10 MRS. MERVIM CLEAVKR DIES Dillsburg. Pa., Nov. 27, —-MNNK • Mervtn Cleaveis aged 30 years. <ltc-A at her home In Franklin township on Monday evening from pneumonia, following an attack of innuenaa, She is survived by lior husband and three small children, two of whom are also ill with influenzA, also by hef pa.- ents. Mr, and Mre. Gyrus \ ohm fe brothers and thive sisters, Kunoral servicoH will In* iipM front the home on Friday morning and burial will be made in the Dillsaurg cemetery, HAIR ON.FACE DISAPPEARS QUICK The most effective, convenient and harmless ny to remove hole Is with I)eMlracle> the original sanitary liquid. It acta oulckly with certainty and nbsolnte safe ty. Results from Its use are Im mediate nnd lasting, Only gennlne IJeMlraele. the original sanitary llqnM, has a money-back guarantee In each package. At toilet counters In OOc, 91 and f* ulsea, or by mnll from ns In plain wrapper on re ceipt of price. FREE hook mailed In plain sealed envelope on veqnest, Do- Mirnclc. IStitk St. and l'arlc Ave, \ew York, , —III ini iii ii" iii n 'imwiTTn PILL'S • Balm of Life I (For Internal and External Uie) it the one remedy that should always he on R the home medicine thdf* Invaluable w hen N used externally tor Neuralgia, Soreness 0 Sprains, Rheumatism G An emergency remedy that you can f, obtain now at your druggist or dealer In H medicine. Use internally at once accord- fcj ing to directions that come with the bottle v for indigestion and internal pains. Use at r a liniment for rheumatirm, soreness, etc., at and notice its quick effects. Prepared by The Dill Co., Norristown, fj Pa. Also manufacturers of those tried, reliable fill's Liver Pills Dill's Cough Syrup | Dili's Worm Syrup Dill's Kidney Pills ■■ Ask your druggist or dealer in medicine jT The kind mother alwaz-a kept Proven Swamp-Root Aids Weak Kidneys The symptoms of kidney arid blad der troubles are often-Very distress ing and leave the system in a run down condition. The kidneys sewn to suffer most, tts almost every victim ! complains of lame back and urinary troubles which should not be neg lected, as these danger signals often lead to more dangerous kidney trou bles. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root which, so many people say, soon heals and strengthens the kidneys, is a splen did kidney, liver and bladder medi cine, nnd. being an herbal compound, has a gentle healing effect on tho kidneys, which is almost immediately noticed in most cases by, those who use it. A trial will convince any one who may be in need of it. Better get n bottle from your nearest drug store, and start treatment at once. However, if you wish first to test this great preparation, send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghaiuton. N. V., for a sample bottle. , When writing he sure and mention tho Hurrisburg Daily Telegraph. ilUk'JAdalil yyggffijp far-- SK cnl activity is yS'sHBRP" J'pJ'Lra? uL J® ft ~e-.' -I valuable blood and body build inc preparation that it ought and pre-cribed by every phy sician in the country " Xuxated Iron helps to make healthier women and stronger. stur tlicr men. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. At all good druggists. MAKING GOOD AT SIXTY-FIVE Don't worry about old age. A sound man is good at any age. Keep your body in good condition and you can be as hale and hearty and able to "dd your bit" as when you were a young fellow. Affections of the kidneys and blad der are among the leading causes nf early or helpless age. Keep them clean and the other organs in work ing eonUh 'vn, and you will have noth ing tf> fear. Drive the poisonous wastes from the svstem ami avoid' yric acid uv t umulatlons. Take GOLD MEDAL Haarlem oil Capsules periodically nnd vou will tind that you are as good' as the next fellow. Yivur spirits will be rejuvenated, your' muscles strong and your mind keen enough for any task. GOLD MEDAL Haarlem OH Cap sules ill do the work. But be sure to get the original imported GOLD MEDAL Haarlem OH Capsules.. They are reliable and guaranteed to help vou or your money will be refunded. For sale by most druggists. 1" sealed packages, three slsq*. I: " " Thanksgiving day Greetings A great Nation pauses to acknowledge its ilepenilence Upon God, the giver of pvcrf good and perfect gift, of fertile fields with atreama of 1 flowing water, of mountains and hills with Inexhaustible mines, of sunshine and rain that ilo man hath learned how to monopolize, and of a practical idealist as chief executive in the day of distress of natioiis of the earth—Great reasons for gratitude. The Great God who provides all good tilings permits death; but iie lias also given us fhe Mutual Benefit lAfc insurance Company as s guardian for women and children that distress he not visited upon them when their support is mowed down by Che sickle—death. He permits tire to destroy our homes; but He has HISO given us care fulH-managed I-'ire Insurance Companies to save individuals from losses. He permits the high winds; hut also furnishes means of pro tection againt them. Yes, we should give thanks always. Since Thanksgiving Day, 1917, w'e have done lmsitiesj with over L'.tuio people and wisli to make it very plain that we are deeply grate ful for the manner in which the people of the community entrust their business matters to our'care. It shall ever lie our aim to prove worthy of business trust and to render prompt and efficient service. ' Very thankfully. T :OOGH, BRICSHTBILL & KLINE. —— J IHNINI • -A . - ' __ WEDNESDAY EVENING, HLAJEIRISBURG Q&S9&2- telegraph NOVEMBER 27, 101??. TBMDCH OFFKKEC ; ! M'ADOfS BERTH IN THE CABINET *1 War Industries Board Chair- j man Urges on Wilson Be lief He Should Decline |[ ■■w.vavwwminm!owiimwnnMifm<!illii . .jf |i T a ■PvMSJJ'CH 11 By Associated Press Washington. Nov, 27.—Bernard M. | , Baruch, chairman of the War Jn-j ; dust ties Board, it was understood! i! to-day, has been offered the post of! • I Secretary of the Treasury to succeed , ! Secretary McAdoo. Whether he will be nominated, is ; an open question. Without actually j declining to serve, it is said Mr. i Baruch has urged upon the Presi j dent strongly his belief that fie | : should not enter the Cabinet, on tho j ground that his wealth, largely in | government and other securities, I ; would be seriously embarrassing. RETAIL MUKCII NXT'S.TAKK XO ACTION ON MAN It I" UK At a n-agcrly attended meeting : of the merchants of the Hurrisburg • i Chamber of Commerce in the Dau-j 1 j phin building last evening, a dis-i ' eussion regarding the Christmas! ' j shopping hours, and tiie matter of j '; rescinding certain government res-! • ; uiations concerning dry goods stores, 1 ' took place. Recommendations to 1 ! keep the stores open two nights '! preceding Christmas were made, but not acted upon. NEWS NOTES FROM NATION'S CAPITAL Washington.—\Vithtfrawal of till ' restriction:, affecting the publication of periodicals, except daily, Sunday and weekly newspapers, effecfive im j mediately, was announced to-day I y I the War industries Board. Washington. Governor Samuel i W. Mci'ull, of Massachusetts, it was! . said positively by many Senators I yesterday will be the Republican 1 j member of the American commis sion at tho peace conference. Washington.—Plan's for collecting ! uext year's tax under the old law i have been made by internal Rive : iiae Commissioner Roper because of . the l'ear that the new revenue bill i j may not be enacted in time to allow ; ! the printing and distribution of re- | porting forms. • W a-liington.—The United States is' to secure overnight a huge fleet of j i big liners, transports and cargo ves i sols through negotiations practically | j closed under which the government | will acquire title to eighty-live big | ships of British registry. The price is , understood to be SyO,UOO,OOO. . REaPTTODARKEN GRAY HAIR —— i Cincinnati Barber 'Tells How to i Make a Remedy For Gray Jlttir Mr. Frank Harbaugh, of Cioctn- ; ' ' nati, 0., who lias been a barber for | ■ i more than forty years recently made | 1 the following statement: "Anyone tan prepare a simple j ! ! mixture at home, at-very little cost, i that will darken gray hair, and j - j make it soft and glossy. To a half j j pint of water add 1 ounce bay rum, j ' | °. small box of Barbo Compound and > M \.y ounce glyceripe. These ingredl- i , Pints can be bought at any drug j j store ut very little cost. Apply to the - i : air twice a week until the desired •j : hade is obtained. 'Phis will make 1 > gray haired person look twenty years younger. This is not a dye. It ' does not colof the most delicate scalp. , is not sticky or greasy anl does not rub off. "Sweet Land t- A V ' *%- " O'er the Land of Liberty'* & pAOt|4T 0 f the Free" i 'Joar §tahjaj. 7 ' • I )ear Father-, God, whose footstool is the earth, And yet whose throne is in each heart, ' j We come to Thee on this Thanksgiving Day # And thank The%, as we huyibl.y pray i We thank Thee. Lord, for oui; country, free, ' This wonderful "sweet land of liberty" V j !• Of which we sing. . Sf We thank Thee for our bairtier bright £ ' Of starryi spangled blue, and red and white, &• Which true to liberty and .Thee, * I Doth ever proudly wave '• "O'er th? laud of the free. * If And the home of the brave." ' 5F We thank Thee in these past hard days of war, ' M ' When otjr dear men have faced the awful gore Of b&ttletields j - I That those at home, with purpose never turning, ?: Have Nvithin each heart and hearth "the home rtrcs burning. " And most we thank Thee, dearest Lord,/ \ In times of war and peace , ' . Without u broken chord "Our God is marching on I" Amen. £ | _— —— • "Keep the Home c^KCI I&ML, "Our God Is Fires Burning" To- Marching On" : | • I Christian Endeavor Unions Close Annual Session With Elections ~!: ¥■■ ~ - MISS KM ILi Y EDWARDS Many Endeavorers, representing the various societies of the Dauphin j j County and Harrisburg Christian j Endeavor Unions, udjourned Inst! levelling after attending the annual sessions held In Second Reformed | i Church, this city. Delegates weVe I thrilled with enthusiasm after hear- ; , ing the eloquent address delivered] i by the Rev. Dr. C. K. Schaeffer. ; secretary of Home Mission Hoard, ; I Reformed Churfh, Philadelphia.. The] htev. Dr. Schaeffer sounded the note] |of thfl "New Methods in Church > | Work" when he said: "We .are llv ing In h new world. We certainly appreciate that wo are living In a new America to-day." He declared thut we aiV going to | have a new church and Endeavor i society, with u new purpose and pro gram; new preachers, pu'pit and pew. There will lie no .more wine- j glass pulpits after July 1, I9U>. The. converted members In Christian I Endeavor will "snioke out" the fol- j 'lowers of the adversary and the lukewarm people will have no place ] jin the church. If you can givo sons, j fathers ntid prospective hetsbands to help net democracy In other nations,, Ithen the membership of the church i should become a democratic church., iml get away from scrapping and ' I become Billed with the Holy Spirit.' The new church ujll not consider whether a new member is worth a j large sum of money, hut will con ! aider the worth in a man or woman. 1 The county union contributed s">s 1 'to the Christian Endeavor work and SK, to the Y*. M. C. A. work through 1 Benjamin! Whitman, secretary in Prance, during the past year, and 'more will he sent in the near future.; Tite new officers were elected as ; ' follows: ! ! Harrisburg Christian Endeavor t n-j I ton —President, Frank S. Montgom- ; jery; secretary. Miss Mae Hoover;! ! treasurer, A. <\ Dean, Harrisburg. I Dauphin County Union —Presi-j | dent. Miss Entity Edwards: vice-| president, Professor John F. Kob; 'treasurer, George Troup; corre j sponding secretary, Miss Bessie March; recodring secretary. Miss, Susan Rhodes. Harrisburg; vice-j I nrcsidents: Lykens district. Oliver S Howe. Wi'llpmstown: Millersburg j district., William C. Hoy. Millers iburg; Harrisburg, Charles R. Ba>-t -i ley. Harrisburg: I lershey district. I Harry Haucks, Hummelstown; Pen ! brook district, Frank Dapp, Pen ■ brook". S'eelton district, Miss Wil- Ihelmina K. Dress. Stee'ton; Middle- Itown district, J. B. Martin, Middle* [town; Dauphin district. George ] Schaeffer. Dauphin. ' Sore Throat Wisdom To relieve Sore Throat you must get a t the seat of the disease, removing the' ! cause. TONSILINE is prepared ana sold for that one purpose. A dose of TONSI LINE taken upon the first appearance of Sore Throat may save long days of sickness. Use a little Sore Throat wis dom and buy a bottle of TONSILINE todav. You may need it tomorrow. TONSILINE is the National Sore Throat Remedy— best known and most effective and ,1 most used. Look for ,the long '• necked fel low on the bottle when j you go to the drug store to getjt. k ' 35e and ti'Jc. Hospital size, w* !sl.oo. All Druggists. : ' How Fat Actress Was Made Slim Many stage people now depend en i tirely upon Martuola Prescription iTablets for reducing and controlling | fat. One clever actress tells that she I reduced two to four pounds a Week by using this new form of the famous ' Martnola Prescription and now, by Unking Martnola Tablets several times in year, keeps her weight Just right. ! All druggists sell Mitrmola Prescrip tion Tablets at 75 cents for a large ease- Or you can get them by send iiW price dlfeet to the .Marmola J?o., SB I Woodward Ave., Detroit. Mich. ; If you have not tried them do so. I They are harmless and effective. 8 CAMFDIXBOYS i • ARE FAVORITES ' Soldiers in "You'll Like 11" Get Big Reception at Ihe Orpheum ! They certainly did like it. Both | the audienue and Iho Camp Dix sul i dier boys. Tne audience liked 'the musical show. "Ythi'll Like It." and ; judging from the amilus on Ihe faces of the ohtrrtaincrs. they liked the reception they received and tlio deaf • cning applause after each offering on the program. Harrisburgsrs at the Orpheum, last •n i gift; were only keeping up tlieir reputation in war work. Everyone knows the accord made by the city, and when a crowd of good-looking' boys in khaki came here to put in a little show, it only gave the folk- an other opportunity to show their ap preciation of the sacrifices made by the soldiers. The presence of Private Bay LeVan and Corporal Mark Vec chione. two llarrishurg boys, in the Camp Dix company, added to the local interest In the camp production and tlic reception these hoys received they v, ni not forget soon. "You'll Like I.t" is presented in two' parts, the first staged as a scene on the parade ground "it Camp Dix. and | the second at the Hostesshouse there. Songs by Privates 4 "Jack" 1). Graff. ' "Chic" Kaler. William 'Bully and a ! drtll as a linalc are given in the first ' part. Some excellent eccentric danc ing. bv .Privates Sidney Jackets and j "Eddie" Plynn, pleased the audience so much last night that the crowds applauded several times during the ; number. The entertainment nt the Hostess . house Included accordion selections by Private Julius Shadlin. better known | here as Cornell); barrel feats, by Pri | vate Howard Ferris; 'cello and piano • duo, by Sergeant Robert Grisai and ! Private Karl Pullant," the latter play , ing "The Rosary" as a piano solo for the left hand for u second encore: Russian dances, by Private Hector I Malinoff; specialty dances, by Privates j "Dick" Buttner ami Bert Norman, and songs, by Corporif) Vecchione, Privates LeVan, Kaler und Sully. Corporal Marcel Kasner. the tallest soldier at Camp Dl*. and known as "the man j who grows," made a hit when he "grew" six Inches for the ajidience. 1 There were plenty of laughs when the rookies came to camp and when ' they were put through drill. Corporal Kasner and Private Roy Bark, the former aw . "Hiram Talltree," aNul the I latter as "Skinny Arbui kle." making a hit. Privates Ts>uis Snaper. Con- lnsetta Kaler and Graff, add ]ed to the fun. For \Tadles" the i Hostesshouse entertainment. Sergeant , Robert C. Bernhardt and Privates Ruttner, "Eddie" Fl.vnn. Pap! Scholx. Albert N'eals, Jackets nnd Bulk, were called upon to "don the wig nnd use ; the powder puff." Hi addition to all these entertainers there were, some other soldiers in the , drill s<iuad and the orchestra who de ! sit ve much praise, as Ho-ir Work, played a big part In making the au dience tike "You'll l.ike It." The finale. "You'll Get feed to it," is e song J written for Camp Dix hoys. The rn ! tire iiroduction was given un'Vr the j direction of Norman Hsckett. camp i director, by approval of the command -1 Ing general. Major General Hugh L. i Scott, and all proceeds will he added to the Gamp Dix fund. IN "THE ROCKY ROAD TO j DUBLIN," AT THE ORPHEUM TOMORROW " •->" '■ , 4?' V * ' 1 ■'*? - % i ' ' - "• H° * "■ % &Imhh hH 1 Barney Gilmore, the popttnr Irish comedian, haw returned to the speak- | | j IIK stage, and will present "The ltoeky Road to Dublin." a delightful play I of Irish life, at the Orph<*lim to-morrow and Friday, with matinees ilpilv | Boats arc sel Ing for all performances. I ■ i MAJ c.STIG I High-class Vaudeville To-day | Five splendid Keith acts, headed by ! the Imperial tjuintct. I To-morrofr (Thanksgiving Dayi. Frl-! 1 j day and Saturday —'Kalaluhi's En-| | tertalners, Hawaiian offering; Julian | • j Rose, comedian. formerly with ' ."Potash and Perlmutter," and three | I other attractions. ORPREUM j • j To-night • "The Captain and the' 1 K Ids." | To-morrow and Friday, with daily i matinees Barney Gilmore In "The : Rocky Road to Dublin." 1 i Saturday, matinee and night. Novem i her SO "The Other Man's Wife," 1 j with Adelaide Thurston. ? ! ' r L6.NIAL •J To-day NVill Rogers in "Laughing Bill Hvde." 1 Thanksgiving Norma Talmadge in ■ ! "The Devil's Needle." " ! Friday nnd Saturday Alice Brady In "' I "The Ordeal of ttosetta." " ! REGENT : To-day Douglas Fairbanks In ; ■! • "|Bound in Merocco." ; To-morrotv and Friday "The Maux- i Man," by Hall Caine. '"j VICTORIA J To-day Peggv Hyland in "Bonnie ' Annie Laurie;' also Ruth Roland In ' ! "Hands Up." • I To-morrow Charlie Chaplin In 'The ! Jnz;: NVnitcr;" aim NVilliam Dun- | 1 can in "A Fight For Millions." timl : j ! Douglas Fairbanks in "Tho Mystery i . | of the Leaping Fish. i !' The announcement tliat those two ] mischievous youngsters of cartoon | fame, "The Kids. (, 1 I "The laptaln along witti- the good- | : i and the Kids" natured "Caofain,' Is ' at the Orpheum to-; night should he welcome news to the tnrge army of theatergoers who have . been amused by their nntlcs and ad- ! ventures in the dailies all over tlie I, • country. The new piece, which Is a ■ musical comedy In three acts and en s tifed. "Tiie Captain and tli.e Kids," is 1 presented by Inanaser Gas Hill, who i" was the first showman to see the pus-. , 'nihilities of offering the " noted cliai- j , ! acters m stage fprni. "Mother" and the "ProfeSbor." along with tho other , . welcome favorites, will he on hand , and there is no doubt that their real I advent will be received with plenty of . acclaim and approval, The company | is a large one: the scenic, investiture! ; in keeping with past achievements , I and the songs, duncis, surprises and ! . ; other features said to he on a high ■ „ level of artistic endeavor and ae- j t j compllehmont. The title of the new' , i offering is "The Captain and the • j i Barney Gilmore. the popular Irish I ■ comedian. liqs ugaini returned to the ! - . speaking stage and i c, "Tiie Itocky will make his np ■ liuiid m ouiilin" fpearance at the Or pheum to-morrow. I r matinee and niglit. ani| I-'riday. after - noon and night, in one of the best ■ Irish plays bver'wrltton,,"The Rocky < Road to Dublin." Tiie play abounds - ! with witty lines and clever songs arid i. ! a love story of heart interest, inter- I spersed with real Irish dancing and life pleasing melodies of the Irish | Piper. Friday night will be "Irish Night," and Mr: Gilmore will present special Irish songs und atortes in ad dition to the piay. Seats are selling now for all performances. Adelaide Thurston* admired the world over for her remarkable talent as a true actress, will "The Other l>e seen at the Ur- Man's Wife" p he u m , Saturday. matinee and night, in I the new play, "The Other Man's Wife- I Any woman who misses seeing MtM , Thurston In her present offering will forfeit a rare treat, it Is a pretty , story, toid In a sensational manner by • the author, that starts the spark of j the eternal love In every woman's heart for her mate, and re-establishes ! In bringing that esteem and regard j f"■ her kind that have tarried on the verge of morality and stepped back from the edge. Not since "Polly j Primrose" and "Sweet Clover" has, Miss Thurston played a part that has suited her talents as well as tier part in '"The other Man's Wife." # For good music, and bright, snappy comedy, the Majestic's vaudeville bill, which closes its engagement At the , to-night, is "right there." Mnjcsilc Hrady and Mahoney furnish lots of fun with their skit, entitled "The Cruise of tlie Dough nut," and Kd. Healey is a clever sing ing comedian, who knows how to put a song across the' footlights at Its true worth. The remainder of the bill includes the Imperial (Quintal, an ag gregation of excellent singers; the • 'avana Duo. in an offering that is a happy combination of color, comedy and wire-walking, and Robert Henry Hodge, the well-known and popular charaeter comedian, surrounded by a competent company in a humorous farcical sketch entitled "Hill Blither. Dawyer." The Dill for Thanksgiving Day und for tlte remainder of the tyeek will have as its feature attraction Kalalu lil'a Entertainers, seven Hawaiian.*, in an offering that comprises s'nging. dam-in" and instrumental music. Afi added attraction on the bill will lie Julian' Rose. late of "Potash und Purl mutter," in an act entitled "A Tender hearted Man." Mr. Itose is an excep tionally clever comedian, and there is no doubt but what Harrisburgers will give hi in a warm welcome. Kmbs and Alton, entertainers in song; Rlalto and Daumont, in a variety turn, and one other Hot, complete the bill. To-night will he tlie last opportu nity to see "I-Hiigliing Bill Hyde," Hex Beach's tremendous drama At llie of redemption, with Will I < o lon in I Rogers, the famous rope ex- j pert. The story tells how love and kindness paved the way to i the outlaw's tlnal redemption. It is a great human interest story well told j liy a cast of tHlented screen players. ; There are many exciting moments during the action of the piece, and it is said the audience does not experi- > once one dull moment throughout the i entire six reels. Thursday, only, Norma Talmadge will be seen in a re turn engagement of "The Devil's , Needle." To-day 1* the final snowing of the Douglas Fairbanks picture, "Bound in Morocco." The large crowds \t the that have attended the Ke itegent gent the past two days, give tlie impression that the famous Douglas Fairbanks has in no I way lost his popularity with Harris [ liurft nioi lo fans. After you have eaten that turkey | Avoid Coughs and Coughers Your health and society demand thnt you take something lor that cough. Coughing spreads disease.! Good, old reliable SIIIDOH is guar-] anteed to relieve-tlio worst cough in) twenty-four hours. SHILOH Stops Coughs THAT UNEASY FEELING That dull depression, thgt dragged out spiritless condition —it's bilious ness. Why be out of sorts with yourself and everybody else when one dose of Schenck's Mandrake Pills will do j wonders for you. • ; 80 yearp reputation for biliousness, constipation and bilious headache,etc. 25c per box—uncoatod or sugar coated Dr. J. H. Schenck & Son, Philadelphia BEAUTIFUL" HAIR THICK, WAVY, FREE FROM DANDRUFF ! Draw a moist cloth through hair and double its beauty at once. iSa've your hair! Dandruff dis i * appears and hair stops coming out. j Immediate? Yes! Certain? that's the Joy of It. Your hair bc | comes (ight. wavy, fluTy, abundant l ahd appears as soft, lustrous und beautiful as a young girl's after an application of lianderine. Also try this —moisten a cloth with a little Dandertne and carefully draw ii through your hair, taking one small J strand at a time. This will cleanse | the hair of dust, dirt or excessive [oil, find in-just a few moments you have doubled the beauty of your, hair. A delightful surprise awaits those whose huir has been negleoted or is scraggy, faded, dry. brittle or thin. Besides beautifying the hair, Dandcrltie dissolves every particle of dandruff; cleanses, purifies and 1 invigorates the scalp, forever stop- ] ping itching and falling hair, but what will please you most will be -after a few weeks' use, when you see new hair—fine und downy at first — JPS —but really new hair—grow- 1 Ing all over the scalp. lianderine is to the hair what ' fresh showers of rain and sunshine . ate to vegetation. It goes right to i the roots invigorates and strehgth- j ens them. Its exhilarating, stimu lating and life-producing properties ! cause the' hair to grow long, strong ] and beautiful. You can surely have pretty, charm ing lustrous hair, and lots of it, if' you will spend a few cents for a bot tle of Knowlton's Danderlnc from an> drug store or toilet counter and " as directed. IICTORIA THEATER' TO-DAY OM.Y rkUCY HYI.AMt In "EOVMH Ahi\ IK LAURIE" j In n Tate of flnrry l.auder'a I.ami. Also It LTD HOI.A\I> In t "lIAMIS DP." TO-MOIUtOW OM.Y t'IIAKI.II-; CHAI'I.IiV In "THE JAZZ. MAITKH" Have n l.nugh With linrlle. ( Also, "A FIGHT FOR MILLIONS") AUmlMMlon. 10c Niid 20c and war tax to-morrow and otherwise enjoyed , yourself at your home, you can make \ it the "end of a perfect day" at the Regent. The speciul Thanksgiving picture is "The Manx-Man," by Hail Caine. This is a story with the set ting in the Isle of Man. and deals with the Manx-Man people. It Is a wonderful picture by a splendid writer. , i Illimitable Charlie Chaplin, wiiohas| I been making the big crowds of movie fans at the Victoria Theater I At the rock the place with laugli ' N Ictorln ter at his conilcul antics. Is hack again to-morow In j one of his funniest comedies, "The I Jazz Walter." j As piay tic Imagined, Charlie gets plenty of opportunity to show his skill as one of the foremost funmakers ,j before the country to-day, and It is - | unnecessary to add tliat he takes full i advantage: of each and every bpportu ! nity. I Another great chapter In the sterl ing serial. "A Fight For Millions," starring that intrepid screen actor, NVilliam Duncan, will-also be shown. "The Mystery of the Leaping Fish," . to-morrow, with Doug' Fairbanks, Is ' l well worth seeing In Itself. • I Police Trying to Curb Bootlegging to Soldiers . T. V. Martin and George Stevens, 341 st Fire and Guard Battalion at Marsh Run, woo were taken into charge on the charge of being drunk und raising a disturbance, were acn tenced to pay $25 line or spend 30 days in jail, after a hearing in po lice couft yestSrduy. It is tho Ilrst time the local police court has disposed of soldier cases, and the practice will he followed in the future in an effort to curb boot legging. After they liave* served tlieir terms, the soldiers will ' he turned over to the commanding offi cer for military punishment. The men were committed to jail at the advic- o' the authorities at hteir camp, who declared that they should receive civilian treatment for their misdeed:; here. Jn/[\ 60 Doses, jy yV 30 Cents . Every N Household \ j Should Have \ jIjUNIPERTARjI \ COUGHS COLDS / \ SORE THROAT / X. Are quickly relieved by / time-tested remedy S XL At Druezlats "MAJESTE: IVI £ ACTS OF GOOD Vaudeville Including the 'i IMPERIAL QUINTET j Tomorrow's Big Holiday Show will have ns features ■ii i.iAS' ItUfei: 4tr.tl tin j SUV UN KALAI.t'HI HAWAIIAN'S Slums Tomorrojv, 2.311, it to 11 | Continuous L = —^l COLONIAL WILL ROGERS —IN LAUGHING BILL HYDE A TroiHcmioiiM Drama of ItcfU'mption. THANKSGIVING DAY ! Norma Talmadge j in n rrtiirn enßiinemfnt, "The Devil's Needle" V. ■ * lORPHEUM TOMORROW THAV iiA;' l,v " FRIDAY MATINEES DAILY THE RETURN TO THE SPEAKING STAGE OE THE POPULAR HUSH COMEDIAN Barney Gilmore THE ROCKY ROAD TO DUBLIN HIT A THE SONGS OF ODD ERIN lIIjAII 'i lli: MELODIES OE THE, IRISH PIPER I Thanksgiving Day Prices, 25c to $l.OO Popular Priced Mat. Friday, 25c.and 50c Saturday ™t g h NOV. 30 E. J. Carpenter OFFERS AMERICA'S FOREMOST ACTRESS ADELAIDE THURSTON I "THE OTHER ; I MAN'S WIFE" VICTOR E. LAMBERT H . A PLAY TREE TO LIFE Saturday—Matinee, 25c, 50c, 75c Night, 25c* c O. ,75c, $l.OO -f \ " Cured His RUPTURE I was badfy ruptured while lifting e trunk several years ago Ooctors said 'my only hopo of euro was an operation." Trusses did me no good, initially 1 got hold ot something that quickly and completely cured ma Years have passed and the rupture has never returned, although f am doing hard work as a carpenter. There was no operation, no lost time, no trouble. 1 have nothing to acll, but will give full information about how you may find a complete cure without operation, if you write to me. Eugene M. Pullen, Carpenter, 2658 Marcellus Avenue, Manasquan, N. J. Better cut out this notice and show it to any others who are ruptured—you may save a life or at least stop the misery of rupture and the worry and aunger of an operation. Constipation Biliousness-Headache Dr. Chase's Liver Tablets Make the liver active, bowels regu- Inr without puin or griping, relieve sick headache and that bloated feel ing after eating, purify the blood and clear the complexion. I.urge l>\, enough to last n month, 30c UNITED MEDICINE CO., I'hllaileliilila, I'a. Beecham's Pills will rapidly improve your ! completion by arousing the ; liver and putting stomach j and blood in good order. Laryett Sale of Any Medicine in the World. Sold everywhere, in boxes, 10., 25c. REGENT Final Showing Today Douglas Fairbanks —lX— "Bound in Morocco" -t- Sprolnl TlinnkKKivliiK Show-t -"THE MANX-MAN" Tinned on the arcnt novel by Hall Caine Admission —lOr, UOf, ami war lax || ORPHEUM I To-Night—Last Time GUS HILL OIKKHS 1 THE CAPTAIN AND THE RIDS I Vim and Pretty (.Iris I Seats —25c to $l.OO jamnonr \r *\ r* " ' "Hi ! Follow the Crowds The first .annual. ball of the ! Capital City 'Lodge, 340. Inter national Order, of Blacksmiths and Helpers will be held j KOVEMBEIt 27. 1018, AT Winter's Hall s.;so l*. M. | SUD'S JAZZ ORCHESTRA Wild. KUMNISH THE MUSIC. ADMISSION, 50c I.ADIES EH EE Miss liortha Le Vine aided by Mr. Bloom will entertain during in termissions. V. 1 /" Thanksgiving Dance at Winterdale 15 Xortli .llurkct Sqnnrc Thursday Evening, Nov. 2Sth Admission — 40c and 60c. Private Le**on* by Appointment 1
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