6 HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH A INGFRSRIRXR FOR r/rft BOMS Founded XSSI Published evenings except Sunday by THE TEI.UhIUPk PRINTING CO. Telegraph Balldlag, Federal Rusre B. J. STAGKPOLtt President and Rdttor-lnrOhief T. R. OYSTER, £uf(ne Jgtmoper QUI M. BTBINMHTJS, Ifanopiny Pfitter A. R. MIOHENER, Circulation .Vanaper Executive Board / 7. P. MoCULLOUQH, BOYD M. OQHLSBY. F. R. OTSTER. QUA M. STEINWETZ. Member of the Associated Press—The Associated Press 1s exclusively en titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or net otherwise credited In this paper and also the local published herein. ... All rights of republication of special dispatches herein are also reserved. I Member American Newspaper Pub lishers' Associa tion. the Audit Bureau of Circu lation and Penn- Assocl- Hastern office, Story. Brooks Building, Story, Brooks & Finley, Peoale's Gas Building, Entered at the Post Office in Harris burg. Pa., as second class matter. By carrier, ten cents a week; by mail, SS.OO a year in advance. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1918 There are three kinds of people in the world —the wills, the won'ts and the cants; the first accomplish ev erything, the second oppose every thing and the third fail in every thing.—WlLLlAM T. ELLIS. GERMANY BEATEN THE end of the war is so plainly In sight that fighting may como to an end before these words reach tho public. Germany has been unable to procure an armistice be fore the defeat of her armies. Tho military supremacy of the Allies has been clearly proved. Germ.n sol diers are utterly defeated and in panic-stricken flight. Even though actual warfare ends to-day, the world knows that the Allies have smashed the German military machine, and that it is trying desperately to save the remnants from utter annihila tion. That is the big thing that his- Btory will record of these momentous days. The legend of German invinci bility is shattered. And the next biggest thing is the plight in which the, German empire finds itself. It is In grave danger of going the way Russia has gone. It will be to the Interests of the Allies to save the nation from this disaster. The Bolshevik Is u menace to the world. Bolsheviklsm must be put down if civilization is to live. A quick cessation of the war, the occupation of German territory by Allied forces, the abdication of the Kaiser and a complete democratization of Ger many alone can save the country from a deluge of blood from within. Wo have no great pKy for the Ger man people in tho misfortune that has overcome them, but it is our duty to the world and to ourselves to put down tho international crim inal wherever he may be found, and the Bolshevik is as bad as the Kaiser himself. Germany has broken with the shaky Government of Russia, but having stolen about everything that the Prussian Invaders could lay their hands on, they are probably quite wil ling to relinquish any further respon sibility. One of the specifications of the peace terms with Germany should be the sending of an enormous salvage corps of the Allied armies to scour every part of Germany for the plunder which has been shipped back from the invaded territory. Germany will never get what's coming to her until there la a thorough reclamation service es tablished which will return, so far as possible, the stolen property of the neighboring countries. ARE YOU READY? ONLY those who are in intimate touch with the great war work program of seven wonderful organizations have any real appre ciation of the comprehensive char acter of their big undertaking. Of all the projects that have been launched, however, none is more far-reaching than the determination of the United War Work campaign ers to establish among the fighting forces of the United States overseas universities for the continuance dur ing the period of *demobillzatlon of the educational work which was in terrupted with the breaking out of the war. Several thousand professors are being mobilized under the direction of the united campaign leaders for educational work on the other side of the* ocean. All the Y. M. C. A. and Knights of Columbus buildings will be utilized as educational cen ters and here the university work will be c&rried on. Millions of dol lars are necessary for t,hls splendid effort In behalf of the boys who have been fighting the battles of freedom and justice, Many of the young soldiers will eome back as a result of this program ready for their de grees or prepared to continue their college careers without any serious Interruption ef their studies, This arrangement will reproduce In a way the military institute of SATURDAY RVEMNtI, peace times where the educational tthd the military are combined in a Wholesome and practical inanneft There are thousands of buildings available (or the soldiers and the importance of continuing at the olope of hostilities the welfare work wKich has heen so largely respon sible for maintaining the morale of the flghtlhg forces is evident When our lighters come back they will bo better men in every way than when thoy left. But we must stay With them until they get back home) There will not only be oppor tunity for - the classical training of the meni thcro will be vocational training and overy opportunity to fit themselves for even better things when thoy roturn home than they had before going into the army. So the United War Work organi sations are getting right behind the men at the most critical time to prove to them that the people at hdme are roady to back them in war or peace. The plans that have been worked out to let our fighters go to school —to give men vocational and technical training that will fit them to earn njore when they return than they did before they left —the opening of the English and French universities for higher education— the organization of correspondence courses so that however isolated a man may be he can benefit by these advantages—these are the things which the great army educa tional program of the United War Work campaign ■ contemplates and which the people of the country are now asked to provide for in their contributions to the big drive that will get fully under way next Tues day, the 12th of November. So it is up to you to show by your willingness to help in the raising of this great fund that you are much Interested in the fighting men who are ready for peace as you were for the same men who were pepared to make the supreme sacrifice for you on the fighting front. The nearer peace comes the more you must give—to make the period of demobilization an asset instead of a dangerous liability for our fight ers. THANKSGIVING WEEK GOVERNOR BRUMBAUGH has asked the people of the Com monwealth to observe to-mor row as Thanksgiving Day for the passing of the influenza epidemic. That is a good thought, but why not enlarge upon it? Why not make the whole of next week a Thanksgiving period for the victory that has come to the Allied arms and the preserva tion of civilization? The man who is truly thankful gives. The ancient Hebrews offered up sacrifices of the best that God had given them. Let us emulate that worthy example by giving something of our plenty to those who need it, and with the War Work committee asking for SIBO,OOO from the city alone, it will not be difficult to de cide where your gifts should go. Be thankful to the soldiers and sailors who have made our civiliza tion secure and register the fervency of your prayers by the number of the dollars you give for their welfare. Give as you pray. ] OF THE OLD SCHOOL THE Telegraph published last evening a poem by Prof. J. H. Kurzenknabe, of Camp Hill, long a resident of this city and known anil loved by thousands. If all the people native to Gerihany were of the kindly nature of the aged musician there never would have been a war. As Mr. Morgenthau, tlfe dis tinguished former- ambassador to Turkey, said during his address in Chestnut street hall Thursday, the German life of a half-century back has been crushed by the military teachers, who took the children at the cradle and instilled into their hearts and minds the damnable doc trines that almost ruined civiliza tion and are about to destroy the forces that set them in motion. Just now we are so sore over the atrocities of the modern Germans that we haye forgotten for the moment the older, kinder Germany, but we are not so vengeful but that we hope the old days will return and after a period in sackcloth and ashes the Germans may again come into their own. Prof. Kurzenknabe is of the old schopl of Germans, but he is of the modern school of Americans, all wool and a yard wide. THE ONION CROP WESTERN Pennsylvania far mers complain that they have no market for the 75,000 bushels of onions they raised this year, and they are at a loss to under stand why. We think we know. Most likely its because of the scarcity of good beefsteak. Steak smothered in onions used to be a favorite dish in many restaurants. But when the army went to France and most of the fine cuts of beef followed, and what was left at home shot up beyond the price we once paid for turkey, the consumption of onions suffered likewise. The remedy is equally simple and scientific. Let the far mers who complain raise steers on one half the farm and onions on the other, and—presto—the problem Is solved. Or, the war coming to an end and the supply of beef for home con sumption being gradually Increased, why not -an advertising campaign to popularize the consumption of beef steak smothered in onions, in which the restaurant men and the growers of French fried potatoes might Join, Pictures of a prime broiled sirloin, surrounded by steaming brown onions, with crisp potatoes on the side, together with a pot of coffee and plenty of bread and butter—be fore-the-war-sise Orders—and the line "Tender and juicy) fragrant and wholesome," or something like that, ought to do the trlek, Which Would be profitable for the hewepapere as well as the onion growers, We know a lot about onion grow ing and selling, do We not? We do not, MINI <I N—SAASPACABS: 'folltcct t}C By the Ex-Committeeman Probably the thing which is caus-. lng tlie most comment among men who have Btudled the returns of Tuesday's election is that there should have been conditions ap proaching panlo among Republicans in tome sections of tho Btate a week ago. There wore places in Pcnnsyl- I vnnla which wero covered with a blue haze seven or eight days ago. Some Republican loaders of long ex perience were depressed • over the situation and Inclined to glvo ear to the extravagant claims of Demo crats and to disregard the predic tions from the Republican state headquarters. A week ago State Chairman Wil liam E. Crow calmly stated that the Republican majority for the state ticket was going to go close to 200,- 000, but observers, accustomed to the vagaries of Pennsylvania politics, took a different view and talked of 76,000. The truth of the matter is that between the noise made by the Democrats In their insistence that Democratic Congressmen had to bo elected to win tho war and other re markable pre-election statements artd the din made by the liquor in terests and the "experinced boast rs" about Judge Bonnlwell many men were led astray. The result has shown that State Chairman Crow and the people at Republican headquarters had their ears to the ground a week ago and got it right. Incidentally, Senator Sproul, who made 150,000 as hie mark, received a very pleasant sur prise in a majority which distanced even his record vote over and above his opponent at the primary. The conclusions to be drawn are. that the Republicans were united and did not realize how much the Presi dent's appeal had damaged his own party, already rent by the row be tween McCormick and Palmer on the one hand and Bonnlwell on the other. —Men who have followed politics will regret the death of Samuel E. Hudson, dean of political writers in Pennsylvania. "Sam" Hudson, as he was known to every man who ever got anywhere in state or Philadel phia affairs in the last forty years, entered newspaper work Arly in the seventies and became i\oted as a Washington correspondent for the Philadelphia Bulletin and as a legis lative correspondent." He was a varied and prolific writer, most entertain ing and with a fund of reminiscence which he had lately been writing for the North American's issue. Mr. Hudson was connected with most of the Philadelphia newspapers in his day and was a figure at many legislative sessions, —lt will, take the soldier vote to decide the Luzerne county Congres sional contest. Lackawanna's result will not be changed by the soldier vote and it looks as though the Dem ocrats had won the seat. —Mayor Smith is out for a lower tax rate in Philadelphia. —Pittsburgh people will demand creation of a State Health Commis sion to review acts of the Commis sioner of Health as a result of the influenza controversy. —James M. Hamilton, a figure tn the battles against the McClure peo ple in Delaware/County, has retired from politics, it is said. He was some fighter and cost the McClur.es wake ful nights and .large expenditures. —The manner in which every northet-n tier county went Republi can is somewhat interesting because it means Republican peace even if the perennial Philadelphia row does try to break out again. —The boom for Representative Aaron B. Hess, of Lancaster city, for speaker is said to be now in the finishing shop. It will appear soon. —The general impression is that there will be very little opposition to the nomination of Frank A. Smith, former Republican county chairman, for Senator to succeed Lieutenant Governor Edward E. Beidleman. There will be a special election in the winter. Mr. Smith is favored by many Republicans in city and county. —All expense accounts of the 126 commissioners dispatched to camps and stations of the army and navy and marine corps in this country to take the votes in the national service will be audited by the Dep uty Secretary of the Commonwealth and paid by the Auditor General's Department without question, ac cording to a statement heard to-day. The appointment of commissioners was a matter in the discretion of the Governor and there-is over $12,000 tn the State Treasury to pay the ex penses. The state allows ten cents a mile traveled. The state will be call ed upon to pay a pretty penny for expenses of some of the commission ers who were sent as far as Salt Lake, Fort Sill, Fort Russell and other places in the Far West where few Pennsylvanians were reported, while the cost of the six or eight sent to Pacific coast states will run high considering the number of votes polled. —The Philadelphia and Pitts burgh newspapers print considerable interesting speculation from Wash ington about the figure Pennsylvania will cut in the next Congress. The Inquirer, for instance, says: "In the House, where the latest returns show a net gain of two Republi cans In the Pennsylvania delega tion, Representative Thomas S. But ler, of Pennsylvania, doubtless will be made chairman of the committee on naval affairs. Representative Benjamin K. Focht, ofthe Seven teenth Pennsylvania district, is ranking Republican of the war claims committee, whid} will in crease In importance. Representative J. Hampton Moore, of Philadelphia, will loom large in the investigations which the Rqpubllcaps will launch to see how the war appropriations have been expended. He has tried both In the wys and means committee and on the floor of the House to se cure legislation looking toward the creation of a Joint committee on expenditure*, and has invariably been blacked by the Democratic ma jority. With control in the hands of the Republicans the lid will be off for a thorough accounting of the gigantic wdr appropriations, and it IS expected Mr. Moore will be promt pent in the investigation. New Re publican faces in the Pennsylvania delegation will be Edward S. Brooks, who succeeds Andrew R. Brodbeck, in U\e Twentieth S. A. Ken dall, who follows Bruce F. Sterling, and Willis J. Hullngs, who defeats Earl L, Beshlln." 1 toterSBURG CifiujSfflU TETJEGTOJPIt THAT GUILTIEST FEELING MI3SIN6 AM .OA3Y PUTT OP /T"7~"T |IF \ ' A/PMK <wa'v6 &*)/'KSH KSE^ Two FCCT ON TUe eifiHTeeNTM / \A/HAT / * CH/WCB y 6"ij- HE OP Ml Kg ?! GRBeM FOR A "OP „ , MISSED IT . ' *7 sr Yjia MATCH UY ONJE OP. NJOV>J /•HAfcLIG I YoiJ . ] SLAMT AT HUS Trtfi MATCM 17 T JimS< ITATFS 0 M . I / tX"PKB-iJI CSIU- U MrtLp / \ vOhaT •Th -- I ,v.|p& TbOftf I ITS A S£RPAM • . • ' h ha^%, ? / ITALIA IRRIDENTA [From the Kansas City Star] The complete and decisive victory achieved by Italian arms, a victory which, measured by its direct and immediate results, must be account ed one of the greatest in the war's annals, will be accorded the fullest recognition by the Allies and by his tory. A year after the defeat of Caporetto, in which German treach ery accomplished what German and Austrian arms could not do, the army has shown the world how slight was the crack opeAed up in the Italian defense by the elaborate propaganda and barrage of lies with which the tsnemy had sought to break it down, and how steadfast and unshaken Italian nationalism and the character of the Italian people remained thoughout the or deal. The resolute stand on the Piave, after the retreat from the Isonzo, j deprived the enemy of all the, ex-, pected fruits of his victory, pur-1 chased by deceit and intrigue, The | army did not break, the nation stood j firm and, instead of the sack of I Venice and the triumphant march to I Rome the enemy had promised him- ' self, he was forced to devote his I whole strength to holding a line! that profited him nothing and kept | from Germany the help that had | been anticipated from a released j Austrian army. If Italy had done no more for the | Allied cause, this canceling of Aus trian co-operation with the German i forces in other theaters would have! been an ample measure of service i from a nation without large econo- ; mic resources and deficient in war material, such as coal and steel. . i But Italy was not content with that effort. Her soil was invaded. Her ancient provinces were unre deemed and she had lost the line of her first brilliant advance. She re sumed the offensive, forced the pass age of the Piave, defeated and routed a great Austrian army that occupied a front of more than a hundred miles, and in a campaign of but a few days, laid Austria's military! power in the dust. Germany's last ally, the power closest to her and on which which she counted the most, was put out of the war, and, by a poetic Justice, put out by the na tion the Austrians had long oppress ed and despoiled. Italy is redeemed. The Italian flag again floats in Trieste and the Trentino, and in the acclaim of the Italian people over this victory of justice every Allied people will heartily Join its voice. Both Were Proud [From the Chicago Tribune.] Anna, the maid, having picked up a woolly sheep, a soldier boy, a Teddy bear, and many kindred treas ures strewn about, vigorously pro ceeded to tidy up the apartment. Mother came home and expressed a warm approval. Much gratified, the maid re marked with pride: "It takes me to clean up." With equal pride Delia remarked: "It certainly taikes me to dirty up. That gives you a lovely chance to get praised by muvver." LABOR NOTES The convention of the North Caro lina State Federation of Labor peti tioned the State Legislature to pass a free textbook law. In the steel works at Hanya,ng, China, common labor gets $3 a month, skilled labor gets from SB. to sl2 a month. Traffic over the Tralee and Dingle (Ireland) I.ight Railway was sus pended for some days owing to a strike of the employes. It is estimated that in all lines of work 1,442,000 women have stepped in to fill the depleted ranks of indus try in England. The anthracite coal district has lost 30,000 miners through the draft, enlistments and by inducements of fered in other industries. .State administered workmen's health insurance was indorsed -by the Colorado State Federation of Labor at its recent annual conven-j tlon- , Pennsylvania railroad clerks in Philadelphia are Joining the Broth erhood of Railway Clerks in squads and platoons. There are 8,000,000 British wage earners now being paid from the public funds, either for service with the colors or 14 'munition work and other war trades Every Hut Will Be a University Class Room When Victory Is Won W V HAT shall Ido when I get back home?" "Will I be all out of step? "Will thege warfare years unfit me for making progress in business when I return?" These are the questions that boys are asking over there —asking them eagerly, half fearsomely. They have given a year, or two, or three years and of the best part of their lives. Will it mean that they are handicapped permanently because of that sacrifice? Not much! When the day of final victory comes every "hut" in France will become a university class room. Our belief in the necessity and value of this work is so great and our' confidence in the backing flkf the j people so strong that the Y. M. C. A.! recently ordered over two million i dollars' worth of educational books to go to France now and be paid for out of the money to be raised in the forthcoming United War Work campaign. The leading educators of America have been across and laid out the plhn; the best teachers that: Our fighters haven't failed you. Don't fail them! When peace conies more than ever they will need the entertainment and educational work of these seven organization^, our schools and universities can pro vide, have vplunteered to go across. And with them will, go 'a steady stream of. the ablest American busi nessmen. Together they will keep the boy up.to the mark. They will give him the chance to come back, a better trained, more resourceful, more successful boy than when he went away. He has fought your battles for you and won. Will you send him the men and the'books that will help him to win the battle of after life? Dr. John R. Mott has this to say i of the great reconstruction move ment for soldiers: "The burning question to-day is, j shall the period of demobilization be a period of demoralization or not? We have sent more "than 300 pro-i What Have I Done? [From the United War Work Cam paign Literature] What have you done,* what have you done To help the boys "Behind the gun?" Men who, fagged and travel weary, "turned the tide at Chateau Thierry, And those whose bleeding bodies stood The hail of death at Belleau Wood? For these, the bravest under the sun, What have you done? What have you done? What have you done, What have you done To back the men who stopped the Hun? What have you offered —words or deeds To meet ypur country's urgent needs? | Trenches in France are running red i With freemen's blood for freedom shod. 1 They braved the blas r t of fire and gun, What have you done? What have . you done? What have you done, what have you done Along the trail of the frightful Hun To mend the bodies racked and torn? What have you given, what fonworn : To ease the hunger, pain and Woe Wrought by a brutal, savage fo6? Have you a heart, or have you none? What have you done? What have you done? What will you have when vlct'ry's won— A record to show or one to shun? JVhlch shall it be to praise or blame, A glow of pride or blush of shame? Whep war scarr'd heroes question j you, What will you say, what will you do? Answer to conscience—every one, "What have I doqe? What have I done?" —A MM I y RIGHT. Retaining Oneis Confidence Cast not away therefore your con fidence, which hath great recom pense of reward. —Hebrews x, 35. feasors and teachers over there and we need two thousand ritfcre. ■ We need five million dollars for text books alone, for the American Army. We need three million dollars for books of reference. The educational program ought to get one hundred million dollars by itself." Among other plans originated in Harrisburg for stimulating interest in .the United War Work fund and raising the city's quota of SIBO,OOO, and the district's quota of SBOO,OOO, is the endless telephone story, which was originated in Harrisburg by Mrs. William Jenhings, vice-president of the district committee. This telephone is to be told to thousands of women over the tele phone, with the approval of the district chairman, E. J. Stackpole. The district chairman for women | - When the whistle blows, and they call it the end of the war, don't expect Bill and Jim to be morning, Tliink how long it took us to get our fighters across. Then you'll realize how long it may take to get them back. We want to make the period of demobiliza tion a fine, ligjpful period for ev ery Yank. Don't stop giving now. This will .be the time they will need us most. lines up her county chairmen; the county chairman for women covers her county with sufficient workers, using those already on the county committee, and adding many more, so that the story may be carried to the remotest home. For the rural communities there will be a woman for each school district. For cities and towns the wards will be used for,the units. The endless telephone story will start November 11, each committee member telling seven women the United War Work story by telephone. If any women called have heard, it, another woman will be called. Each one will be told to tell the story to seven others who,have not heard, asking each of them in turn to tell seven others, thus making the end- ' less telephone story. No soliciting ' for money or requests for contribu i tlons will be made over the phone. SAVE THE LEAVES [From the Atlanta Constitution] The season when the raking and burning of fallen leaves is the order of the day is upon us, but the house holder, and especially the war gar dener, who is provident and thought ful, will rake the leaves that fall upon and litter his premises, but he will not burn them. Instead, he will pile them In a heap or put them in a pft—which is bet ter—there to let nature convert them into plant food. • This applies not only to the leaves that fall during the autumnal sea son, when the trees disrobe prepara tory to their winter sleep, but to all manner of vegetation, such as weeds, dry grass, dead stalks, etc., that clut ter the garden after having served their immediate purpose. All are of earth earthly, and all were intended to return into the earth again. That Is in keeping with nature's scheme. The agriculturist who is wise, re gardless of the scale upon which he operates, will conserve them and make of them a valuable byproduct of the year's output. Going Up [From the Kansas City News] ( The military party in Germany that has screwed up its "face, shut its eyes and declared it won't take the medicine under its nosp may learn something by opeping one we and taking a look at the armistice terms imposed on Austria. Armistice terms, the ' kaiser and his advises may be informed, are going up. They, are a war com modity and those that must have them have to pay dear. Germany must buy' in a rising market. Bulgaria, Turkey and Außtrla have swept the counter bare of anything that could be called a .bargain. They didn't haggle. They were in such a hurry they didn't ash to have the article wrapped up. Now the kai ser- will have to take what is left and nobody will pretend it is a thing he will take any pride in having | sent homV But take it he must and at the price marked on it.* That is the only choice left to Idte comers. ,* ■ # NOVEMBER 9, 1918. A Question of Law■ [From the Pittsburgh Dispatch] The food administration of Penn sylvania which has admitted itself rebuffed in attempts at remedial ac tivity by the absence of state laws to restrain profiteers, believes a way is opening to effect a change. A mass of evidence is said to have been col lected to pr"ove the profiteering prac tice common in Philadelphia, and Congress will be asked to act upon it by providing legislation that will give 'the food administration a legal resource. The long list of regulative orders issued from time to time has given the public an impresslbn that the food administration had almost unlimited powers, but Mr. Hoover and his subordinates say the reverse is true. When the beneficial results of the food administration in New York were pointed to by victimized Philadelphiand the answer invariably was that official activity in New York was through state laws. Mr. Hoover and his assistants deplored from time to time that fed eral agents, acting in the national interest, were forced to rely for legal aid upon- state laws, and solicited Congress to provide the necessary power which always was denied. Now the food administration believes it has collected enough testimony, on the widespread ravages of the profiteering epidemic to satiSfy Con gress that legislative necessity has been proved. The Pennsylvania Food Administration has had field agents out for some time gathering prices on all staples and noting practices, and is able to establish the profiteer ing fact whether Congress gives heed and supplies the corrective laws or not. The administration also ex presses the opinion that if Congress will furnish the legal weapon profit eering in foods can be brought to an end, the result consumers have hoped for without much hope in its consummation. (OUR DAILY LAUGH , __ NO LONGER COMPANY. Y'Jji U l-" 5 you know ___ Y v' , )t liein very well? f-i N lit 1 tb' nk so !j j I St) Whenever Igo (*\ there for dinner ' I'm always ex pected to help '' Wishes M afterwards. She " never thinks of letting them go till morning to ' entertain me. ' DUCKED • ANYHOW. I wonder why I fones always HrUr CfIBSA, 1 iabors under the 1 |jn ufi j (.elusion that he JJfljp | b in th% swim? ; a*rd by a so- iSf . iy rlrl. uljFj iilßHi T r. wori<s was a militarist. Ok Piifl Ho was till ho \ got married, but HSv. V*4j]j|now he's a poace \i| at-any-price malt. POSTING THK BACHEI-OR. D Hrft even a Sv 01 an led mas vJiff Y / S has a right to low, it isn't a 1 , question, of \l\L^ right, it's a |h ' T question ,cf 191 • I Stinting (Eijat The Lykens Valley anthracite min ing region of Dauphin county will show a loss of hundreds of thousands of tons, possibly a million, as the re sult of the influenza epidemic whlcl> swept through that section with great severity. The ban was just raised to-day on that territory, the emergency hospitals at Lykens and Wllliamstown having been closed a few days ago. There are dozens of persons Just recovering from the epi demic and there will be weeks be fore tho full tide of production of coal can be resumed. In this city It is estimated that there were 500 deaths and between 7,000 and 8,000 • cases, while Steelton wus hard hit. Where housing conditions were not good there were many fatalities. Middletown, Hummeletawn, Millers burg and Hershey were not so seri ously affected as the mining section. In the mining region the men are slowly getting back to work, and Charles J. Price, tho state mine In spector, says that mining has been much hampered by the epidemic. In Williamsport it is reported that there were forty-two deaths in a population of 6,000, while Tower City and vicinity, over the Schuyl kill line, had about 115 deaths in 6,000 population. In Lykens and Wiconisco there were fifty-throe deaths with a population of about 5,000. Several 6f the collieries wore actually shut down for from three or four days to a week by the epi demic and the production of anthra cite of a high grade, ordinarily 7,- 000 tons a day went down to fifty per cent, for the October working days. Much expense will 'fall on municipalities, but largely costs of fighting the epidcmio are going to be taken ofut of the half million dol lars or so to the credit of the State Health Department. All these bills will be paid and then sent to the Auditor General for final auditing. The cost to the state will not be complete for weeks owing to the widespread nature of the epidemic and the extraordinary conditions which had to be met. People hereabouts are wondering what effect the end of the war is going to have on the plans of the government and the great military storehouses established at Middle town and Marsh Run. Some very am bitious projects for road improve ment and other developments are in the wind and if the national au thorities determine to curtail or abandon the plants there will be changes. The belief is that they will be permanent, at least for a decade tp come. • • • State Librarian Thomas Lynch Montgomery, who is greatly inter ested in the systematic organization of efforts for collecting the history of Pennsylvania, has begun prepara tions for the meeting of the Penn sylvania Federation of Historical So cieties here next January. There are almost fifty societies affiliated with this organization and they are being relied upon td assist the State Historical Commission in assembling the data relative to Pennsylvania and the great war, a work of the utmost importance because of the tremendous part Pennsylvania men and resources and products have played in the struggle. Captain H. M. M. Richards, of Lebanon, is the president of the State Federation, and its first vice-president is & Har rlsburger, Dr. Hugh Hamilton, while B. M. Mead, the lawyer sni p historian, is chairman of the com mittee on sites. ■ • • The white frosts which haw* ap peared- on the roofs and lawns of Harrisburg the last few days brfhg home to us that the eleotlon is over and yet in spite of the heavy char acter of the particles to be found on every surface before the sun gets busy have failed to dim the glory of the cosmos or the colors of the chrysanthemums. 'The tall cosmos | is .to be seen peering over many a j fence and hedge and is rivaling the chrysanthemums in insisting that this is an ideal autumn in the Sus- I quehanna Valley. And similarly the i foliage on the islands show that winter has not yet compelled the lowering of the colors. • • Pennsylvania's State Capitol, de dicated in the month of October, twelve vears ago, had fewer visitors in the month just closed than ever known in any similar period since the building was formally opened by Theodore Roosevelt in 1906. This was due to the fact that the month hud scarcely commenced be fore fhe influenza ban was placed upon it and all visiting except on official business was forbidden, tho "show" places and legislative halls being closed tight and signs and watchmen put at the doors. The office of the guides and the register on which people of every state and every nation and every clime have written their names were locked up and the autumn automobile parties, which have been a feature of every year since the famous "penny a mile" excursions instituted by the late Governor Samuel W. Pennypacker, wfcre notable for their absence. This has been a favorite time of the year for farmers to come to Har risburg as the harvesting is ended and they can visit the Capitol. Even the State Museum with Pennsyl vania birds and beasts and reptiles and fishes had to close up and the various educational excursions to study the exhibits were abandoned. [ WELL KKOWN PEOPLE —Dr. Isaac Sharpless, head of Haverford, says that William Penn first proposed the League of Na tions. —J. P. Gaffney, Philadelphia ciW solicitor, says that this is the tine* when salary inequalities should 1% corrected. . —W. H. Donner, the steel mani facturer, is giving much of his tlmfc to government work at Washington, —Representative D. J. Bechtolg. of Steelton, re-elected this week, U a native of Myerstown. —Representative W. K. West, £ Danville, here yesterday, has served three times in the House. —B. Davis Page has been eleofcf* president of the Colonial Soalsfc. of Pennsylvania. [" DO YOU KNOW | —That Harrigburg-xnade gun carriages ore in Pershing's arnijr? HISTORIC HARRISBURG The State Arsenal turned out muoh ammunition here during the Civil War. Speed the Parting Pest Ring out, wild bell\ Across the snow! Tho kaiser's going—? Let hjm go! —Tennyson J, Ssft
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers