2 NEWS OF CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA AND CITY'S SUBURBS AUTO GOES DOWN MOUNTAINSIDE Thrilling Experience of New York Touring Party on Way to Florida Wayncslioro, Pa., Nov. 25. —While G. W. Sexton, a merchant, of Waynesboro, Vas returning on Fri day from a trip in Adams county, tind was pulling up the steep hill at Jack's Mountain, he arrived just In time to witness a large touring car upset down the mountainside at that point. The parties driving and occupying the car wore from New York and were enrouto' to Jackson ville, Florida, where they exxpected to spend the winter. The engine of the car stalled just when nearing the top and in reversing the gears and at the same time endeavoring to keep from colliding with a large farm wagon, the automobile sheered across the road ptid went over the bank, turning upside down. Luckily the occupants were thrown out and all escnped injury, except a woman in the party, who received a broken wrist. RED CROSS ELECTS Meclianicslwirg, Pa., Nov. 25. At the annual election of officers of the Mechanicsburg Chapter of the lied Cross, which wns held on Fri day at t lie Business Men's League, the following were chosen for the ensuing year: Chairman, the Rev. H. Hall Sharp; fire vice-chairman, Mrs. David Watts; second vice-chairman, Mrs. F. E. Wilcox; secretary, Miss Catherine Keefer; treasurer, Charles Ebcrly; directors, Mrs. A. E. Sieber, Mrs. M. E. Anderson, Mrs. George Fulton, Mrs. Charles Eberly and Dr. J. N. Clark. A. E. Sieber was Judge of the election with Mrs. A. S. Black and Miss Mary Clark as tellers. A Nation's Safety depends upon more than wealth or the power of its mighty guns. It rests in its robust children and in its strong, vigorous manhood. SCOTT'S EMULSION an ideal constructive tonic-food, brings to the system elements easily assimilated and imparts strength and pro motes normal growth. Wjr Scoff's Emulsion builds up the ft '[f weak and fortifies the strong. Scott & Bowne'. Moomfield, N.J. IS-20 ft t When Itching Stops V 1 " There is one safe, dependable treat ment that relieves itching torture and skin irritation almost instantly and that cleanses and soothes the skin. Ask ahy druggist for a 35c or $1 bottle of zemo and apply it as directed. Soon you will find that irritations, pimples, blackheads, eczema, blotches, ringworm and similar skin troubles will disappear. A little zemo, the penetrating, satis fying liquid, is all that is needed, for it banishes most skin eruptions, makes the skin soft, smooth and healthy. The E. W. Rose Co., Cleveland, O. UNITED STATES RAILROAD ADMINISTRATION W. G. McAdoo, Director General of Railroads Cumberland Valley Railroad Gettysburg & Harrisburg Railroad Philadelphia, Harrisburg & Pittsburgh Branch (p. & it. mr.) > Effective Sunday, November 24th, important changes in Passenger Train Schedules leaving HARRISBURG will be made. Cumbcr'and Valley Train No. 1, for Winchester, will I.eave at -1.15 A. M. I*. H. At I'. Division (P. &R. Kit.) Train Xo. ill will Leave 8.20 A. M. for Gettysburg alitl Shippcnsbiirg;. CONSULT TICKET AGENTS — ,■ - JOIN OUR CLASSES NOW I SPECIALISTS IX EACH DEPARTMENT SCHOOL OF COMMERCE ■ Harrisburg's Leading and Accredited Business College B Bell 485—Day and Night School—Dial 4393 I TROUP BUILDIXG 'ls S. MARKET SQUARE B Write, Phone or Call—Send for Catalog w A Representative Will Cull Upon Request 1 iffllriMim., m,,,,, & We Have the Following i> Second - Hand) MOTORS j j i On Hand and Offer Same For Sale , USED ON TELEGRAPH LINOTYPE MACHINES j i ' Name of Motors—All D. C. H. P. Speed Volts 1 J y 4 370 220 J y 4 390 , • " .' 385 2201 < 1 " y 4 -380 2201 Sprague y 4 370 2202 ; (Fidelity .> 7. . y 450 220 Triumph .10 273 120 3 Cushman's (Hanging) .25 440 230 i ( Watson (Hanging) y 300 220 l 'Lundell (Hanging) .25 1475 230 -Federal Machine Shop' Cranberry St. Near 2nd , | HARRISBURG, PA. MONDAY EVENING, LATE NEWS OF CUMBERLAND VALLEY 100 SOLDIERS VOTE AT CAMP Returns From Twenty Places Counted in Cumberland Show Small Number Carlisle, Pa., Nov. 25.—Few Cum berland county soldiers cast their votes in the November election, ac cording to the compilation just com pleted. In all about 100 men in twenty camps voted, the majority of the ballots being for governor. There was only one soldier vote against the good roads amendment, with close to 90 fpr it, an interesting forecast of / the progressive view that men in the Army will take up on their return home. Some official totals of the Cum berland county vote, including the soldiers' ballots are: Sproul, 5,076; Bonniwell, 2,783; Beidlerrtan, 4,844; Logue, 3,185; Woodward, 4,779; Johnson 3,249; Kreider, 5,290; Beck ley, R., for Assembly, 4,846; Bow man, R., 4,715; Beistline, D., 3,369; Burner, D., 3,306. Porter got 3,419 for the Superior Coitrt and Hustle ton 1,154; Kephart had the big vote for tlie Supreme Court with 2,358, Fox being next with 1,233. There were 2,210 for the first amendment and 2,530 against. Selling Shook Estate to Found Home For Aged Greencastle, Pa., Nov. 25. —A real estate deal that has great interest for the people of this community was that of the late John H.'Shook farm Saturday. The farm is situated within the Ixumugh, and has a line mansion house thereon. It was sold at public sale to A. K. Carbaugh, near Greencastle, for $210.05. an acre, one of the highest prices ever obtained for property in this section, the farm containing 130 acres. By Mr. Shoolt's will his estate will go to found a Home For the s\ged, to lie located at ChambersbUrg to be known as the John H. Shook Home. Capt. and Mrs. J. M. Singer Celebrate Golden Wedding Pa., Nov. 25.—Captain land Mrs. John M. Singer celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary yesterday. Captain Singer, who is a veteran 'of the Civil* War, is one of the most active men for his age in this community, and Mrs. Singer is possessed of all the mental faculties 'and physical vigor of a woman in the prime of life. They are as remark able a couple as can be^*found in Franklin county. RALLY DAY SERVICES Mechanicsburg, Pa., Nov. 25. Interesting Rally Day services were held yesterday morning in the Church'of God, which was decorated with flags and the program includ ed: Music, Scripture lesson. Miss Rea Zug; pray T, Jacob Gantz; greetings from the superintendent, James L. Young; choir, honor roll, "America," recitation, Edith Forney; recitation, Mary Shope; music, "Ja cob Wins Esau," J. G. Bentz; choir, home department, Mrs. A. E. Sieber, superintendent; choir, address. "With the Colors," the Rev. J. Rus sell Bucher. | BURGLAR DEFIES LOCKS AND BOLTS j Mysterious Visitor Gets Away With Loot From Several* Homos at Quincy Way nexboro, Pa., Nov. 25.—Quincy has a mysterious burglar, who defies locks and bolts, electric lights and the proximity of neighbors to the i homes he robs. An added bojdness is displayed in the fact he carries his loot away In an automobile or wagon. * He visited the home of Daniel Rick, while he and his fhmiiy had gone out for the evening. When he left he took with him $l4O of a roll of $l6O from a bureau drawer. In leav ing he dropped a S2O bill on the floor, for which Mr. Rick is thankful. Be tween three and four bushels of po tatoes and over thirty jars of canned goods were 'also missing from the cellar. From the home of Lewis Coffman, he took a quantity of canned fruit, and from the residence of Harry Wagaman he carried off eight bushels of potatoes and some canned fruit. NEW RED CROSS OFFICERS Waynesboro, Pa., Nov. 25.—Mem bers of the Franklin county chapter of the- American Red Cross met at the courthouse in Chambersburg and elected the following officers: Dr. E. D. Warfleld, chairman; J. M. Stoner, vice-chairman; Mrs. E. Hunter Rid dle, secretary; H. B. Mlnehart, treas urer; Mrs. C. O. Wood, women's work; Mrs. Morris Lloyd, supplies; Miss Elsie Kl'epfer, FayettylUe, civ ilian relief; Dr. J. F-. Saxe, Fannetts- I burg, hygiene; Prof. L. E. Smith. Greencastle, junior membership; J. E. Drumm. Mercersburg, campaign service;; C. F. Glllan, St. Thomas, per sonal; the Rev. R. B. Gait, canteen service. I EMERSON 11. STRICKLER HIES Waynesboro. Pa., Nov. 25.—Emer son. son of Mrs. Flanna Strickler. of Waynesboro, died at New York City on Friday night. Ills brother, A. B. Strickler, of York, had been with him during the past live weeks. The deceased was the oldest child of the I late Bishop Henry Strickler and Mrs. Fianna Strickler, and was born April I 12. 1869. His earrly life was spent | near Upton and in Waynesboro. He j was a graduate of the Johns Hopkins I University at Baltimore, and took a | post graduate course at the Boston Institute of Technology. He was a, chemical engineer and at the time of his death was a director of the Gen eral Chemical Company, of New York. Surviving are his mother, a brother, A. B. Strickler, general manages of the York Manufacturing Company. TURKEYS VERY SCARCE Carlisle, Pa., Nov. 25. —Forecasts by produce dealers and others here are that the Thanksgiving turkeys in Carlisle and Cumberland county will be noticeable tq r. their absence. Latest quotations on tlid birds are at 36 cents live weight and few to be secured at this figure. Turkey raising in Cumberland county is growing smaller in importance each year and except in the mountain regions few can be secured. Ducks, geese, chickens and guineas are also scarce. PRIZES FOIt FARM SHOW Carlisle, Pa., Nov. 25.—With two cups and scores of medals from the Chamber of Commerce and cash prizes, the donations of banks and individuals, there will be many awards for the annual farm products show of the Cumberland County Farm Bureau which will be held next week, December 5 and 6, the same time as the annual teachers' institute. SOLDIER VOTE COl NTED Waynesboro, Pa., Nov. 25.—The of ficial count of the Frankjin county soldier vote cast at the November election was made Friday afternoon in Chambersburg. Sproul for Gover nor received 28 votes, while Bonni well 11, making a v total of 39 ballots. Only one ballot was returned from LIGHT POST GIVEN TO CHURCH Liverpool, Pa., Nov. 20.—-A beau tiful electric arc liglitpost Ip being placed outside of tlie Methodist Episcopal Church, being the gift of Mr. and Mrs. "Frank P. Dilley. If He Drinks Give Him TESCUM POWDERS Secretly Any mother, wife or' sister can stop the Drink Habit, if she wants to do so. Thousands of women are happy today because they gave their husbands, sons or brothers "Tescum Powders." The powders are taste less and harmless and can he given in either liquid or solid food. You take no risk as Tescum Pow ders are sold under a sicel-bound money-refund guarantee by J. Nel son Clark and other druggists. To Cure a Cold in One Dny Take LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE ! (Tablets). It stops tlie Cough and I Headache and works off the Cold. | E. \V. GROVE'S signature on eacli box. 60c. i A Tonic and Health Builder Remove that warning cough or cold with Calcerbs (the calcium tablet). They give strength to combat illness. 50c boxes at druggists or from ECKMAN LABORATORY. Philadel phia. manufacturers .of Eckmun's Alterative. Look out for Span ish Influenza. At the first sign of a cold take CASCARAm QUININE Standard cold remed- for 20 year#—i tcblr. form—ate, tare, o opiates—breaks up a cokl in 24 hours relieves grij i. 3 day:. Money back (fit fails. Thetenulne* .ha. Red top with Mr. Hill's picti. . At All Druy Stor . ttAHJUBBUR© TEtEGR^JPH Harrisburg Artist in Irving College Recital NEWELL ALBRIGHT MrchiuilcNliurg, Pa.. Nov. 23.—Ir ving College and Music Conservatory have scheduled a number of interest ing events ror tlie near future. Prominent among these and one which will undoubtedly attract a .large attendance is the recital which will be given this evening, when the college presents In public recital, Newell Albright, of Harrisburg, pi anist; Mrs. 11. Albert Smith, vocalist; Miss Leonora Fry. harpist und Miss Mildred Little. On Saturday evening. December 7, students in tlie Department of Ex pression, assisted by students of the Music Department, will give a public recital. On Tuesday evening. December 10, Professor Walter Bradley Tripp, of Emerson College of Oratory. Boston, will give in recital, his reading of "Tom Pinch." Mr. Tripp is one of the most popular platform artists in the country. On Saturday evening, December 14, the Dramatic Club, under the direc tion of Miss Mildred Little, will pre sent a popular program, consisting of two short plays—"A Royal Run away," a romantic comedy, by Marble, and "A Proposal Under Difficulties," There will be no Thanksgiving pay Dramatic Club play this year. A Va cation lias been declared covering the weekend of Thanksgiving week. Youthful Sailor Dies in Brooklyn Navy Hospital Dtiitcannon,. Pa., Nov. '2s.—Harry. Dunkle, aged 17 years, died at a hospital in Brooklyn, N. Y., on | Thursday of pneumonia following lan attack of influenza. His father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Dunkle; his sister, Mrs. Abram Deardolf, of Duncapnon, and his brother, Charles E.' Otinkle,' of'Al toona, were at his bedside when he | died. Harry Dunkle was a sailor in the service of the United States, | having enlisted in September, 1917. I At the-time he enlisted he was but I fifteen years old and full of patriot- I ism. He had made two voyages to | France., Two weeks ago he retum jed from his second trip overseas and spent*a brief "furlough here j with his parents. The body has not as yet been brought to the home of his parents. Funeral arrangements will be made later. WOUNDED SECOND TIME i Halifax, Pa., Nov. 25.—William H. Straw, son of James* M. Straw,-of Armstrong street, has again been wounded in France, according to a message received on aturday night from the. War Department. The young man is now confined to a base hospital* It is not known how seri ous the wounds are. Young Straw was wounded the first time last June and spent several weeks in a hospital ut that time. SOLDIER KILLED IN BATTLE Marietta, l'a., Nov. 25. Daniel i Kautz, of Rowenna, Just above Mari ettta, has paid the supreme sacrifice in France, his father being notified on Saturday to that effect. The telegram stated that he met his death in uetion between Sepeinber 24 and October 3. and that it was in the deciding bat tle of the war. Private Kautz was 22 years old, and was a -member of Waterford Council. No. 72, Order Unit ed American Men, of Marietta. BFsides ills father, he is survived by his sister and a half-sister. RIG CRANV. UPSETS Marietta, Pa., Nov. 25. One of tlie lai'gc cranes used at tlie Marietta storage yards, in West Marietta, was upset on Saturday afternoon. John WalteV, tlie engineer, saved his life ) by jumping when he saw the loud At tached to tlie rope -was too heavy for It to bear. RINCANNOV Edward MeCarrel has returned from a visit at the home of his brother at Mapleton. ' Mr. and Mrs. Harvey F. Arter have returned from a visit to relatives Ut Millersburg. Ed Ward Pines now has charge of ' tlie ollice of the Adams Express Com- j pany here. The duties of the office ' will be conducted along with Ills j draylng of freight. Saturday was camkv.onthly payday j at the Duncannon Iron and Steel j Work and the Standard Novflty Works. This town not having a football team this season, there will be no game played here on Thanksgiving ; Day. The public sale of personal prep- ( erty held by B. F. Atcxander on Sat- | urday was largely attended. LIVERPOOL Mrs. Eugene Brosius and son, Paul, of Dalmatla, are spendihg some time hero with her father, H. E. Bair. H. E. Ritter made u trip to Har risburg recently. Howard Reichenbaugh and Lester Lenhart are employed at Middleburg on an electric light line. Miss Alice Freed is spending some j time with relatives at Harrisburg. | Mrs. Edward Haekenbroeht, of Harrisburg, spent Friday at George Zeiler's. Mrs. Naomi Glace, of Dalmatia, Is spending some time here,with Ramsey j Williamson and family. Mrs. George W.'Roblson. of Phila- i delphia, spent a day here with Mrs. i Emma Roblson. Mrs. Pearl Hughes spent several days at Pao'.l and Philadelphia. Mrs. Annie Rodle, of Millersburg, | visited Mrs. SaraH Portzliue. Mrs. N. 11. Miller spent several I days at Harrisburg CHARGED WITH KILLING WIFE t Russell Potter Under Arrest! ' at Waynesboro Following Young Woman's Death Waynesboro, Pa., Nov. 2,">.—That Mary Thelma Ppttcr, the young wife of Russell Potter, whose dead body was found on the (loor of her homo in Trltle avenue. Saturday-afternoon, i with a bullet hole through her heart, came to her death from the effects of a pistol shot wound inflicted by her husband, was the verdict of the jury called by the coroner to'make an inquest into the tragedy. The Jury I was unanimous in fixing the guilt upon the husband and reached its j verdict promptly upon the conclu sion of the hearing. As a result the murderer is now in the county jail. The Inquest was held In the city hall last night between the hours of 7 and 9. The county coroner, Dr. J. M. Kinter, presided. District Attor ney Charles H. Clipptnger, Ureen castle, conducted the hearing. The following jury was impanelled: Jus tice of the Peace John A. Potter. President, of the Board of Health William. H. Morrison, Registration Assessor L,. S. Kepner, Constable George E. Byers, John H. Neal and Harvey S. Thompson.. The accused husband was brought | Into the inquest— or rather dragged in by the chief of police, as he at j l'ected not to be able to scarcely put one foot before the other. He was a I pitiable and ghastly sight as he | dropped in a heap on the witness i chair, with his long bushy raven j locks, cut football fashion, his old, shabby overcoat, his palid and deatli ! ly countenance, contorted by agony, land his body writhing and quaking i as though in an epileptic fit. Though cautioned by the District Attorney, that under the circum stances, he being the only other per. son in the house at the time, the law would presume him guilty of the murder of his wife .and that he would not be required to answer any questions put to him, the man waived all his rights of legal protection and at once dropped Into a recital of the entire bloody episode, as he* had prepared his story,in the few hours that had elapsed. He protested his innocence and told a circumstantial story of how | Ills wife had gotten the revolver ; from a nail where they kept it hang ! ing, and began brandishing it in i cowboy style, suying, ' ,'m going to shoot you." He at tirst supposed she I was only jesting, but,soon she level led the pistol at him. He * stooped ■ quickly" and that minute the shot I rang out and his wife rushed into I the parlor and fell over. He could | not explain how the pistol got into i the pantry where it was found later I by a neighbor, or how his wife had | made her way into the parlor, thir- I ty-live feet away, before she fell over j dead. Neither could he explain the absence of any bloodstains on the floor of the kitchen or the dining room through which his wife had to pass to reach the parlor where her dead body was found in a pool of blood. Other glaring discrepancies in his story, coupled with his actions immediately following the shooting and the conditions found in the wound and clothing of (he dead woman, made his story unworthy of j credence. j Dr. Croft, who made the autopsy, . was the main witness. He told of the 1 conditions found at the house when j he reached there at 2 o'clock, shortly | after the shooting. The young worn jan was lying on her side and her | clothing was saturated with blood, ' in a pool of which she lay. The but j let had penetrated immediately over ' her heart and passed through the I same, lodging in the muscles of the back, from which he extracted it later in making the autopsy at the undertaking establishment, where the body was ordered removed by the coroner. Her clothing about the wound was charred and discolored by the fire and smoke of the pistol. In the palm of her left hand —and this was the deadly, incriminating evidence of murder —was an elong ated wound showing the path of the bullet as she grabbed the, end of the barrel to deflect the shot. The 22-caliber revolver was shown in evidence, with one cham ber empty. Also the extracted bullet which corresponded with those re maining in the revolver. R. E. Gaibraitb, a neighbor, was the first to reach the' Potter home. Potter came running over for him, saving that his wife had shot herself and had threatened to shoot him. He told him that liis wife had held the point of the revolver at fc.er heart and said she was going to shoot her self. He said, "No, dearie, don't do it, but she did it just the same." Wit ness and Dr. Croft'found the revolv er in the pantry. Potter is a son of O. J. O. Potter, and is only 20 years old. He has al ways been a wayward youth and hard to manage. Degeneracy is stamped on his every feature. He has been employed at a local factory. That he provided poorly for Ills wile is shown by the squalid conditions about tlie house. His wife was only fifteen years old when married to Potter seven months ago. Her father is depd and her mother lives at Pond Bank, neur Mont Alto. She was a comely young woman and the pic ture of health. SHOT Ull.l) TURKEYS Waynesboro, Pa., Nov. 25.—Edward ! Eberly, of near Waynesboro, shot a | twelve-pound wild turkey in Horse ! Valley. J. M. Runk, real estate dealer, of Chambersburg, lias returned from n| hunting trip in Horse Vulley, and had the good luck to shoot a 17-pound wild turkey. J ' ' R ■ Sttfff -the bird with POSTTOASTIES (Mode of Corn! Makes the finest ! kind of dressing Machine Gun Man Gassed and Wounded in France ■ * ' - HOWARD S, BITTINGER McchnnU'shurg, Pa., Nov. 25. — Howard S. Btttlnger, son of Jacob S. Bittinger, South Market street, Me chanicsburg, wps gassed and wound ed slightly while ill action on the battlefront in France. Ife is a mem ber of the machine gun company of the One Hundred Twelfth Regiment, Twenty-eighth Division. TH INKSGIVING SERVICES Hummel. ton,i, Nov. 25. —V special patriotic and Thanksgiving service will be held In the Sunday school room of the Reformed Church on Wednesday evening at 7.45. A thank offering will be taken. The Union Thanksgiving . service will be held on Thanksgiving Day morning a t ten o'clock in Zion Luth eran Church. The Rev. Arthur R j Lehman, pastor of the United Bretli | le " Cllur( - h - Preach the sermon, f—ioa ~n ■— Thursday, Dec. sth- Last Day to Send Soldier and Sailor Gifts at Home. ff ' " % 28-30-32 N. Third Street || A % \\ A Very Unusual Opportunity Is ■ ■ Yours To Select FromOurEntire | Stock of Women's and Misses' ■ I I Suits and Dresses i the Original Price 3 r • S. | A Most Exceptional Offer For f II Thanksgiving Buyers Schlepner Ready -10-W ear at These Sale Pr.ices Mean The Most Substantial Kind of Economy ' Suits and Dresses ; Suits and Dresses Were $160.00 1 10 CO Were $69.50 4K9 11 14 off—Sale Price.. >4 off—Sale Price.. Suits and Dresses - Suits and Dresses Were $115.00 4ft£ 9*5 Were $59.50 t.AA #59 U off—Sale Price. . " 500,A0 14 off—Sale Price.. M Suits and Dresses Suits and Dresses Were >,4 off—Sale Price.. '/* oft—Sale Price.. *SO/.10 | Suits and Dresses Suits and Dresses Were $89.50 4#?7 1 9 Were $39.70 49Q CO V 4 off —Sale Price.. PW#alJ 0 ff —g a j e p r m e _ Suits and Dresses * * Suits and Dresses Were $75.00 4(nR 9*> Were * 29 -" 5 499 99 ,4 o ff—Sale Price. . ',4 off—Sale Price. . W4C&.O& g No / Approvals—None C. O, l>.—None Reserved —No mail or telephone order* —No exchange**—Every sale .final. vaniniiinaaiy.i ,i. maa.tu'jiaaiawwwg'.v ' ifljaii ••■irr 'K*saca 1 NOVEMBER 25, 1918. Capt. B. H. Hewitt Killed on Battlefield of France Lewtstowii. Pa., Nov 25. Cap tain Benjamin H. llewitt. son of j Attorney and Mrs. llewitt. Holidays- , burg, and a relative of the Woods | family of Lewlstown, died on (lie; buttletield in Frunce. A brother olllccr of the 216 th Infantry, tells how Gaptuln Hewitt fell in tlie Argonne wood, his story is as fol lows: "As neur us I can learn Cuptain Hewitt was killed on Suniluy, Sep tember 29. He led his men forward in the ullack and received a badly shattered right arm from shrapnel. He went to (lie first aid station and had his wound dressed aild instead of laying up to recover he went for ward again to join his men. On tlie following day lie aguin led the attack almost too weuk to walk. That duy another shrapnel shell burst near him and tore a hole In his chest.' His men got a stretcher and started witli him to the rear. Just then a high explosive shell came crushing through the air. kill ing him and the two men who car ried the stretcher. Captain Hewitt died a liero and 1 shall always re member hint as such." KITCHEN SHOW Ell FOIt RltlDE Halifax, Pa., Nov. 25.—A kitchen shower was held at the home yf Mr. | und Mrs. Meredith on Friday morn | ing In honor of their daughter .Mabel. | who was recently mnrried to Marlln C. Bowman. The evening was spent lin games, music, etc. At a late hour I refreshments were served to Pauline and Kathryn Sweigard, Pearl Wlilt nker, Nancy Whitaker, Martha Whit alter and Susan Whitaker. Edna Cooper, Florence Sheesley, Hannah Sheesley, Arthur Hoffman. Eleunor Hoffman, Miriam Sweigard. Evelyn Sweigard, Margaret Meredith. Grace Bowman, Dewey Cooper, Thomas | Sheesley, Francis Sheesley, Guy Bow man, -Meade Bowman, Harry Cors ! nitz, Gilbert Wilbert, Myles Meredith, j Curtis Meredith, Palmer Meredith, I Milton Straw, George Cooper, Cornel ! ius Bowman. Isaac Baker, C. 0. Bwet* 1 gard. Raymond Earnest. Woodrow j Hoffman, Joseph Sloat. Mrs. D. B. ! Corsnitz, G. R. Hoffman, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Sweigard, Mr. and Mrs. Cletus I Sweigard and son, Mr. and Mrs. Hu- I bert Clouser. KILLED IN FRANCE Liverpool. Pa., Nov. 257—The first I hoy from Liverpool to -make the i supreme sacrifice was .John Wesley DeHaven. Young DeHaven was scrgean-inajor of the Second Bat- I talion, Fifty-first Coast Artillery J Corps, and according to informa- I tlon received from the War Depart -1 inent was killed in action October 17. Sergeant-Major DeHaven was 31 years old. BELT. MANAGER PROMOTER l.owistown, Pa., Nov. 25. —11. B. Whitmoyer, who served over three years as local manager of the Bell Telephone Company here has gone to Altoona to take up work for the same oompdny. Difrlng his resi dence here Mr. Whitmoyer was In terested in the Red Cross and in everV move for the best interests of the' Community. Mr. Whitmoyer is a former Harrisburg boy. AID SOCIETY JIA/AR Htiiiiittelntown. Nov. 25.—The an nual bazar given by the Ladies' Aid Society of 'Zion Lutheran Church will he held in the Parish house on Satur day afternoon and evening, Decem ber 7. There will be on sale many beautiful and useful articles. A chicken corn soup supper will be served. Hot water. WA Sure Relief RELL-ANS JL# FOR INDIGESTION j Here is a monument that at ! once appeals to those who like | classic beauty. -It inspires res j pect and admiration for its sim ' pie good taste and enduring quality. This is l>ut one of the 1 many designs which w f e should I like to show you. You'll surely I firpl something from our great I variety of designs to appeal to youc Prices quoted on special j designs sketched to orifer. • • !, I.B.DICKINSON Granite. Marble and Tile 5()5-i:< North Thirteenth St. Harrisburg. Pa.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers