1,021 GIVE LIVES IN FIGHTING HUN; • 15 FROM PENNA. < ICO Fall lii Action; 223 Suc cumb to Wounds in Battle Washington, Nov. 21. To-day's Casualties total 1,671. Of these 360 were killed in action, 15 being Penn lylvanians. The lists and sum maries follow: Killed in action 360 Died of wounds 223 Died of accident and other causes 3 Died of disease 238 Wounded severely 91 Wounded, degree un de - termined 230 Wounded slightly 185 Missing in action 33 4 Prisoners i 7 Total 1,671 KILLED IN ACTION Sergeants Thomas F. Chambers, Equinunk. John G. Gillen, Johnsonburg. Edward Joseph Kelly, Philadel phia. • Privates Francis McKenna, Philadelphia. Nick Vrlenich, McKees, Rock. BRASSIERES Jk worn in connection with W. B. */ jj Corsets, assure gown-fit perfection * / X SB ace"an<Tf inUh that the give the necessary finishing touch W. B. NUFORM Corsets for slender I SOiU at buwiuaii . |: ] Teacher asks: "I have pimples, oily skin, and suffer from constipation, headache, and never feel strong and Veil. Please prescribe for me." Answer: You should overcome con stipation and cleanse the system of accumulated poisons by taking Three- Grain Sulpherb Tablets (not sulphur) for several weeks or more. These tablets are very beneficial especially In hot weather, as they have a tend ency to cool the blood and improve its quality. • * * "FloV writes: "I have suffered with a bad cough for some time and I am also weak and tired most of the time, which I think is due to the severe coughing. Can you give me a rem edy?" Answer: Yes, your weakness is dus to the coughing, but you should be well relieved by using the follow ing: Get a 2ii oz. package of Es sence Mentho-Laxene and make ac cording to directions on the bottle, then take a teaspoonful every hour or two until the cough is cured. This makes a full, pint of the very best and safest cough syrup. If your drug gist does not have Mentho-Laxene, have htm order it for you of the wholesale firm. *• • "Ed" writes: "Being past middle gge and observing that my nervous system is in bad shape, I write for a prescription. I do not gain strength from my food, am weak, listless, for getful, sleepless at times, tired, and unable to act the part of a strong man of health, such as X was at one time." Answer: Get from a well-stocked pharmacy a sealed tube of Threei Grain Cadomene Tablets, which are •specially made for those needing a strong, harmless, rejuvenating tonic. The Taylor ' g| • HOTEL MARTINIQUE ll ' t Broadway, 32d SL, New York DM Block from Pennsylvania Station Equally Convenient for Amnsomcnta, Shopping or Business 157 Pleasant Rooms, with Private Bath, $2.50 PER DaY 257 Excellent Rooms, with Private c Bath, facing street, southern exposure $3.00 PER DAY I Also Attractive Rooms from $1.50 The Restaurant Prices Are Most Moderate THURSDAY EVENING HARRDSBTOO UfH&l TELEGKAPR NOVEMBER 21, 1918. Charles E. Worrell, Boothuynn. DIED FROM WOUNDS RECEIVED IN ACTION Wilson B. Gaither, Greensburg. Ralph G. White, Wilkinsburg. Frank Riddle Fleming, Franklin. William .P. McGOohan, Philadel phia. / Sergeants Sherman Laughlln, New Alexan dria, Westmoreland county. Howard W. Bradshaw, Cochran ton. William Welsh, Pittston. Corporals Richard J. Currie, Philadelphia. Frank A. Rick, Reading. Privates Albert A. Braham. Philadelphia. John J. Crone, Philadelphia. George Farrell, Wayne. William Conley, Rlddlesburg. Daniel J. Corcoran, Philadelphia. Edward E. Warner. Erie. DIED FROM ACCIDENT AND OTHER CAUSES Corporal William Sturma, Jr.. Philadelphia. DIED OF DISEASE Sergeant Carl S. Turner, Princeton, Law rence county. Corporals Harry Bennett, Wilkes-Barre. Arthur McCrory, Philadelphia. Bugler John A. Ryan. Cambridge Springs. Wagoner Jay D. Anderson, Beaver. Private Charles M. Goas, Schuylkill Haven. WOUNDED SEVERELY IN ACTION Privates Chrum C. Bond, Hanover, i Charles H. Mohr, Bangor. MXoctorlS y J^pvicy Pr. Ze*v/]s\3aAe3 ( The questions answered below are general In character, the symptoms or diseases are given and the answers will apply in any case of similar na ture. Those wishing further advice, free may address Dr. Lewis Baker, Col lege Bldg., College-Elwood streets. Dayton. Ohio, enclosing self-address ed stamped envelope for reply. Full 1 name and address must be given, but only initials or fictitious names will be used in my answers. T*ie pre scriptions can be filled at any well stocked drugstore. Any druggist can order of wholesaler. Astonishing and pleasing results fol low and life and hope are renewed. * * • "Reader" writes: "What should I do to relieve a severe case of kidney and bladder disease? Urine Is dark, foul lof odor, and passage is irregular, I I painful, etc. Have depression, fever, chills, pains like rheumatism, and soreness in region of bladder." ' Answer: For such symptoms as you ; describe I prescribe my favorite for -1 inula under the name of Balmwort Tablets. This is a splendid efficacious . remedy for such abnormal conditions, f Begin their use as per directions on . . each sealed tube. >• • • , Mrs. C. asks: "My scalp Itched ter- • } ribly, is feverish and a great amount . of oily dandruff is present. What is 5 good for this?" Answer: First shampoo the hair and apply Plain Yellow Minyol about l once a week as per directions. This I relieves the itching, overcomes the , dandruff and makes the hair beauti j fully glossy and vigorous. Obtain in - 4 oz. jars of druggists. NOTE: For many years Dr. Baker ' has been giving free advice and pre ■ scriptions to millions of people " through the press columns, and " doubtless has helped in relieving ill- . " nebs and distress more than any J ' single Individual in the world's his r tory. Thousands have written him * expressions of gratitude and confi- ] 1 dence similar to the following: , Dr. Lewis Baker, Dear Sir: The 3 Pla.'n Yellow Minyol it is great. I have used it twice. I have been troubled with itching scalp, falling , hair for two years and have tried I everything heard of and nothing did , any good. I probably paid out $25.00 . In the last two years. But the Minyol . stopped the falling hair and the itch -1 ing Is most gone It is a great re c lief, and I surely believe that I can \ have my hair as nice and pretty as i it was before. I ran recommend it to every qne who has falling halrj 1 dandruff, and itching i -alp. , Yours very gratefully, 3 MISS EVA K. SFOON ER, I i Norwich, Vt., , R. F. D No. 1, Box 67. ' John Edward Murray, Philadel phia. Peter King, New Castle. WOUNDED (DEGREE UNDETER MINED) Scrgeunt Stirling' R. Qulvey, Now Brighton. Corporals Thomas A. Cassidy, Philadelphia. Daniel H. Dyklns, Muncy. William L. Qulnn, Pittsburgh. Joseph B. Wood, Philadelphia. Musician George W. Medlund, Philadelphia. Privates John J. Bannon, Philadelphia. John Paul Batdorf, Lebanon. • Otis I. Canady, Ambridge. Miller Cappo, Blairsville. Bragio Catono, Philadelphia. John Devlin, Jr., Philadelphia. , Absalom Eshelruan, Terre Hill. John Bernard Hammer, Philadel- | phia. Daniel D. Hetrict Norristown. > Charles F. Krebs/R. F. D. 2, liar- | risburg. John H. McWee, Washington. Harry T. Martz, Pittsburgh. Roland A. Parker, Emaus. William Edward Ritter, Luzerne. MISSING IN ACTION Sergeant Louis M. Chubboy, Perryopolis. Corporals Joseph P. Berger, New Castle. Joseph Keegler, Mt. Pleasant. Andrew E. Mtckley, Gettysburg. Charles W. Miller, Lebanon. Lorenzo A. Logan, Philadelphia. Elmer Mosso, Williamsport. Privates Russell Vernon Cromwell, Frank ford. James Henry Dougherty, Jr., Philadelphia. William T. Eiler, Reading. Oscar R. Gahagen, Windber. Karl H. Hittle, Pittsburgh. John Walker Davidson, Pitts burgh. John Fleck Royer, Lakemont. Joseph F. Tompkins. John F. Murphy, Philadelphia. Tho following list was published this morning: Harry E. Barnhart, Red Lion. Darius H. Broadwater, Elklick. Jeremiah Evans, Philadelphia. Floyd Ruth, Doylestown. Daniel W. Shaulis, Somerset. KILLED IN ACTION Lieutenant William C. Acheson, Pittsburgh. Sergeant John J. Palmer, Blairsville. Corporal Harry E. Morse, Altoona. Privates I Walter T. Conrad, Susquehanna, Clark S. Hazlett, Wilkinsburg. John J. Condran, Philadelphia. John Hilley, Philadelphia. Harry L. Steel. Johnstown. JjKory J. Stetson. Cambridge. ~ DIED OF WOUNDS Privates John L. Rossman, Lancaster. Stanton R. Snyder, Millersburg. Christ S. Spathls, Erie. DIED OF DISEASE Sergeant William L. Newhouse, Beatty. Corporal James C. Small, Pittsburgh. Privates I Jacob P. Arnwine, Danville. Henry Etzwielder, Halifax. Adam A. Linz, Pittsburgh. Albert J. McCullough, Philadel phia. Ernest A. Borgeson, Troy. John P. Harms, Philadelphia. Elmer C. Stradling, Brownsburg. WOUNDED SEVERELY Sergeant William G. Young. Philadelphia. Private John Busavoge, Shenandoah. WOUNDED (DEGREE UNDETER MINED) Major James Sydney.Bradford, Philadel phia. Lieutenant Isaac I. Parsons, Media. Sergeants Terrance J. McGuire, Scranton. Frank K. Maitland, Washington. Corporals Benjamin L. Devore, Matamoras. A ldrew A. Kannegeisser, Phila delphia. Privates Charles J. Connelly. Pittsburgh. Cornelius Harry Dommet, Lan- Wiliiam Garlick, Philadelphia. Thomas W. Konzal, Trevorton. Barney Krysizk, Pittston. . John Lubert, Freeland. James P. Blythe, Charleroi. Vincent Borias, Scranton. George A. Gibbons. Philadelphia. Joseph Harold Gieringer, Read ing. Carl Gulizia, Pittsburgh. Frank E. Haas, Allentown. Angelo Maturo, Philadelphia. Grover C. Maxwell, Greensburg. Anthony W. Moraski, Scrapton. John J. Paul, Pittsburgh. Elmer L. Peters. Kutztpwn. Anthony Plukis, Harveys Lake. Joseph Rubin. Pittsburgh. Guy Shortz, Yatesboro. William Smith. Montrose. Robert Vollrath, Philadelphia. WOUNDED SLIGHTLY Sergeants Walter S. Bennett, Scranton. William L. Rutter, Orwigsburg. George Voltka, Pittsburgh. Jack y*. Grimes, Philadelphia. Corporals Chester S. McCutcheon, Pitts burgh. Daniel P. McLaughlin, Summit I Hill. William A. Zirkman, Philadelphia, i Jesse G. Lane, Johnstown. Mechanics' I John Y. Coulter, Monongahela. j Frank J. Helwick. Cooks > I Claude Kemp, Dußols. William O'Dea, Philadelphia. Privates Joseph Canlno, Sharpsburgh. Walter Green, Pittsburgh. Clarence Little, Cogl Valley. John C. McElrath, PottsvlHe. Albert G. Wolfe, Williamstown, Dauphin county. Samuel F. Baney, Philipsburg. Jacob Lantz llaum, New Cumber land. Lon O. Beach, Hawley. William B. Bender, Philadelphia. Paul S. Conrad, Gallitzin. George H. Hopkins, Philadelphia. Joseph J. Katko, Beaverdale. William Kurnot, Mount Pleasant. Thomas J. Collins, Philadelphia. Edmund Smlres, Philadelphia. Domlnick Volponi, Philadelphia. Joseph E. Meyer, Philadelphia. Joseph Thomas Rasimus, Pitts burgh. DANDELIONS DISAPPEAR Kallspcll, Mont.—Many a lawn in Kalispell that was so badly infested by dandelions that its owner de spaired of its ever beln attractive again haß magically taken on a vel vety appearance and the weed that threatened It with destruction has practically disappeared. The cause is ascribed to a small red insect, re sembling the aphis, which has so greedily attacked the dandelion plants that they appear as though i they had been killed by frost. In the I last few days the insects seem to | have attained the winged stage, de- ' serting their forage and flllling the t air. They , cover trees, buildings, fences, and have fallen in such num- : bers that the walks of the city are | stained red wherethey have boen ( crushed by pedestrians. It Missouri Is to | Revise Statutes I St. Louis. —One of the busiest sea- I sions In a generation faces the f Missouri Legislature which will meet | In January. A revision of tho statutes that will require a term of 50 days longer than the ordin ary session Ig one of the undertak ings. State revenues will need much attention, the taxing laws are to be revised, workmen's compensation actions, legislation in the interest of the public schools and state prob-c Your Xmas Shopping Now and Make It Easier for the Sales People |l I Extra Important Events for Friday Bargain Day—To-morrow | 1 ~ — l — d —— —~~J — -— I 1 Aj_ FuhSpeed | | Bar^ainßmement| W>l | The Great Sale of Coats Swinging* | More than 1500 Coats for Women and Misses at unquestionably the most attractive b | prices of the winter are here for your choosing tomorrow Frklay • | | Salt's —— - - —= Salt's M Plush Coats Three Hundred Coats , lw v ° Hundred Coats Plush Coats 1 I<fiiA df\ Take Your Choice s"| Q. 50 Take Your Choice &~tf\ mll $24.50 in This Sale IC#= in This Sale *= $29.50 H 7",; - Se,f co,,nr " or „ w,th co ,?u 3 mercerised \enetlan bl(. an|| Hro , vn . Solllo are lined throUKho.it—other* unit lined i.io Jor .M.lloV. ~ ! !.. . ' ">■ with trusting plush collar or with ■elf collar.—with or without nil „lth guaranteed lining. Some have big fur col- n" colli™ * MlnJ* "iS.v v"'kit coney collars—lined with If belts—all aizes—or with col- lars; some with licaver plush, and others with seal plush , Heav( . r llnraundv tfeieJH it J " 2 T'J?' 1 " mercerised aim ran teed lln- Is! lars of contrasting plnah, >'• * "' ■"'■ nnd women. 'Jf"V U 'i,," " r0 " n ' TaU "'' fall wldth and 50 - • ~~ full length, *20.30. JIU Coats at $34.50 and $59.50 Coats at $12.50 and $14.50 1 [ GLOVES FOR CHRISTMAS * fT Children's jo II if KdySeV Silk UilderWeOT II til Thp kind* that ore most serviceable Dresses, at .Y * Comprehensive Assortments Attractively Priced || me Kinas inai are nwsi strviceuuic, j Plaid and chambray ging _ The Finest of Tlffni n;ft Kl fijl tj/vo/ In dpmnnd nnd most nccpnlahlp as i ham - waist and button c OI useiui VJULS LM .r aemana ana mosi accepiuuit UN trimmed. Sizes 6to 14 years. eo Qt Italian Silk Bloomers, made-**! 1 1 1 r*H I ►Si gifts. Prices here mean economy. \ contrasting: couar and curts. by Juljus , Kayser &Co j >-3 fii | Ladies Black Kid Clone,, AQ ££* $2.69 - fS I M vssorted sizes, 5% to 6; 2-clasp style; very fine value Trcf C ILimOnOS, at T ~ , ers; "arvel At; flesh color; ffllC W* ' V •>) S3 Tan, pmke green and light all sizes. 0W JLI3 u 3| M * j. n />| ___ a blue, yellow. Sizes 36 to 42. —— \WJ M I¥""• 1 f'.if.KucJJeT' 98c Eme ' o i" 67 r sl - 45 sr 7/r®nMV 1 m i'l/lfMPMlllMft .3 V "L Chemise, at ...Of C **. ■.„ ,1 a MB' JLLA I Kll I Vll i 111 I V assortment good; mendeds Made of nainsook; lace, em- Kajscr Italian Silk Envel- J \! 1 |j| : i ■ PU/l UjgjL—l Imperfwt. b,^, Vt nd ~bbo tr'n,m.d. ~c . tt „„ i iiWn $1.97 Children's AT r S3 95 Kayscr Ita lian silk Envoi- | I 11 (w !§j \n\ Kid Gloves, * A * * ope Chemise; white and \ j TT e 1 — .. Aorons. at ... . flesh color; tailor-made. 1 I i. h \ \ jj 111 I .Black, white, brown and HI .... ..I \l 1^ IS* * 111 D ' f.l rrrav- fancv stitching; excel- Children's Bungalow Aprons, ON_B.YI,E, KALI'MAN'S, SECOND FLOOR, lSj 111 \'.l - - '■■■.,■■, • made of fine percale. Sizes 2 f , ' t \ 1 nil IW|l! to 6 years. Ladles High-Grade Silk Ladies' lllgli-Grade Ital- IK L 2 N® / nrftp. Fine \0 40 t J•> A _ _ vests -Band top and shoul- (an Silk Vests —Band top g !3 L,UUIt:S $ J.tJ Ladies Aprons fkQ— der straps; in white and and shoulder straps; silk 1] nl J Kid (tlni)P. ™ Mfl| pink; sizes 36 to t& 1 QC embroidered; pink tfo QC 8 111 Moves, at |/UL • Spec.al ai.sa and white. Special 54.55 S IS Wwf Superb quality; in black, _ , , Kl white, tan and gray Bungalow Aprons, i™ide ot Ladies' lligli-Grndc Ital- . cm rr l! [1 CHILDREN'S CHAMOISETTE GLOVES —One clasp; in white. percale. Sizes 38 to 44. Lan s ,, k Vcsto _Band top a Italian Stlk Top gray and self stitching; sizes Ito 6. 7Q/ Tnttfiin (t* O fl<) and shoulder straps; in Union Stilts —Fine ribbed ""jl HI Special, pair ' *' C Uficm \/ X \ white and pink; djo OQ lisle; in white dl liS LADIES' CHAMOISETTE GLOVES —White, black, brown, Wni.t. nf 36 to 42. Special and pink. Special !••**# J> Kij gray and pearl; self or contrasting stitching. 07** , ul * V J |r Pair ' y 'y. Bla " nd naV! f, chifton a f- OX SALE, KAUFMAN'S, FIRST FLOOR. L 2 53 LADIES' SILK GLOVES—BIack and white; double HA t eta }} alst tailor mad e ' vV Kl j|| tipped; self stitched. Special, pair P^ C Sizes 38 to ij. [| FIRST FLOOR ■ Cap and Scfll*! 4C* (I jjl] I Sp "!"' s „. OutfittheßoyHereFriday 0? J \ ■_ m assorted styles. New colors. \drf , |l? 1 iFridaV |J J I Hosiery, at $*•1" Save You Money // FT A b H black'"lose, high Boy's Heavy C 95 Norfolk 795 v% (fl\ S H I Mackinaw! b Suits, at '! T, Vt I b| iiC. Ages Bto 17 years; Ages Bto 18years; ll H m \ floor arors i BOR.VX o'CEDAR MOP I Hosiery, at .... • belted back and con- newest military // !§ £1 C T onir handled Twenty Mule Team 75c O'Cedar Mop' Women's llbre silk Hose, vertible collar, good model; fine home- U \ till Jf Yacht Mops for the Borax, one lb. Fri- with long handle. I double sole and heel and silk natterns • verv well <?nmi <;nit<s • full rut Cam IS g. noor Friday only, day only. Friday only. Special I lisle top, black, white and patterns, very t\eil spun SUItS, IUII CUt gj >, special each 23c | Package 10c each sc I. colors. made. pants. • M 111 C OUTING CLOTH CHAIR SEATS TEA SPOONS S Ladies' 9?/ BOYS'POLO OVERCOATS, ?4.95 ifl € Good heavy dark Tack on Chair Silver Plated Tea Rrn.novtsm Ml/I Ages 3to 8 years; neat mixtures ill double TSIP 111 i }z'&""is-'ro h o" ?:;s.b c n o, ,'r. a ,b w ; , r h ssrw! ■;, „r i- s tcd ,„odci s; button to the „eek, $4.95 # hi l^ecla? 8 yd rldV ."i y c ra r ch. ay . 0n ! y :. SP . e 2c Social, Mo. 00c 1 ' limit 2to a customer. j- Ml [tU r special, y.. | Women S • O/• Extra Special Boys' Extra Special Boys' S®* S 1 mill PANS PILLOWCASES Coffee Percolator. ' ' ' "ill/* Rompers, Outing Flannel Knit Toques, l n many dif- fill nil K r „ . , I/-J, %J 1/i, and Madras; ages QC_ ferent shades; are CO. 125 IM ■ Large round gran- Good heavy muslin 2-quart Aluminum | VCStS 2to 6 years "*>C worth a dollar 69C # It. Dish Pans, extra Pillow Cases. 48x86, Coffee Percolators, F , ne r , bbed CQtton Vesta > ca >"B worth a dollar .... ffl \ heavy and well made, with oillv Btronßr ' y \ "V" neck and shoulder straps. ij m vririav only. * rlday only. oniy. m i\ ggw /I ?3 J Special, each 5Sc Special, each 20c Special, each, ..*l.lO 9 WoUlCn't AC FIRST FLOOR JJ Hjl i/ fr . % I Underwear .... d /f- - o llf TWO GOOD BUNKET SPECIALS < P . c „r ."n??.. "° ed Let Our Expert , j , 1 } Gray Blankets White Blankets \ Women', or. p lt y 0 u Here A<Ayn W Sj 1 Wool-flnlsh gray Blan- Wool finish white cotton ( Hosiery fcft/t. MA) > lIJ % ?°,?. r „ ed °' Ac blankets. *4 AO J Ladles' black cotton Hose, To,nrvnn L /, , a 66x80 Inches. 53.95 R ne ,. irl i „ n i r *p4.40 M slightly imperfect, excellent J OtfIOTTOW 111 j 1 , Falr Special, pair . ■.. jj J de Friday, 2 pair for 25c nil SERVICE BANNERS LACE CURTAINS WALL DUSTERS 1 - .n f.l / F IS , Silk Service Ban- Pan e 1 Lace Cur- Long hand led % LOrSetS T* WI /fTX B l ta t arc " ot * U *°\ ®^ H!rt il iSII ners with good tain. 2% yards long, ceiling and wall ■ Brocaded Contil Corsets, /J\/\ point out to you the features of the Eppo l|B| 'il fringe tassel and good patterns, one Dusters, made of K rubber top supporters, 2 clasp. f<V\Lt -hlcll make It superior to other petticoats. ?3 cord to hang ln win- to a window. Friday cotton warp yarn. ■ c,. ea 2 , 25 and 26. WrrJfi* T-. n . Il!l , dow, size Bxl2 inches only Friday only. Special f Zea Z4 ' Z5 ana ' PPO PettlCOatS se>.9s tO $7.45 |H ij|l| Special, each 60c Special, each 03c each 4Sc % HoUSP AC /l/l ™j } DISHES clothes DRYERS WATER PAILS S Dresses it) jffl (|| ersey lop Petticoats, $6.45, $7.95 N 1 wWb. 0 ';;, 1 ;;! JMM. ersey Silk Petticoats, $3.95, *7.95 9 il l M cers. breakfast chen. Friday only, heavy. Friday only w hams, light and dark colors, full cut. 3izes 38 to 46. J) KAUFMAN'S—SECOND FLOOR S lems growing out of the war must also be dealt with. The revision of the statutes is car ried out in Missouri every tenth year. To handle this important work, which will require several months after the session formally ends, a commission will probably beo created to report back to the Legis- lature. The sessions of 1911, 1913, 1915 and 1917 will be Incorporated In. the revised statutes. The work is very Important, as the election laws nad such workmen's com pensation laws as the state possesses are now piecemeal affairs and full of inconsistencies, The State Bar Association and the Judicial Conference are on record for the simplification of the code of civil and criminal procedure and for the modernization of the statutes. For several sessions workmen's com pensation acts and the proposed code revisions have been attempted. This year-the Missouri Federation ofjL,u-. bor Is sponsoring- a law. It Is lllffly. I however, that the divergent opinions and interests will bring about much controversy. It is regarded as a certainty that the state will ratify the National Prohibition Amendment, as the drys will have 24 votes in the Senate . where but 18 will be required, and the house will be dry by two to one. 5
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers