2 NEWS OF CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA AND CITY'S SUBURBS WEST SHORE NEWS Musical Treat Promised at Marysville Church Marysville. Pa., Nov. 20. —Grace Church chorus choir of Harrisburg will render a concert in the Marys ville Methodist Church nest Tuesday evening, November 20, at So clock. Forty voices, led by Professor John W. Phillips, will constitute the com pany. The Hallelujah chorus and solos and duets will be special fea tures. This will be a musical treat for Marysville. Union Thanksgiving services will be "held in the Methodist Church on Thanksgiving evening, November 27. at 7.30 o'clock. KAMA" DAY SKK\ ICES West l-'airvlow. Pa., Nov. 20.—An extensive rally day service will be held in the Sunday school of the X'nited Brethren Church on Sunday afternoon at 1.30 o'clock. This serv- j ice has been postponed from early in October on account of the epidemic ban. The main speaker of the after noon will be the Rev. XV. J. Marks, Ph. P., of Punrannon. who will speak on the "Ideal Teacher." A special feature of the program will be a vio lin and saxaphone duet by Ray Cretzinger and Pr. Marks. On Sunday evening the Women's Missionary Society will hold its an nual woman's day service. Dr. Koh ler. pastor of the V. B. Church, will deliver the address at that time. MONEY FOR REP CROSS J Pa.. Nov. 20. — Red 1 Cross rooms will be closed Thursday of this week. Mrs. Keister has issued a cull for more, help to turn out the work that has been assigned to the auxiliary. During the peace day celebration , In Harrisburg several members of the local Red Cross went through the streets of the city with a hand organ and sueceded in raising $175. At the same time several of the smaller girls o:' the town sold dolls, dressed as Belgian children. Miss Ruth Araey. Miss Gladys Schrach and Miss Edna Schatt'er dressed the dolls and raised $17.70, which they turned over to the Red Cross. SPECIAL PEACE SERVICE Enolu. Pa.. Nov. 20. —A special' service of thanksgiving over the sign-1 ing of the armistice was held on Sunday evening in the Enola United Brethren Church. The church was decorated with flags and bunting and In the center of the decorations was I the service flag h ith eleven stdrs. A feature of the service was the read ing of letters from "over there" and the exhibit of souvenirs from boys at the front. The service was con 'ducted by the pastor, the Rc-v. J. Stewart Glen. TO ENTERTAIN CLl'B New Cumberland. Pa., Nov. 20.—, Dn Friday evening the T. W. B. Club Kill be entertained at the home of ! fellss Marguerite Fisher, in Ridge Itreet. ENTERTAIN KING S DAUGHTERS New Cumberland, Pa., Nov. 20. — Hiss Hazel Leach entertained the) King's Daughters Sunday school Bass of the Trinity United Brethren Church last evening. EVANGELISTIC SERVICES New Cumberland. Nov. 20.—The Rev. S. U. Good, pastor of the Church of God at Penbrook, preacli d in the Church of God here last svening. Evangelistic services are seing held in the church every night .his* week. GUILD'S LOVE OFFERING New Cumberland, Pa., Nov. 20. " Dn Thanksgiving morning at 7 /clock the Otterbein Guild will meet n Trinity United Brethren Church, vhere the love offering boxes will >e opened. "THE KING'S HIGHWAY" Lemoyne. pa., Nov. 20.—The Vomen's Missionary Society of the "nited Brethren Church will hold its tnnuul Woman's Day program on iunday evening. Mrs. J. A. Gohn, of dechanicsburg. will deliver the ad- ' Iress of the evening. A religious pa feani entitled "The King's High way," will be given by the members f the society. >ll SIC AT IIIGIi S< HG.il, Now Cumberland, Pa.. Nov. 20. It the opening of the High school esterday morning a musical pro ;rant was rendered, which included l duet by Kathryn Scip and Dorothy leflleman. and a piano solo by Miss eulah Kaufman. 1 r 5 | louNeedLessSugarWhen 1 f POSTUM 1 | is your table beverage § 5 The natural flavor of this | 5 family fable drink is close- £ jS ly like excellent coffee. | | POSTUM is a good .addition Sj | to the grocery list these | | days saves sugar: J No caffeine-No sleepless nights | | "There's a Reason" j b- IS i WEDNESDAY EVfcNLNG. . IIARRISBTTRG TELEGRAPH NOVEMBER 20, 1918. ' Personal and Social Items of Towns cn West Short jj Ttie Rev. P. R. Koontz. of Le- j moyne, is recovering after u serious ! illness of pneumonia. Jack Wagner, the son of Mr. and ( Mrs. H. L. Wagner, of Lemoyne, has ' recovered from a long illness of j whooping cough and influenza. , Sirs. Sylvan Neldlg, of West Fair view. is visiting her sister, Mrs. . Charles Long, at Columbia. Pa. A request has been issued by the Red Cross unit at West Falrvjew that' more.membrs turn out for service. l The auxiliary meets Monday and Thursday afternoons and evenings. Mr. and Mrs. A. Hoover, of West Fairview. are spending a few days with friends in Harrisburg. Mrs. Cadwallader, of West Fair view, who has ben spending the past week at Warren, has returned to her home here. Miss Bertha Bowman Is visiting 1 Miss Laura Martin for a few weeks. Mrs. H. J. Hall, of Wormleysburg. t is recovering from a serious attack of pneumonia. Arthur Day, of Wormleysburg, is 'able to bo out again after having ' been confined to his home with in- j tiuenza. k The United Brethren Church, of Wormleysburg, is planning to hold .a union Thanksgiving Day service., ! The Rev. Mr. Vance will preach the sermon. Miss Annie Avers sgid Miss Annie j Mason, of Harrisburg, were enter-' tallied at dinner Saturday evening by Mr. and Mrs. D. W, Harman. Sr., at i their home at Shiremanstow'n. ! Logan Haram, of Harrisburg. was j j a visitor at Shiremanstown on Mon-lJ day. Mr. and Mrs. Ifrank Herber. of v Souderton, are spending some time, with Mrs. H. M. Rupp and" other 1 friends at Shiremanstown. • Miss Bessie Barlup. of Lemoyne. 1 spent Monday with her sister, Mrs. 1 Scott lirintan, at Shiremanstown. j l.ce Thornton, of Camp Meade. ( . paid his parents. Mr. nnd Mrs. D. M. j Thornton, at St. John's, a short visit I on Sunday. Miss Sara Keet'er has returned to \ her home at Schuylkill Haven after visiting her cousin. Mrs. D. C. Faust. ; at Shiremanstown. William Bates and Ralph Bates, of i ; Shiremanstown. motored to Florin.! ] on Sunday, where they visited their j father, W. Calvin Bates, who is se- ! riously ill. i Miss Betty Seebold. of Camp Hill, spent Sunday with Miss Elma Sense man. at Shiremanstown. 1 <. Miss Rosa Smyscr, of Good Hope, * ; visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sinyser. at Shiremanstown, on Bu\ Jay. . s Mrs. Chris' Schnurbusch. (laugh- ; f ters, Elizabeth and Dorothy, son. Al- j bert Schnurbusch, have .returned to their home in Harrisburg after being | * guests of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel W. Moyer, at Shiremanstown. , i H, A- Elicker. of Franklintown. ' ' visited his aunt, Mrs. Elizabeth Com- f ' fort, at Shiremanstown, on Friday. Miss Irene Stone, of Shiremans- f | town, was a Harrisburg visitor on 4 Monday. * t Mrs. John' Hoyer, of New Cum-' 1 berland, is visiting relatives at Get-I s jtysburg. , • |t WILD TURKEYS KILLED I.cwlstowii. Pa.. Nov. 20. —Wild ' (turkey hunting season is here and ! MiiTlin county hunters are on the trail. Janie& Fry, of Lrwistown, has ' bagged a 23-pound wild turkey and,' George Mendler. has killed a 22- ' pounder. Forest Ramsey and B. '. KamStey, of Milroy, both got turkeys, the former a hen and the latter a! i large gobbler. R. Mickey, of Lew- ! 1 Mstown Junction, got a nice hen: v John Wliitzel, of near Denholin. got .a 10-pound hen: Albert Clark. Dave Rortri! and John Chamberlain, of! McVeytown. each bagged a wild 1 turkey. | r l Turkeys are reported plentiful in • f 'he region of Denholm, the Narrows,'" Black Log. Belleville and Milroy!)' I and they are exceedingly tame this % season. Several hav e been killed in." the Seven Mountains region. flock of eleven was seen a few" days ago in the region of Jack's x ("reek. ! I KILLED AT STEEL WORKS j 1 I ■owlstowii. Pa.. Nov. 20.—Blake'' Corbin. aged about 27 years, of Long- j - fellow, this county was Instantly ;1 killed at the Standard Steel Works! I ,at Burnham yesterday morning. He i was riding on the side of a boxcar, j I hanging onto the step on the side' of the car. when he came in contact jn : with a post. His skull was fractured 11 and he lived but a few minutes. He 1 was a brakeman in the transports- j J i tion department of the works. Hejl iis survived by his wife. f JOHNH. YOUNG \ [pS IN FRANCE Private Weir P. Murray Is Re ported Wounded i;i Action r— — 1 : A ' 1 '' a 111 Department was Ist' Ar- J. H. Young tillery. Private Young is survived by his wife, who resides in Hotchkiss. Colorado: his parents, two brothers and three sisters. The tele- t gram was the tlrst intimation Prl- "*- vato Young's fam lly had of his ill- f ... # ness. He was I <s* well and in good spirits the last tinre he wrote v. home. News has reached here that- Private Weir I*. j Murray. 1526 Ful- J \ v ton street, was \ wounded in an s engagement nnd is in a hospital In W. P. Murray France. Private Murray is a mem ber of Company B, 116 th Supply Train, and left for Camp Lee, Yir vinia. in July. The extent of Murray's wounds are not known here. Heavy Electrical Storm • Burns Adams County Barn Gettysburg. Pa.. Nov. 20 —An Vlec- ' trical storm that was severe for this time of the year passed over the i county Sunday nigiit and one of the ] bolts of lightning struck the barn on j the farm of William G. Durboraw. near Barlow, about live miles from town, burning it to the ground. All the stock was saved, but there was burned with the barn about 230 bushels of wheat: all the hay. ex cept a few tons which had beer, stored elsewhere: ail the corn fod der. two and a half tons of cotton seed meal, several wagons, all the farming machinery and all of the harness.. The loss is partly cov ered by insurance. The Durboraw family were sitting; in the house talking when a sudden flash of lightning was immediately followed by a terrific report. The electric lights in the house went out | and lighting lanterns they started j out to find what damage had been i done. They first went to the barn, and made a thorough inspection there, going into the lower part of the building and all around it. The stock was all right and theer was no odor of smoke or any indication of; fire. They returned to the house, | and. going through ail the rooms, found that some of the plastering j had knocked down. They were look- j ing at this damage when a daughter, i looking out of the window, saw; flames bursting from the gable end of the barn, and before they could reach the barn the whole upper p'art' was in flames. NIKS. ANNA DEITZ DIF:S Marietta. I'a.. Nov. 20. —Mrs. Anna Deitz, of West Marieta, died on j Tuesday at the Columbia Hospital from an attack of pieuro-pneumonia after a short illness. She had been in the hospital hut a few days. She' was 49 years old. and an active mem- j ber of the Presbyterian Church. She was a member of the societies I of that denomination. She is sur-, vlved by her husband and the fol- t lowing children: Sergeant Bert Deitz. In the Aviation Corps, stationed in (>hio: Hery Deitz. of West Marietta: : Edward Deitz. in the United States' Army, in France: Mis. Mary Myers.' Highmount. York county; Pearl and ; Laura Deitz. at home. ON VISIT TO SISTER New Itloomlield Pa.. Nov. 20. —Mr. and Mrs. Martin M. Hench and son Herbert, accompanied by Mrs. E: D. Weig'e. of Camp Hill, and Mrs. Jones, of Harrisburg. spent a day here with Mrs. Hcneh's sister. Mrs. S. H. Bernheisel. STATE ORCHARD :l LIST GROWING: Adams County Heads Sched ule With the Largest Num ber of Hearing Trees j Figures compiled by the State De- I partmcnt of Agriculture and issued to-day show that there are 1.44 4 orchards in Pennsylvania, with "26,- j 338 bearing trees and 7*37.925 hot ! yet bearing, and 1,304,905 bearing j i peach trees and 261,234 not bearing. ! Only orchards having over 300 hear ing trees and engaged in commer- ! I rial business were counted. Adams j | county leads with 151 orchards. Bedford being next with 88, York | third with 86. Erie, Bucks, Cumber- i land, Snyder, Beaver and Schuylkill j , being well up. Dauphin shared in | this and in other lines of foodstuff j ; production. j It is also reported by the depart- I j nient that there were 2,4 39 farm | tractors at work in the state this i year, against 1.030 last year. Lan caster leads with 209. Montgomery being next with 114. Bucks, Chester and Erie having 100 and Westntore i land 94. Philadelphia had 15 and j every county reports some at work, j The eight per cent, increase in 1 j wheat acreage is divided among j I more than thirty counties. I.ancas- [ j tor shows a gain of 12.000 acres, ! York 8,000 and Berks over 7,000. i | Washington 6,000 and Franklin { 5,000. Dauphin is shown to have 17 or-! chanls with 3,580 hearing apple j trees and 6,605 ncarbcaring, and 11,- ' 505 bearing peach trees and 4,87 5 ' ncarbcaring. Cumberland has 59 or- I chards with 40,116 bearing and 41,- j j 005 nearbearing apple trees and S3,- i 370 bearing and 13,300 nearbearing ' | peach trees. Franklin is the leading poach ! I county, having 164,375 bearing and I | 20,540 nearbearing trees, with 121.- i I 175 bearing and 63.595 near bearing apple trees. Perry shows 12 orchards ', I with 3.575 bearing and 5.800 near ! bearing apple trees, and 6.400 hear-; I ing and 1.100 near bearing peach ' I trees. York. Lancaster and Lebanon are I awav up in the orchard list, but the I Juniata Valley is next. Snyder shows 1 36 orchards with 45.000 peach trees, i dauphin wheat acreage went from '32.847 to 35.475. and Cumberland' i 63.238 to 67,665; Franklin, 93.475 , to 9x. 149: Perry, 28,501 to 30,781;, Juniata. 19,612 to 20,593: Adams. 1 ; 55.824 to 58,615; York, 103.004 to 1 111,214; Lancaster. 135,193 to 147,-' 360; Lebanon, 37.581 to 41.290; Sny der, 24,692 to 16.420* one of the few [ decreases: t'nion, 21,312 to 22.804: Mifflin, 22.697 to 24.7 40: Hunting don. 25,415 to 27,194. Dauphin reported 30 farm tractors at work: Cumberland. 9; Franklin. 24: Perry. 5; Juniata, 13; .Mifflin. 16: Snyder. 9 and I'nion. 20. Adams hud 39 and York 73. BOOKS AND MAGAZINES ; Olive Gilbreath. author of the ' j recently published romance of Bus-, sia, "Miss Amerikanka," has just 1 i heard from in Vladivostok. She | cabled her publishers, the Harpers,] j that she was then starting for the I rai Mountains, where she expect ,ed to encounter the armed forces' j which are now planning for the re- 1 I generation of Russia and to strike 1 for the western part of Russia in 1 [the spring. Miss Gilbreath is fol lowing the footsteps in a large dc jgree, of the young American girl who ' !is the heroine of -"Miss Ameri kanka." and went from Vladivostok to western Russia, tinal!.\ reaching : ; Petrograd. Miss Gilbrath's cable-! gram added that she will attempt to | j get into western Russia this winter! i if possible. Harper & Brothers recently receiv- • ed a letter from one of the A. E. 1-'., ' bemoaning the fact- that people , usually mailed them nothing but . • sporting magazines, and requesting j reading of a deeper mind. He com- ; I me:iced the letter by saying: "in a ' i recent number of your valued maga ■ ztne you expressed a desire to know 1 I what we in France read. Why don't j I the readers of Harper's and other | ■ real periodicals use one cent stamps j !on the cover more frequently than , .is their wont? More minds in the! !A. E. F. are capable of coping with something better than baseball I stories." Houghton MifHin Company an nounces the publication of the fol lowing books: # Frances Jenkins Ol cott's "The Book of Elves and Fair ies," stories which will delight the hearts of fairy-loving children: Maty Austin's "The Trail Book," original and fascinating stories of Indian and animal life; Edith Barnard Delano's , "Two Adike." a jolly, lively girls' story; Sara Cone Bryant's "I Am An ! American," a child's book of in- : spired patriotism; Robert Gordon Anderson's "The Cross of Fire," a j dramatic novel of love and war; ! Jordan Herbert Stabler's remarkable i translation of "The Jargon qf Master ! Francois Villon": George Herbert Palmer's "Formation Types in Eng lish Poetry," essays both charm- ] ing in style and enlightening in fact; • William Yorke Stevenson's "From | Poilu td Yank." a vivid description \ of an American ambulance driver's ' experiences in France. A member of Houghton Mifflin Company interested in problems of reconstruction made the rounds of government officials, magazine edi tors, and the justice of the Supreme ; Court from Boston to Washington I in search of information on the sub ject. Eacfl man he questioned gave ; him the same 'answer. "Go to Ord- ; way Tead," they directed him with the unvarying repetition of well- ; trained parrots. Finally he went to • Ordway Tead with the result that he extracted from him a searching study | of working-class psychology. -' In- j stlncts in Industry," just appearing unde the Imprint of Houghton Mif flin Company. The author who is! one of the first authorities in the ! field of economics and social prob lems, says "To-day. as never be- I fore, the professional inan, the em ployer. manager, and foreman, the social worker—all are under the ne cessity of knowing what the work- 1 ers are thinking and feeling, of dis covering the contents of their men- j tal life and the impulse by which they are moved." TO FEED I'REM'H AT POPULAR PRICES ' Paris, Nov. 20.—The Frertch gov- j eminent will establish popular-priced restaurants.. The committee on re- j victualing, of the Chamber of Depu ties, adopted a report authorizing the government to appropriate 110,000.- i 000 for that purpoje. | ' |i Cumberland Valley News \ I . i BRAVE SOLDIER ! HOME FROM WAR Mcchunicsburg Boy Sent to j Cape May Hospital Suffer ing From Wounds SERGEANT WM. H. FELIX McchniilcHtMtrir. I'll., Nov. 20.—Fresh ! from the battle fields of France, with : i a livid scar on the left side of his i ! face extending from the ear to mouth, i j thrilling experiences, and a Fr.utclt! decoration in addition to being cited I j for bravery. Sergeant William 11. ; Felix is visiting Tils aunt. Miss S. j j Edith Swartz, East Main street, i Every inch a soldier, this stalwart, upstanding type of the man who I answered Uncle Sam'd call at the' outset of America's entry into hos- i : tilities is only nineteen years old. and ' was returned to this country with J about 150 wounded and sent to the; hospital at Cape May. N. J. ] Since July he has been living on I i liquid food. He has recovered suf -1 ticiently to visit Ills mother, "Mrs. ; Clara Felix, of Avalon. near Pitts- i ■ burgh, an*! other relatives on a 1 1 thirty-day furlough. Then lie re- • ' turns to the hospital for another operation. Sergeant Felix was cited for brav ery In action, in the famous battle' along the Marne. when he manned ; | a machine gun single handed and! shortly afterward was severely | ' wounded. Machine gun bullets hit j 1 hint In both legs and a piece of hand i ; grenade struck him in the jaw, break- j ing both upper, lower and left sides, j , This latter wound gave him a deep | ! scar, and it is not entirely healed. Lying wounded on "No Man's Land." i constantly under shell and rifle fire, j ! getting weaker every minute from j loss of blood, and fearful that the J ' Germans might capture him, this in- j i trepid young patriot felt around for j ! his gun, but could not lift it. Finally, ' 1 lie managed to get it in position, and | I lay there until rescued by comrades, | I who compelled four captured Huns i to curry him off. Too modest to wear his French i I decoration. Sergeant Felix "was pre- ; vailed upon by his friends to at j least put it on, and let them see it. ; : Thitf badge of honor is a handsome j igold and greenish cord, worn around j Hie shoulder and breast with a large, , tassel. The young man is well-known ! here, as his mother was a native of j j Mechanicsburg, and his great grand- ] I father was the Rev. Abram Swartz. j ' Fie speaks in highest terms of what 1 | the Red Cross did for him, and while | 1 ite does not regret his wounds, he j wishes that he could join his eonf- j ; redes in tiie march to Germany. 1 iiltri tli FOR \V\!l I I Mi M< cliniiii situ ,-g. Pa., Nov.* 20.—For , i the benefit of I'nited War Work fund, | i a social will be given in the Metho- j ! dist Episcopal Church under the au- | lspic.es of the Sunday school class! | taught by Miss Anna Brownawell. A j splendid program has been prepared ' ! and refreshments will be served. An | offering will be lifted for the benefit of the war work. ODD FELLOWS' M'.U OFFICERS i New Dloontficld, Pa.. Nov. 20. j At a meeting of Mackinaw Lodge 1 No. 380, Independent Order of Odd | Fellows, held Monday evening, the I following officers were installed: ! | Xob'e grand. Harry B. Robinson; 1 vice-grahd, Howard Dromgold; con-1 duetor, Phillip Cloudfer; warden, Pault ; McKcehan; rig.it supporter to noble! grand. William C. Lehr; left sup- i porter to noble grand, S. Beck Wal- j ! lace; right supporter to vice-grand, j Aura'nd lckes; left supporter to vice j grand. David A. Tressler; right scene ] supporter. Warren K. Olouser; left Iscene supporter, John Ilalman; out ' side guardian, George Spahr; Inside ! guardian. Benjamin B. Lupper. DITCH GAVE FREE PASSAGE Paris. Nov. j fact, says the Temps, that German ! troops returning to Germany from ' Belgium crossed the Dutch province ' of Limburg and that they passed the ; frontier with the sanction of the Holland authorities.' This free pas i sage Of Dutch territory graflted to ! one of the belligerents, Che newspaper ] ; contends, constitutes' a precedent of which the other belligerent Powers j would be justified in taking advan tage. All VICTIMS OF ECZEMA'S ITCH j NEED PQSLfM It Is Poslant's mission to relieve ! itching eczema's cruel distress and to : restore the disordered skin to slghtli : ness and health. Comfort comes as soon as it is applied to the sore places. Its concentrated healing pow er quickly shows. Each day should mark distinct improvement. So ef fective Is'Poslam for eczema, rashes,' , pimples, scalp- scale that just a little ; 'of it will, do much. It's quality that ■ counts, j/ , Sold everywhtfre. For free sample: write to Emergency Laboratories, 243 , West 4.th St., New York City. Urge votir skin to become fresher, ! clearer, better by tho daily use of | : Poslam Soap, mcuicaled wilh Poslam. j Mechanicsburg Lodge Installs New Officers tleehnnlesburu. Pa., Nov. 20.—At a ] meeting last evening of Mechanics- i burg Lodge No. 215, Independent 1 Order of Odd Fellows, the follow- ' Ing officers were installed by the I District Deputy : Noble grand, C. D, j ■I. Kckerd; vice-grand, Floyd N. ' Fishcl: corresponding secretary, A. j H. Swartz: financial secretary, G. W. i It ers It man; treasurer, George C. Mil- j leisen: right supporter to noble grand, i I George M. Wertz: left supporter. Howard Fishel; right supporter to i vice-grand, H. Frank Hare; left sup- i porter, Harry U. Bare; warden, Ross Lehman, conductor, Harry M. Bare: chaplain, Guy H. Lucas: Inside guar dian, Charles E. Grissinger; outside \ I guardian, J. M. Nickel; right scene | supporter. Grant Weaver; left scene supporter, John T. Harttish; repre sentative, George W. Hershnian; host, ! J. M. Nickel: trustees. W. O. Myers | and D. S. Walter. • Mechanicsburg Member j of State Police Met hiiiilosliiirg. Pa., Nov. 20. —Ac- cording to a message received by Mr. and Mrs. J, V. Walter, West Keller street, their son. Chester V. Weber, who is a member of Troop D, State i Police, was injured while in the per | fortnanee of ills duties on Sunday I night, November 17, in New Brigh- I ton. Pa. He received a stab wound in the back, near the right shoulder and was taken to Beaver Valley Gen eral Hospital that place. While at first it was thought his condition was serious, later development's show that ; unless something unforeseen occurs j the young man will recover. MRS. MF.lt YIN 1.. HECK DIES MechanlcsburK. Pa., Nov. 2". -After ! one week's illness of influenza. Mrs. ( Mefvin L. Beck died yesterday noon I at her home in West Simpson street, i Site was aged 27 years and was a i member of the First United Church. she was formerly Miss Lucy Zitin, !of Carlisle and is survived by her . husband and four small children, the : youngest of whom is eleven months' I old. They are: Howard. Catherine, Anna and William. Also her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Zinn, of Car lisle: and three sisters. Funeral ser vices will be held on Friday after- I noon at 2 6'clock, conducted by the i Rev. K. C. B. Castle, of Daltastown, a former pastor and assisted by the i Rev. J. A. Gohn, of this place. Bur ial will be made in the Mechanies • burg cemetery. TARDIEI tli Hit KS IN HUM K Purls, Npv. 20. —Captain Andre Tar -1 dleu, head of the commission for ; Franco-American war matters, ar : rived in France front the United i States. —— Make Your Stomach Your Best Friend ! Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets Digest the Food, Prevent Sourness anil Make You Feci Fine All Over If you feel any dresses after eat ing take a Stuart's Dyspepsia Tab let. You will then have a good, steady friend in your stomach. For no matter what you eat there will tie no gas. no sour risings, no lump in vour throat, no biliousness, no Uarli brown taste in the morning. And should you now be troubled, eat a tablet as soon as possible and , relief will come promptly. T)tese tablets correct at once the faults ,of a weak or overworked stomach, j they do the work while the stoni ! celt rests and recovers itself. Pur- I.icularly effective are they for ban queters and those whose environment ! brings them in contact with the rich, i tood most apt to cause stomach de rangement. Relief in these cases always brings the glad smile. Get a box of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, !50 cents, in any drug store. Be good to your stomach. CORNS, ACHEs 7 TENDER NESS AND OTHER FOOT MISERY EASY TO GET RID OF NOW. • # At last! How to take corns ! OUT, not merely off, without ! plasters, dangerous cutting or | caustic liquids. Also stops the j acid perspiration, which ruins ' shoes and causes soreness, etc., says C. S. Turner, of the Army Medical Corps. Perhaps you have invited blood | poison by hacking the top off that , corn with a razor, or burnt it off |with caustic pastes, liquids or plas | ters. soaked it in hot water, picked ! dubiously at it with your fingernails j and sprinkled it with various pow ' dors to stop the aching. After doing all this and waiting'a while for re sults. you either find that most of the corn has stayed right on the Job or else a brand new top "has sprouted up to replace the old one and the ache is still doing business at the old stand, worse than ever, and plus considerable extra soreness of raw Skin around the corn. This is be cause you have only worried and Ir ritated the top of the corn without at all affecting the little pointed part or core, which is the real business end that causes all the pain by press ing on sensitive nerves. It would be as logical to cut the top off an ach- I ing tooth to stop the pajn. It is only latter all these time-wasting experi ments with a corn, unpleasant as they are, that you are really ready to appreciate tfle marvelous way Rodcll medicated water acts and how totally different it is from anything else. It soon dissolves out the oil from dead, hardened, calloused and "corny" skin, leaving it soft and "mushy" as fresh putty, so that corns can easily be picked right out, root and all; whereas callouses turn white, curl up at edges and come clean off with one scrape with the dull edge of a knife. Sound, healthy skin is not affected in any way by the water, except that it is wonder -1 fully refreshing to sore, tired, tender, | aching feet. To prepare tho ntedi ! cated water, which Is also oxygenat ed, invest a few cents in a quarter pound of the refined Rodell com pound. this being a standard prep aration. often prescribed by physi cians and kept in stock by most druggists. l.ocalty, Kellers Drug Store. G. A. Gorgas, Clark's Medi cal Co., H.'C. Kenhedy, would alwavs ! have it on hand. Use about n table spoonful to a gallon of rather hot i water and rest the feet In this, but first bid all your toot misery a flnui ! farewell, for such tortures will soon I be only unplcusunt memories of the' | past. Dr. and Mrs. .W.P.Clark Entertain Mite Society! Dauphin. Pa., Nov. 20.—The Mlte| j Society of the Presbyterian Church. I was entertained at the residence of' j.Mrs. Sara M. Bell 'by Dr. and Mrs. j IW. P. C ark. After the regular bus- j i iness meeting the evening was spent I |ln a social way, the women with j 'their Red Cr"ss. knitting. Refresh-! ! ments were served to Mr. and Mrs. I , Freeman C. Gbrbeijieh, Mr. and Mrs. j . Harry B. Greenawalt, Mrs. Sara M. j i Bell, Jlrs. George Gilduy, Mrs. G. \V. ; Heck,' Mrs. Jane Sellers, Mrs. J. D. ' iM. Reed, Mrs. Bertha Hawthorn, | Mrs. Harry Reed; Mrs. Augustus! j Brooks, Newark, X. J.; Mrs. Alice IT. j Hess, Miss Margaret Brooks, Miss! Mary Umherger, Miss Anne R. Mil-' I ler. Miss Surah Muigaret Hawthorn,! ! Charles ShalY, Paul Gilduy, Russel i I Reed. Dr. and Mrs. W. P. Clark. 1 The next meeting will.be with Mrs. j ! George Oilday, Canal street. NEW CASES OF INFLUENZA ' Marietta. Pa., Nov. 20.—There are j A number of new cases of influenzal in Marietta and vicinity. Several are' In a At Billmoyer! and on The Ridge the situation is! improving. There was only one j death within tHe past twenty-four' hours. That was Mrs. Jacob Deitz, I | of West Marietta, who died at the] ' (Columbia Hospital from pleuro ' pneumonia. I , : _ I . | A Very Wide Variety Of Watches for Soldiers I. which are just as useful and will be equally as popular out of the service as they are in it The assurance of the highest in quality for 1 which the BOAS label stands, is worth much to you. You receive not only the correct in design and the finest in grade but you pay what is in reality the lowest price because you get full value for the amount you pay. •j MILITARY WRIST WATCH— leather strap, nickel 1 O case *p A fci |!. MILITARY WRIST WATCH— nickel case, high grade "1 /? movement, leather strap. . . *r MILITARY WRIST WATCH sterling silver case, leather or khaki strap, round shape. Cushion Shape $22 MILITARY WRIST WATCH sterling silver case, exceptionally high-grade, khaki or leather strap tPO STERLING SILVER WATCHES- Waltham and Illinois movements, S3O and $32 SOLID GOLD WATCHES— 14 karat, ii to S6O i! ! ! CROSS li< AS I! 28 North Second Street . ;i Just a Small Tire Sale I Act Quickly—Get Yours i 1 GOODYEAR, FIRESTONE, DOUBLE !j FABRIC, KNIGHTS, FEDERAL : AND BLACKSTONE TIRES • TUBES TO MATCH 30x3 Regular Price, SIB.O0 —Sale Price $12.93 I Regular Frice, $25.00 —Sale Price $18.90 31x4 Regular Price, $37.00 —Sale Price $24.00 32x4 Regular Price, *537.00 —Sale Price $25.70 34x4 Regular Price, $40.00 —Sale Price $28.00 OTHER SIZES AT CORRESPONDING REDUCTIONS ALL MAKES OF TlfcES VULCANIZED HARRISBURG AUTO AND TIRE REPAIR COMPANY Agency For the Liberty Six 131 South Third Street iU -T-J ! E ULrAN^ 1 Mot water, j |CL y Sure Relief RELL-ANS larFOR INDIGESTION, Don't trifle with a cold I —it's dangerous. . You can't afford to risk Influenza. ; Keep always at hand a I box of . CASCARA E£ QUININE Standard cold remedy for 20 years—in tablet ' form—safe, sure, no opiates—breaks up a cold !in 24 hours—relieves grip in 3 days. Money back if it fails. The genuine box baa a Red top with Mr. Hill's picture. At All Drug Stores. I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers