20 WAR FUND GROWS WITH BELATED SUBSCRIPTIONS Checks May Be Mailed to the Treasurer, George W. Reily With the campaign officially closed two days ago Harrisburg still is con tributing toward the United War Work fund. The quota of SIBO,OOO has been oversubscribed to the amount of $197,107. Campaign headquarters. Room 704, ICunkcl building, will remain open Indetlnitely. It is known there are numbers of persons who have not been Solicited during the campaign, and E. R. Eckenrode, secretary of the Harrisburg committee, urges tha't these call at headquarters with their voluntary subscriptions. Checks should be mailed or given to George W. Roily, treasurer of the fund, who is at the Harrisburg Trust Company. Two more wards have gone over the top in their race for their quotas, leaving only two wards still under their alloted amounts. It is report ed that the canvassers of these two wards aro working hard to secure their quotas, to make the fourteen wards of tho city o'ne hundred per cent, patriotic. The other ward com mittees, even though they have se cured their quotas, still are working la an effort to get u subscription from every house. The subscription of $197,107 by! the city is peculiarly gratifying to j the campaign committee, inasmuch ! as that is in excess of the quota 1 which was allotted the entire county by the headquarters of the Eastern Division, of which Pennsylvania is | a part. The city managers now are ; working to secure a fifty per cent. , oversubscription. EARTH SHAKES IX MARTINIQUE By Associated Press Foi't lie France, Martinique, Nov. j 22. —Slight earth shocks were felt here yesterday. COLONIAL! EARL WILLIAMS and GRACE DARMOND —IN— "A DIPLOMATIC MISSION" MONDAY, TUESDAY", WEDNESDAY LAUGHING BILL HYDE with WILL ROGERS THE FAMOUS HOl'E EXPERT *■ > REGENT 1 TO-DAY ONLY MARY PICKFORD IN A REISSUE OF "The EAGLE'S MATE" SATURDAY ONLY Gail Kane "Love's Law" Monday and Tuesday Douglas Fairbanks —lX— "Bound in Morocco" ADMISSION: 10c and 20c and War Tax f WINTERDALE DANCES 15 NORTH market SQUARE DANCING TUESDAY, THURSDAY AND SATt IIDAY EVENINGS SOI KBIEH'S ORCHESTRA Admission 40 nnil 00 I'rnlN Private l.essons by Appointment. 1 d ORPHEUM T 37 NOV. 26 SEATS SATURDAY, 10 A. M. Don't Miss It—Because YOU'LL LIKE IT The Snappy Soldier Musicul Show, in Two Uproarious Scenes of Camp Life, Presented by THE BOYS From CAMP DIX Written by Soldiers—Produced by Soldiers—Acted by Soldiers— Previously Professionals BENEFIT SOLDIER ENTERTAINMENT FUND OF CAMP DIX SEATS—SI.SO. SI.OO, 75c, 50c, 25c—No War Tax iiii ■■mm mi linn IIIMH in MI ii 1 1" iiw LICOHBC NO. G-35305 MORN INGSPECIALS SIRLOIN STEAK Hilt ROAST PORTERHOUSE rj /A Hi Ml' }T% r> PIMiOXE _-%§ |f"t CHITK sf. • lip l INDIVIDUAL vIV/V SHOULDER Compound, used as lard 2(Jp Pure Lard , 30^ ALL-DAY SPECIALS PICKLED PIGS' f Ol FLESH V HOI I, 0/"l FEF.T # A C R,NG BOLOGNA PICKLED TRIPE .. "* 2 EHISH HEARTS f F* SMOKED SAUSAGE.. OO PORK RIBS i tIC FRANKFURTERS ... V BEEF KIDNEYS U BOILING BEEF -a FRESH MINCE • CORN BEEF 2 O C FB £ Fresh Link Sausage 1 26^ Jowl Bacon 29£ B. B. Special 30£ Gem Nut 32£ Swift's Premium .' ; ; . 37£ Corn and String Beans, 2 cans 25^ M AIC i ETs IN FIFTY-SI X PRINCIPAL CITIES OF M SI'XTFs MAIN OFFICE, . PACKING PI.AM CHICAGO. ILL. PEOIIIA, 11. 1.. FRIDAY EVENING, Petain Leads French Troops Into Metz 3f^.TAr>r- IVith General Petain, the French Commander-in-Chief, leading, and Generals Castelnau and Mangin fol lowing, the victorious French forces entered the city of Metz, the chief fortress of Alsace-Lorraine. The French are occupying the city under the provisions of the armistice. The city had been gayly decorated in preparation for the gre%t event. DEATH UNAVOIDABLE Death was met in an unavoidable accident, by Miles Nichols, aged 7 years, Coroner Eckinger deided af ter an inquest. The lad, an adopted son of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Nichols, 1508 Hunter street, was struck by an automobile belonging to J. R. Horning, 1739 North Third street, near Fifteenth and Derry streets. The Red Cross sends each month to Pershing's boys 500 tons of Jam and packages of chewing gum, in addition to hundreds of thousands of bars of sweet chocolate and vast quantities of tooth paste, tooth brushes, and safety razors. VICTORIA" TO-DAI and TO-MOKROW SKK THEM VI,I. 11—FAMOUS SCREEN STARS—!iI In tine and the Same Film M:ir> Plekforil, I,inline Gluum, I'annie Ward. Charlie Chaplin, Diistiit Farnuni, Illnnehe Sweet and n host of others in IIOVV STARS TWINKLE AWAY FItOM TIIE STUDIO Also GEOKUE WAI.SII in "ON THE JUMP" A swiftly moving story of events "Overhere." Coming: WILLIAM FAHNI'M in "ItIDKKS OF TIIE PUKI'LE SAGE" Admission, 10c nnd 10c and war tax _ ■/ 'majestic NEVEH in your life iiid you see a dentist's ofHcc like the one where EARL CAVANAUGH Gets his teeth pulled out lit Mr. Inquisitive 4 other Lots of Laughs Great T . _ b Vets Lots of Song T gK?ng" Julian Rose A s^;t Y - A / 1 NOVELTY ACTS AT MAJESTIC Expert Juggler, Variety En tertainers and Fine Sketch Are Features The bill at the Majestic the latter part of this week Is distinctly novel, an offering of very original and good-beyond-the-ordlnary acts. The bill Is headed with a Charlie Chaplin picture entitled "His Matrimonial Venture." Right with the tirst act, —Ardo, Comedy Juggler—the audience Is presented with something exception al. Ardo is no common plate and pan slinger, he performs some very difficult, delicate and quite remark able feats of Juggling. Ho is follow ed by Brown and DeMont, "The Black Diamonds," who offer good singing, dancing and patter. Earl Cuvanuugh and company, presenting "Mr. Inquisitive," is u good, long laugh. The act is novel in that some of the parts are sup plemented by scenarios to hurry the action and lend diversity. Ruth Thomson, as Dr. Elaine: acts her part well, and, of c'ourse, Mr. Cuv anuugh is a scream all himself. The piece is, in a way, a take-off on mod ern dentistry, and if you have "been there" you can appreciate Mr. In quisitive's feeling?. It would require some thing very good to follow "Mr. Inquisitive," but the Majestic lias it in Belle Mont rose in "Her Only Chance," and McLure and Dolly, comedy variety artists. Belle Montrose presents one of the best character sketches seen in Harrisburg for some time. Suggestive of their act, McLure and Dolly really present a comedy variety, and there are turns anil tricks that make one laugh, and keep one in a good humor through the entire offering. Ford to Leave Flivver Industry; Will Publish National Weekly Paper liy Associated Press Detroit, Nov. 22.—Henry Ford to day announced his retirement from active participation in the manage ment of the Ford Motor Company, complete control of the Ford inter ests In the company to be taken over by his son, Edsel. In making this announcement to day Mr. Ford said he intended to un dertake the publication of a national weekly newspaper, dividing his time between the publication and his trac tor industry. Warrior Eagle Tribe Adopts Several 'Palefaces' Warrior Eagle Tribe, No. 340, Im proved Order of Red Men, at the regular session held Wodnesduy adopted several "palefaces." The degree work was fully exemplified l\v the team under the leadership of M. J. Wike. Several applications were acted upon, and another class will be admitted December 5. Dur ing the last six months the tribe has added forty new members to its roll. The tribe will hold its annual Thanksgiving venison and corn luncheon and smoker on the even ing of November 27, at which promi nent members are expected to be present. The members of Eugle tribe will send a large delegation Satur day evening to the wigwam of Po eoson tribe. No. 331, Third and Cumberland streets, on the occasion of the visit of the Great Incohonu of the United States, James Itodg ers, of New York. Charles M. Cline, past sachem of Warrior • Eagle tribe, has been appointed on the state board of appeals for a period of three years by the great sachem, Samuel Williams, of Scranton. ORPHEUM Tonight Tomorrow MAT. TOMORROW Harvey D. Orr Offers a Rous ing: Musical Comedy Success The Million Dollar Doll A Musical Hubble wltli a Swarm of Fiui and Music Dispensers Just laughs. Jolly Tunes And Pretty Girls GEORGEOUS GOWN'S Galore Special, BIG RUNWAY Over the Heads of the Audience PrirAc Mat ' 25c and 50c 1 IltCo Night 25c to $1 Saturday Bargains Santos Coffee, lb. . 220 Very Best Cafe Blend Coffee, 3 lbs., SI.OO Jumbo Peanuts, lb., 25£ English Walnuts, lb., 45< Soft Shell Almonds, lb., 45< Brazil Nuts, lb. .. 35£ Hazelnuts, lb. ... 32< Mixed Nuts, lb. .. 42< IMPERIAL TEA CO. 213 Chestnut St. H-AJRJUSBTTRG ttttkgrapr I^AMUSEj^MENTsfI} MAJESTIC High-class Vaudetflle To-day and to-morrow Earl Cavanaugh and Company in the muscial comedy, "Mr. Inquisitive;" McLure and Dolly, variety artists; Brown and Deniont, and two other Keith acts. ORPHEUM To-night and to-morrow, matinee and night "The Million Dollar Doll." Tuesday, night only. November 26 "You'll Like It," the musical comedy with the Camp Dix Soldier Boys. Wednesday, matinee and night. No vember 27 Gus Hill offers "The Captain and the Kids." Coming (Thanksgiving Day) matinee and night, November 28 Barney Gllmore. REGENT ' To-day Mary Pickford in "The Eagle's Mate." To-morow Gail Kane in "Love's Law." Monday and Tuesday Douglas Fair banks in "Bound in Morocco." COLONIAL To-day and to-morrow Earl Wil liams in "A Diplomatic Mission." Monday, Tuesday .and Wednesday "Laughing Bill" Hyde. Thursday Norma Talmadge in a re issue on "The Devil's Needle." Friday and Suturday Alice Brady in "The Ordeal of Rosetta." VICTORIA To-day and to-morrow —Mary Pick ford. Louise Glaum, Blanche Sweet, Fannv Ward, Dustin Farnum, Char lie Chaplin and other noted screen stars, in "How Stars Twinkle Away From the Studio:" also George Walsh in "On the Jump." The plot of "The Million Dollar Doll," which will be presented at the Orpheum to-day and "The Million to-morrow, matinee Dollar Doll" and night, is a novel one and well Suited to musical comedy. The guardian of a very beautiful young woman lias in vested her money in a wonderful smoke consumer, which does not prove a great success, and they arc about to lose all their money when they hit upon the plan of tuking the young woman to the Panama Exposition and have her compete for a 810,000 prize, which is to be awarded to the most beautiful "Doll" In the world." They go to California byway of the Panama Canal, which gives opportunity for the great "boat scene." which has hi on pronounced as the most elaborate shin scene ever offered the public. The last act of the plnv tukes place on the famous "Joy Zone" at the exposition, where Dolly wins the prize and is uwarded the slo|ooo. The Camp Dix show. "You'll Like It," is coming to Harrlsburg. Ar rangements have "You'll l.ike It" b c c n completed whereby this snappy soldier musical show, written by sol diers. produced by soldiers and with a cast of nearly all professionals, will lie given at the Orpheum Theat'er on Tuesday evening. Most of the camp shows in the past have only been seen in the larger cities like New York and Philadelphia, but this will offer an opportunity of seeing our own boys In their own show here at home. The play is in two acts, show ing camp life, with all its fun and humor. It has been directed by Nor man Hackett, the actor, who is the dramatic director appointed by the War Department for Camp Dix. The play has been written by the boys themselves, and the dances and chorus work have all been arranged by Private William Sully, the pre mier American dancer, who was star ring witli Mitzi in "Head Over Heels," at the Cohan Theater, New York, when he joined the Army. The second act will bo given over to specialties, by former vaudeville and professional talent. It promises to be a bully show, and a jolly one. The money raised by means of it will form a soldier enter tainment fund, for the bcnellt of our boys in eamp this winter. The announcement that those two mischievous youngsters of cartoon fame. "The Kids." "Tlic Cuptain along with the good nnd the Kids" natured "Captain." will be tlie attraction at the Orpheum Theater. Wednesday, matinee anil night, should be welcome news to the large army of theater goers who have been amused by their antics and adventures in the dailies all over the country. The new piece, which is a musical comedy in three acts and entitled, "The Captain and the Kjds," is presented by Manager Uus Hill, who was the first showman to see the possibilities of offering the acted characters in stage form. "Mother" and the "Professor." along with the other welcome favorites, will lie on hand and there is no doubt that their advent will be received with plenty of acclaim and approval. The company is a large one; the scenio In vestiture in keeping with past achievments and the songs, dances, surprises and other features are said to be on a high level of artistic en deavor and accomplishment. The attraction at the Colonial Thea ter to-day and to-morrow is a five part Vitagraph blue-ribbon At the feature, "A Diplomatic Mis t'olonlal ■ion." A swift-moving Urania of love, adventure and German intrigue on a faraway island, with Earl Williams in the role of a Yankee diplomat, who, by his bravery and wit, rescues the girl he loves. Grace Darmond is the leading woman for the star. The picturesque Island of Somona is the setting for the most of the story. It's a corking good melodrama, one you will want to sec. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, Will Rogers, the famous rope expert and comedian of the "Ziegfleld Fol lies.", will be featured in Hex Beach's most powerful story, "Laughing Bill Hyde. To-day, the famous screen star, star, Mary Pickford, is appearing in the famous picture, "The At the Eagle's Mate," at the He- Kegent gent Theater. This is a re issue of the wonderful play, which is lust as popular to-day as it was when it was first released. Both the star and the picture are known from coast to coast. It will be shown here to-day for the first time since its recent release. To-morrow. Gall Kane is the leading star in a modern picture, "Love's Law." The regular Screen Telegram Of Current Events, as well as a popu lar comedy, comprises the attractions for the Recent. Monday and Tuesday, smiling Doug. Fairbanks will ge seen in a recent re lease, "Bound in Morocco." Harrisburg movie fans In goodly numbers yesterday availed themselves of the unusual opportunity At the presented to view a spore of \ Ictorla internationally famous screen stars in one and the same film, as presented at the Vic toria Theater in "How Stars Twinkle Awav From the Studio." This unusual picture shows the. leading motion picture celebrities of the dav. and is a remarkable feat in that it.brings before the spectator in n combination of a single picture, screen stars of the first magnitude. Earl Cavanaugli and Comppny, In the musical comedy offering. "Mr. In quisitive" is the reigning At the feature of the new vaude- Mit jest h* vllle bill that opened at the Majestic yesterdny. The pro duction is beautifully staged, and Is presented by six first-class musical comedy entertainers. Mr. Cavanaugh furnishes the comedy in the act and heaps his audience in constant laugh ter. A popular comedy numbjr on the hill is Belle Montrose, a very clever young girl, who Is afsisted b> a young man. In a skit entitled "Her Only Chance." Brown and Demont enter tain with songs and comedy; McLure and Dolly offer a pleasing variety number, while Ardo. good novelty juggler, starts the bill off In true vaudeville fashion J Mary Pickford, in "Eagle's Mate," at Regent Today The famous screen star, Mary Pick ford, given the credit for being tlio most popular, as well as the most beautiful and winsome of all motion picture celebrities, is appearing to day at the Regent Theater In u reis sue of the "Eagle's Mate." This is a story that has gained a national reputation through tietlon. and Miss Pickford is portraying it on the screen. Experts to Comb Nation For Places For Soldiers By Associated Frcss AYusJiingtoii, Nov. 22. —Survey of 100 industrial centers of the coun try and the same number of indus tries to determine their ability to übsorb tho labor of demobilized men will be undertaken by the United States Employment Service at the request of the War Department and War Industries Board. Experts connected with the employment ser vice left Washington to-day to start the investigation. RYAX QUITS AS AIR CHIEF Washington, Nov. 22. —The resig nation of John D. Ryan as director of air service and second assistant secretary of war was announced to day by Secretary Baker. Mr. Ryan will return at once to his private business. || B!! I twenty Lucky Strikes. :l|pjl|^^^^^B|| {|HI You set the real Burley Jf| ■I cigarette forthe"west pos- : |j| j BMMaMiMIiI Marked Improvement Is Shown in Checker Match; Hill Team Takes Honors A large and * interested crowd of checkerplayers gathered at Wise's cigarstore last night to see the re turn match between the West End and Hill checker teams. The games were of a high order, showing mark ed Improvement over a week ago. It looked for a long time as if the West Enders would turn the trick, but toward the tlnish, the 11 ill men made a desperate rally find won out by the score of 16 to 12 as follows: • ' lIIU Team Won Drawn Lost Plank 5 1 3 Canning, 2 3 3 Ritter 5 2 2 George 3 2 4 Total 16 8 1? West End Tcnni Won Drawn Lost Black . 6 4 2 Holstetter 4 3 f, Kaufman 2 1 y Total 12 8 16 One of the West End players fail ed to appear, making it a little hard er for the other three. Much interest is manifest in • tho result of the mutch to be played next week as tho West End players are two games ahead and determined to make it more, while the Hill men are de termined to win the odd match. A picked team from Harrisburg will play a team of experts from Altoona in tl'c near future. la the restliouso at Milan, which is being enlarged, new sleeping bar racks have been opened. Food, cig arets, and post cards are being given to 25,000 men a month. Shirts, draw ers, socks, and shoes are also pro vided when needed. In tho Ancona resthouse more than 50,000 men a week aro being entertained, some times as many as 1.000 men being served every hour. 13 PROPERTIES SOI.D Sale of thirteen three-story brick properties owned by the MofHtt es tate to Samuel A. Greene was an nounced to-day by the agent, John S. Vaughn. The properties are 1722, 1825-27-35-39-43 Susquehanna street and 1823-25-27-29-31-33 North Fourth street. No consideration was an nounced. NOVEMBER 22, 1918, Demand Abdication of the Duchess of Luxemburg ."leic J.-.*.; , . wy - • , - ••••••;...;* •■ v; lOAieit OF V I JXKI'iOUJ3<S. The people and Parliament of Luxemburg have demanded the ab dication of the Grand Duchess Marie-Adelaide, who is considered the symbol of German intrigue, ac cording to a dispatch front Lon don. The Liberal party, which re cently has been gaining strength, is seeking the establishment of a re public, with ultimate annexation to Franco. The Grand Duchess, it is reported, has expressed her willing ness to abdicate should a majority vote of the people indicate a desire for a republican government. Labor Board Grants More Wage Increases Washington, Nov. 22. —Wage in creases for employes of nine street railway and interurban systems were granted in awards announced last night by the war labor board. The advances are for the duration of the war and in each case the board roe ommonded that the companies be permitted to raise fares to absorb the increased cost of operation. When Tongue Is Coated Drink Celery King Tulco it yourself and give it to the children for it's a purely vegetable laxative tea that acts promptly on the bowels and never causes the least distress. .It puts you right over nigtit nnd when you catch cold and become feverish you mustn't fail to drink a cupful hot before going to bed. For sick headache, biliousness, dizziness, disordered stomach and sluggish liver there is nothing that will do tlio work so well. Every druggist lias it. A generous pack ago costs only a few cents. hi- H A Dead Stomach Of What Use Is It? Thousands? yes hundreds of thou sands of people throughout America are taking tlio slow deatli treatment daily. They are murdering their own stomuch, tlio best friend they have, and til their sublime ignorance they think they are pulling aside the laws of nuture. This is 110 sensational statement; it is a startling fact, the truth of which any honorable physician will not deny. These thousands of people ore swal lowing daily huge quantities of pep-m and other strong digesters, tnado es pecially to digest the food in the Stomach without any aid ut all from the digestive membrane of tlio stom ach. Mi-o-na stomach tablets relieve dis tressed stomach In live minutes; they do more. Taken regularly for a few weeks they build up the run-down stomuch and mako it strong enough to digest its own food. Then Indiges tion. belching, sour stomach and bead ache will go. Mi-o-na stomach tablets are sold by druggists everywhere and by 11. c. Keifnedy, who guarantees them.—Ad vertisement.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers