14 ; AMEMISIf COSTS LESS AMB "(SETS EETIEI RESULTS IN TIE'IELECIAfij 2)eatbs OAKFORD Mrs. Mary B. Oakford. aged 32 years, wife of Howard N- Oakford, died Saturday. ~ii 1 R,0,d P. M,. at her home. 807 North Broad street. Philadelphia SurvlvtnK her are her husband, of Philadelphia, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William At. Fulton, Harrisbuns; two Mrs. Gertrude Cooper and Mrs. Itutn liailcy, t liarriaburjf, and one brother, Robert Fulton, of Harris liuov will be brought to Harrisburg Thursday, with burial at Paxtang Cemetery. KENNEDY —James E. Kennedy died .November 5, 1918, aged 29 years. Funeral services will be held at 6_- Harris street. Friday morning, at 9 o'clock. ' GOLDSMITH On November 2. 1918. Mary A. Hifssinger Goldsnnin. widow ol the late William A. Oold sinith. . ... Funeral services will be held on X'hursday afternoon, at 3:30 o clock, from her late residence, 2005 North Second street. Interment Harris burg Cemetery. : BICKERT Mrs. Kathryn Bickert, | on Tuesday. November 5, 1918. at 8:40 A. M.. aged 61 years. Funeral on Friday, at 10:30 A. M.. : from her lute residence. 1712 Fulton .street, the Rev. Mi*. Lisse ofttoiatiny interment East Harrisburg feme-, tery. i HITTER Died, November 4, 1918. Mrs. Carrie E. Ritter. in her 48tli i year, at her late home. 1340 slute street. .. Funeral services from the residence . Thursday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, to , which relatives and friends are in- j vited to attend. Interment, private. Harrisburg Cemetery. i CARD OF THANKS 6 i MRS. BESSIE RI.CHWINE wishes to j tiiank her friends and neighbors for' their sympathy and kindness shown during the sickness and death of her husband, Wilbur S. Kichwine; also lor the many iloral tributes. LOST AND FOUND LOST Female bull dog. Black | brindie murked with white breast and j tip of chin. Clipped spot on right shoulder. Signs of having recently | nursed puppies. Liberal reward if re- . turned to 260 Hummel street. I LOST On Wednesday morning, a 86.00 bill, on Third street between j Herr and Locust streets, or on Sus ■ luehanna street, between Broad and! Iterr streets. Finder please return to I K. M. Kinter, 228 North Third street] and receive reward. j INSTRUCTIONS A RIGHT START IS HALF THE BATTLE Get a THOROUGH STANDARD course In Harrisburs's' ACCREDITED Business College.sciiool i of Commerce, Troup Building, 15 South ! Market Square. Bell 485, Dial 4 393. INDIVIDUAL PROMOTION In Gregg j Shorthand, Typewriting. Eng.ish , Bookkeeping, Pemanship, Arlth.. etc. | DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL ALL YEAR. Enter any time. Bell 694R, Dial 4016. i THE OFFICE TRAINING SCHOOL 121 Mkt. SC Chas. R. Beckley. Prtn. Merle E. Keller, Bus. Mgr. - - . HEI 1* WANTED—MALK TWO TRUCK DRIVERS WANTED j I— Apply Gardner & Baptisti, Third and Chestnut streets. WANTED, BAKER Good job for right person. 830.00 per week. Steel- - ton Baking Co., 856 South Second, street, Steelton, Pa. I WANTED Rivitcrs, shippers and helpers. Apply HARRISBURG MFG. AND j BOILER CO., Nineteenth and Derry Sts. j WANTED Young men for eferi- I eal positions. Only those willing to; work and learn the clerical end of; the packing industry need apply. ; Switli & Co., Seventh and North I streets. Ask for Mr. Reynolds. I WANTED Two middle-aged men and two boys, with one day's school i privileges, to do general work around grocery store. Good wages. M. Bren- j nor & Sons. Seventh and Muench. WANTED Several men in phar maceutical laboratory. Apply Bowman, Mell & Co., 1347 Howard street. WANTED Experienced mechanics on automobile work. Apply THE OVERLAND-HARRIS BURG CO. ' SERVICE STATION, Twenty-sixth and Derry Sts. I WANTED. AT ONCE. Helper on truck, and to work in warehouse. Good, perma nent position. Apply BURNS & CO.. South Second Street.. WANTED CREW CALLERS Young men past 16 years, ac quainted with Hill district. Eight-hour tricks —875. Call ROOM 9. Philadelphia and Reading Station. Ask for Mr. Winters. MEN WANTED To learn 'he au tomobile business and do mechanical work on same. Thousands of tren are wanted in the United States Army for such work as driving and repair ing. Auto Transportation School. 260 South Front street, Steelton. f a A Bellevue Park Mansion That Is a Real Home One of the most complete rcsl- ' donees In Harrisburg la the Bul litt mansion ut Twenty-third and Chestnut streets. If you want to buy a homo that la a real homo this is your opportunity. We would be pleased to show you the property. Miller Brothers & Co. HEAL ESTATE Insurance Surety Honda Jxicust and Court tttreou Jlrrnlicr I Dig. Itcnl Eatato Hoard i j ' S.-.I A WEDNESDAY EVENING, HELP WANTED—MALK WOODSMEN WANTED for govern ment work getting out railroad Ilea. Contractor wanted to take furnianed camps. A good contract for party who can produce. Kalph A. Smith. ! -andy Kidge. Pa. WANTED Man chauffeur. No disilnctiou in color. M'ddle-aged man I preferred. Apply 18 South Front I! street, Wormleysburg. Pa. i WANTED Thoroughly compel ent j bookkeeper. Wholesale houso will : j pay very good salary to capable : I man. Address No. 4U. care of Tele ] graph. I I WANTED First-class carpenters and laborers, at once. Apply FOREMAN, Star-Independent Bldg., 18 South Third Street. j LABORERS WANTED. 25 MEN AT ONCE. APPLY I PENN-HARRIS HOTEL. ' THIRD AND WALNUT STS. WANTED Man to work on ex- | tractors. 820 per week. No experience ; ! necessary. Apply Sanitary Family | i Washing Co., Sixteenth and Elm , , streets. • i I WANTED Good porter, also one j I that is capable of running Ford car. ; , Apply C. M. Sigier, Inc.. 30 North Sec- j . ond. I 1 WANTED Experienced operator j on McKay Channeling Machine. Also • . hoys ov'er 16 years wanted in packing j room. Apply Devine and Yungel shoe j i Mfg. Co., Sixteentli and State streets. ] DRIVER WANTED For Coal ; Wagon; also several men for Coal | Yaru and Quarry. Steady work. Ruth— j erford Bros., Paxtang, Pa. | MEN WANTED —To load stone, 29 j | cents \per ion. Can earn 82u to 835 per ; j week. Apply Paxtang Quarries, Pax- i ; tang. WANTED Experienced house- j man, cither married or single. Kent ] j tree in separate house. Address Box i j D, 7577, care of Telegraph. j j WANTED One first-class barber. ! Apply Tile Barber shop, 15 North I j Market Square. j WANTED —Two good, strong boys !to learn trade. Apply Superinteu- j dent, The Telegrapu I'riiuing Co., : Harrisburg. i j | WANTED —An experienced engi- ] neer for pumping and electric plant, j ; Address, with reference. Engineer, ! j care of Telegraph. ] WANTED Timekeepers and pay- j | roll clerks. Men not subject to draft ] preferred. State experience and sal- j ary expected. Apply Employment j Department, Bethlehem Steel Co., ; j Steelton, Pa. Both phones. ,j WANTED Office boys, over 16 | ; years of age. Apply Employment De- , partment, Bethlehem Steel Co.. Steel- j j ton. Pa. CARPENTERS WANTED AT ONCE. APPLY TO . F. C. LEWIN, PENN-HARRIS HOTEL WANTED A man. or wilt employ , I man and wife, to do janitor and j housework. Aply 1700 North Second 1 | street. MARRIED MAN WANTED. AT : ONCE To move in tny tarin house and work for me. Will pay good j wages for a good, strong, willing and' capable man who can give satisfac- j ] tory references. Apply K. A. Wicker- : I sham, Mechanicsburg. Pa. ' HELP WANTED—FEMALE i i COLLECTOR t A LARGE CORPORATION Permanent position and ex cellent opportunity for r.n en ergetic and intelligent wo man. State age, experience and salary desired. Address BOX G. 6634, Care of Telegraph. WANTED Girl, or woman, for : housework. Apply Thursday after ; noon at 126 Walnut street. ! WANTED Demonstrator for na- I tionally advertised food product. Ap ] ply at Y. W. C. A, Mrs. Fox, between i 7 and S in evenings. i WANTED Office girl, at once. Permanent position. Apply Keystone • Rug Co., 1115 Montgomery street. ] GIRL WANTED For office work. : Apply Fishnian's Garage, Fourth and j Chestnut streets. .1 WANTED Colored girls to strip tobacco. Pay while learning. Good wages are being earned by ex perienced strippers. Apply 28 NORTH CAMERON STREET. i Second Floor. WANTED Three white dish • I washers. Apply at Davenport Lunch, ' i 325 Market street. i j —. ' WANTED Competent white wo • ! man for general housework, plain > | cooking, for duration of war or longer. ; Family formerly from Harrisburg. ■ Wages. 830.00 month—room included. ' Expenses paid to Washington, D. C. I'Write Mrs. F. F.. Schaeffer, 479 F \ street S. W.. Washington. D. C. YOUNG WOMAN Who wants I good home and live as one of family I to keep house for young widower and , boy six years old—one who will give ; the boy a mother's care. Expenses I paid. Write particulars and terms. | Address 8.. 6656, care of Telegraph. WANTED Woman to operate can-waslt- Ing machtne. White or col ored. Apply HERSHEY CREAMERY CO.. South Cameron Street. SEE MR. STOUFFEA WANTED —Two young women for waltressas. Must give references. Ap ply Btouffer's Restaurant. 4 Ncrth 'l Court. HELP WANTED—FEMALE ■ WANTED i Women who would like to en gage in automobile work. Ex cellent opportunity for those who warn to do war work. Apply THE OVERLAND-HARIUSBURO CO. SERVICE STATION, Twenty-sixth and Derry Sts. ! ! WANTED —Chambermaid and dish | washer. Apply at 222 Chestnut. J WANTED A good laundress 'to I take worn home. Good wages paid. ; Apply 226 Emerald street. ! WANTED Girl for chambermaid. Apply at once, lull Market street. \ BELL TELEPHONE OPERATORS WANTED Young women, 17 to 30 years j of age, wanted to learn tele phone operating; rapid ad vancement una exceptional opportunities for promotion j for those displaying energy | ) and ambition. Salary paid while learning. Aply at OPERATORS TRAINING DE PARTment. 208 Walnut Street. ] Between 8:00 A. M. and 5:00 P. M. WANTED Experienced and com petent stenographer. Will pay good I salary to proper person. State aB *' ; and experience. Address R., 6653, care of Telegraph. . . I WANTED Cook, white or col i ored. Good wages. Corner Twenty ] second and Market streets. i WANTED Experienced sewing j girls. Call evenings, ut 133 Walnut ! street. j I WANTED A reliable woman for j general housework. Family of three i adults. Pleasant surroundings. Lib- j ] oral wages. 559 W. Bell. I WANTED —Maid tor general house- j I work. Inquire ut 2133 North Third. ! ! WANTED Housekeeper for gen ' eral housework. Apply 1621 Nortli . ! Sixth streeL _ - WANTED Saleslady in jewelry j ! store. Permanent position. Address i j Box H, 7584. care of Telegraph. • —~ "' I i WOMAN —Wanted Immediately for | 1 scrubbing and general work. Apply i I Stouffer's Restaurant, 4 North Court j j street. i IJELI* WANTED — Male and Female SILK MILL Experienced help wanted. Experi enced weavers average 83-50 to 86.50 per day. Other departments propor tionately. . . , T, Beginners wanted also. Best pay. - Come and earn 30 per cent, bonus over and above regular wages. Aply HARRISBURG SILK MILL Second and North S'.reets. j DIVES, POMEROY & STEWART re- \ ; quire salespeople in departments de- i i voted to handkerchiefs, hosiery, un derwear, books, toys and novelties; | also stock men of middle age in house j wares. TEACHERS WANTED for schools— men and women. Best salaries. Na- I tional Teachers' Agency, Philadelphia, ! Pa. WANTED Someone who is capable of teaching typewriting. LANCASTER BUSINESS COLLEGE, j. G. DONNY, Principal. ! THOUSANDS MEN WOMEN—J | GIRLS. 18 or over wanted immediately | I by United States Government. Easy j ' office positions at Washington and in every large city. Experience unnec- | essary. 8190 month and up. 7-hour | day. Your country needs you. Help S her' Write immediately for tree list, | I positions open. Franklin Institute, i I Dept. 4U3 G. Rochester. N. Y. "j I SHOE WORKERS WANTED I We need experienced opera tors ill all departments, and i can guarantee steady work. 1 | All work is paid for at piece rates, but we guarantee every employe definite wages. The more work you prdjjuce the ' more you earn. We also have openings In all departments ' ' for young men and women to learn a useful trade, which will be of value to them utter the war. The shoe business is a necessary industry and is of much Importance. Get a job making goods for Uncle Sam if you can, but if not, then consider the shoe manufactur ing trade as worth while learning. If Interested take this ad to the United States Employment Bureau at Third " * and North Streets, and get full particulars. , HARRISBURG SHOE MFG. CO. 1402 Vernon St. i ' SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE WANTED Position as shortorder " cook in hotel or restaurant. Call, or ! address. 638 Eriggs street. SITUATION WANTED ® Executive Live, active man, 30 1 years, general experience with! Manu ' facturlng and other concerns, desires new connection. Best reasons for leaving present position. Experienced purchasing agont. Understands gen eral accounting work. Address McC.. Post Office Box 889. Harrisburg, Pa. —, SITUATIONS WANTED— -Female WANTED Day's work of any kind by reliable colored woman. Ad dress Box B. 2398, care of Telegraph. - WANTED Widow, with one child, l wishes to keep hoffse for a widower. 'Address 318 Muench street. ■• ' a HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH I• ' I NEIGHBORHOOD STORES oft- # ; cn specialize on some particular com modities. If you conduct such a store, and sell something for which your store has become noted in your neighborhood, tell the whole city about it. You'll find your circle of customers steadily widening. By and by you will outgrow the limitations of a neighbor hood store. ! I, =T I SITUATION'S WANTED—FemaIe ■ , „ WANTED Housework by retlned, I young woman, in private family. Ad -1 dress Box C, 2678, care of Tele ! graph. I WANTED Refined, young B'rl ' wishes to keep house for a widower — ! one who has no children preferred, i i Address X.. 6604, care of Telegraph. I WANTED Young woman wishes 1 clerical work in office; has had two years' experience and can furnish best of reference. Address Dox E, 6964, care of Telegraph. ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT Furnished rooms. ' $2.50 per week and up; warm rooms, I running hut and cold water; light housekeeping and private bath. Wil son Apartments, No. 142 South Third street. FOR RENT Two furnished rooms on first floor, for light housekeeping; ull conveniences; city steam. Call Dial phone 3453. t i FOR RENT Third floor furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Ap ply 1;41; .Market. TWO well-furnished rooms, for light housekeeping; gas range, ; kitchen cabinet, use of laundry. Cor ner house. No children. References. I 342 South Sixteenth. i It6OMS FOR RENT. FURNISHED— I All conveniences. Bell l'hone. $3.00 , i and $4.00 per week. Reference re-, quired. Pine street, also North, ln • quire Raul's Shoe Store, 11 North I i' Fourth. ! FOR RENT Furnished rooms, j second floor front, $4.00 single or ss.ao, ; double. Inquire 107 Chestnut street. | FOR RENT Three large, unfur- ! i nished rooms, located on Sixth street; ; j light, heat and use of phone; no chil-i I dren. Call Bell phone 3347 J. ' I ! FOR RENT—One or two furnished ' i rooms, with or without housekeeping ' privileges, with all modern improvc -1 inents. Apply at 1303 Market. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS Unfur nished, single or communicating kitchenettes; laundry, phono and bathroom privileges; stoves furnlsned free. Weekly payments, inquire 42$ Broad street. FOR RENT Two nicely-furnished front rooms, for light housekeeping; all conveniences; nice location; rent reasonable. Inquire 2148 Renn street. FOR RENT Room in private fam ! ily, situated on Third street, facing I park. Call Bell phone 758 W. HOUSE, APARTMENT OR ROOMS I FOR RENT All conveniences; line-it ' location. Inquire 70 West Main street, Mcchanicsburg, Pa., or call 133W Bell phone. ROOMS FOR RENT, 113 Locust St. —Well furnished. Conveniences. Bell "phone 2007 W. ROOMS WANTED WANTED, TO RENT One, two or I three furnished rooms, permanent, not 1 fur from St. Patrick's Cathedral; ref | erences furnished. Address P. O. Box | 883. i THREE OR FOUR unfurnished j ' rooms, centrally located, by young I couple. Small apartment, with bath, I will be considered. Possession on or ( about October 1. Can furnish excel lent references. No children. Address ! 8., 7458. care of Telegraph. APARTMENTS FOR RENT FOUR well-furnished rooms, light and airy, bay windows, on second floor; corner house; hot water heat; gas; electricity. Good trolley service. No children. References exchanged. 342 Soutli Sixteenth street. FOR RENT Three unfurnished rooms, use of bath, heat and light. Inquire at 911 North Hlxtji. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE AN exceptionally well-built two ! and-one-half -story house, size 3ox2S Ift stands back from pavement 35 fr I in''lot 60x248 ft.-, contains eight rooms ' and bath. Situated on Hamilton street, Camp ilill, Ira., short distance i from trolley. I Built for residence, not for specu i latlon. Kor j\ er j3 B, ASKlN PPly to South and Pitt Streets. Carlisle. Pa. | NOW VACANT 803' North Seven teenth street, brick and stucco dweil- I Ing. most modernly equipped, well ' constructed, ideal location. Key at ; our office. Bell Realty Co., Bergner i Building. FOUR BRICK. HOUSES Six rooms I and bath gas furnace cement ed cellars. Renting value, $64 per month. Price. $6,600. Bell Realty Co.. ' Bergner Building. : $2 500 WILL PURCHASE a two story brick dwelling, with all lm . provements. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. ' FOR SALE Two-story frame, ; metal roof, good conditions, yard. Cheap home for $l,OOO. Inquire Store. | 1117 North Third. HOMES FOR COLORED FAMILIES . ""LINCOLN REALTY CO. 1129 North Seventh St. FOR BALE wK„ 2 .V, t . orr , n (loubl brick house, at white Hill lo rooms . each house *ll '•"provements • cheap. Inquire A. Smith, Camp Hijj ( a** heal estate foh sale FOR SALE 674 Schuylkill street —frame semi-bungalow with 6 rooms and bath other improvements, in cluding steam heat. Price, S-.2t>o. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Building. $3OO CASH NEEDED to purchase a tliree-story brick dwelling, with nine rooms and bath gas furnace porch front drive alley on the rear. Price, $3,000. Bell Realty Co., Berg ner Building. FOR SALE 1639 Market street; brick; 9 rooms; bath; all improve ments. Look at it. Occupied by owner. H. G. Pedlow, 3 South Thir teenth street. FOR SALE 515 and 617 North Second street, Steelton, Pa., one double frame house and storeroom. Modern conveniences. Lot, 25x100. Reason for selling on account of death. Louis Lacob. FINE INVESTMENT or residence property on North Second street, be tween Broad and State streets. Brick y rooms and bhth. Lot, 24x125 to, wide alley. Side and back entrances. Must be sold to settle an estate. Ad dress Box S, 6660, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE Jefferson St., No. 2306 —For ONE WEEK we will SLAUGH TER the price of this line dwelling and GUARANTEE immediate posses sion. Nos. 630 Muench, 1631 Park, 623-25 Ross, 633 Emerald, 1612 Chestnut, 918 South Twenty-lirst, 3219-21 North Sixth, 1630 North Sixth and 2116-18 New Fourth St., are attractive prop erties at RIGHT prices. On Bailey St. we have a brick row iof dwelling that carv be purchased INDIVIDUALLY or otherwise at $3OO down; the balance as rent. This propo | sition also applies to several mention | ed above. I BACKENSTOSS BROS., Russ Building. | Member Harrisburg Real Estate Board. j TWO-STORY BRICK HOUSES—AII Improvements, front porch, bay win ! dow, 7 rooms, nice yard, drive alley, | room for garage. $lOO down, pay as , rent. Also several three-story bricks, all improvements. Three small houses, suburbs of Steelton, $lOO down, balance as rent, or will exchange on small fp.rm or city property. Liberty Bonds accepted. C. H. CORDER, 1722 Green St. Bell 560 J. FOR SALE One lot. 25x100, lo cated on North Second street, Steel ton. Act quick. Louis Lacob. "IF IT'S REAL ESTATE SEE SANDERLIN." DERRY ST., 1334—N0W VACANT; modern 10-room, 3-story brick; all latest improvements; front and rear porches; lawn and back yard; room for a private garage; ideal location for a physician; can be bought with $5OO cash. FULTON ST., 1627—N0W VACANT; corner property; 2 % -story frame; six rooms and attic; gas and water; can be bought same as rent. KENSINGTON ST.. 2030 8 rooms; all improvements; very cozy home; same as rent. I j JEFFERSON ST., 2261 2-story , brick; 8 rooms; all improvements; front and rear porches; dandy little house; same as rent CURTIN ST.. 510 Three-story brick; nine rooms; bath; gas; electric lights; furnace; well-built, modern I house; see this before buying; same as tent. SIXTH ST., N'„ 2521 3-story brick; 9 rooms; all Improvements, very good value; same as rent. SCHUYLKILL ST., 618 Corner property: 3-story brick; all improve ments; samo as rent. STEELTON, PA., SOUTH SECOND ST., 318% —2%-story frame; seven rooms; gas and water; same as rent D. A. SANDERLIN, ROOM 1, SECURITY TRUST BLDG„ 36 NORTH' THIRD ST. BELL PHONE 1399. DIAL 3578. FOR SALE 1404-1406 North Third ' street, 2%-story frame houses, In j good condition. Must "be sold to set tle an estate. Inquire Ferdinand Roller, 1720 North Third street. A WELL-PAYING ROOMINGHOUSE FOR S„. —lO7 Chestnut street. OPPORTUNITY TO OWN YOUlt OWN HOME on our easy-payment plan. Small cost payment or Liberty Bond Balance as rent. A. P, DORANZ, 1225 North Sixth Street. Member Harrisburg Real Estate Board FOR SALE Semi-detached bricks, new. North Sixth street near Oxford. 8 rooms and bath, steam heat, electric, gas hardwood floors, cement walk. Price low. Terms easy. D. A. Caley. 707 Kunkel Bldg. Bell 589. Real Estate For sale—Suburban FOR SALE Brick house. West Main street. Mechanlcsburg, Slate roof, gas. electricity, hot water heat; lot, 50x200. Immediate possession. Address Box H. 7683, care of Tele graph. TWO ADJOINING LOTS FOR SALE • —Situated at Camp Hill. Pa. Will , sell very cheap. Apply 261 Susque hanna avenue, Enola, Pa. •HEAL ESTATE FOR KENT FOR RENT Furnished house. Write to Mrs. Williams. 1509 North Second. GARAGE FOR RENT Suitable for Ford or other small car, $4.00, rear of 913 Grand street. Apply to 918 Green street. 11EAL ESTATE— For Sale or Rent HOUSES AND GARAGES at Fifth and Curtln streets. Possession of some of the houses on thirty days' notice. Fred C. Miller, 31 North Sec ond. Bell phone 307 J. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED—TO RENT I We arc having a number or applica- ' | tions at tills time for furnished ' houses, apartments and rooms. What do you have to offer? Address Mil ler Brothers & Company, Locust and Court streets. X HAVE BUYERS waiting for prop erty in any section of the city. If cheap. What have you to offer? Chas. Adler, 1002 North Third street. I'AUMS FOR SALE 3-acre farm, good house. 13 miles from Harrisburg, ' $760. Call 107 Chestnut street. FARMS •About 35 acres timber land, mostly oak. Located about 6 I miles from Bowmansdale, In | York County. For further in formation, address "TIMBER," Care of Harrisburg Telegraph. : FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE One . large and two, small farms. Inquire 3402 Derry street, or Dial 5708. . | FARMS One hand; any size, with or without stock. 107 Chestnut | street. VALUABLE FARMS AND TOWN PROPERTIES AT PUBLIC SALE On the Promises. November 8 and 9. ! Tract No. I—Farm, 166 acres, 40 acres valuable timber, some ready for i market. 3 miles from Duncannon. Good buildings, tine fruit, productive •farm. A big moneymaker for an en ijergetic farmer. Sale at 10 A. M., Fri i day. November 8. | Tract No. 2 Farm, 108 acres, 13 ! acres timber. Located In Allen's ■ Cove, 1 mile from Covallen Station, P. ;' R. R., % mile from Middle Cove . 1 school house. All new buildings, two - apple orchards, plenty of small fruit. ' A productive farm and an attractive home. Sale at 2 P. M„ Friday, No ; vember 8. ; 3 and 4 Two well-located prop erties in Duncannon Borough. Inter ested parties shrwild apply to the un- I dersigned for complete description of I these properties. Sule Saturday, No . ; vember 9. For terms of sale and further par ticulars. inquire of 1 STANLEY S. ZIMMERMAN, Steelton, Pa.; FRANK A. ZIMMERMAN. Chambersburg, Pa.. ■ I Attorneys-in-fact. ' ! FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE One ! large and two small farms. Inquire I ' 340? Derry street, or Dial 5708. . i FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS BARGAINS! BARGAINS! r ; The Store across hum Y. W. C. A. 1 offers you the Biggest and Best liar '■ gains m Men s ana Boys' Suits, Over- I ooats. Alackinaw Coats, Underwear. | i Bats, Caps aim Shoes. We are ram oua tor Low Prices. Give us a trial. ! OUTLET CLOTHING CO., -j 23 North Fourth Street. WOOD—WOOD—WOOD I Fine wood, cut ahui t, oak, specially . | cut for fireplace. F. J. Marter. Bell | 39-J. Steelton. j FOR SALE One Embossing Press. ] Kelton make. Inquire 130 Locust City. j OFFICE DESK FOR SALE I 4x6 FEET, FLAT TOP, OAK, AT HALF PRICE. 204 CALDER i BLDG. BELL 4377. i ' FOR SALE Meloieon, 150 years old, rosewood finish. Good condition. Makes nice antique stand. Bell phone ; 100. i! ■ " ~ 1 I FOR SALE Oak llat-top desk, six drawers, like new. Also desk I chair with adjustable back. Bargain !to quick buyer. Bell phone 100. ; GET your bargains in heaters and cooking stoves. We also sell general household goods of ull descriptions. We pay highest cash prices. New ' mark & Cown, 308 Broad street. 3 3IRD DOG Blue Belton English Setter; female: partly broke. Reason able price. 107 Chestnut street. ' FOR SALE, CHEAP —To quick, : cash buyer, "Novelty Kitchener, 1 range. No. 118. with water back. 3 boiler, and pipe, good condition. Also "Quality" Gas Range, 4 burners and simmer. Call Bell phone 3757J, Har f risburg Exchange. EAGLE WATER HEATER Like new. Used only three times. Reason able price. Call 2187 R. r • FOR SALE White reed baby coach. In good condition. Call Bell phone 1191 R. , 1919 CALENDARS I Good Selection. For good service, order at once and avoid the rush. Sample Room for Convenl • eiices of Customers. MYERS MANUFACTURING CO., Third and Cumberland fats. Above Shoe Store. ■ i APPLES FOR SALE Grimes. Gol- II den, with a Banana flavor; btayman. i I Wein- Jonathans, York Imperial, - | eac. Some of these apples are very One. ) | Come and see them at It. A. Wicker ' sham's Orchard, one-half mile cast of _ ! Mechantcsburg. Pa. Trolley car stops at Orchard. TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT FOR CASH ALL MAKES RENTED EXCHANGED. GEO. P. TILLOTSON, 205 LOCUST STREET. OPPOSITE ORPHEUM THEATER BOTH PHONES j OFFICES AND STOREROOMS '• FOR RENT Storeroom at 24 '• North Third street Newly remodeled and new front. Also offices for rent ;• in same building. Apply next door • The William B. Schlelsner Stores. FOR RENT Desk room In down town office building. City steam, electric light and elevator service. Apply to P. O. Box 851. t • FOR RENT ' L' In the Commonwealth Trust Company Building, large roomy offices. Apply to S COMMONWEALTH TRUST CO. I 222 Market Street -A ' - V : . • "■ * ' ;■ NOVEMBER 6, 1918. OFFICES AND STOREROOMS STOREROOM FOR RENT Why not get in business where the People come to buy goods, 1202 North Third, shelved, ready for business. The Best room for the money. Call und see me for a bargain. Heated by city steam. 95 feet deep. J. S. Sible, 256 Herr street. OFFICES FOR RENT Furnished or unfurnished, single or ensuite of two or three rooms. Apply H.. & L. Lowengard. 210 North Third street WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS HIGHEST PRICES PAID for all kinds of Junk. Get our prices before selling. Call Bell phone 936. or drop I us a postal and our wagon will call, i Keystone Iron & Metal Co., Broad and Currant streets. I MORRIS SAYS save money buying new and second-hand furniture here. High prices paid for furniture. Morris Schmertz. 1030 Market- Bell 3971 R. EXTRA! EXTRA! EXTRA! L. Cohen & Co., York and Ash ave nues, have opened up a place. Whole sale and retiall scrapiron, metals, rub ber. and rags, paper stock. AH grades of Junk una barrels bought. Pay highest cash prices. Send postal or call Bell phone 3221 W. Will call. HIGHEST PRICES PAID for all kinds of empty barrels and Junk. Call Bell phone 4275. B. Abrams & Son. 624-632 North Seventh street. MAX SMELTZ Second-hand furniture bought and sold. Highest cash prices paid. Call Bell 1381 or Dial 6847, or drop a pos tal to Max Smeltz, 1016 Market street. Will call, city or country. " BUSINESS PERSONALS . Diamonds bought for Cash, appraisers for estate. P. IJ. Caplan Co., 206 Mkt. QUININE—Look out for that grippe feeling, likely to catch you this changeable w'eather OUR LAXATIVE PHU&PHO-QUININE will stave it off if taken in time. Gross Drug Store, 119 Market street. RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED Single edge, 25c doz.; double edge, 25c doz.; old style, 25c each. Gorgas Drug Store. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE Profitable News Agency For Sale in thriving suburban town. Storeroom in the heart of the business section. Start a business here. The Newspaper Agency will get you acquainted with the peo ple. Address BOX R, 7474. Care of Telegraph. FOR SALE Drug store fixtures. Solid oak. Six foot mirrors in pre scription case. Cost $1,300. For sale cheap. AH at 916 North Third street- Apply D. A. Buehler, 1101 North Sec ond street. FOR SALE Grocery store. Clean stock, doing a good business. Rea son for selling on account of death. Inquire of Louis Laeob, Steelton. Pa. I ——' ' Money to igian WHEN YOU NEED MONEY to meet immediate necessities, always consult this reliable licensed, bonded I institution chartered under Pennsyl vania laws and financed by local peo ple in 1909 to save borrowers trum extoi liop. co _ opKRATIVE LOAN & INVESTMENT CO.. 204 CHESTNUT ST. WE SELL W. S. S. AND THRIFT STAMPS. •MONEY | FOR NECESSITIES" We are prepared to help worthy people when in need of MONEY for immediate necessities. CalJ and in vestigate our system. ' EMPLOYES' LOAN SOCIETY, 206 BERGNER BLDG. WE LEND MONEY in compliance : with Act of June 17, 1915, to indlvidu i als in need of ready cash; small loans a specialty, business contidential, pay • ments to suit borrower's convenience; I positively lowest rates in city, 1 I PENNSYLVANIA INVESTMENT CO.. 132 Walnut Street. Musical i ____________ TALKING MACHINES promptly and • carefully repaired by an expert only, , OYLER'S, 14 South Fourth street. IF your' Talking Machine needs re -1 pairs Just call Bell Phone 3242 J. An I exnert will oe at your service at once, or bring machine to 1213 North Third street. I VIOLINS. MANDOLINS. GUITARS. . BANJOS. Band and Orchestra Instru ments promptly and carefully repalr . Ed OYLER'S. 14 South Fourth street. i TALKING MACHINES of all kinds repaired by an expert. All work promptly done and guaranteed. Call Bell 2SU4R, or 15U4 Howard avenue. Hauling and Moving AUTO HAULINU —Local and long distance. Furniture moving a spec ialty. Rates reasonable. Prompt ser vice. Cull Bell 623 J. LOCAL AND LONG-DISTANCE HAULING Prompt service, A. & B. Motor Express, 917 Capital street. Bell pnone 1635 J. WE MOVE anything anywhere, any , time Dayton Cycle Co., 912 North Third street. Dial phone 4990. LOCAL AND LONG-DISTANCE • HAULINU--Furnlture moving. Prompt ' service. Ernest Corbin, 636 Culder street. Both phones. Bell 3636J, Dial , 3683. AUTO HAULING Local or long distance. Furniture and piano moving • a speeialty. Blue Line Transfer. 917 Capital street. Both phones. HEAVY HAULING —Fully equipped for furniture, freight and piano mov i ing No distance to® far. Careful i driver. Rain and dustproof body. J. E. Grubber's Truck Service, lrvln ; Aungst. Manager. Hershey, Pa. Bell phone ISR-6. ' AUTO TRUCK SERVICE Local and long-distance. F. J. Marter, Bell ' 38-J, Steelton. all kinds of hauling AND MOVING DONE CONRAD BROS.. 341 KELKEK ST. BELL PHONE 623 W. DIAL PHONE 3518. HICKS 4k HOPKINS Local and Long-Uistauoa Hauling. 484 Reily. Both phones. ' I Storage STORAGE —419 Broad street, house hold goods. merchandise. Private rooms at reasonable rales. Also haul ing of all kinds. I). Cooper & Co. I both phones. S ORAOE —In brick bulldlag, rear * 409 Maraet. Household goods In clean private rooms. Reasonable rates, p! U. Diener, 409 Market street. STORAGE Private rooms for household goods In fireproof ware house. 93 per month and up. Lower storage rales In non-tlreproof ware house. Harrlsburg Storage Co., 437. 1 445 South Second street. ' Uudortukera SAMUEE 8. FACKLER, FUNERAL DIRECTOR. 1312 Derry St. HELD 1959. DIAL. 213 J. DAY AND NIGHT CALLS promptly attended to. H. M. Hoffman, Funeral Director, 310 North Second street. RUDOLPH K. SPICER, Funeral Director and Embalmer. 611 North Second Street. BELL 262. DIAL 2146. CEMETERY LOTS FOR SALE , PROSPECT HILL CEMETERY Beautifully situated on Market street east of Twenty-Blxlh, and on the north and east faces the new paik way. Tho prices of lots are moderate. Itiler Bros. & Co.. Agents. Where to Dine ALVA HOTEL AND RESTAURANT THE HOME OF SATISFACTION. STOUFFER'S RESTAURANT—Home cooking served to Businessmen and Ladies in separate dlningroom. Cleaners anil Dyers ; IT PAYS to have Clothes Cleaned. Pressed, Dyed or Repaired at the best , place in town. Call and uellver. Goodman's, 13UVi North Sixth. Both ' Phones. / AUTOMOBILES ONE NEW CONESTOUA TRUCK Covered body, I,OOU lbs. capacity A • bargain. inquire of Philadelphia yuiuK Lunch. FOR SALE One 1917 Hupmoblle Owner expects to be called in the ser vice. Apply Sunshine Garage, 27-39 North Cameron street. OLD AUTOS Wanted; used, wrecked or oldtlmers n any condition. See me before sac rificing elsewhere. Chelsea Auto .-ecKing, A. acniffmuii, 22, 24 20 . North Cameron street. Bell 3633. FOR SALE —A small roadster ; good mechanical condition—three new - tires. Particulars at 329 South Six • teenth street. FOR SALE Chalmers G-30; closed " top. extra windshield. Price, $175 ' Address Box H, 7566, cure of Tele graph. >< ANTED All kinds of used auto tires. We pay highest cash prices. M No Junk. H. Esterbrook, 912 Norm V Thiru street. Dial 4990. BAKER'S Electric two-passcngcr car, with all new tires and looks like . new —used very little. All curtains. [ new top. with all tho equipment, and will run 40 miles on one charge. Any woman or child can run it. Cuat, ' $1,750.00. Will sell for $650.00. Apply to 322 Blackberry avenue. City. FOR SALE Ford Roadster, In good condition. Used by a doctor. > Demountable rims, oversized tires and full equipment. Call Saturday . afternoon at 711 North Seventeenth street. MAXWELL* 1917 Good tires, ono extra. Runs and looks like new. A rare bargain at $4OO. Indian, 1915 Model, in good running order. Bargain at $75. A. SCHIFFMAN, 22-24-26 North Cameron. r REGAL ROADSTER FOR SALE In first-class condition. Must be sold at once, as owner is leaving city. Cheap to quick buyer. Ask for Mr. St. Clair, Driscoll Auto Co., 145 South Cameron street. 1914 KNOX Racing Car. In good j condition. 1916 Chalmers Roadsters, In A 1 con , dition. . SUNSHINE GARAGE. Both Phones. OVERLAND , USED CAR DEPARTMENT These cars will move quick ly, for they are all marked fairly and all are excellent I values. • 6-passenger big four 'Over land touring, repainted. Tire equipment specially good, in cluding two Silvertown Cords. 1 Car mechanically fine, can I hardly be told from new. 1 $7OO 2-passenger Overland with bucket seat speedster body. Tires good, mechanical condi tion fair. Owner will sacri ; lice for , $250 5-passenger Reo touring. Mechanically good condition. Tires excellent. Repainted and offered at $2OO less than pres ent market price. 5-passenger light touring. A snappy, light economical car with lots of power. $450 Eight-cylinder Oakland ; touring, In splendid condition. Unusually powreful. A late model, up-to-the-minute car. USED TRUCK DEPARTMENT r Quick one-ton truck, com -1 pletely reflnished. Equipped with electric lights, open ex press body and cab. Excel , lent mechanical condition, j Worth one thousand dollars. Specially priced at $750 I D-E 2-ton Worm Drive truck, chassis only. New In '* r May. owner needed heavier ! truck. * Tin e Payments Can Be Arranged. ■ THE OVERLAND-HARRIS- I BURG CO.. 212-214 North Second Street. , ' FORD TOURING, 1914. automobile I Good condition. Price. $276. Apply I 519 Emerald street MAXWELL Touring car In A 1 shape. Must be sold, owner was , drafted. This car la like new. A lot ofextras. wheel with new Urea. Ap ply at 125 South Eleventh street. Additional Classified Ads j on Opposite Page . 1 Ji '■ ii / ■
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers