12 I! ADVERTISING OUSTS LESS AND GETS BETTER RESULTS IN HE TELEGRAPH| i . ; - 9 2?eatbs Ali'Eß Sarah U Auper, aged 72 ' years, died November 1, 1918, tieral"^ervices will be held at her ■ late residence. 407 Boas street.. Wed- | nesday morning, at 10:30 ocl° cl V Remains can oe viewed aftet , o'clock Tuesday evening, r unerai services and internteut private. OAKFOHD Mrs. Mary B. Oakford. ; aged 32 years, wife of Howard V• . Oakford. died Saturday, at 1:46, P M at her home, SOi North Hioad street. Philadelphia. Surviving her are her husband, of Philadelphia, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. \\ llluim M. Fulton. Harrisburg; two Mrs. Gertrude Cooper and Mrs. Kulh Bailee, of Harrisburg. and one brother, Robert Fulton, of Harns- Bodv will be brought to Harrisburg Thursday, with burial at. Paxtans Cemeterjj PERRY Millard F. Perry. 2710 Woodlawn avenue, died November 3. 1918, aged OS years. Private services at his late resi dence on Monday, at 7:30 P. M. In terment at Forest Hills Cemetery. Boston. Mass. WILLIS Died, on November 2. 1918. l.atmire Willis, aged 46 years. Funeral on Wednesday afternoon, at 3:30 o'clock, from his late residence.) 1530 North Fifth street. Interment) private at Paxtang Cemetery. RESOLUTIONS MINUTE ON THE DEATH OF lIEV. EI'WIN E. CURTIS. ADOPTED Hi ! THE OFFICIAL BOARDS OF THE WESTMINSTER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. On Sabbath, October 27. 1918, just 1 as the new day was dawning ltev. i Edwin E. Curtis. Pastor of the West- ( minster Presbyterian Church of Har risburg. Pa., was called by his Heav- ■ enljr Father, whom he so dearly loved, to leave his work on earth and take; up his higher duties in Heaven. Rev. Curtis came to Westminster at a critical period in its* history and; by his powers of organization, en thusiasm. and devoted Christian char acter united the membership, built up. the church materially and gave it a standing in the community for all that is best in Christian service. ; He was a lovable and companion able man and endeared himself not; only to the members of his congrega- j Hon. but to all with whom he came | in contact. He was prominent in all move- , ments. looking towards the betterment; of the city in a moral and spiritual In his death the Church has lost a wise, efficient, lovable, and thoroughly, christian leader; the community one who was ever ready to hear the cry . of affliction and who was ever ready with material or spiritual help as needed: and his family a loving and' devoted husband and father ! RESOLVED. That we extend to the; sorely bereaved wife and daughter j our most sincere and Christian sym pathy. and commend them to our Heavenly Father, who is ever ready to comfort and bless. RESOLVED. That this Minute be, published in the daily papers, the Church and Home, and that a copy; he sent tc. the family. I LOST AND FOUND LOST ln Penbrook. an automob- , bile cushion. Finder will return same to Russ Bros. Ice Cream Factory and receive reward. ; LOST Female bull dog. Black hr.ndle marked with white breast and j tip of chin. Clipped spot on right shoulder. Signs of having recently; nursed puppies. Liberal reward if re turned to 250 Hummel street. LOST Purse, containing sum of money, on Carlisle car. between Me ehanlcsburg and Harrisburg. Re- ) ward if returned to Telegraph oftice.; LOST Metropolitan Insurance. papers, on Market street, between j Pennsylvania Station and oreek- American Confectionery Store Re-| ward if returned to 2133 North Sec-, ond street. j INSTRUCTIONS A RIGHT START IS HALF THE BATTLE Get a THOROLoU STANDARD course in Harrisburg s ACCREDITED Business College.school , of Commerce. Troup Building, 15 South j Market Square. Bell 485. Dial 4093. INDIVIDUAL PROMOTION in Gregg j Shorthand. Typewriting. English; Bookkeeping. Penianship, Arlth.. etc. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL ALL \ EAR. Enter any time. Bell 694R, Dial 4016., THE OFFICE TRAINING SCHOOL 121 Mkt. SC Chas. R. Beckley. Prin. | Merle E. Keller. Bus. Mgr. IILI 1> WANTED —MALE WANTED Steamfltters, practical men. 75 cents pgr hour. Time and half-time for over 3 hours' work, come ready to work. Steady. Hersh & Bros., Contractors. Allentown, 1 a. . WANTED Bell boys. Apply Sen ate Hotel, Second and Market streets.] LABORERS WANTED. 25 MEN AT ONCE. APPLY PENN-HARHIS HOTEL. THIRD AND WALNUT STS. WANTED Registered Pharma cist for Manufacturing Laboratory. Permanent position with advancement. State age. experience and salary de sired. Bowman. Mell & Co.. 1347 Howard street. WANTED Experienced house man. either married or single. Rent free in separate house. Address Box D. 7577. care of Telegraph. WANTED Sheet metal workers. Jobbers, tinsmiths. Jobbers cornice men. sheet iron workers. 65c an hour. Time and half-time over 8 hours. In quire of Hersh &. Bros.. Contractors, Allent-wn, Pa. ' A A Front Street Mansion Party leaving city has placed In our hands one of the attrac tive homes of Front street. It is a line large property, and If In terested we would be pleased to show it to you. Miller Brothers & Co. REAL ESTATE Insurance Surety Honda Locnat and Court StVeeu . Member Hbg. Real Estate MONDAY EVENING, I HELP WANTED—MALE 1 I j YOUNG MAN —To solicit advertis ing. 1-, "mnent connection. Apply I Box S.. 7512, care of Telegrah. WOODSMEN WANTED for govern- I ment work getting out railroad ties. 1 Contractor wanted to take furnished ; I camps. A good contract for party | who can produce. Ralph A. Smith. > Sandy Ridge, Pa. WANTED Man chauffeur. Noj distinction in color. Middle-aged man , preferred. Apply 18 South Front ! street. Wormleysburg, Pa. WANTED HOUSE PAINTERS APPLY AT ONCE. HARRISBURG MFG. & BOLER CO.. Nineteenth and Derry Sts. WANTED First-class carpenters and laborers, at once. Apply FOREMAN, Star-Independent Bldg., 18 South Third Street. i ANTED Thoroughly competent bookkeeper. Wholesale house will j pay very* good salary to capable ' man. Address No. 40. care of Tele- I ' graph. | i WANTED Man to work on ex- , 1 tractors. J2O per week No experience 1 necessary. Apply Sanitary Family i Washing Co., Sixteenth and Elrn: , streets. ' MEN WANTED To learn the au- I tonmbile business and do mechanical j work on same. Thousands of men ure wanted in the United States Ariny i for such work as driving and repair- j ing. Auto Transportation School. 260 1 ; south Front street. Steelton. WANTED Good porter, also ope i that is capable of running Ford car. j Apply C. M. Sigler, Inc.. 30 North Sec- : I ond. j WANTED Boy, over 16 years of' age. to operate telephone. Apply Har risburg Pipe and Pipe Bending Co.. Main Office. Tenth and Herr streets. I DRIVER WANTED For Coal Wagon; also several men for Coal ' 1 Yard and Quarry. Steady work. Ruth erford Bros , Paxtang. Pa. MEN WANTED To load stone. 29 ; cents per ion. Can earn 526 to $35 per week. Apply Paxtang Quarries. Pax tang. * j WANTED One first-class barber. ' Apply Tile Barber Shop. 15 North Market Square. ' WANTED—Two good, strong boys j jto learn trade. Apply Superinten i dent. The Telegraph Printing Co.. Harrisburg. WANTED An experienced engi neer for pumping and electric plant. ' Address, with reference. Engineer. ; eare of Telegraph. CARPENTERS WANTED AT ONCE. APPLY TO F. C. LEURN. PENN-HARRIS HOTEL. j GOVERNMENT NEEDS hundreds ■ clerks for Income Tax. Customs, In ternal Revenue. Harrisburg examlna ; tions soon. Salary. 61.20u-2.000. Ex- 1 • perience unnecessary. For free par- 1 j ticulars regarding examinations, write 'J. C. Leonard (former Civil Service ; Examiner). 2561. Kenois Building. 1 Washington. WANTED A man. or will employ 1 man and wife, to do Janitor and ! housework. Aply 1700 North Second' | street. — ; MARRIED MAN WANTED, AT , ONCE To move in my farm house i I and work for me. Will pay good ' wages for a good, strong, willing and ; ! capable man who can give satisfac-1 1 tory references. Apply R. A. Wicker- ; | sham, Mechanicsburg. Pa. HLLP WANTED—FEMALE ' WANTED j Cook for institutional cooking Woman for general housework. Dishwasher. Diningroom girl. Apply at Harrisburg Academy Oftice 1 from 9 to 11 A. M. i Take Riverside Car. CHARWOMAN For business ; building. Permanent position. Refer- 1 j ences required. Call in person at Mil- ; 1 ler Brothers & Co.. Locust and Court 1 j streets. COLLECTOR FOR A LARGE CORPORATION' Permanent position and ex cellent opportunity for an en ergetic and intelligent wo man. State age. experience and salary desired. Address | BOX G. 6654, Care of Telegraph. ! WANTED Competent white wo -1 man for general housework, plain cooking, for duration of war or longer. Family formerly from Harrisburg. Wages. month—room included. 1 Expenses paid to Washington. D. C. I Write Mrs. F. E. Schaeffer, 479 F j street S. W„ Washington, D. C. ! WANTED A refined, middle-aged ! woman to assist In taking care of a ] baby in private family. Apply 1006 I North Sixth street. | WANTED Girl for general hohse ' work. Small family. Good wages. Apply 1315 North Second street. j YOUNG WOMAN Who wants good home and live as one of family, .' to keep house for young widower and ! bo/ six years old—one who 'will give the boy a mother's care. Expenses 1 paid. Write particulars and terms. Addre|S 8.. 6656. care of Telegraph. WANTED Experienced girls for ! Job press feeders; also learners. Good pay. Apply at once. Courier. 210 I North Third street. ] , J ■ WANTED 1 Woman to operate can-wash i ing machine. White or col ored. Apply HERSHEY CREAMERY CO.. South Cameron Street. SEE MR. STOUFFER. j j WANTED Woman to do house ! cleaning, washing and Ironing a few I days each week. Inquire at 119 f | Washington street. | HELI' WANTED—FEMALE i__ WANTED—Chambermaid and dish washer. Apply at 222 Chestnut. WANTED—Two young women for I waitresses. Must give references. Ap- ] j ply Stoutter's Restaurant, 4 North j Court. ; WANTED A good laundress to . take work home. Good wuges paid. • ; Apply 226 Emerald street. ■ WANTED Girl for chambermaid. ! Apply at once, 1011 Market street. SALESLADIES WANTED For j various departments. Good positions.] Apply Kaufman's Underselling Store. BELL TELEPHONE OPERATORS WANTED Y'oung women. 17 to 30 years of age, wanted to learn tele- j phone operating; rapid ad vancement and exceptional opportunities for promotion j for those displaying energy and ambition. Salary paid while learning. Aply at | OPE TRAINING DE PARTment. 20S Walnut Street, • Between S.OO A. M. and 5:00 P. M. 1 • I ———————^— i i WANTED Experienced and com- i , petent stenographer. Will pay good j salary to proper person. State age ■ and experience. Address R., 6653. eare ! j of Telegraph. ! WANTED Cook, white or col ! ored. Good wages. Corner Twenty -1 second and Market streets. WANTED Experienced sewing j girls. Call evenings, at 183 Walnut' j street. 1 WANTED A reliable woman for I general housework. Family of three 1 adults. Pleasant surroundings. Lib-1 | eral wages. 559W, Bell. SALESWOMEN WANTED I Experienced saleswomen wanted In various depart ments. Steady employment. Apply at once. ' SALHINB DEPARTMENT STORE, 428-430 Market St. WANTED —Maid for general house- j ■ work. Inquire at 213S North Third, j GIRLS WANTED Experienced or j I inexperienced, for chocolate dippers. I Good wages. Apply 331 Market! ! street. GOVERNMENT NEEDS 12,000 wo- i , men clerks. Harrisburg examinations 1 | November 16. December 7. Salarv,; Ji .200. Experience unnecessary. Wo- ! I men desiring government positions | j write for free particulars. J. C. Leon- ; laid (former Civil Service Examiner), i 561 Kenois Building. Washington. | ! WOMAN—Wanted Immediately for I scrubbing and general work. Apply I Stouffer's Restaurant, 4 North Court j street. | WANTED Female ward attend ant for the Dauphin County. Alms house. Apply Mrs. J. W. Early, Post Office Box 286, or at the institution, Twenty-ninth street, near Derry. I WANTED Girl for general house- j ! work In small family. No washing. J Apply 2109 North Third street. ! WANTED Girls to work in ' laundry. Apply at Keystone Laundry,' ! Harris and Wallace streets. HELP WANTED—MaIe and Female, ' 1 SILK MILL 1 Experienced help wanted. Experi-' I enced weavers average |3.50 to 66.50 I I per day. Other departments propor- \ 1 tlonately. Beginners wanted also. Best pay. i Come and earn 30 per cent, bonus over t and above regular wages. Aply HARRISBURG SILK MILL Second and North Streets. THOUSANDS MEN WOMEN—! GIRLS. 18 or over wanted immediately jby United States Government. Easy i office positions at Washington and in I every large city. Experience unnec- I I essary. 5100 month and up. 7-hour I ! day. Your country needs you. Help ; her. Write immediately for free list, i positions open. Franklin Institute, : Dept. 403 G. Rochester. N. Y. . SHOEWORKERS WANTED We need experienced opera tors in all departments, and can guarantee steady work. All work is paid for at piece rates, but wc guarantee every employe definite wages. The more work you produce the more you earn. We also have openings in all departments for young men and women to learn a useful trade, which will be of value to them after the war. The shoe business is a necessary industry and is of much importance. Get a job making goods for Uncle Sam if you can, but if not. then consider the shoe manufactur- I ing trade as worth while | learning. If interested, take i . this ad to the United States | Employment Bureau at Third and North Streets, and get | lull particulars. i HARRISBURG SHOE MFG. CO. 1402 Vernon St. SALESMEN WANTED SALESMEN WANTED Excellent j I opportunity for energetic men. Good' positions. Apply at once. Kaufman's: Underselling Store. ——* I SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE j __ \ WANTED Position as shortorder j cook in hotel or restaurant. Call, or; address, 638 liriKKs street. i SITUATION WANTED Executive Live, active man. 30] ; years, general experience with Mann-, facturing and other concerns, desires . new connection. . Best reasons for leaving present position. Experienced purchasing agent. Understands gen eral accounting work. Address McC., Post Office Box 884, Harrisburg, Pa. ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT Furnished rooms, 82.50 per week and up; warm rooms; running hot and cold water; light housekeeping and private bath. Wil son Apartments, No. 143 South Third street. FOR RENT Two completely-fur r nlshed front third floor rooms, for ) light housekeeping. Inquire 162* Walnut street HAHRIBBURG TELEGRAPH — ,| i . NEIGHBORHOOD STORES oft en specialize on some particular com modities. If you conduct such a store, and sell something for which . your store has become noted in your neighborhood, tell the whole city about it. You'll find your circle of customers steadily widening. By and by you will outgrow the limitations of a neighborhood store. i ROOMS FOR RENT I FOII ItENT Two front rooms, j second tloor, furnished for light | housekeeping. Bath And phone. Av ply 923 North Second street. i FOR RENT Two furnished rooms on tlrst tloor, for light housekeeping; ' all conveniences; city steam. Call ! Dial phone 3453. j FOR RENT Third floor furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Ap j ply 1646 Market. FOR KENT Third floor, furnished ] i front room, between Front and Second I streets; gentlemen preferred. Inquire! | Mrs. McCaleb, 128 Walnut street. j j FOR RENT Two furnished rooms, j for light housekeeping; all convenl- I ehces; hot and cold water; located at 130 North Fifth street. Apply at 114 | Notth Fifth. I FOR RENT Furnished room. with home privileges, to a woman who iis employed. R., 7443, care of Tele j ftraph. ' THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS ] With use of bath, on second tloor; de-| . sirahle section; light and heat. Ad-, j dress L., 6658. care of Telegraph. FOR RENT Room in private fam- | jily, situated on Third street, facing' park. Call Bell phone 758 W. | ONE elegantly-furnished front 1 room, on second floor, suitable for liv-' ingroom and bedroom for married l couple. All modern improvements, j Both phones. Inquire 706 North Sixth. HOUSE. APARTMENT OR ROOMS; | FOR RENT All conveniences; finest I j locution. Inquire 70 West Main street, ' Mechanicsburg, Pa., or call 133W Bell' | phone. ! FOR 'RENT Newly-furnished | j rooms; modern improvements; cen- i : trally located. Inquire 512 North I i Second street. | ROOMS FOR RENT. 113 Locust* St. —Well furnished. Conveniences. Bell phone 2907 W. ROOMS WANTED WANTED Three unfurnished rooms and bath, for gentleman, be tween Front and Third. Market and North. Address P. O. Box 562, Har risburg. i WANTED One or two furnished j rooms, with or without housekeeping privileges with all modern improve- I ments. Apply at 1308 Market. | THREE OR FOUR unfurnished j i rooms, centrally located, by young: I couple. Small apartment, with bath, ! ' will be considered. Possession on or I I about October 1. Can furnish excel-, lent references. No children. Address I a, $458. care of Telegraph. APARTMENTS FOR RENT FOR RENT 1609 Market street, I apartment, $87.50. Immediate pos session. J. K. Kipp. 2203 North Fourth street. Bell phone 1942 W. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ' FOIt SALE 1404-1406 North Third I I street. 244-story frame houses, in | good condition. Must be sold to set ' tie an estate. Inquire Ferdinand ; Roller. 1720 North Third street. A WELL-PAYING ROOMINOHOUSE ! FOR S.- —lO7 Chestnut street. I CHOICE BUILDING LOTS 50x150 j At Washington Heights. West En- I ola. West Fairview. Enola Terrace ; and Midway. Price $125 to S2OO. > Terms, $lO down. $5 monthly, A ! good time to start your future home site. Liberty Bonds taken j at par. • SEE C. DA VIES. 204 CALDER BLDG.. MARKET SQUARE. BELL 4377. "IF IT'S REAL ESTATE SEE SANDERLIN." BERRY ST., 1334—N0W VACANT; modern 10-room, 3-story brick; aai ; latest improvements; front and rear I porches; lawn and back yard; r ° 01 " ! for a private garage; ideal location ! for a physician; can be bought wltn i SSOO cash. FULTON ST.. 1627—N0W VACANT; I corner property; 244-story frame; six ! rooms and attic; gas and water; can | be bought same as rent. j KENSINGTON ST.. 2030 $ rooms; i all Improvements; very cosy home; ! same as rent. . , JEFFERSON ST.. 2261 2-story I brick; 8 rooms; all j front and rear porches: dsndy little j house; same as rent. ! CURTIN ST.. 610 Three-story i brick; nine rooms; bath; gat; electric i lights: furnace; well-built, modern ! house; see this before buying; same | as rent. SIXTH BT., N.. *sll 9-story brick; 9 rooms; all Improvements, very good value: same as rent. SCHUYLKILL ST., 611— Corner property: 3-story brick; all Improve ments; same as rent STEELTON. PA., SOUTH BECOND ST.. SlB44 — 2 44-story frame; seven rooms: gas and water; same as rent. D, A, SANDERLIN. ROOM 1. feEdURITY THUBT BLDG., Hj) NORTH THIRD ST. BELL PHONE 1390, DIAL ISTt, > REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE Two-story frame, metal roof, good conditions, yard. Cheap home for SI,OOO. Inquire Store. 1117 North Third. POSSESSION SOON New 244-story brick. North Fourth street; all Improvements; steam heat; hardwood floors; electricity and gas. Easy terms. Twin house. j Three-story brick, on Green street; all improvements; steam heat. Pos- I session soon. Twin house. | New 214-story, on North Second i street; steam heat; hardwood floors; electricity and gas; porches; drive ul ley; twin house. t Three-story brick on Sixth street; steam heat; garage on rear; side entrance. Very cheap. Large, single 3-story brick. North Second street; room for garage; cor ner property. I Apartment house, with garage on, paying 10 per cent. Will exchange on Ifarm. Three-story brick, on Market street, with storeroom: side entrance; near i markethouse. Cheap if sold soon. I Three-story brick nn Walnut street; I corner house; all improvements; also 3-story brick, corner, with storeroom, on Walnut street. Several fine suburban homes; singly built; all improvements; one-half to 1 I acre of land to each one; fruit and shrubbery. Possession at once, will I consider other property in trade. i Three-story brick on Crescent ! street: all improvements; side en | trance; porches. t ' Three-story brick on Reglna street: 1 steam heat*, porches, drive alley; easy terms. Six two-story bricks in row; all im-! provements. Porches. Very cheap Easy terms. Six three-story brick; no Improve- I ments. SIOO down on each one; good location. Several 2-storv bricks; all improve- ' ments; SIOO to S3OO down; pay | 8 rent. 1 have several very fine homes to exchange on good farms close to Har risburg. For prices and p'articulars of the above properties, apply to C. H. CORDER. j 1722 Green Street. Harrlsburc [ " Bell Phone 560 J. BUUrB - I " i AN exceptionally well-built two and-one-half-story house, size 30*28 ft.; stands back from pavement 35 ft in lot 60x248 ft.; contains eight roomi and bath. Situated on Hamilton street. Camp Hill. Pa., short distance from trolley. Built for residence, not for specu lation. For terms, etc.. apply to H. M. ASKIN, South and Pitt Streets. Carlisle, Pa. HOMES FOR COLORED J FAMILIES I Three Brick Houses. 8 rooma, water' inside, sl.Bo't each. $50.00 needed as : first payment. j LINCOLN REALTY CO. i 1129 North Seventh St. | 1- I FOR SALE 2 44-story double ! brick house, at White Hill lO rooms ! each house all improvements cheap. Inquire A. Smith. Camp Hill. | Pa. I FINE INVESTMENT or residence I property on North Second street, be- twecn Broad and State streets. Brick. 9 rooms and bath. Lqt. 24x125 to wide alley. Side and back entrances. Must be sold to settle an estate. Ad dress Box S. 6660, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE 1320 Kittatinny St.; a 3-story house; 8 large rooms and bath; all improvements; front and rear porches: large yard and cement cellar: everything In good condition. Good location and reasonable price. Inquire of John L Heiges. 203 44 Hummel street. NOW VACANT BO3 North Seven teenth street, brick % and stucco dwell ing. most modernly equipped, well constructed. Ideal location. Key at our office. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Building. t —_____ FOUR BRICK HOUSES Six roomi and bath gas furnace cement ed cellars. Renting value, 164 per month. Price, 86.600. Bell Realty Qo., Bergner Building. $2,500 WILL PURCHASE a two story brick dwelling, with all im provements. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. S3OO CASH NEEDED to purchase a three-story brick dwelling, with nine rooms and bath gas —■ furnace porch front drive alley on the rear. : Price. $3,000. Bell Realty Co., Berg ner Building. FOR SALE 674 Schuylkill street —frame semi-bungalow with 6 rooms and bath other Improvements, In cluding steam heat. Price. $2,200. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Building. OPPORTUNITY TO OWN YOUR OWN HOME on our "easy-payment plan. Small ooat payment or Liberty Bond. Balance as rent, A. P. DORANZ, 1226 North Sixth Street. Member Harrlaburg Real Estate Board FOR BALE 1 — Semi-detached brinks, hew. North Sixth street near Oxford. 8 rooms and bath, eteam heat, electric, gas, hardwood floors, cement walk. Price low, Terms easy, D. A. Calsy. 707 Kunkel Bldg. Ball MA ' Real Estate For sale—Suburban WOOD FOR SALE A tract of wood land opened, a saw mill on the ground, on public road, convenient to load on truck or wagon, m miles north of Ebola, 5 miles from Harrisburg. Wood all lengths, cord, stove and fireplace. Price, 87.00, 88.00 and 89.00 per cord. Wanted, a three ton truck to haul wood. Will pay 825.00 per day for 6 trips to city. See C. Davics, 204 Calder Bldg., Market Square. Bell 4377. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT FOR RKNT 923 North Sixth street, house and store. Suitable for any business. Apply to S. Friedman, Real Estate, Kunkel Bldg.. or 217 Peffer street. FOR RENT Furnished house. Write to Mrs. Williams, 1509 North Second. 1622 MARKET ST.. FURNISHED. CONTAINING 8 ROOMS AND RATH. RENT, $55 PER MONTH. BR INTON-PACK E R COM PAN Y. SECOND AND WALNUT STS. GARAGE FOR RENT Suitable for Ford or other small car, $4.00, rear of 913 Grand street. Apply to 918 Green street. FOR RENT Two single garages, with light, situate rear No. 1607 Swatara street. Rent, $5 each. J. E. Gipple, 1251 Market street. FOR RENT 916 North Sixteenth j street; 9-room brick house: gas, elec tricity and steam heat. Rent. SSO. Call Bell phone 2912. KEAL ESTATE—for Sale or Itcnt I i HOUSES AND GARAGES at Fifth and Curtln streets. Possession of some of the houses on thirty days' notice. Fred C. Miller, 31 North Sec ond. Bell phone 307 J. REM. ESTATE WANTED FRONT STREET RESIDENCE j PROPERTY WANTED North of Reily. Address W., 8897, care of Tele- ' I graph. ] WANTED. TO RENT—Small house, | modern improvements. Address D.. j 7586, care of Telegraph. I HAVE BUYERS waiting for prop- ! erty in any section of the city. If | cheap. What have you to offer? Chas. i Adler, 1002 North Third street. r Alt MS I FOR SALE 3-acre farm, good ! house. 13 miles from Harriaburg, | $750. Call 107 Chestnut street. ! VALUABLE FARMS AND TOWN ; PROPERTIES AT PUBLIC SALE j | On the Pfemises, November 8 and 9. j Tract NO. I—Farm, 166 acres, 40 ! i acres valuable timber, some ready for | market. 3 miles from Duncannon. i I j Good buildings, fine fruit, productive I ! farm. A big moneymaker for an en- 1 | ergetic farmer. Sale at 10 A. M., Fri- : I I day. November 8. Tract No. 2 Farm. 108 acres, 13 acres timber. Located In Allen's 1 Cove, 1 mile from Covallen Station, P. 1 1 R. R., M mile from Middle Cove j school house. All new buildings, two apple orchards, plenty of small fruit. | A productive farm and an attractive' | home Sale at 2 P. M., Friday, No- 1 vember 8. • 3 and 4 Two well-located prop i erties in Duncannon Borough. Inter ested parties should apply to the un dersigned for complete description of these properties. Sale Saturday, No vember 9. 1 For terms of sale and further par ticulars, inquire of 1 STANLEY S. ZIMMERMAN. Stee'ton, Pa.; FRANK A. ZIMMERMAN. Chambersbu-g, Pa.. Attorneys-in-fact. FOP. SALE OR EXCHANGE -- One large and two small farms. Inquire • j 3402 Derry' street, or Dial 5708. • WANTED To hear'from owner having good farm for sale. C. C. Shepard. Minneapolis, Minn. 1 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE One large and two small farms. Inquire 3402 Derry street, or Dial 5708. FARMS One hand; any size, with . or without stock. 107 Chestnut i street, i " FARMS About 35 acres timber land, mostly oak. Located about 6 i miles from Bowmansdale, In York County. For further in , formation, address "TIMBER," Care of Harrisburg Telegraph. j FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS BARGAINS! BARGAINS! The Store across from Y. W. C. A. I offers you the Biggest and Best Bar gains in Men's and Boys' Suits, Over coats, Mackinaw Coats, Underwear. ' Hats, Caps and Shoes. We are fam ■ ous for Low Prices. Give us a trial. OUTI-.ET CLOTHING CO.. • I | 23 North Fourth Street. ; WOOD—WOOD—WOOD Fine wood, cut short, oak, speclally . cut for fireplace. F. J. Matter, Bell ( 39-J, Steelton. ; 1919 CALENDARS Good Selection. For good service, order at once and avoid the rush. Sample Room for Convenl • ences of Customers. MYERS MANUFACTURING CO., Third and Cumberland Sts. 1 Above Shoe Store. ) APPLES FOR SALE Grimes. Gol . den, with a Banana flavor; Stayman. • Welnsnn. Jonathans. York imperial, eao. Some of these apples ari very fine. . Come and see them at H. A. Wicker sham's Orchard, one-half mile east of t Mechanlcsburg. Pa. Trolley oar stops i at Orchard. PAWNBROKER'* BALE A big lot of unredeemed overcoats to be sold at the very lowest price. NOTICE To those holding pawn tloheis for I overcoata and other winter articles should please coma and redeem them ' or they will be sold without further notice. N, BRENNER. 1116 NORTH THIRD BTRET, NOVEMBER 4, 1918. FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS KOI I SALE Lady's brown velour - coat. In A 1 condition; lined throughout with satin lining; alto lightweight 6 wool poplin coat. Trice reasonable, a Inquire 512 North Second street. t MACHINERY AND TOOLS I Steam Hoisting Engine for sale or 1 hire. Apply to 322 Blackberry street, c Harrlsburg, Pa. 1 TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT FOR ' CASH ALL MAKES RENTED " EXCHANGED. GEO. P. TILLOTSON, f 205 LOCUST STREET. OPPOSITE i ORPIIEUM THEATER BOTH PHONES OFFICES AND STOREROOMS FOlt RENT Storeroom at 24 North Third street. Newly remodeled and new front. Also offices for rent In same building. Apply next door . The William B. Schleisner Stores. 1 FOR RENT In the Commonwealth Trust Company Building. large roomy offlceß. Apply to COMMONWEALTH TRUST CO. 1 222 Market Street. STOREROOM FOR RENT Why not get In business where the People eome to buy goods. 1202 North Third, shelved, ready for business. The i Rest room for the money. Call and I see me for a bargain. Heated by city ! steam. 95 feet deep. J. S. Sible, 236 I Herr street. OFFICES FOR RENT Furnished or unfurnished, single or ensuite of two or three rooms. Apply 11. & L, Lowengard, 210 North Third street. LARGE STOREROOM FOR RENT— Suitable for automobile display room or other wholesale or large retail I business, 1101-1103 North Sixth street, i Apply to Louis. 414 North Third. WANTED —MISCELLANEOUS j I HIGHEST PRICES PAID for all i kinds of Junk. Get our prices before 1 selling. Call Bell phone 936, or drop | us a postal and our wagon will call, i Keystone Iron & Metal Co.. Broad and Currant streets. MORRIS SAYS save money buying I new and second-hand furniture here. High prices paid for furniture. Morris Schmertz. 1030 Market. Bell 3971 R. j WANTED Second-hand cash reg- I ister, in good condition. Will pay rea- I sonable price. Max Schein, 1200 North < i seventh street. | EXTRA! EXTRA! EXTRA.! I L. Cohen & Co.. York and Ast ave | nues have opened up a place. W nole ' sale and retlail scraplron. metals, rub ! ber and rags, paper stock. All grades of Junk and barrels bought. Pay i highest cash prices. Send postal or j call Bell phone 3221 W. Will call. I HIGHEST PRICES PAID for all 1 kinds of empty barrels and Junk. Call ! Bell phone 4275. B. Abramt & Son. ! 924-832 North Seventh street ' WANTED A good home Cor a i baby boy—one where he will ge; good 1 care. Call Bell phone 3537. MAX SMELTZ I Second-hand furniture bought and i sold. Highest cash prices paid. Call ! Bell 1381 or Dial 5847. or drop a p.-s- I tal to Max Smeltz. 1016 Market stre t. j Will call, city or country. BUSINESS PERSONALS Diamonds bought for Cash, appraisers j for estate. P. H. Caplan Co., 206 Mkt. RELIABLE ELECTRIC AND 1/JCKSMITHSHDP, GENERAL REPAIRING 1303 N. SIXTH ST. | BELL 3995. DIAL 5854. 1 QUININE—Look out for that grippe 1 feeling, likely to catch you this ' changeable weather OUR LAXATIVE I PHOSPHO-QUININE will stave it oft lif taken in time. Gross Drug Store. | 119 Market street. RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED Single edge. 25c doz.; double edge, 25c doz.; old style. 25c each. Gorgas Drug Store. , BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES I FOR SALE Profitable News Agency For I Sale in thriving suburban town. Storeroom in the heart of the business section. Start a business here. The Newspaper Agency will get you acquainted with the peo ple. Address BOX R, 7474, Care of Telegraph. Money to Loan i WHEN YOU NEED MONEY to meet Immediate necessities, always consult this reliable licensed, bonded Institution chartered under Pennsyl vania laws and financed by local peo ple in 19U9 to save borrowers from extortion. CO-OPERATIVE LOAN & INVESTMENT CO.. 204 CHESTNUT ST. WE SELL W. S. S. AND THRIFT STAMPS. WE LEND. MONEY in compliance with Act of June 17, 1915. to individu als In need of ready cash; small loans a specialty; business contldentlal, pay ments to suit borrower's convenience; positively lowest rates in city, PENNSYLVANIA INVESTMENT CO., 132 Walnut Street. Musical TALKING MACHINES promptly and carefully repaired by an expert only. OYLER'S, 14 South Fourth street. | IF your Talking Machine needs re pairs. Just call Bell Phone 3242 J. An expert will be at your service at once. Or bring mcchlne to 1213 North Third street. j TALKING MACHINES of all kinds repalsed by an 'expert. All work promptly done end guaranteed. Call Bell 2804R, or 1664 Howard avenue. Hauling and Moving AUTO HAULING —Local and long distance. Furniture moving a spec ialty. Rates reasonable. Prompt ser vice. Call Bell 623 J. GENERAL HAULING AND FAST EXPRESS SERVICE to nearby towns with auto trucka Only eaperlenced and careful drivers. Call Bell 3320, or Dial 22(6. LOCAL AND LONG-DISTANCE HAULING Prompt aervlce. A. & H. Motor Express, 917 Capital street. Bell phone 1836 J. t LOCAL and LONG-DISTANCE HAULlNG—Furnlture moving. Prompt ; service. Ernest Corbtn, (36 Calder i street. Both phone*. Bell X3U. Dial I 3. ——— M Hauling and Moving i AUTO HAULING Local or long distance. Furniture and piano moving a specialty. Blue Line Transfer, 917 Capital street. Both phones. HEAVY IIAULINU—FuIIy equipped i for furniture, freight and piano mov ing. No distance too tar. Careful driver. Rain and dustproof body. J. E. Grubber's Truck Service. Irvin Aungst. Manager. Hershey, Pa. Bell phone 1611-6. AUTO TRUCK SERVICE Local and long-distance. F. J. Marter, Bell 39-J. Steelton. ALL KINDS OF HAULING AND MOVING DONE CONRAD BROS.. 341 KELKER ST. BELL PHONE 623 W. DIAL PHONE 3518. HICKS & HOPKINS Local and Long-distance Hauling. 424 Kelly. Both phones. Storage STORAGE—4I9 Broad street, house hold goods. merchandise. Private rooms u.t reasonable rates. Also haul ing of all kinds. D. Cooper & Co. Both phones. S ORAQE —In brick building, rear 408 Maraet. Household goods in clean, private rooms. Reasonable rate 9. P. G. Diener, 408 Market street. STORAGE Private rooms for household goods in lireprjof ware house. (3 per month and up. Lower storage rates in non-tireproof ware house. Hurrisburg Storage Co., 437- 445 South Second street. Undertakers SAMUEL S. FACKLER, FUNERAL DIRECTOR. 1312 Derry St. BELL 1966. DIAL 2133. DAY AND NIGHT CALLS promptly ! attended to. H. M. Hoffman, Funeral ,| Director. 310 North Second street. RUDOLPH K. SPICER, Funeral Director and Embalmer, 511 North Second Street. BELL 252. DIAL 2145. ; CEMETERY'LOTS FOR SALE 1 PROSPECT HILL CEMETERY Beautifully situated on Market street east f Twenty-sixth, and on the • north pnd east faces the new paik ■ w.y. "he prices of lots are moderate. ' ..liller Bros. &. Co.. Agents. I Where to Dine ALVA HOTEL AND RESTAURANT. THE HOilE OF SATISFACTION. STOUFFER'S RESTAURANT—Home cooking' served to Businessman and Ladies In separate dinlngroom. Cleaners and Dyers IT PAYS to have Clothes Cleaned Pressed, Dyed or Repaired at the best place in town. Call and deliver. Uoodman's, 1306 Vs North Sixth. Both Phones. i AUTOMOBILES ONE NEW CONESTOGA TRUCK Covered body, 1,000 lbs. capacity. A bargain. inquire of Philadelphia (quick Lunch. FOR SALE One 1917 Hupmobile Owner expects to be called in the ser vice. Apyty Sunshine Garage, 27-29 North Camaron street. OLD AUTOS Wanted; used, wrecked or old timers, n any condition. See me before sac ritlclng elsewhere. Chelsea Auto W reciting, A acniftman, 22, 24, 26 North Cameron street. Bell 3633. FOR SALE Reo 6-cyllnder, 7-pas senger, late model, mechanically per fect, looks like new, extra tire. Price, ♦ 1.1u0.00. Apply Saturday, after a P. M., 1313 Swatura street. Bell (23M. AUTOMOBILE FOR SALE Stanley Steamer, (-passenger, 1917 Model, in splendid condition. All new Cord Tires. Water good for 150 to 250 miles. BURNS COAL OIL Price. 1918 model, $3,190.00 (when obtain able). A bargain at $2,100.00. Post Office Box 889, llarrisburg, Pa. FOR SALE —A small roadster good mechanical condition—three new tires. Particulars at 329 South Six teenth street. WANTED All kinds of used auto tires. We pay highest cash prices. No Junk. H. Esterbrook, 912 North Third street. Dial 4990. BAKER'S Electric two-passenger car with all new tires and looks like ne w—used very little. All curtains, new top. with all the equipment, and will run 40 miles on one charge. Any woman or child can run it. Cost, $1 750.00. Will sell for $650.00. Apply to' 322 Blackberry avfcnue. City. FOR SALE Ford Roadster, in good condition. Used by a doctor. Demountable rims, oversized tires and full equipment. Call Saturday afternoon at 711 North Seventeenth street. MAXWELL, 1917 Good tires, one extra. Runs and Imaks like new. A rare bargain at S4OO. Indian. 1916 Model, In good running order. Bargain at $75 A. SCHIFFMAN, 22-24-26 North Cameron. FORD DELIVERY Panel Bodies, for sale at a bargain. Apply at 322 Blu< kherry avenue. City. REGAL ROADSTER FOR SALE In first-class condition. Must be sold at once, as owner is leaving city. Cheap to quick buyer. Ask for Mr. SL-Clalr, Drlscoll Auto Co.. 145 South Cameron street. 1914 KNOX Racing Car, In good l " C 'l9ls'Chalmers Roadsters, In A 1 con- SUNSHINE OARAGE. Both Phones. "SECOND-HAND MOTOR TRUCKS FOR SALE CHEAP Consisting of variety of Ford cars, with rear-end one-ton capacity; Vima# Buick t Reo aSd Mack, with power hoist, dump body. All are good bargains. Inter "•itlonal Harvester Company of America Truck Dept, 619 Walnut street. MAXWELL Touring car in AI ■hane Must be sold, owner was drafted. This car Is like new. A lot/ of extras. wheel with new tires. Ap- Sl- at 126 South Eleventh street. MAGNETOS All types; 4 and Bosch high tension. Eismann, Dixey. SnlUdorf Mea. Remv snd different •fal ei of colls. carburetors, etc. A. Sohlffman. 'tl.ft-M North Cameron street Bell SMs. ____ Additional Classified Ads on Opposite Page
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers