Store Closes Regularly {* *" Store Closes Regularly MitL ' WI - 2308 UNITED HARlimnUnil. Till HSU AV, .VOVEDBBR 21, litis. 1 * FOUNDED 1871., ... ' ' 5 ; — 1 —■ - *pF I Friday Bargains Notions Stocking darners. Friday sale, each, 13c Hat pins—4 l /i inch; as sorted colors, 3 on card. Fri day sale, card, 4c Slipper trees. Friday sale, each, 7c American snap fasteners. . Friday sale, 7c Electro snap fasteners. Friday sale, 3c Boyl machine oil. Friday sale, bottle, 10c Art silk "soutache braid. Friday sale, 8c Rickrack braid in assorted colors. Friday sale, 13c and 8c Polishing cloths. Friday sale, , 19c Steel knitting needles; 4 to package. Friday sale, 19c Donny Brook thread linen Irtish —100 yards to spool. Friday sale, 3c Odds and ends in buttons; suitable for coats, suits, in * assorted colors. Friday sale One-Half Price Buttons for suits and coats. Friday sale, card, 4c .. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Georgette Crepe Georgette crepe in every desirable shade —40 inches strong and durable. Fri day sale, yard, $1.55 BOW MAN'S—Main Floor. White Goods Hemmed crochet bed spreads ; size 68x84. Friday sale, each $1.25 English longcloth 27 inches wide, 8 yards to a piece. Friday sale, per piece, SI.OO White poplin—27 inches wide; good quality. Friday sale, vard, 29c Diaper cloth lB inches wide—lo yards to a piece. Friday sale, per piece, $1.25 "BOWMAN'S—Second Floor f Venise Bands r ———— 1142 yards of imported venise bands—6 to 9 inches wide in white, and cream—bautifully dainty patterns used for cami soles, buffet covers; etc. Friday sale, yard, 48c BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. - --r— . .• V l V Pv L w i i ' " • _i >'• , • .:■ ■ ■_ >' < ■;. ■ • '•'- •-"" * THURSDAY EVENING. ' HABEIBBURO TELEGRAPH ' NOVEMBER 21, 1918. | One—Fourth . One—Fourth 8 | and more ."A an^more i | Off Regular Price "j Tomorrow 1 x" Every Suit Goes On Sale 1 1 Prices At Least One Fourth | 1 • Less Than Our Former Prices 1 fe This means the entire stock of Bowman's Suits, carefully selected for little disting y uishing features that make them delightfully charming and good looking. Depend- P| j j | able makes developed in every desired fabric of the season by dependable makers, in 1 Sj p! 11 jl Serges, \elours, Burella cloth, Silvertone, Tricotine, Duvetyne Broadcloth, Pompom 'eavJAi \\ \. jj|j and velvets. Suits that have sold for $29.50 to $195. \\ ffi I M fj. All Fine Dresses From j I ~i ' Ijjhpa $49.50 to $125 At One Fourth Off SS It^i/ J A Sale includes an infinite variety of the finer grade dresses in silks, satins, trico- | | ' | letes, jerseys, velvets and silks and serge combinations. A superb assortment of styl- p: M 1 Presses at reductions that in many ihstances exceed one-fourth. Just at the oppor- IMMJ 1 tune time prior to Thanksgiving and the coining holiday and social season, which, be- \ J i jjj| | j cause of Victory and Peace, promises to he a season of unusual social activity. pi * BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. {/ , TO Draperies Filet net figured Swiss— -36 inches wide; white and ecru. Friday sale, yard, 25c 30-inch cretonne in dark all-over patterns. Friday sale, yard, 25c 36-inch Madras in white and Ecru ; neat figures. Fri day sale, yard, 20c Lot of heavy medium and light colored cretonne—36 inches wide. Friday sale, yard, 35c * JAJWiWN S—Second Floor \ Domestics Cretonne 36 inches wide; useful lengths in good pat terns for comfort covering or draperies. Friday sale, yard, 23c Feather ticking—3l inches wide; remnant length in art and blue and white striped. Friday sale, yard, 45c Duckling fleeces; 36 inches wide; in pink and blue, floral designs suitable for kimonos and comfort linings. Friday sale, yard, 30c Calico, in plaids and light patterns in blue and pink and tan —cut from the piece. Friday sale, yard, 15c BOWMAN'S —Second Floor I ; Neckwear Sample line of collars, and sets; vestees, satin, geor gette and organdie; all clean desirable goods. Friday sale, each, 50c BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Gloves Fine chamoisctte gloves —2-clasp with crochet backs; every size in every color; white, black, gray, champagne and brown; 5 to 8. Friday sale, pair 75c BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Domestics Unbleached slvecting; 63 inches wide in remnant length; Lest quality. Friday sale, yard, 40c BOWMAN'S—Second Floor • .-s I Dress Goods Remnants of strictly all wool fabrics. Sample ends from America's leading manufacturers ,in all of the most wanted fall weaves and colors. Plentv'of navy, black. Desirable lengths for skirt or dress in widths from 36 to 54 inches. Friday sale, yard, $1.45, $2.25, $2.55 P. S. Other Friday spe cials will be on display in our dress Goods Depart ment that will be worthy of consideration. • . BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Women's Hosiery 180 pairs of silk thread stockings that were dyed in fast, blacks. Full-fashioned, high-splice heels-*—all sizes. These would ordinarily sell for almost double this price Friday Special, pair, $1.75 BOWMAN'S —Main Floor. Wash Goods 36-inch high-grade per cales in a host of pretty de signs and fancy stripes; light and darks. Friday sale, yard, 25c 36-inch fancy silk and cot ton plaids in tine color com bination for waist or dress. Friday sale, yard, * 69c 32-inch fine domestic ging hams in a large array of beautiful plaids and stripes; also plain shades? Friday sale, yard, 39c BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Brassieres Bandeau brassieres in front and back closing; all sizes; 32 to 48; in flesh. Friday sale, t t 49c BOWMAN'S—Second Floor Shoes Gray kid shoes with cloth tops: French heels. Friday sale. pair. $7.95 Tan calf shoes \vith turn soles; Louis heel. Friday sale. pair. $9.98 Gray kid shoes with French heels. Friday sale, pair, $9.98 Field mouse with turn soles: French heels. Friday sale, pair, $9.98 Women's black patent vamp shoes with cloth and kief tops, . welt and turn soles. Friday sale, pair, ' $1.98 * _ BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. ! Friday ; Bargains . Tintograph 1 The stamping and stencil pattern; pastime for chil ■ dren. Friday sale, 19c, 39c and 89d$ Baseball Game The national game which is interesting and amusing I to all American boys. s;Pti j da)- sale, | . 89c Knitting Sets > With knitting bag, yarn, i needles and first instruc i tions. Friday sale, set, i 39c \ . ] Parches! The old fashioned game—• ] more popular than ever j Friday sale, 69c Tec Technical, engineering, con struction made of steel.. Friday sale, $1.50 Tool Chest Filled with good assort ment of juvenile tools. Fri day sale, 75c Ocean Wave A new whirling amusing | toy. Friday sale, 19c BOWMAN'S—Basement. Envelope Chemise A special lot of envelope chemise; lace and embroid ery trimmed in all sizes exceptional qualities. Fri day sale, 79c i BOWMAN'S—Second Floor Men's Dress Shirts Starched and soft cuffs good quality of percale, counter soiled; sizes, 14 I to 17. Friday sale, 79c Hose ! Men's hose with double j • soles, high spliced heels, in i white and black; seconds. Friday sale, pair, 19c Union Suits Men's ribbed union suits, fleece lined; sizes 38 to 46. Friday sale. , $1.69 BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Silks , , Remnants of silk of the most desirable weaves and colorings plain and fancies; in hundreds of useful lengths for waists, skirt or dress; consisting of crepe de chine, taf feta, pongee, foulards, printed voiles, etc. Early shoppers will get the best . choice we anticipate large crowds to take ad*- vantage of these excep tional values at the ex tremely low price. Fri day sale, yard, SI.OO J BOWMAN'S— Main Floor. 3
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