CANADIAN LINES READY FOR PEACE Railway War Board Says New Equipment Assures Ade quate Facilities Montreal—That the railways of Canada are in good condition and ready for the coming of peace is the substance of a,statement issued by the Canadian Railway War Board, after a long session held in Montreal, presided over by Lord Shaughncssy, who will continue as chairman, presiding over Canada's entire railway system. "Thanks to the foresight of the Canadian government in ordering engines buil at a time when some j of the roads in Canada were unable to finance mid purchase, the power situation on the Canadian roads is now fairly satisfactory, state ment says. "Two hundred new en- Uhsightly Hair I)ejsliracfe DrMlracle, the original sanitary liquid, la truly a revelation In mudera science. It la Just an elTlcaclooK for removing coarse, bristly growths as it la for ordi nary ones. Only genuine DeMlrncle has a money-back guarantee In each package. At toilet counters in 110 c, 81 and $2 alscs, or by mail from us In plain wrapper on re ceipt of price. > PRFE book with testimonials of highest authorities ex plnlns what causes hair on face, neck and nrms, why If Increases and how DeMlrnele devitalises it, mailed in pinln sealed envelope on rcqnest. DeMlrnele. I'nrk Ave. and 129 th St., Hew York. / | UX DEt'TAKER 174,". I Chas H. Mauk * ,! 4 Private Ambulance Phones I j jj 1 jj| I: | Millions of Housewives - 1 ||||: are Using jjjjj If Swifts Premium i| Oleomargarine I It answers their every require ment Has the delicious flavor— gives most energy value per pound ||j|| —is healthful — nutritious—has the elements for growth that all children need—it saves 20 cents or more a pound. Is easy to get * | —it is the most widely distributed brand of oleomargarine. !!ji, 1 _ . , •IH It is sweet —pure —clean—not lljl.; touched by hand in manufacture or packing. They find it a most delightful spread for bread and fine for cooking and baking. If you doubt, a trial carton will convince you. Swift & Company, U. S. A. Harrisburg Local Branch Seventh and North Streets F. W. Covert, Manager ' Other Quality Brands FRIDAY EVENING, glnes are now in service on the Canadian Northern, Grand Trunk, and Canadian government lines. The scarcity of locomotives which was on the verge of becoming acute last winter, is now greatly moditted. "The supply of freight cars lias been increased by 14,000 new cars bought by the government for their roads. These new cars, added to the better loading, quicker handling and more rapid unloading methods, obtained through the Canadian Hail way War Board's efforts, mitigate the danger of car shortage. "Last winter over 20,000 of our cars were lost in the American traf fic tieup. It is hoped thut this win ter the American lines will be able to return our cars aknost as fast as they get them. 'Caere is more 'trackroom' this year, although the traffic handled has been heavier than ever. The board was success ful in getting several heavy move ments, such as the fuel and pulp wood movements, well out of the way during the summer months, when traffic is light. This clears the road for essential winter traffic and the unusually heavy movement of wheat by rail during the coming winter. Out' of 100,000 tons of new rails finally uilotted us, 80,000 have been received, and thc%e have been used to good advantage on the main lines. The lubor situation is satisfactory except in so far ns the roads are still understaffed. A special labor board formed at the request of the Cana dian Railway War Board, with the co-operation of the brotherhoods, is administering the McAdoo award very satisfactorily. "The temporary isolation of the Drumheller coal fields by railway breakdown last winter, and the con sequent fuel shortage in. certain prairie districts, will almost cer tainly not happen this winter, as tlie vital section of line has been double tracked. The board has made working plans for Canadian North ern, Canadian Pacific and Grand Trunk Pacific to co-operate in car rying traffic in the West, should any One road find itself overburdened. Plans are being perfected for further unification of terminal and other facilities. We have reason to believo that the railway system of Canada is in more nearly perfect position to face peace conditions and the reconstruction period than any in .the world." 28 STATE BOYS FALL IN BATTLE; TOTALDEAD 609 724 Reported Wounded in War With Germany in France Washington. Nov. 22.—A total of 1,515 casualties appears in the of ficial list given out by the War De partment to-day. Of those killed in action, 28 are Pennsylvanians. The total killed is 404. The lists and totals follow: Killed in notion 404 Died of wounds 88 Died of accident and other causes 11 Died from airplane accident .. 1 Died of disease 105 Wounded severely #7 Wounded, degree undetermined 350 Wounded slightly 378 Missing action 69 Prisoners 13 Total 1515 KILLKD IX ACTION Lieutenant Wilbur A. Mathews, Pittsburgh. Sergeaqt Robert B. Jones, Sunnyside. Corporals Calvin F. Hansel, Perkasie. Edward F. McEnteer, Kane. • Privates Thomas 10. Burkhardt, Johnstown. Floyd C. Lambing, Apollo. John Leahy, Pittsburgh. Earl C. Leonard. Troy. George E. Crist. Hampton. Everett E. Stone, Montrose. DIED FROM WOUNDS ' Privates Ralph E. Bowers. Sharon. Sam Leshon, Robertsdale. Tognetti Brunp, Ernest. Edward A. Stoker, Ramey. DIEII FROM ACCIDENT VXD OTHER , CAUSES Corporal James A. Hilbert, Wilkes-Barre. DIED OF DISEASE Corporal Aiphonsus Ferry, r hiladelphia. Mush-rap Albert J. West, PHtston. Privates Paolo Fauteglia, Washington. Charles O. Garber, Williamsburg. Lester W. Johnston, Spripg Run. Christ J. Luhman, Weatherby. Edward Gales, Pittsburgh. Clarence L. Laudcnslager, Allen town. James R. Lowry, Wcldon. Simon 11. Lucas, Runnville. Harvey D. Miller, Expedite. Allen Shaffer, Stroudsburg. Edward A. Smith, Philadelphia. WOUNDED SEVERELY Ilngler Roy Epley, Jeannette. Prlvutca John A. Richards, Blairsville. George Rosser, Old Forge. John Laino, Philadelphia. Herbert I'olin, Philadelphia. WOUNDED (DEGREE UNDETER MINED) Sergennts Robert R. Taber, Blootffsburg. Daniel N. Conn, Oakview. James A. Dawson, Philadelphia. Thomas J. Greenwood, Olney. Corporals William D. Brown, Wellsboro. Jonithan M. Umholtz, Philadelphia. Prlvatea Harry E. Andrews, Homestead. Joseph W. Minteer, Portersvllle. Arthur C. Rankin, Rouseville. Charles J. Retfsnyder, Reading. Valentine Amend, Upper Lehigh. Powell G. Brown, Meadville. Harry F. Rader, Pittston. Walter L. Reynolds. Donora. Joseph W. Zimmerman, Shenan doah. Vincent Bonorwicli, Lilly. John Drumstas. Shickshinny. Edward J. Munn, Philadelphia. Nicholas Scorza, Philadelphia. Harry S. Smith. Philadelphia. Charles W. Gritilths, Carbondale. Frederick W. Schllcher, Montgom ery county. William Slover, Matamoras. William C. Walley, New Kensing ton. WOUNDED SLIGHTLY Corporals j John A. Gault, Courtney. Ray D. Tompkins, Duboistown. 9 Privates James Bennett, Philadelphia. Charles R. Crossin, Philadelphia. Donald Hancock, Volant. Roy C. Lehman. Newville. Meyer Monsky, Scranton. William W. Wambolrl, Philadelphia Harry J. Thomas, Harrison City. Joseph F. Vargason. Athens. Frank Slatky, Duryea. John W. Small wood, Hunterstown. Clyde R. Smith, Chambersburg. Edward J. Smith. Philadelphia. Christ E. Steritt. Pittsburgh. MISSING IN ACTION Sergeant John C. Rieker, Catasauqua." , Corporal Samuel Rineer, Quarryville. Privates Philip Mansfield, Philadelphia. Lawrence F. Haas. Philadelphia. Joseph M. Shepherd, New Castle. Alvie H. Silbaugh, Upper Middle town. PRISONERS Lieutenant E. Adams, Philadelphia. Sergennt Grover C, Fclgar, Scottdale. Privates John J. Higgins, Philadelphia. John Price, Everett. Earl L. Spannuth, PottsviUe. The following casualties were re ported this morning: KILLED IN ACTION Sergeants William M. Boyd, Pittsburgh. James McLeod, Wilkinsburg. Corporals . 41 Ralph E. Humna Indiana'. Byrd R. Fox. Htinkers. Wagoner Victor C. Franks. North East. Privates Francis R. J. Bonner, Rankin. Herbert F. Coy. Pittsburgh. Ralph Dlvelej, 120 Mulberry ntreet, Harrlsburg. Milan W. Flick. Troy. Clarence E. Krauss. Downlngtown. James H. Mercer, Carnegie. Charles H. Sallley, Pittsburgh. Walter W. Watson, Broad Top. Oscar E. Johnson, Pittsburgh. John K. Klukan, Fort City. Charles F. Kuhn, McKeesport. ' Joseph F. Murphy. Philadelphia. Albert T. Street. North Wales. WOUNDED (DEGREE UNDETER MINED) Lieutenant John W. Campbell," Warren. Sergeants Asa L. Bruce, Beaver. Frank Carbaugh. Mount Pleasant Charles H. Myers, Wrlghtsvllle. Corporals John J. Conley, Philadelphia, Austin F. Geescy, Red Lion. Leonard Ryan, Monongahela Privates Ralph A. Adams, Mahanoy City. Nathan Carver, Philadelphia. William Cole, Philadelphia. • HARRISBTJRG TELEGRAPH Benjamin G. Freeman. Philadelphia. James H. German, Slatedale. .lames M. Casey, Philadelphia. Ernest Gnldertzl, Freeland. Adolph Gieraltowski, Pittsburgh. Charles Uuenther, Reading. Raymond L. Goss, Houtzdale. John A. Knight, Philadelphia. Curtis B. Myers. I'ottstown. Orin U. Rogers, Nicholson. William R Skehan. YVilliamsport. Charles F. Strout, Philadelphia. Robert C. Van Ryn, Wilkinsburg. Sterling O. Rice, Kaston. Clinton F. Troup, Yatesboro. Robert J. Walsh, Towanda. Charles Welsh, West Philadelphia. WOUNDED SLIGHTLY IN ACTION Sergeants Edmund Chaplin, Pottstown. Frederick W. Molly, Philadelphia. James A. Henderson, 1317 Liberty street, Ilnrrlshurg. Edward E. Welsenfluh, Taylor. Corporals Harry H. Lercli, Royalton. Harry P. Walter. Lewisburg. George B. Davis, Pittsburgh. John Konegan, Marcus Hook. Privates - Edward- S. Brlddell, Philadelphia. Allen S. R. Buchert, Sanatogo. William T. Campbell, Kane. John C. Clifford, Homestead. ~v Michael C. Buckoske, Cartersville. Harry Doyle, Philadelphia. Henry L. Haas, Marietta. Howard W. Hunter, Manayunk. George J. HuSack, Duquesne. Harvey L. Lawrence, Auburn. Elmer C. Miller, Johnstown. John Morris. Philadelphia. Israel E. Gelger, Export. Arthur P. Gill. Bellefonte. Lester L. Gross, Dover. Fred K. Konlzni, Taylor. \®| I \ that occasion. Your Thanksgiving outfit is waiting i§m M Nm' 0 ' mmm iBl for you and all you need to do is come and get it. wm^-ilffflk I Mlmin JSIIP ' Come in, select your garments, pay a little at the time Jwf I PB|j PUFC^ Se balance later on in small weekly tffixMm W*ChtheMe", Women HI HmH w cm*™ IS MpM y on #Ae most WwWrm /lifeii! Liberal Credit Terms H | / I I A Feu; Thanksgiving Specials— ||||| F / Women's Fine Cloth Coats gjj hajti/ 11 IA iMfc Wg This is a special lot of extra fine coats just re- s!!J18 I® I ; H- 2K@ 0 A| ./JH ceiyed from our New York Headquarters. They WWW Wm * I /jf!/ | §| |fft J ■ iT if ere far above the average of even higher priced '* —\/ /, ' / !! ! Jr n garments. Materials include velours, broadcloths lit MHMF j Coi and many novelty cloths. All the latest shades,- ||d|||p |l|||| V I burgundy, green, brown, navy, taupe, etc. Don't H • fgil to see these coats before you buy your new outfit. Special Sale of Men's Suits and Overcoats 11^® '•'•• '• but special values selected to induce you to^look F ■ FURS Z^Si" i!s Mj y /'lff! ill r ti flv I A large selection of the pi,.™, pattern of the new . $ ,95 sfslilil newcst S r arts c f uffß and S.SS.3 ■ — BH| 1 sy.9B to SBS-00 Stylish Dresses F* Beautiful in all the durable color* J, Louis Marclo, Philadelphia. Howard IS. Reppert, Connellsvllle. | Herman J. Roush, Hummelstown. Railway Men Will Test Politics Order Jefferson City, Mo.—William M. | Turbett, a machinist, recently elected j a representative In the statfe legisla ture from Cole county, has been summarl y discharged by tho Mis souri Pacific Railroad with the statc r ment that his election was In viola tion of the Director Generic's order that railway men cannot bold polit ical office. Mr. Turbett will pippcal to the Director General and "in the meantime will continue as' repre sentative. A test case will be made and the Railway Brotherhood chiefs j have announced that they will go - the limit in fighting the discharge order. * Mr. Turbett was nominated on the Republican ticket in August, two j weeks bef<mc the onder issued by Mr. McAdoo. m strike was proposed by his fellow-workers, but Mr. Turbett persuaded them to stay on the lob. He has called attention to the pro test made by the brotherhood chiefs] ngpint the order. In part, the pro test states: "This means disfran chisement, by Executive Order No. I 42. of over 300.000 men. Railroad' employes during a'l the years of their service Always have understood i that the Constitution of the United States guaranteed to them certain rights and privileges, the same as all other citizens." They will resent, they say. the attempt of any man. either by official order or otherwise, to deprive them of that right. NOVEMBER 22, 1918. Tour by Daughter of ■ Pres.dent of France New York. —Miss Margaret Wil son. e'dest (laughter of the Prrsi j (lent of the United States, has begun n year's singing tour of the army en tertalnmeht centers in France and Belgium, according to word received here. She gave her lirst concert on Tuesday evening at' the Y. M. C. A. hut in Nancy, France, a few hours after arriving in that city. Ross David. tenor, who has been Miss Wilson's vocal instructor, sings with her. Mrs. David plays their accom paniments upon a small portable organ. Miss Wilson wears the regular uniform of the military welfare worker, and her present activities are a practical continuation of her singing tours of camps in the United States, where she gave upward of one hundred concerts during the past year at the request of Thomas S. Lane, chairman of the entertain ment section of the Y. M. C. A. Everywhere Miss Wilson's popularity with the soldiers was marked, and as a result of this came her decision to sing for t the expeditionary forces. Jews in America Hail New Republic Xcw York. —Julian W. Mack, pres ident of the Zionist Organization of America and Jacob de Haas, execu tive secretary, have sent this tele gram to Thomas G. Masaryk, presi dent of the Czecho-Slovak republic: "Personally and offlcinl'y, on be half of the Zionist Organization of America and, we believe we are Jus tified in saying on behalf of all Jews of ,tlio United States, wc congratulate you on your election as president of the Czecho-S ovak Republic. We be lieve that no happier choice could have been made by your people, not only for themselves, but for the ben efit of the mid-I2uropeun peoples generally. It has been our privilege and pleasure to co-operate with you in your work, and we have come to regard you us the personification of broad-minded, far-seeing and liberal statesmanship. Therefore both to you and to your people, we offor our best wishes on your assuming tho WHAT ABOUT FATHER? Obsessed with the big idea of protecting those at home, father often omits the essential protection of his most vital asset—strength. * is as beneficial to the hard-working man of business as it is to the growing child. Scott's imparts the quality to the blood that enables the body to grip strength fast. Scott's helps solve the problem Ilr7 that facer every business-man— that of keeping up with the wear and tear on the body. Scott & Uowne, Bloonificld, N. J. 18-23 13 chair of government of the new re public." 6 Beul-ansi Hot water Sure Relief Bell-ans FOR INDIGESTION)
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