16 HAKRISBURG TELEGRAPH A NEWSPAPER FOR THE HOME Founded 1831 Published evenings except Sunday by I'HH TKLUQHAWI PRINTING CO. Telegraph Building. Federal Square K. J. STACKPOLB President and Editor-in-Chief F. R. OYSTER, Btuinett Manager GUS M. STEINMETZ, Managing Editor A. R. MICHENER. Circulation Manager Executive Board J. P. McCULLOUGH, BOYD M. OGELSBY, F. R. OYSTER, GUS. M. STEINMETZ. Vember of the Associated Press—The Associated Press Is exclusively en titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and also the local published herein. . , All rights of republication of special diapatches herein are also reserved. Ji American I Avenuo Building Chicago, Ul!" Fntered at the Post OfTice in Harris burg. Pa., as second class matter. By carrier, ten cents a week; by mall, $3.00 a year In advance. Do good around you; preach what you believe to be the truth; and act accordingly; then go through life looking forward. —Mazsini. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6. 1918 HEAVEN PRESERVE l'S SO Mr. Burleson thinks the gov ernment should own the tele graph and the telephone lines, and boasts that the Post Office De partment has earned a surplus this year. Do you know that if the govern ment owned the telegraph lines every dispatch you read in the Tele graph this evening would have been delivered over "government-owned wires and that nothing but those which the party in power happened <o approve would have come"" across the wires, if those in charge saw tit to stop the other kind? Do you know that it is costing more to run the telegraph and telephone lines under the very limited government control than under private owner ship? And, eventually, who will pay the freight on these increases? You. the patron of the wires will, of course. Mr. Burleson backs up his plea for government ownership by point ing to the earnings of the Post Office Department, and it is only fair to ask how it happens that this lone branch of the government has been made protitable. The answer is two fold —by putting up postal rates 33 per cent, and more, and by keeping salaries down to the starvation point. The public is being over charged for a very poor mail serv ice and the pay of the postal em ployes and letter carriers has been held down to a figure that has driven thousands of trained em ployes from their jobs to others that enable them to live recently. No private employer would have been able to hold down wages during this government period the way Burle son has done. The whole Post Office Department is going to pot by rea son of the Postmaster General's in efficiency and his determination to make a good showing for himself at the expense of the pocketbooks of the people and the pay envelopes of the employes. The Post Office Department used to be the pride of the American peo ple. Burleson has made It the stock joke of the country. If the tele graph and telephone lines are to go the same road as the postal system, heaven preserve us from public ownership. General Pershing's report of Ameri can activities in France gives all the credit to the soldiers and none to himself. As great a general in peace as he was in war. CONGRESSIONAL HIATUS THE anomaly of electing senators and representatives thirteen months before they take their seats has been emphasized again by the result of the recent elections. Unless the President chooses to call an extra session of the Bixty-slx*th Congress next summer, the men chosen last month by the people to represent them at Washington will not have an opportunity to do so until the first Monday In Decem ber, 1919. The force of the popular repudiation of the Democratic con trol of legislation and expenditures may not be felt until more than a year has passed. Perhaps the most disastrous con sequences of permitting such an ab surdly long interval of time to elapse between the election and qualification of members of Con grass occurred in 1860, Had the Congress elected in November of that year been able to take office one month later the Civil War might have been averted. But Lincoln and the new Congress did not assume the reins of government for four months after the election, During that time the Southern States completed their FRIDAY EVENING. plana for secession. They could huvo been forestalled and the conflict avoided If tho delay In the change of tho national administration could have been prevented. The need of a change in our sys tem has been recognized for years, and various bills and resolutions have been introduced to effect a remedy. Each time, however, com plications have arisen that have pre vented the enactment of legislation. If the date of the end of one Con gress and the beginning of another is to be changed it will involve a corresponding correction of the length of the terms of two Presi dents, two about 130 Senators and 870 Congressmen. Such a change would require a very carefully framed" amendment to the Constitution, which would then have to be ratified by three-fourths of the States. The evident difficul ties in tho way have discouraged all former efforts to correct the evil. But although it may not be prac ticable to attempt the elimination of the entire interval of thirteen months that noV exists between election and qualification, it is quite within the power of Congress to pass a bill fixing the date for the regular meeting of the first session of a Con gress on the second Monday in March, instead of the first Monday In December. Such an arrange ment would not interfere with the terms of any elected official; it would shorten by nine months the time that now elapses before a Senator or Representative can assume his seat; it would remove from the individual who happened to be occupying the White House the power to dictate whether the people should or should not be properly represented at Wash ington; and it would send to the National Capital men elected under certain issues while those issues were still alive and capable of af fecting the welfare of the country. The "Constitution of the United States says: "The Congress shall assemble at least once in every year, and such meeting shall be on the lirst Monday in December, unless they shall by law appoint a different day." Hence it is entirely within the jurisdiction of Congress as to when they shall assemble. The peo ple have demanded the overthrow of the present control of the Senate and House. That demand should be com plied with by the Republicans now in Congress by the introduction of a resolution, under the privileges granted by the Constitution, putting the date of the meeting of,the next Congress as early as possible. With the George Washington wob bling about in the storm, perhaps Mr. Wilson is beginning to wonder why he didn't listen to his friends' advice and remain at home. CARTER GLASS APPOINTMENT of Representa tive Glass to be Secretary of the Treasury came as no surprise. Mr. Wilson's predilection for Southern Democrats made it fairly certain that he would not loolf 'be yond the Mason and Dixon line. Glass is no match for McAdoo, who is u really big man and who con ducted his work in a manner that brought few criticisms for his de- j partment of the government Buti Mr. Wilson never was famed for his choice of really gifted men and when he is fortunate in procuring their services they do not stay long—j as witness McAdoo and Garrison, j for example. It is well that Glass comes at the end of 'he war instead of the beginning. The ex-Crown Prince seems to have much tlie same notions about the ex- Kaiser as the world has about the ex- Crown Prince. KEEP UP THE WORK THE recent report of Shirley B. Watts, superintendent of the public gardens in Harrisburg the past season, is of such char acter as to convince even the doubt ing that these plots went a long way last summer toward providing vegetables for the people of the city at small expense to themselves at a time when the food situation was acute. Xot oniy that, but the gardens encouraged a healthful form of exercise that ought to be continued, especially with the long evenings made possible by the day light saving law. Mr. Watts is a practical gardener and should be able to do as much better the com ing year as he did last year over the season before, if given the oppor tunity. Few people know that the garden project was financed largely by the Chamber of Commerce committee appointed for the purpose, of which Donald McCormick Is the efficient chairman, and by funds appropriat ed by the school bdard for the school plots. Mr. McCormick has given generously of his own time and money. Doubtless his recom mendation that the work be con tinued next year will be followed. If Socialism expects to have an in fluence In this country, it ought to reform its disciples abroad. Most of us would prefer a Kaiser. THE MUNICIPAL TREE HARRISBURG people will rejoice •in Mayor Kelster's purpose to revive the Municipal Christmas Tree celebration this year as d mark of our rejoicing in the successful termination of the war and the trif umph of Christianity over the forces of evil. It is especially fitting this year that full public recognition be given to the religious significance of the great feast day. Too often in our merrymaking we have lost sight of the origin and purpose of the an niversary, Nothing could be more appropriate nor more delightful than a coming together of the people of the community on Christmas Eve be neath the boughs of the Muulclnal Tree, there in service and song to acclaim Him who came to bring "peace on earth: good will towurd men." The "Reds." of Berlin, ought to be called the "Yellows." One, two or three lumps?. ~ — " i fdltUt- in. *^i.n,n4ytsa.nJui By the Ex-Committeeman ! Expense accounts tiled at the de | partment of tho Secretary of the j Commonwealth, on which the tiling j limit expired last night, account for i between $400,00 and $500,000. The ' statements tiled represent greater j contributions and disbursements in ; some cases than known since the enactment of the law requiring ac counts to be filed at the Capitol upon the conclusion of the cam paign. . The account of the Republican State Committee, which received ' $200,525.43, is one of the largest ! ever made. Included in this sum, ; however, are the contributions of j the Pennsylvania Patriotic Union ; and Republican state candidates. | Over twenty important accounts ; were filed. The Democratic State j Committee statement accounts for over $38,000 and the Prohibition I State Committee for over $B,OOO. | Candidates for the Supreme Court and their committees spent close to $40,000. There were more committees in i charge of campaigns of candidates than usual this year. —The biennial moving of offices of state departments and bureaus which have been occupying legisla tive committee rooms for the last year and a half has started and the quarters for the legislators are be ing made ready for the session which will begin a week from to-morrow. The people moving from legislative rooms are taking quarters in the "attic" of the Capitol. The supplies for the session are in hund and the furniture and chandeliers in the leg islative chambers have all been gone over by the Capitol maintenance force and many dollars spent in put ting them into lirst-class shape. —All of the counties of Pennsyl vania except Luzerne have filed the official returns of the election on November 5, and in event that the controversy over the soldier votes in Luzerne is not settled within a few days the official count of the votes will be started at the Capitol. The Luzerne officials have been in formed that they can obtain certified copies of the returns tiled here, but that the state authorities will not send out the originals without legal process. —J. Washington Logue, Demo cratic candidate for Lieutenant Gov ernor, and Elisha Kent Kane, Pro hibition candidate for Congress-at- Large, havo liled expense accounts showing that they expended less than $5O in the campaign. —John H. Glass, of Shamokin, Republican leader of Northumber land, is be\Mg boomed for a place at the head of one of the depart ments of the state government. Caleb S. Brinton, former postmaster of Carlisle, and William.,ijlcrtzler, of Port,. Royal, are being mentioned for water supply conirtfls'dotier. 1 —The Altoonu Tribune protests editorially on discrimination against men connected with the present ad ministration who were for O'Neil at the primary, but who turned in and worked loyally and energetically for the ticket when nominated. Such men are not to be made targets, it declares. —The Republican city committee of Philadelphia, will give a recep tion to the new Governor within the next two weeks. —The Philadelphia Record to day says that John M. Nobre, the Philadelphia city engineer who testified against Senator Vare has been removed front his job. It also says the Vares lost control of Phila delphia councils yesterday. —The Spangler boom for Speaker seems to have a clear track since Representative George W. Williams says he will not tight for the honor. —Claude T. Reno, former mem ber of the House, has been chosen as solicitor of Catasauqua, to succeed the late Warren K. Miller, who was also his successor in the House. —Dr. George E. Holtzapple has been elected president of the York city school board. —'Calvin Price, Schuylkill county Jury Commissioner, difid at his home in Minersville. —The Philadelphia Inquirer has this to say about the newly-elected Senator from the Fiftieth district, who defeated Raymond E. Smith, Democrat and Bull Mooser: "Janins M. Campbell served in. the 1907-09 sessions of the Senate. He is a for mer District Attorney of' Mercer county and will co-operate with the Penrose forces." —W. Fred Turner, who was elected from the Armstrong district to succeed the late Senator J. Frank Graff, who frequently voted with the independents, is a stalwart Repub lican and a former member of the House. Governor-elect William C. Sproul will be busy during the next ten days. On Saturday night he will attend a dinner given by the Five O'clock Club. Monday evening his successor as president of the Union League will lie selected. The Com mittee of Seventy dinner will be on Tuesday and on Wednesday he will be the honor guest at the Congress man Moore banquet in Washington. Thursday night the retiring officers of the Union Leugue will tender a dinner to the incoming officers. Ex- Governor Edwin S. Stuart will be elected president of the Union Leugue at Monday's meeting. —Pittsburgh City Council has voted to accept the WestinghoUse mansion grounds as a city park and is arranging a ceremony when taken over. * < —H. G. McKnight, Oil City Com missioner and well known us for mer owner of the Oil City Blizzard, is deud. —Philadelphia's primary bill of 8400,000 against the state is now in hands of the courts for settlement. —George W, Hlbbs, former mem ber of the Uniontown City Council, has assumed the duties of Fayette County Commissioner, to succeed the lute Charles H. Nutt Mr. Hlbbg was elected to the first Council in Uniontown under the third-class city act, and was re-elected a year ago. lie was superintendent of the depart ment of accounts and finaneos. At the time of his appointment as County Commissioner Mr. Hlbbs was superintendent of the mine of the Deyarmon Coul Company at Fair chance. He is well known here. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH THAT GUILTIEST FEELING By BRIGGS C GOT CJOST "THINK] —— /^ P(JT FCATHCR^I I TMC? B OCHC THAT J I °f y 'Zsy-r/ f IT ON BEHAV- t /\ |M , T anjD ] VKIUCE-D- V V M VI /! .lI ORV >-T Y H * ue THE OiRTr/ 1 VEUVE SOT A / S r, 7\ 1 ~Z y TMIM6 om V wew (A/IMTeRV • GUY I TOOK / \ FT$ TH6 / I FOR VA / A"/ |' .' T °^ e ' ' LOVE'S EYES Each night when 1 walk down the lighted street, Keeling against my dumb and uching heart The restless heart of gold-mad traf fic beut; And seeing high above this dingy mart The gloomy buildings reaching for the stars, And false beauty peering through each brilliant sign, A turmoil prods anew my world-old scars. Crying for some dream-balm that is not mine. But once I met You coming up this way With a love-splendor shining through your eyes; You did not speak and I had naught ■ to say. But gloriously the Stars flamed in the skies, And all these ugly towers whose stones men trust, A mighty ruin, crumbled into dust. —By Oscar C. Williams, in Every body's Magazine. Congress Coining Buck Again (Philadelphia Inquirer]. Congress will start on its final session tomorrow. It expires on March 4. The new Congress, elect ed a few weeks ago, may be sum moned at any time after that date. If not called into special session, it will not meet until the first Monday of December, 1919—one solid year from now. The President will address the body about to assemble. Perhaps he will tell us why he wants to go to Europe, but when he goes he will leave behind a disorganized party and a cabinet, that is weak to the verge of dissolution. All through the war the President has received the support of the Na tion regardless of partisanship, and this in spite of the fuct that he him self has been a tierce partisan. He put faith in Democrats only. And a pretty botch some of these Demo crats have been making of it! His cabinet is honeycombed with Social ists. The idea of government ow nership of about everything is ram pant in that collection of weaklings. And the President is going abroad leaving the country in the hands of incompetents and with the period of reconstruction near at hand! A Matter of Comparison [From the New York Tribune] It's all a matter of comparison, ac cording to H. T. Webster, the car toonist, who told the following as proof at a meeting of the Salma gundi Club:' "Shrapnel shrieked all about. Bombs dropped from the sky, and every so often a big German shell burst overhead. Suddenly one Yank began laughing. " 'S'matter Buddy?" his mute usks, fearing that he had suddenly gone In sane.' " 'J was thinkln'. Bill," replied the other between chuckles, 'of the runt that held me up one night in Mem phis, with a ,22-caliber revolver."" LABOR NOTES Wages of building trade workers in Germany have doubled since the period preceding the war. Tacoma (Wash.) unions are gaining 2,000 members a month. Itetail clerks at Worcester, Mass., have secured a 6 o'clock closing hour. Unions at Cleburne, Texas, have opened a labor temple. Firemen' on Irish railroads have secured, a bonus of $3.10 a week. Of 25 unions in the province in Manitoba, Can., 70 are In Winnipeg. Membership in Sweden's trade un ions last year totaled 186,146. , Unemployment in Scotland has dis appeared, due to the demand for labor. Norway's unions have 93,000 mem bers, an increase of 14,000 in a year. Brewery workers jn Wilkes-Barre, Pa., received an Increase of $1,50 a week. Hundreds of women have answered the call for recruits in the English Flying Corps. The City Council of Montreal, Can ada, haß passed an order to prevent strikes of all kinds. WHEN A KNOWLEDGE OF GERMAN SAVED THE DAY OVERHEARD IN A LISTENING POST JUST as he had made up his mind to call up the other fellows for the final spread out in fan formation, his groping right hand touched something round and smooth and hard. It seemed to be made fast to a string or wire, but he pulled it toward him and gave the "stop" signal to his followers. The thing he hud picked up was a telephone receiver. How it came to be there the Lord only knew. Per haps a German listening post had carried it out lust night, in order to receive diiections from the trench; perhaps the mining party—man kill ed, receiver dropped, wire connec tion not cut, or tangled up with other wires—who can tell? One thing is sure—here is the receiver, faintly buzzing. Phipps-Herrick joy fully puts it to his ear. He hears a voice and words, but it is all gibber ish to him. With a look of despera tion on his face, he gives the "get together" signal. Then comes Mitchell, slowly, a lit te lame, and almost "all in." USIiECOG SIZED SOLDIERS In walking through the streets of Condon and Paris and Home and Berlin and New York, 1 have been impressed with the fact that monu ments have been erected by a grate ful people to soldiers and sailors, to statesmen and orators, to scien tists and invefttors, but 1 have not yet seen a monument to a mission ary of the Cross. Yet when the record is Anally written, may it not appear that he has done more than all others com bined to bring about the linal day of democracy and universal brother hood '! The I.ondon Times has said: "We owe it to our missionaries that the whole region of South Africa has been opened up." Japan's grout elder statesman. Count Okuma, said, "The origin of modern civilization is to be found in the teachings of the Sage of Judeu, by whom alone a necessary modern dynamic is supplied"; and he has also said that "The spirit of Jesus has made Japan what she is." The Maharajah of Travancore, though not a Christian, has borne the following testimony: "Of one thing I am convinced: that, do with it what we will, oppose it as we may, it is the Christians' Bible that will sooner or luter work, out the regeneration of our land"; and the King of Sium has stated that "Amer ican missionaries have done more to advance the welfare of my people than any other foreign influence." —Exchange. ' Necklaces Everywhere (Paris Letter From Vogue) Conspicuous among the various new details which one notices, now that all the activities of our'normal life are being taken up once more and women have more time and thought—and more interest—to de vote to the novelties of dress, are the beuutiful necklaces and chains which one sees everywhere. They are, varied according to the type of costume with which they are worn, and the occasion, formal or other wise, for which their owners have selected them; but they are always decorative and beautiful. I have always liked long chains of beads — they offer so many charming oppor tunities for coquetry. What could be more attractive than the way in which u woman with beautiful hunds can turn and twist the jewels in her long white lingers, with a grace ful motion of her delicate wrist. Perhaps this recent vogue for necklaces was started by the bead chains which have been made by wounded soldiers. Many of these huve been sent to America, and you are all, doubtless, familiar with them. They are, In many instances, very chnrming and unusual affairs, and are one among many of the interesting and lucrative employ ments within the range of our wounded and crippled men. Some times they are made of three or four amusing and unusual beads dang ling at the end of a silk cord, or they may be made of beads all of the same kind, but In varying shapes. Have You Met Her? A modern novelist describes a lady with whose like some of us are not wholly unfamiliar. "One moment," ho says, "you think you are great chums, and the next you wonder if you've ever been pre sented." —Boston Transcript Phipps-Herrick thrusts the receiver into his hands. As he listens a beati lic expression spreads over his face. It lasts a long time, and then he lays down the cylinder with a sigh. The three heads are close together, and Mitchell whispers under his breath: "Got 'em—got the whole thing— line of mine changed—raiders com ing out now —twelve men —rough on us, but if we can get back to our alley we've got 'em! Crawl home quick." Meantime the American trench had opened lire and the German trench answered. The still night broke into a tempest of noise. A bullet or a bit of shell caught Mitchell in the knee and crumpled him up. Phipps-Her rick lifted him on his back and stood up. "Come on," he said, "you little cuss. You're the only one that has the stuff we went out after. I'm go ing to carry you in, 'spite of hell." And he did.—Front "The Hearing Ear," by Henry van Dyke, in the December (Christmas) Scribner. THE NEW SYMBOL "Hope springs eternal in the human breast": The holly holds its green through out the year, And through the world's great tra vail, East and West Still hope, and hoping, conquer fear. These are old Christmas symbols, hallowed, blest. Shining through years gone by with brilliance white, Now a new symbol greets the Holy Giiest, The small Red Cross of Christmas sheds its light. On battlefields, in cities desolate— Villuges, sad with their new cru cified, The victims of the barb'rous hymn of hate — It shines, and cries again, "They have not died." Wee childish hands have held the cross on high, Symbol of that new day for which we wait. Its red shines with the dawn light in the sky, Its white the love divine that con querors hate. —By Jeanne Judson. THE YELLOW STREAK Belgium was devastated, her peo ple enslaved, her children dying, her most precious possessions violently, taken from her, for four years, and in all that time all her people, from king and queen down, did not com plain of their lot as much as the Germnns have since the armistice was signed. France for tlfty-one months was a battlefield, her capi tal endangered, her sons sore pressed by [he invaders, but France never lost her courage or whim pered. Serbia was wiped out, the victim of atrocious crimes, and she kept her courage. Itussla, Austria, Hungary, Bulgaria, Turkey all have been beaten in the field and forced to surrender, and every one of them has behaved with a certain amount of resignation betokening courage. But Germany howls like a whipped cur, cringes before its conquerors, weeps crocodile tears, begs, whines; all the yellow, all tho aniline dye works in all of Germany ever turned out couldn't make her yellower.—New York Sun. JUSTICE ALL AROUND Government officials who * have been conducting the railroads and studying their problems during the previous months should be just to the owners in the future. They have discovered that the pleas of the roads in the past were based upon actual distressful conditions. They should give the owners the same free hand the government exercised, subject only to implicit obedience to the laws and to fair treatment of shippers and travelers. They should protest against the continuance of the several state railroad commis sions and ask Congress to deal fairly and Justly, with all concerned. Hav ing been compelled to set aside or Ignore legislation In restraint of the freedom of traffic, they should be honest enough and fair enough to ask congress to do the same thing for private ownership," taking pnlns to provide some regulation which would prevent abuse of the pooling privilege. In short, justice should be done all around. —Altoona Trib une. DECEMBER 6, 1918. BOOKS AND MAGAZINES A Chance to Live, by Zoe Beckley. Illustrated by Charles A. Volght. The Macmillan Company, publish ers, New York. It is not the story of the excep tional girl that Miss Beckley tells in this book. Rather, the average young woman of to-day, with nor mal instincts and ambitions, is her eentral figure. Annie Hargan, daughter of the tenements, has a great deal of trouble in making enough money to live on. The prob lem is one which she alone cun solve as there is no one who can help he>* "With the possible exception of Aun, 'Moggie," who can only contribut v little now and then. The story of Annie's experiences, tirst in the factory, later as switch board operator and typist, is relat ed with real power and insight. Equally appealing are those later days when love comes into Annie's life and she decides to cast her lot in with Bernie's. The marriage starts off happily, but something happens and they almost drink the bitter dregs of despair. They are saved from that by a common in terest—a vision which they both have and which wonderfully mater ializes. In the Heart of a Fool, by William Allen White, author of "A Certain Rich Man," etc. The Macmillan Company, publishers, New York. Kansas, the scene of Mr. White's great novel. "A Certain Rich Man," has again been chosen as the back ground for his new book. The theme, too, in its large outlines, suggests the former work, in' that it has .to do with a man's growth in character and his ultimate surrender to the inevitable. Thomas Van Dorn has said in his heart "There is no God." He sets himself up to take what he wants from society with the com placent belief that lie can take as muph as he likes without impairing his powers or his personality, it is with his story that Mr. White is con cerned; a story full of dramatic mo ments and introducing many inter esting people, all sketched with' the author's accustomed skill. The Seven Purposes, by Margaret Cameron. Harper & Brothers, pub lishers. In this book un author well known for many books in other iields, rec ords a series of extraordinary ex periences with "automatic writing" —into which she protests her hand hus been drawn niueh against her will and contrary to i*U her former habit and prejudice. Her narra tive, involving remarkable exprcs- % sions and messages purporting to come from very definite and recog nizable personalities of former ac quaintances of herself and her friends, is not only thrilllngly inter esting, but tremendously inspiring In its moral und spiritual signifi cance. OUR "SIMPLICITY" [From the Kansas City Star] The United States always has prided itself on a certain democratic simplicity that it has maintained in its representation in Europe. Amer ican ambassadors never have worn court costumes. Their manner of living has been studiedly unosten tatious. Benjamin Franklin, probably Xmerica's greatest diplomat, set the fashion when he appeared at the gorgeous court of France in his sober Quaker raiment of colonial russet, without a wig, and wearing his famous cap of marten fur. No Americas wishes to be penur ious in the Nation's provision for the comfort of those who shall at tend the peace conference. But it is something of a shock to read that the moHt magnificent hotel in Paris, the hotel always reserved for royalty, has been leased for a year by the United States for $400,000; that the bureau of public Informa tion is to have "an enormous furn ished mansion at Versullies;" und that a former Atlantic liner is being refitted to take the members of the mission and their wives, under the escort of a 'it ttle fleet. Evidently an expenditure of sev eral million dollars is plahfted in connection with America's repre sentation at the conference. This is being done at a time when people are being urged to save every penny possible to invest in thrift stamps to pay the expenses of the govern ment. The combination doesn't sit well. r-4 Lord Maketli Poor, and Rich The Lord maketh poor.'nnd mnk eth rich; he brlngeth low, and 11ft cth up.— l Samuel it, T. ti . foptttttg QUjat State-wide commendation seems to have been given to the project for tHe memorial of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania to her sons , in the war with Germany to take the form of a monumental bridge to he a part of the comprehensive plans for the extension and im provement of the Oupitol. Letters re ceived by state officials and extracts from newspapers have praised the scheme and it is now regarded as certain that it will be authorized by the next Legislature. At yester day's conference between the mem-® bers of the State Board of Public t Grounds and Buildings and the mayor and officials of the city of Harrisburg an agreement was reached between the state and the municipality and while the bills aro going through tlio Legislature ordi nances will be passed by the city council establishing the highway lines desired by the state and pro viding for the bond issue whereby the city wiU contribute for the con struction of "the approaches, this be ing the share assigned to Harris burg. The loan already voted for a bridge, but never used, will be the basis for action and it is intended to seek special legislation whereby the voters of the city can decide on a transfer to the new project with such addition as may be needed. Auditor General Charles A. Snyder, who is generally credited with tho bridge idea, says that in his opinion it will be one of the finest memorials' in the land and something which will be of state-wide importance as it wiy be a main entrance connect ing with state highways leading to the very doors of the Capitol. State Treasurer H. M. Kephart has been an advocate of a .monumental struc ture, eighty or so feet in width and of hundsomc design. Governor Brumbaugh, who has visited almost every bridge of importance in the eastern part of the United States, says the Brunner plans will eclipse them all. * * * The fact that William I. Scliaf fer, the eminent Delaware county attorney designated as the next At torney General by tho Governor- 1 elect, has appeared here in more big cases' before the State Public Serv ice Commission and in other impor tant actions than almost any other lawyer in Pennsylvania, has caused ] much interesting speculation as to the monetary value of the pract'ce which lie, will surrender to becomo chief law officer of the common wealth. Air. Sehaffer is not only one of the most signally qualified men to become Attorney General, in opin ion of many men of the law, but enjoys a practice worth many thou sands of usi'ars a year. It can bo said, prol.nf.ly without contradic tion, that Mr. Sehaffer will leave a practice more valuable than any man who has become Attorney Genera} in over a dozen years. Congressman J. Hampton Aloore, .writing in the Kvoning Ledger from Washington, believes that it will run high in the thousands. He says: "There is sat isfaction in being a Judge or an At torney General or in holding sonio other otllce carrying tho distinction of an honorary title, but in order to acquire it men arc sometimes com pelled to make very unusual finan cial sacrifices. When Alayer Sulz berger accepted a place upon tho bench in Philadelphia he was said to be making $50,000 a year. It cer tainly would never have paid John G. Johnson to take a place on the Supreme Court bench of the United V States, no matter how attractive the honor and the title. The question now arises with respect to William I. Sehaffer, who has been appointed Attorney General of Pennsylvania. Sehaffer has acquired a big prac tice in the shipping world and among munition manufacturers along the Delaware. He has enjoyed the work of Supreme Court reporter and has become a big factor in tho Pennsyl | vania State Bar Association. He is lone of the Governor-elect's closest 'personal friends. Will it pay Schaf i fer to become Attorney General and j put aside the fine professional busi ness he has built up?" The march of Improvements in ' tlje rural districts of Dauphin county is well illustrated by the presenta tion this week of an application for approvul by the Public Service Com mission of a contract between Upper Paxton township and tho Juniata Public Service Company for light ing the streets of Lenkersville. A half dozen years ago there were virtually no township lights in the county. Now the upper end light ing company, which extends into and Juniata, has contracts with a number of rural districts. | WELL KNOWN PEOPLE | —David W. Kuhn, who has held the onerous job of fuel adminis trator for the Pittsburgh district, hus retired. He will resume Ills own business. —Ben Jarrett, former state sen ator, now borough solicitor cf Far rell, is getting after the public ser vice compunies in his town for failure to give the rates and services desired. —Congressman-at-Uarge M. M. Garland has sailed for Europe, to study labor conditions. —Dr. W. E. Matthews, the Cam bria county medical inspector says that influenza conditions in his sec tion are growing serious agan. —The Rev. Julius W. Brockway, prominent Armstrong county Pres byterian minister, bus resigned to take up Y. M. C. A. work overseas. —Horace D. Keller, the new pres ident of the York Manufacturers' Assocation is well known to many Hat risburgers. —The Rev. Walter Hearn, Easton man engaged in Y. M. C. A. work, lias been appointed a chaplain of marines. T DO YOU KNOW —That Harrisburg Is furnish ing a considerable amount of provisions for the army in France as well as caring for its • own people and their ncigb> bors? , HISTORIC HARIUSnCRO The (irst buildings erected on Market Square were used for hotels and warehouses. A Case For Arbitration Not long after they had become engaged the young man said to hla flancee. "I think it only fnlr to tell you that I'm a somnambulist" "Oh," replied the lady, "that won't matter in the least; you sea you can go to my church one Sun- Iluy and I'll go to yourß the next" ,—Youth's Companion. ... Ju
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers