IKp First ler in Steelton Hbeceived the first for its suc- Kias membership | been placed ' ■ appeal:- "Help j Hfn Steelton." j ■g to be held on | High School te interests of the i ;hip drive, will bo | iptaln Hutchinson, j the front in France j A AND DRAW HAIR beautifully soft, wavy abundant and glossy at once. SaVe your hair! All dandruff goes and hair stops coming out. Surely try a "Danderine Hair Cleanse" if }ou wish to immediately double the beauty of your hair. Just moisten a cloth with Danderine aud draw it carefully through your hair, taking one small strand at a time; this will cleanse the hair of dust, dirt or any excessive oil —in a few min utes'you will be amazed. Your hair will be wavy, fluffy and abundant and possess an incomparable, soft ness, lustre and luxuriance. Besides beautifying the hair, one application of Danderine dissolves every particle of dandruff; invigor ates the scalp, stopping itching and falling hair. Danderine is to the hair what fresh showers of rain and sunshine are to vegetation. It goes right to the roots, invigorates and strength ens them. Its exhilarating, stimu lating and lil'e-producing properties cause the hair to grow long, strong and beautiful. You can surely have pretty, soft, lustrous hair, and lots of it, if you will spend a few cents for a bottle of Knowlton's Danderine at any drug store or toilet counter and try It as directed. * Save your hair! Keep It looking charming and beautiful. You will say this was the best money you, ever spent. Oh, It's There! Ouch, How It Pains! Right Across the Small of the Back or Over the Kidneys! sgg* LUMBAGO, RHEU- GOUT, 11 ey 3 h a v ° to ° I perform. Uric! acid accumulations in the system in form of urate salts. Obtain at your | nearest drug store that splendid dis- < covery of Doctor Plei ce's called "An- I uric" (anti-uric). Anuric is morel potent than lithia and dissolves uric, acid as hot coffee does sugar. Rome. N. Y. "My kidneys have 1 bothered ine for some tim€. I used I to have shooting pains through my shoulders. For weeks at a time 1 was not without pain. 1 also suffer ed with nerve spells and appeared to have heart trouble. My bladder seemed to be weak, especially at I night; I was disturbed seven or eight times during a night. This I caused mc to lost* much sleep ami ! made me feel quite miserable. He- , cently Doctor Pierce's Anuric Tab lets were recommended to me and 1 decided to try them. The relief ob tained lias been really marvelous. For days I haven't bad a pain in my , body anywhere, my heart and nerves i seem to be stronger, and 1 no longer j have any weakness of the bladder. , What Anuric has done for me 1 teel certain it will do for others similar- I ly afflicted. "It is with pleasure that I make j this statement and hope that through it others will get the relief thai 1 ; have through Anuric." ORSON JENKS, 307 Bissel Avenue. SAYS COLD WEATHER BRINGS RETURN OF INrLiiENZA Public Must Be Careful To Avoid A Second Epidemic. Easier To Prevent Than Cure. What To Do. • "Encouraging reports of the fewer cases of Influenza in this vicinity should not allow us to relax our vigilance or to become careless in the belief that the danger is all over," says a well known authority. With the coming of cold weather there is apt to be a return of this ■ frightful epidemic and its seriousness will de pend on the extent of the precau tions, taken by the public, to prevent Infection. When the air is full of influenza germs, you may be constantly breathing thein into your nose and throat. Hut their danger may be • voided, and you may make yourself practically immune to infection if you destroy the germ before it actu ally begins work in your blood. Luring the recent serious epidemic which hit Harrisburg so hard, most successful results were obtained by many through the simple breathing into the nose, throat and lungs o£ the medicated air of oil of Hyomei. Probably no better, safer or more sensible precaution against Influ enza. Grippe, Coughs, Coids, ltron cliitis or Catarrh of tlie nose and throat could be employed than to go now to the nearest drug store and get a complete Hyomei outtlt con sisting of a bottle of the pure Oil of Hyomei and a little vestpoeket hard rubber inhaling device into which a lew drops of the oil are poured. Carry this Inhaler with you dur ing the day and. each half hodir or so put it in your mouth and draw deep breaths of its pure healing germicidal air into the passages of your nose, throat and lungs to de stroy any germs that may have found lodgement there. This simple pre caution may save you a serious ill ness and the loss of several weeks' work. It is pleasant to use and not at all expensive as the inhaler! will last a lifetime and further supplies of the Oil of Hyomei can be had at any drug store for a few ecu- Hundreds of people in :his vicinity used Hyomei in tills way during the recent crisis and avoided danger. They should not neglect it now for the danger is by no means over. H. C. Kennedy. FRIDAY EVENING, REV. S. W. HERMAN HEADS SYNOD [Continued from First Cage.] 8 " REV. S. W. HERMAN ports were to the effect that the benevolent contributions of former years were exceeded by a wide mar gin and extensive improvements in church property throughout the city were reported. Looked After Service Men An unusually striking feature of the session was reported of work done among the men in the Army and Navy service. Twenty-live hun dred young men from the Lutheran churches of the district are in the service. Of this number approxi mately 900 men are from the Har risburg conference. Two Harrisburg churches ac cording to the reports, have exceed ed all previouc records for contri butions to benevolent objects. These were Zion Lutheran and Memorial Lutheran churches. A number of important actions were taken by the synod. Ministers who leave the ministry will be re quired to deposit their certificates with the president of synod. Reso lutions were passed asking that con gregations support all future Lib erty Loan campaigns and future re construction work. A period of daily prayer during the period of the peace conference was urged. The question of making the presidency a salaried ollice was referred to a committee and will be taken up at next year's session. A committee was appointed to revise the consti tution in harmony with that of the the new United Lutheran church. A motion was passed to 'increase the salaries of ministers to $1,500 a year and parsonage. Dr. Herman -was named as chairman of the nominat ing committee for the coming year. The Rev. H. IV. A. Hanson and the Rev. A. Ai. Stamets, both of Harris burg were named as associates. Dr. Herman as a member of the ex amining committee will conduct ex-, animations in the Augsburg Confes sion and the English Bible. Other Harrisburg names on the commit tees include; Committeemen Synodical missionary committee, the Rev. L. C. Alanges, the Rev. S. YV. Herman, Luther Alinter. Delegates to the Interchurch Fed eration of Pennsylvania, the Rev. 11. W. A. Hanson and F. B. Wicker sham. Steelton. Loysville special memorial com mittee, the Rev. O. N. Lauffer, of Steelton. Committee on deficit and appor tionments, Dr. L. C. Alanges, chair man. Committee on order of evening service for 1920, Dr. J. B. Alarlc ward, chairman. Sunday school secretary for synod, the Rev. R. L. Aleisenhelder. Miscellaneous committees, the Rev. Thomas Reisch, the Rev. AI. E. Sheaffer, Professor J. J. Brehm, Dr. Croll Keller. # "Pop" Sayres to Address Sunday Y. M. C. A. Rally Charles W. Sayres, boys' work secretary of the Lancaster Y. M. C. A., a returned overseas "Y" sec retary, will be the speaker at the Sunday afternoon men's meeing at the Central Y. M. C. A. the coming Sunday. Mr. Sayres, better known in Lancaster and among the "boys" over there as 'Pop" Sayres, was at tached to the United States Marines. Music for the meeting Sunday will be furnished by the Stevens Memor ial Orchestra. 'Pop" Sayres lias had experience as an overseas "Y" secretary in a rather unique way, he having seen four distinct types of service. First he was placed in the work Sher wood Eddy pleases to call the serv ice in the "bull ring." This refers to the place back of the lines where soldiers underwent their last strenu ous training before going against the Huns. He was in the trenches for forty-two days, eight days in open warfare and then spent time In a gns evacuating hospital ministering to soldiers recovering from injuries. Tlje meeting begins at 3.30 o'clock and is freo to mei. Fathers have beeji invited to bring their sons, provided, however, thut boys under twelve years of age aro left at home. ' MBf, CAROLINE A. KFMKI.L i ■ aro " no *A. 1' i'PioU, widow lof Theodore A. Fremell, i e ,i Thurs : day morning in her eihty-second , j'ear. Bhe is survived by fur dnugh i ters, Mrs. Merrill C. Crar., Woon i socket, R. I.; Mrs. Edward'. Willis, j Mrs. William A. Smith tl ,i Mrs. I Charles C. HofTmun, of thlsTitv and I two sons, Charles and WallceVre-l | mell, nnapolis, Aid, Fun%i S ev- I j vices will bo held from f r ] a te ! home. 2134 North Second sl<- e t on ; • .Monday afternoon at 2 o'cloci ser- ' | vices and burial will be priv tO , j DUNDOFFJURY IS NOW COMPUTE' [Continued from First Page.. I monSvealth, and two were exctbd ' because of illness. The I the jurymen challenged for cate | said they had conscientious scruple 1 against capital punishment an would be influenced in returning I verdict. Some of the jurors also sail) they had formed and expressed an opinion as to the guilt or innocence) of Dundoff and were not accepted. Dundoff. who is 20 years old, is charged with shooting James Wylte, alias James Aloore. alias James West, but commonly known in Steelton as "Blackberry." it is charged that Blackberry came into the Dundoff store at Franklin and Myers street, and started arguing about change. In the course of the argument it is alleged that Vasil shot Blackberry while the latter was lighting his father. The shooting occurred about noon, September 13. M Xt (iiillty" District Attorney Alichael E. Stroup, assisted by W. Justin Carter, is pros ecuting the case. William H. Earn est and Oscar G. Wickershant are at torneys for young Dundoff. When arraigned in court late yes- 1 2000 SWEATERS for Ren, Women, —W* TCHILDREN'S FURS—On Special! Misses, Boys, Girls and Inhnts, placed jjPT S\F | gVj ||| 1%1 ' Sale —You can find almost any kind || on Special Sale. Hundrels of colors ||| |y | Kj j| j[ \f Y ou want. SSefsiMQ 7 aud 9 S. Market Square * Pre-Xmas Specials entir^stohel 500 Women's and Misses' COATS- I You Will Find February Prices 1 At Reductions Tkat Will Astonish You inMid Seaso ' | JSK&I this showing you yill find Velours, Pompoms, Silvertones, Plushes, Uam kvi n n nnfl CoO \T |IM Zibelines, Burellas, Oxford Cloth and others in every shade and stvle. ' lUttJr C&III1 k/M-lill UC&Jf ift $22.50 * I /.98525.85 *10.98 M _ "• jK COATS r~ COATS ID 500 Overcoats and Suits 500jl ISL $27.85HQ.98 $30.85 *1 1.98 ■ V tfOA.OO -■ I MIS COATS 10— COATS ll j&l ■*" . pM>= """ ypzwmi _______ > M ! I Don't Miss This Sale of Suits and 1 V] $40.85 549.85 tO 198 : 1 I M COATS Ld COATS wr~ ™ iv—*- v.w, a u.„_ I 1— Overcoats and buits lEvery Ladies' 'Suit Qb SUITS For Friday and Saturday n jr% v% c c •. \r i c o*i 1000 Suits and Overcoats to Go at Xhese Prices Px | MuSt GO RegardleSS *#M jTsui FPSRFK, Ml. U $B,O OVERCOATS SS. S I ft,-; <-$ tone >3uiis, ouits, Liabardine gs 53.98 $lO.OO OVERCOATS $0.98 wj £ T7 D • Suits, Velvet Suits and others in $7.50 SUITS $4.49 $12;50 OVERCOATS $7.98 ot Former "rices <C-> P every style and color $7.98 SUITS #4.08 $15.00 OVERCOATS #O.OB B V V*"TV. AIVV V \\RL/ Y 7 ' $B5O SUITS $5.98 $16.50 OVERCOATS $10.98 | / / $lO 00 SUITS $0.98 $lB.OO OVERCOATS $12.98 F| $22.50 Suits $25.85 Suits ! $27.85 Suits $29.85 Suits SI "° SUITS * r9B 82000 OVERCOATS * l4 - 98 1 / II !gg ' ' Agest Ito 18 Years Every Style and Design. jg i S MJo *16.98 iSjLL'te 18.98 *19.98 Men's Trousers 1 i $32.85 Suits $34.85 Suits 1\ T* $39.85 Suits $44.85 Suits ==s ~ """'J K T AO / R * * " $4.00 PANTS #8.4!>|57.50 PANTS #4.49 ■ |g gg *97 98' *2s 98 88 %% I Children's Teddy Boys' Corduroy and | ' Women's and Misses' Dresses A Special Showing of Bear Suits Cloth Pants At very low prices—Serge Dresses, Jersey Dresses, Satin Children's and Girls' Coats In 3 pieces—in five different! 500 pairs. Value to $1.75. || Dresses, Taffeta Dresses, Silk Poplin Dresses, Crepe de ' . ~ , , shades. Regular $5.00 value. f .,. V . . . , , , Ages Ito lo years jn all styles and colors. ° , ■ Chine Dresses and others in very latest styles and colors. M* tm Br| $5.00 COATS $3.49 $10.85 COATS.... $6.98 /H DTFC A $12.50 DRESSES $7.98 $25.85 DRESSES $17.98 $6.00 COATS $3.98 $12.85 COATS .... $7.98 /IU $15.85 DRESSES $9.98 $27.25 DRESSES $19.98 $7.50 COATS $4.49 $15.00 COATS.... $9.98 • I $20.80 DRESSES $13.98 $30.85 DRESSES $21.88 $7.85 COATS $4.98 $16.50 COATS... .'510.98 ' H 522.85 DRESSES $15.98 $35.85 DRESSES $24.98 $8.85 COATS $5.98 $18.85 COATS.... $43.49 ——— S Clearance of Every Raincoats B 111TQ rll 1 T*r> . CI • For Men, Women, Boys *l JL* U1 V F stii and inter oKirt $3.00 RAINCOATS.... $1,981 $6.00 RAINCOATS.... $3.98^ 4 1 ,4R, 1 . ROl • $4.00 RAINCOATS.... $2.49 $7.50 RAINCOATS.... $4.98 M / tjflliX Separate Scarf and Muff A Wonderful Selection of Skirts $5.00 RAINCOATS $2.98| $8.85 RAINCOATS.... $5.98 S Y K prtccs 9 in Foxes" U Plaids. Checks, Bars and Plain Colors in every style and " ' T~ Y .. 1 Seals tc Wiccs rangc fron shadc Men s and Boys Mackinaws H 57.50 SKIRTS... $4.98 $8.85 SKIRTS... $5.98 , " I . $Q._B5 J 0 % ■ 1J0.50 SKIRTS... $6.98 $12.85 SKIRTS... $7.98 $7.85 BOYS' 510.85 MEN'S MACKINAWS, H TU^ 2 s!s.bo SKIRTS.., $9.98 $16.85 SKIRTS... $16.98 $8, 85 BOYS' SI6,BS'MEN'S MACKINAWS, B IR. for "the sets, $18.83 SKIRTS.,, $12.98 $20.00 SKIRTS,., $14.98 $5.98 % $ll. 1)8 M HARXUSBURG TELEGRAPH terelay afternoon and asked whether he pleaded guilty or not guilty, Vnsll in a low but steady tone replied: "Not guilty; defending my father, my mother and myself." Seuted beside him yesterday and to-day were his father and mother, Mrs. John Dundoff and an uncle, Tasca Dundoflf. A num ber of friends of the family was pres ent in court also. The Dundofts are well-"known in Steelton and Vasil has many friends. During the examination of the jur ors young DundofC showed little un easiness. His mother, sitting close to him, watched every move he made. Now and then she would wipe away tears but most of the time appeared composed. Colored Girl is First Witness Clara Valentine, a 13-yeur-old col ored girl, was the first witness. She said that when she came Into the Dundoff store at the corner of Frank lin and Myers streets she went to the second storeroom where meats are sold. While there she said she heard" Vasil and Blackberry arguing over change and at last heard Dun doff order the colored man from the store. She said Vnsll's father then came Into the rear room and put Blackberry out on the street. She •an home then, she told tne jury, and lid not see the shooting. District ttorney Sfroup said he would call Wo more children to the stand who Ad been in the store at the time. They Dorothy Hartman and Harvey Mtmer. PIOFITEERING TO BE HARD FOUGHT I'ontiiiucd from First Page.] that ,vhcn the grocers, accustomed to suing sugar in two-pound lots, are ciled upon to meet tho increas ed dmand attendant upon the housebldcrs* desire to stock their sugar JJIS, there will be a tendency ;in some quarters to profiteer. It Is ! to prevent such action thut-the food I administration will bend its ener- I gies with unabated zeal. To Fix I'rices The "fair food" prices, made tip Iby a representative committee of | grocers with the help of the conn- J ty. food administration, will remain Jin force indefinitely. Grocers are j obliged to conform to tho price regu ! lotions represented in the maximum volumn of tho price list, llouse ! holders have been urged to compare their procers' prices with tho fair food prices printed every Tuesday and Friday in another column of the Telegraph, and see that they observe | thorn. When a grocer Is known to | charge more for a commodity than I the food administration has allow ; ed as fair, householders can co-op erate by reporting the instance to tlio food administration office in the Dauphin building, and the grocer will be called upon for an explana tion. Evidence that the National Food -Administration at Washington will ' see that the price regulations are i strictly enforced was contained in I instructions received by the local ad j ministrator this morning. A fair I price list, made up by the local gro ] cers and the county food adminis tration, must be sent to Washing ton every week, to be examined by the national experts for a determi nation of their fairness. A fair margin of profit, already j decided upon by tho Washington ad ministration, will be allowed groc | ers. Tho local food administration j will be called upon to show why lo cal prices deviate from Washington's I opinion ot' what should be charged. To Curb Prices j The fair price list forms contain j a column showing the state standard | price for household edibles, a col | umn showing the local prices charg ed, and a column in which the lo cal food administration must explain all irregularities between the local I prices and the state standard. The list is then sent to the Wash ington Food Administration offices, where It is examined to determine if the locul grocers aro eonformrtig i properl* to tho fair margins ol' j prolit. ' A message received from How- | ard Heinz, state food, administrator, this morning, emphasized upon the local food administration officials the necessity of cortforming to all the regulations necessary to curb pric advances for food necessities. KILLS PAIN IN 5 MINUTES Agony of ltheiimatixm ami fiout, \>u rnlgiu, I.iimbiigo, Client Colli* anil Sore 'l'llreal United In Unit tlie Time It Times Other Iteincilles. Mustarine won't blister it is al ways ready for use it's grand mother's old-fushloned mustard plus- : ter With other up-to-date pain killers I added. The best and quickest remedy in the world for lameness, sore mus cles, stiff neck, cramps In leg, ear ache, backache, headache and tooth ache. Begy's Rlustarine—ask for it ■by name. It is made of real, honest, yellow mustard not cheap substi- > tutes. Use it freely to draw the pain ! from those sore feet—lt's great for chilblains, too. and for frosted feet. I Ask for and get Mustarine always in | the yellow box. stops' PA\N MUSTARINF DECEMBER 6, 1918. [• Sweeit Nut I Margarine a 34c lb. 31b. $1.65 I Madp From Cocoanuts and Milk. Finest For Table Use. Coffee Teas | Our Entire Fancy ANY VARIETY Blend 28c lb. 49c lb. Equal to Any 60c Quality _ _ T 1 or Money Refunded. Our No. I Standard Powdered Eggs Blend 24c lb. (Not a Substitute > Trial Package 10$ B Cannot Be Excelled at will Do the Work of Any Price. Three Eggs. Tamsui Tea Co. 331 MARKET STREET, Second Floor.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers