Store Closes Regularly 0 A Dn Saturday at Six On Saturday at Six Store Closes Regularly - ——■ —, KI.L 1001— 238 uxiiKP - ■ HARKISDURU, WEDNESDAY. NOVBM HER 27, 101 S. l'(HIM)Kl) 1871 Friday Silks \ 4 . goodly assortment of u.-i viceable lengths from 2 to W yds. in most all colors and weaves such as taffeta messaline, satin, crepe de chine, fancy stripes, printed foulards, tussahs, poplins and voiles for waist, dress, suit and lining. Friday sale, yd., $l.OO Draperies Old rose, brown and blue Marquisette; 36-inchcs wide. Friday sale, yd., 35c 36-inch best quality fig ured Silkoline. Friday sale, yd., 25c Rose and blue Repp—s2- inches wide; very heavy quality. Friday sale, yd., 85c 36-inch Poplin in mul berry; highly mefcerized. Friday sale, yd., 35c 50-inch rose Sunfast Ma terial—light weight for drap eries. Friday sale, yd., 75c White Goods Special Colonial Long Cloth with suede finish, 30 inches wide; 10 yds. to a piece. Friday sale, per piece, $2.29 White checked Dimity— good quality. Friday sale, yd.. 19c Mercerized Table Damask •—64-inches wide; excellent quality; closely woven. Fri day sale, yd., 69c Pansy Twilled Towelling with blue border; bleached. Friday sale, yd., 12 l-2c Union Suits Children's Unbleach ed Union Suits; all sizes. Friday sale, 50c Ladies' Union Suits. Fri day sale, $1.75 Sale of Black Silks at $1.85 yd. Continues Friday and Saturday Twelve distinct and beautiful weaves of black silks. Just the kinds most used this season. All priced at our special figure. As a running lot they arc all good values, but some individual numbers and graces are far above the average, and will cause you a most agreeable surprise as well as saving—besides it is good to remember that a black silk is worn by every woman and she always dotes over such a gift—neatly boxed is so desired—sl.Bs yard. ALL 36 OR 40 INCHES WIDE Salt Water Satin ' Chiffon Taffeta Satin de Lux /T* Poult de Soie I Self Stripe Satin on Taffeta -. I | Satin Messalinc Peau de Cygne ' Louisine :. -a Moire Antique • rv V*/i Poillette de Soie V LI Crepe de C.lune •/ Satin Duchesse 4 KOWMANS—M..,n Klnor Hmmmm mmrnrnrn[ WEDNESDAY EVENING, HAKRISBURG mmm TELEGRAPH ' NOVEMBER 27, 1918. Bargains Dress Goods. Remnants :—all wool man ufacturers' remnants in hun dreds of desirable lengths for waist, skirt o'rVlress in the most seasonable color ings and the most wanted weaves, such as: French and storm serges, panamas, cra venettes, poplins, silk and wool fabrics with a few other fancies ; widths of 36, 48 and , 54-inches. Friday sale, yd., $1.45, $2.25, $2.55 36-inch French Serge of exceptional value in the fol lowing shades; black, navy, grey, myrtle, burgundy and garnet. Do not overlook this special. Friday sale, yd., 69c Wash Goods 36-inch Fine Grade Per cales in a large range of neat designs and stripes. Friday sale, vd., 25c 32-inch American Ging ham—the product of our country's leading makers. Hundreds of styles to select from in smart plaid stripes, and plain shades. Friday sale, yd., 39c BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Domestics Unbleached Muslin 27- j inehes wide in useful length round even thread. Friday ! sale, yd., 12 l-2c (Jilting Flatinel—36-inches 1 wide—highest pattern. ,in I blue and pink; good weight , and nap. Friday sale, yd. 35c Dress and Waist Gingham in light and dark patterns; 26-inches wide. Friday sale, yd., 23c Bleached Sheets; 72x90; seamed —made of good qual ity muslin; with 3-inch hem at top. Friday sale, each, $1.35 Bed Blankets; 55x72 in grey or white; assorted col ored borders; good quality. Friday sale, pr., $2.59 BOW'MAN'S —Second Floor Corsets A lot of fine Coutil Corsets I in white and flesh; medium bust with long free hip— good strong hose supporters. All sizes. Friday sale, $1.35 | A Most Wonderful Special | Do yjQ Best Waist Offering I = e Season 1 1 k 5 ltem w ll I i be remembered by I 1 1 mtA the very fortunate I 1 women who secure I i II these waists | l\" $5.95 |W | P Georgettes, in Flesh, White, Peach, Beige, Taupe, Gray, Foch Blue, Navy and Brown. Beaded § g and embrodered; lilet and satin trimmed—some with frills—high collars and' square—tuxedo, round |§ p and V-necks. Many of these Waists have sold for several times this price. Beautiful and would be $§ gp( highly appreciated as gifts. ya( BOWMAN'S— -Third Floor. Sale of Dresses Friday and Saturday t $29.50 an d $35.00 $ These prices in many instances represent what these dresses have sold for at wholesale. Satins, serges and iBSBSi crepes in scores of different styles, all attractive All Suits at One-Fourth Off l||f and many of them at still great reductions. This also Iv j applies to dresses selling for $45 or more. , -A rar ~ BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. r~ A Special Lot of | 1 300 Men's Silk Ties 1 I —— =============== _ ========= a 1 GSI 1 I Friday and Saturday ' | $1.50 mtmw | Just in time for gift-giving, these four-in-hand Ties were made to sell at a considerably higher iP $8 figure, but a fortunate purchase enables us to offer an unusual value for Friday and Saturday. Good IS quality silk, in new patterns; wide open ends; large size; good shape. Just what hundreds of women ||f ft will want for the men folks' Christmas gifts. See window display. |$ [f|j BOWMAN'S— Main Floor. fj|J IseeBSaSBeBEEEBEEeEBBBEEraEBBeEEeEEEEeaEBBBEeEee&E . 4 Friday Notions Odds and ends in Buttons —suitable for coats and suits. Friday sale, One-Half Price Buttons for suits and coats, Friday sale, 4c Steel Knitting Needles; 4 in package. Friday sale, 19c Polishing Cloths. Friday sale, 19c V Rick rack Braid in white and assorted colors. Friday sale, 8c and 13c Art Silk Soutache Braid. Friday sale, 8c Boyd Machine Oil. Fri day sale, bottle, 10c BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Shoes and Slippers Grey Kid Shoes with French heels. Friday sale, pr., $9.49 Field Mouse Kid Shoes with French heels. Friday sale, pr., $9.49 Brown Kid Shoes with cloth tops, French heels. Friday sale, pr., $7.49 Gray Kid Shoes with mili tary heels. Friday sale, pr., $9.98 Women's Black Patent Vamp Shoes with kid cloth tops. Friday sale, pr., $1.98 Women's White Spats. Friday sale, pr., $1.98 Slippers for women. Fri day sale, pr., $1.75, $2.00, $2.50 Slipper Trees. Friday sale, pr., 7c Stocking Darners. Friday sale, 13c White and Black Belting; \ l /i and 2 inches. Friday sale, yd., 10c BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Gloves Fine Chamoisettc Gloves —2 clasp, three row; in white, black, brown, cham pagne and mastic. Friday sale, pr., 75c Wilton Rugs Special 9x12 at $60.00 These arc the famous John and James Dobson make. Quotations from leading Eastern states show these same rugs selling for one-half more than this price. If you need a good rug at a price that is remarkably low, then this is an unusual opportunity, BOWMAN'S— Fourth Floqr, i D Bargains Hosiery Women's Thread Silk Stockings with high spliced heels, wide garter tops, slightly imperfect. Friday sale, pr., $l.lO BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Art Goods , | Hand embroidered dresses and rompers. Friday sale, Greatly Reduced These rompers and dresses are embroidered by experts and would make a beautiful Christmas gift for the little folks; sizes, 6 months to 8 years. Cretonne decorated Pillow Tops and Scarfs to match in very attractive patterns for the library. BOWMAN'S—Second Floor Lace Val Laces in y 2 inch to 1 inch wide; round and dia mond mesh; excellent value. If you are using Vals for your Christmas sewing this is your opportunity. Friday sale, piece of 12 yards, 50c Fine Camisole Laces with beading top in points and round scallops in 4 and 5 inches wide. Friday sale, yd., 19c Ribbons Sj/j-inch ribbons in taffeta, moire and warp print ex cellent value for hair bows or fancy work. Friday sale, yd., 25c Neckwear Closing out a lot of sam ple Neckwear; all clean, de sirable goods mostly organ dies; collars and sets. Fri day sale, each, 25c BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Nail Cutters King Klip Manicure De vice—the perfect nail cutter, guaranteed highest grade cutlery; steel in blades. Fri day sale, each, 19c Handkerchiefs Men's part linen Handker chiefs with narrow hem. Good quality seconds. Fri day sale, each, 15c Men's fine Cambric Hand kerchiefs with narrow hem, full size in plain white. Friday sale, each, <9c 3
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