'Abd-x.r-.f- /; ti{ j..:- (Jdtmm i i>L,it>j . ,<■... . •• vi . : Ipfc. H ARRISBURG TELEGRAPH \ ®!je £sflc-sn&cpest&mi A ♦ '' i-XXXV I I Xot 246 10 PAGES "" HARRISBURG. PA., WEDNESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 6, 1918. " V 'NEwsrAPoi |\ S ITA , IUUS!U]! ! " KSS ' TWO'cknt3 ES HOME EDITION U. S. TURNS TO REPUBLICAN' SPROUL AND BEIDLEMAN VOTE GROWING; SHATTERED GERMAN ARMY IN RE TREA T KEYSTONE STATE IS REPUBLICAN BY A LANDSUDE Bonniivell IsSnoived Under by a Great G. 0. P. Majority DEMOCRAIS LOSE CONGRESS SEA TS McCormick Loses in Every Contest He Gave Support .Senator William Cameron Sprout, of Delaware county, was yesterday promoted from the Senate ol' Penn sylvania, in which he served con-! spicuouoly for more than two dee-t cades, to the governorship of the 1 second state in the Union. His col league, Senator Edward E. tleidle- ■ man, a native son of Dauphin county, ! was promoted from the presidency ' pro tem. of the upper house of the State Legislature to the second office of the commonwealth. Friends of Senator Sprout believe that his ma- i jority will be considerably in excess of the more than 200,000 he received nt the primary, and that Senator j tieidleman's victory wilt go close to the quarter of a million mark. The rest of the Republican state ticket, I. including the four Congressional pil lars at large, was swept along by; huge majorities, which also resulted J in a Congressional gain for the Re- 1 publicans in Pennsylvania of three to ; four members and a solidly Repub-. lican Legislature. Judge John W. Kephart, of Ebens-j burg, has been promoted from the j superior court to the supreme bench, | leading a field of eight candidates. Justice Alexander Simpson Jr., of Philadelphia, who received a notable vote in that city, was elected to the full term of twenty-one years. Jus tice E. J. Fox, of Easton, a guber- > notorial appointee, and Charles B. ; Lenahan. . of Wilkes-Barre, both Democrats, ran next to the two Re-, publicans elected. The Democrats of Pennsylvania for the first time I in the memory of living Voters will | have no representation on the state's highest bench after January, Judge William David Porter, of j Allegheny, was re-elected to the su perior court by a handsome majority ' • ntirely befitting the splendid service j he has given on the bench. Rnnd Issue Carries Indications front many districts: throughout the state pointed to the success of the sr>o,ooo,ooo road loan,' which is in the form of an amend- j menl to the Constitution of Pennsyl- j vania authorizing that amount of j bonds to he issued for road construe- ! tion. If the amendment is carried it! is not the intention of Senator! Sprout or the state's fiscal officers j to have any bonds put out during the | war. The unfairness of the fight j against the loan by the state grange | headquarters crowd and the McCor-; mirk newspapers is shown by the: fact that the state cannot issue bonds j without approval of the Capital Is-1 oues Committee at Washington, i which is controlled by Democrats. | So far as returns show, the lonnj ran close in very many rural districts j and got a favorable vote in most of the cities and larger boroughs, al-, though everywhere voters neglected to give it the attention it deserved. The Philadelphia bond limit amendment was probably defeated. Nearby Congressional Flglits . j The Congressional contests in this j part of the state were marked by; •lie defeat of every Democratic can-j did ate having the support of Na tional Chairman Vance C. McCor-! inick. In his home district Mr. Mc- Cormick failed to put up a candidate in opposition to Congressman Aaron S. Kreider, who got a fine vote of confidence, notwithstanding the fact that the President of the United States personally addressed his fel [Continued on Page 16.] THE WEATHER] I Fur Harrlsburg unit vicinity ■ Fnlr j nml warmer to-night anil ' Thursday: lowest temperature to-night uhout 42 degrees. For Eastern l'ennsy Iviinlit i Fair to-night und .Thursday; warmer to-night in north and west por tions: warmer Thursday: light Mouth winds. Itlvrr The SnsfiiiPhnnnn river und nil Its brunches will full slowly or re nt u 111 nrnrly stntlonnry, A singe of about .1.1 feet Is Indicated for | Rarrtaburg Thursday morning. 1 1 P E. E. BEIDLEMAN THANKS FEOPLE OF HIS DISTRICT ! .... Oii.N'ATdi! HEIDI.LM AN. lieu leimnt-gov rnor-elect, in rc sponse to a request of the Telegraph sends from Philadel phia I o-day 1 lie following tele grain addressed to the people of Harrlsburg und Dauphin county J on the results of ihc election: i Pennsylvania has elected | her best-qualified citizen to I be her governor. Ilis service j i will be well performed and ; the state's interest will be | safeguarded and developed | •luring the important period j *of reconstruction. I am cs- i poeially pleased with the re- I suit in Dauphin county. It | places me under lasting obli- | gaiion to our people and 1 I will do everything within my t power to continue their eonfl , dcnco in me. |j REPUBLICANS WINj IN CLEAN SWEEP I Bcidleman Ahead of Sproul; i Miller, Millar, L'lsli and Bechtold Elected JUDGE SUPREME COURT Grand City. County. Total. Abbott 692 551 1218: j Ronton 1115 148 318! 1 Build .. 125 152 277 1 llively fill 56 155 j Fox 1465 966 2128 Kephart 51 11 3058 8202! j liilltllCl' 130 131 270 l Ijciinlinn 255 132 387 ! Simpson Jr. ... 391 208 599! I ■ JUDGE SUPERIOR COURT Grand City. County. Total. ltuselton .' 2003 1165 3168 Porter 3854 3496 9350 GOVERNOR Grand 1 City. County. Total. | Sproul. R 7130 6406 13542 Boimiwoll, 1)... 2735 2204 4999 1 " Fair Play 73 .36 109 LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR Grand City. County. Total. I llcitlloiliuil, 15 7193 0521 11014' l.oguc. 1> 2502 2178 1710 | SECRETARY OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS Grand; City. County. Total. Woodward. K. . 7129 6286 18415! j Johnson, D. ... 2819 2113 496 4; | REPRESENTATIVE—GENERAL 1 ASSEMBLY City [.Millar, R 6345 I Miller, R 6134! ! Black, I) 4032 ! Black, P 4321 | llartninn, I> 3602 | ; Ilnrtninn, I' 412 i | REPRESENTATIVE—GENERAL ! ASSEMBLY County | Bechtold. R 6201 ( ; Ulsh, R 5983 Bottomley 1) 2617: Bottondey. P 381' McCoy, 2509; McCoy, P 392 • 850,000 LOAN AMENDMENT Grand City. County. Total.! Yes 1238 2527 6765 ! INo 3679 2761 6440 j Tliese returns as-c complete and; have been compiled from unofficial returns from the 53 city anil 71 county districts. Dauphin county went overwhelm-1 Ingly Republican yesterday, electing j four Republican candidates to the j rlegislature and giving immense ma- ; jorities to Senator Sproul for gov- j ! ernor and Senator Beidleman for j {Continued on Page 15.] . 13,200 Italians Escape Prison Camp Near Vienna j Amsterdam, Nov, 6. —Twelve hun ; dred Italian officers and 12,000 men,! having overpowered their guard in the prisoners' camp three miles from i Vienna, have left the camp and are i marching in the direction of Horn. \ forty-six miles northwest of the cup- Ipital, according to a dlspiitch from j Vienna to the Dusseldorf Nachricli ten. Endorsed by Voters V/ith Splendid Majorities WILLIAM C. SPROUL (Governor-elect) BOYS AND GIRLS 1 , ENLISTED IN BIG ! j WAR CAMPAIGN | I Youngsters to Pledge Them selves to Raise Funds For Soldiers CONTRIBUTIONS COM INC Ambassador Morgan Hunt to Speak Before Big Rally Tomorrow FACTS TO BE REMEMBERED j Mass nicotine in Chestnut street auditorium to-morrow night. Henry Morgcntliuii, former uni ! Imssiulor to Turkey, sjieakcr. All ministers of city take their places on platform. Meeting begins at S o'clock. Overflow meeting If necessary, i Doors open at 7 o'clock. No can vassing. m> soliciting. | Ward meetings of home work | crs to-night as follows: 1 Ninth want, meeting in cngtnc | house, Thirteenth and Howard, 7.:>0 p. in. Tenth ward, Steele school building. 7.:t0 p. m. j TvVelftli ward, Cameron school building 7.Jit) p.ill . ; Thirteenth ward. 1913 Derry street, 8.30 p. in. Sixtli ward, Kelly school Imild ing, 8.30 p. in. Seventh ward. Good Will en glncliousc. 8.30 p. in. Campaign emblems, buttons, . pledge cards, receipt books and information will tic supplied the canvassers. Plans are now complete for the I enrollment Of all boys and girls of ■ the city in the Victory Boys and i Girls, a purt of the organization of ' | the United War Work Campaign, | 'which is working to raise $lBO,OOO j ins the city's quota'in the national; ; United War Work Fund, before No- ! vember 18. The boys and girls will he reached j through the schools. Sunday schools and'boys' and girls' organizations. In ] the schools, the campaign will be I confined to the grades above the sixth. The committee in charge of i the enrollment Is J. Fredrick Vlr- I gin, Prof. F. E. Downs, Prof. Arthur : i E. Brown, Dr. J. C. Ludes, W. Frunk ' [Continued on Page 4.] j AUSTRIA WTI.I, PRQTKKT Amsterdam, Nov, (I.—Austria will i protest against the Interpretation of any clause In the armistice us mean ing that enemy armies are entitled ; to attack Oermnny through Austria, | according to advices from Vienna, CONGRESS CONTROL ! | GIVEN REPUBLICANS BY MAJORITY OF 25 I ' C Senult* Will He Safely in the ; Hands of Dominant Party, j Although Democrats Claim They Can Hold On WILSON'S APPEAL HAD ANGERED THE NATION j Washington, Nov. ii.—Sato ma jorities for the Republicans in botli I houaes of Congress were /claimed by | the Republican National Committee! on the basis of returns to heailiiuar- J ters at 10 o'clock this morning. The returns. Secretary James Bi Reyn- < olils saiil, showed fifty Republican i Senators and -30 Republican Rep-j resentutives elected, with good pros-j pects for largo majorities •in both ; iiouscs. Although returns arc incomplete ' there is sufliclent information In the hands ot the Republican Congres sional committee to show an increase and to demonstrate thut the voter! SMITH WINS OYER J j WHITMAN IN NEW ! YORK'S ELECTION! . ■ Republicans Show Increased Gains in Nation; Ford Is j Defeated in Michigan Now York, Nov. 6. Kcvis'd ii'- jtufns this afternoon of the complete 'New York City vote for governor as | Kivcn by the local news organization I which has been compiling reduced ! Smith's lead for governor over Whit man to 24.67.1 votes, with 326 dis- I trlets in the state missing. Returns for the entire state, with t this revision taken into account and j with 32ii up-state districts missing, I gave at 2 p. in.: | Whitman. Republican, 951,528: Smith, Democrat. 976,271. , Returns from New Jersey show • that President Wilson's home town \ of Princeton was carried by the lte- I publicans. On the question of pro- j ; hlbition Princeton voted wet. "Wyoming went Republican by a, landslide. The state adopted prohi bition by a vote of 2 to 1. Senator Charles B. Henderson has' defeated Congressman E. E. Roberts for United Slates Senator In Nevada,, but Charles R. Evans lias won over : [Continued on Face 13.i j EDWARD E. BEIDLEMAN (Lieutenant-Governor) I j WILSON APPEAL IS ANSWERED By Associated Press New York, Nov. il.—The New York Times and the New York World have this morning both conceded ttiat the Republican party will control the next Con gress. The Times claims a ma jority of four in the Senate and nineteen in the House. , of America wil. not be told by any one man, be he President or farmer, how ito exercise his franchise. The Senatorial returns, only one-third complete. last night showed a gain of one scat for the Republicans by the defeat of Senator Thompson, of Kansas, by Governor Capper. The total membership of the House is .435; necessary for a majority, 3 IS. The present membership: Dem ocrats, 210; Republicans, 209; Pro gressives, 2; Independents, 2; Social ist, 1; Prohibition, 1; vacancies, 5. f Continued on Page 151 RECEPTION FOR LIEUT. GOVERNOR ELECT REIBLEMAW! Nonpartisan Welcome For Homecoming This Evening; Parade and Meeting Neighbors and friends ,of Senator E. E. Heidleman, lieutenant-gover nor-elect of Pennsylvania, will gath er to-night, regardless of party, to do honor to the lirst. citizen of Har risburg to be elected to (he second highest oifice of the state. An entirely nonpartisan puradc nnd muss meeting will be held this evening to do honor to the Senator upon his return from Philadelphia. Republicans and Democrats will be in lino. Senator Reidleman, who carried tlio county hy one of-the largest majoHties ever given a can didate. received the votes of scores upon scores of Democrats, many of whom will march to-night. To Hold Mass Meeting The arrangements include a big parade, followed by a muss mcet [Continued on Page 15] OREGON LEGISLATURE DRY Portland, Ore., Nov. 0. —— A Legisla ture was elected yesterday whose majority is pre-pledged to ratify the national prohibition amendment, L 'GERMANY MUST PRICE IN WAR Nolo oil Way to Berlin States Huns Can Have Peace"on America's Terms BI(i DAMAGES INVOLVED ■ Lansing Quotes 'Observation* by Allies on Wilson's Cor respondence With Enemy Washington, Nov. 6. —Germany j can have peace on the terms and j principles enunciated by President j Wilson, but it must pay an enormous j indemnity for the wanton destruction wrought by its forces on land, on sea and in the air. The German government is so in formed in a note from Secretary Lansing now on its way to Berlin and which also announces that Marshal Foch has been authorized hy the government of the United States and the Allies "to receive properly ac | credited representatives of tlie Ger man government and to communi cate to them the terms or tho armis tice" under whtbh hostilities can be brought to an end. I Secretary Lansing's note quotes u | "memorandum of observation" by j the Allied governments on the Pres- I ident's correspondence with the Ger i innn authorities in which those gov | ernments "declare their willingness I to make peace with the'government |of Germany" in accord with the [Continued on Page lfi.l Harrisburg Trust Company Declares a Dividend For Benefit of War Campaign i j . At a special meeting of the hoard j of directors -of the Harrisburg Trust | Company to-day the fund of the ; United War Work campaign was gl\ • , en a tine boost through the declara j tion of an extra dividend ot one per j cent, equivalent to $4,0(10. The I stockholders of ihe banking institu ! tion will receive this dividend in a day or two with a recommendation from tho hoard that it be applied to the U. W. AV. fund. This is the fourth time that tho Harrisburg Trust Com pany has declared a similar dividend for war activities, making a total of $16,000 contributed through special ;■ dividends for the welfare work for the soldies. Jt Is the- hope of the ' war workers of the city and county j that other banking institutions will I take similar action before the end I of the week, r KAISER'S HOSTS IN FULL FLIGHT ALONG FRONT OF 85 MILES British, French and Americans Push Forward For New Victories While Kaiser Faces Loss of Throne By Associated Tress Berlin, Nov. 6.—An official state ment issued here to-day says: "A Ger man delegation to conclude an armis tice and take up peace negotiations has left for the western front." Zurich, Nov. 6.—Emperor William's abdication has become imminent, according to information received from Berlin by the Munich Post. The newspaper says serious differences have arisen between the Munich and Berlin governments. • Ported to a realization of impending peril by the progress of ! the British southeast of Valenciennes and the French and Ameri cans south of Sedan, Germany's shattered armies are in rapid retreat from the Belgian border to the Aisne river. So rapid is the retirement that it is very difficult to determine the exact location of the contending forces along this 85 miles of front. British forces have cleared the barrier of Mormal forest and threaten to drive a wedge between Mons and Maubeuge. To I [Continued on Page 10.] '' " > -v REPUBLICAN MAJORITY OF 5 IN SENATE *j A, New York—Republican National headquarters issued JL * # t *,2^ ; a statement early this afternoon claiming a majority of "5* Tr 14 at least five and possibly six in the United States Senate. j* CUMBERLAND SOLDIERS IN HUN PRISON "$* Washington—lncluded in a list of 58 officers and -H ' ;4* enlisted men in German prisons are Arthur E. Reeder, ]? J Trevorton, at Camp Rastatt and Heber Lee Hazlett, ! t i > ||M| Carlisle, and Emory Wilbur Bretz, of .Boiling Springs vW i . j -i at Reserve Hospital No. 3 Stuttgart. NATION TO AID RUMANIA A -S , "?* Washington—The United States government to-day ' ' M ' ' promised to exert its influence in behalf of Rumania in 7* its effort to secure justice, political and territorial rights ] "i* at the final peace conference. •* X $250,000 FIRE IN NEW JERSEY -i t ' ; Weehawken, N. J. —A storage warehouse of the l; 1* 1 *■' t; Independent Lamp and Wire Company, twelve resi- r , ; T dences and a club house were destroyed by fire here 1 to-day. The loss is estimated at $250,000. ■|4 SPROUL GETS CUMBERLAND BY BIG VOTE ' \ : mI i Carlisle—Returns from 57 ditsricts for gvoernor in ~4' 1 "f Cumberland county give Sproul, 4802 Bonniwell, 2666. \ ''4, ITALIANS ENCIRCLE ENEMY !f* Rome—ltalian cavalry has thrown into panic large *f A* marching units fo the enemy and, encircling them, com- "4 - A* pelled them to lay down their arms. * r ' 8 1 -V ALLIES MAY FEED FORMER FOES > i Washington—Food needed by the people of former 4: ' enemy nations of Bulgaria, Austria and Turkey may - 4* be furnished by the Allies and the Upited States, was s - - the announcement made here to-day. * s i . i \\-* VIENNA DENIES ABDICATION OF CHARLES '' "4 Basel—Reports to the effect that Emperor Charles \ intends to abdicate are denied by an official dispatch •£ from Vienna. \ ' * |4 HUN RETREAT BEFORE FRENCH CONTINUES -§ Paris—The retreat of the Germans along the whole .4 ' 4* of the French front continues, according to the war 1 office statement to-day. The French are in contact with ,-A • X enCmy re3r f> uarc * S- , ' DR. C. M. RICKERT RETIRES • 4* Harrisburg—Dr. C. M. Ricker, of Millersburg, a A -4 prominent Dauphin county physician recently named .3 [A* as an associate chief medical inspector of the State De- A 1 partment of Health, retired to-day.. The doctor had a i I it! co N is i on Mth Acting Commissioner Royer on the ques .: jr tion of private practice. r i f I afi KARRI ACE LICENSES * j -J .liti-nli |c. I'lilnicr nml .Nelll;? A. Hull, ilm-nliitm. iric/Fir k Ic.Fk. Flc °lrk 'inHrfriq M v . A. ' . • iff J ..J ,:.C. ... . '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers