12 [MANY A POSITION IS OPEN m AMEHiSEI 1 HE HELP WANTED COLUMN' " deaths MSRLBV Clara L. Nissley died Thursday, at lii:3o, aged 60 years. Kunera! services Monday, at 10:30 A. M„ from her late residence, 340b North Sixth street, the Rev. Clayton Smucker officiating. Private inter ment in East Harrishurg Cemetery. IN MKMOIUAM DEPARTED this life one year ago, the 17th of November, 1017, Mrs. Bessie M. Dougherty (nee Thompson). Flowers laid ion the grave will wither and decay. Our love for you, Bessie, will' never fall. MOTHER AND GRANDMOTHER. IN MEMORIAM In sad and loving remembrance of our dear mother, Mrs. Pauline M. | Koch, who fell peacefully asleep No- I \ ember 16, 1912. LOST AND FOUND j POST Six ten-dollar bills, on I Walnut, between Second, Fourth to Market street to Square, or New Cumberland car. Reward if returned to Charles A. Reed. 238 Hummel ave nue, Lemoyne, Pa. DOST Pair of tortoise-shell rim j spectacles, metal hook. Reward to | finder. Return to 1133 Mulberry I street. DOST Lady's gold witch, initials 1 M. M. M„ on Thursday, between 4 and j 5 P. M., between Capitol and Twenty- | five Cent Store. Reward if returned to Telegraph Office. LOST On Monday night, a gold j wrist watch, on Market - street, be tween Third and Fourth streets. Re ward if returned to Harrisburg Tele graph. INSTRUCTION S A RIGHT START IS HALF THE j BATTLE Get a THOROUGH i STANDARD course in Harrisburg's i ACCREDITED Business College, School of Commerce. T.oup Building. 13 South j Market Square. Bell 483. Dial 4393. INDIVIDUAL PROMOTION in Gregg i Shorthand, Typewriting, English Bookkeeping, Pemansltip, Arlth., etc. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL ALL VLAIt. Enter any time. Bell 694 R. Dial 4016. ; THE OFFICE TRAINING SCHOOL 121 Mkt. S. Chas. R. Beckiey, Prin. Merle E. Keller, Bus. Mgr. HE > P WANT ED—SIALIC ■ ■ ■■ ■ . | WANTED District manager for Harrisburg and vicinity. Seven ply j fabric Super Tread tires, sell for less than lighter weight tires. Must be I a worker and have ability to handle | salesmen. Appointment by telephone, j or meet Ross K. New, Friday, Novum- I ber 15, at the Metropolitan Hotel. j ANYBODY can increase their in- I come s2u weekly, spare time, raising Mushrooms in collars, siieds, etc. Free Illustrated Booklet. Hiram Barton, 336 West Forty-eighth street. Dept. 81, New York. j BOY WANTED At the modern Textile Co., 1823 Penn J street. Must le 16 years of age or* older. Apply at once. j WANTED—Shipping clerk, by local! manufacturing company. Kxperienc- ! ed man preferred. Address Box K, i 6616, care of Telegraph. WANTED Experienced man for' soda fountain. Address Box W, 7559. i t are of Telegraph. j WANTED Man for general work. , Apply Weaver's Confectionery, 29! North Second street. MEN Age 17 to 55. Experience! unnecessary. Travel; make secret in- [ \ estigations, reports. Salaries; ex penses. American Foreign Detective Agency, 603, St. Louis. WANTED Machinists, moulders, patternmaker, boilermaker and black smith, to manage departments and be come stockholders in plant in lead and zinc mining field. Opportunity for men to build up plant of their own. Address. N. S. Sherman iron Works, (Juapaw, Oklahoma. GOVERNMENT needs hundreds clerks for Income Tax, Customs, In ternal Revenue. Harrisburg examine- j tions soon. Salary, $l,lOO-3,000. Ex- i perience unnecessary. For free par- ] ticulars regarding examinations, write ! .1. C. Leonard i former Civil Service | Examiner), 2561, Kenois Building, | Washington. MACHINISTS AND SHOP MEN 1 More money for you. Learn to read blue prints. Big jobs open if you understand drawings of machinery, steel work, etc. Learn at home in spare time by new, easy method. Trial lesson in Blue Print Reading FREE. Send to-day. Chicago Technical Col lege. 1772. Chicago "Tech" Bldg.. Chi cago, lit. WANTED Driver tor light Reo delivery truck. Apply at once. Gately 6 Fitzgerald Supply Co., 31 South Second street, Harrisburg, Pa. WANTED Twenty men, Monday morn ing.. 40 cents per hour. Pay every evening. Apply SWIFT & CO.. Seventh and North Streets. AUTO MECHANICS TWO FORD "EPAIRMEX. APPLY MAC'S OAHFAGE. 117 SOUTH THIRD ST. . Buy a Lot at Bellevue ;■ Park Now V , l on easy payments, and have a rich * ; 4 garden plot for next summer. At the 1 j i same time you will have a steadily g increasing in value foundation* lor your - 1 ' \ home in Harrisburg's high-class rcsi ! dential community, where all the fea- i i i \ tures of the country are yours vvilh <;itv conveniences. ' ' Instirnitco Miller Brothers & Co, f | | Members! Hnri'lslniijf Heal Kstute Hour. I . | t l '' *****&!— —VI—W' VV*"' lal 1 . .. \ i < SATURDAY EVENING, I HELP WANTED—MALE | ! ! MAN WANTED For position of shipping clerk, large corporation. ■ Good chance for advancement. Slate [ salary expected. Address Box I* 6931. care of 'lelegraph. WANTED Office boy, at least 16 years old. Address P. O. Box 394. Harrisburg, Pa. WANTED Boy—one who can go to school one day a week. Apply 200 I Market street. WANTED Plumbers or gas filtters to j take contract for gas instal- I lalion. Write, or call, C. R. VAUGHN. Gray Building. Duncannon, Pa., or M. B. SMITH. I Waverly. N. Y. I j MEN W A.V'i to —To load stone, 29 cents per lon. Can earn s2o to $35 per | week. Apply Paxtang Quarries, Pux | tang. WANTED A man. or will employ I man and wife, to do janitor and housework. Aply 1700 North second street. WANTED Night fireman. Apply at Brenneman's Greenbouse, Eleventh 1 and Reily streets. WANTED Man for delivery work. Salary j and commission. Apply W. & 11. WALKER, 114 South Second Street. ! GOVERNMENT Needs hundreds] Clerks for Income Tax. Customs, In- j temal Revenue. Hurrisburg exann- | nations soon. Salary, $1,200-2,0u0. i j Experience unnecessary. For free i i particulars regarding examinations, write i.aymond Terry (former Civil! I Service Examiner), 2407 Columbian j Building, Washington. ! WANTED Miller to operate Burr I millstone, electric power, for making j chop and cornmeal. $23 per week. Steady work. Address P. O. Box 306, ) Harrisburg. I WANTED—Two good, strong boys !to leurn trade. Apply Superinten dent. The Telegraph Printing Co.. Harrisburg. HELP WANTED—FEMALE I CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS ; [ Harrisburg, December 7. 12,000 | women clerks needed. Salary, $1,200.1. Experience unnecessary. Women de-|' • siring government positions write for ] ! free particulars. Raymond Terry (former Civil Service Examiner), 46f \ Columbian Building, Washington. | WANTED—Two young women for I ! waitresses. Must give references. Ap- I' j ply Stouffer's Restaurant. 4 Ncrth ! | Court. ; 1 WANTED Young lady to work in stock- I room. Good chance for ad- I v ancement. Apply MAC'S GARAGE, 117 South Third Street. i i W.ANTED Girls and women for light machine work and assembly. We offer excellent opportunity to girls and women to be come mechanical experts in the manufacturing of inter changeable work. To those without previous experience, we give a prelimi nary course of training in qur Machine Operators' School. Good pay while learning. Apply • U. S. GOVERNMENT BUREAU, Third and North Streets, Harrisburg. Industrial Concern, ELLIOTT- FISH E R COM PAN Y, South Cameron Street. WANTED Waitress. Good pay. Good food. Working clothes furnish 'ed and laundered. Nine hours a day. Inquire 211 Walnut street. WANTED GIRLS TO WRAP i TRIANGLE MINTS. Good Pay. Steady Work. TWELFTH AND 11 ERR STS. , i WANTED Demonstrator for na- ) tionally advertised food product. Ap- j ply Dauphin Hatvd. between 7 and 8, : and ask for Mr. Thomason. WANTED Girl, must be 16 years j of age, to work afternoons. Call ! Rose's, Second and Walnut streets. HOSIERY LEARNERS WANTED— From 14 years of age and upwards.! Good wages paid while learning. Ap- I ply New Idea Hosiery Go., Fourteenth I and Mayflower streets. WANTED A good, experienced j plain cook. Inquire at 2021 North Sixtli street. PEACE WORK AT WAR PAY ' guaranteed for three years. Knit urg ently-needed socks for us on the fast. I simple auto-knitters. Full particulars ) to-day, 3c stamp. Auto-Knitter Co., Dept. 146-C, 821.'Jefferson, Buffalo, I N V ' | HELP WANTED—FEMALE , A\ ANTED Girl, or woman, for general housework, mornings. Bell phone 672 M. WANTED One experienced cook, ' white or colored. Apply Railroad Cafe, 1302 North Seventh street. WANTED j SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS ! M e are wanting operators. , the work is regular, pleasant ) and positions permanent; the high efficiency of our ma- * I t'hines, and the sanitary con- I dltion of our work rooms en- ' ables all operators to earn ; good wuges. Learners are paid $1.25 per i day while learning, which consumes a week to 10 days. j All operators are paid a bonus each pay day. We insure all of our cm- > employes in the.sum of $500.00 J free of charge to them, and in l event of death tlie beneficiary, I whoever it may be, receives I the insurance. BLOUGH MANUFACTURING ' COMPANY, . Reily and Fulton Sts. i i WANTED—Stenographer—one who j ; has had previous experience. Apply I ] berry < " os,4at ' k t -°" Eleventh and Mul- j WANTED GIRLS BETWEEN THE AGES I 18 AND 28. We are in need of a number of girls for bookkeeping, ac- I counting und clerical work. Girls of ordinary intelligence , we will train for clerical Work. Excellent opportunity. ■ Previous experience unneces sary. Ambition ans energy only qualifications required. Good pay while learning. Apply U. S. EMPLOYMENT SERVICE, Third and North Streets. Harrisburg Industrial Concern, ELLIOTT-FISHER CO.. South Cameron Street, Harrisburg. | M ANTED Experienced cook with ! t reference. Good wuges. Apply at ! I corner Twenty-second and Market! : streets. _ j WANTED Two girls to assist In i I confectionery and ice cream parlor.! | Address ( ~ ,538, care of Telegraph. I Ttn! Elt a MI!N T CLERK EX A.\ UNA- i 1 rel , Hg'T'sflurg , December 7. ! rnousands, women clerks needed. Sal ' ,V-* X ' " ,l * Experience unnecessary ' I \\ omen desiring government positions 1 I write for free particulars. J c ' Leonard (former Cii'il Service Ex aminer!, 561, Kcuois Building Was'h j ingtou. WOMAN—Warned immediately for scrubbing and general work. ADD! y ! I StoufTer's Restaurant. 4 North Court ! stneet. ■ 1116 LI* \\ AN 11'.D—Mule and Female SHOE WORKERS WANTED We need experienced opera' tors in all uepuriuients, and can guarantee steady work. • All work is paid tor at piece rates, but we guarantee every j employe detinue wages. Tne more work you piuuucfe u,e ! inure you earn. We also have openings in all departments ! lor young men und women to learn a useful trade, which will be of vuiue to uieni utter tile war. The shoe business is a necessary industry anu is of much iiiipurtifiice. Get a job making guous tor Uncle Sam if you can, but if not, then cuiisiuer tile shoe maiiuiaciur itig trade as worth while j ' learning. If interested, take this au to the United Stales Employment Bureau at Third I anu North streets, and get I tun particulars. HARRISBURG SHOE MFG. CO. 1402 Vernon St. ' SILK MILL i Experienced help wanted. Expert- I enceu weavers average $3.60 to $6 60' per day Other departments proper- I liunaleiy. Beginners wanted also. Best pay j Come and earn 3u per cent, bqnus over i anu auuve reguiur wages. Aply ! . HAUUISBUItG SILK MILL Second and North S reets. : MEN-WOMEN Raise Belgian | Hares for us. We pay you $7 pan- Use cellars, backyard, etc. Catalog ! und contract FREE. United Food k | Eur Association, 329 West Forty ; eigntlf street. Dept. 35, New York. THOUSANDS MEN WoMEN j GIKLs, 18 or over wanted immediately !by United Stales Government. Easy | ufice positions at •Washing tun anu in ' ■ every luige city. Experience uiiiivc ! essuiy. *lOO month anu up. 7-hour ! day. Yonr country heeds you. Help ! her. Write immediately for free list i positions open. Franklin Institute' Dept. 403 li. (lueticsttr. N. Y. SALESMEN WANTED SIDE LINE, Top Notch Specialty.! j Responsible house. Pays Big Commis ] sions promptly. Write to-day ; Samples and sales talks free. N'o de- I I lays. Erickson Company, Des Moines i I lowa. WANTED —• Salesmen, not in the ' j dfaft. Never such an opportunity be- I ! fore to real salesmen. Our 1010 Cal- I ! endar and Specialty line big inoney ; maker. Write for our speciul war bonus contract with exclusive terri- ! 1 tory. Only salesmen with clean rec ords. and wanting to make big money 1 need apply. Sentinel Printing Coin- ! pany, Indianapolis, Iml. SALESMEN—Big. quick profits—new ' Ca.buretpr for Ford Cars. Simple ! not a moving part, installed in thirty i minutes, guaranteed to double your, j mileage and start in zero weather I without heating or priming. 15-day I i FREE trial. Write U: &J. Carburetor Co., 505 West Jackson Boulevard, Chi cago. AGENTS WANTED AGENTS 15x19 gold frame patri' otic pictures. 12c, sell suc. Over Top. Paul Jones, Colored Heroes. etc) Everybody buys. Sample free. Peo ple's Portrait, Station D, Chicago. "NEGRO SOLDIERS IN WAR" Book contains many pictures of color ed troops. Everybody buys. Agents making $25 day. Big hit. Send 25c for outfit to publishers. Jenkins Pub lishing Co.. Washington, D. C. AUTHENTIC HISTORY WORLD * WAR In preparation three years. Agents making $lO.O to $50.0 per day. Best terms. Credit given. Send 10c for [ postage on $2.00 outfit free. Act quick. Mulllkin Co.. Marietta. Ohio. . • * a, *£ HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH f \ • . i THE RIGHT POSITION FOR YOU may be had for the asking if you do your asking through the class l ified columns, and make your message clear and definite. You ought to be doing the things you can do BEST. The opportunity may he found, for' efficiency is at a premium. J • i' . , | • >) I ! AGENTS WANTED | HISTORY OF THE WORLD'S WAR —By Francis A. March, with Introduc ! tion by his brother, General Peyton C. | March, Highest Officer in United ; States Army. Complete and Authen j tic. Official Photograph. Extraordi nary opportunity for big profit. Outfit | free. Universal House, Philadelphia. ; SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE I WANTED Young man desires po | sition doing general clerical work; I has had experience; best of refer ences. Address D.. 7482, care of Tele graph. ! WANTED Position of driving i truck or private car; can do farm I work or dairy work; good reference. ) Address Is., 6932, care of Telegraph. I : I WANTED Man, 34 years'of age, wants an indoor position with cnance foi advancement if can prove worthy. | Have had eignt years' experience us i timekeeper and on ear records. Can | turnish best of references. Address 1 box P, OSJo, cure of Telegraph. ! SITU ATION S WAN TED—Female j WANTED Piece washing to do .at home. Apply 1228 North Front J street. I WANTED Stenographer, with 1 live years experience, wunts a good ! ] position witn u reliable concern; can I I turnish good reference as lu her abu- i ;uy and churacter. Address box N. ! j ibtiS, euro of Telegraph. WANTED Middle-aged widow de ! sires a position us housekeeper; ] {Christian noine preferreu. Address 1 Route 1, box 17. liarnsbuig. Pa. WAN FED A reliiieu. young wo i man, with experience of buyer and l j saleslady, also knowledge of minor I j clerical work, can give atternoons fori service. Address R.. 7421, care of! Telegraph. ] ROOMS FOlt HEN ! FOR VRENT Nicely-furnished | rooms for gentlemert; city steam heat, I hot water; telephone. Inquire at 107 j south Second street. I FOR RENT Threo unfurnished rooms; good location; all improve | ments. Call 2120 Green street. ; —l.———————— j FOR RENT Two furnished rooms, I on third lloor; use of kitchenette, bath land phone. Call at 1253 Market street. I HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS Unfur nished, single or communicating kitchenettes, laundry. phone qnd I bathroom privileges; stoves furnisheu I free. Weekly payments, inquire 423 i broad street. FOR RENT Comfortably-fiyrnish- j ed room, city steam heat, electric j lights and gas; next to bath. Inquire 23 South Third street. Third Floori Apartment. | FOR RENT Furnished rooms, 1 $2.50 per week and up; warm rooms, running hst and cold water; light I housekeeping and private bath. Wll ' son Apartments, No. 143 South Third | street. REAL ESTATE WANTED ' I HAVE BUYERS waiting for prop erty in any section of me city, if Cheap. nave you to oiler? cim<. Adiei, 1002 North Third street. FOR RENT Two communiculiug first lioor rooms, and one third boor room, all furnished, witmn easy walk ing distance of business district. Ap ply 4os briggs street. FOR RENT, 107 CHESTNUT ST. Fine, light, furnished room—3.50 single, $5 double. j ROOMS FOR RENT, 113 Eocust St. Well turrnsiied. Conveniences. Bei. j pbonc 2907 W. ROOMS WANTED REFINED COUPLE WANT Fur nished, light housekeeping rooms or i small apartment. Address T., 8831, lure of Telegraph. WARM, clean, comfortable, well -1 lighted, furnished room, cbnvenlent !to business center, by l business man. S|ate paices, and lull i particulars. Addf'ess Box C. 6832, care i of Telegraph. i MAN AND WIFE desire two or tly-ee I fusnlshed rooms in private family, i either with board or privilege of light housekeeping. Hill preferred. Ref erences furnished if desired. Address lE. 6337. cate of Telegraph, i ; ' APARTMENTS FOR RENT : ! ADELL APARTMENTS 1102-1104 i North Sixth street. Six rooms and I bath. Modern and up-to-date. Inquire | R'obert Rosenberg. 301, Patriot Bldg. j FOR KENT Two or three-room I apartments, for light housekeeping; I K as and bath. Inquire ut 327 South i Front street. HEAI. ESTATE FOR SALE |_ j FOlt SALE 2 Vi-story double I brick House, at White rlill fo rooms | each house all Improvements rheap. Inquire A. Smith. .Camp HU| .! Pa. ' ! FOR SALF. Two-story frame I ' metal roof, good conditions, yard, i Cheap home for $l,OOO Inquire Store :i—, - i FOR SALE 3-story brick on Mar i l;et street near Markethouse. with i; storeroom, all improvement*. A bar- I gain if sold at ~nce. C. H. Corder, J I 1722 Green stree-. Bell 660 J. ' ■' ' ' 1 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE "IF ITS REAL ESTATE. SEE SANDEIILIN" DERRY ST.. 1334 NOW VACANT, modem 10-room, 3-story brick; ail i latest improvements; front and rear porches, lawn and back yard; room for u private garage; ideal location tor a physician; can be bought with $5OO cush. FULTON ST., 1627—N0W VACANT, corner property; 2 V4 -story frame; six rooms and attic; gus and water; call be bought same as rent. KENSINGTON ST., 2030 8-roonu; all improvements; vtry coxy home; same as rent. SCHUYLKILL ST., 618 Corner property; 3-story brick; 3 rooms; all improvements, front and rear porches; good size back yajd; same as rent. FIFTH ST.. N„ 2138 —2-story brick;) one side und a double house; 7 rooms and bath; all improvements; side and rear entrance; same as rent I ' ' I NEW CUMBERLAND, CORNER ! FOURTH AND GEARY Attached I frame; s rooms and bath on each side; I newly painted. Right price to quick j buyer. Same as lent. j SIXTEENTH ST., S.. 54 4 2-story brick; 7 rooms; all Improvements,- ce , ment cellar; can be bought with .250 ! cash. NOW VACANT, I STEELTON. SECOND ST., s'.. 318 Vi 3-story frame; 7 rooms; water, gas land electric lights; a very, good bar i gain. Same as rent. ! WORMLEYSBURG. SECOND ST., N„ I 202—2',4 -story frame; 7 rooms, water, | gas and electric lights; lot. 25x150; i price right; same as rent. j D. A. SANDERLIN, ROOM 1. SECURITY TRUST BLDG. 36 NORTH THIRD ST. I BELL PHONE 1390. . DIAL 3573. FOR SALE 2524 DERRY ST. Modern brick dwelling ail improvements steam I heat large front and rear porches— • possession, January 1. Inquire EVANS-KINGSBURY, 36 NORTH THIRD ST.. BELL PHONE 2175. I I——• FINE INVESTMENT or residence properly on North Second street, be tween Broad and State streets. Brick 9 rooms and bath. Lot. 24x125 tj Side alley. Side and back entrances, ust be sold to settle an estate. Ad dress Box S, 6660, care of Telegraph, OWN YOUR OWN HOME ON EASY PAYMENT PLAN Let us make you acquainted with the way it is done. Now is the tune to start. Following I homes cun be purchased with yiliv cash or Liberty Bonds: 2123 Fenn. Hoi l ean. t'enn. 2025 Penn. 1912 Penn. 1930 Penh. 129 North Summit. 2127 North Fourth. 6U6 Keiker. 611. 613. 6,15 and 617 Kel ke'.')62 Vernon. We have a large number of manufacturing, rreight and several good business oppor tunities to offer. Call at A. P. DORANZ. s 1225 North Sixth. Member Harrisburg Ileal Estate Board. AN exceptionally well-built two-and one-hulf-story house, size 30x28 ft.; stands hack from pavement 35 ft. in lot 60x248 ft.; contains eight rooms and bath. Situated on Hamilton street. Camp Hill. Pa., short distance from trolley. Built foi residence, not for specu lation. For terms, etc., apply to H. M. ASKIN. South and Pitt Streets, • Carlisle, Pa. \'OW VACANT Noun seven teenth street, brick and stucco dwell ing. moat modcrnly equipped, well constructed, ideal location. Eey ai our office. Bell Realty Co.. HergUef Building FOR SALE Vacant property Semi-detached pressed brick, all im provements North Sixth street Right L ms Very reasonable. 1). A. Caicy. TOT Kunkcl Hldg. Bell 539. FOlt SALE Houses Nos 116 and 'llB Boas Street. Harrisburg. Pa. Desirable location. Prices low. r g cARfc , Attorney-at-Law. 409 Market Street. FOR SALE 674 Si huyJkill street unit semi-bungalow with 6 an" bill. - other improviements. tu'v "rtea*0 a ". Bergner Building. •■> SUO WILL PURCHASE a two hiorvbrick dwelling, with all Im provements. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner ■ Building. ~V>r - #ALE Brick dwelling 1603 Vi rwVv street 10 rooms and bath electric light furnace—lot, i ma with drive on roar Bell ££dv Co .Bergner Building. A WELL-PAYING ROOMING HOUSE FOR b"-T-107 Cheatnut atreeL . . ; A REAL LsXATF. t'OU SAI.E CITY AND SUBURBAN IMPROVED PROPERTIES KOK SALE Have several tine city homes. Some 1 corner properties. Prices runglng I from $l,OOO to $30,000. A|.<o West Slue of River improved properties, and vacant lots, that you can buy on easy payments. $lO.OO down und $3 oo monthly. 801 l 4377. See CHARLES DA VIES. 204 Calder Building, Market Square. Real Estate und Rents Collected. i TWO-STORY BRICK HOUSES—AII improvements. Iront porch, bay win I dow. 7 rooms, nice yard, drive ullev i | room fo' Kur-'T" sioo down, p U y /' ! I rent. Also several three-story brick I : all improvements. *• j ! Three small houses, suburbs „ f I Steel ton. $lOO down, balance n„ ran, j or will exchange on small Term or cili property. Liberty Bonds accepted , C. H. CORDER. c"c<i 1722 Green St. Bell 560 J. Heal Estate For Sale—-Suburban FOR SALE A desirable Lemoyne property; all Improvements; front porch. Owner desires to leave city. Price is right. Cull at 122 D North Sixth street. CAMP HILL, PA. 3-story pressed brick; ull improvements; Spencei vupoi heal; large luwn und trees. Will sell or trade on city property. D. A. Caley, 707 Kunkel Bldg. Bell 583. TWO ADJOINING LOTS FOR SALE —Situated at Camp . I ill. Pa. Will I sell very cheap. Apply 251 Susque hanna avenue, Enola, Pa. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT WILL RENT FURNISHED HOUSE —Whole or part, 6 rooms and bath, on Third street. New Cumberland. Ad- I dress Box A. 6047, care of Tetegraph, I or call Bell phone 3665 J. FOR RENT Complete furnished house; electric lights; steam heut; all modern conveniences. Inquire 803 North Eighteenth street, on Wednes day, from 3 A. M. to 6 P. M. 2000 STATE St. House, store room und stable, $35.00. 202 State House and garage, $25. 121 North Eighteenth—s3o. 1607 Swutara Apartment, $25. I Private garages, $5. J. E. GIPPLK, 1251 Market Street. FOR RENT 3-room brick house; gas. electricity, steam heat; tine con- Edition. Rent. $50.00. 316 North Slx j teenth street. Bell 2312. I " " REAL ESTATE—For Sale or Rent HOUSES AND GARAGES at Fifth and Curl in streets. Possession ot some of the houses on thirty days notice. Fred C. Miller. 31 North Sec ond. Bell phone 307 J. Reul Estate F'or Sale or Exchange WANTED—TO RENT We arc having a number of applica tions at this time for furnished houses, apartments a.id rooms. What do you have to offer? Address Mil ler Brothers & Company. Locust and Court streets. I FOR SALE Four 2-story brick houses, all improvements, porches, bay windows, nice yurd, drive alley, room for garage. Will sell on easy terms $lOO down, $25 per month, or will trade on small farm, or will take auto as part pay. C. H. Corder, 1722 Green street. Bell 560 J. FARMS A FARM OF 85 ACRES Close to city for rent on sh'res. Address F dOaS. care of Telegraph. ' FOK SALE 5-acre farm, good house. 13 miles from Harrisburg s7su. Call 107 Chestnut street. WANTED To hear from owner having good farm for sale. C. C. Shepard, Minneapolis, Minn. FARMS of all sizes from 1 to 200 acres each. Some close to city. Some close to it. K. and trolley line. Some |to trade on city property. c H Corner, 1722 Green street, Uurrlsburg! Bell phone 560 J. FARMS On hand, any size from 3 to 160 acres, with or without stock 107 Chestnut. F"OH SALE—MISCELLANEOUS ! APPi-lia run sAi.E Grimes, Gol den, with a Uuuana ilavor; Siuytiiuii. V\ i n. Haitians, York liupei iui. : eac. Some of tneae uppius ai e very hue j Come alio see ihcm at it. A. vVicker- ' shuni s urcliaru, oue-uait mile vast ut | MechulticaUui fa. Pa. trolley ear slops | ut orchard. TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT FOR | CAM. ALL yiRKES RENTED EACH.vagED. GEO. P. TILLOf'SO.N, 2(5 LOc oaf STREET. OPPOSITE! ORPHKUM THEATER BOTH PHONES FOR SALE Pure-bred, large Cockerels; also a few Hens. Call Bell phone 3364-R-C. FOR SALE Choice White Wyan dotte Cockerels for breeding. March hatched. No belter strain in the U. S. Must sell for luck of room. . Prices reasonable. 1323 Derry street. PRESIDENT WILSON'S favorite photograph, uulogruphed especially for tlie .sew York American—u sepa rate supplement ready for frumiiig artistically reproduced in beautiful gruvure on tlnest quality paper. FREE WITH NEAT SUNDAY'S NEW YORK AMERICA N-s—but you must order frxmi your newsdculcr at once. Circulation last Sunday, 348,763 —LARGEST IN AMERICA. FOR SALE Oldiestabllshed busi ness*in tliis city. Over $420.00 a week profit. Worth $12,300.00. Owner. In poor health, will muke a reasonable sacrifice for quick, cash sale. Address Box E. 6341. cars of Telegraph. FOR SALE Parlor suite (tnree nieces), odd chairs and a small table Apply 36 3s Brlsban street; Puxtang. FOR SALE Kitchen cabinet. Only used three months. Address Box R, 6813, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE Stleft upright piano, bench and music cabinet. Address P O. Box 562. Harrisburg. Pa. FOR SALE "Buescher" Cornet, In brass, with leather case, complete; Columbia Zither. No. 2*4: nickel-plate Music Rack, with leather cuse. com plete; Remington Typewriter, Visible. No. 10, good as new; Edison Mimeo graph, No. 12. complete; set solid brass -Andirons. Inquire 327 North Third street. Second Floor. Apartment. . OVEMBER 16, 1918. FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS FOH SALE—Oak store fixtures, good as new, 10 ft. wall case. & ft. display I counter, four small lauies, lti-in. eleo i trie fan. Master cutter, chatfless cof fee mill. Call or address 11. 1). llarrl man, i(M North Fourth street. BARGAIN'S! BARGAINS! The store across I torn Y. W. C. A. I ulters you the Biggest and Best bur gains in Men's and boys' Suits. Over coals, Mackinuw Coals, Underwear. Hats, Caps and Shoes. We ure fam ous for bow i'rices. Give us u trial. OUTLET CLOTHING CO., . 23 North Fourth Street. EAGLE WATER HEATER Like new. Used only three limes. Reason able price. Call 2187 R. GET your bargains in neuters und j cooking stoves. We also sell general I householu goods of ail descriptions. IWe pity highest cash prices. New j murk 42 Cowu. 3U3 broad street. 1313 CALENDARS Good Assortment of bargains. Act Quickly. For good service, order at once and avoid the rush. Sample Room fur Conveni ences of Customers. MYEItS MANUFACTURING CO.. Third and Cumberland Sts. Above Shoe Store. FOR SALE 1 Chain and Bucket Elevator, and 3 sections. 24-inch di ameter Revolving Screen, both good as new. 1 small Stone or Lime Crusher. 1 Contractor's Hoisting Platform, ; 2-burrow capacity. 1 Dump Cart, with extra wide shafts j for large horse. 2 sets new l.ouden Garage Door | Hangers. 1 Carload new 6-Inch Sewer Pipe, some Ys and Bends. ATLAS DYNAMITE AND BLAST ING SUPPLIES. and SECURITY | PORTLAND CEMENT in stock at all j times. RUTHERFORD BROS., Bell 8525 R. I'axtang. Pa. WOOD—WOOD—WOOD Fine wood, cut short, oak, specially cut for fireplace. F. J. Marter, Bell 33-J, SI eel to I. WANTED —MISCELLANEOUS HIGHEST PRICES PAID for all kinds ul' Junk. Get our prices before selling. Call Bell phone 336. or drop us a postal and our'wagon will call. Keystone Iron & Metal Co., Broad and Currant streets. I L. COHEN & COMPANY, York and i Ash Avenues. Highest prices paid for | rags, papei, iron, barrels, rubber and I metals and old machines. Send postal I or call 3221W Bell and Dial 6223. WANTED. TO BUY Baby pen. Must be in good condition. Call Bell phone 26201 C WANTED. TO BUY An upright piano. Must be cheap for cash. Ad ! dress Box E. 7483, care of Telegraph. I I MORRIS SAYS save money buying new and second-hand furniture here. High prices paid for furniture. Morris Schmeriz. IWO Market. Bell 39711 C HIGHEST PRICES PAID for all 1 kinds of empty barrels and Junk. Call Bell phone 4276. B. Abrams 42 Son. 824-833 North Seventh street. MAX SMELTZ 1 Second-hand furniture bought and ■ sold Highest cash prices paid. Call Bell'l3Bl or Dial 6847. or drop a pos -1 ! tal to Max Smeltz. 1016 Market street. Will call, city or country. OFFICES AND STOREROOMS I OFFICES FOR RENT Furnished - or unfurnished, single or eusutte of I two or three rooms. Apply H. 42 L, ) Lowengard, 210 North Third street. RUSINESS OH'ORTTNIXIES FOR SALE Profltai le News Agency For Sale in thriving suburban • town. . storeroom In the heart of the business section. Start a business here. Tne Newspaper Agency Will get you acquainted with the peo ple. Address BOX R. 7474. Care of Telegraph. OPPORTUNITIES for Men suffering font prostate.disorders to rid them selves qifickly at home without drugs, diet or massage. This is a wondertul, effective scientific method in use by physicians, osteopaths, Lawyers, en gineers, bankers, business men, fttiin ers, and pi-ople in all walks of life. Absolutely harmless, soothing and re stores quickly. Endorsed by hundreds of satisfied users. Write to-day tot convincing proofs and how you may try this wonderful appliance in youi own home at our risk. Address the Kh'ctrothermal Comrmny, 503 Blair HHg., Steubenville, Ohio. We manufacture a carburetor for Ford cars which is guaranteed to give double the mileage over any other carburetor ever constiucted, re gardless of name, make or Money refunded if fifteen-day I 1 REE trial does not prove It. Entirely new principle —simple, plain tube—not a moving part. Guaranteed to stait In xero weather without heating or prim- I Ing Tremendous demand. Thousands now in use In Chicago territory. Reliable, energetic man w . ho c *" guarantee sales and carry stock of I-OO to s2.nan. depending on demand, can secure exclusive territory and will easily net $lO,OOO this year. No special oxnerence necessary. Will also furnish carburetors for „tnr ears in about sixty days. FRANK A. URWAN. 609 West Jack snn Boulevard. Chicago. IH. lie si NESS PERSONALS t ntnmonds bought for Cash, appraisers • ™ late. P H Caplan Co.. 206 Mkt V IDEAS, INVENTIONS! PATENTS i promoted. Send particulars. Hoist i promoting Agenc). Llngleatown. p a . ■j HAZDR BLADES SHARPENED "i Single edge. 26c duz.; double edge. 2e 1 ] dor; old style. 25c each. Gorgus Drug , I Store. ' uUIMNt' —Look out tor thut grippe ' feeling, likely to catch you this ' changeable weather OUR LAXATIVE PH( "pHO-QUININE will stave It off - If taken in time Gross Drug Store. ■ 119 Market street. L ... Money to Ixian > WHEN YOU NEED MONEY • to meat Immediate necessities, always consul v. this reliable licensed, bonded • .nsiiiutlou vital icred under Pennsyt ' tenia laws and flnancea by local peo ple in UO3 to save borrowers Irom extortion. CO . 0 p,. ;HAT ivB * IXIAN A INVESTMENT CO„ 204 CHESTNUT ST. WF ELL w. S. S. AND THRIFT WE STAMPS . ' wk. L.LND MUX EH in compliance with Act of June 17, 1816. to Individu als In need of ready cash; small loam, a sueciuliy. business confidential, pay ments to suit borrowers convenience, i positively lowest rates In city, PENNSYLVANIA INVESTMENT CO., Hi Walnut Street Money to Loan •MONEY v' FOR NECESSITIES" " " We are nrepured to help rrorthy people when In need of MONEY for ' immediate necessities. Cull and In vestigate our system. EMPLOYES' IX)AN SOCIETY. 2U6 BERGNER BLDG. Musical ' VIOLINS. MANDOLINS. GUITARS. BANJOS. Band and Orchestra Instru- * incuts promptly and carefully repair ed OI LER'S. 14 south Fourth street IF your Talking Machine needs re pairs. Just call Bell Phone 3242 J. An expert will be at your service at once. Or bring machine to 12X3 North Third street TALKLNU MACHINES of all kinds repaired fcy an experL All work promptly done and guaranteed. Gall ueli -sexß, or 1604 Howard avenue. HAULING AND MOVING • ________ r AUTO HAULING Local or long distance. Furniture and piano moving a specialty. Blue Line Transfer, 81/ Capital street. Both pnones. I AUTO HAULLNg —LocaI and long {distance. Furniture moving a spec ially. itates reasonable. Prompt aer | vice. Gail Geil 623 J. | LOCAL AND LONG-DISTANCE i Hauling Prompt aervlee. A. 42 B. Aloioi Express. 31/ Capital street I Bell pnone 1636 J. | GENERAL HAULING AND FAST i EXPRESS oEK V ICE to nearby towns I with auto trucks. Only experienced and caret Ul drivers, tail Bell 332 U. el* Dial 3205. LOCAL AND LONU-DISTANCE * I HALiAnG—F urulturo moving. Prompt service. Jfimeai Curbin, oo o Culcler direeL. Bum pnenee. licit 3b3t>j # DUdi. _____________________ HEAV Y HAULING —Fully equipped for lurnlture, freight and piano mov ing. No distance too tar. Careful driver. Ham and dusipruot body. j. E. Grubbers Truck service. Irvin Aungsl, _ Manager. Hersuey, p_ Bell pnone 16R-0. AUTO TRUCK SERVICE -- Local and long-uisiaiiee. F. J. Marter, Bell 33-J, aieellou. ald kinds of hauling AND MOVING DONE CONRAD BROS.. 341 KELKER ST. BELL PHONE 623 W. DIAL PHONE 3618. * HICKS Local and Long-distance Hauling. 424 Keily. Both Phones. Storage STORAGE —413 Broad street house holu goods, merchandise. Private rooms at reasonable rates. Also haul lug of all kinds. D. Cooper 42 Co. Both phones. I S GRACE —In brick building, rear 408 Mantel. Household goods in clean,# private rooms. Reasonable rales. P. G. Diener, 408 Market street STORAGE Private rooms for household goods In fireproof waie fiouse. $3 per month and up. Lower storage rates In uon-nreproof ware house. Harnsburg Storage Co., 437- 440 south second street Undertakers SAMUEL S. FACKLER, bdNERAL DIRECTOR, 1312 Derry St. BELL 1356. DIAL 2133. DAY AND NIGHT CALLS promptly attended to. H. Al. liolfniun, Funeral Director. 310 North Second street RUDOLPH K. SPICER, Funeral Director and Embalmer, 611 North Second Street . BELL 262. DIAL 2146. CKllliHißi HOTS FOR SALE PROSPECT HILL CEMETERY Beauiiiuliy situated on Market street east ol Twenty-sixth, and on the cOilh and east, faces the new puik wuy. Tne prices ul lets are moderate, in.er BIOS. <k Co., Agents. U here to Dtuo j ALVA HOTEL AND RESTAURANT. 'THE HUME OF SATISFACTION. STOUFFERS RESTAURANT—Home * cooking served to Buswiessiiion and Ludies in separate dimiigrciom. CI cullers and Dyers iT PAYS to have Clothes Cleaned, Pressed, Dyed or Repaired at the best place in tuwii. Can and ueliver. vjooupiaus. lieu Vi North Sixth. Both I'UoUes. . AUTOMOBILES ONE NEW CONESTUUA TRUCK Covered oody, 1,000 lOS. capacity. A ' uargaiu. inquire ut Philadelphia * yuu.it DiUCU. OLD AUTOS Wanted; useu. wrecKeu or oldtlmers, I any eondlTioU. see me before sac rificing eisewuere. Cneisea Auto cci.ing, A- souiftmau, 22, 24, 26 Norin Cameron street Ben 3633. FOR SALE One 1817 Hupmoblla owner expects to De called in the ser vice. Apply Sunshine Garage, 27-3 North Cameron street .. ANTED All kinUs of used auto tires We pay highest cash prices. No Junk. H. Eslerbiook. 312 North iu,.*n street. Dial 4330. ; MAXWELL. 1317 Good tires, one / extra. Huns and looks like new. A rure bargain at $4OO. Indian. 1316 Model, in good running order. Bargain at $75. orU A. SCHIFFMAN, 4 22-24-26 North Cameron. lAXWKoL Touring car In AI . . aUB . Must be sold, owner wae I*-afted. This car is like new. A lot Of exir-s. Wheel with new tires. Ap at 125 South Eleventh -ireet iSI4 KNOX Racing Car, in good ObtlUiUOUi 1316 Cnalmers Roadsters, In Al con soNbHINE GARAGE, Both Phones. SECOND-HAND MOTOR TRUCKS 4 FOR SALE CHEAP Consisting of variety of Ford cars, with rear-end cue-ton capacity; Vims. Buick, Reo end Mack, with power hoist dump body. AL are good bargains. Intsr • tfonal Hai vestsr Company of America Truck Dept. 618 Walnut street ' Additional Classified Ads j on Opposite Pago ik__— 1 y
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers