" When a Girl " Bf ANN LISLE A New, Romantic Serial Dealing With the Absorbing Problems of a Girl Wife CHAPTER XLVII "What a wonderful day for the races!" cried Jim, enthusiastically, and then he went on without pause, "Now be sure you have it all clear, Anne. You're to pick me up at the west grate of the factory, half a mile down the side road—the first to the rigrht after you cross the bridge. You'll make it by two, I should say; that is, if Terry calls for you at one." He had been talking like that from his first moment of waking— talking in rapid staccato jerks as if he feared what I would say if he gave me an opening. And his eyes avoided the corner of the table where still lay huddled the coins and bills he had won from Neal in last night's game. Before he went he marched over with an air of sheepish amusement and touched the pile of money with an accusing forefinger. "I told you to make the kid take that money. Why didn't you?" he demanded. "He wouldn't!" I tried to reply as lightly. "Said he lost it fairly enough—and to-day is pay day." "You make him take it," ordered Jim gruffly—and kissing me with an air of hardly knowing that my lips were raised to meet his, he was gone, Neal, however, wouldn't take the money. "Jim won it fairly enough, didn't he? What's he want to make all this fuss about Tell you what, Anne —you buy a couple of pounds of the best candy and bring the boxes along to the girls to-day. Be sure and get some carmels—l'll bet Phoebe loves 'em." "All right—but it won't take all this money. What a dear, generous lad you are. Neal." Neal's face crimsoned and he cross ed over and took my hands in his. "Get yourself a veil or some shoe laces with the fifty or ninety cents that's left," he almost stammered. Then more seriously, "Anne—Babb sie dear—if you think I'm generous you'll remember that to my credit some day in case you don't Just ap prove of everything I've done!" "What do you mean, dear?" I cried in grave concern. "Oh, nothing special. I was Just gabbing." But after he had gone and I hur ried through my work, I couldn't take my mind from the puzzling con duct of my husband —and my broth er. It didn't do to attempt to dismiss it all with a laughing "men are queer." For that, I realized, did not cover the case of Jim and the game of dice he had so elaborately refused to discuss—nor yet of Neal's plea for mercy—"some day when he need ed it." I was still In the midst of work and conjecture when the phone rang, and Evvy's hushed, throaty little voice came to me with a gurgle of delight: "My dear, I've had the most gor geous inspiration. Sheldon and I have a date for the Hardcgriff Motor Cup races to-day, and it just struck me that if both he and I took our cars, the whole Harrison family could come—if only you'll arrange it for me at this lute date." "I'm afraid that's impossible," I began, remembering Virginia's im plied attitude toward the tribe of Mason. But Evvy wouldn't be refused. She urged and pleaded and insisted, and finally in a sort of whirl of dis comfort, I found myself arranging that she and Sheldon should Join forces with us. So Sheldon's battleship-gray "tor- I BAKER'S COCOA I fa delicious and whole- | me drink of great food j value and absolute ) purity. | "Chocolate and cocoa add flavor and energy giving 8 material to a diet and their , use will help in many ... 0~. ways in the preparation of i | palatable, nourishing dishes from j I those foods of which there is an i abundance." I Booklet of Choice Recipes Sent Free Walter Baker & Co. Limited j Eilabliihtd 1780 - DORCHESTER, MASS. g SPECIA LISTS IN EACH DEPARTMENT SCHOOL OF COMMERCEI Harnsburg's Leading and Accredited Business College I TROUP BUILDING 15 S. MARKET SQUARE ■ Bell 485 Day and Night School Dial 4393 Write, Phono or Cal>—Send for Catalog Representative Will Call Upon Request H SATURDAY EVENING, pedo" drew up to our door at about the same time Terry's maroon tour ing car brought Betty and Jim's sis ters to call for Neal and me. Shel don's joy at seeing Virginia masked her well-bred but icy nod to Evvy, but things congealed again when Sheldon begged Virginia to come in his car, and with an aloof air she declined. Of course he felt terriftly snubbed, since he couldn't know that it was Evvy she was avoiding and not him. To cover his discomfiture, he asked Terry to spare him a passenger or two—"young Neal now and Miss Phoebe, for instance." Phoebe and Neal were overjoyed, and a gleam of pleasure came into Evvy's narrowed eyes but the spark didn't last long, for now Virginia turned to Terry and from him to Sheldon. "Oh, dear Captain Winston, since you aren't the stickler for formal ity I've learned to believe all you dear English to be, will you help me make amends to Mr. Blake for my curt refusal of his Invitation — and release me, along with these children, to chaperon the big gray car?" This meant Virginia was going to keep Neal and Phoebe under her out on a cold world. Smoothly, though with high color that meant annoyance, she turned to Virginia. "If you've quite decided, Mrs. Dal ton—perhaps I'm safe to plan to be with my dear Anne?" If I hadn't been so sorry for Evvy I might have been annoyed at her appropriating me as her "dear Anne" right before Virginia. But a more annoying appropriation followed when we picked Jim up. Evvy turn ed to him with a wistful sweetness I'm sure no man could have resist ed. "Jimmie boy, I'm the odd one in this party. You won't make me feel that an old friend like me is hope lessly—in the way, will you?" Her tone suggested that every one had made her feel like an In truder—and I knew that it must ap peal to everything chivalrous in my boy's nature. "Y'ou're Just an added Joy, Evvy," returned the Eternal Masculine. In another moment Evvy was nestled up to Jim, and exclaimed, with a little air of confiding: "Jimmie, boy," do you remember what wonderful 'hunches' I used to have? That time at the Vanderbilt Cup six years ago—'and the next fall at Sheepshead Bay?" On and on went her flow of "do you remembers?" and "have you ever forgottens?" Betty never excluded me from her reminiscences of the days in France—which wonderful as they were, after all, could be no more strange and alien to me than this discussion of motor races, none of which I had seen. But unlike Betty, Evvy appropriated my husband and shut me out. I sat desolately hold ing Neal's box of candy—not willing to eat it all alone, and not daring to intrude by offering it to anyone. The driver's seat, where Betty and Terry rode side by side, seemed very far away.> Jim and Evvy drew closer—closer. Their voices fell to whispers. Sud denly my husband drew away and sat erect —alert, vibrating with pur pose. And now he spoke loud loud enough for me to hear: "I'll follow your hunch, Evvy. Every cent I have with me goes on that Yankee Kid—Greyson. And If I win, name your reward. Evvy laughed and slid her hand into Jim's "to shake on it." He ap peared not to notice her. He was tense again feverish like the Bringing Up Father - Copyright, 1918, International News Service -*- By McMamm i KNOW MA<VSIE I?> ASLEEP • N. < IE- sytnlll WHADDA KNOW I] strange Jim who had sat shaking dice with my young brother the night before. (To Be Continued). Advice to the Lovelorn BY BEATRICE FAIRFAX NATIONALITY IS BARRIER DEAR MISS FAIRFAX: I am a girl of 20, passably looking —in fact, some people think, pretty. A year ago I started to go about with a young man of different nationality. We love each other dearly, and after he has returned from France we ex pect to get married, but here the dif ficulty lies. Mother won't hear to it. After the war she expects to go to Alaska with my sisters and brothers. I'd be a sad stranger here if they went without me, so, without being sentimental, my heart is torn in two. I know that the chief objection mother has to Tom is his nationality, which is Spanish; but 1 think that has hothing to do with love as long as we commonly agree that we are Americans. RHEA. Thousands of women have felt those opposing tugs at the heart. Rhea. And it's a matter in which no outsider can be of any. real help. Do you care enough for your lover to leave your own people and marry him? If you love him enough perhaps the question will answer itself. If you don't, marriage is a risky thing. A SECRET ROMANCE DEAR MISS FAIRFAX: I have been going about with a man of 21 for two years secretly, I being 18. One day my mother, who is a widow, happened to see us, and dis approved. We did not heed her, he telling me that before being called to service he would send his parents to explain. But this did not happen. Be- , fore he went into the service he asked me to wait for him, as he loved no one else. . , .. Now he has written me a letter, addressing it to my home, which has caused me much trouble. My mother has told me to write for your advice, as she does not think it proper for me to answer him. _ _ F. R. Surelv your mother is entirely right. There is no excuse for secret love affairs, and they are sure to re sult in unhappiness. 1 am afraid you have had more liberty than is wise for a girl of your age. Since this young man plainly prefers secrecy to openness, and for no reason, the only thing for you to do is to break with him. YOU SHOULD CALL ON HER DEAR MISS FAIRFAX: I have been going about with a girl friend for the past two years. We both love each other very dearly and expect to be engaged wh,en we are of age. I do not go out with other girls and give all of my attention to he [n all that time I have never been invited to her home, although I am intimate with all of her family. If I have an appointment I always lia\e to wait for lier in the street. Do you think that is righC. Certainly the girl should ask you to call and you should meet all her family in her home if. as you say, you expect to become engaged to her. DON'T DO IT .1... Mln. a walk. I meet a certain sailor boy, whom I do not know, except by sight. He is very goodlooking and manly. Often. I see him three times on the avenue in one evening. Not being of the tlirting kind, he never said "Hell" vet but just simply stares at me with his big black eyes. Would [t be considered improper for us to greet one another without an intro duction, which is Practically impos sible, as he doesn't know my friends, nor do I know his. IRENE. I do not believe In making casual nnoes If vou cannot be in troduced in the regular way don t Lreet this sailor boy. Try to see if you cannot meet him through mutual friends. DON'T THINK OF IT DEAR MISS FAIRFAX: I called up a friend of mine at a camp in Brooklyn and was connected wRh P some other man bythesame nnme as my friend was on ship. He'spoke to me and said he would like to become acquainted with me. He asked me to come down to sec him, as he is restricted and cannot * e Do°you"hink r it is proper formcto write to hint and go down to see hlm? ANXIOUS. It would be most improper for you to BO to see this man. You would put yourself in a false light and possibly, subject yourself to humiliation. PAROLED MEN LIKE FISH Jersey City, N. J., Nov. 16.—1n sus- , pending sentence on Robert Clarke, aged 41, Judge Mulqueen yesterday defined the status of a man on parole under a suspended sentence. In per mitting Clarke to go he said: "Remember you are on parole. You are like a fish. I've got you on a 1 line and I can reel you in and can let you out as I like. It Is up to you to be a good fish." | Honks with Yanks POST TOASTIES i flv t (Best Corn FlaKes) Beat the V? Wor l d m HARRISBTTRG QfflSflE TELEGRAPH LIFE'S PROBLEMS ARE DISCUSSED "There's nothing sure about the army," a young lieutenant fresh from an interview with his colonel observed to me ruefully not long ago, "except that whatever you do you are sure to be wrpng." I am reminded of' that boy's poignant confession whenever 1 am asked to pass judgment upon some phase of that most uncertain of human problems—the marriage ques tion. Whatever advice one has to of fer on the subject is more apt to be mistaken, especially nic Happens to touch on the matter of a choice. The matches which seem to us or dained of heaven are often the very ones to blow up in a few years, or even months, in a reek of brimstone and sulphur. Those over which we shake our heads and sigh in dark foreboding are like as not to turn out idyls of domestic beatitude. The people who appear to us most suitable for each other are seldom so regarded by themselves, and if co erced or cajoled into matimony gen erally succeed in making each other thoroughly miserable. Indeed, marriage is so distinctly a personal question for the two people most concerned, based upon such subtly individual shadings of attrac tion and congeniality, that 1 doubt if any outsider —even the closest and most disinterested —is privileged to interfere. For instance, I have a letter from a girl in Chicago who says that for the past three years she has been in love with a young man a year older than herself. About six months after their romance commenced they had the usual lovers' quarrel and parted, but in due season a reconciliation between them was effected and the old footing resumed. At least that was the girl's under standing, and she was happy in the belief that at last the course of true love was about to run smooth. But during the period of estrangement the man, it seems, had been paying attention to another girl, and lie soon was led to confess that this other was the woman he really cared for. That, of course, brought about a definite and final separation, but al though the girl tried to forget him to absorb herself in other interests, she found it impossible. At business —for she is employed in a respons ible position—his haunting image was constantly rising between her and her work. She had no heart for amusement or entertainment of any kind. Other men were attracted to ward her, but she found only bore dom in their society. Her unhappf ness and yearning amounted to ac tual suffering. And then, after two years, there recently came a letter from "over there." He is now v captain in the American Expeditionary Forces and is still single. Moreover, he writes that their alienation was all a ghastly mistake. She is the only Daily Dot Puzzle ■ *25 ~~" 27 fr w .16 Lv' i-.'a. '• 2• V 7 'T 33. 4? 4o '• * j '4l > 5 *39 , 4t, . . "O # 34* • , 4z 44 , 3a lb 35 • 37 •. - 15* •12. •14 *l3 Can you finish this picture? Draw from one to two and so on to the end girl he loves, the only girl he ever did love. When he broke with her, he simply yielded to the counsels of some well-meaning friends who re garded the other woman as a more suitable match for him, and he has suffered for his defection —suffered as deeply as she. Can she not for give him, he asks —forgive him and take him back when he returns? The members of her family—her parents and brothers and sisters—all say no. They argue rather cogently that the man who was persuaded to jilt her once might easily be pre vailed upon to do so again, and in sist there is no dependence to be placed in him. The presence of another suitor In the offing whom they evidently con sider a more advantageous prospect, lends force to their protests. Never theless, in spite of their disapproval, the girl has decided to forgive her soldier and give him another chance. She wants to know if I think she has made a mistake. j In her specific case, and if nothing i can be shown to the man's discredit 1 other than the facts presented in her letter, I should say she has done the only wise and prudent thing; and, generally speaking, I would far ra ; ther trust a girl's happiness to her ' individual choice—what we call the process of natural selection—than to that of her friends and relatives. I That is, if love were all. The l "Willie Baxters" of seventeen and the j romantic school girls with their hair : down their backs cannot be permitted Ito wed at their own sweet will, j Neither may the shielded, unsophis i ticated daughter entirely dependent ion her parents, iviarnage entails questions of finance and of grave re sponsibility. But a young woman like this one who is beyond the age of matinee he roes, who is earning her own living, and who through her contact with ! the world should be capable of judg ! ing between a hawk and a haudshaw, I ought to be far more competent to decide for herself than any one for her. And with woman's fuller economic freedom the day will come when in termeddling in such matters, no mat | ter by whom, will be looked upon as jan impertinence. Then love will be i all, and the marriage institution will I recover some of its lost prestige. To Consolidate Two TTelegraph Systems Soon Washington, Nov. 16. —Investiga- tion into the feasibility of consoli dating Western Union and Postal telegraph facilities begun by a special committee when the government as sumed wire control last summer, has been 'completed. Orders providing for the consolida tion in some cities over the country probably will be issued shortly. THE PROFESSIONAL EATER Many striking customs of their past are preserved by some American Indians, and of these none is more Interesting than a peculiar practice yet followed by the Sioux of the Devil's L.ake reservation. It uppears on competent authority that from time immemorial these Sioux have adhered to an etiquette whereby it is the bounden duty of the host to supply his guest with ail the food he may desire, and as u rule the appor tionment set before the visiting In dian is in excess of the capacity of a single man. On the other hand, by the same custom, the guest is obliged to eat all that is placed before him. or he grossly insults his entertainer. Now, it was found that this prac tice would cause hardships, but, in stead of dispensing with the custom, I the Indian method or reasoning was applied, and what is known as the professional eater was brought to the front. While the guest is supposed to eat all that is placed before him, it serves the same purpose if his neighbor assists in devouring the bountiful repast, the main object be ing to have the plate clean when the meal shall be finished. In order to ensure the final con sumption of the allotted portion, visit ing Indians call upon these profes- | sional eaters, whose duty It is to sit beside them through a meal and eat what the guest eats. The professional eaters are never looked upon in the light of guests, but more as traveling companions with a particular duty to perform. It is stated that one of the professional eaters was known to have disposed of seven pounds of beef at a sitting. I Why Stay Fat? You Can Reduce The answer of most fat people Is j that It is too hard, too troublesome , and too dungerous to force the weight down. However, in Marmola Pre- i scription Tablets, all these difficulties are overcome. They are absolutely harmless, entail no dieting or exercise, and have the added advantage of cheapness. A large caße is sold by druggists at 75c. Or If preferable, they can be obtained by sending price direct to the Marmola Co., 864 Wood ward Ave., Detroit, Mich. Now that you know this you have no excuse for being too fat, but can reduce two, three or four pounds a week without fear of bad after-effects. Cameron and Maclay Boys and Girls Put 11th Ward Over Top The school boys and girls of Har risburg have done splendidly in the drive just closing. Not only have the Victory Boys and Girls raised large sums, but the ward quotas have been materially increased by con tributions from teachers and pu pils. For example, late yesterday, just as Chairman James P. McCullough had concluded that it was impossible for the Eleventh ward to go over the top, the telephone bell rang and he was informed that the teach ers and pupils of the Maclay build ing had raised $ll3 for the war work and would contribute it through the Eleventh ward committee. This cheered Mr. McCullough mightily, but the ward was still un dr its quota. Suddenly the tele phone jangled again and the Cam eron building, a much larger school, reported that the teachers had con tributed $ll4, the little boys and girls $90.50 and the Victory Boys and Girls $265 toward the fund. This put the Eleventh ward over the top, and the credit goes to the school boys and girls of the ward. Pennsylvania War Men to Be Landed in Philadelphia Washington, Nov. 16.—Pennsyl | vania troops who fought so gallantly | in France at Chateau Thierry and on other famous battle grounds, will • be brought to Philadelphia in trans ports and sent from that city to their homes if the plan is feasible. This is the idea of Secretary Baker, who yesterday while paying high tribute to the Pennsylvania fighters, expressed the utmost sym pathy for the state which has lost more soldiers than all the southern states combined and more than any other state in the union. This loss, estimated now at more than 3000, may reach greater proportions when the final casualty list is received. "The suggestion," said Secretary j Baker, "is an excellent one. I know of no particular reason why the I Pennsylvania troops should not be landed at Philadelphia, and why the plan should not be followed in other instances. New York and New Jer sey troops, of course, should be dis embarked at New York, Maryland and West Virginia troops at Balti more; troops from tho southern states at, Newport News, and New England state troops at Boston. "The idea appeals to me greatly. Each state should have her own troops delivered to her port town and celebrations might properly be accorded them by the home folks. As I see it now there is no reason why the plan outlined as to the land ing of the troops should not bo car ried out." ANNOUNCEMENT E S. MANBECK ! has purchased from Bernard Schmidt J the bakery and baking business of the Harrisburg Baking Co. 1 443 South Cameron Street jf Mr. Manbeck has been in the baking business for the past four f teen years, the last five of which he has been connected with the * J plant he has purchased. He is thoroughly familiar with the bread < wants of the local public, and it will be his aim to serve them at all i j times with bread of the highest quality and purity. h "For Goodness Sake— i J 4 Eat Mity Nice' 9 f Harrisburg Baking Co. f E. S. MANBECK ' 443 South Cameron Street f ■ NOVEMBER 16, 1918. The Lesson From Russia That we should not relax in the slightest degree our efforts to save food is the only conclusion to be reached when we read of the condi tions facing a large nation like Rus sia. With almost twice the population of the United States Russia has over twice as large a proportion engaged in agriculture as in our own coun try in peace times. Their farmers, however, have not been able to get any supplies or farm implements since the third year of the war. Ports in the Baltic and Black Sea are closed. The White Sea is blocked with ice. Vadivostok is open, but it cannot take care of all the necessary supplies, as it is through this port that we must sup ply Allied troops in this section. What Russia will have to face this winter is not a pleasant prospect Those inhabitants who depend abso lutely upon the agriculturists are bound to be hard put to it for food, as the farmers have not even enough for their own use. North and Cen tral Russia depend upon South Rus sia where the Hun is in full posses sion, and upon Siberia which is cut off by railway disorganization and civil war. It is inevitable that we must think HSOIT] WJi BODY ! Skin Sore and Red. Itching and Could Not Sleep. "My whole body was broken out in red rash. The skin was sore and red, j causing me to irritate the eruption by scratching, and when my clothes began I to get warm it caused me to break out j more, and the itching was worse. I I could not sleep. | "This lasted about two months. Then I used Cuticura Soap and Oint ment, and when I naa used two cakes ; of Cuticura Soap and two boxes of Cuticura Ointment I was healed." . (Signed) Mrs. E. Nordsick, Box 196, , Holtwood, Pa., April 6, 1918. With an apparent tendency to skin troubles you should use these fragrant i super-creamy emollients for all toilet. ' purposes. They prevent as well as | preserve, purify and beautify. BampU Earh Frca by Mall Address post-card: I "Cuticura. Dept. H, Bo a tan " Sold everywhere. | Soap 25c. Ointment 25 and 50c. Talcum 25c. first of feeding the Allied At the same time we. must riot fH get other countries which anf faring. We must do something them as soon as possible. With this in mind, can lieve that the need for food tion is not greater than ever Puts an End to Catarrh Nuisancl A Direct and Simple Way May ,Be Adopted With But Little Cost JH There must be readers from chronic eatarrli who would to know how they can stop cold after cold, for they must r. that sooner 01 later this may . (•rlouH deafness and injury to lystein in general. .^B Dr. Blosser. a respected e no r^^^B tin a dainty pipe or i inhale the vapor into all i passages. It contains no even though it is used in the la^H Dr. Blosser's Catarrh Remedy B equally effective in all forma 1 catarrh, bron chial irritation, asthma, catar- ajv; B rhal headache, ■ and ear trou- /Vt a . B bles that mayr 1U lfl lead to deaf-V jlf, ness. You willr t^jT, breathe betters and feel better f ft# B after using it. \jfe For ten cents Tl/hl: ■ (in coin or ( ''W/lfTv'. **fj stamps) a *% r '<■ small package will be mailed, COS taining some of the Remedy maß into cigarettes, also some Remedy ft 9 smoking in a pipe and a neat ltttS pipe. Month's supply, either forfl costs one dollar and twenty-flB cents. Address THE COMPANY, Box 4429. Atlanta. Ga^a =— j] A pint without a roof which ilocf not interfere with taste or speech, Plates Itepnlrcd While Yon Ws| DENTAL Bvlfivli 0 OFFICES 310 MARKET STREET j
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers