THESE ARE HE BAYS HE ■ MEAL BARGAINS. SEE HE LISTS BELOW iiieatbs Charles W. Spangl"' died Monday, November 11, l#i ®* >:4O. at hi# late residence, 183J • gtna street, aged S3 years. .AKemalns will be taken, to \ ork on afternoon, at 1 o c w„ r B lsll funeral services .will be hel)i.<Buriai In Green Mount Cemetery. CARD OR THANKS . W E wish to sincerely thank our friends, relatives and cmi>lo>e ' standard Steel Company. , Istow. Pa.. for the kindness show n dunni. the death of our son. Clojd - eaee. 4 MIGANP MRS. ABRAHAM STALI-.V. LOST AND FOUND , O <T —On Monday night, a gold wrist watch, on Market street, be tween Third and Tele ward if returned to Harrisuu B graph. _ -a LOST - Black crochet handbag. containing two nd ßeward if drinking cups and comb;. m-' returned to Harrlsbuig Telegiay LOST Pink Cameo pin on Third, Market. Walnut or ON Mai K. t - lteward if returned to Telegrapu fice. " FOUND - Pocketbook containing money. Owner CAN . INSTHCCTIONS A RIGHT START ' R,*TTLK - Get a T "^sb U r:f s STANDARD Course in Harr choo l ACCREDITED Business Collefc h of Commerce, i-oup UuiWing. i Market Square. Bell 46-'. —' INDIVIDU AL. PRO^^ ' English A Shorthand, yp „ n \rith.. etc. griffs K, ffi r E U 3Wi?£T KA%OVCHOOB N 3 lIFI i WANTED — ♦IXI K WANTED '""sotl-n pl> Harrlsbuig and liUniD- {o r less fabric Super l tl ies. Must be than lighter we'f ability to handle a worker and have a t i e photie, salesmen. Appointment by t NoVcm . e?'■t °1f; Metropolitan Uotel___ jobs* ""TEEN* Mid Naudain streets. WANTED • Man for delivery work Salary and commission. Apply TV. & H. WALKER. 114 South Second Street. WANTED Boy-one who can go to school one day a week. . II . Market street. , ve ANTED— Several boys for around ; L n nun^ n ' l Ne?s ar Agency; e^stnu't' street. • j WANTED Several High school boys. Central or Tech. to learn the silk business. Must hate had one year in High .school. Ap ply IIARHISBUUG SILIv MILL, Second and North bis. AUTO MECHANICS , TWO EORD REPAIRMEN. APPLY t MAC S GARAGE. 117 SOUTH THIRD ST. WANTED Young man to work in stationery store. Apply W. S. iunis. 9 North Third street. W\ NT El) Experienced ilreman for stationary boilers. Only steady, experienced men need apply. -so Commonwealth Trust Building. W INTED Good porter, also one . that" is capable of running Ford car. ' Apply c. M. Sigler. Inc.. 30 North S.c una. - TLi vult WANTED For Coal Wagon; also several men for Coal / Yard and Quarry. Steady work. Ruth erford Bros- Paxtans. la. MEN V. ANTED To load stone. 23 cents per ton. Can earu s2* to s3s> per week. Apfdy Paxtang Quarries. Pax- TANG. W ANTED Night fireman—one familiar with Warren Webster sys tem. Address P. o. Box 44. WANTED TAXICAB DRIVERS. Apply HARRISBURG TAXICAB AND BAGGAGE CO.. Strawberry and Aberdeen Sts. WANTED Experienced mechanics on automobile work. Apply TIIE OVERLAND-HARRIS BURG CO. SERVICE STATION. Twenty-sixth and. Derry Sts. WANTED A man. or will employ man and wife, to do janitor and housework. Aply 1700 North Second street. Satisfied Tenants are a landlord's best asset. Care in selection and fair * treatment of tenants re quire experience. A de partment of our business is devoted exclusively to the renting of property. Miller Brothers & Co. Ileal Estate , Insurance Surety Bonds l.oeust and Court Streets Bell I'hone 1.103. Dial Phone 21.10 WEDNESDAY EVENING HELD \Y ANTED—MALE DRAFTSMAN WANTED Machine designer, experienced I" handling special niuuhtuery. Must bo accurate and reliable. Aleo one ; purienued and reliable dataller. Stave lully In your application salary ox- I Puciud, C-Oorlcnce, age, etc. I'ortna i iient position# to rlguv nieu. i PANUUORN CORPORATION. ! lIAGKKSTUWN. MP. WANTED Office boy. Id years or over. Good wages and excellent op portunity for advancement. Answer in own handwriting. Address Box C. <•606, care of Telegraph. MEN WA.vU'ED To learn 'he au j tuniobiie ousiness and do mechanical ' tv ork on same. Thousands of men are wanted in the United Slates Army ! tor such work as driving and repair , ing. Auto TTausportattuu School, 230 ! South Front street. Steelton. MACHINISTS WANTED Who can adjust Union Special and Singer Sew ; ing Machines, in shoe factory. A. S. Krelder Co:. Welt Department, Eighth and Water streets. Lebanon, Pa. WANTED Two cooks, white or , colored. Apply 1200 North Sixth. WANTED—Two good, strong boys to learn trade. Apply Superinten dent. The Telegraph Printing Co., i Harrishurg. HELP WANTED—FEMALE j CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS - Harrisburg, December 7. 12,000 women clerks needed. Salary, sl,_'Uo. I Experience unnecessary. Women de | siring government positions write for ! :ree particulars. Raymond Terry ; (fornur Civil Service Examiner), 46 7 Columbian Building. Washington. WANTED Girl, or middle-aged woman for ice cream and confection ery stole. Apply C. Linn, Sixteenth and Walnut streets. WANTED—Two young women for waitresses. Must give references. Ap ply Sloutfcr s Restaurant, 4 Ncrih Court. .- . WANTED Women cleaners. Ap ply at Majestic Theater. WANTED Woman to scrub. Ap ply Keystone Laundry, 6.0 Harris street. WANTED GIRLS TO WRAP TRIANGLE. MINTS. Good Pay. Steady Work. TWELFTH AND HERR STS. WANTED Demonstrator for na tionally advertised food product. Ap ! ply Dauphin Hotel, between 7 and 8, and ask for Mr. Thomason. WANTED A girl, or woman, for general housework. No washing or ironing. Apply 1319 North Second ■greet, before 12 A. M. and after 6 I'. M. WANTED A reliable woman for general housework; three adults; pleasant surroundings; liberal w ages, j (.'all Bell phone 559 W. | i WANTED Young lady for store work. Apply Grand Union Tea Co.. j 208 North Second. GIRLS WANTED To work on , sewing machines and in other depart ! ments. fl2 per week pqid to learn ; ors. Belgrade Knitting Mill. New Cumberland. Pa. WANTED Three dishwashers. ' Good wages. ~ Inquire Alva Restau ' fant. WANTED Experienced waitress. ; Good wages. Inquire Alva Restau rant. WANTED Housekeeper to keep 1 house for widower. Good home and ! good pay. Apply 304 South Second street. I WANTED Wonu u tt ho would like to en gage in automobile work. Ex cellent opportunity for those ! who want to do war wolM. Apply THE OYKKLAND-HARLLISBUUG CO. SERVICE STATION. Twenty-sixth and Derry Sts. WANTED ihningroom girl. Ap ply Miss E. Wilson, 203 Fine street. Call after 8 o'cluck in the evening. NURSE For children, IS per week. Also girl for housework. 48 per week. Inquire 226 Emerald street. HOUSEWORK Reliable white wo man wanted for general housework six hours daily except Sunday. Good i pay to the right party. Aduress Box U, 7518. care of Telegraph. WANTED Two white diningroom girls. Apply 1303 North Seventn. GOVERNMENT Needs hundreds • Clerks for income iTax. Customs, In ternal Revenue. Harrisburg exami nations soon. Salary, $1,200-3,000. Experience unnecessary. For free particulars regarding examinations, write Raymond Terry (former Civil Service' Examiner), 2467 Columbian Building, Washington. WANTED Saleslady. Apply to Mr. Gottsteiff at Sides & Sides, 205 Market street. WANTED Bright, active, young girl, one who can operate a Multi graph or typewriter preferred. Ap ply Employment Bureau. Bowman & } Co.. Harrisburg. WANTED Reliable girl for gen eral housework and plain cooking. I Good wages. Good home. No. 1 North Harrisburg street, Steelton. Pa. ' WANTED White woman for kitclvn work. Apply Davenport Lunch,-325 Market street. WANTED Experienced cashier. Must furnish references. Apply Dav : enport Lunch. 325 Market street. II wbMAN—Wanted immediately for I scrubbing and general work. Apply I Stouffer'a Restaurant. 4 North Court ; strret. WANTED Girl for general house work. Apply 226 Emerald street. 11ELP WANTED—-Male and l-'cmali SILK MILL Experienced help wanted. Experi enced weavers average $8.50 to $6.51 per day Other departments propor tionately. - „ Beginners wanted also. Best pay Come and earn 30 per cent, bonus ovei land above regular wages. Aply I HARRISBURG SILK MILL /[ Second and North S reets HELP WANTED—MuIe ami Female ! HELP WANTED —MaIe and Female SHOE WORKERS WANTED Wo need experienced opera tors la nil uspurunents, and can guarantee elvady work. AH Work Is paid for ut piece rates, but WII guarantee every employs definite wages. The j luoru work you produce H.e inure you oaru. We also have t openings lu ull departments a tor young men und women to l learn a useful trade, which will be of value to them after the war. The shoe busiuess is n necessary luuusiry uuu Is of much importance. Get a Job making goous for Uncle Sam if you can, but If not, then consider the shoe manufactur ing trade us worth while icurning. If Interested, take this ad to the United States Employment Bureau at Third i and North Streets, and gel lull particulars. . HARRISBURG SHOE MFG. CO. j 1402 Vernon St. THOUSANDS MEN WOMEN— I GIRLS. 18 or over wanted Immediately by United States Government. Easy i orfice positions at Washington and in ; i every large qtty. Experience unnec essary. SIOO month and up. 7-hour I i day. Your country needs you. Help j | her. Write immediately for free list, i positions open. l'ranklin Institute, I Dept. 403 G. Rochester. N. X. DIVES. POMBROY & STEWART re- ! quire salespeople in departments de voted to handkerchiefs, hosiery, un-1 derwear, books, toys and novelties; j also stoe'U men of middle age In house- i wares. , SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE .. ' EXPERIENCED OFFICE MAN i Wants extra office work evenings and 'Saturdays. Also typewriting to do at home. Address Box B, 6645, e-arip of ' l elegrapli. WANTED Young man desires po sition doing general clerical work; I has had experience; best of refer- j ences. Address D„ 452, care of Tele- ; graph. WANTED Positiou as bartender, i or at lunch counter, or waiter at good \ restaurant. Apply 30 North Tenth I street. WANTED Young man desires po- ' sition in spare hours and days, as ; clerk, collector or salesman. Address j Box C, 6657, care of Telegraph. —— SITUATIONS WAN TED—Female WANTED Laundry work, or day s work of any kinu, by colored woman. Call, or address, i 2 south 1 Fourteenth street. WANTED Stenographer, with five years' experience, wants a good i position with a reliable concern; can j ; turnish good reference as to her abil- j ' ity anu character. Address Box N, ' • 7a68. care of Telegraph. WANTED A refined, young wo- i man. with experience ot ouyer and! saleslady, also knowledge of minor j ' clerical work, can give aiterncons for j service. Address it., 7421. care of, Telegraph. WANTED Y'oung woman wishes ' position as housekeeper lor widower, ; !in small, refined family. Address Miss l Mover, General Delivery, Harrlsbuig. WANTED Colored girl wants i ; work by the week. Call, or address, I | 1705 Klin street. WANTED Young woman wishes j i position as housekeeper for widower, , or small, private family; can furnish | references. Address C., 2311, care of ' , Telegraph. j ROOMS I- OK KENT t FOR RENT Two furnished rooms on seconu boor, lor light housckeep- ! ing. Apply 528 Camp street. FOR RENT Furnished rooms, j $2.50 per week and up; warm rooms, ! i running i..i aim coid water; light i i housekeeping and private battp Wil- j ; son Apartments, No. 143 South Third i street. j HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS Unfur- I nished. single or communicating | j kitchenettes, r laundry, pnone and I bathroom privileges; stoves furnished tree. Weekly payments, inquire 42'J i 1 Broad street. FOR RENT Two communicating first iloor rooms, and one third boor I , room, all furnished, within easy walk ing distance of business district. Ap- ! , p.y 408 Briggs street. j i FOR RENT Three large, unfur- j ' nished rooms, located on Sixth street; I ! light, heat and use uf phone; no chil- ! 1 dren. Call Bell phone 3347J, or in-1 • quire 2130 North Sixth street. FOP. RENT Furnished rooms. Board If desired. All conveniences. ; Inquire 84 North Seventeenth street, j FOR RENT Nicely-furnished rooms for light housekeeping. All 1 conveniences. Steani heat. Apply ; j 1811 Green street. ROOMS FOR RENT, 113 Locust St. • —Well furnished. Conveniences. Belt phone 2307 W. i | WANTED Two or three unfur- ' : nished rooms, for gentleman to make j i permanent home. No cooking. Ad- I ; dres Box G, care of Telegraph, j THREE OR FOUR unfurnished | j rooms, centrally located, by young couple. Small apartment, with bath ! i will be considered. Possession on or I about October 1. Can furnish excel- ' I lent references. No children. Address 1 i 8.. 7458. care of Telegraph. ROOMS WANTED I MAN AND WIFE desire two or three 1 I furnished rooms in private family l either with board or privilege of light housekeeping. Hill preferred. Kef ! erences furnished If desired. Address ; E„ 6337, care of Telegraph. | ONE FURNISHED —By refined wo man. wltll Christian people. Will care , for room. $5.00 month In any good j neighborhood. Address Box G, 6330 ] care of Telegraph. WANTED By young couple, three j or four unfurnished rooms, or small ■ apartment for light housekeeninir | call Bell phone 2794. 1 APARTMENTS FOR RENT ! T ! FOR RENT Very desirable apart ment; 5 rooms and bath; southern ex posure; hot water heat; gas and elec tric lights; cabinet gas range; nice yard. Adults only. Reference. Call Bell phone 4335 W. < - uu i APARTMENTS WANTED 1 WANTED Small apartment, fur nished oi unfurnished, centrally lo cated. State prfce. Address A, 755s care of Telegraph. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE NOW VACANT BO3 North Seven • teeiith street, brick and stucco dwell ing. most modernly equipped, well I constructed. Ideal location. Key at , our office. Bell Realty Co., Bergnar i Building. H AimisßUßG lifijSft' NEIGHBORHOOD STORES otten specialize on some particular commodities. It you conduct such a store, and sell something for which your store has becofce noted in your neighborhood, the whole city about it. You'll find your circle of cus tomers steadily widening. By and by you will outgrow the limitations of a neighborhood store. HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE J*OK SAIIB 674 Schuylkill street —frame Beml-bungulow with 6 rooms and bath other Improvements, 111- ciudiiuf steam heat. Price. $2,2U0. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. $2,500 WILL PURCHASE a two story brick dwelling, with all im provements. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FOR SALE Brick dweling, 1603U Derry street LO rooms and bath gas electric light furnace — lot. 21x100, with drive on rear. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Buildihg. FOR SALE Vacant property semi-detached pressed brick, all im proveuicnts, North Sixth street. Right terms. Very reasonable. D. \ Caley. 707 Kunkel Bldg. Bell 589. AN exceptionally well-built TBO . and-one- half-story house. U E ft.: stands back troni pavement 35 11 lit lot b0.\248 ft.; contains eigi U ROOM* AA D bath. HHUATED on Hamilton street. Gamp Hill, Pa., snort DISTANCE Irom trolley. Built for residence, not for specu lation. FOR TO South and Pitt Streets, Carlisle, Pa. FOR SALE Two-story frame, metal roof, good conditions, yard. Cheap home for SI,OOO. Inquire Store, 1117 North Third. FOR SALE 2 V4-story double brick house, at White iliii lO rooms each house all improvements cheap. Inquire A. Smith, Camp Hill, Pa. FOR SALE 2524 DERRY ST. Modern brick dw oiling all improvements steam heat large front and rear porches— possession, January 1. Inquire * EVANS-KINGSBURY. 36 NORTH THIRD ST.. BELL PHONE 2175. FOR SALE 3-story brick on Mar ket street, near Markethouse, with storeroom, all improvements. A bar gain if sold at once.' C. H. Corder, 1722 Green street. Bell 560 J. FOR SALE Vacant property on Market St.. Camp Hill; good 8-room brick dwell ing with steam heat, electric light, slate roof, large lot and in good con dition. Attractive at $4,500.00. One acre of ground improved by a new 6-room frame bungalow, located near the Rockville car line and over looking Wildwood lake. A property with a plot this size located close to the car line und city that is offered for $2,500.00 is an unquestionably good buy. BRIXTON-PACKER CO., Second and Walnut Sts. FINE INVESTMENT or residence nroperty on North Second street, be tween Broad and State streets. Brick, 9 rooms and bath. Lot, 24x125 to wide ALLEY. SLDE AND back entrances. Must be sold TO settle an estate. Ad dress Box S. 6660. care of Telegrapn. "IF ITS REAL ESTATE. SEE SANDEKLIN ' DERBY ST., 1334 NOW" VACANT, | modern 10-rootn, 3-story brick, an, latest improvements; tront and rear porches; lawn and back yard; room | tor-'a private garage; ideal location for a physician; can be bought with SSOO cash. FULTON ST., 1627—N0W VACANT; corner property; 2 -story frame, aix rooms and attic; gas ana water; can be bought same as rent. SIXTEENTH ST.. 542 2-story brick, 7 rooms, all improvements, ce- I ment cellar, can be bought with sloo cash and $35 per month. NOW VA CANT. KENSINGTON ST., 2030 S-rooms; all improvements; very cozy home, i same as rent. SCHUYLKILL ST.. 618 Corner property; 3-story brick; 9 rooms; ail t improvements, front and rear porches, good size back yard; same as rent. FIFTH ST. N., 2138— 2-story brick; one side and a double house; 7 rooms and bath; all improvements; side and rear entrance; same as rent. ' SIXTEENTH ST.. S.. 64 4 2-story brick; 7 rooms; all Improvements; ce , ment cellar; can be bought with $260 ! cash. . ! CTEELTON. SECOND ST.. S., ClSlj i— 3-story frame; 7 rooms; water, gas and electric lights; a very good bar gain. Same- as rent. I WORM LEYS BURG. SECOND ST.. N\. i -no—'W-story frame; 7 rooms, water, I gas and electric lights; lot. 25x150; j price right; same as rent. D A. BANDERLIN. FOOM 1 SECURITY TRUST BLDG., R°°il nqrth THIRD ST. BELL PHONE 1390. DIAL 3573. ! FOR SALE Several fine Improved I oroDerties. Some corner properties. Ranging In price from $2,000 to $30.- 000 each. Located In ail parts of Hai risbuTg and the West Side of River. See Charlea Davies. 304 Calder Build ing. Bell 4377. Real Estate and Rents Collected. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OWN YOUR OWN HOME ON EASY PAYMENT PLAN Let US make you acquainted with DIE way it is done. Now is the time to start. Following homes can be purchased with S3OO cash or Liberty Bonds; 2123 I'enn. ' 2182 Penn. . :I Penn. T 20-5 Penn. 1912 I'enn. 1930 Penn. 129 North Summit. 2127 North Fourth. •tiii6 Kelker. 611. 613. 615 and 617 Kel ker. 1362 Vernon. We have a large number of manufacturing, freight and several good business oppor tunities to offer. Call at A. P. DORAXZ. J225 North Sixth. Member Harrisburg Real Estate Board. TWO-STORY BRICK HOUSES— All improvements, front porcli, bay win- KNW 7 rooms, nice yard, drive alley room for garage SIOO down, payTi rent. Also several three-story bricks, all improvements. Three small houses, suburbs of Steelton. SIOO down, balance A S rent, or will exchange on small ferm or city property. Liberty Bonds accepted piopeivy. C H CORDER 1723 Green St. Bell 560 J. A WELL-PAYING RGOMINGHOUSE FOR SN —lO7 Chestnut street. Real Estate Eor Sale—Suburban FOR SALE Brick house. West Main street, Mechanicsburg. Slate roof, gas. electricity, hot water heat; lot, 60x200. Immediate possession. Address Box H, 7583, care of Tele graphy FOR SALE A desirable Lemoyne property; all improvements; front porch. Owner desires to leave city. Price is right. Call at 1225 North Sixth street. CAMP HILL PA. 3-story pressed brick; all improvements; Spencer vapor heat; large lawn and trees. Will sell or trade on city property. D. A. Caley, 707 Kunkel Bldg. Bell 589. TWO ADJOINING LOTS FOR SALE — Situated at Camp tlill. Pa. Will sell very cheap. Apply 251 Susque hanna avenue, Enola. Pa. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT FOR RENT 9-room brick house; gas. electricity, steam heat; tine con dition. Rent, $50.00. Sl6 Noath Six teenth street. Bell 2912. FOR RENT Furnished house. Write to tlrs. Williams, 1509 North Second. REAI. ESTATE—For Sale or Rent HOUSES AND GARAGES at Fifth and Curttn streets. Possession of some of the nouses on thirty days notice. Fred C. Miller, 31 North sec ond. Bell phone 307 J. Real Estate For Sale or Exchange FOR SAI.K Four 3-story brick houses, all improvements, porunes, bay windows, nice yard, drive alley, room for garage. Will sell on easy terms — SIOO down. $35 per month, or will irade on small furm, or will take auto as part pay. 11. Corder, 1733 Green street. Bell 560 J. I'.IIAI. ESTATE WANTED * WANTED, TO RENt AT ONCE Modern house from six to nine rooms inquire Emersun-Brantingham Imple ment Co.. Tenth and Market streets. WANTED—TO RENT We are having a number of apnjica. tlons at this time for furnish houses, apartments and rooms What do you huve to offer? Address vi.i ler Brothers & Company, Locust and Court streets. ' " ua 1 HAVE BUYERS waiting for prop erty in any section of the city If cheap. What have you to offer? Chas. Adler. 1002 North Third street. FARMS A FARM OF 85 ACRES Close to city for reht on shares. Address F 6639. care of Telegraph. FOR SALE 3-acre farm, good house. 13 %nlles from liarrlsburg $750. Call 107 Chestnut street. FARMS of all sizes from 1 to 200 j acres each. Some close to city. Some ; close to R. R. and trolley line. Some ito trade on city property. C. H. I (""order. 1723 Green street. Harrlsbueg j Hell phone 560 J. WANTED To hear trom owner ! having good farm for sale. c. C. Shepard. Minneapolis. Minn. FARMS On hand, any size from 3 to 160 acres, with or without stock. 107 Chestnut. | VOR 3AI.E—MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Parlor suite (three 'nieces), odd chairs and a small table. Jsoply $639 Brlsban street, Paxtang. FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS , | OFFICE DESK FOR SALE I 4x6 FEET, FLAT TOP, OAK, AT I HALF I'UICW. 204 CALDKK i ULDU. BELL 4377. — APPLES FOR SALE Grimes, UOL- | deu, with a Uaiiuna llavor; Siaymun. ! Weill--" "• Jonathans, Vork Imperial, cac. Some of Otusu apples are Very tlue! Come and see ttiein ut K. A. Wicker sliaiu a orcliuru, UIIE-balf mile vast ot Mechamcsbui g. Pa. Trolley car stop* ' UT Orchard. TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT FOR ' CAOIL ALL MAKES RENTED I EXCHANGED. GEO. P. TLLLOTSON. 105 LOCUST STREET. OPPOSITE OKPHKUMTHEATER BOTH PHONES FOR SALE Household furniture Including tireless cooker. eleclrlc cleaner. Inquire at 2407 North Fifth ' street. FOR SALE: —Oak store .fixtures, good as new; lu ft. wall case, 5 ft. display ' counter, four small taoies, 16-in. elec tric fan. Master cutter, chaffless cof fee mill. Call or address H. D. llarrl man, 1638 North Fourth street. BARGAINS! BARGAINS! J The Store across from V. W. C. A ' offers you the Biggest and Best Bar gains in Men's anu Boys' Suits, Over coats, Mackinaw Couis. Underwear Hats, Caps and Shflea. We are fam ous for Low Prices. Give us a triai. OUTLET CLOTHING CO.. 23 North Fourth Street. FOR SALE Singer Sewing Ma eldne, upright model, sls. Bell phone EAGLE WATER HEATER Like new. Used only three times. Reason able price. Call 2187 R. GET your bargains in heaters and cooking stoves. We also 'sell general household goods of all descriptions We pay highest cash prices. New mark & Cown, 308 Broad street. 1919 CALENDARS Good Assortment of Bargains. Act Quickly. For good service, order at once and avoid the rush. Sample Room for Conveni ences of Customers. MYERS MANUFACTURING CO.. Third and Cumberland Sts. Above Shoe Store. FOR SALE Two oak mantels, with mirrors over shelf, as good as new. Address C. W. Lady, 113 Cal der street. WOOUA—WOOD—WOOD Fine wood, cut short, oak, specially cut for fireplace. F. J. Marter, Ben 39-J, Steelto t. WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS HIGHEST PRICES PAID for all kinds of Junk. Get our prices uefoie selling. Call Bell phone 336, or drop us a postal and our wagon will call. Keystone Iron & Metal Co., Broad and Cut runt streets. L. COHEN & COMPANY, Y'ork and Ash Avenues. Highest prices paid for rags, paper, iron, barrels, ruboer and 1 metals and old machines. Send postal or call 3221W Bell and Dial 6223. WANTED, TO BUY' An upright piano. Must be cheap for cash. Ad dress .Box E, 7483, care of Telegraph. MORRIS SAYS save money buying new and second-hand furniture here. High prices paid for furniture. Morris Schmertx. 1030 Market. Bell 3971 K. HIGHEST PRICES PAID for all 1 kinds of empty barrels and junk. Call | Bell phone 4275. B. A brains 5C Son. j 824-832 North Seventh street. MAX SMELT 2 I Second-hand furniture bought and j sold. Highest cash prices paid. Call Bell 1381 or Dial 6847. or drop a pos | tal to Max Snielu, 1016 Market street. I Will call, city or country. OFFICES AND STOREROOMS I FOR RENT Storeroom at 24 North Third street. Ncwiy remodeled \ and new tronl. Also unices tor rent i 111 same builuing. Apply next uoor 1 Tile William D. Schicisiier stoles. FOR RENT Desk room In down town otnee building. City steam, electric light und elevator service. Apply to P. O. Box 851. OFFICES FOR RENT Furnished or unlurnislied, single or enacue ui two or three rooms. Apply 11. & u Lowengard, 210 North third street. BUSINESS Ol PORTUN (TIES FOR SALE Old-established busi ness In this city, over a week profit,. W'tjilb $12,u00.0u. Owner, in poor healtu, will maae a reasonable sacrifice lor quick, sale. AUuress Box E, 6941, care ot Telegrapn. FOR t Aor. Profita- le .vevu .\geney Por Sale tu thriving suouibuu town. atoreroom in the heart of the business section. Start . business here. The Newspaper Agency will get you acquainted with the peo ple. Address BOX R, 7474. Care of Telegraph. BUSINESS PERSONALS Diamonds bought tor Cash, appraisers tor estate. P. H. Cuplan Co., zoti 61ku* QUININE —Look out for that grippe feeling, likely to catch you this , changeable weather OUR LAXATIVE PHoaPHO-QUININE will stuve it off If taken in time. Gross Drug Store, 119 Market street. I RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED ■Singie eage, Zbc doz.; double edge, 25c ; doz.; ola style, 25c each. Gorgus Drug ; Store. Money to Loan WHEN YOU NEED MONEY to meet Immediate necessities, always consul-, this reliable licensed, bondeu institution chaneied under Pennsyl vania laws and financed by local peo ple in 19U9 to suve borrowers lrum extortion. CO-OPERATIVE LOAN & INVESTMENT CO.. 204 CHESTNUT ST. WE SELL W, S. S. AND THRIFI STAMPS. "MONEY FOR NECESSITIES"" We are prepared to help r-orthy I people when In need of MONEY tor immediate necessltlea. Can and In vestigate our system. EMPLOYES' LOAN SOCIETY, 206 BKRGNEIt BLDG. ... \ WE LEND MONEY In compliance with Act of June 17. 1915, to Individu als in need of ready cash; small loans a specialty; business confidential, pay ments to -ult borrower's convenience; positively lowest ratea In city, PENNSYLVANIA INVESTMENT CO.. 132 Walnut Street. ' NOVEMBER 13, 1918. 1 Musical VIOLINS. MANDOLINS, GUITARS. BANJOS, Baud and Orchestra Instru ments promptly uud carefully repair ed. OHLKK'b. 14 South Fourth street. IF your Talking Machine needs re pairs, Just call Bull Phone 3242 J. An expert will be at your service nt once. Or bring machine to 1213 North Third street. IP your Talkiug Machine heeds re pairs, just call Bell i'hone 3242J, An expert will be at your service at once, UR Drill* machine to 1213 North Third street. TALKING MACHINES of all kinds repaired by an • expert. All work promptly done and guaranteed. Call ueli 1804R, or loos Howard avenue. HAULING AND MOVING AUTO HAULING Local or long distance. i' urimuie and piano moving I a specially. Dice Line iraiisier, 311 ' Capital street. DOUI phones. AUTO HAULING —Local and long distance. Furniture moving a spee nuV>. Rales leasonabie. I'lompt ser vice. Call •Dell biJJ. LOCAL AND LONG-DISTANCE HAULING prompt service, A. & Li. Motor Express, ail Cupitai street, oeii piione luJaJ. GENERAL HAULING ANp FAST gXranoo aiSUviCL to nearoy towns wun auto trucks. Only experieiiceu anu cure-till drivers, call Dell sejy, „r Dial iiuo. - LOCAL AND LONG-DISTANCE HAULING--* uruiture moving. Frompt service. Ernest UOIOIII, o.u Caiuer street. Boiu pnoties. Dull *o36j, Dial ! EUSJ. . lIEAM Y HAULING —Fully equipped for turniture, Height and piano mov ing. No distance too lar. Careful urtver. Ram auu dusipruof buoy. j. E. urubbcrs truck service. Irvin .lungsl, Manager, tiersuey, 1-4. Den | pnone lott-to. I AU'l'O TRUCK SERVICE -- Local 'anu loiig-utsiance, r. J. Aiartar, Bell 39-J, siceuou. ALL KINDS OF HAULING AND MOVING DUNE CONRAD BROS., 341 KELKER ST. BELL PHONE 623 W. DIAL PIIONE 3a 13. WE MOVE anything anywhere, any time. Dayton Cycle Co.. 912 North Third atieet. Dial phone 4390. IfU'KS Local and Long-distance llauliug. 424 Keily. Both Phones. _ Storage STORAGE —419 Broad street, house hold goods. merchandise. Private looms at reasonable rales. Also naut ili* ot all kiuus. D. Cooper u Co. I Doth phones. I s OKAUE—In orlck building, rear ' 403 Market. Household goods in clean, 1 private rooms. Reasonable fates. P. vs. Dleiier, 403 Market street. STOKAUE Private rooms for ' aousenoici goods 111 urepryut tvale house, $3 per month ana up. Lowei 1 storage rates lu uou-urepruuf ware -1 house. Harrisburg Sturuge Co., 437- i4a south seconu street. Undertakers SAMUEL S. r'ACKLER. T IJNERAL DIRECTOR, 1312 Derry si. I BELL 1956. DIAL 2133. j DAY AND NIGHT CALLS promptly : attended 10. 11. M. Hoitmaii, Funeral ' Director, 310 Norm second street. RUDOLPH K. SPICE It,- Funeral Director anu Emuulmer, 511 Nona Secoud street. BKLL 252. DIAL 2145. CEMETERY LOTS FOIT SALE PROSPECT HILL CEMETERY j Beautiiuliy situaieu ou Mantel street least ot Twenty-sixth, anu on the 'north and east laces the new puik : way. The prices 01 lots are moderate. I imer DIOS. <m Co:, Agents. W here to Dino ALVA HOTEL AND RES TAG KANT. THE DUJUE OF oATior'ACTION. STOUFFER S RESTAURANT—Home CuuKing served to Businessmen auu ..auics in separate dtiiiugtoum. Cleaners uiul Dyers iT PAYS to have Clothes Cleaned, Present, Dyed or t.epaueu at tne Pesl place in luwtt. Gait add deliver. Mouuinau s, x-vv >g -with o.a!X Ruin i ItUlies. AUTOMOBILES ONE NEW CONGSTOUA TRUCK Coveicd nod)', l.Uvv 10s. capacity. A ua I gam. ul i't-nauciptllu quiva x.UOcu. FOR SALE one 1917 Hupmobile Owner expects 10 uc Catted iu lite ser vice. Apply Suusutue -mi age, 2i-29 Ninth Gaaierou seteeu OLD aUTOS Wanted; usee, r..t. or oldtlmers, ,t any eutiuitiou. oee ate Peiore sac llhctlig else article. Guetsea Auto ~ .eet, tug, A. oeailtmau, as, 2i, at, Nortu G-uieioo street, tie it boA A. FOR SALE Chalmers 6-30; closed top, extra windsuieid. Price, f176. Auures* Box H. 7666, care of Tele graph. ~ anTED All kinds of used auto tires. We pay ii.gnuat ea tut pi tees. No junk. la. Esteibiouk, jiT Norte t litre street. Dial 4390. MAXWELL 1917 Good tires, one extra. Runs and looks nxe new. A rare bargain at 4400. Indian, 1916 Mouet, in good running order. Bargain at 6 76. A. bCHIFFMAN, 22-24-26 North Cameron. 1914 LNoX Racing Car, in goou Condition. 1916 Guslmera Roadsters, in A 1 con dition. soNoriiNE GARAGE, Both Phones, .lAXWlta'- Touring oar in A 1 t.tupj. Must be sold, owner was I. sited. this oar is uw. A lot ol extras, vt nesi wall new Ursa Ap at 120 south Stievuiilh -trust, OGCON'D-MAND MOTOR TRUCES toil OA 1.16 CHEAP Guns. sling ol .aiiuly wi toru cars, wilu rvat-enj ,ne- ton capacity, vitna, xtuicx, Row „iu tkiacs, with powii hoist, duuip uouy. At- sie good bargains. inter : .itonsi Harvester couipsny oi AIUOI ICS Trues Dept., 61 Wgihul alt eet. w FOlt BALE One Reo %-ton speed wagon, with standard express body. New 1916 model, William peun liiguwav Garage, Tyrone, Pe. FOR BALE, CHEAP b-paasenger 1914 Oakland touring car: fully elec trical equipped; light and starter; In tlrst-class running order; tires/good, two extra. Inquire 808 North Eigh teenth street. . AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE—Ford touring, 1917 model. Cheap, If sold at once, in good running condition. No dealer# need apply, inquire at 924 Ash ave nue. FORD 1916 Touring Car, with all new tires, in tine shape, at a bargain. Call--at 222 Blackberry avenue. MAGNETOS All types; and 6 Bosch high tension. Eismunn, Dlxey, Splltdorf, Ilea, Remv and different of coils, carouretora. eta A. Scniffinan. 22,24-26 Norm Cameron street. Bell 3633. n-EV STONE AUTO TOP CO. All sorts ot auto top and cushion work dune oy experts. Also repair work, ituusonablu rates. iul9 Mar ket st. FOR SALE Small car. In good condition, can be purchased reason ably. See Or. liurnite 1718 Stute street. SUNSHINE GARAGE Auto re pairing by experts. Road Jobs a specialty. Charges reasonable. Both Pnones. Sunshine Garage, 27 North Cameron street. WM. PENN GARAGE '304-6 Muench street. Limousines for i funeral, parties and balls; careful ! Olivers; open day and night. Bell 1 4664. SPECIAL SALE OF AUTO SUPPLIES Entire stock of Accessories and other supplies, which are ordered, will be sold at sacri ficing prices. Gas and Oil also Reduced. Special Price on Barrel Lots. 11. L. ENDERS, 239 South Cameron Street. ' I FOR SALE Seven-passenger i Packard Touring Cur. Cheap to quick I buyer. Harrieburg Taxicab and Bag ; gage Co., Strawberry and Aberdeen streets. AUTOMOBILES Dead storage, i $2.50 per month. Apply Universal Motor Car Co., 1745 North Sixth street. i USED CARS REAL AUTOMOBILE VALUES 1916 Ford touring car, newly painted, 4 new tires, demountable rims, with extra rim and tire; engine in line condition. Overland, Model SO, just out of paint shop; splendid condition; bargain. Oakland Roadster, newly painted; bargain at $225. I Ijuiek Roadster, Just painted, ' motor in good shape; real bargain. IFord. 1914 touring car. painted and overhauled. ■ 1917 Ford touring car. in perfect shape. Overland Roadster. Ford, 1916 delivery, 31x4 tires, painted and rebuilt. Ford trucks with attachments,! new body and cab, motor rebuilt. This is practically a new job. Open evenings. Convenient pay ments may be arranged. MAC'S GARAGE, 117 SOUTH TUUU> ST. MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES FOR SALE Light-cylinder, seven passenger Cadillac car, ISI6 model; fully equipped; good condition. Price reasonable. J. Spayd Bomberger. l'almyra. Pa. INDIAN MOTORCYCLE—Like new.' Bargain at 696.00. iioral, Llnglea lown. Pa. FOB SALE—liarley-Davidaon cycle. 1918 MddcL Will sell at once. Harry Y. SEITZ, Royalton, Pa. BICYCLES, BICYCLER New and rcouilt bicycles at very at tractive prices; guaranteed repair ing; come here and get u square deal. _ H. F. iiSTERBROOK. 912 N. Third Street. Dial 1990. KOit SALK First-class motor-, cycle. Guaranteed to be in good con dition. Must sell at once. Reasonable price. Call Bell phone 1687 J. " BICYCLE REPAIRING ' BY AN EXPERT. ALL WOKE GUARANTEED. DOKY SHANER. i WITH ANDREW REDMOND. 1607 NORTH THIRD ST. INDIAN, 1916—Good as new. (190.09. Good tires —one new. Bargain. Horst - Garage. Linglestown. PA HENDERSON MOTORCYCLE FOR SAGE — 6126. 1916 Model. 2-spood. Good machine. Call R Chestnut street, steeiton. .* !•! BUY old bicycles, coaster brakes, and trainee. Call Dial 4990, Ksterbrook. PGBIJC SALE AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, NO VEMBER IS, at Navaro Hotel. Worm leysburg. l'a., at 1:30 P. M„ Sand and Coal Fleet, conaisting of eteamboet and equlpiuent; one pnmp and •qulp ment; six flats; two horses ainf har ness; two carta ona wagon; block and falls, and other tools too numerousto mention. Terms Cash. C. WILSON SWARTZ, EDWARD F, POKHNffI, VICTOR BRADDOCK, Attorneys MAXWELL H. HITE, | Auctioneer, ' GARAGES ACCESSORIES AND REPAIRS AUTO RADIATORS of all kinds re paired by epeolaltats, Also tenders, North Third street, WELDING AUTO AND if A CHINS PARTS Frames straightened and welded. Heavy Cast Iron Our Specialty, Expert Welders, Work Guaranteed CAPITAL^CITY^WELDINQ A. 13
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers