moras rr —. n jjjapg. feddiiv^ forv^gi\(Mvd dl the hmiiy \ THE PLOTTERS A New Serial of East and West ll>- Virginia Terhune Van de Water CHAPTEK LXI Douglas Wade seconded h..s s.s ler's efforts to put the Pole at ease. "Good evening, Talak!" he said. "You remember you told me you wanted to talk to .Miss Wade, and 1 told you she was ill'.' Well, you see she is able to be out again now." "Dat's good," the man mumbled. There was an awkward pause while the new arrival shuttled his teet on the gravel and twisted h:s battered cap about in his hands. "You wanted to talk to me about something?" Elizabeth queried. "Why not sit down there on the step? Then we can chut more com fortably." He glanced at her wondcringly. yet with a look of gratitude tnat she saw even in the dim light. With a nod, Douglas turned and went into the house, and as the sound of his footsteps died away the Pole spoke abruptly. "Mr. ISutier, he give me money. Where is he?" Elizabeth replied promptly, press ing her hands together. "In jail.' The man stared convulsively. "Do oder gentleman said lie's ar rested and couldn't come here. He didn't tell me he's in jail." "That is where they put him for killing Mr. Chapin," the girl said bluntly. "Killing Mr. Chapin," the Pftle gasped. " fes," Elizabeth went on. "you and 1 know. Talak, that Mr. Duller did not* kill Mr. Chapin. Put he w.ll be punished for it." There was a tense silence, then the even voice continued. "Mr. But ler will be killed unless the man who shot Amos Chapin confesses." "1 shot Amos Chapin!" The words were sudden and un expected, and the listener scarcely suppressed an exclamation of con sternation. There was a subdued rustle at the window, then silence. "How did you do It, Talak?" The question was uttered so cas ually that the listening physician I Manufacturers' Clearance Sale I Hundreds of people have been attending our Manufacturers' Clearance Sale—dailv— 9 and saving money on their winter wearing apparel. * Be sure to attend this event. Bargains will be found in every department. SB Women's & Misses' Women' s & • Misses' I §750 — Women's and Misses' Fall and Winter COATS —750 1 I Velour Coats, Broad Cloth Coats, Velvet Coats, Porn Pom Coats, Plush Coats, Silvertone 1 I Coats, Mine Coats, Burella Coats, All Colors, All Styles, All Sizes jg| | I $20.00 COATS $22.50 COATS $25.00 COATS 1 I | $14.981 $16.981 $18.98 $27.50 COATS $30.00 COATS $35.00 COATS J|p|S| I $19.9811 $21.98 $24.98 [ f |j|f -1 $40.00 COATS $50.00 COATS JgK j $29.98 $39.98 f WEDNESDAY EVENING. wondered at this gill's -olf-pusses sion. j "Wid Old Chapln's gun." "With his gun? Where did you get It?" "He kept it in u closet in*the house. 1 seen him put it dere de night after he shot Nig. I watched to sec, 'cause 1 wanted to kill him ! like he killed Nig." • "But you did not have the gun . when Mr. Butler and X met you on 1 that afternoon that you went away i from here," the girl said. "Yes 1 did. too. 1 put it In de bushes when Mr. Butler call me." "There was a long silence. Then, "Where is the gun now?" the girl i . asked softly. 1 "1 hid it. 1 did not want folks to know I killed old Chapin. But 1 ; can't let Mr. Butler stay in de jail. ' or get killed for me. Dat's why I I tell you. Vou get him out of jail, j He can tell do police 1 done de 1 shooting. , ( "Suppose," the girl ventured hope fully, "that you toll my brother to tell Mr. Butler, 1 am not well ! enough to go into Midland yet. 1 Douglas!" she called before Talak could protest, "will you come out here, please? Talak has something ,to say to you. anil something he i wishes you to attend to for bint." All sense of personal danger seemed to .have left the Hole. liliz abeth had been right when she said he was capable of but one idea at a ! time. As Douglas appeared in the doorway, the self-confessed mur l derer spoke doggedly. "1 kdled old Chapin," he repeated. "Tell my brother all about it, Talak," Elizabeth urged. "What will he do to me?" Talak ' asked suspiciously. Douglas stepped close to him and laid his hand on the poor misshapen shoulder. "1 will not hurt you my man," he so suddenly that he dislodged the j promised. i The Pole shrugged his shoulders I physician's hand. ' "I don't .are if you do!" he ex \ Bringing Up Father Copyright, 1918, International News Service ~ -*- By 71 r cManus i 1 r >AY li 1 WOULDN'T LET I TOT i'RF NOw-VHMIbTHE 1 POOR. LITTLE ) JUbT LIKE*!- 'MS QEIN<; (THE POOR LITTLE 1 i'm /, i sSHfew/SS&. fewSSSO lwl tfsgkj I i I THOO4HT IT VUZ. f 1% * N f A'V- HER C.MSY PiLUE J l "'' 1 COUUON' T - ) #\, V I -l- • claimed passionately, springing up from the lower step 011 which ho was seated. "I'm glad I shot old ; t'hapin! lie killed Nig—and he kept my pay. Nobody wants 1110 l'or work, i 'cause 1 can't work fast! I'm hungry 1 and I ain't got no place to stay nights!" . 1 His voice rose in the peculiar 1 strident and unmodulated tone pe- 1 culiar to the mentally deficient. ; "There, there, Tulak?" Wade sooth ed. "Never mind! We won't talk about it any more." "Vou get Mr. Butler out of jail." | the murderer asked, if I get you de 1 gun and den go away?" "Yes," Wade assured him. "\ou get the gun. Shall I go with you? ' "No!" the exclamation was ve- ' hement. "1 go alone!" , As the man stumbled down the path, then disappeared in the dark ness, Mr. Miller came out upon the veranda. In tense expectation the. trio sat listening for the Hole's re turn. , Suddenly the silence of the night was rent by a shot. Both men , sprang from the porch and ran in I HARRISBITRG TELEGRAPH the direction whence the sound came. Elizabeth left alone, stood as it carved out of stone. When her brother came hurrying back her lips refused to form the question she tried to utter. "What—what?" she stammered. "Dear, try to keep calm," her brother murmured. "Poor Taluk will not have to suffer any more. He has paid the penalty for his deed. He kept his promise. He got the gun from its hiding place and then shot himself through the heart!" (To lie Continued) Election in Great Britain Likely to Be December 7 I/oiulon. Nov. 7.—lt is expected that the general elections in* Great Britain will take place December 7. This information was given out at a meeting of the party whips to ar range plans tot the campaign. THE BRAT WINS I ; MUCH APPLAUSE! Mvrkle-Harder Company Has Auspicious Opening at the Orphcum Maui Fulton's sociological play, ; I "The Brat," the stme which ran all 1 .last season at the Fulton theater,; j New York City, served as a welcome opener last evening at the Orpheum! theater for the week's engagement' I of that sterling stock organization, j the Myrkle-Harder Co., who are with j ' us again with the very "best sellers" I of the English-speaking stage. . | About the particular "Brat" seen ! , at the Orpheum last night, which, it' was intended, should jump into the; fictional pages of Macmillian For rester's best literary coup but in j stead (or additionally, if you choose) jumped into the arms of his win i somely renegade brother, Steve, we wish there were more like her to! disturb the inane and complexion less existence of lives built on piece- I dence and rule. It's an ill "Brut" I that blows no one good and, in the j case of the play last night, it blew ! j "Mac's" problem book into fame j | and bis brother, Steve, on the water i wagon and into the saving arms of ' matrimony. As a "model" "The i I Brat proved a good husband winner • and teacher extraordinary in the i family councils. ( Miss Myrkle as "The Brat," draws ! her portrait direct from life and : makes it a frankly winsome, native ; ng ; 1* full of appeal and char- I actenzation and, best of all, imagi- I nation. As Maxmillirn Forrester, Mr. Bertin held that role firmly within I I his grasp at all times, showing the j varying emotions. The emotions it called for were registered with fidel j ity and poise by this actor, whose scenes wljh Timson, the butler, and I 'f , one the '"Brat" at the con ; elusion of the second act, were par !mimnV°od* Mr ' Brady as Mac ! "VJ "h orrester was excellent as , the best seller maker playing with i much force and technique, and James \t ® m , psey ' as Timson, next to .Miss hi? or th chu racterizati on , was the ho 'i f |,e ''formance. The rest of tasks well CBBt Performed thei ' Kiwanis Club Is Urged to "Get Behind the Boy Overseas" by Dr. Mudge i a rousing meeting of the I Kiwanis Club. held at the Central Y I M. L. A. at noon to-day. Dr. I. S i Mudge, pastor of the Pine | Presbyterian Church, delivered a stiff ■ ring address, in which he urged the i People of Harrisburg to get behind i Wfrk°" V nV?V e r* aa8 • "five to the Fnited |\\oik Di i\ e, he appealed. Be gave '' "Umber of personal experiences in I) ' .V, o'. work ' closing with a plea j for the citizens of Harrisburg to get into touch with the churches. Com -1 monsensc, everyday arguments were I advanced by the speaker in his ad- I dress, asking for bigger church at tendance. Backing'him up. Dr. Harry • R- Walter and William C. Alexander made brief addresses along the same lines. For the third time, L. v. Fritz, of j J the Harrisburg Shoe Manufacturing 1 Company, carried away the attend- I unce prize, a box of "Monito" hose, j I contributed by William C. Alexander. I I sales manager of the Moorhead Knit- I j ting Company. C. K. Boas dlstrlbut . Ed silent boosts, fuse lighters. At the meeting it was announced ' | that P. B. Rice, popularly known as I "Dutch," one of tlie most popular! members of the club, has been elevat- ; ed from the position of associate agent to that of general agent for the; Equitable Life Insurance Company, of I lowa. He will be associated with | GeneraJ Agent Tyson and will be i S I in charge of the Harrisburg offices. J At the request of "Bill" Brown, his < J : favorite song, "Long, Long Trail," ; I i was sung. In a pleasing manner, I | Robert <' Smith, baritone soloist for; I Zion Lutheran Church, sang a num- , 3 | her of selections. In addition to his j S. church work, he holds the position of j | soloist for the P. R. R. Concert Com I pany. Mr Smith has a rich baritone I ■ ' voice of great volume. ' Department Men Give Lewis Bouquets ] When attaches of the Auditor j General's Department learned this i i morning that York county had not H j only given Sproul a majority but had , elected Republican Congressman and M Republican Senator, they kept the :! wires hot with congratulations for ; ; Samuel 8. Lewis, of the tax bureau. !i Mr. Lewis said last week that he f; was going to show the folks in the SI department a thing or two and to -5 i duy they were handing him bouquets I ! over the wire on the great result. I Twelfth Ward War • Workers to Hold Meeting The meqfing of the precinct lieu tenants and home canvassers of the Twelfth Ward House-to-Housc Com mittee, of which Ben Strouse is ward 1; leader, will be addressed by David i j Kaufman and others. The meeting is to be held to-night, and all the members of the committee have been i 1 requested to be on hand ig the Cam- i ! eron school building. Deaths and Funerals I MRS. SOPHIA LINDEN MERGER! Mrs. Sophia Llndenbet'ger, widow [ j of the late Phillip Lindenberger. died I i yestefday afternoon at the home of j her daughter, Mrs. J. A. Hamilton, ; ■ 1532 North Fifth stpeet. She was !in her eighty-seventh year. She was ! j a former resident of Columbia, hold-1 ! ing membership for many years in ! | the German Lutheran Church of! 1 that place. She is survived by the j following childrdi: Mrs. J. A. Hunt- I ilton, Mrs. William Booth, HurMs j burg; Henry and William Linden ; berger, Chester; twenty-five grand ; children and nineteen great-grand j children, also survive. Funeral ar j rangements have nc*. been com j pleted. EDNA LOUISA REAM | Private funeral services for Edna • : Louisa Ream, aged 15 years, daugh- ■ | ter of William A. Ream, who died | Sunday morning at Hamburg, will ; j be held at 1.30 o'clock to-morrow I j afternoon in Hoover and Sons fu- | neral parlors. Burial will be at j Shoop's Cemetery. MRS. ALICE K. McMULLEN Mrs. Alice K. McMullen, aged 30 I i years, died Monday evening at her | i residence, 1313 Bartine street. She! i was the wife of Robert W. McMul- j - j len. Funeral services will he held i ; Friday afternoon at 1.30 o'clock. ! Burial will he in the East Harrisburg I Cemetery. Her husband and five 1 children survive. MRS. KATHERINE BICKERT I Mrs. Katherine Bickert, widow ot l Christ Bickert, died yesterday morn-1 1 ing at her home, 1712 Fulton street. ! She was aged 60 years. Funeral ] i' services will be held Friday morning , Ij at 10.30 o'clock. The Rev. H. F. F. i j Lisse will officiate. Burial will be i in the East' Harrisburg Cemetery. . I She is survived by two daughters, j Clara and Mrs. Minna T>utman. i ' two sons, Paul and Ernest Bickert, , I a stepson, John U. Schlepper, of Her ; I shey, and four grandchildren. MISS IRENE WISE j j The funeral services of Miss Irene ! Wise will be conducted from her ' j late home, 2457 Reel street. Friday '! morning at 9 o'clock. Burial will be ' i made in Columbia. I J COLLEGE: CLUB MEETING i ! The November meeting of the Col i 1 lege Club is announced for next Tues . day. November 12. at the Civic Club, | with tlie president, Mrs. John O. Stine, ■i as hostess. The subject will be "Wo ' J men in Agriculture." ROY MYERS WE AST Roy Myers Weast, aged 26 years, died Tuesday morning at the Harris ! burg Hospital from pneumonia. He lived at 3 North Fourteenth street. 1 ,! As manager of the Market street ' I store of the United Cigar Stores, he I was widely known here, having a ' i host of friends who mourn his pass ' j ing. Funeral services will be held • I Friday afternoon at 3.30 o'clock at ■ j the home of his mother-in-law, Mrs. • T. S. Haniniaker, 2227 North Fourth ' ' street. Burial will be made in the | j Paxtung Cemetery. His wife, Mrs. | Marian Weast, his parents, Mr. and L j Mrs. George B. Weast, a sister. Amy : Weast, and a brother, Ralph Weast,' ■ surgive- AUGUSTUS M. MARQUART j Augustus M. Marquart, aged 40 ! years, died last evening at the home ■ of his mother, Mrs. Eva M. Rodg j ers, IS4I Briggs street. In addition I to his mother he is survived by his wife and a daughter, Maude Mar quart. Funeral services will be held ! | Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The' body will be taken on the Reading train leaving Harrisburg at 3.40 to t Hummelstown under the care of Un-j ! dertaker Sourbier. Biy-ial will be ; ! j made in the Hummelstown Ceme- j j tery. ; | MBS. CATHERINE M. BECK The death of Mrs. Catherine M.! | Beck occurred Tuesday morning at j ! the Polyclinic Hospital. She is sur-; | vived by her husband, Harry Beck, ; and two children.- Funeral services! ' will be held from her late home, | ' 1 422 Soufh Fifteenth street, Thursday! afternoon at 3.30 o'clock, the Rev. I j Clayton Smucker officiating. Inter- j • ment will be made in the Oberlin i Cemetery. MRS, MARY McNAMARA Mrs. Mary McNamara, aged 70, a former resident ot Harrisburg, died Pas £so-fc oyer ea-fcin£ whi-te bread mornings since we've had POST TOASTIES — sox3 PTs are helping j win -the war i 'I NOVEMBER 6. 1918. yesterday afternoon at Norrlstown.! The body will he received hero by] [Undertaker Sourbier Friday at 12.45: ; and burial will be made in Mount j Calvary Cemetery. There sisters sur- j vive: Mrs. Helen Dunn, Mrs. Jane' i lJonoghue and Mrs. Margaret Phil-j ' lips. i V/oman Runs Into Big Window in Borrowed Auto | -Miss Lillian Bickle, Fourth and 1 Walnut streets, was scheduled for a I hearing in police court to-day on the ] charge of reckless driving, police i said this morning. Miss Bickle call- ' ed at the police station last evening | and told how she and a girl friend ! i were in her room when her com- j ! panion saw an automobile standing I ! in the street in front of tile building, j 1 The machine, Miss Biekle said, be- j j longed to a friend, and she and her : j friend Jumped In for a ride. While I j they were driving down Fourth to I | Market, it is said, Miss Bickle tried j l to evade running down a man and | j woman who were crossing the street j in front of them, and ran Into the plate glass window of the wholesale Jewelry store of Claude ft. Robins | Company, 502 Market street. KEEKS MISSING DAUGHTER | Miss Mary Carberry, aged 10, 2150 j North Fourth street, who disappeared i from her home last evening, is be- j ing searched for by her father in ' Lebanon, where it is said she went with a man last evening. It is said ] the pair bought a ticket at the Penn sylvania railroad station. Carberry stated to police last night that his daughter left the house. 1 I H >7 >f \f V V Y NOTICE | I On Friday Nov. 8 j 1 We Start Our | jl November Underselling Demonstration 1 I SALE I is an event that means j|j S A mone y saving for every jjjjj II woman > nan, hoy and girl, r| ffl who shares in the wonderful opportun- ||j ities that will be presented. Thousands jj| iR of people for miles around wait for our j|j ® great November Sale each year. This £)j ! 1 year it means more to you than ever jj| |1 before. Every department in the store ||| !HJ has made extensive efforts to provide the ® best merchandise the markets have and hj ||| Kaufman's Famous Underselling Prices Ij|j will prove why you should do your buying W I Full Details of The Special i 1 Items In This Paper Tomorrow 1 Inllll f I 5 | dressed as though for a short er ! rand, before t> o'clock last evening, ! and did not return. Police were ! asked to be on the lookout for her, i and it is likely that Lebanon police ! will be enlisted In the search if notli : ing is heard from the missing girl. ™nf I CUTICURAHEALS j So Bad Would Sit Up at Night and Scratch, "My husband's scalp began itching. He rubbed it which irritated it until it had gotten across the front \of his head. It made him —, J lose sleep. It used to itch V j so that he would sit up at T- J night and scratch. "I sent for a sample of Cuticura. The itching stopped considerably, so 1 bought more and after he had used three cakes of Soap and four boxes o: i Ointment he was healed." (Signedl Mrs. H. J. Trueman, 5234 Master St., Philadelphia, Pa., March 2, 1918. i If you have a poor complexion im prove it by using Cuticura Soap daily and Cuticura Ointment occasionally. i Bampl* Inch Fret by If Ml. Address post-card: "ott%/a, Dept H. Boston." Sold every where. Soap 2&c. Ointment 25 and 60c. Talcum 25c.
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