Rumania Declares War on Germany; Bolshevism Recognized at Berlin; Former Fos n Gtfzml tefe HARRISBURG iffipflll TELEGRAPH \ ' s!jc olcr- Independent. LXXXVII— No. 251 14 PAGES Ua, L!in! HARRISBURG. PA.. WEDNESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 13. 1918. ' N %KXVIP'IR'iciV I^ S |LAIIUIM'I ..V, 1 *" TWO*"-! !"■ HOME EDITION CROWN PRINCE JOINS ROYAL EXILES IN HOLLAND; WILSON PROMISES GERMANY AID PERSHING'S ARMY AWAITS ORDER OF FRENCH MARSHAL Marks Time Until Foch Announces Next Move TEUTONS SET OFF MISSILES Americans Join With French in Gaiety By Associated Prtss With (lie American Army at the Front, Nov. 13.—The American Army is marking time until orders come from Marshal Koch for the next move. The roads near the front are tilled with the panoply of the war that has ended. The soldiers are wondering when they will get home. All day yesterday there were many explosions behind the German lines, indicating that the enemy was blow ing up ammunition dumps. Very lew German soldiers were seen along the front line, giving rise to the be lief that plans already are under way for the retirement back to their own border. (It is not probable that the Ger mans were destroying ammunition dumps after the signing of the armis tice terms. Because of the congested cables it is probable that portions of tiiis dispatch were written on No vember 11 and in some unaccount able manner were delivered with and us a part of dispatches filed to-day.) Must (in Home Through Liege The German command will have a difficult task, it Is believed, to ac complish this in time, because since the Americans have cut the Mezieres- Longuyon line at Sedan, the Germans have but one main line over which to return to Germany. This line runs through Liege. The terms of the armistice forbid American airplanes from going over the German lines, and inasmuch as no prisoners are being taken, it is virtually impossible to get any in formation as to the movements of the German Army. Wonderful Change on War Front The hours since the cessation of hostilities have wrought a wonder ful change on the front. Silence pre vails. Ambulances are parked along the road. Laughing groups of Amer ican and French soldiers are rejoicing over their success. It is taken for granted that war cannot start going again. Only one thing goes on as it did before—the work of the German pris oners who are repairing the damage German guns and mines have done to the roads of France. Olelirntions Continue The celebrations over the signing of the armistice in the towns in this part of France continue with un abated Joy. The villages are illum inated for the first time in four'years. Paris. Nov. 13.—With dawn of Mon day there was no hint of the cessa tion of hostilities. East of the Meuse, regardless of the situation, the Amer ican second army attacked in force [Continued on Page ll.] '.'The Heart Breaker" Begins Today BEGINNING to-day, the Teie grnph begins Ihe publication of Airs. Virginia Terhune Van dp Water's new serial, ' The Heart Breaker"—a real American love story which gives a fine picture of life in a small town. This serial should be read for its fidelity to human nature by every intelligent woman. It sets forth the experiences, difficulties and trials of two sisters whom the deaths of their parents made or phans early in life. One sister has morfe attractive qualities, while the other, though not so beautiful, is blessed with ninny degrees more of common sense. Their experiences are told 'n a faithful, human way that should appeal to lovers of all that • good in romance. THE WEATHER Far Harriabnrg and vicinity! Fair to-night end Thnrndnyt not much change In temperature. lon eat to-night about 3d de gree*. For Kant era Pennsylvania: Gen erally fnlr to-night and Thurs day: not rnneh change In tem perature; moderate treat to northwest winds. River Tbr Snaqtirhnnna river nnd nil Its tributaries will continue to (nil a lowly. A stage of nhont 4A feet la Indicated for Harrisburg Thursday morning. GERMANY MUST OBEY DETAILS OF THE ARMISTICE London, Nov. 13.—'The Allied high command lias sent to (lie German high command by French wireless a message that there 'an lie no modification of the eontli tions of the arinistiee. including the annexes, at this time. It Is addc dtliat a supplemen tary period of 21 hours for the evarit tine of Belgium, Luxem burg and Alsace- l-orrahie has been added to the fourteen days stipulated in the original text, so as to permit the text to reach German headquarters at the de sired time. Three Cents For the Soldiers in France! WOULD you believe it possible that any citizen of Harrisburg coulfl so little appreciate the sacrifices and the hardships and ail that has been done for their coun try by the American soldiers over there as to contribute THREE CENTS to the support of the seven welfare organizations which are ad ministering to our fighting forces? j Another contributor gave ten cents, less than the price of admis siop to a ntovie show, and still others seemed to think they had been most generous when they gave SI.OO. Were it not that Harrisburg has demonstrated its loyalty and its pa triotism and its devotion to our sol diers in all the war activities the conviction would be forced home that there is mighty little patriotism in this community. But It is not so. The three-cent citizen and the ten-cent-citizen is a rare exception to the rule, when as is evident, one stops to consider what our fighters have done and how they have protected our men, women and children from the awful condi tions which are now prevailing in Russia, Germany and elsewhere in the combat urea. However, the thousands of loyal, patriotic men and women and chil dren of Harrisburg are going to answer the call for the big fund that is necessary to keep our boys in com fort until they come back. Those' who have been so indifferent as to j throw a few pennies to the soldiers as they might to the beggar on the sidewalk, must settle with their own consciences. We leave them to their thoughts which may he no more pleusant than those which now con cern the late Kaiser and his group. Of course, those who are giving of their penury are not in the class to which this story applies. Those who are poor in this world's goods and #vho have given all that they can af ford to give are rich in comparison with those who have large revenues ; and large wages and who give dimes j where they should give hundreds. , Former Kaiser Styles Himself Count and Plans to Buy Holland Estate By Associated I'ress London. Nov. 13. Holland will j permit William Hohenzollcrn to re | main on Dutch soil on the same | terms of internment as other high officers of the German army. He has 1 taken the name of Count William Hohenzollcrn and is expected to buy an estate and remain in Holland, ac cording to an Amsterdam dispatch to the Exchange Telegraph Com pany. The Telegraaf of Amsterdam snvs he was allowed to take only his I personal property from his train, the I nonpersonal property which was | brought to Holland being confiscut | ed, as is usual in internment cuses. Recent dispatches have stated that the former emperor had taken a \earload of archives with him into (Holland. Wilhelm Says He Didn't Flee From Falling Empire By Associated I'ress London, Nov. 13. — A published statement, which the former Ger man emperor wishes to be regarded as his reason for going to Holland, says that the Journey was not a flight, according to an Amsterdam dispatch to the Dally Telegraph. His departure from Germany was actu ated by a desire to facilitate the work of the new government by ridding them of any embarrassment his presence in Germany might cause, 'such as an attempt to muke him the center of a royalist agita tion. I CITY SETTLES DOWN TO HARD TASK OF PEACE Ward Quotas Are Announced With Workers on Toes For Victory Ward Quotas First >O,OOO Second 11,.*>00 Third 40,500 Fourth 31,500 Firth 5,000 Slxlli 5,000 Seventh 40.000 Eighth . . .•! 3,500 Ninth 10,000 Tenth 8,000 Eleventh 7,000 Twelfth 5,500 Thirteenth 15,000 Fourteenth 1,000 Total >IBO,OOO When those quotas are raised, llnrrisbiirg will be over the top hi the United War Work Cam paign. The number and size of the Industries hi the wards were taken into account when the quotas were determined. The first reports of the homes canvassers who began this morning to visit every house in Harrisburg for a contribution to the quota o>f SIBO,OOO for the United War Work fund, will be received at headquar ters in the Gilbert storroom this aft | ernoon. With ward quotas assigned and a ! definite goal to work for, the soiicit | ors began their canvass early this I morning, determined to make the j meeting in the Chestnut Street Audi j torini Friday night, when the returns | are received, a Jubilation. The ean j vassers hope to raise far more than I the city's quota in the whirlwind I campaign of to-day, to-morrow and | Friday. Ward and precinct maps with ev ery block marked out, were given to ward leaders and precinct lieuten • [Continued on Page ll.] Wounded Harrisburg Boy Arrives at American Port J .lames H. Craig deputy secretary | of Internal affairs, 1702 North Sec ond street, has received a Red Cross postal, announcing that his son, Car roll P. Caig, has arrived at De barkation Hospital No. 2, Staten Is land, N. Y„ from overseas. Carroll P. Craig graduated at the Harrisburg Academy in the class of 1916 and entered the Department of Dabor and Industry as a messenger. He enlisted iri the Governor's Troop and left with that command for Camp Hancock. He was afterward transferred to Battery E, 108 th Field' Artillery, 28th Division. He em barked for France last May, was promoted to first class private, quali fied as a wireless operator and was attached to Regimental Headquar ters' Company. On August 18 he was wounded in the leg by u fiiece of shell when entering the village of Chevy, about two miles south of Fts j mes. since which time lie has been in hospitals in France. The only information as to his.conditions con tained in the card is that he is feel ing well. What Have You Really Given—Not LENT WALTER SHAFFER, SHOT DOWN BY ENEMY, IS FOUND IN HUN CAMP I Dauphin Aviator Reported Lost in Air Battle Located j by Red Cross in Unnamed Prison Cantonment :HAD SERVED LONG IN FRENCH FLYING CORPS I Official worrl to the effect that Wal ] ter J. Sraffer, the Dauphin aviator, |is a prisoner in a German prison i camp, was received from the Bureau I of Communication of the American I Red Cross last night by Mi3s Helen ! R. Leib, of the local chapter's Home ! Service Section. Immediately after I the receipt of the news. Miss Leib i attempted to get into communication | with the parents of the flyer, Mr. | and Mrs. Charles S. Shaffer, Dauphin. The proud possessor of a French War Cross, Shaffer is widely known throughout Pennsylvania. He wrote a series of remarkably interesting letters descriptive of the life of an aviator overseas, which were pub lished in the Harrisburg Telcif.-.iph. j They were eagerly read by thousands | and were later used in a metropoli j tan daily. ! Shaffer held the rank, of adjutant, j the highest noncommissioned rank iin the French Army. He won high | honors by bringing down a balloon ! and two planes in action. The tlirll- Iling story of these exploits was re counted in a recent letter published in this paper. | (Is was a member of the French | Flying Corps and was one of the QUINN FARE AND | SERVICE CASE IS UP FOR HEARING Harrisburg Railways Com pany Appears Before Pub i liee Service Commission Hearing 1 of the complaint of O. F. j Quinn against the six-cent fare and ] service of the Harrisburg Railways j Company, in which it was claimed I that people who did not get seats I should not be'made to pay full fate iand In which a drive for a valuation was start-id, speedily became involved In large sheets of figures to-day be i fore Public Service Commissioner j James Alcorn. The tables showed I the costs of operation. material, ■j wages and other Items and finally an ' adjournment had to be taken ,iour..l [Continued on Page 12.] PRESS CENSORSHIP METED I Washington. Nov. 13.—The VOluh | tary censorship regulations under ! which newspapers In the United ■ States have refrained front mentlon- I ing the ntovements of all mere-hunt i ships plying in and out of "Atlantic ! ports have been lifted. This was 1 announced last night by Secretary i Daniels. j ADJUTANT SHAFFER Americans who were moved by.the atrocities of the Hun nnd his Allies, to offer their services to nearly-ex hausted France, before America en tered the war. Several weeks ago members of his squad informed his parents that his plane had been shot down by anti aircraft Are while he was attacking h balloon. It was not Known whether lie had been killed or taken prison er. No details as to his condition have been received. YANKEES MUST REMAIN ABROAD MANY MONTHS No Chance For Boys Being j Home by Christinas, Parents Are Told Cast night's meeting In the Chest-; nut street auditorium was a dash' of cold water in the face of the hopes of many. To the unthinking who arc taking seriously the expression, j "home before Christmas," it wus un-j equivocably stated by E. T. Oolton, | Y. SI. C. A. director who has recent- j ly returned from Russia, that the I soldiers probably will not start home j [Continued on Page ll.] German Officers Turn Gun on Revolutionists; Kill Several in Clash Copenhagen. Nov. 13. Fresh ■ fighting broke'out in Berlin on Mon day, according to messages received here from the German c-npitul. I.oyni officers opened fire from the royal i stables and attacked the revolution aries with muchlne guns on the Un ter dert Linden. Several persons were killed. BETTER HOUSING 1 CONDITIONS MAY j COME WITH PEACE Building Operations Expected lo Pick Up in Short Time Sow that Germany lias been de feated. housing and building inter ests hereabouts are looking into the future for scarcely since the great war started has the building fra ternity of Harrisburg been able to make any headway in construction 'matters, particularly in reference to houses, causing thereby as it did al most everywhere else, the most em barrassing and cramped ilving con ditions In the history of the city. Peace having released the embargo on building materials imposed by the War, and having released aiso an appreciable quantity of labor which is sure to seek more peaceful lints of occupation than has been us wont since the opening of hostilities, for ward-looking builders of this city see a bright future ahead for their war-delayed plans of some construc tion. Apropos the building outlook, John E. Glpple, president of the Har risburg Heal Estate Hoard, had this to say to-day: I'rlecN Arc High "The housing• situation in Harris burg has been cense for over a year and will contint'j to be for some time to come, but with the war now over and the government probably If moving the embargo on building materials, 1 am sure that the build ers of this city will do all they cqn to meet the housing needs." Vast and ! Ulrica to mutters of labor, materials and the cost of the latter, enter into any building forecast, Mr. G'pple pointed out who gave tt as i his view in reference*lo the last i named Item, that en™ of materials (Continued on Page 12.] United Cigar Stores to Give Cent to War Fund For Every Customer j For every customer who comes I into Ihe thrVe local stores of the j United Cigut' Stores Company of j America, November 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18, the corporation will give a i penny to the United War Work Fund. This announcement was made i this pnorning by the local store | manager. In addition all custo mers will be asked to give contribu tions. It is expected that in all of j the stores throughout the nation ! owned by the contjJany, the con tributions will amount to more than : SIOO,OOO. Besides the. umount contributed by ! the customers and the lirm every j employe of the stores will be the subject of a personal appeal and j.every effort will be made to have 100 per cent., stores officials stat | ed. RICH TOILKR DIES OF BURNS Scwell. N. J., Nov. 13. —Reputed j to ho worth SIOO,OOO, Charles Ros ter, 60 years old, is dead at his home as the result of burns SUE- ] tallied In an accident at the'fuse plan* at PanUboro a few days ago. A | Hush of powder burned him about the face and arms. Roster Is said j to hove umawed h wealth os n i blacksmith in Philadelphia and I through Investment*. j GERMANY'S PLEA FOR FOOD TO RE SENT TO ALLIES President Wants Assurances Order Will Be Maintained and Distribution Just . PROMISES QUICK ACTION Wilson Calls Attention to As surance of Versailless Su i pretne Council Washington, Nov. 13.—Germany's appeal for food has been answered by President Wilson with the prom ise that lie will take tip with the Allies immediately the question of sending supplies If assurances can he given that order will he maintained in Germany and un equitable distri bution of food guaranteed. | Causing Answers Ilcply Secretary Lansing handed to Min ister Stilzer, of Switzerland, to-day a reply to a note delivered yesterday transmitting a Message from Chan cellor Ebert, urgently requesting that the President inform him by wireless whether the United States would [Continued on Page 11.] PLAXXED RERLIX DEEEXSE Ify Associated Press Copenhagen, Nov. 13.—Telegrams found in the palace of the former German Crown Prince, according to a Berlin telegram to the National Tidende, show that it had been planned to send loyal troops front the front to Berlin in an attempt to i crush the revolution. 3 * 3 j t ■ < 4 X 4 1 ■•■ T 4 1* j! *- 'w * HI • ' 2 X JJ X *W 2 ■ L 7•• - m X T j* ::' '" V r 'X 4* X ji ft -| w '* *T t • t X "Jm; J 'm T . . X Tr- •• ■ A j> "' '■ '■ '.*ail:i X •■jl * * 4* • 4* '* 4* ■* X i ~ • i '• 'J •• , • -'v ' ~ i ' ' \ i t. • • • :•'t c. • * jl i ' C I • v ' * * ; j 1 1 ■ i J. Dir.sld Swept; M £ I , ittornei for the murder /.trial. Feinceker jt. f %t id have been?in the eowntv jail at .fc ' ' i since their.Tre?* perfdinj? ■of the scene cf the | i ? • if<3 be"ftet rrhihed lartiieh' fceuht, n!t ♦, ,-v'ui 1 the trial. p • .; ; MARRIAGE LICENSES <J| Ulljnh n. Nm.lU and K. I rish (on, Harrl.burif. "T"- If CROWN PRINCE, UNHARMED, HAS REACHEDFATHER Humor of His Death Uncon firmed by Official Sources REPUBLIC IS* GROWING Teutonic Austria Joins the New German Re public By Associated Press The Hague, Nov, 13.—The former German Crown Prince arrived.yesterday at Maastricht, according to a dispatch received here. Washington, Nov. 13.—1t was officially stated to-day that the American government lias no confirmation of rumors that the j former German Crown Prince has been killed. Copenhagen, Nov. 13.—Ger man-Austria has been pro claimed a part of the German republic by the stale council, says a dispatch from Vienna. Copenhagen, Nov. 13. — The abdication of Emperor I [Continued on Page I.]
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