" When a Girl Marries" By AN* fttfsi.ii, A New, Romantic Sena! Dealing With the Absorbing Problems of a Girl Wife CHAPTER LI We drove home from Jim's din ner in the state of utter quiet which is likely to follow a packed over full with excitement. Now and then Evvy's spirit flared up. But Jim was so tired —or so completely wrapped in his own thoughts—that he did not respond. I felt sorry for Evvy now. I had begun to feel sorry for her when Neal rose dutifully to waltz with her and then fell to dancing me chanically, leading her around in a dull maze that permitted him to look over her head at. Phoebe. When the dance was over Neal had flung him self down at Phoebe's side, and there he had remained until wo started for home in the same "formation" we had used all through the day—Neal and Phoebe, Virginia and Sheldon paired off in one car, and Evvy the "odd one" in the group where 1 h'aW felt almost an intruder earlier in the day. So when Betty and Terry depos ited us at our door I found myself able to kiss Evvy an almost pitying good-night. Suppose she had flirted with my husband? That did not mat ter, for though her attentions had been forced on Jim, his had been given to me. I have been miserably Jealous in the past—jealous of both Evvy and Betty. But now I realize that I have a rival to face who is far more dan gerous than any women, however, beautifully and charming. And I wonder can 1 deal with it? Our good-nights said, Jim and 1 hurried upstairs. And with thud ding heart I was preparing myself for what I had to do. "It sure has been a large day, hasn't it. Princess Anne?" yawned Jim, with no attempt to conceal ment, as he switched on the lights in our living room. "Little Jimmie for bed instanter —or quicker." "Jim, wait a minute, I—l want to ask you something." I was fencing for an opening and Jim gave it to me. "Ask me for anything you want, Light of My Life—but not for five cents worth of 'filthy lucre.' Be cause l'tn cleaned out and will stay broke until my check for two-eighty comes to-morrow morning. Talk ol High Cost oi Medicine "Although I paid only $2.00 for two bottles of Mayr's Wonderful Remedy I wouldn't take SIOO for what two doses have done for me. My partner also has taken a dose with wonderful results. He was threatened with an operation for stomach and bowel trouble, and is sure he will be all right now. We both suffered from indigestion and bloating with gas." It is a simple, harmless preparation that removes the catarrhal mucous from the in testinal tract and aHays the inflam mation which causes practically all stomah, liver and intestinal ailments, including appendicitis. One dose will convince or money refunded. G. A. Gorgas, H. C. Kennedy, Clark's Two Drug Stores and drug gists everywhere. Only in Country Made Troco is This Delicate Flavor Found The combination of dainty ingre dients, an exclusive process and a country plant where the air is pure and .sweet, produce the de luxe qual ity of Troco. It is churned with the white meat TROCO The Successor to Butter Troco, served on your table, is a revelation. You can only match its goodness in the highest priced creamery product. But every pound saves you from 25 to 40 cents! And users like it better. Troco is nutritious and digestible energy food of the highest value. EDSON BROS., 110 Dock Street, Philadelphia, Pa. FRIDAY EVENING* Jove! I hope that 'Bookie' sends It along by the first mail!" "Jim, did you risk every cent you had in the world on that race?" I cried with my hand on my dry throat, as if I could push down the lump that was rising there. Jim came over, took the hand in his and kissed it likhtly. "1 didn't risk every cent I had in the world, but every cent I had In my pocket," ho said lightly. "And my pockets were all too small —too small. Little Princess, or we would be getting a thousand to-mor row. Still the two-eighty puts us on Easy street." "Jim!" I cried in a frenzy of des peration. "Won't you understahd? I've got to know. Do you do this often? Do you—care for it—for— betting, 1 mean?" I couldn't say baldly: "Are you a gambler?" But Jim said it for mo. "Sure I like to bet. X like put ting up stakes. Say, Anne, what is flying? Doesn't every aviator who gets into his airplane and goep skimming over the clouds take the biggest gamble of all—the gamble with life—and death?" His head flung high, his eyes ablaze, and spots of color glowing lurid on his cheeks—my husband seemed aflame with the far spirit I never could touch, the spirit of fly ing. That was sacred. It held me silent, awe-struck for a moment. And in the pause Jim went on—but now he struck another note —irrit- ably: "For pity's sake, don't preach, Anne. Leave that to Virginia. Sup pose a fellow does like to take a chance now and then. Taking a chance discovered America, didn't it? All the big guys—the Inventors and discoverers —gambled, didn't they? I guess adventure's in my blood. And now that I can't fly any more, don't begrudge me the one harmless little outlet X san find." His questions burst about me like bullets. I couldn't fend them off. I couldn't reply. When he said "Don't preach like Virginia," I realized how deep a hold gambling must have on his nature. For it, he could criticise the sister he adored. Because of it he acknowledged that this same sis ter who adored him, "preached." And there I had the whole sad story. In a panic I ran to Jim and laid my hands on his shoulders while X lifted my eyes to his. "Ddar—couldn't you give it up for my sake? Gambling I mean. We can't afford to risk so much. We have to get established in the world, Just that is exciting enough—a real gamble. You've done without the other kind for months —ever since I've known you. Can't you put it out of your life for always?" Jim caught my wrists in his hands, and tore my clasp from his should ers. He flung me off—my husband flung me off! "I'm tired, I tell ydu—and I don't want to listen to any sermons. What are you complaining about? I won two months' salary in a minute, didn't I? You aren't the loser—are you? I'm lucky at betting. It's the only thing I am lucky at." "But, Jim, it's such a terrible habit" I began. of coconuts and pasteurized milk by a method which achieves inimitable fla vor and texture — —ln a plant situated in the Berkshire foot-hills, where the Troco Company is the only industry. Old laws compel us to label it oleomarga rine. But it contains no animal oils, is made by a company which makes only this pure vegetable product. A capsule of vegetable coloring supplied by your dealer on request. Write for Free Cook Book. Bringing Up Father - Copyright, 1918, International News Service By McManus | WELL-WE. HMD A I COME-TELL well £,Cs fturl I . - / 1 I fill f FINE LON<, WM.K' ME-ALL I LIKE TO I O I ( TOO 4OT THEM oV..S A<o\ 7 f J AGOOT IT- <iO OUT FOR AV,ATI \ VTOP IN AN WHAT! IN A DRO< -V_jgy. I [ ill |1 H-VU J ■ "Habit!" Jim laughed. "Habit nothing! The thing hasn't got me —you see that for yourself. If it had, I couldn't put it oft for months, the way I do. If I can take a little il.vcr now and then and clean up a tidy little pile, why should you whimper?" It was brutal and cruel. The Jim who spoke wasn't my Jim at all. 1 didn't know how to answer the tense, eagle-like, glittering-eyed man who had taken his place. > In the second I stood hesitating, the door opened and Neal came whirling in. He wasn't tired at.all; he looked happy and young and vital. Jim turned on Neal with a snarl that held all the venbm I had called up. "We got in half nn hour ago," he exclaimed. "Where have you been, young fellow?" There was no anger, no resentment in my quick-tempered young broth er's manner as he replied. Only gen tleness and sweetness. His voice was hushed, full of young happiness: "I was with Phoebe," said Neal. (To Be Continued I London Proposes Statue of President Wilson latmlon. Nov. 22.—Lord Weardale, presiding at a luncheon given to James M. Beck, former United States Attorney General, made reference to th erection in London of statues to Washington and Lincoln. He added (hat the conclusion of the war could not he marked better than by asking President Wilson to permit a statue of himself to be simultaneously erected with those of Washington and Lincoln in a prominent position in London. SLAIN AT SKA TOTAL 812 Washington, Nov. 22. —Loss of 145 American passenger and merchant vessels of 354,449 tons and 775 lives through acts of the enemy during the period from the beginning of the world war to the cessation of hos tilities November 11, is shown by fig ures made public by the Department of Commerce's Bureau of Naviga tion. Nineteen vessels and sixty-sev en lives were lost through use of tor pedoes, mines and gun fire prior to the entrance of the United States into the war. ' HARRISBURG tglgfftf TELEGRAPH THE HEART BREAKER A REAL AMERICAN LOVE STORY Uy VIRGINIA TEItHL'NE VAN DE WATER CHAPTER V. In silence the two sisters went softly upstairs. The door of Mrs. Higgins' room was open, and she caIDU out a sleepy good-night to theift. When Honora had switched on the light in the large front room which she and Mildred shared, the younger girl spoKe. "You are very quiet, Honora. Whnt's the matter?" "Nothing," the older girl tried to speak naturally. "I thought perhaps you had over heard what Arthur said to me as he told, mc good night," Mildred went on. i "It sounded very mysterious, didn't it? I don't really know myself what It's all abou't — but he asked me earlier in the evening to let 'him know what 1 would be doing to-mor row night. He wants to call If 1 am to be at home." "1 see," was the brief comment elicited by this bit of information. "What are we going to be doing anyway?" Mildred questioned. "Let me think," Honora evaded, as if tryii\g to remember some en gagement. "Sunday night—isn't it?" While she spoke she was having a little inward straggle with her suspicions and inclinations. If she said she had no plans and expected to remain at home, she might share with her sister the pleasure of Arthur Bruce's company. If not, the man would have an hour or two alone with Mildred—which was probably what he wanted. . Her latter impulses conquered. "X think," she said, "that I will go with Mrs. Higgins to hear that English man who is preaching at Agatha's Church to-morrow night. I know Mrs. Higgins wants to hear him, and she has to go out alone so often that I like to go with her when I can." "All right," Mildred rejoined. There certainly was no shadow of disap pointment in her clear eyes. "You certainly are good, my dear, to be so willing to trot around with Mrs. Hig gins. She is as good as gold, of course, but things she likes bore me." "I won't be bored," Honora affirm ed. "And you won't be bored either to-morrow night if you have Arthur here with you." Mildred shrugged her shoulders. Perhaps not—yet I don't know, for Arthur Is not wildly exciting either. Do you know that since my talk with that Hilton chap to-day, Ar thur seems dreadfully ambitionless and pepless?" Not Without Ambition "He is not ambitionless, and not 'pepless' either," Honora defended him. "He is just the product of his environment. He has always had his own way, and it's been an easy way at that. But now he has reach ed the place where he appreciates that he must work. You will find that' he will prove quite equal to what's ahead of him." "You like him better even than you used to, don't you, Honora?" The question was asked with such absolute guilelepsness that Honora Daily Dot Puzzle fill i 10 • J 4$ J"' z. ' V • 5* 7 #l2 3' 5 . % 4 • • 13 Az 4o 3* 34 * " * ,. B *l4 / ' ti .c • <35 • 17/ Si 2 ° # 3o 2b Z . 3 2 L 'l9 % *z ß —•— will appear, Forty-nine and he is here. Draw from one to two and so on to the end. uas annoyed at her feeling of em barrassment. "I always liked him," she rejoin ed, "even when we were kids togeth er. Maybe 1 do like him better now than I used to, because he has de veloped and become much more in teresting." "Well, to me he seems just about as lie always did," Mildred com mented with a yawn. "I must con fess. however, that he has a way of looking at me that he never used to .have—and that'tickles me." "X have noticed it," her sister com mented, dryly. Mildred laughed as if flattered by the ndmission. "Other chaps besides Arthur hav* looked at me like that," she con tinued. "But until this fall he has always seemed to take me for grant ed. Now he acts as if he had come to the conclusion that Iam actually worth while." To this Honora made no reply. She could think of none to make. It was when the lights were ,out and the two girls were in their re spective beds that Mildred spoke again. "1 say, Honora, what do you sup pose Arthur wants to talk to me about to-morrow night? Now that I know you have decided to make an engge ment for that evening, I don't mind telling you that he asked me espe cially if he could see me alone. I was just wondering" She stopped, and her sister, after waiting for her to complete the sen tence, demanded brusquely: • "What were you wondering?" "Oh, nothing—in a way. Only It would be funny —wouldn't it?—lf Arthur should be planning to tell me that he is falling in love with me?" Nnt a Nice Thought "Don't!" Honora's exclamation was sudden and stern. "I mean," she went on to explain her impetuosity, that it is not quite nice, my dear— do you think it is?—for a girl to speculate about the possible affec tion of an old friend like Arthur?" "Perhaps, if I was sure that I cared for him in a serious way. It might not be nice," Mildred rejoin ed. "But as matters stand, I do not sec why I should not discuss his feelings for me." "Perhaps It's all right," Honora said, more gently. "It surprised me —that's all." "Well, nothing that any man can say or do would surprise me, I guess." the younger sister remarked, with a struggle. "My, but I'm sleepy! I'm glad to-morrow's going to be Sun day, so that 1 can sleep as late as I like. Good night. Honey!" "Good night, dear," Honora re plied. She supposed that Mildred's sus picions were correct and that Ar thur Bruce was in love with 'the girl whom he had hitherto regarded us a pleasant little friend. The probability made Honora draw in her breath sharply. Then, as she remembered Mildred's declarations with regard to her own feelings, she wondered if the child knew her own heart. If Arthur cared for Mildred as he certainly did—would not she learn to care for him? If not, would he get over his affection for her? Here Honora Brent resolutely turned her mind from the future. Sufficient unto the day was the evil —or the good—thereof. (To lie Continued) Park Policeman Has Tale To Tell MoiU'oc Says Ho Hadn't Finished the First Bottle Before Change Came Officer W. S. Monroe, who lives at 1731 Sixth street, Harrisburg, und is so popular among visitors to the Park, says: "My stomach had gone back on me entirely. Was constipated and my kidneys troubled me greatly. Then I remembered that I had read a lot about folks who had been helped by Tanlac so I bought a bot tle and started taking it. Well, sir, you can believe me or not, but the very first doses did me good. I could feel It sort of nosing around Inside of me, hunting out the trouble, and before I had finished the first bottle I felt a hundred per cent. Better. "Now I eat with a relish, my stom ach is in fine shape and those bad headaches I used to suffer with have left me entirely and X can only thank Tanlac.''' „ Tanlac is now being introduced here at George A. Gorgas' Drug Store. Tanlac is als'o sold at the Gorgas Drug Store In the P. R. R. Sta tion; In Carlisle at W. G. Stephens' Pharmacy: Ellznbcthtown, Albert W. Cain: Greencastle, Charles B. Carl: Middletown, Colin S. Few's Phar macy: Waynesboro, Clarence Croft's Pharmacy: Mechanlcsburg, H. F. Brunhouse. The Kenulne Tanlac bears the name "J. I. Gore Co." on outside carton of each bottle. Look for it. Life's Problems Are Discussed Before the war we women were drowned in leisure. We did not rea lize it and of course every one of us will deny it now—but there is abundant proof that, in the words of good old Dr. Watts. Satan found mischief for idle hands to do. one thing, we built up an elaborate sex convention in regard to babies' bonnets and other belong ings. We felt it was absolutely necessary for a girl baby to have a rosette over each ear; bereft of this the bonnej was without sex and void. But we should have regarded it as a sacrilege to thus adorn a small lord of creation even at the age of six weeks. No, he must, have a I rosette on the top of his bonnet, so as to present a warlike and men- Anil the mothers, aunts and grand mothers regarded this 'he' and "she" business of the bonnet question as a thing of cosmic importance. Its place in the scheme of things they felt to be somewhere between the fixed stars and tHe laws of the Medes and Persians, and there was a general feeling that no good could come from tampering with it. Feelings Were Hurt And if ainyone gave a boy baby a bonnet with two rosettes, or a girl baby a bonnet with one, every one connected with that grossly in sulted infant had his or her feelings i deeply hurt. i Usually the mischief began right there, over-cmphasizlug the sex question while children were still in their baby carriages. With their first conscious breaths girl babies were implored to be "refined," while boy babies were entreated to be "brave," and take their castor oil like a man. Unconsciously each df these small unfortunates began storing up im pressions that later on meant a ball and ehain on their heels. Mary felt she must be relined and a little lady —and to get her clothes dirty or her haiar rumpled was to break all the commandments at once. And John' was equally well out fitted with a set' of false standards that promised to be as useful to him through life us a millstone in swimming. It wasn't necessary for him to be thoughtful, tactful or kind to things weaker tlian him self, because these tilings might con vert him into a ' sissy." If he played with girls, or oc casionally combed his hair, or strok ed a cut. these tilings were danger ous manifestations of possible sissy hood. And John uprose, did u war dance, and made life hideous for every one concerned, not because he enjoyed it especially, but to con form to the approved manly ideal, hooking I.ike u "l.ittle I. inly" And who has not sympathized witli the pale little girl denying herself coveted exercise exercise that was essential to her develop ment that she might, not rumple her clothes und look less like a little lady. In trying to make uf John a kin dergarten cave-men, to preserve | Relieve the strain on salespeople and V \ •:• yourself. Buy gifts now. < \ j^Sf^ | THE GLOBES \ j Pre-Thanksgiving Sale "yk&A | lOf Women's&Misses' Coats I \ I Every Coat in the Store Is Reduced 1 \ I —————— ___ \ aI \ | Lot No. I—Coats at SAQ.SO- \ \ \ * The season's most fashionable models — AT2M ===: • 1 % t all the wanted shades —Cheviots, Velours, —4 1 ' | * and Worsteds. Collars of Kit Coney and Baby Beaver. hT + * Values to $35. / \ V\ X i <b>L< <• X I Lot No. 2-.-Coats SHSO Lot No . 3 „.Coats§ IA 50 1 Loose, ripple back models £■ m J/I II? J ? -also strikingly smart full ™ ■ r , Val " ts '"f ~ Coa,s of Iff ♦ ? belted and semi-fitted style - Kerseys, Pom Pom, French Velours | * French Velours and Cheviots Values to —Kerseys and rich Silvertones—Many with ♦ J $45 and over. fur collars Each an individualized gar- * f ment. % | Lot No. 4—Coats § fit| 50 % Perfectly stunning models II A Girls CoatSysl '2.75 to $22.50 £ + of French Velours Some Smart, youthful models, including the J * with collars of Hudson Seal, others with popular Army Cloth Trench Coats—of Vel- ♦ $ novel self collars elegantly lined with ours, Cheviots, Burella Cloths, Velvets % * pussy willow silks and all interlined. many with Fur Collars. * | THE GLOBE j NOVEMBER 22, 1918. the masculine ideal, and of Mary an anaemic little fashion plate, that she might grow up "retined," parents wholly lost sight of the important thing that it is better for children to grow to be vigorous, healthy little animals with no thought of these artificial distinctions at all. Questions of sex loom on the horl son soon enough and vast enough, in all conscience, without, antici pating them with ribbons and sen timents that might well be placed on the non-essential list. .History has not preserved the name of the woman who tlrst con ceived the notion of putting little girls into play rompers, but she ought to have some kind of medal conferred on her for such a long step in the right direction. And If we have been hidebound in the matter of ribbons and senti ments, we are doubly so in regard to games and toys. Many a little girls has coveted a tool chest, and longed to make dolls' furniture and houses, only to be told by her moth er that such things were not intend ed for a little girl. How much genuine constructive ability and real architectural talent may have been snuffed out by such a short-sighted policy! it is a liberal and indulgent moth er who will consent to her daugh ter playing blindman's buff, I spy, or prisoner's base anywhere within earshot of the house. These games come under the head df romping, which is supposed to be as deplor able for Mary's manners as for her clothes, not to mention the noise, which is hard on "grownups." The consequence was that if Mary was a young person with her full share of animal spirits, she was obliged to do a bit of sneaking now and then, or indulge in sedentary games. These may have saved her clothes and the nerves of her relatives, but they were bad for Mary's muscles and nerves. The former were apt to be under-developed, and the lat ter over-developed. John had too much savagery, Mary not enough. And all on account of that unduly anticipated' bugbear sex, which should have been as much ignored as possible in the interest of both children. POSLAM WANTS TO HELP YOUR BROKEN-OUT SLN When any itching skin disease af fects or when any slight cruptional spot begins to itch and burn, apply Poslam. You may be confident that the trouble is having the right treat ment, for you have called to your aid a healing power hightly concen trated, active and persistent. Itch ing stops und the skin feels inmieas ureably grateful. In the treatment of virulent eczema, acne, pimples and all surface affections, Poslam's re sults are quickly felt and seen. Sold everywhere. For free sample write to Emergency Laboratories, 243 West 47th St., New York City. Poslam Soap, medicated with Pos lam should be used if skin is tender and sensitive.—Adv. BELGIUM FACES CLIMAX Is union. Nov. 22. —Belgian history will reach a climax to-day when King Albert makes his official entry into Brussels, says the correspondent of the Daily Mail with the British army in Belgium. The day is to be one of political regeneration as well as one of regal ceremony. The Bel gian parliament, the correspondent adds, will meet and "make a great decision." After the Grippe To regain your health and strength nraln you must take a tonic, and for this purpose the Medical Profession is prescribing Iron, Nux Vomica, Gentian, Capsicum and Zinc Phos phide in some form. Many prepa rations containing Iron are very constipating, but this is overcome by the addition of Aloin in Chase's Blood and Nerve Tablets, which con tain all of the above tonic remedies. In these Tablets you have all that is good in tonic medicines without any harmful effects. They are safe and sure health builders and at this particular time it would be hard to overestimate their value. Weigh yourself before taking them and see what you gain in weight and strength. Nearly all druggists sell Chase's Blood and Nerve Tablets at sixty cents a box. Special ninety cents. Ambition Pills For Nervous People The great nerve tonic—the famoui Wendell's Ambition Pills —that will put vigor, vim and vitality Into ner vous, tired out, all in, despondent people In a few days In many in stances. Anyone can buy a box for only SO cents, and H. C. Kennedy la author ized by the maker to refund the pur chase price ,f anyone Is dissatisfied with the tlrst box purchased. Thousands praise them for gen eral debility, nervous prostration, mental depression And unstrung nerves caused by over-indulgence In alcohol, tobacco, or overwork of any kind. . For any affliction of the nervous eystem Wendell's Ambition Pills are unsurpassed, while for hysteria, trembling and neuralgia they are simply splendid. Fifty centa at H. C. Kennedy's and dealers everywhere —Advertisement
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