6 HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH A KEVSPAPER FOR THE HOME Founded 1831 Published evenings except Sunday by THE TEI.%SRA(>H PRINTING CO. Telegraph Building, Federal Square E. J. STACKPOLE President and Editor-in-Chief F. R. OYSTER, Business Manager GL'B M. BTEIKMETZ. Managing Editor A. R. MICHENER, Circulation Manager Executive Board 3. P. McCULLOUGH. BOYD M. OGELSBY, F. It. OYSTER, GUS. M. STEINMETZ. Member of the Associated Press—The Associated Press is exclusively en titled to the use for republication of all newa dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and also the local published herein. All rights of republication of special dispatches herein are also reserved. Member American Newspaper Pub- E as t or ottice. Chicago, Entered at the Post Office in Harrlc burg. Fa., as second class matter. Bv carrier, ten centa a * 'lWftjgyKAi> week; by mail. $5.00 a year in advance. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1918 8.- ■ 1 Do not pray for easy lives' Pray to be stronger men.' Do not pray for tasks equal to your potcers. Pray for powers equal to your tasks.' Then the doing of your work shall be no m trade. But you shall be a miracle. Every day you shall wonder at your self. at the richness of life which has conic in you by the grace of Ood.— Phillips Brooks. EASILY SEEN THROUGH JOHN A. McSPARRAN and Wil liam T. Creasy, the twin-kaisers of the Pennsylvania State Grange, are good Democrats, but that is no reason why they should use the State Grange name in their effort to "put across'' Democratic propa ganda. Vance C. McCormick has announced his opposition to the' proposition to bond Pennsylvania for j $50,000,000 so that Pennsylvania can . be given the best highway system in America. This proposition is be fore the voters November 5. Un-! less it be approved it cannot be taken up for five years. In the! meantime Pennsylvania would wait ! low in the mud. But the point here is that the Messrs. McSparran and Creasy hive followed orders given them by Dem ocratic National Chairman McCor mlck and are helping him fight his battles against the Republican party. They have "yessed" McCor mlck's bond issue opposition. The time has come for the voters of Pennsylvania finally to put an end to the pretensions of Mr. McCor mick and his "me-too' auxiliaries. "Keep Politics Out of the Grange" is a song sung at meetings of subor dinate Granges. The rank and file of the Grange members are not aware that the Messrs. McSparran and Creasy are McCormick-con trolled Democrats. It is time they be told. • Pennsylvania must have better roads. The 150,000,000 bond Issue must pass in November. Then the 1919 legislature will pass the legislation necessary before the bonds are issqed. The bonds will not be issued un til after the war. The certain election of Senator Sproul as governor will insure the wise, careful state-wide expenditure of the money. And when the industrial recon struction period comes vftsr the war Pennsylvania will be able to take care of workmen who may be idle. All good citizens will vote for the bond issue November 5. STOP—LOOK—LISTEN! MANY significant developments with respect to the decad-' ence of German fighting power have focused public attention tn the Allied countries for several days, but nothing more important than the statement that the German shells —the high explosives—are from sixty to eighty per cent, 'duds"— shells that fail to explode. American soldiers writing home have frequent ly referred to the fact that many of the shells are no good, owing to defective chemicals aud materials. This condition extends also to Ger man diplomacy, and the greatest 'dud" of all was the recent peace proposal of the "All Highest." Now we are confronted with an other peace maneuver as a result of the disillusionment of the German people, who seem to be at last real ising that their German Gott is a fake and that they have been wor shipping an idol of clay. Fearful of the unrest foolish subjects the men who set out to conquer the world are now pretending to have experienced a change of heart ever night. We are advised, for Instance, that the policy of frightfulness is to be abandoned; that the retreat is to be conducted without destruction of towns and villages and the enslave ment of the people; that the subma rine warfare is at an end; that there is to be a recognition of the civilised SATURDAY EVENINQ principles which have heretofore governed all belligerents, and much more of the sort. But how much of all this- stuff can our own Government and those al lied with us accept as truth? The whole German scheme has been erected upon a foundation of decep tion and brutality and double deal ing. so that any proposal at this time must be regarded as doubtful until thorough guarantees shall havo boon furnished. Of course, the military end of any armistice will be left to the skill and vision of Marshal Fo .'h and those associated with him in the .field. They are the best judges of how much sincerity is back of the Ger man retirement and the alleged evi dences of good faith. We must not be caught napping nor must there be any premature peace based upon tenders of the Kaiser and his group of barbarians. President "Wilson has recently test led the spirit and purpose of the !American people and he has found that nothing short of unconditional surrender and the absolute destruc tion of militarism will suffice after the untold suffering and sacrifices of the Allied governments. We may expect further cunning attempts to javoid punishment on the part of the I German group, but a world prolcst is sure to follow any negotiations that would in any way hinder the operation of justice when the enemy throws up his hands. The Kaiser and every other individual responsible for the awful struggle through which the world has been compelled to pass must pay the price and no other course will satisfy the American peo ple or their allies. We must not assume that the war is ended. Of course, the structure of militarism erected with inconceiv able cunning in the midst of t long era of peace is crumbling. That is evident, but there is still much of peril to the peace of the world so long as the forces of the Kaiser are permitted to exist as an armed men ace to tranquility and the working out of the peaceful development of all nations. It must be obvious that the mili tary group in Germany is delirous of prolonging the "conversations"' in the hope that some better terms may be given the authors of the world tragedy. They are talking now about the conservation of German inter ests, but they are not much concern ed about the interests of those whom they have despoiled and enslaved. The only terms that will be satisfac tory to the people of this country are the terms that will be imp,>sed upon Germany without negotiation or serious interchange of views. All advices from Switzerland and other neutral countries in touch with Germany indicate that the tur moil inside the empire is increasingly menacing to the Kaiser. "The last hour of the divine right of kings has come," says a dispatch trom Berne, and the quotation from a prominent Swiss newspaper con cludes with respect to this statement "that it is not too soon." All these ! incidents indicate the trend. ! Even the order of the German [army command to cease devastating 1 places Wars evidence of insincerity 'in the modification of the order— '"unless absolutely compelled by mil itary necessity.*' From tiie very be ginning the destruction of towns, the kidnapping of men, women and chil dren, the poisoning of wells, the ia\- aging and pillaging and all else have been excused by the infamous rulers of Germany on the score of "military | necessity." Secretary Lansing only yesterday declared that "Germany is bending; more pressure and she will break," but that the war is not over and that ihis is no time to slacken effort or to fall to do our part here at home. He urged the people to keep up and to increase pressure on the retreat ! ing Germans as the only certain way | to win. Otto H. Kahn, bitterly assails Kaiserism for dishonoring all chil dren of the Fatherland, and appeals to the people of German birth in this country who have assimilated oA ideals to back our government to the utmost; that men of German de scent may have a reckoning with those who have been wronged and hurt by Prussianized Germany and Whose "spiritual inheritance has been stolen from us by impious hands and ttung into the gutter." Mr. Kahn speaks for the great German element in the United States who have proven their loyalty and patriotism by their men and means. Out of the fulness of the heart he says: The ideals and traditions' we cherished have been foully be smirched. What we were justly proud of has been dragged into the mire. Our blood has been dis honored. We have been bitterly shamed by our very kith and kin. Our names, which came down to us from our fathers, have been defiled. Their very sound has been made a challenge to the world. | The land to which we were linked by fond memories has been made an outcast among the na tions, convicted of high treason against civilization, and of un speakable crimes against human ity. Professions of loyalty are empty. By our acts we shall be judged. It Is by their acts also that the Prussian barbarians shall be judged in the final settlement. Justice cries out for the punishment of these men not only because of their own guilt, but for the reason that future gen erations may know the fate of all such criminals. It must be an unconditional sur render and a dictated peace. NO TIME TO CELEBRATE "TTTHY do we not have a celebra- YY tton?" is a question that is frequently asked when the great successes of the allies In France and Belgium are discussed. - The answer is that this is no time to celebrate. We are just In the middle of a very big undertaking. We are win ning, but we have not won. We are beating the German, but we have not yet conquered him. When Luden dorf and von Hlndenburg offer com plete surrender and the allied sol- dtera are on their way to take over the strongholds of Germany as a guarantee of good faith, then we shall be ready for a celebration. We had an Impromptu parade last summer when the American troops knocked the paint off the tjerman wedge at Chateau Thiery and started the great retrograde movement of the Germans in France, and that was justified. From that moment it has been apparent that what has happened and is happening was al most certain to come about. But the possibilities hinging upon our success at Chateau Thiery are not exhausted. When the last German is thrown out of France and Bel gium, or when Germany hoists the white flag to -Foch, Haig and Per shing, then we shall celebrate. But not before. If Germany don't junk the Junkers, the Junkers will junk Germany. That Liberty Loan news from Hnr risburg will be good tidings for the boys in France. The "trenches" arc now mere lines of useless ditches far behind the fight ing line. • The Huns complain against the use of shotguns by Americans, but they say nothing of poison gas or flame throwers. Besides, shotguns are per fectly proper weapons to use on rats. T>o U&xCK "PtKKwtcUKUi, By the Ex-CommlUecmnn I' II : "There have been more substitu | tions and changes and incidents of i the unusual kind about the certifi | cation of the nominations this year than I have known for a long time," remarked George D. Thorn, chief clerk of the State Department, who is now acting deputy secretary of the Commonwealth. f'To begin with there were many candidates for nominations and then came along a whole new set from the Fair Play party. Then Prohibition candidates began to withdraw and substitutions to be made. Then other men found it inexpedient to run and now after we have certified the nominations changes keep on being made. Some of them have been necessitated by deaths, but some have not. We have certified the names; if the county authorities can change the ballots, all right." "The nonpartisan nomination sit nation has been unprecedented," continued Mr. Thorn. After names had been certified for the superior court at the primary a candidate tries to withdraw and finds he can not. Then after the primary there are two supreme court justices to elect and the nominations have to be made by nomination papers. Two constitutional amendments are on the ballot, too. It all goes to show the unusual character of 1918 in politics." Mr. Thorn remarked that the bal lot in spite of all these incidents was not -as bad as some In the old days. "In one year there were eleven columns right across the bal lot; this year is not in it with some of the timers" said Mr. Thorn. It takes one mark for a straight ticket and two marks to indicate preferences for judicial candidates. —Now that the Liberty Loan drive is about over, the men who direct polities in Pennyslvania are trying to figure out what influenza is going to do to the campaign. Prom all ac counts Judge Eugene C. Bonniwell, the Democratic nominee for gov ernor,- intends to continue his tours of the state and will become very active in the next ten days, although whether he holds meetings or not depends on health conditions. —The Republican state campaign is uncertain. It was planned last week to have the state candidates begin a tour of the western counties and then gradually work their way eastward, but the death of Senator Sproul's son-in-law upset all ar rangements. —Senator Edward E. Beidleman, the nomine for lieutenant governor, said to-day that he did not know when the tours would start, as the influenza epidemic would prevent meetings. —W. Harry Baker.-secretary of the Republican state committee, has been in Philadelphia all week, work ing on details of the campaign. About half of the headquarters'staff are sick. —Warren VanDyke, secretary of the Democratic state committee, and other ringmasters of the reorganized Democracy are meeting in Philadel phia to-day in an effort to All up some of the holes in the Democratic ticket and to decide in what way the state windmill may figure in the campaign without damaging its wings. The state headquarters peo ple would like to have J. Washing ton Logue go out and make speeches, but that would emphasize the split caused by the Palmer-McCormlck policy and the chances are that at tention will be concentrated upon Congressional fights. —The Prohibition state campaign has also been afTected by the influenza epidemic, although up to date there does not seem to have been any di minution in the activity in substitu ting Democrats for Prohibition candi dates in Allegheny county. The course of the Prohibition state managers is one of the puzzles of the campaign and the York county situation affords some interesting displays of the pol icy adopted by the cold water ma chine. —J, R. Wylie, Prohibition and Washington candidate for the Senate in the Forty-fourth district, tiled his withdrawal to-day and Carl D. Smith was substituted for him on the Pro hibition ticket. In the Ninth district H. Wesley Lynch withdrew as Pro hibition candidate and James H. Paine was substituted, while in the Tenth Allegheny, Thomas Paxson withdrew as Prohibition and Wash ington candidate and W. H. Barn hart was substituted as prohibition candidate. —The policy to be followed In nam ing election commissioners to take the votes of Pennsylvania soldiers In the various camps will be Anally de termined between to-day and Tues day and much depends upon Influenza. Reports coming here from the various camps indicate that camp command ers are rather anxloua about the epi demic and inclined to establish quar antines, while some of the men offered commlszionerships have declined the honors. —There are grave doubts here whether men who have filed with drawals from various tickets In the last few days will be able to take down their names or to have sub stitutes entered as word coming to the State Capitol from various coun ties Is to the effect that In many of them printing of the tickets haa been started. SASRISBDRG telegraph THAT GUILTIEST FEEUNG By BRIGGS whcw you've PGBN HOLDI*J£ . iw a Bis SNceze FOB A L on|S TtMe AND you HAve To I_GX IT -ggfc c <jo Just AS YOUR opponent IS xmab ABOUT To PUTT. ALSO TiC f Jf/Zfc /N/FLU6N2A SUSPICION iS M f \ "J f _ W/iffift AROUSED • -ifttp I P ' ) K THOH \ Jl ffllll, PLAte'Vo* S . L fHIIM LETTERS TO THE EDITOR | PRAISES THE TELEGRAPH , To the Editor of the Telegraph: I want you to know how much I : appreciate the publication of thei story of the dastardly way in which the sons of Frank L. Jefferson were treated by the president of Digkin- ! son College The forward stand of' the Telegraph in this matter will be! far more helpful to the decent, self respecting colored people of central Pennsylvania than Is immediately manifest and will cause the propa gandists who are spreading the virus, of southern race prejudice in Penn- I sylvania to hesitate in their nefarl- j ous practices The colored people of this city, are proud of these two boys, who! were so grossly humiliated by the president of Dickinson College, as their curtesy, integrity and ambi tion endeared them to all those who! know them. Again thanking you for your realj American attitude and hoping for j you and your great paper prosper- j ity, I am, Very Truly Yours. FRANK N. ROBINSON. COMMENDS NEWSPAPER Writing as secretary of the Har- j risburg Branch, National Associa- i tlon for the Advancement of Color- | ed People, Robert J. Nelson, 600 j Forster street under date of October 11 says: To the Editor of the Telegraph: "On behalf of this organization 1 . want to express to you our deep \ sense of appreciation for the very i excellent article appearing in your valued paper today respecting the cruel, unpatriotic and un-American attitude of the president of Dickin son College toward the sons of Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Jefferson. "These boys are the pride of the colored people of this community by reason of their ambition and exemplary conduct and we keenly feel the insult offered them at Dick inson College. The attitude of your paper will indicate to Dr. Morgan, and others of his ilk, that insults cannot be heaped on worthy colored people when the leading newspaper of central Pennsylvania stands ready to see that they are justly treated." Very respectfully yours, ROBERT J. NELSON, Branch Secretary. Charles Johnston, president of the Waiters' Association, also writes the Telegraph in appreciation of its de fense of the Jefferson brothers and bearing testimony to their excellent character. "Again we want thank you." he adds, "and it is one of these things that the race will always appreciate and your kindness shall always be remembered. High Price to Patriots [From the Binghamton Press] There has been no lack of praise for the riveters who have broken speed records in our shipyards. Their patriotism is not to be ques tioned. and there isn't the slightest doubt that they are performing a patriotic service second only to that of the men at the front. But there is another side to this [ patriotic picture, and it comes in the announcement that one loyal riveter in the South Chicago ship yard put in an eight-hour day on Sunday and drew down $64 for his particular effort in making the world safe for democracy. Now $64 a day for 'driving rivets is, of course, exceptional. But S2O a month for fighting in France is also exceptional. The war has pro duced both Jobs. And the ordinary observer can't make himself believe that the two Jobs are equally worthy of praise. The shlpworkers are to be com mended for their seal. But when they make more In a day than our men at the front make In a month, they can't expect the ordinary citi zen to grow red In the face from cheering them for their sacrifice on the altar of liberty. An After-War Suggestion (From the Kansas City Star) No doubt General Crowder may find time hanging heavy on his hands after the war, so why not turn over to him the Job of getting out the vote on primary election days? Rubber Outrubbered ANEW composition that is just like india-rubber, "only more so," is editorially announced by The Scientific American. The editor prefaces his account by the statement that this invention is typi cal of many that are appearing just now, in that it is the discovery of a new profession—the "by-products engineer." The specialty of this type of engineer is the utilization of hitherto worthless by-products. No one, we are reminded, can increase the amount of matter or substance in the world. All that the inventor can do is to devise new combina tions of it; and this particular work ed is skilled in ways to make use of that which has always been con sidered useless. It is this kind ot' worker who has just discovered a way to make rubber harder, tougher, and more elastic by combining it with a hitherto valueless by-product. We read: "He had for some time had in mind a re-enforced rubber fabric, patterned more or less upon re-en forced concrete, and to be formed by tilling in a tubular or spongy mass with rubber. But he had searched high aand low for the pro per base, without success. He had tried various metals, and everything else he could think of; but none of them added strength to the rub ber without a disproportionate sac rifice of elasticity. And there the matter rested when the man with the idea stumbled across what he insists is the largest single waste product that remains unutilized. "This product is fish-scale. In the case of one or two less common varieties of fish, it has been cus tomary to make an artificial pearl from the scale. But with this ex ception, the vast amount of scale removed from fish in canneries and wholesale markets and retail stores has been an absolute waste, with not even a suggestion of possible utiliza tion! Like Hue-gases and culm The War Account [From the Providence Journal] In the current Yale Review C. Reinold Noyes, writing entertaining ly and instructively under the title, "Fallacies of War Finance," re minds us of certain elementary eco nomic principles which, because they are not and cannot be abrogated, may serve to assure us that the na tion is riding on an even keel while passing through the financial storm which war conditions raise. Thp estimated needs of the Gov ernment for the coming year amount to $24,000,000,000. But, as this writer points out. the proposed ex penditure is nothing more than a measure of our assumed productive capacity. One of the ablest finan cial authorities in the Senate has expressed doubt that we can use so much money, for the physical rea son that all the capital and all the labor in the country cannot produce the volume of goods the appropria tions would call for at the most ex cessive level of prices. At any rate, the goal set for us is to produce gods and rendgr serv ice to the value of $24,006,000,000. Because monev or its representative —credit —is of such convenience that it is regarded as essential to the exchange of commodities, we think in those terms, and so may become confused in our estimate of real values. The national wealth we are mobilizing for the prosecution of the war is money only in a negli gible proportion. What we are put ting in is our capacity for produc tion, good"- and service. Such a Punster She was a fisherman's daughter, and wore her hair in a net. The city youth came round to court her, and here are a few things he said. "My love, you hold first 'place' in my heart. Although I 'flounder' about in expressing myself, my 'sole* wish i. that you will save me from becoming a 'crabbed' old bachelor. 1 shall stick to you closer than a 'limpet,' and from you a 'w|nk'H' be tho rod to guide. To gether we'll 'skate' o'er life's rough rocks, und when I look at your hand I shall say. 'Fortune smiled upon meiwhfn 1 put 'herring' there," And the iady dropped her eyes and sweetly murmured, "You giddy klp perl"-—Pittsburgh Chronicle Tele graph. i heaps before the by-products engi neer got hold of them, it has been actually a nuisance which had to be got out of the way with us little expense as possible. "When this state of affairs camo to his attention, our man got a supply of fish-scale, and investigated its structure and properties—purely by second nature, because it was a waste product. But when he found that it was a cellular mass, of tub ular structure, as resilient as rubber but much tougher, and that it made no difference at all what kind of a fish it came from, his interest in it ceased to be one based on general principles. He at once tried it out as a base for his cherished re-en forced rubber, and found that it worked like a charm; it made the rubber tough, without robbing it of its elasticity. "This of itself would have been sufficiently pleasing; but the final: consummation, which came later, by j sheer accident, made it look like the proverbial three-tenth of a dol lar. Rubber is hardened, or vulcan ized, by treating it with sulphur. To make a long story stort; the inven tor discovered that fish-scale would take the same sulphur treatment, with the same result. So after he has rubberized his fish-scale and got a | tough, elastic fabric, he can vulcanize the combination, and get a hard, tough, elastic fabric. "He has accordingly taken ouj. as broad patent protection as he could induce his Uncle Samuel to give hint, and is now busily engaged in finding out just how far he can go In the rubber business with his new material. The most exhaustive tire tests have had no effect upon his optimism save to increase it; and indeed, when a man begins to alk about a rubber that shall be far harder and far tougher Mian rubber has ever before beenSnade, without loss of resiliency, it would seem that he has something to talk about." The Treaty With Italy [From the Boston Globe] By the treaty which now goes to the United States Senate, the Italians living in this country are included in the terms of the Selective Service Act. The provisions of the treaty are understood to be similar to those al ready concluded with the govern ments of Britain, France and Greece. Much of its operative force has, however, been anticipated by vol untary enlistment of the Italians both in the armies of Italy and in our own. Many an Italian lad from | American city or farm has been fighting on the Italian front since I the beginning of the war, or on the ! western front since America's n --i try into it. ! As regards population figures, this t treaty brings a larger group of na ; tionals under our Selective Service Act than any of the other instru ments. not even excepting Great Britain. In the first registration for the draft, between the ages of 21 and 31, the British subjects num bered 119,184 and the Italians 245,- 679. The census of 1910 gives the number of Italian-born residents in the United States as 1,343,125. There has never been the least question of the loyalty of our Ital ian citizens They have borne their share of the burden, human and financial. The treaty is little more than the formal afilrmation of a union which already exists. LABOR NOTES President Wilson has appointed a committee of 12, composed of 5 em ployers and 5 members of organized labor and 2 representing the public, to adjust by mediation grievances between employers and employes, and in that way prevent the cessa tion of industries during the period of the war. The Union Co-operative of Milan Is the largest Italian co-operative Btore society. The society was founded in ISB6 with the object of selling articles of clothing to its members. To-day it operates a model central department store, several branch stores, popular-priced hotels and restaurants, wine cellars, u bakery, printing establishment, and a building and loan society which has built model homes for its mem bers at Milanino, a surburb of Milan. OCTOBER 19, 1918. The Work of the Press (Front the New York Herald) It is the fashion for politicians— those of the variety known as "cheap," and of some others not so cheap, because they "qonie high"— to sneer at the newspapers of the country. These critics are given to |thinking in terms of the individual, i They fail to see that the strength of jthe newspaper Is found in its posi jtion as reflector of public sentiment, jnot as expressor of the views of the iperson who happens to formulate in | writing the expression of that senti- Iment. Recent events should teach those critics a much-needed lesson. A recent development has shown how accurately the newspapers of the country, taken as a whole, re flect the sentiments of the American people. To them the diplomatic move that looked like furnishing the opening for the discussion for which ! I'russiunism longs came as a blow |tn the f.ace and their resentment I American press. To be sure, there i were at the beginning some lag gards—these held back by the hero worship which is the influence most !insidious in a republic; but just as soon as these laggards sensed the overwhelming sentiment of the peo ple against any suggestion of an !armistice upon terms short of the Hun's unconditional surrender, they also joined the demand for "uncon- Iditional surrender." It is an old and familiar saying that "All's well that ends well." The 'demand of the American people is 'voiced by the President's note to the [German government of October 14: It would be too much to say that the credit for the taking of this epochal step belongs to the American press; it is not too much to say that the credit belongs to the American peo ple whose views were so clearly re flected by the American press. |OUR DAILY LAUGH ANOTHER reason. B t yySps] They called her the human Mj' 3** k\ graphophone. tRj Just because p§J she busies a VVT the aire she puts i BANG! \\j/ / Did you know ' \SX/ that the Steenth National Bank lias busted ? ]¥ \\ Tes. I heard TACT OF WIVES. Mrs. W.—A tactful wife keeps many little household secrets from her husband. Mrs. B.—Tes; even the fact that she has all the brains. * ' LATE HOURS. Turtle My . | v goodness, I had no Idea it was €imtittg Qlljat Haywood M. Butler, the Boy Scout commissioner for this district, was & member of a crack Brown varsity team when he was in college and was afterward physical director at Brown. He is an enthusiastic out doors man and a great believer in •teaching boys the value of clean, wholesome sport as a means of di recting their attention from lines of • activity likely to lead to careless liV jing. If he had followed his own in clinations he would he now In I France, whither the Red Cross dc |sircd to send him on an important mission, but he was deemed so ml uuble in organizing the youth of America into an aggressive Boy Scout Unit that he was kept on this side of the water. Mr. Butter is a line looking, upstanding chap of magnetic personality and charm ing manner. He readily makes friends among the boys, with whom he has had great success. He has made Harrisburg his headquarters and has been doing a big work for the Scouts throughout the East. Saturday afternoon football referee ing Is his recreation. Recently, through the instrumentality of the Harrisburg Telegraph, he contribut ed his services to Technical High school for the se;yson's opening game. • ♦ • Over half a million dollars' worth of Liberty Bonds are now held by the state funds alone and invest ments in small amounts have been made by others. The State Work man's Insurance Fund is the big gest investor having over $400,000 alone of recent issues. Subscrip tions amounting to $200,000 more have been made to the Fourth Loan. * The State Board of Educa tion has put over $75,000 of the permanent school fund into Liberty Bonds and the State Fire Insurance Fund is also a holder. If the law permitted other funds would be In vested in the nation'.s securities. By the end of the year the total hold ings of the Commonwealth of Penn sylvania in Liberty Bonds will be not far frdm a' million dollars. Plana for one of the most com prehensive studies of the effect of illness upon typical industries of the Keystone State are being worked out by Paul Littlefield, secretary of the State Chamber of Commerce, and a questionnaire now in the hands of heads of establishments and men of experience and of wide interest in diverse types of the complex in dustrial system of Pennsylvania is expected to furnish the information. Mr. Rittlefield had selected various enterprises and asked for informa tion as to the percentage of absence of employes due to Illness in nor mal times, during war times and when there is a rush. A special re quest has been made of the concerns which are members of the Chamber to compile data as to the effect the present outbreak of influenza has upon their forces. It has been sug gested that this information cover the period between October 6 and November 30 by which tlmo it is expected that the epidemic will have spent its course. This data will be valuable for the Chamber which is much interested in legislation rela tive to health insurance. This sub ject bids fair to occupy considerable attention during the coming General Assembly. When the Frenchmen of the Foreign Region were in Harrisurg the other day they were more than pleased with what they saw of this city. They found special pleasure in the Susquehanna river and JJhe picturesque scenery of this section. With one accord these famous fight ers praised the American soldiers on the other side. They indicated that the coming of the Americans was a great event and that their home folk had written them at the front about the arrival of the splen did big Americans and what an electrical effect it all had on the French people and the fighting forces. These soldiers of the French army have no doubt whatever of tho final issue of the conflict and they express undying gratitude in behalf of their country and themselves for the coming in of America at a criti cal time. Between the wild ducks and the blackbirds gunners are not wanting for opportunity to try their luck these days. Almost every morning ducks are to be seen on the Susque hanna while the blackbirds are hanging on to this part of the country, probably as a tribute to the richness of the farms and orchards. In some sections the blackbirds have taken to the apple orchards and are making themselves a nuisance as they were In tho oatflelds weeks ago. 1 WELL KNOWN PEOPLE —James P. Thomas, head of the Cambria county loan effort has been touring his county in an automo bile. —Col. John C. Groome, who has wired for businessmen to come to France to help with the military police work, has been on the other side for nearly a year. —H. G. Lloyd, prominent Phila delphian, has returned to that city from Saranac Lake. —Arthur W. Tarbell, acting presi dent of Carnegie Tech, has been called into United States service and given leave. —Judge W. A. Way, who resigned from the Allegheny county court, has been a member of that tribunal since its creation In 1911. —Major James H. Conlin, form erly of Philadelphia, who had charge of equipment of men at Camp Meade, has been made de pot quartermaster at El Paso. [ DO YOU KNOW ---That Harrisbtirg shoes are being worn by Uncle Sam's soldiers? HISTORIC HARRISBURG Output of every blast furnace In D-iuphin county was used for army purposes during the Civil War. ACROSS THE SEA Across the sea My boy is only one Of tens of thousands Such as he. My brave son Is but a unit, But a grain of sand, Thrown into the eyes Of the Mad Hun, To blind him In his folly; That being blinded He may see. Across the sea Just one of thousands! Just a unit, Just a grain of sand— Across tho sea! But oh, My boy is everything To Me! —By Edna Groff Delhi, Fastens, Pa.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers