independent Americans, will be held in the Churcli of God, Pleas iitit View, Sunday evening, at 7.30 o'clock. Members are asked to form a body at the hall, 1312 Derry street, at 7 o'clock and proceed from there to 'be services. RESERVES' MONTHLY DRILL Harrisburg Reserves will hold their ilrst monthly drill to-night at the Armory. The Reserve organiza tion will be kept on a monthly basis for another year, the meetings being held tile tirst Friday night of each month for instruction and drill. All members will make a property ac counting for guns and other articles to-night. SAYRKS TO SPEAK The Sunday afternoon men's mass meeting to be held in Fahnestock I Hall, under the auspices of the Cen tral V. M. C. A., will be addressed by I Charles W. Sayres, boys' work secre tary of the Lancaster "Y," who has seen service overseas and who will relate his experiences at Chateau Thierry with the boys in khaki. The Stevens Memorial orchestra will I play. Railroad Notes The total movement of cars over | the Middle Division lines was reported for yesterday us follows: Exchanged with Tyrone, 1,029 ears; passing Den- : holm. 5,159 cars, making a grand total i at 6,188 cars. "Aw, Judge, don't be stingy, gimme thirty days," pleaded Joseph Killion, i of Seranton, arrested and taken be- I fore Alderman J. C. Gorsuch, Altoona. | for illegal trainriding, hut the magis- ; trate was obdurate and stuck to his : original sentence of twenty days. j The Altoona Federation of Railway ! Employes' Department at a well-at- i tended meeting in Machinists' Hall, | lftst evening, decided to ask Congress man John M. Rose where he stood on ; the question of government ,owner- j ship of railroads. The largest crowd of the season is j expected at the big meeting for ' boys and girls at the P. R. R. Y. M. C. ! A., this evening, when special stere- 1 optieon pictures will be shown. There I 1s to be a very special announcement . made. Doors open at 6:50. Tin- Cumberland Valley Railroad Relief Association was hit hard by | the flu in November. Sick benefit's reached $6,406 for 472 members and $l,BOO for six deaths. The association had to borrow $3,500. 1 ntliOAY "EVraiWTS. Committee Named For Britain Day Govonor Brumbaugh to-day an nounced that tho following had been appointed a committee to arrange for a suitable observance of Britain Hay to-morrow and Sunday: Senator Philander C. Knox, Valley | Saturday Will Crowd the Big Underselling Store With Happy Christmas Buyers! nj Children's Fur Sets T T ft** 'SWij' Girls' Rain Coats and Capes jl K| Coney Sets at $2.25 to $7.95 Jl * * JL Tnn Bombazine ltntn [|| |J ** Kxw^rttjrt Qf* AA A-CV fKtiw&iim ?M"'SfSL9S SiisSrSJtaW I I speciau'hgz.loup Jeanneu'e "cat Sets, <&P F*sgMl $4 ' 95 1 ffl ,0?7.95 ?4.50t058.95 i| KpW'i' Hl I?rtA\TAMV r A TYMTIT'A T a5r&S*Ja55K | 1 jaawavrL/CUINU/VVI IAKIN IVAL _!££:. h ."'"<4.95 I I The Drive in Women's and Misses' Coats at Kaufman's on Saturday 1 I Three Enormous Lots of Fashionable Coats in Every Style That Is Correct in Every I | Material and Color and in Complete Range of Sizes in the Economy Carnival I I COATS Dressc ° a,s COATS Asim COATS f J H iCrJwfLir ECONOMY CARNIVAL LOT i Street Coats ECONOMY CARNIVAL LOT 2 All Colors ECONOMY CARNIVAL LOT 3 | I hi fvMwl Velours, Cheviots, Kerseys, Egyptian Plushes f-.a Pompons. Velours, Kerseys Meltons and All C*„l— Velours, Cut Bolivian. Broadcloths. Pompons. JUa Si LH a CorJuro >'s. With self collars or big plush Y Y Salts Plushes—full lined of half lined—Kit All StyiCS Vicunas, Kerseys and Salts Plushes. Many of I x. /JL \ IHI Kll JSI#L P? \ collars. Smart, belted models for misses and _ collars hmw,"!,,?!!!' them lincd throughout while others are lined r X ( Jsj IX] P\ \ I \\ women. Many are half lined with guaranteed BllSineSS Coats ers ' green, taupes, reindeer, ' gray or 'black* Fnr Wnmsn to the aiBt - With Wg collars of Nutria, !lj ' \\ /' V linings. All of the season's best colors. Complete size assortments for misses or * i? UIIICII Coney. Plush or material. A wonderful style fjpl u \\ * IVI women. assortment for juniors, misses nnd women. fT 1 "m' fijl I Jif H4- 50 3S $ l9- 50 j= ®24- 50 [JM 1 j^ a ' ts us ' l oats $1 (O-50 Salts Plush Coats j 50 Salts Plush Coats 5O filllnr 1 QJ y I Belted and with big collars 81 |l= Belted models, and some M jpk * With fill- collar mill cuffs or with f ' ||i |!S , I 1 and cuffs. Lined throughout jgi can ,H} worn without the helt. M/■ collar and cuffs of plush. Cut very M JN ytl I I '/// ' I with guaranteed lining. Full §| W with big Coney eollar and cults or W mil and to lie worn with or without W |U i?l I 'jl I sweep. Complete line of sizes A with self collar and eulTs Lined A ,M lts * Blued throughout with guar- , h I j I 111 '<"■ mbsts and women. „iu, SEtLSSSS" tllfe h| Uj . j4,r # 1 11P OA AIT Extraordinary Economy Carnival Offer n CO Lit ff M Im* Ailrurs2o%Off ::=^rE s^EZ Scarfs & Mutts • I S. Kit Coney Natural Wolf ||j ffl GLOVES Silk Underwear Economy Carnival of Children's Coats SLIPPERS | Bath Robes 11 1 Kaiser Italian More Than 600 S^lish Little Winter Coats in This Sale For Women , Misses , ChiMren 1 I FIfHW satul ™ mi iZSZZZ* 1 S ' j ! x ! The Ideal Xmas Gift $5,95 $12.95 $lO.OO $4.95 \ H I -H —, \V'- > - B, .s? n ? k ?L? a e,sa I Kl j lace anc l insertion and ribbon shoul- Dnrg:u n d> , sizes - black, brown, blue, n^ 6 'RnrffSv• livJl \ a round and square collars, &1 11J - M ;*j)M der straps; in flesh rt% i Af\ J Burgrundy and green; JPi urguno> , sizes r & WV f /or \ i cord and tassel; navy, Copen !g jfrJtUm t, color; sizes 38 to \ I £L U pi'lJ f P . H,zes 7to 9 - ,7SIV*A * <& Imgen, cardinal, gray, rose, jg? hi * £ 4l,at vi .tJ Children s Coats p.... , /(s\\ \ 8 r hlzes J8 to 4b - fiil I :1 €B|B\ $8 95 ChJdren, Coats Ladies'Bath Robes I fit >V and ivhlte gath C 9 QC \K\ \ O,JJ QC U 4 lof Christmas Sflppers we have CJ £5 [|J I credntthcknoe " - J 8 : 95 ,, . a R au;rau b U*j K.WSEH MAItVEL FIT ITALIW JJ \ and black 1 aizes Bto er™ hmJI, 6 n., e ' u * ev k' nicely Ss£ val Prices. and square collars; cord and |U . laaet 1 UII k hi i>t t.. • , lit J ana oiucn, sizes 8;o gieen, brown, Bui- lined, brown ani. M ' tassel- colors gray navy. /Ml ,^M^®-^ e r £ ial Li _ gundy; sizes 4to 6. I navy: sizes 7to 9. Women', and Misses' b£wn'. rol?; @ tvs S ur , ' coiois, riesn An ah* haufmaii'x—Second Floor. , s i /.OS 38 to 4ti. O S Ladies' Kid $9.49 ered u s 3* 5 JVlore Waists in the Economy Carnival PERS fy PS ip ".. $1.75 em's Bath Robes S 111 Gloves Pair . KEYBKK ITALIAN SILK E.NVK- a, n. ' _ Women's and Misses' Comfy Slip- fO JC uioves. Fair ... mm LOt'K CHKMISK—Ribbon trimmed; U Q 1 ! if.. nr.. (ft QC pers, made by the Daniel Green .>J.4D I^l h! In white gray and tan, In tailored ettect; col- ft% r% f\ f* r ?■••// N VOlle Waists /- Comfy Slipper Company; ribbon trim- Children's Beacon Blanket Ivl |jl| self am. contrasting stitching white and flesh; 1 • I w med ' heav> ' padded sole and heel. r{ t , uobes: satin and cord [w| S r;:;;: w ash . s, 97 JIM.VO I Georgette Waists""- 1 g able Kid Gloves. '1 -ui" H .a4 l ™M C "KTd.™ > wS? Waists of White Voile c , c . Waists Of Roman Women's and Misses' ® In brown and gray and ming; ribbon shoulder ff In Holly boxes, made of fine Stripe Messoline, silk, crepe FUR-TRIMMED 1 AO ChitA'e Rath Rnhp* |S black, in self and contrast- straps, flesh color; sizes WT\ f* , .. IVfoccoli'nn de chine and georgette in self TULIETS .. tP Aoa aj LflllU S DUlll nuues hi lng stitching. 3S to 4 & O C sheer voile with high, square MeSSaiine colored embrolded. with tuck J w,, n s an'd MissesTur-Trimmed %2 45 ftl |il Ladies' Silk and Q7 - Knufmn s-gecond Floor. and round collars, Pleated, fronts, combination nnd JuKwrthf?ex"ble leather solo and Chlldrerf Blfnket Bath PI M Chamoisette ..%J I C QMR \T ac . tc . 0 „J rr„' O embroidered and lace trim- . square collars—round, square heel. Colors wine, black, brown and Roheß ; cord-trimmed; round Ijlil Ollk Vests and Union ouits ahSfih "'/ nnd V-neck collars—white, oxford. All sizes. and square collars; cord and Ladies Silk double-tip and , \i,|i,-w, uici tit \ i,i. gin.- med fronts; sizes 36 to 52. JTI '*F f KisB7 '' flesh and lilac-k . , , ~• , tassel; colors, tan. rose, car- IN g>! Chamoisette Gloves, in white. , ÜBADIL SILK J V . Women's and Misses' dinai. navy Copenhagen; Si hj black, brown, gray, pearl. M^STS—Band top and shoulder \ )V T ' sizes Bto 11. fill ||J Champaign. Taupe; in self straps; in white and /# -f f\ P* tA QC / eiC<lM JM \ <t JQC FELT COMFY QQ - LM ' gij and contrasting stitching. pink; in sizes 36 to P (/ I ASILwSiSI Irft'lliJl' i! C * > SI IPPERS J/O C Knnfnnin's—Second gj QJ Ladies' Woolen AO 42 ' at J J h/' IISPH I * \ Women's and Misses'' Felt Comfy | | f|l Si Golf Gloves .. gOC LADIES' ITALIAN SILK TOP „ „ {HW 1,1 ! Slippers Wtth padded sole and heel. ri'll II * Si 1 In oxford and khaki C 7 A C W3IStS ° f Georgette 'j iTW WaistS ° f Georgette oxtor" only. AH sizes. # j HoSICrV HJ Ss shades. nnd^whlte 6 ' "' " A ,Tt/ and crepe de chine—em- .£ ml I"IM /j ! and crepe de chine of extra Misses' and Children's _ t g| HJ Ladies' Wash- $|.75 , M> lF S' HIGH GRADE iTM lAV brolded and pleated fronu. ftj \'lll ( ffgLli S able Kid Gloves, 1— "mi to? nnTVhoul lace trimmed round, square Mi A; iUIv.JHQ fronts, round. + and square tuLIETS 3> I. 1 1,000 Pairs at Economy Jfj FIJ -white Kid Wash- dor stnL in "hUe and v - neck = round and - 115 neck; round and sailor col- JULIEI!* .. ... " Prices Are Wonder Hj *S nhi <fn loves witii b lack der straps, in white An QQ square collars; colors, white, -I ' , . 'MgAI lars; colors, white, flesh, tea Misses' and Children s Felt 1-ur- friCCS Are wonae ff| stitching! with black and pink; sizes 36 f.esh, maize, tea rose, navy IM\ W rose', taupe,' greyplguenavy \n"S£ ! °' e Values Here Saturday |j liU . . " 4 and black; sizes 38 to 46. lZt li LJ i SSB and black; sizes. 38 to 46. and heel. Red om>. 1J Kaufmar*—Firt I' loor.~- v—— Knufninn i—Unt Floor. 7 K AUFMAVS—FIint Floor v Ku#mnn'i—Flmt llohr.__ j \ mT la ii Xmas Stationery BLANKETS fr~*s I § m j Vl'.sys l*;\N^TS— — cards, ipaper and en- For Gifts ® T,!l's M Vl'.l'." ! 'i'."," Jni H ' Juvenllo HtjlPH, distinctive *TV St St 1 WoolnftP' blankets, d>|- (IC ' I 'i' \ [q g| TON UNION SllT 1 leece f lIS I _ , up-to-the-minute models. Y smma ff ff.f/VCC grkv 70x80 sPDsSFD Beautiful ma- /'// II IIUUvVOi V\T; illfr'J f f J,'• i St hj lined; high neck, long sleeves, Z \\ DJ HJ .5, I.S, *14.05 to #a-1.U3. jllTllio l/Ul UIUOO K hog-inv base 'l fill LM ankle length; slight Imper- | V hild - KeedUOU -ZZZ^Z' 0 ~ r r „ 0 Plaid wool fleece blan- <fcC QC w,"h silk P gj fecUons; ex- y O ( DOLLS, 48c to Big variety, including sherbet glasses, kets, 66x80 ipOsl/O les'for W I a g| 1 '^£ : ZL:iZ. LssSnJ Carriage, %6*S ™ ft. ''i 1 1 *3.95 $4,5, K'SeSsri 98c, $1.39, $1.49 $7.95 A | I k £h£?„ j **"■ to $1.98 S7MI *>** I # Mahogany Serving Trays i hi COTTON VESTS & PANTS— FLYAWAY SLEDS IVb BU|L QV\.C I IB ( Squar? and oval-shaped Sorv- 1 slight Imperfections. liM Fleece lined; sizes 2to 14; 1 #■( Wft A StD **f|f TSHfIB W J ing Truys; glass bottoms; well § sllh U A( L ri , _# CO CQ | U JS special, each ( All Coaster style, extra strong ]l Vft fl| "mde and heautlful, _ _ K OUR ilOSiery at pC.&9 M 4Ze, 49<bj59e and I jfd,, iin.jjji, „vh. ... H |lj 4B ft j || lj jl ? l $->.4S f H,i A A Fi Forge; Chancellor H. B, MoCormlck, Pittsburgh; Benjamin Thaw, Hewlck ley; Charles M. Schwab, South Bothlo hem; George Wharton Pepper, Wil liam >A, Glasgow, I'hlludclpliln; A. W. Mellon', W. A. Mugeo, Charles K. 13. Ohlldere, Lieutenant C. M, Hnrnles, John A. Sharp, Andrew M. MeKnlght, Councilman Robert Garland. Jame* 1. Buchanan, the Rev. E. M. McFadden, M. M. Leaser, Charles llyde, George S. Harrison, J. C. M. White, Allan Clarke, RARRISBTTRG TELEGRAPH: M. J. Parkhtll. William H. Wicks, Pittsburgh; Percy A. Legge, George Flont, Spencer D. Wright. Charles Rond, Herbert J. Tlly, Dr. John Welsh Crosky, Dr. I-. Webster Fox, John Weaver, -Philadelphia; LOUIB Follett, Canoushurg. CHARLES M. FINK DIES Annvllle, Pa., Dec. 6. Charles M. Fink, for fifteen years a leading bak er, of Lebanon county, died at his home here last evening of pneumonia. Mrs. Fink and daughter. Esther Fink, are recovering from attacks of in fluenza, while three sons ure in the service of the United States. Homer Fink Is In Franco; David Fink In -the Navy, and Niles Fink at. Camp Meade. Charles Fink, Jr., a younger son, also survives. OFFICERS ELECTED The following officers were elect- Ed at tho meeting of Harrisburg Lodge. No. 029. F. and A. M.. held in the Masonic Temple, last night: Worshipful muster, Charles C. Stroh; senior Warden, Fred M. Trltle; Junior warden, Howard C. Irwin; treasurer, Charles E. Go vert; secre tary, Benjamin W. Demmlng; trus tees, W. Spry Hurlock, H. A. Ruth erford. Benjamin M. Nead; repre sentative In grand lodge, Fred J. Smltli. i DECEMBER 6,191?. C. E. ELECTS OFFICERS The semiannual election of offi cers of the Intermediate > Christian Endeavor Society of the Fourth Street Church of God was held Wed nesday evening. The officers elected who will serve for the next six months are: President, Clarence— Mac- Donald: vice-president, Pauline Ste vlck; secretary, Ethel Robinson: as sistant secretary, Anna Fisher; treas urer. William' Musser; pianist, Anna Erb; assistant pianist, Sarah Bei'g. CALLS A BERLIN DOCTOR Isiiulon, Doc. 6,-TTA German pliy sician summoned front Berlin on Tuesday by the former German em peror, arrived in Holland yesterday on a special train, according to ail Exchange Telegraph dispatch from Ainsterduni. 5
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