2 POSTAGE STAMPS AND POSTALS AT THE OLD RATES Senate Committee Provides For Change, Which Is to Co Into Effect July 1 WaxhlnKlon, Nov. 30. After July 1 next, a two-cent stump will curry a letter anywhere and a postal card may bo bought at the old price of one cent. Publishers of newspapers and periodi cals may send their product to any point within a radius of 200 miles at the rate of one cent a pound, und be yond that for one und a half cents a pound. The decisions were reached by the Senate finance committee, which is re drafting the revenue bill in the light of new developments resulting from tho signing of the armistice. Of course, the action of the finance committee must be ratified by the Senate aird agreed to by the House, but It is re garded as certain that both houses will agree to the changes now that the war is over. Generally speaking, the changes which were votod into the revenue bill by the finance committee restore the pre-war rates on second class as well as first clash postage. Instead of the present rate of three cents an ounce on letter mail, and a two-cent rate on postal cards, each is reduced one cent. Before the war publishers were able to send their newspapers and periodicals anywhere in the Unit ed States for one rent a pound. Heduces Zone System The action of the Senate commit tee. which was taken !>y a vote of tu to 3. almost wipes out tho zone sys tem for which Postmaster General Burleson fought so hard. Instead of eight zones with trans-, portation charges graded according to the length of the haul, the country. | according to the plan °, f , tb .° i committee, will he divided into two zones—that of 200 miles, and beyond. Furthermore, the action of the com . mittee assuming that it is written in to the law, will prevent the graduat- , ed Increase in publishers' rates, based on percentages of advertlslng to reading matter, which were to hare I gone into effect on July 1 next. It is believed "that the action of the c °™~ | mittee will eliminate the future con troversy between newspaper anil | magazine publishers resulting fionii the" zone system proposals of recent years. 32,000 Names Added to the Casualty Lists; Total Reaches 265,839 By Associated Press Washington, Nov. 30. —The new casualty reports add more than 3 2,- 000 names to the American total for the war. The summary announc ed last week totalled 233,117, in-; eluding 2.163 prisoners. G f ner ' ll I March said he did not think the j number of prisoners would he in- j creased materially by the new iig- j ' tiros, indicating the probable total ; of November 26 will be 265,830. To-day's summary adds 4,310 to, the number killed in action or dead | of wounds: 1.823 to the number of i dead of disaster: 10.330 to the num-i l.er wounded and tho number of missing in action is increased front 1.160 to 14,290. The large increase in the latter classification is attri buted to belated reports from all i, commands on the checking up of p missing: men. Troops from eleven states com posed the three divisions named by General March as designated for early return homo as they originally were organized. The 79th, compos ed of troops from Northeastern Pennsylvania, Eastern Maryland and tlie District of Columbia was in action east of the Mouse, advancing > toward Damvillers when the armis- > tiee ended hostilities General March 6a id. Fire and Police Alarms to Be Given Riverside; Water System Soon Ready i ' Fire and police alarm boxes in the Fourteenth ward will he instal led and connected in a week or two, i otficials announced to-day. The cable to be used to connect the boxes with the present city lire alarm system, is now being stretched along the poles In the district. Five lire alarm and two police call boxes will be in staled in the ward. On Monday employes of the water i department will begin the work ot coifneeling the city's mains to th,e j lines in the Fourteenth ward. The | connections will he made at Second j nnd Division and Sixth und Division ; streets, ar.d in about a week res:-| dents in Riverside will be using lilt- |: ered water furnished by the city. p Commissioner Hasslcr announced;: he will probably have all tho neces- | sary legal preparations completed \ \ by next Tuesday so thnt council can |, approve finally the purchase of the ; j supply system in the Fourteenth!: ward. The cost will he $13,500, the!, commissioners approving the pur-! : chase at this price. I Snow or Rain Early in New Week an*j at Close Is the Pfrdiction ; By Associated Press Wasltingcm, Nov. 30. Weather predictions for the week beginning ' Monday issued by the Weather Bu reau to-day are: North and Middle Atlantic States: Generally fair weather indicated, al- I though some probability of snow or rain about Tuesday in New York j and New England and again about the end of the week. Nearly normal.| temperatures ufter Monday. Letters to Soldiers Must Bear Return Addresses Washington, Nov. 30.—Under in structions issued yesterday by Post master General Burleson, no letter mall will be accepted by postoflice in the United States for delivery to members of the American Expedition ary Forces without a return address on the envelope. The orderr was issued at the re- ; quest of the War Department so that proper disposition may be made of I mall reaching France for members 1 of the expeditionary forces who have ! returned to the United States. r | *1 People who j; are saving find . ! I Grape-Nuts 1 I food a valu able help. lu—— >—•— —1 * ' s SATURDAY EVENING, . Penna. Soldiers in Added Lists in War This additional list was given out by the War Department In to-day's j casualties: Killed in action, previously re '' ported missing In action: Sergeant William W. Dengler 13 South Third street, Reading, Pa i Privates James H. Davenport, Johnstown. Pa. Lionel J. Hahn, Johnstown, Pa. Died of d'sease, previously re ported missing in action: Privates Angelo Consorte. Ma hanoy City, Pa. - : Stiney Daniel, Mahanoy Citv, Pa. Samuel Daubert, 302 North Eighth I j street, Easton, Pa. j Charles J. Dougherty, Philadel . | phia. Wounded severely in action, prev iously reported killed in action: Private Michael F. Lawless, Scran ton. Pa. Wounded severely In action, prev | iously reported missing In action.: Corporal John J. Malone, Phil adelphia. Privates Raymond M. Cummings, i Philadelphia. Charles Benton Dugan, Muncy, Pa. ( Wounded degree undetermined, previously reported missing in ac tion: William A. Hunkle, 632 West King street, York, Pa. Mechanic Carl David Wheeler, Peckville, Pa. Cook Robert E. Gower. Scranton. Privates Luty Belski, Shamokin, Pa. James J. Burke. Philadelphia. George W. Lentes, Bryn Mawr. Pa. , John Marucki, .683 Laurel street. Reading, Pa. Tony Parks, Dumber City, Pa. Oscar Peterson. East Mckeesport, : Pa. Serafin Siemiekowicz, Scranton. I ! Pa: j John Tully, Philadelphia. Wounded slightly In action. prev-J | iously reported killed in action: Private Nazar Mudakow, McKees ! Rocks, P^. Wounded slightly, previously r<v j ported missing it> action: j Sergeant Robert C. Wilson, j I Wilkes-Barre, Pa. j Privates Alphonso di Mattie, 1 1 Summit Hill. Pa. c William R. M&Cormlek, Connells- , viile. Pa. c Domin.ick Rickiewiez, Shenan- : 1 doah. Pa. j j Sick in hospital, previously re- j | ported missing in action: v Private Adam Ydnchis, Port Grif | flth. Pa. Prisoners, previously reported i wounded in action, degree undeter i mined: c j orporal Aaron Batehelor, Phila- 1 I delphia. q Prisoners. previously reported | wounded severely in action: v Private Angelo Pedercini, Tunnel ti Hill, Pa. Prisoners, previously reported j killed in action: s Corporals Leo B. Dohn, Pitts- c i burgh, Pa. ti I James A. Kenney, Knoxville, Pa. I | Wilbur Kern, 1128 Catasauqua 11 ; street, Allentown, Pa. Clifford W. Miller, Blairsville, Pa. ? Bugler Michael ].■ Grastecke, Jit. j Ppleasant, Pa. Privates Walter Morokovic, Phila- t delphia. Salvatore di Francesco, Erie, Pa. Paul Donson, Carlisle, Pa. 1 Frank B. Dubois, Ensington, Pa. j Henry J. Ernest, Erie, Pa. t Edward J. Fosset, Philadelphia, o Alfred C. Ilagan, Wilkinsburg, Pa. 1 Mareelli S. Kafarsky, 216 Strand n street, Wilmington, Del. Alexander Karas, Rhamokin, Pa. William B. Lower, Lewisburg, Pa. James McColligan, Philadelphia. John' Phillips, Coaldale, Pa. Joseph Prltta, Philadelphia. Parvin J'a. Jewish Soldiers of Today Like Ancient Rabbis, Says Rabbi The Rev. Louis J. Haas preached j a remarkable sermon in Ohev Sholom temple lust evening tn connection with Feast of Light, Clianukah, serv ices which attracted a large audience. "The Modern Macabees" was liis ser mon and he compared the spirit of i Jewish soldiers in the armies of the Allies with the Maccabees of old, who died for freedom In tite old days. "It was a tight then as now. against the autocracy, political and religious —a war to .prevent one man's views ] being forced upon thousands who resented it." said Rabbi Haas. It i was "the few against the many, the weak against the strong, the rignteous against the unrignteous," and the Maccabees sacriilced their Uvea for their ideals. Their spirit, said lJr. Haas, appears to have de scended through the ages to the Jew ish soldiers of to-day, who by their deeds and sacritlces have emulated the Maccabees of old. He likened all the men uf all the Allied armies also to these ancient Maccabees land paid a high tribute to the women of America, France.'ltaly and England, for the wonderful part they have played in the war. Children participated in the serv ices last evening, singing patriotic songs and taking part in a pageant of the nations. To-night, under tiie auspices of the Harrisburg branch 6f the Jewish Welfare Work Com mittee, there will be held an affair for the soldiers of Middletown, New Cumberland and Carlisle and for vis iting soldiers and sailors. John Harris Lodge to Celebrate 17th Year With Grand Chancellor Here Korval Dauglierty, grand chan cellor of Pennsylvania, will be the principal speuker at the seventeenth anniversary of the organization of John Harris Lodge, No. 19S, lvnights of Pythias, to lie held on Monday evening in the hall in Howard street. The program will include vocul selections by A. W. liartman and Miss Amy Burd, instrumental num bers by an orchestra, Mr. Dough erty's address and dancing and re freshments. The committee of arrangements includes Harry A. Boyer, chairman; Harry D. Reel, Charles \V. Erb, W. G. Sntysor, W. F. Franklin, Mr. 1 Boyer and Harry W. Haas, chancel lor commander of the lodge, will also make addresses. F. V. Larkin Entertains Pipe Bending Officials Officials, superintendents and gen eral foremen of the Harrisburg Pipe and Pipe Bending Company, were entertained at the Colonial Country Club as the guests of F. V. Larkin. Gaines were enjoyed dur ing the evening after which a bowl ing match was held, eight teunis competing. W. P. Starkey's team won first place, with d total score of 608. The team included Miller, Sawyeß. Clausen, Butler and Thrush. E. Smith's team was runner up with a score of 472. The bowlers were Laubach, Sites. Dllcher, McQuadc and Smith. High scores wero made by Whalen, 177; larkin, 176; Clau sen, 163, and McDowell, 156. After the match u luncheon Was enjoyed, followed by dancing, including spe cialties and singing by McQuade. I | ANNUAL HAVERSTOCK FAMILY REUNION AT NEW CUMBERLAND j New Cumberland, Nov. 30.—Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Haverstock, of M&rkert street, celebrated their annual family reunion on Thanksgiving Dpy. Their eleven children and their families were present on thin liappy occasion. They were: Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Haverstock, of Lancaster; Mrs. Mollie Shutter and daughter, Esther, of Carlisle: Mrs. G. Rider and Mary Lou. of Hagerstown, Maryland; Mrs. Annie Cameron, of Sher nmnsdale. Perry county; George Haverstock, of Washington, D. C.: Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Haverstock and daughter, Betty; Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Steigerwalt and son, Herbert, of Now Cumberland; ti. E. Haver stock, of York; Norman Haverstock and son, Robert, of Harrisburg, and Miss Esther Haverstock, at home. 1 Shame-Faced By FRANCIS FARQVHAII Chairman Pennsylvania-Delaware Division, Hod Cross Christ inas Roll Call Some of these days all of the Pennsylvania and Delaware soldiers and sailors will he home again. There will be parades und speech- j es and red tire and hurrahs. There j will he handshaking, and tears of j joy: there will he special services in the churches. There will be ach ing hearts, too, for the boys who will never come home. But when the red lire has burned out, the parades and speech-making are over, tho hurrahs have died away and the handshaking is finish ed, the soldier boys und the sailor boys ure going to make certain in quiries. "What were you all doing while | we were over yonder?" will be the first query. "Were you 'carrying on' I back home?" Then it will be possible for thou- | sands of us to reply thut we were j carrying on; that we, too, wefe | lighting a good light and were keep- ! ing the faith. There may he some I among us who will Hush guiltily. Every red-blooded citizen of i Pennsylvania and Delaware, owes I it not only to the Red Cross, tiuV to ! himself, to sec either that he joins | the Red Cross during the Christmas ; Rolleall drive, or renews his mem- j bership. This campaign begins December | 16 and will continue one week, j Memberships are only $l. The nn tion-at-large is asked to furnish 55.- i 000,000 members. Pennsylvania and Delaware are asked for .6,000,000 ! members. I suggest that the entire popula-' tion of Pennsylvania and Delaware constitute itself a general commit tee to see to it that Red Cross mem- ! bership is universal. All that is required -is a Heart and a dollar. PERSHING NAMES 80,000 TO COME HOME [Continued from First Page.] | Distinguished Service Menial on I General Bliss. Lieutenants General > Dickman, McAndrews und Liggett i and Bullard, nnd Major Harbord. General March corrected an er- ■ roneous impression that the 27th j and 30th divisions, reported as \ withdrawn from the British lines had been designated for early return to the United States. Those two di- j ! visions, he explained have been re- j ! turned to Pershing's* command and j i have not been assigned for trans- | portation home. Plans for bringing soldiers home, i it was announced, include the use of ; hospital ships for severely wounded and specially fitted transports for j the slightly wounded and eonvales- I cents, on the arrival the men will j be met by hospital trains and the • Pullman Company has been direct- ! ed to convert a number •of sleepers! into hospital cars to carry to the j army reconstruction hospitals, base ' hospitals and other places already j provided. State Men Valorous on Manic (living a brief outline of the ac- > tivlties in France of the 28th Divi- i sion (Pennsylvania National Guard) j I General March said four companies I : from this division had been stationed I | south of the Marne near Chateau i Thierry when the last German drive i | toward Payis was repulsed. di- [ | vision joined in the counter offensive ! I in the Marne salient in the middle j I of tho month and fought its way to ' the Vesle before it was relieved. On i I September 4 it crossed the Vesle I l with the French advance. in the Meuse-Argonne assault of the America army this division took j Chatel-Cherey in the action which broke Germun resistance on this' front. Reports from General Pershing | showing that American soldiers cap- I tured by Germany are returning to I the American lines daily. General i March said, and the department has recelved no report of mistreatment 1 of them by the enemy. Most of the I men are entering the lines of the ! American army of Occupation, since that army holds the front line. The disposition to be made of j German or other eneniv subjects t interned in this country, General ! j March thought, would be worked j out at the peace conference, Germans Retiring From War Fields in Orderly Fashion, Yankee Says With tlie American Army of Occu- j [>ation, Nov. 30.—An American who has Just returned from Frankfort, j Germany, says the withdrawal of; the Gorman troops, under the direc- I tion of Field Marshal von Hinden- j burg, is being conducted in a most j orderly manner everywhere, despite j reports to the contrary. Another American who has rC- ' turned from Germany says that on Wednesday he passed * German troops all day. The columns, he says were In perfect order. He lleves that reports that the Ger mans are disorganized arc hnsed on a few isolated ec-es where in dividuals or small groups have caus ed trouble. EIKS TO MOURN THEIR DEAD [Continued from First Page.] FRANK ROUOITRAN ! occasion being Frank Loughran, of IScranton Lodge. No. 123, Scranton. j Among other participants of the affair is Miss Helen Kanders, dra ; matlc soprano of the Metropolitan j Opera" Company, New York City. I Harrishurgers on the program ar* ! Miss Margaretta Kennedy, 'cellist: | the Hey. Dr. Qeorge Edward I I t wen, Market. Sqiim-p Presbyterian ("h.urch; thy Rev. Daniel J. CaVey,'St. Pat ! lick's Cathedral. M'ss Alda Kennedy j and Mrs. Emma Hoffman are* ac companists and William H. Opper j inan,* organist of Harrlsburg Lodge, I B. P. O. E., will render se'ections. The Order" of .Services ! The memorial committee includes] I A. W. Hartman, chairman; James L. {Carroll, Clarence H. Sigler, and Ed-' | win J. Lewis, exalted ruler, cx-oflicio | member. The order of service fol j lows: "Alia Marcla" (von Wilm), Wil • Hum H. Opperman; "Traumerel" (Schumann*. Miss Margareta Kcn ; nedy; invocation, the Rev. George E. j H.vvcs; "Hear Ye, Israel" ("Elijah") j (Mendelssohn), Miss He'en Kanders: ] opening ceremonies, lodge officers; j "Eintritt" (From (he "Suite im j Waldo") (Popper), Miss Margaretta [Kennedy: memorial exercls-'s, lodge i officers: "Morning Hvptn" (Hen-i schel). Miss Ilelen Kanders; memo rial address. Frank Loughran; "Lar | go" (Handel), Miss Margaretta Ken-! ; nedy; "These Arc They Which Came" ! ("Ho'y City") (Gaul), Miss Helen 'Kanders; closing ceremonies, lodge ! officers; "Auld Lang Syne," Harris [burg lodge and visiting Elks: prayer j and benediction, the Rev. Daniel J. 1 Carey; "Coronation March" (Meyer- : j beer), William 1!. Opperman. ] The following Elks have died dur ! ing the year: George E. Yousling. | Hugo Schultzenbaoh, Frank E. 7.P\IS-, lor. J. C. Rohrer, IfObert A. Davis, William If. Sidcl, Tlyntan R. Wiener, W. A. Streeter, H. F. Willoughby, | Harry Rj Looser, Charles M. Sulli i van. Eugene E. Baptist), Joseph J. i Radzeiwiez. PENNSYLVANIA ARMY MATCHES CIVIL WAR'S I [Continued from First Page.] | compiled by Major Murdock. while i the Keystone division, the sxth,is | credited with something like 28,000. j The total of the enlistments in the j united service will run high in the ! I thousands. ' The figures of the Civil War fur- i : nish an interesting comparison. During the four years of the Civil War Pennsylvania furnished 302,284, not including 25,000 mill- ; tia in service September, ISGti. The: records at the Adjutant General's ; Department show these men were j ! furnished as follows: 18(11 Under call of President of i April* 10, 1861, for three I months 20,979 | I Pennsylvania Reserves Vol- I unteer Corps under cail ' j of President of July 22, 1861, for three years. 15,856 1 I Organized under act of Congress, July 22, 1861, for three years 93,759 : Total 130,594 i 18112 President's call. July 7. for three years 40,383 ' Draft ordered August 4, •> for nine months 15,100 i Independent companies for | three years 1,358 j Recruits forwarded by su perintendents of recruit ing service 9,259 i Enlistments in organiza tions of other states and regulars • 5,000 Total *. . 71,100 1803 WANTED—TOOLS A call for axes, wedges, two- j man -crosscut taws and the ncccs- I snry implements needed for wood chopping lias been sent out by tin 1 committee in charge of tlic wood chopping party to be held by tbo ] Cent- al 1". 51. C. A. Saturday, De cember 7. Those- having these tools are requested to get Into : communication with C. \\ . Miller, physical director of Central "Y,"' Bell phone 2021. i Organized under special authority from War De partment for three years 1,066 j President's call June, for six months 4,484 j President's call for emer gency 7,062 Recruits forwarded 4,458 j Enlistments in regular army .. . *. . 934 I Militia called June, for njnety days . ..(. 25,042 j Total 43,046 ! 1801 • Enlistments in old organ izations for three years. 17,876 ■ | Organized under special authority from War De partment for three years 9,807 'Call July 27, for one year. 16,094 [Call July 6 for 100 days.. 7,675 Recruits forwarded 26,567 Drafted men and substi tutes 10,651 Recruits for regular army. 2,974 . Total 91,704 18(15 • President's call, December i 19, 1864, for one year... 9,645 forwarded 9,133 Drafted men and substi tutes 6,675 1 . ! Recruits for regular army 387 j k ] ' Total 25,8 40 ; BREWERS CLOSE TO SAVE FOOD [Continued from First Page.] io'cloek this evening and other local I breweries also will run all day. That ] ' | there are many gallons of beer on' : hand at the breweries was agreed 1 by the brewers. None would give ! any intimation as to changes in I ; prices, but it Is generally believed . [that the price* will soon go to ten | cents a glass. * The breweries will not dismantle their plants or begin the manufac- i i ture of prohibition drinks, they say. 1 , Their breweries will be used largely ; for storage purposes, and they will j I allow their machinery to stand, j ready to renew operations instant- j ; ly if the liquor interests are able to ' ! sidetrack prohibition. "Watchful Waiting" Watchful waiting seems to be the | ■ prevalent spirit of the beer makers, ! who declare that they will await de- ; ; veiopments. While the sale of all j ] intoxicants will stop next July 1, i j according to present indications, the 1 I beer men are unanimous in their be- : ' lief that subsequent legislation will j I relieve them of their handicap, and i I that llie manufacture of beer and ! I sale of liquors will be resumed be- j fore many months. The help, except such us is en gag- > jed in the delivery service, will of' ■ necessity be. laid off, the brewers [ said. A large dumber of men will ! I lie required to handle the deliveries, I 1 however. One Brewer Optimistic i One brewer gave it as his firm bo- j lief that beer would be made again ] 'by January 1, saying that he did, not think the legislation restricting] | its manufacture would be considered] necessary. Others look for a long i period of inactivity. The Preslden- ] tial ruling forbidding, the use of; ■ foodstuffs in beer was made in the j ; sui .Tier and will be effective for the j duration of the war. Wilson Wants Lovett to Direct Railroads Washington, Nov. 30.—Positive] ; reports became current herd yester- | j day afternoon to the effect that ! Judge Robert S. Lovett will he asked by President Wilson to be ] come director general of railroads. [ | He is now serving the government! j as director of the divis.on of capital I I expenditures. • i There lias been a near panic| {among railroad men in the railroad!' j administration over the talk of John ' ; Skelton Williams for director gen- , • eral. Rather than serve under him, i now that the war and Its high de | mands upon patriotism are over, 1 I many of these men would resign ' and leave Washington in a body, as | it were. j It is understood that this situa | tton has been comprehended by the I President. STRONG FOR FREE TRADE London, Nov. 30. Ex-Preinier i Herbert H. Asquitli, in an election address to Ills East Fife constituents condemned any tampering with the essentinls of- free trade. He advo cated the prompt introduction of home rule Into Ireland. jYANKS LAUGHED | AT PROPAGANDA Harrisburg Officer, in Letter Home, Gives Sample of At tempts to Weaken Mon.le Lieutenant Albert 11. Stack pole, of the 113 th Field Artillery, In ■ France in u t-ecent letter to the home folks here enclosed a leaflet dropped |by a German airman over the | American lines. Ho says: "The Germans are surely amusing, 'so thick-headed. For instance, just a few moments ago a cross-marked plane swept across at a very low : altitude and dropped a sheaf of | white papers. Several fell near our : position, the ignorance and mis -1 understanding of the pleas, amuses | me: it's so thoroughly Hoche. They I have fttiled mightily in their inter -] pretation of the American spirit and • character. It's rather surprising at ! this time, too, after the light we've I put up against them these last few i months. The boys just laugh at | that sort of propaganda and pay no attention to it." I The leaflet, heading and all. is as I as follows: Till: BETTER PART OF VALOR Are you u brave man or a coward It takes a brave man to stand up for his principles. Cowards stand behind leaders and die, imagining that by so doing they become heroes. The motive of an act is its measure. If you think the war is hell and that you as a citizen of the United States of America have no business to be lighting • in France for England you are a coward to stay with it. If J yort had the courage to faee j criticism you would get but and over the top in no time to a place where there is some like lihood that you may see home I again. | What business is this war in I Europe to you anyhow? You i don't want to annex anything, ' do you? You don't want to give up your life fcr the abstract thing' humanit] If you believe In humanity | and that life is precious, save | your own life and dedicate it to the service of your own country and the woman wliq deserves it of you. I.ots of you fellows are staying with it because you ore too cow j ardly to protest, to assert your own wills. Your wills are the best judges of what Is best for you to do. Don't ask any one's opinion as to* what you would better do! You know best what is the right thing to do. Do it | and save your life! Germany never did any harm to you, all the newspaper tales of wrongs Were printed to inflame you to the lighting pitch, they were lies, I you know you can't believe what | you read in the papers. If you stay with the outfit ten I chances to one, all you will get j out of it will be a tombstone in France. Lieutenant Stackpole writes fur ! ther: "One thing 1 do want and that | is to be a part of the army of oecu | pation which will go into Germany. 1 I know I don't want this war to end j until I, have the satisfaction of seeing ! German towns crumble t6 dust un ! der the fire of our guns, razed to ! the ground So that not one stone is ! left standing—the present condition jof so many of these pitiful French | towns. "Have just been spe&king to a , French officer, an Alsatian, very keen ' and an ardent disciple of 'an eye for an eye' policy. Don't think he'll be happy unless he can burn some Ger i man towns." FINAL FLASHES OFF THE WIRE By /tssociatcd Press , Philadelphia. The headquarters |of the Emergency Fleet Corporation may be moved soon from this city ,t o Washington. This announcement i was made to-day by Charles Piez, i vice-president. New York. The actual condition iof Clearing House banks and trust ! companies for the week (live days) I shows that they bold 361,180,750 rc ' serve in excess of legal requirements. (This is a decrease of 333,883,230 from j lost week. Washington. An official dispatch j from Japan to-day announced that j Marquis Kinmochi Haionji. former | premier, has been redesignated to I head the Japanese delegation to the ipeace conferencfe. Washington. National Army men inducted in the limited service'class or who after induction In another class were assigned to development j battalions will not be discharged from I service until it has been certified | their physical disabilities have not 'been exaggerated or until maximum improvement has been obtained. ! New York. The Italian govern ment is charged with depriving the people of northern Epirus of their I freedom in a telegram sent, to Presi ident Wilson and Premiers Clemen ceau, l.loyd George and Veni/.elos by j the pun-Epirotlc union in America. New York. Monslgnor Joseph F. | Moouey, administrator of the arch diocese, of New York, announces that 1,021 Catholic priests of the arch diocese have Joined in a petition urg ing President Wilson to work at. the I coming peace congress for extension lof the principle of self determin lation of Ireland as Well as to other j small nations. I.onilon, Eleven hundred Jews were killed during the recent mas ■ saore in Eemburg, according to dis i patches in the Berln newspapers transmitted by the Copenhagen cor ! respondent v of the Central News. I.onilon. The former German Bill ! perdr is ill with influenza, accord- I ing to an Exchange Telegraph dis j patch from Amsterdam. Nhnron. The big plant of the Pennsylvania Tank Car Company, three miles from herb was partially destroyed by fire of undetermined origin shortly before midnight last night. The damage to machinery and inaterials Is estimated at 3150,000. Pittsburgh. Fire of undetermined origin early to-day destroyed the Joseph Wasaer Box Manufacturing Plant In the Hill district here, the estimated damage being $lOO,OOO. Nice, Franee, Mrs. Julian Eeish nian. wife of John G. A. Lelshman, of Pittsburgh, former American am bassador to Germany, died to-day at Monte Carlo. Tlte funeral will be held in Paris. YOUNG OFFENDERS ARE SENT AWAY Three of the children heurd In juvenile court yesterduy were order ed to be sent to schools for discip line. They were Mabel Hill, to Slelghton Farms school; Clyde Hains, Sleighton, and Ben Hlvner, Glenn Mills. All of tfieni were charged with incorrigibility. W.LHELM FINALLY YIELDS HIS RIGHTS [Continued from first Page.] | cant. The Abdication The text of the former German Emperor's net qf renunciation which wus Issued by the new German gov ernment "In order to reply to cer tain misunderstandings which have arisen with regards to the abdica tion," follows: "By the puesent document I re ! nounce forever my rights to the | crown of Prussia and the rights to j the German Imperial eorwn. I re ! lease at the same time nil the ofll ! cials of the German empire and | Prussia and also nil officers, non j commissioned oftlcers and soldiers | of the Prussian navy and army and | states from the oath of fidelity they | hnve taken to mo. j "As heir emperor, king and su i preme chief, 1 expect from them until a nw organization of the Gor man empire exists that they will aid those who effectively hold the power in Germany to protect the German people against tre menacing dang ers of anarchy, famine and foreign domination. "Made and executed and signed by our own hand with the Imperial seal at Amertfhgen, November 28. "(Signed) "WILLI AM." I lierliii, Nov. SO.—The alms of the new German Democratic party, the appeal of which for comprehension and support has been sent to Presi dent Wilson, were outlined to the correspondent to-day by Theodore Wolff, editor-in-chief of the Berlin Tageblatt. It was on his initiative that the party was formed. He said: "Our party has been formed to sup port the republic, to further demo cratic reforms on a Socialistic-eco nomic basis and to furnish a rally ing point for the middle classes and keep them from falling Into the power of the reactionaries. The party will, naturally, oppose Bolshe vism with all means at its command. In other words, we aim to win and hold the middle classes for democ- j racy." Herr Wolff explained that, in keep- j ing with the party's alms, all former j members of the progressive or other . parties who have been active in mili taristic and nationalistic agitations, or who. like Dr. Gvstav Stresemann i National-Liberal member of the Reichstag, have actively advocated the submarine campaign, have been tlatl.v informed tliat, while they can not bo excluded from the party If they desire to join, they will, never theless, be rigorously excluded from any participation in its leadership. "The party's membership is already colossal," said Herr Wolff, "and thou- j sands of accessions are coming In daily. Virtually the whole progres- ) sive party membership, excepting a j few on the extreme right, will Join, and many prominent Democrats who formerly stood far to the left that ■ they were kept out of party councils. I These include men like Hugo j f'reuss, Germany's foremost author- | ity on constitutional law, who Is now j drafting a constitution for submis- J sion to'the national assembly. Pros- j ident I'\ Walter Sehueeking, of Mar burg University; Prof. Gerlach, Dep uty Fischbeck, and Prof. Max Web er,". The left wing of the National-Lib erals is also furnishing recruits, ac cording to Herr Wolff. These men include Prince Schoenach Carolath, Dr. M. J. Junck and Dr. Witting, president of the National Bank of I Berlin. The National-Liberals who opposed ; the reform of the Prussian franchise ' or favored the submarine campaign I or annexationist policies will be ex- j eluded from leadership. Herr Wolff J declared that his party was by far the strongest in the empire, next to j the Socialists. It will favor the so cialization of certain Industries such ' as mines and will demand that great estates be divided up for settlement on returning soldiers. It holds, how- I ever, that private property shall pot i j he ' touched without full compensa- | | lion. TO IIOLI) PLATFORM MEETING AT V. M. C. A. A thanksgiving platform meeting j will he held in Fahncstock Hall to- j I morrow afternoon at 2.30 o'clock tin- ; I der the auspices of the Central Y. j ■M. C. A. Three prominent speakers j will talk and pipe organ selections will be given by Alfred C. Kuschwa, ! organist at St. Stephen's Episcopal ! Church. PROTEST RATE CHARGES The Central Iron and Steel Com- j pany and the Harrisburg Railways' Company filed with the Public Serv- | ice Commission to-day two protests i I against rates of the Harrisburg Light j I and Power Company. The Railways ; j Company's protest contained a | I charge that the power company has ; I repudiated certain contracts held. | j The Central Iron and Steel Company j in the protest, covers partially the | same ground, both claiming rates j ] are excessive. Both protests were : i tiled with the Public Service Com : mission through Charley L. Bailey, j Jr., attorney. CIIIXAMAN A SUICIDE ! Philadelphia, Nov. 30.—The police last night recorded a casualty sel dom encountered here, when Mark Oth, 36 years old, a Chinese l:it;n dryman, committed suicide by shoot ing himself through the heart while the laundry of Mark Dewey. Oth Mud been mentally unbalanced I ever since the influenza epidemic, when lie was ill for live weeks. 200 HUN U-BOATS SENT DOWN London, Nov. 30.—1t is announced that approximately 200 German sub marines were destroyed during the course of the war. The total num ber of all types built oy the Ger mans is estimated to have been 360. APPEALS HEARD The first meeting of the Board of Revision of Tuxes und Appeals to consider appeals from triennial as sessment valuations by property owners was held yesterday after noon. Anpthet' meeting will be held soon after which the board will an nounce its decision on the appeals. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL Dial 4016 ENTER ANY TIME Bell 694-R Two Night School*l Monitor, Wnlnrmlnv, Krlilny Night*—'Tuc*dhy, Thur*<Uy Night* BECKLEV'S BUSINESS COLLEGE TUB OFFICE TRAINING SCHOOL 181 SI AIIKET ST. LABOR LEADERS ARE CHOSEN TO MEET AT PARIS Gompcrs Heads List Made Public by Executive Council of American Federation Washington, Nov. 30.—Delegates of the American Federation of Labor to the International Labor Conferenco to be held at Paris while the great peace conferenco is sitting, were an nounced to-day by the executive council. They are: Samuel Gompers, president of the federation. William Green, secrptary-trcasurcr of the United Mine Workers. John R. Alpine, president of the plumbers. James Duncan, president of tho International Association of Granite Cutters. Frank Duffy, secretary of the Uni ted Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners. Frank Morrison, secretary of the federation, sa.d the purpose of tho international conference is "to con sider and help in peace discussions and to establish a new international trade union federation." Restriction on Use of Sugar to Be Lifted Sugar purchase certificates will not he necessary after December 1, according to Donald McCormick, food administrator for Dauphin county, who declares that the sup ply of sugar is sufficient to allow dealers and manufacturers to pur chase a thirty-day supply for their business. After the new year the re strifctions will be lifted altogether, and dealers and manufacturers may purchase as much sugar as Is re quired in their business. Household- I era, however, will be limited after I December 1, to four pouqds per per- I son monthly, and grocers must eon ' tinuo to make out the counter reg j istration slips. Restaurants and other places still will be limited to serving four pounds per customer every ninety meals. To Exhume 400,000 British Fallen on Western Front London, Nov. 30.—Vast stretches of land for cemeteries for the victims of the Ypres and Somme battles hnve just been accepted by Great Britain from Belgium and France. Similar | arrangements have been made be- I tween Great Britain and Italy and j Greece for the laden British lighters j on the Italian and Balkan theaters. The imperial graves commission is j about to undertake the great task of j eyhumatlon and rehurlal of 400,000 ! todies in France a d Belgium. Hummelstown Man Wins War Cross in Death Hiuninclstown, Nov. 30.—Sergeant Chauncey Fackier Yingst, whose death has been chronicled In tho col umns of the Telegraph, was recom mended for the Croix do Guerre for bravery in action. The recommenda tion was approved by Colonel W. A. Mitchell and it Is expected the medal will be sent to the parents, Mr. and I Mrs. John Yingst, of near Hummels ; town. I ESTATE OF I.ATE GENERAL STEWART BEING SETTLED Norristown, Nov. 30.—The claims of a daughter of the late wife of Ad j jutant General Thomas J. Stewart, who died September 11, 1917, for tho jewelry and furniture contained in the $lOO,OOO estate, has been disal lowed, according to adjudication by | Judge Solly to-day. Two brothers j and two sisters are given cash es tates. and the residue finally will go ito the Masonic fraternity. The per ' sonal estate lias an inventory value of $94,427, besides real estate In Har ! risbiirg which was sold for $lO,OOO ' and unconverted property in lowa. i GOVERNOR SAVES CHOIR BOY fl.v Associated I'rcss Albany, N. Y„ Nov. 30. —The sen ! tcnce of death imposed upon Paul ! Chapman, youthful Brooklyn choir 1 boy Cor complicity in the murder jof Harry Regensburg, a Brooklyn ■ cigar store proprietor, was committ |ed to life imprisonment by Gover j nor Whitman to-day. The time for j Chapman's exeution had been fixed ?by the Court of Appeals for the j week beginning January 6. | SOUTH AFRICAN'S FLU VICTIMS ■ Ciipe Town, Nov. 30.—Viscount ! Buxton, governor general of South Africa, said yesterday that the num i ber of deaths from influenza among I Europeans and natives of South ! Africa was estimated at 50,000. CUTICURft HEALS IMMLP Itchy. Then In Sore Erup tions All Over Face and Head. "My trouble began with an itchy scalp, and I scratched it causing it to become inflamed. Then it broke out in sore eruptions which spread all over my face and head. They were so itchy that I scratched, thus irritating them and causing bleeding. I got very little sleep, and my neck was a sight. "Then I tried Cuticura Soap and Ointment, and I used about three quarters of a box of Ointment with the Soap when I was healed." (Signed) Miss Miriam H. Ayrton, 4122 N. Bth St., Philadelphia, Pa., March 22,1918. For every purpose of the toilet Cuti cura Soap and Ointment are supreme. Sample Each Fret hr Mall. Addreaa port-can): "Oatleara, I>pt X, Boeten" Sold everywhere. Soap 25c. Ointment 26 and 50c. Taleum 25c.
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