OLYMPIC GAMES IN PARIS FOR ALLIED NATIONS AFTER WAR SANCTIONED BY Y. 1.1. C.A, How Pitcher Kelly Used to Put the Shot With Toothpick Two Yankee ball players in khaki i hopped from an ammunition wagon | in Clytmps Elysses, Paris, the other I day And began to warm up with ball • and glove. A crowd of Parisians { gathered instantly and found intense j amusement watching the antics of j these huskies who regaled them j with curves, drops and shoots while : they kept up the style ot kidding j • familiar to home fans. The incident has brought forth | many a narrative of eccentric big j leaguers who have all the elements | of an entertainer. Since being before the public so much, this spirit p --• pears to get them. Furthermore the professional ball player is a no torious "ktdder" and famous toss ers have been known to sit up nights I conjuring some stunt with which to annoy or amuse. \ The late "Bugs" Raymond, for one whole season kept the cities of j the National League agitated with a spool of thread inside his coat and j pulling the loose end through, so it j hung out conspicuously from his j shoulder. He never had to wait long for some stranger to offer: "Ex- J cuse me, sir, but there is a thread ; hanging down; I'll just pull it off." I "Bugs" would wait until the kind j stranger had a good hold and then j start and run as far as he could go, | with the first aid victim foolishly' holding to the thread. He pulled I this on a respectable millionaire in the Hotel Schenley in Pittsburgh | one day, and he worked it so far.and wide that the whole Giant team j finally came under suspicion, and J McGraw ordered "Bugs" to cut it out. I Raymond also toyed with the tooth pick and shot game, but he never. achieved such renown as James R. | , Kelly, who was drafted to Pittsburgh < in the spring of 1913 from the Great | FalhOClub. "He donned his Pirate i uniform the same year," relates Ed. F. Ballinger, sporting editor of the Pittsburgh Post, "and shortly intro- j duced a new' form of delivery, al- ■ • though he was not a pitcher. On the contrary, he was an outfielder, but he could groove a buckshot from 1 betwixt his teeth with just about j as much accuracy as the late Buf falo Bill could fire bullets from a repeating rifle. When Kelly first appeared in Pittsburgh, some dispute arose as to how his name should be spelled. Finally it was decided that it should be "Kelley," and some of the writers clung to that style and boasted that '. they were correct. It turned out, however, that neither "Kelly" nor 'Kelley" was correct, for he was playing ball under an assumed name, tie hurdled to the Feds and after their blowup drifted around and finally got back into fast company. He finished the 1918 season with the Boston Nationals, playing under his teal name, which is Taggert. But it is desired in this article to tell about some little incidents that took place when Mr. Taggert wore the raiment of the Pittsburgh Pi rates. Consequently we will con tinue to speak of him as Jim Kelly, purely an athlete who could "put trie shot" as cleverly as could this lad Kelly deserves recognition upon the calendar of sport. With a twist "t of his fingers and a tiny bit of lead, driven through the air with a tooth pick, he once sent a trolley car up ' for repairs, and often made strong "Shall I Fix the Fire for the Night?" "You may as well, Dick. It'll save coal and our Perfection will keep us nice and warm for the rest of the evening." Is there any reason for any family to keep the whole house warm whan only one room is in use? No, it simply wastes coal. And it's entirely unnecessary if you have a Perfection Oil Heater to make that room warm and cozy. PERFECTION OIL/MOVERS saved coal in millions of homes last year. How they do get "all het up" the minute a match strikes! You wonder where all the heat comes from. But it does come—quickly, steadily, any time, anywhere. It's the handiest heat ever devised. And a Perfection is safe. This iB the year above all others when you should have a Perfection. You may be able "to get along" without one but you surely will •f have a more pleasant, comfortable winter with one. And you will save on your coal bills. For the Perfection burns kerosene, an eco nomical fuel. Yet, and this is a point that we want to make very clear, all kerosenes are not the same. To be absolutely certain of jetting the most satisfactory heat from your Perfection, always use Atlantic Riyolight Oil. It is so highly refined and purified that it burns without odor, smoke or charring the wick. Get your Perfection Oil Heater now. See the new models at your dealer's. Reasonably priced—ss.6s to SIO.OO. The Atlantic Refining Company Everywhere in Penntyloania and Delaware g&m ATLANTIC g^JXBSSm Hi Ravolioht SB WEDNESDAY EVENING, i men hop lively when he selected I them in his target practice. Was Remarkable Shot Flipping shot out of the mouth i with a toothpick, is by no means a I new discovery. Some of our grand ) fathers performed the trick when I they were little boys. If they didn't, ! many of them surely can remember | how one or two of their young 1 schoolmates could tire a buckshot 1 or tiny pebble, by the aid of a match, • penholder, or other slender piece of I wood, held between the teeth. Many of these youngsters became so adept at the stunt, that they could drive their little projectiles with such ac curacy as to cause considerable an noyance to the teacher, or whoever else might, be the target, i When it came to being a crack , shot, however, the crown belongs to Kelly, in the opinion of anybody who ever had the good fortune to watch ' him when handling his favorite wea ; pon. He would place several shot j in his mouth at a time, for conveni- j | once. When he was ready to use 1 one of them, he would roll it with i ' his tongue, until it settled in a sort | of depression on the top of a lower \ tooth, pressing down against it, the j shot was held rigidly in the desired ! | position. Inserting the toothpick between i his teeth, with the point back of the shot, he would swing the pick around j i with his linger, until another part j ,of the small wood'en stick rested i I against a tooth which was still fur- j ther back. This formed a lever, i 1 and when the toothpick had been : | bent back as far as it would go with i out breaking, the marksman would | loosen his bite. The stick would straighten out the instant the shot 1 was released, li this manner, the | shot would be precipitated into | { space. Kelly, by constant practice, i became so clever that he could per- i i form feats of manksmanship which | really vere remarkable. Strong Motive Power One feature of Kelly's success as j | a tooth-shooter lay in the fact that j !he made his own toothpicks. He | would procure a sliver of hickory or other springy wood from which i he would whittle out half a dozen !or more shooters. They were slight ly larger than the ordinary tootfi pick, and much more powerful, but ! when protruding from a person's i mouth, nobody in the world would ihave reason to suspect one of these to be a weapon of warfare. One day j when this ball player was busy carv ing a batch of these picks, Managei Fred Clarke exclaimed: "Has hny • body here seen Kelly'.'" George Gib -1 son promptly replied: "Yes, Cap, he's out on the porch making some i new bats." ' ,Kelly made an ideal shooter. He i could look his victim squarely in the 1 face without cracking a smile or i batting an eyelash. He had a counte nance that seemed as innocent as a slab of newborn custard pie. He i usuallv carried a toothpick in his ' mouth and he was the last person to I be suspected of playing a trick on i anybody. If someone happened to I glance at Kelly immediately after | having received a stinging little 1 smack on the neck, the ball player ! would be found gazing steadily in I some other direction, idly fingering the toothpick which protruded from i between his teeth. i When it came to hitting the bulls |eye, Kelly was there with both feet. He could ping a straw hat at a dts S noodles >: >: T " f !. I . 6fc©isW™l " • RIGHT IN- I-*— [— A (IWISHTI K OTFITALE I / if _ Jfcr- _ D tance of 25 feet, with the greatest of | ease. As an instance of his unerring j aim, one of the ball players was sit- j ting in the waiting room of the hotel i at Hot Springs one evening with both t eyes closed and his mouth slightly ! ajar, pretending to be asleep. From | the other side of the room, probably t thirty feet away, Kelly sent a shot straight into his comrade's mouth and caused a lot of sputtering. Prob ably the only one in the town who actually knew what was the trouble was Kelly, who joined those about him in asking what had happened. , '"I believe he's having a fit," ex- j .claimed the fellow who had caused j lit all with his toothpick. All Loaded For Bear ; Kelly would go into a gun store I |and purchase three or four ounces of j shot, usually No. (5. 8 or 10. He car-! (ried this ammunition in a smallsilver cuse. He could reach into his pocket, j open this receptacle and procure a| (dozen -shot, without attracting at- j i tion. Then at an opportune | I moment he would place his hand to j ihis lips and pour the shot into his j (mouth. Evidently his teammates! {thought he was taking his last chew ■ •of some loose scrap that ho had I found in his pocket. At any rate, the , i Pirates did not discover who had | keen painfully stinging their flesh' with shot, until - many weeks after I ("Jim" had joined the club. One morning the ball team arrived > hpme from a western trip, and Kelly | 'with several other Pirates, boarded] i a Forbes street car to go to his room- ( , ing place in the Oakland district. Whenever the car would come to a i stop, he would take a shot at the little glass bulbs which shield the incandescent lights at the top of the jconveyance. The conductor heard a 'tap against the glass. He looked up i but saw nothing. Kelly fired an- j (other shot. The conductor reached, !up and unscrewed the bulb. After 1 inspecting it, he replaced it and as j ihe did so, he heard another cracking j I noise, for "Jim" had blazed away (again. The conductor was a conscien ' tious young fellow who believed in | reporting everything. At the nfext stop he went inside and listened. I Kelly promptly poled a shot or two (against the nearest bulb. A' little (further along the line, an inspector was directing was improvements. (The conductor gave one bell and told ' the inspector about tht; cracking ; noise he had heard. "Where is it?" inquired the trou jblehunter, as he boarded the car. I "It's somewhere in those lights above (the aisle," replied the conductor. The | moment the inspector stepped in- Iside, Kelly drove a shot against the bulb over his head. He heard the tap and listened for more. Kelly saw to it that the tapping did not flag. Without wasting more than a min ute, the inspector exclaimed: "She's short-circuited; give all the passen gers transfers and run this car straight into the barn." This caused the ball players to fairly choke with laughter, but Kelly showed no sign of surprise. " One morning while the Pirates were in Cincinnati, Fred Clarke step ped into the Havlin and exclaimed to the group of players seated in the lobby: "What do you think of that man Kelly? He's out in front shoot ing shot at a Wop with a long butch er knife. If the man cuts him, it will serve him exactly right." The gang rushed for the street, and sure enough there was a fellow working at a grindstone and talking angrily to Kelly, who stood near, idly picking his teeth. Flourishing the big knife he was sharpening, the man sung out: "If me ketcha da guy dat hitta mewid da slungshot, me cutta." Every time the man with the grindstone turned .his attention back to his work. Kelly would wing him with a shot. The fellow would put his hand to his face, stop grinding and gaze around. Kelly was the only per son within a stone's strow, but he looked so innocent that he did not arousethe slightest bit of suspicion. Consequently, the grinder again would confide in Jim, and give him to understand that he was worked up to the proper pitch for doing a thor ough job of carving. The man finish ed his task and went away rubbing his neck and wondering what had caused the painful little stings upon his anatomy. Once when the Buccaneers were in Boston, Kelly was making long dis tance shots at a very valuable paint ing that hung in the lobby of the Brunswick Hotel. One of the clerks heard the tapping against the can vass and decided that the frame had commenced to crumble. Workmen wererushed In. They overhauled the picture, placed new hooks in the frame and after attaching a larger wire, returned it to its place on the I wall. At the Planters' Hotel in St. Louis, Kelly produced intense mirth for those who were "wise" by pegging at a newspaper in the hunds of an aged guest. The old man would jump every time the paper creaked. He wouid gaze all around and resume reading, only to be startled by an other mysterious tap. Finally he arose, flung the paper to the floor and exclaimed: "Now isn't that hell!" Then he took the elevator, went to his room and called in the hotel physician. , Kelly and his trusty toothpick al ways kept the crowd in good humor when he was a Pirate. He continued the sport after he Jumped the Feds. After returning to organized base ball he resumed the little pastime, just to keep from growing stale. Jim once caused two old soldiers to ex change harsh words while standing on a corner in Philadelphia, each ac cusing the other of flipping paper wads at him. He worried the life nearly out of two barkeepers at a cafe in Long Branch, N. J.. one day by plugging away at the big mirror back of the mahogany. Once in Cin cinnati die even had the audacity to fire a volley at the face of Henry O'Day. Hank glared about and then walked away. Kelly and his tooth pick have furnished enough incidents to fill a book as big as Noah Web ster's famous ..collection of words. fi>BiUSBUBO TELEGRAPH Olympic Games in Paris at Close of the War Twenty thousand persons gathered recently in Hyde Park, London, to see 100 American soldiers, including: 20 negro Sammies, cut loose with games. Baseball is almost an old story over there now, but, as one London paper comments, it was a mere nothing, compared with the sight of big Americans (some of them very big | indeed) behaving more like school- ] boys than schoolboys themselves, j Most human boys assume with long i trousers an air of dignity and de- | corum for which they keep some re- j gard even in their play; whereas the , United States soldier possesses a | beautiful faculty for letting his fun defy his years. The negroes, too. with their wide grins, delighted chuckles, and gurgling incantations, helped manfully to make the whole assembly, "performers and spectators alike, realize that, after all, folks are only as old as they feel. The negroes passed from boxing j blindfolded to chasing toy balloons; | and It would be hard to say which 1 was the more diverting to look dn. j Perhaps the boxing, since that had a comical climax. After the boxers had i been thinned out and the ring was j held by one huge fellow alone, his white comrades baited him as bull lighters the bull. They tapped hi\ on the shoulder, trailed their great- I coats against his knees and elbows; I anything to make him suppose his i | rivals were still before or behind h)s | i blinded eyes. Finally one ingenious : tormentor placed a boxing-glove on j ! the end of a long stick and gently ; | tapped the pugilist in the face with i I it. But the glove must have felt i empty, for the black man at last j realized that, like Don Quixote, he j was sparring at fictitious foes. But | he may not have read "Don Quixote." j The white Americans played a larger variety of games than can be easily remembered. They ran rates entwined with one another much less comfortably than the Siamese twins. They gave capital imitations of the 1 classic military tortoise, only, in ! stead of bearing shields on their i shoulders, they pushed a football down the long line of their extended legs. They reminded one of the fate of the two blackguards in "Huckle berry Finn' by riding on a rail. They ran relay races with mutually clasp ed hands. They played a composite leapfrog by piling more on the frog's back than he could bear, and laughed with delight as both came to the ground together. And they did other intricate feats, rollicking and un- Parklike. ♦ lie sole trouble, of the spectators was to persuade men inside the square to sit or crouch down, in order that the view might not be obstructed. I This led to another demonstration— of the American way with such peo | pie. It was an American officer, on I a seat, who appealed to an English officer, standing up. to "have a heart" for those behind him, and who, when his cry was unheeded or unheard, shouted, "Eh, King George, sit down!" which, of course, there was no re sisting. The games over, the game began. Two games met in an exhibition match at baseball; and, to everybody's surprise, these teams were not [Amer ican, but English; soldiers from Knightsbridge Barracks, who had been Instructed in the art and science of baseball by a member of the Amer ican Y. M. C. A. In blue and red. they looked the parts they were playing; and they played admirably, consid ering that they never even saw base ball before last July. Their batting seemed especially good; the fielding I not so good; and the pitching, though adequate, as critics say, was possibly undeserving of more than 10,000 dol lars a year. No man on the ground was better pleased than the Ameri can instructor, who considers that his pupils have made wonderful pro gress in a short time. An American sailor umpired; and anojher Ameri can sailor, with two wounded Can adian soldiers in the highest spirits, did all that was necessary In the way of advice and "rooting" for both sides impartially. Such has been the popularity for sports introduced by Yankeeland that the Y. M. C, A. has now taken up the proposition of holding a vast Olypmic contest for the Allied nations at the period of demobilization of the war. These contests, which may eventually be part" of the peace celebration at the close of the world war will be held in Paris, according to a cable gram received at the headquarters of the United War Work campaign here to-day. Work on the plan already has been started by the athletic department of the' Y. M. C. A. abroad and the pro gram will be submitted to General Pershing for his sanction, as well as the commanders of the other armies >and navies forming the Allied forces. It is realized that the field of wel fare work will be greatly widened during the demobilisation period and special efforts will be made to pro vide entertainment and instruction, for the soldiers and sailors after the close of hostilities. With this In mind those in charge of the work have outlined an exten sive campaign, a prominent part of which includes a series of .competi tions In various branches of sport. As tentatively grouped at. present the series will be composed In part of maximum mass games to reach every man; championship coptests for the members of the American Expedition- Forces to be conducted in various war regions with the finals to be held in Paris, physical pageants and demonstrations illustrating the best in American sports for the French; in Allied championships in the form of a military Olypmic. Summed up this practically means that the world of sports la only wait ing for war to lift its grim hand for the staging of the greatest athletic events that have been held since the memorable Olympic games in Sweden in 1912. It also means that the greatest athletes remaining in th# world will once again meet in competition and lit means that America's best will I again face the cream of all the other j I nations in the field pf fair competl- I tion and probably win as they have ; won in every one of the great Olym- j | pics. J Virtually all the best atletes of j this country are now with the colors, | which will make them eligible to compete for Uncle Sam. To even start to enumerate them would merely mean the citing of names that are famous on the cinder path, on the field, in the swimming pool, on the tennis court and in every other event i that composes the realm of sports. ■' French Deputies and Newspapers Want Peace • Dictated by Gen. Foch Paris. Oct. 23. —The newspapers of Paris are united in demanding j that peace with Germany shall be 'of the "unconditional surrender" j type and that negotiations be called ! off. except through General Foch. ; The same view is taken by members jof the Chamber of Deputies, and j there is no question as to where the | representatives of France will stand ! when the question of peace is dis cussed in the supreme war council. War Conditions Make the Price of OK OSCAR CIGARS 7 Cents tjf When war time costs of material and if We had already settled the size and labor shot skyward, we were confronted quality question for all time so there with cutting the quality and reducing was nothing to do but to increase the the size of King Oscar Cigars or in- price again. • creasing the price. (j § 0 today King Oscars are seven cents, j IJ Up to that time there hadn't been a H Not too much for a cigar of King Oscar single complaint registered in 27 years goodness, at any time, to say nothing of against the 'quality and regularity of these war time days: this favorite smoke of thousands. & more than you have been ac gu . 1 1 1 •1. .1 customed to pay, that's true—and you Q And we made up our m.nd. right then feel that you ca „. t stand an in and there, that aland or fall we would creaße in your , moke expense. continue to serve up to King Oscar smokers the same 100 per cent, of quan- i In that event, cut down the number o. tity and quality they had been accus- smokes per day. tomed to for the past quarter century. v [j Qr, if you should decide for the time be . ing t6 cut out your smoking altogether, Q So we put the price up to six cents. remember this— That was some months ago. ." <3 That when you get {he hankering for a real good smoke, King Oscar is waiting q But costs have been going still higher— for you at the nearest dealer, with the we hung on to the six cent price as long same quality Havana in a Sumatra as we could —and the time came again wrapper, quantity of the same that has when we had to do something. made it regular for the past 27 years. ' * # JOHN C. HERMAN & CO. \ 9 • ■ ' Manufacturers King Oscar Cigars, . v 1 Harrisburg, Pa. "Jump Shift," New Stunt in Football, at Georgia Tech Here you are, Coach Smith of Tech, something new. Well, perhaps not to you, but have you ever tried out the Tech experts on the "Heis man Jump Shift," a football forma tion invented at Georgia Tech, At lanta, and used with marked re sult by the elevens of 'ls, 'l6, 'l7 and 'lB. The man who conceived this strategy, John Heisman, has been couching Georgia for nearly fifteen years and ho says there is "nothing complicated about it," describing the shift as follows: "When the shift is put into ef fect every man except the center is back of the scirmmage line. The distance that the guards, tackles, ends u.\d backfield men are removed from the line sometimes depends upon what kind of play the boys are about to make. The whole idea of pulling ten men of the team back of the line is to give to the team concert action and a preponderating force when it is driven against the 1 enemy line. "In 1910 It occurred to me that nothing much was gained by ask ing my tackles and guards, standing shoulder to shoulder with the enemy linesmen, to batter down those men. It was a task almost impossible be cause, to get a ramming power into j a drive, a certain momentum is nec- Itssary. And that momentum is ! gained only by a run. ' "So 1 pulled my guards and tack les gack to form a first line of in terference. The halfbacks and end form the second line. The. moment the ball is passed, the two lines of interference move forward with all possible speed and when, in a con- OCTOBER 23, 1918. certed formation, it hits a straggling enemy line the inevitable happens. The enemy line iirknocked down. In cases where an end run, a lake kick, a forward pass or some trick play Is to bo engineered, the double line of interference serves as an effectual mask. "The beauty of that formation is that every conceivable play can be made from it. Georgia Tech makes practically all its plays from that formation line bucks, end ruhs, criss-cross passes and forward pass es. Just how successful the "Jump Shift" has been when using the atr ial attack is shown by the fact that 75 per cent, of all Georgia Tech's forward passes during the past four years have been completed. "It takes tremendous patience and painstaking effort to drill players in to executing the Jump shift with smoothness and speed. But general ly my boys have succeeded in per i fecting it by the middle of October j after which time it invariably causes 1 a heap of trouble for the opposition teams. Georgia Tech has been using that play for eight years—and we never yet have encountered a team that has been able to devise a con sistent defense against It. That ap ' parently #hows its .worth." Georgia Tech is using this same | stunt right now and it has helped i greatly in her extraordinary scoring i in the three games she has played i thus far with a team made up of raw ! recruits but which has totaled 269 j points. She trimmed Clemson, 28- J0; Furman, 118-0, and Fort Ogle • thorpe, 123-0. Next Saturday Georgia faces a hard game with the Camp Gordon eleven, stationed in Atlanta. This is a team made up of some of the most famous football stars that ever walked on the gridiron. Included in the lineup Is Everett Strupper, w ho just a year ago, was the backfield satellite of Georgia Tech, and was ranked universally as an All-Amer ican back. Mt. Pleasant, the fa mous Carlisle quarterback of a few years ago, is occupying a similar position on the Camp Gordon team, and another of the stars is Beers, the Great Dartmouth center. The Camp Gordon team, consid ered one of the greatest service teams in America, certainly will put Heisman's squad to perhaps the se- > verfest test of this season. "But wo are going into that con test with the thought of victory, declared Heisntan. "One of the things that handicaps us is that Strupper, now with the opposition, knows many of the tricks that were successful for us last year and which we have used with splendid results in our first tht-ee games of 1918. Naturally, we cannot depend upon those plays to win for us against a 1 team which will get the topoff on I how to stop them from Strupper. So I am spending the week drilling my youngsters in the new formations and a few new aerial plays which I hope will bring results that will be gratifying to Georgia Tech." AV'TO STOLEN The Police Department has been notified by Joseph McDermott, 142 i Sylvan Terrace, that the letter's auto j mobile was stolen at about 9 o'clock ; last night while it stood before the 1 residence at 72 North Seventeenth : street. The missing car is an Over land roadster, green in color, with extra wheel and tire on the rear and a spotlight on the left side. The li cense of the machtfie was No. 330509 11
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers