LODGE REPEL§ FURTHER TALK WITHGERMANY Nothing but Absolute Deser tion of Autocracy Will Suf fice, Says the Senator Oct. 23. Senator Lodge, of Massachusetts, Republican leader, in statement yesterday brand Sore Throat Wisdom To relieve Sore Throat you must get at the seat of the disease, removing the cause. TONSILINE is prepared andsold for that one purpose. A dose of TONSI LINE taken upon the first appearance of Sore Throat may save long days of sickness. Use a little Sore Throat wis dom and buy a bottle of TONSILINE today. You may need it tomorrow TONSILINE is the National Sore Throat Remedy best ry*Y known and most effective and JS most used. Look for the long I'i necked fellow on the bottle when //i you go to the drug store to get it. 11 26c., 50c. Hospital Size, |I.OO. I Save S2OO | on a I Bethlehem Truckll We are prepared to deliver AT TO-DAY'S price a limited number of Bethlehem Motor Trucks— although the price will be advanced S2OO, November Ist on all models. These are the same as those we will have later at the advanced prices. • Bethlehem Motor Trucks are elec trically Lighted and Started. They are away ahead of to-day's ideas in construction, years ahead of the "aver- Prices Up to October 31st Are 1 Li-Ton 2%-Ton Chassis Chassis Chassis $1765 $2165 $3265 "11 F. O. B„ Allentown, Pa. We maintain a large service station with complete stock of parts and force of capable factory mechanics. Order Your Bethlehem NOW The Overland-Harrisburg Co. 212-214 Second Street, Harrisburg, Pa. HOWWEAK/NERVOUSWOMEN QUICKLY GAIN VIGOROUS HEALTH AND STRONG NERVES 7 A DAY FOR 7 DAYS A Vigorous, Healthy Body, Sparkling Eyes and Health-Col ored Cheeks Come in Two Weeks, Says Discoverer of Bio feren. World's Grandest Health Build er Costs Nothing Unless It Gives to Women the Buoyant Health They Long For. It ia safe to say that right here in this big city are tena of thousands of weak, nervous, run-down, de pressed women who in two weeks' time could make themselves so healthy, so attractive and so keen minded that they would compel the admiration of ail their friends. The vital health building elements that these despondent women lack are all plentifully supplied in Bio feren. WEDNESDAY EVENING. Ed Germany's latest not as "a clumsy trap, awkwardly aei. to Involve us in diplomatic discusstons." and said if it is answered at all. It should be with demands only for unconditional surrender. "It seems to me unbelievable," said Senator Lodge, "that anyone should be taken in by the last German note. It Is varnished over with a little false flattery, directed to the Presi dent and the people of the United States, which can deceive no one. "They desire to discuss details. What they call details are the vital issue of the war. No attention need be given to their denial of illegal and Inhumane actions. "Of reparation—and it must be very large—there is not a word. "Of course! all they say about changing their government Is pure camouflage. There has been no elec tion In Germany. It is the same old Reichstag, governed by the same forces and interests. They are mere ly frightened and trying to deceive the American.people—trying to gain by negotiation what they have lost in the field. I do not think there should be any reply to this German note. "There is something repulsive in having the invaders of Belgium and the makers of the villainous peace which they forced on Russia and Rumania, talking about Justice and honor." If you are ambitious, crave suc cess in life, want to have a healthy, Vigorous body, clear skin and eyes that show no dullness, make up your mind to get a package of Blo feren right away. It costs but little and you can get an original package at any druggist anywhere. Take two tablets after each meal and one at bedtime —seven a day for seven days then on'e after meals till all are gone. Then if you don't feel twice as good, look twico as attractive and feel twice as strong as before you started your money is waiting for you. It belongs to you. for the discoverer of Bio-feren doesn't want oue penny of it unless it fulfills all claims. Note to Physicians: There is no secret about the formula of Bio-feren, it is printed on every package. Here it is: Lecithin; Calcium Glycero phosphate; Iron Peptonate: Mang anese Peptonate; Ext. Nux Vomica; Powd. Bentian; Phenolphthaleln; Olearssin Capsicum; Kolo. ANDREWS CASE OVERFORWAR Public Service Commission Declines to Take Action Because of Government The Public Ser; V\ \ 9 yyJ vice Commission \\ \\ > in announc yW\A Hv in g that it had dismissed the complaint of H. G ' Andrews, of jffBBS (3K this city, II *BIBWWy3 the charges made siiffl aHlSal by the BeU Telc ~ EjdauJ 13 M LiitS* phone Co:, for in- Wg—' ..J sta 11 ati on and moving of tele phones, says that tha question "may jwell await the termination of the war and the return of pre-war con ditions." The complaint is dis missed with leave to renew at a later period. In the decision the commission nuikes this significant declaration: "Since the complaint was filed an act of Congress has been passed, las a war measure, under which the I operation of the respondent com- Ipany Is now in the control of the | federal authorities. The Postmaster [General by general order No. 1931, I amended by Bulletin No. 3, pre scribed rates for such service large ly in excess of those complained jagainst, and which if permitted to {stand would make a decision in the | present case largely academic." j Fish To Go Out—Distribution of young flsh from the state's hatcher ies will be resumed this week after ! huving been interrupted for almost [two weeks because of influenza which prostrated many of the men con nected with the State Department of I Fisheries. The hatcheries have a [large number of fish which it is hoped to send out before ice closes ,'the streams. This week thousands jof young trout will be sent out to- I gether with "bluegills" and catfish. I To Resume Work—Hearings will [probably be resumed by the Public I Service Commission within the next ten days. Some tentative dates have been fixed for next week and the hearings will be held if the Influ enza closing order is lifted- To Buy Door—Arrangements are j being made by the State Game Com mission to liberate a number of deer [in State Game Preserves after the I closing of the deer hunting season [in December. The deer are being [bought in northern states and will [be brought here in charge of war | dens. They will be placed in the | preserves in the Blue Ridge and In .the new preserve in Forest county. {Negotiations for wild turkeys are I also under way. I More Cabbage Although there [has been a big increase in the cab [bage crop and the heads being out now in the southern and eastern I Pennsylvania counties are fine and i large, advices coming to the Capitol ,are that not much will be converted I into sauerkraut owing to labor and | other conditions. Some of the east ern Pennsylvania, known for gen ! eratlons as the "sauerkraut belt" I [ were short of the delicacy last year i for the first time. Woodward ' Greeted —Representa- j tlve James F. Woodward, candidate , for secretary of internal affairs, who | was at the Capitol yesterday, was | greeted by many friends in the de partments. Mr. Riddle 111— S. S. Riddle, of the 'Department of Labor and In dustry, has been ill at his home in Bioomsburg. Going to Camp—Berne H. Evans, counsel of the Public Service Com mission, leaves this week for the artillery officers' train camp at Louisville. | Coal Cut Down—Coal production j in Lackawanna and Luzerne coun ties Is declared by fuel administra tors" to have been very heavily cut by influenza. The situation is said to have been very serious at some mines, which had only thirty per cent, of their forces at work. Colonel Miner Wounded—Colonel ! Asher Miner, commander of the | Ane Hundred Ninth Artillery, for merly the Ninth Pennsylvaina, and a former legislator, has been wounded in France. Mrs. Corotlicrs Dead—Word was erceived here to-day of the death at Washington of Mrs. Charles E. Carothers, wife of the deputy secre tary of agriculture. Mrs. Carothers had been ill for some time. She was fifty years of age. Open Again—The offices of the State Compensation Roard, which have been closed for ten days be cause of at least a score of the at taches having influenza, were re opened to-day. Other offices had more people at work to-day than for a week, victims of the epidemic com ing back again. Now 116 —There are now 116 at taches of the State Highway De partment in the Army or Navy. The new star will be put on the service flag by Chief Clerk H. W. Fry with appropriate ceremonies. To B Used Again—Tents and cots used in the emergency hospitals established by Adjutant General Beary will be disinfected and sent to other places where needed to combat the epidemic. When the disease ends they will be thoroughly treated and stored here again. Methodist War Board Demands Hun Surrender New Tork, Oct. 23.7-President Wilson was urged to accept only peace based upon unconditional surrender In a resolution adopted at a meeting yesterday of the National Wdr Council of the Methodist Epis copal Church. Bishop W. F. Anderson, who is to return to France soon as the coun cil's representative, announced that he had bought a farm at Grenoble, in France, for $60,000 and had it converted Into an orphanage for French children. MRS. EVE HENDRICKS DIES New Cumberland, Pa., Oct. 23. Word was received here yesterday of the death of Mrs. Eve Hendricks at Sparrows Point, Md. She was ill for several weeks with Spanish influenza. Her husband and three small daugh ters survive. The body will bo brought to New Cumberland for bur ial at Mount Olivet cemetery. Mrs. Catherine Cook, of Water street, is the grandmother of Mrs. Hendricks. MIRANDA MILLER Hummclstown, Pa., Oct. 23. Mi randa Miller, aged 9 years, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. John Miller, died Monday evening at the Steelton hospital from pneumonia. Funeral will be held on Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock from Karmany & Sons, undertaking establishment. Burial In the Hummelstown Cemetery. BURIAL OF MRS. STOUT Mevhiinlenburg, Pa., Oct. 23. Fu neral services for Mrs. Charles Stout will be held on Friday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, the Kev. E. C. B. Castle, pas tor of the First United Brethren Church, officiating. Burial will be made In Chestnut Hill Cemetery, Ufa McNeil's Pain Exterminator—44, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH! I "The Live Store" "Always Reliable" | Society Brand Clothes I Civilian and Military 1 v vfflSS P| *\ 'xf xil 1 ciMQ. i We don't ask you to expect an; less of Society Brand Clothes than you did before the war. Whatever sacrifices have had to be made to uphold their dominant quality we have made. The store that sells them has the courage to pay our prices, knowing that cheaper clothes would cost you more per year and never make you look so well dressed. The label is our pledge to you of unqualified satisfaction. C\ r- ' "] * I | STYLE HEADQUARTERS [ ' 1 i C where gocirtglSrand (Mottyra are sold JJ j |1 * i Whenever a man comes here and wants the highest class I clothing that his money can get we show him Society Brand. We have to exam ine the different makes much more closely than you would ever have the time to do. And we know how they are built beneath the surface. Society Brand has set a standard of workman ship that is unexcelled by any clothes we have been able to find. The style stays in because it is tailored in. I " Manhattan Shirts" "Hats" I The Store Every Body Is Talking About . 1 1 Cfcs^ grfJ •■•' .- • • ' - ", i'fy• i' I.' - OCTOBER 23, 1918. 9
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers