2 MELERSBURG REPORTS $3,776 Patriotic Upper End Town Has Made Good in Every Campaign During War Millersburg, Pa.. Nov. IS.—When, the working solicitors in. the United War Work drive made their re port to Chairman H. W.. Bowman on Saturday, it was found that Mil lersburg had, as in all the other war work drives, more than made good. Millersburg's quota in this drive was $3,000. Collections to Saturday evening amounted to $3,766.90, and, with money still coming in the total amount will be near the SI,OOO mark. Millersburg has made another record of which she is proud. Last week Postmaster c. W nubendnll received an honor flag from Wash ington, denoting that Millersburg hud gone over the top In the sale of War Saving Stamps and Thrift Stamps. The sales at the Millers burg postoffice now total over $55,000. Millersburg is the only town in the county and among the few in the state that has gone over the top in the sale of the little bonds. HIGH THICK FOB FARM >1 a riot ta. Pa., Nov. IS.—Two hun dred and ninety-five dollars per acre was the price paid for a thirty-seven acre farm, belonging to the Jona than ltutter estate, near Intercourse. Influenza Checked WITH MUNYON'S COLD & GRIPPE REMEDIES SAFEGUARD yourself and avoid tlic undermining disease ol Spanish Influenza liy taking, alternately,; every hour, MFXYON'S COLD REMEDY MUNYON'S GRIPPE REMEDY Upon the first indication of watery eyes, running nose and soreness of the throat, headache or tired feeling. st#p into your nearest drug store and purchase a 30c bottle of MUXYON'S COLD REMEDY and a 30c bottle of MUN YON'S GBIPPE REMEDY and take them according to directions faithfully and you will check the un pleasant discharges and remove the headache within a few hours and within a few days all symptoms of Influenza will disappear. These simple remedies have saved thousands of lives in the past thirty years. Munyon's doctors are always at your service. Consultation and ad vice absolutely free. Address MUX YON'S LABORATORIES, sltli and Columbia Ave., Pliila., Pa. WHAT ABOUT YOUR INCOME? The elements comprising the body are constantly wearing out ' and must be renewed daily, else the outgo of strength exceeds the income, SCOTTS EMULSION will help the tired business-man 'or woman keep pace with the wear and tear of life. Scott's . nourishes the body, blood an 4 nerves, and helps maintain an Tf J C\ even balance of strength and j 'jf energy. Safe-guard your in- j\ come of strength with Scott's. ' " Scott & Sonne, Bloom£cid, N. J, IS-19 Christmas Shopping—Do It Now— Avoid Dissatisfaction. Gifts" of^Trae^ That will please the Soldier In these you will find the standard, BOAS quality— which ir. always the highest. However, our prices are moderate and represent artual value. It is a significant fact that you pay no more here— BUT QUALITY IS ASSURED. Among Our Extensive Assortments of Christmas Gifts f at Moderate Prices Are the hollowing: SOLDIER'S WRIST WATCH Sterfing silver case, numerals and hands visible in the darkness, leather or khaki strap, round QOA model Square model $22 • CIGARETTE CASE Of olive drab leather, interior fitted with oval frame rrv , for photograph tpO.DU CIGARETTE CASE—Silver-plated case, thin model. A very neat affair, much favored (tr for its lack of ostentation pD BELT PHOTO CASE—Of bronze. Will fit on the regulation Army belt. Will (fin rn hold two photos <{>^.ol/ In Sterling Silver $5.50 SIGNET RINGS—IO and 14-karat gold. Various unique designs, !p£po, and .. sm . a .'!r b r:.sß to S2O C. Boss BOAS MONDAY EVENING, STATE'S HEROES TO HOLD PARADE [Continued from First Page.] rade through the streets of Phila delphia. Home lu a Cult This would permit the sending home to llarrisburg as a unit the Harrlsburg men who marehed away to the war In the Governor's Troop, Companies 1> and I and the smaller orgs nidations. Plans for a similar demobilization of the 79th division also are being considered. Philadelphia. Baltimore and Washington huve put in claims for a parade of this crack organiza tion which trained at Camp Meade and is composed of National Army men from Eastern Pennsylvania, Maryland and the District of Co lumbia. Dauphin county men large ly make up the 316t1i Infantry in this division. It was this regiment that a returned Phtladelphiu officer described as having men who 'fought and died like heroes." Plan Big Pageant The suggestion made by Mayor Keisler that Harrlsburg wait until its men get home to celebrate peace in formal fashion has gained many supporters when it was learned that in all probability the soldiers can get home in a body for a parade that it is generally conceded ought to be the greatest pageant the city has ever known. Definite arrangements for the pa rade cannot he made, it was pointed out, until it is learned at what time the hundreds of men in other divi sions will have returned. It is prob able. however, that the 3,000 men of Dauphin county will want to join with those of Harrisburg in the pa geatit. It is generally believed that most of the youths serving with the Navy will be home by the time the soldiers return s# that every branch of the service may be represented. General March in discussing the situation said: "In handling this problem of de mobilization, one of the features which had to be considered was the subsequent retaining of men for the Regular Army, or what will be the Regular Army, when Congress pass es laws reorganizing that Army. When the war broke out there were only a limited number of such men In the service, and the great num ber of men who filled out these units were men who voluntarily enlisted for the period of the war. So we have offered these men who came in for the period of the war the option I of re-enlisting if they care to. "We have offered an immediate honorable discharge with a furlough of one month upon re-enlistment and we propose to ask Congess to give every single man who has been hon | orably discharged one month's pay, whatever his grade is, as a bonus. I Every man who is discharged from the Army is entitled to wear his uni form for a period of three months. ; that is a very necessary thing, be cause the releasing to civil life of three or four million men makes it ! impossible to clothe in civilian ! clothes so great a number. "As men are discharged, we take iup tlie question of the officers. Of i iicers who want to apply for com missions in the Regular Army will ! be considered; officers who want to put themselves in a class where I they can bo used for further mili i tary operations, will be offered coin ! missions in the reserve corps. The rest of them will be. discharged. "1 have cabled General Pershing 1 to return to the United States on ! troop transports all the men who i are casuals or convalescents, sick j and wounded who are able to be moved: and these men will come in a steady flow across the Atlantic be j fore the larger number come back I as units-." RESUME CONSTRUCTION OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS Washington, Nov. 18.— Resump ition of construction work on post i offices and other public buildings ! was ordered by Secretary McAdoo, I thereby rescinding orders of last December suspending all public : building on account of war condi tions. Millions of dollars are in ' volved. LAST FLASHES •OFF THE WIRES Washington John W. Davis was : formally nominated to-<lay by Presi- | dent Wilson ty he American ambus- | sador to Great Britain, and Alexund- ; er C. King, of Atlanta, was to succeed Mr. Davis as solicitor gen- • eral. Paris The French authorities i rapidly are completing arrangements j for bringing home released prisoners ! of war which according to official ; French figures, total 120.000. it is . expected tlie process of repatriation will consume about six weeks. Washington The line separating ; tlie eastern and central time zones, by order of the Interstate Commerce J Commission, is to begin near Colum- I bus. 0.. instead of at Pittsburgh, as : fixed by custom of cross continent railroad of by local law. The new ; boundary is * established as of Jan- ; uary X next, at 2 a. m. Washington Final legislative ac- j t.lon was tgken to-day by the Senate . on tlie national "war time" prohi- \ bltinn bill, effective July 1. next, and continuing during demobilization. The measure will go Thursday to Presi dent Wilson for his pfpproval. con fidently expected by prohibition advo cates. ltellefonle, I'm Frank Bessler. of Lehigh county, ahd John Baptiste Dantine, of Westmoreland county, were to-day electrocuted at ltockview Penitentiary. Bobbery led both men to commit murder. Samuel Koplovitz Again Wounded in Action Word came this morning from the War Department concerning j Samuel Koplovitz, president of the Harrisburg Newsboy's Association. | with this brief message: "Deeply regret to inform you that he was slightly wounded in action." Arthur Koplovitz. who Is in charfce of the business since Samuel bravely took a chance on life in service, said that the family had never been able to get any information about the soldier newsboy since he was taken to the hospital with shell shock, although great efforts were i made to learn particulars. Sam has | had all sorts of thrills, getting! caught one day In n barrage in which dozens'of his comrades were killed The latest message seems to indicate that he recovered from this and went back only to he again wounded. He is serving in Company K. 112 th Infantry Regiment Deaths and Funerals MRS. MARTHA A. GILLUMS Mrs. Martha A. Gillums, tffiS Boas street, died yesterday at her resi dence. She was aged 63 years. Fu neral services will be held Wednes day afternoon at 2 o'clock. The Rev. H. W. A. Hanson, pastor of the Messiah Lutheran Church, will of ficiate. Burial will be in the East Harrisburg Cemetery. Mrs. Gillums is survived by a son, Jacob F. Gil lums. HARRY K. HARM!ART Harry E. Barnhart, 633 Camp I street, died yesterday aj his late resi dence. Funeral services will be held Wednesday afternoon at 2.30 o'clock at his home, the Rev. Edwin A. Pyles, pastor of the Fifth Street Methodist Church, officiating. Bu rial will be in the East Harrisburg Cemetery. He is survived by three sons,' Seth H., Benjamin R. and Harry E„ Jr., four brothers and four sisters. CHARLES W. HARTWICK Funeral services for Charles W. Hartwick. street foreman wjio died ' suddenly Saturday, will be held at I his home, 113 Conoy street; to-mor row afternoon at 2 o'clock. The serv ices will be conducted by the Rev. | Dr. Hawes, pastor of Market Square ! Presbyterian Church, of which Mr. ! Hartwick had been a member since | he was 16 years old. He was one of I the most constant attendants at j Sunday school and for many years j was on the honor roll for not having | missed a Sunday during the year. |He was an active worker in the i church and Christian Endeavor So- I ciety. SISTKR CARMELITA HARTNKTT Sister Carmelita Hartnett died early this morning at the Sisters of Mercy Convent. Fifth and Maclay streets. She was aged 24 years. Be fore taking the veil she was Miss Anna Hartnett, of Lebanon. She was \%ry popular among the sisters and had a host of friends. Funeral serv ices will be held in St- Mary's Church. Wednesday morning, the Bev. W. V. Dal ley officiating. Burial will be in Mt. Calvary Cemetery. WILLIAM MeCORKLE William McCorkle. aged 36 years, died Friday at Baltimore. Funeral services will be held at the home of his father Jacob McCorkle, 2035 Penn stre i, at 10.30 o'clock Tues day morning. The body will be taken to Lancaster for burißl in the Green wood Cemetery Tuesday afternoon. He is survived by his wife, hte fath er and a brother. MINISTER ACCEPTS CALL Marietta, Pa., Nov. 18.—The Rev. C. G. Bachman, of Osterburg, Bed ford county, has accepted the call to become pastor of the New Holland Reormed Church. He is a graduate of Franklin and Marshall College, at Lancaster. TIMID PEOPLES FEAR THE YANKS [Continued from First Page.] each section being drawn by a trac tor. The entrance of the Americans Into Spincourt on Saturday was one of the most spectacular features of the American advance. Lieut. Emmet Gruner. of St. Louis, represented the First Army with Lieut. Robert Nlcolson, of Salis bury, N. 0., going as artillery expert to see that the guns were all in good condition. The lieutenants were ac companied by an Infantry sergeant and four privates. Lieut. Gruner, the sergeant, and one private Went ahead in an auto mobile, carrying a white flag. Lieut. Nlcolson and the other private fol lowed. Upon reaching the outskirts of Spincourt. they were met by a lone German lieutenant who spoke English. -He conducted the Amer icans to the village hotel, where billets had been provided. After saying he was glad to see them and expressing his relief that his re sponsibility Vas past, the German said: "I am damn glad the war is ewer." Paris. Nov. 18.—Major Dickman. who will command the Third Army, w-hich will be the "army* of occupa tion." was formerly in command of the third division at the time of its defense ot the south bank of the Marne, in and east of Chateau Thierry on May 31, and the succeed ing weeks. Later he was put in com mand of corps. His chief pf staff will be Brigadier General Malln Craig. Use McNeil's Cold Tablets. Adv." I < ' tIXRRISBTTRQ TELEGKXPH HOLLAND GROWS TOO WARM FOR FORMER KAISER Potsdam Hoars That Hollcn zollern Is to Return to Germany l.oudon. Nov. 18.—The Potsdam Soldiers' and Workmen's Committee learns that William llohenzollern in tends to return to Germany because of disturbances in Holland, according to a Copenhagen dispatch the Ex change Telegraph Company. The 1-oknl Anzeiger of Berlin says he is likely to be permitted to return. Prince Eitel Frederick, son of the I former emperor, lias appealed to his comrades of tile Potsdam garrison to place themselves at the disposal of the new government in Germanv. tlnnrn, Holland, Nov. IS.—Count Charles Von Bentinck, son of Count Godard, in an interview to-day de clared his father was unaware' of the intended coming of the German em peror until last Sunday when the I Dutch government telephone asking him if he would receive the exile. The count acceded aa a duty to the Dutch government. v The former emperor's host seems somewhat embarrassed over the deli cate charge given him as his fatnily has considerable English connections. Count Charles said he asked the former ertiperor: "Well, how long will you remain?" Major Miller Tells How It Feels to Go Through Training For Officer, Major William C. Miller, formerly j of the State Health Department, now [connected with the medical depart-j ment of the fnited States Army, made I a delightful speech before the Rotary, I Club to-day in which lie recited his, experiences when he first went, to Camp Greenleaf for training. Major [Miller went through all the require ments of the new recruit, lost twenfy tive pounds in weight and looks ten years younger. He was high in his pruise of the' quality of t.he American officer and the man in the ranks. The Rotarians sang a new, song, written to the tune of the Battle Hymn of the Republic, entitled, "The .Guard on the Rhine," from the pen of a new member, Lee Moss, as fol ilows: See the Yankee soldier boys go oer the German line. Singing Yankee Doodle songs away beyond the Rhine; Fritz salutes the Stat' and Stripes. , he's got to do It tine, As our boys go march on. Chorus Glory, glory, hallelujah, etc. Yanks are basking on the ramparts of the old fortress of Metz, • The Germans used to hold it but I they've passed in their regrets. The harder the Doughboys push him, tl\e faster Frltzy "gels," As our boys go marchin on. Chorus Two million- Yankee soldiers went, across he briny sea. They fought and died and won a . glorious victory; They helped to bring to all the world beloved liberty— And they are marchin on. Chorus. Harrisburg lads at Chateau Thierry battered the Germans down, In thirty hours at St. Mihiel the Yank" | won world renown. "We'll ring the praises long and loud, this is a proud old town. When our boys come marching home. Chorus. TELEPHONE HARD HIT The Bell Telephone Company re ported to-day that in all 325 tele phones in the ctt.v were out of com njjssion this morning as a result of last night's storm. Of this number 243 were located at Riverside, and the remainder, or 82. were on the Sixth street cable line. No failure of service was reported from other parts of the city. Trouble was experienced in making connections with suburban towns. CONSERVATION OF. FOOD IS ORDERED [Continued from First Page.] establishments which already had been ordered licensed by the federal j food administration. <The licenses must be secured at ance, the order Restaurateurs to Meet At the Y. M. C- A - to-morrow aft ernoon. after war Kformation and instructions will be given and a checking up on the food rules still | In effect will he made, during a [ meeting to which all restaurant. | hotel tind eating house proprietors j have been invited. Donald McCor- , I mick, county food administrator, will be present and Miss Mary Ruth [ Fisher, State College home econom- I ies extension expert, will address the j meeting. It was said at the office of the food [ administration that Ice dealers need j not pack any more thaiy the usual j amount of ice during the coming! winter, as the cessation of hostilities ' will release for ice manufacturers | huge stores of ammonia which hlth- | 1 6 BELL-ANS RELL-AN3 k#FOR indigestion * <- * A MODEL OF I GOOD TASTE ■ is such a monument as is shown 1 1 in the illustration. This and I many similar as well as many j different designs are shown in I our Book of * Monument Designs, i which we would like to submit ; to you. Wc suggest that you do | not order the monument you have in mind until you have [ consulted this book and talked j with our designer. I. B. DICKINSON ' Granite. Mai-lilr anil Tile 3(15-13 North riilrtccntii su Iluri'islmrg. Pa. crto have been used in IJie manu- | facture of munitions. All linkers .MTeetftl Mr. McCormlck said that bakers j who have been compelled to make j reports of the substitutes used will ; not have to make these reports in i the future. With the announcement! that substitutes may be eliminated ; from their bread, the bakers are re- i lieved of the necessity of making! the reports. It is urged upon them I to remember, however, that the reg- ! illations governing the amount of i sweetening and shortening allowed to I a barrel of dour in mixing their i doughs still are in force and must j. be observed. GERMANY FACES ENORMOUS DEBT Continued from First I'agc.] ability, even though this is estimated j at the highest. 1 binds to Fay Taxes ! The victorious Allies will not con- j corn themselves primarily, it is be- ! lUAed, with Germany's redemption of her own national' debt, since this is largely internal. Comparatively small amounts of German war bonds are owned outside Germany and per haps the lurgest sums are -held by citizens of the United States, former German suhjc*". Officials here who have known Internul condltlbns In Germany in the past do not believe the government will repudiate the internal indebtedness, but rather think that taxes will be made so heavy as to force citizens to turn in their bonds in settlement. In this way the debt would be canceled without actual repudiation _There Is some discussion in official %: , I H ' Christmas Shopping—Do It Now—Avoid Dissatisfaction 28-30-32 N. Third Street j * v y 1 Beginning Tomorrow, Tuesday, November 19 I We Place on Sale Every Suit and Dress j in Our Stock, Without Reserve I the Original Prices ' | I The Suits— Mannish tailored, and fur-trimmed models * . Serge, combinations of serge and satin, of silvertone, velour, trico-velour, velveteen and braided and embroidered, all satin, wool Jersey I duvet de laine. Shawl and convertible collars. and Georgette crepe, poiret twill, tncotine, vel- One, two and three of a kind—not all sizes in veteen, velour and Marcella doth- For after every type but all sizes in the entire collection, noon, street and evening wear. Not all sizes of It is advisable to select early. ea ch model but all sizes in the collection. Suits and Dresses formerly $150.00 -i n 14 off—Sale Price. £ * Suits and Dresses formerly $115.00 <£Q£ OK y 4 o ff_Sale Price soo.£o I ' Suits and Dresses formerly $97.50 1 Q 1/4 off—Sale Price. .. . O10 | Suits and Dresses formerly $89.50 1 1 14 off —Sale Price..... $0 / • 1 O I ' , , _ _ | Suits and Dresses formerly $75.00 OK 34 off—Sale Price. .. . SOO.ZD % ■ • < Suits and Dresses formerly $69.50 dC?0 1 Q 1/4 off-Sale Price . . .*. Suits and Dresses formerly $59.50 0A A C.O 1 1/4 off—Sale Price.... $44.0,5 Suits and Dresses *-"-merly $49.50 &Q7 1 Q —Sale Price ... . p,5/als Suits and Dres 'v $39.75 &OQ QO "de Price. . . . Suits and Dresses . *29.75 (t*o9 QO I °rice . . 5^ I No approvals—None C. O. D.— -No mail or telephone orders No Exchar;; ' Final. // . . > 1 circles here of the advisability of the i Allies requiring payment of an In- I 'definite amount for reparation, this j sum to be determined in the future j ! by commissions, as the physical re j | : construction progresses in llelgium j j an<f France and the uctual cost of j the work becomes more clearly de- I termlned than now. It is pointed out 1 that future prices cannot be ncus j ured accurately at present. Interest i j on the-part of American officials In | Kthe -subject is somewhat indirect, i ; however, inasmuch as the govern- ! intent expects none of the payments' i to go to its credit, Germany's Hnrdon Greatest Whatever may, be the weight of | I the tlnal burden of reparation and . j restitution to be placed on Germany, j j the enormity of the task ahead of her i , may he illustrated by comparison of ! : her national debt with that of the i t United States. Germany has 6,- 1000,000 population and $80,000,000,-! | 000 of estimated wealth, to pay $35,- ! 000,000.000 of war debt already ere- ' sated. The United States has 110,- j | 000,000 population and an estimated { national wealth of $350,00u,0uu,000 j . i to pay nearly $18,000,000,000 war 1 debt already created, or approxi , mately $23,000,000,000 within an- I other six raonths. This means that j tiie per eupita burden will be at ! least three times greater in Ger j many than in the United States. FINAL EFFORT ON WAR DRIVE j [Continued fr<un First Page.] I city map in front of the Courthouse | is beginning to, show an almost all red blotch against the white back NOVEMBER 18, 1918. ground, 'tut until each block Is |< marked us one hundred per cent. |' patriotic, there will be no let up In j the campaign. Kive wards so far have failed i to subscribe their quotas. The inn- | Jority of these, however, are only j slightly short of having their full j allotments. At headquarters this j morning it was said that they prob- ; ably have the necessary amounts raised, and it remains only for the additional contributions to be re ported. The Sunday schools have not re ported the amount of Victory Boy • and Girl subscriptions received yes terday. It is thought that a con- I slderable sum was raised In the | I churches and Sunday schools I ; through the effort* of pastors, su -1 perintehdents and teachers. I Tenth Ward Report I.leulonants J. K. Kreamcr and P. I E. Brightbill to-day reported in full j I for the Second precinct of the Tenth i ward, as follows: I "The following is a correct report of the 32.workers in the Second pre cinct of the Tenth ward in the Unit led W.ar Work campaign: 572 homes 'were visited; 6 houses found vacant; 1411 cash contributions received; 11 i pledges received; 7 cash contribu- I tions were donated by solicitors for I sick families; $35 was largest con it ributton received; 10c smallest eon- I trlbution received; received I in cash: 135 cohtriluitions reported | to industrial plants; $lO2 in pledges; ! 36 yellow cards at end of second day j which were all worked to a success ful finish. One team finished second dny I without ft yellow card; all teams I turned In excellent reports by 9 p. m. of second day; all solicitors were cordially received with but very few exceptions; whole precinct qualified for red. "Thanks are extended to all the people of Hie precinct, the solicitors, the ten boys from Camp Curtin school, the Courier Publishing Com pany and every other agency that helped to maka this report possible." sav Soldiers Shave With Cuticura Soap The Healthy Up-To-Date j Cuticura Way No mug, no slimy soap, no germs, no free slkaTf, no waste, no irritation even when shaved twice daily. One soap for all uses—shaving, bathing and shampooing. Doubles razor efficiency, not to speak of value in'promoi ing skin purity, skin com fort and skin health due to Its delicate, fragrant Cuticura medication. Largest selling skin soap in the world. BW Cuticura Toilet Trio "*S Consisting of Soap, Ointment and Talcum are indispensable adjuncts of the daily toi let in maintaining skin purity and skin health. By bringing these delicately medi cated emollients in frequent contact with your skin as in use for all toilet purposes, you keep the skin, scalp, hair and hands clear.sweet andhealthy .25cea. everywhere.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers