TECH AND JOHNSTOWN SIGN DREADNAUGHT CONTRACT FOR BIG GAME ON SATURDAY BanglShippensburg Boy of Fifteen Brings Down 200 Pound Back Deer The family of C. L. Strike, of Ship pensburg, will have plenty of line rich venison from now on until , Christmas. 200 pounds of it, and may- L be lucky friends will get a nibble of ™ the white meat, supposing venison, has the characteristics of chicken and turkey. If some one unexpectedly dumped at your fireside 200 pounds of luscious deer what would you do for him? This is the question agitating "Pop" Strike, for his enterprising son, Wal ter, aged 15, came home last night, hauling with him the carcass of a buck deer, eight prongqd and weigh ing over 200 pounds. Picture this young Nlmrod's unholy joy when he AROUND THE BASES If the Clown Quince had a "re treating" chin before the war, it must be fastened onto the back of his neck by* this time. • • ' • Harrisburg fans to-day welcomed "Red" Crane, shortstop, now with Indianapolis or, at least, he says that this city now owns him. Red is about the only Harrisburg boy in biß basebal lcompany. Towards the end of last season, he went to Baltimore and played great ball. Red hud appearance of being in prime shape and ho predicts that basebal Iwill flourish like a green bay tre next season. The celebrated in fielder, who has always lacked just enough hitting ability to get into the king -ow. will stay here prob ably until training time calls the pastimcrs south. • • ♦ We serve notice herewith on Irvin Cobb that he will have to get the snow off his feet to beat this one told by a confrere, Senator Smith, of Gawgia, sah: Relates he: "German militarism set out to! overrun the world. Before the disasters that have befallen it, however, German militarism must now be feeling a good deal like Cal. Clay. .Calhoun Clay of Paint Rock was fishing for tar pon in Florida, and he hooked such a big one that it pulled him over-1 board. As Cal went over the side j of the boat and tore through the water in the tarpon's wake he said: "What Ah wants to know is dis— is dis niggah afishin', or dis fish a-niggerin'?" "I am nearly sixty years old but j I must finish my task of changing J the whole map of Europe."—The "Kaiser" one year ago. You said something, Bill. • • • * At Ephrata last night Tim Droney, pride of Lancaster, bested Patsy Green of Boston. The show was staged by Frank Erne and drew a big crowd. Lancaster seems to be full of boxers as an egg Is of meat, ino entertainment included Harry uehs, Dick Gobisch, Whitey King, Mickey Williams and Kid La fayette, all from the town of pretzels and cheese. Columbia contributed Kid Miller, who was knocked out cold by Monsieur Lafayette. For i Harrisburg fans the mnst'lnteresting scrap was that of Nat Vnacmnn and Whitey King, Nat earning the de cision. * • • Tommy {at Red Cross concert) — "What's that man got his eyes shut for while he's singing?" Friend — "Because he can't bear to see us suffer." —London Opinion. • * It's safer, far, to be a deer, Or any other same Tlui" have a bone-bend comrade Who's linble to malm Or shoot, von dead. And the- "haw-haw" With: "Didn't know it," laugh. For ours, we'd rather keep our aim On shooting Jersey calf, i Tis like, a neriseope might help To twig the brainless sot: Some bright regalia might be wain To keep from being swat; ARROW COLLARS C.IUETT, PEftBODV a CO. INC. MAKERS Play Safe- Stick to KING OSCAR CIGARS Because the quality is as good as ever it was. They will please and satisfy you 7c—worth it JOHN C. HERMAN & CO. Makers THURSDAY EVENING, found himself alono in the remote fastness of Middle Ridge, South mountains, on Monday last, where he was rusticating for the time on leave of absence from work at Mid dlctown. It was the first time Walter ever came face to face with the forest rambler, but he was there with speed and control. One bang and the forest king toppled, a clean bull's eye, and nobody else Injured. Shippensburg turned out by hundreds to view the valuable carcass and in days to come Walter will be able to dream by the fireside of his prowess as ho gazes at the head of the noble buck, mounted by admiring townsmen. But one thing sure, the hunter "bone" Would do less harm with dhaperon, t • In peace times Englishmen make use of 105,000 acres of land for the purpose of golf playing There are two thousand orgMnizations, with nearly three hundred thousai.d n embers, and about 7,200,000 balls are made use of annually. • "The White Caps drug Andy Whalin out 1 of bed last night, tooki him to the big timber, bent him over a log, and mighty nigh lammed the life out of him with hickory gads," related an acquaint ance from Hominy Holler. "His wife came screaming for help, und when a pnssel of us fellers got there we found him with a night shirt on, and " "Was that what they whipped him for?" interestedly asked Gap John son of Rumpus Ridge, Ark. • "Baby Airplanes" are the latest. Popular Mechanics tells how small , panes of les wing-spread than some of the largest albatross are being produced now. The wings of these tiny machines extend only 15 feet, while albatross have been known to measure 17 and 18 feet from tip to tip. It is considered likely that aircraft of this type will prove val uable to the aerial mail service after the war 1J won. Large machines will no doubt be used for long non stop flights, but for maintaining in terurban service the small, less ex pensive planes quite probably will | be employed, at least in England, it is contended. The artist's drawing | presented herewith is intended' chiefly for comparative purposes. It shows one of the small airplanes taking on fuel in a village street, while a mail-bearing pivachute floats earthward from a large "through express" flying aloft. Onei is struck by the thought that a 15- foot airplune would occupy no more space in a village street than some farmer's hayrack, although it is hoped that airmen will not get in the habit of alighting in such places.' • "I am surprised to see you have such a quantity of preserves left over from last year." "Nobody could get the lids off." explained the housewife briefly.— Louisville Courrier-Journal. City Championship Game on Next Saturday Tarsus and West End are going to try once more to settle the city cham pionship honestly. Last time they engaged there was plenty, of the ireat 'em rough stuff and Tarsus an nounced that sho would not meet the husky West Endcrs again. The latter were somewhat contrite and now the two have arranged to hook up at 2.45 on Saturday at the Fourth and Seneca streets field. The first game ended 14-0 favor of Tarsus, but West End demanded that the contract bo uved up to of the best out of three. A suggestion for Saturday's battle would be to have competent referee and umpire. • LEONARD BILLIARD TOURNAMENT George Genn put It over on David Smouso last night, though he carried a handicap of 100, the loser handi capped at 70. The winner had a high run of 9, while Smouso registered five. M. P. Johnson, playing at 70 scratch, defeated Jack George, play ing at 80 scratch, by a score of 70 to 78. He won therefore by but two points. This match was extremely exciting and Intense Interest was bent upon It from start to finish. To-night Bruce Mingle, playing at 80 scratch, will take on Smouse playing at 70 scratch and Jack George playing at 80 will meet Thomas De vlne, playing at 70. The big parlor was filled with an enthusiastic crowd. SNOODLES He Achieves a-Life's Ambition By Hunger/ord f WELL- I <sUET,SS I / ,-r WILL. KGE.P —* —- ' t /PAT KID SHO \ Jfr fi 7/ I _ . ! . ' • h ~""'" tK. . -CJT 1 Clark Griffith Tells How Baseball Can Be Governed Justly For All The one thing that a ballplayer j most detests is being regarded as chattel, a slave to be disposed of to the highest bidder, without any say on his part. Years of experience prove that organized ball must have a stan dardized system, and for this coming yeur no one has proposed more eflici ent program than Clark* Uriftlth, the old lox, of Wasningtou, who has out lined an agreement under which major and minor league clubs could work that would give justice gnu equity to the players, as well as "he i owners. Griffith believes the new agreement would settle the threaten ing war 'between the majors and minors and also aid the minors in strengthening their teams. Three years ago Urifilth presented a resolution to me American Leugue requesting it never again to buy,! traae, or sell a ballplayer. After dis cussion the resolution was denied on the grounds that it was not the proper | time to adopt such a mousure, as tile j Federal League players were thrown out of employment at that lime. Three Itulcs to Govern Game Organized baseball, both major and j minor, can be governed by the three following rules, which' will give jus tice und equity to player and club owner alike: The reserve rule; the draft rule; the waiver rule. The reserve rule will protect clubs property and investments. The draft rule will insure the ad vancement of the player, in his pro fession. ' , , The waiver rule protects the club owner and at the same time the rights of the player. Kules that shall govern the applica tion of the three mentioned rules to be as follows, viz.: No club shall be permitted to sell or buy a player except by the waiver rule. . Waivers cannot be recalled. All clubs to work under a close player limit. . „ That all minor league players shall go to the draft. No club shall be allowed to trade a P ThV'numbcr of players to be drafted in class AA und A to be greater than the number the rules provide for. The waiver price on a player classed as a "drafted" player shall be the' TO INCREASE LIBRARY Camp Hill, Pa„ Dec. s.—The edu cational committee of the Camp Hill Civic Club with Mrs. W. M. Denni son as chairman, is conducting a canvass of the town to secure funds with which to increase the school library. The High school students are assisting the committee during this week of institute. LAST NIGHT'S BOWLING There was plenty of bowling in and about Harrisburg last evening, married men over at Parthemore alleys. New Cumberland, feeling very cocky over trimming the poor, mis guided single men by a margin of 79 pins, as follows: MARRIED MEN Banidolph ... 99 155 115 — 369 Monroe 104 109 111— 324 Noggle 127 95 90— 312 Slats 115 1,49 111— 374 Kaufman .... 108 97 84— 289 Totals 533 005 501—1668 SINGLE MEN Lake 133 85 123 311 Kitamlller ... 110 90 103— 293 Rocky 108 84 100— 292 MeGiver 115 128 117 — 360 Britton 105 103 95 303 Total 571 490 528—1589 At the Casino alleys, the Firestone Tire Company vacuum-elcaned the Goodrich Rubber Company boys, with 318 pins over and above. Their summary: GOODRICH TIRE CO. Gross 134 146 78 — 358 Vollmer 132 131 85 — 348 Clouser ...... 103 59 75 237 Webb 84 91 115— 290 Sauter ....... 127 142 H6- 685 Totals 580 659 469—1618 FIRESTONE TIRE CO. Cage 152 140 116— 408 Bossard ..... 101 131 149—— 381 Busherg 96 106 125 327 Jackman .... 109 90 162 361 Gosnell 13fl 156 154 449 Totals 597 623 706—1926 In the Central Iron and Steel League the Purchasing outfit out bowled the Sales department, Just like this: SALES E. Drinkwater 168 140 147 455 Stoner 167 166 188— 521 Darr 160 132 191— 439 Lechthaler ... 160 165 164 — 489 Totals 734 777 862—2373 PURCHASING Myers ....... 123 97 112— 332 Kirke .' 74 114 141— 329 Falk 104 148 128— 380 Harms 119 140 117— 376 Stautfer 160 170 158 — 483 Totals 580 669 656—1905 The Leonard alleys staged Ac counting department of the Central Iron and Steel League In a victory over Open Hearth, by 17 pins: OPEN HEARTH McGulre 330 133 138— 401 Zerbe 173 173 McQuald 307 135 —■ 242 Stitcher ....... 144 135 162 441 Smith 121 147 184— 452 Albinl 125 139 160— 424 Totals 693 661 779—2123 HARRIBBTTRG TEEEGRAP^C same as the amount for which he was drafted. The waiver price on all other play ers to be the regular waiver price of tlie league requesting the waiver. Any club in any league wishing to dispose of the services of a player, waivers shall be asked, only cftibs in the same classification shall have the right to claim said player, the clubs of the league requesting the waiver to have prior claim, should two,or more clubs claim the player it shall be decided by lot to which club he shall go: If the player be not claimed in the classification requesting waiv ers. and the club requesting the waiver no longer desires the services of the player, then and in that event the player shall become subject to claim by clubs In lower classifications, according to the now existing rules; when it is determined which club shall have the services of the player, said club shall got the player free of cost. Would Abolish the "Farms" The above rules will emancipate the player, he wiTl no longer be bargain ed in as a "chattel," it will also pre vent the farming and the manipula tion of players by the clubs. The Important thing to all clubs concerned is that it would equalise the chances of clubs in every league of getting the services of players, each club would have to depend on drafting and developing Its players in stead of buying them already made. • The benefits accruing from the above would be much greater to the minor leagues than to the majors. The minors would get the draft price for a player and get him back or someone else in his stead for nothing. The minor leagues' backs have been broken by carrying major league owned players and being unable to get players when they wanted them. The major leagues, and in fact all leagues, should be compelled to cut their roster to the players limit by the commence ment of their season; this would al low all clubs in lower classifications to have a chance to get the playera .that they need. Haseball should be put on a sport basis bv minor league * and major league alike and the way to do this is to quit trying to live on selling play ers. The rankest failures in the class AA and A leagues are the clubs that have tried to livo on peddling players. ACCOUNTING Grissinger ... 182 125 168 — 475 Sheesley 166 132. 110— 408 Hare 142 128 104— 374 Drlnkwater .. 144 108 138-r- 390 Lechthaler ... 161 162 180 — 503 Totals 795 655 700 —2150 STANDING OF THE TEAMS' W. L. Pet. Purchasing 7 5 .583 Accounting ." w 8 7 .533 Open Hearth 8 7 .533 Sales 4 8 .333 : How Ball Players Did Their Bit in the World War More than one-half of the base ball players who composed the eight clubs of the National League for a greater part of the cham pionship season of 1918 are, or were up to the time the war end ed, with the colors. Some saw ac tual fighting, two were killed In Uncle Sgm's service, and the men were represented in pretty much every branch of the service. There were considerably more than half with the colors —a frac tion over 64 per cent, to be ex plicit. Data which John Heydler, acting president of the National League, has just finished gather ing, show that 103 of its players were in the service. This is en tirely apart from those who went into essential work. It means men in actual service with the army or navy. The total number of players re served for the season of 1918 was 257, which number, incidentally, has been reduced to 158 for 1919. From May 15 to the end of the 1918 season the eight National League Clubs carried an average of from 160 to 160 players. One hundred and three—the number in the service—is 64 and a fraction per cent, of 160, the extreme limit of men carried from May 1 on. | There is nothing whatever in the'se figures suggestive of slack er as applied to professional base ball players as a class. On the contrary, the showing Is an excel lent one and a credit to the game. The players of the National Lea gue did their share fully as fight ing men. The statistics show that. "The facts probably are." says Acting President Heydler, who is given to conservative state ments, "that baseball gave as great if npt greater per cent. *of its employes than any other oc cupation." A half dozen men or so jumped to shipyard and steel leagues, but twenty times that number were, or arc. to be found In army camps, In navy yards, on fighting ships or in the armies abroad. The 103 men in the service were apportioned as follows: Army (drafted) 43; army (volunteered) 22; navy (volunteered) 32; avia tion (volunteered) 7. Sixty-one of the 103 players—s9 per cent.— volunteered and before this (Jraft law became effective. The 103 were mostly players who took part in National League championship games in 1917 or 1918. "Cal" Frank Is Picked to Instruct at Pennsy Y. M. C. A. Gymnasium Merit wins, is the old adage, and it has been illustrated again in 'he appointing of Calvin Frank as physi cal instructor of the Pennsy Y. M. C. A. gymnasium, situated at Reily and Wallace streets. This very respon sible job was formerly handled by another expert. Lieutenant Horace Geisel, now with Pershing's Army, and the fact that he- may not soon return demanded a substitute until he does., Looking over the pick of athletes In Harrisburg the committee finally decided that "Cal" Frank had all the requisites, and he is being warmly congratulated to-day for the selection. Everybody who patronizes athletics in the city knows "Cal," a star on Tech, and a brother of "Nobe" Frank, who was equally prominent on the Central High pig skin thumpers. Last year the two brothers were pitted against each other. YACHT BELIEVED LOST Detroit, Dec. 5. —Belief that the gasoline yacht Graciel 11, of this city, has been lost in Lake was expressed In marine -circles yester day when word was received that the body of a woman wearing a life preserver carrying the boat's name was washed ashore 15 miles south of Ambertsburg, Ont., last night. APR USE 1 Victory Wr I Bread .. k&^Mn H SAVE V^HII P , j T TSE' Victory Bread—save wheat That's an import- §j|||l;l|^B;|| U ant obligation with you now. # . ■pllll When you have it toasted—just right, and buttered hot, jj||j' |j! : M jjjp J l|j|j§| youTl find that this "substitute" bread has a lot more flavor. gj||| ||fj# ||||i;J S jjj fpjfj Toasting brings out flavor—eveVy time. It makes tobacco B§|jlJj |j|i j; |g||; ■i j delicious. Try Lucky Strike Cigarette —it's toasted. I - mfmtfrfflfftytTlTnffii rfmm Hm m Tl H M ItH mTm it li ilfflfllff ffl tfj i mm fTtT^Bft Mill itUstf{Sm ■ ll' 1111 iiii" TECH AND JOHNSTOWN SIGN TIGHT CONTRACT FOR GAME A castiron contract was put through this morning by Tech and Johnstown High, each pledging to hold to the agreements nuide for a game to decide the high school championship of Pennsylvania on Saturday next at the Island grounds. So fearful appears to be each team that the other may kick out before the day arrives that this contract was drawn up like a Draconian law and It will be almost Impossible now for either one to buck. The contract culls for a guarantee to Johnstown of SSOO, or forty per cent, of the net receipts, this mean ing receipts after local expenses con nected with publicity, etc., are taken out. Johnstown agreed to this with out a murmur, but up to the hour of going to press she could not come to any conclusion aboujt game ofli rtals, # Athletic major-domo, Percy L. Grubb, was busy as a one-armed pa perlianger with the hives to-day try ing to settle on the list of dictators. At noon he believed the array would include Bob Maxwell, of Philadel phia, referee: Taggurt, of Steelton, umpire, and Butler, .of Harrisburg, linesman. Mr. Grubb submitted this morning a number of names in event of these not suiting Johnstown, DECEMBER 5, 1918. among them Okeson, of Lehigh; Da vison and Keough, of University of Pennsylvania. Any one of these are good men and tried. Johnstown sug gested Comfort, of Pittsburgh, but Grubb cannot find his name on the Central Board list. * | At any rate the game is sure to come off, now that the contract is signed, and it remains for Harris j burg to turn out by thousands so . that these valiant native sons are not i gojng to be financially wrecked at : undertaking so considerable a guar • antee. The game is to start prompt j ly at 2.30. Send Your Warm Clothes to Sanatorium Patients j Only a few days remain in which to send articles to the Civic Club, 612 North Front srteet, for the Sanitar- I iums at Mt. Alto and Hamburg. It Is | hoped that this year's donations may ] even exceed last year's when eight I large barrels and boxes were packed | with clothes for men, women and ! children. Everything in the way of I warm clothing is needed desperately —dresses, overcoats, stockings, un derwear, coats, shawls, hoods, mit tens, clothes for men or boys. If you have given your surplus to the Belgians or to the Nursery Home the •committee asks that you send very promptly a donation of money to the Chairman, Mrs. Hubert H. Irons, 1625 North Front street Tho boxes will be packed on Tuesday, December 10 for the tubercular patients are wait ing for them and they must be sent as soon as possible. Schlute Corporation Agrees to Withdraw Its Charges President Judge George Kunkel late yesterday afternoon signed an order finally staying the judgment entered against the Holman-Haesel er Company by D. A. Schulte, in corporated, of New York. Hy agree ment of counsel for both parties, the entire matter has been amicably adjusted, the check for the second payment of November rent having been returned to the local clothing firm. It was stated by counsel for the New York firm that the judg ment had been entered through a misunderstanding of the terms of the Holman lease. The local firm in a statement to-day said it does not believe the action has in any way Injured his business and will con tinue at the same place. A. W. Hol man holds an option for a five-year renewal of his present lease. George F. Lumb, attorney, said to-day. 13
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers