4 PERSONAL AND SOCIAL ITEMS SAM'L M'ILHENNY ENTERS TRAINING Goes io Camp Gordon For Commission; Well-Known Young Man Samuel Mcllhonny, son of Mr. and Mrs. William A. Mcllhenny, of 1846 Market street, left this the officers' training camp at Camp Gordon. Atlanta. Georgia. Mcllhenny Is a graduate of the Technical High school, class of 1914 und the same year entered t ° r nell University. Thelast sixteen months he was assistant timekeeper at the Harrisburg Pipe and Pipe Bendin.t Works. His father is warden of the Dauphin county prison. P. R. R. Women Will Resume Red Cross Duty Under the supervision of Mrs. An-! drew Dillinger sewing will again be resumed by the Pennsylvania Railroad Women's Division for War Reliei. Department No. 7. in the basement of the Public Library. On Fridav afternoon from 2 to .• o'clock soldiers' garments will be mended at the P. R- R. Y. M. C. A. in Reilv street. „ , „„„„ „ .. Mrs. William H. Fisher. 2329 North Third street, is in charge of the woo! and all persons having materials for 1 :eaters, helmets and wristlets are asked to report to her at once rather than to Mrs. Price, who has resigned. IMPORTANT MEETING It Is important that all members who are able to attend be present I nt the meeting of the Red Cross aux iliary of St. Andrew's Episcopal Church on Wednesday evening and nil day on Thursday in the church rooms at .Nineteenth and Market afreets, the management announces. J. C. CAREY IN COAST \UTILLER4 James S. Carey, of 1934 North See j ond street, a member of the Sopho more class. Lehigh University, has been inducted in the Coast Artillery, and will leave on Wednesday of this Week for Fort Hamilton, N. Y. PINE STREET MEETING The Red Cross Auxiliary of the Pine Street Presbyterian Church will meet on Friday in the church rooms to re sume work. Miss Margaret K. Oyster has been ill for the past two weeks with grip at her home, 126 West State street. The Misses Katherine Moyer and Nettie Moyer. of 705 North Sixth street, spent the weekend in Mechan icsburg as the guest of Mrs. Harry Senseman. Mrs. Edith Bergstresser. of the Bergstresser House. 317 Walnut street, who was slightly injured in a fall in the Chestnut Street Market house on Saturday, is greatly im proved. The Misses Bettv Seal. Helen Ryan. Alice Ryan and Mary Carrol spent Sunday in Mechanicsburg. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis B. Lindemuth and their son, Lewis B. Lindemuth. Jr.. of South Bethlehem, have return ed home after a visit with Mrs. Linde muth s mother. Mrs. Meade P. Det weller, 21 South Front street. Theodore K. Murray, an employe of the State Labor and Industrv De partment. who has been in the Harris burg Hospital suffering from an at tack of Spanish Influenza, is improv ing. Paul Littlefleld. general secretary Pennsylvania State Chamber of Com merce. spent the weekend in Atlantic City. James Lee Thornton, son of Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Thornton, of Camp Hill, who has been suffering from an attack of inflylenza at a training camp. Dela ware College, is reported as greatly improved. Young Thornton is con nected with the IT.l T . S. Train Detach ment. and has been in the service for six weeks. Miss Catherine Martin. Paxtang. a student at Goucher, is recovering from an attack of influenza. Miss Ruth Willoughby. 2039 North Fifth street, is suffering from an at tack of influenza. Miss Josephine Zug. 1711 Market street, is recovering from an attack of influenza. Victor Snyder. 1610 Market street, l-.as recovered from a recent opera tion. Miss A. Lippineott, 607 North Front street, has returned to her office, in the Department of Agriculture, after a slight attack of the "flu." Miss Helen A. Heckert, Penbrook, has returned from a weekend trip to Gettysburg. rdfjowersi SYMPATHY 8 It's orie of the big words I P and often so difficult to ex- K 1 press. But flowers always do £ 5 it and it's such an easy way 9 to send a correct word of a cheer to the home of bereave ment. Just telephone us and I we'll do the rest. Bell Phone 37UUM. ciheberryhili LOCUST ST. AT SECOND . License No. G-35305 All-Day Specials CHUCK j ROASTS, SIRLOIN STEAKS, ™:-i2sc'= 3Qc roT ! Pound | BOUXD Pound SLICF.R LIVER, lb 100 LAMB COOKED PICS' FEET, ih., PORK CHOPS CORNED BEEF, lb Iso VEAL WVCIU# HONEY CURED , JOWL BACON, lb 2T<'* REGULAR HAMS. lb. FRESH SAUSAGE, lb PICNIC HAMS, lb 27c* SMOKKD SAUSAGE, lb., Grocery Dept. Butterine * Cheese Lincoln Brand, lb 27c i £' ream, lb 32c Premium Brand, lb 32c ' 11 i 11111 Pure Lard, lb .... ,31c Brick. lb 35c Compound, used as lard, lb.. . 27c I Llmbuuger, lb 35e MARKETS IN FIFTY-SIX PRINCIPAL CITIES OF 14 STATES MAIN OFFICE, VISIT OUR STORE PACKING PLANT CHICAGO, ILL. BUY LIBERTY BONDS PEORIA. ILL.' TUESDAY Contractor Leaves For Army Training Post CHARLES BARXHART Charles Barnliart, contractor and builder, of 1821 Whitehall street, Harrisburg. was inducted into the army and left this morning for Pittsburgh University to take special course for United States military service. Mr. Barnliart has built many homes on Allison Hill and made many friends in a social way, and his many friends wish him much success and safe re turn. Y. W. C. A. Will Aid in Influenza Fight The Y. W. O. A. has issued a call to all members and to any persons willing to aid in the present epi demic to meet at the Y. W. C. A. to-night, when influenza masks will be made. This association' has done splen did work all over the country for 'this cause and the local club expects many workers to-night whose nim ble fingers will fashion the masks necessary to prevent the disease from spreading. Anyone with even the slightest cold or in whose home there is sick ness is asked not to report for work. CAMP HILL RED CROSS The Camp Hill branch of the Red Cross opened for work this morning. RED CROSS RESUMES Mrs. J. Horace Mcarland, chair man of the Red Cross auxiliary of the Grace Methodist Church, •an nounced this morning that work will be resumed Wednesday morning and continue all day Thursday. tNEWS Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Sohmer. 62S Forrest street, announce the birth oi a daughter, Sunday, October 13. LOAN IS NOT TO FIND CITY SHIRKING (Continued From First Page) I buy the bond. The banks hold the tbond as security. The interest on the bond pays the interest on the note. During the 90 davs the purchaser can save money and cut down the note. At the close of the 90 days unless the bond is paid for he can reduce the note to the extent that he has saved. "An eminently fair proposition," said one man who went into a bank this morning. "Folks who can't buy bonds in this manner simply don't want to —that's all." He Got a Shock One man got a shock in a certain bank to-day. "You say you want to buy a Lib erty Bond?" said the man at the window. "Old boy, I've heard of the sort of talk you are putting out about these bonds. I don't think Uncle Sam would want to use your money. I don't think that money from a man who has talked like you do looks good to Uncle Sam. You remind me of the 'man without a country.' But I'll take it up with Washington and see whether they want money from the sort of a prop agandist you are." This'man finally induced the bank clerk to sell him $2OO worth of bonds. ADD LIBERTY LOAN stor There is general approval at the Liberty Loan headquarters of the prompt action of the Harrisburg Railways Company# in increasing its Liberty Loan subscription from $lO,- to $35,000. At a meeting of the board of directors it was decided to borrow money for this purpose trusting to the future earnings to take care of the loan. . MILTON STROUSE ! ! GOES TO CAMP Well-Known Young Harris burg Student Will Be come an Officer Milton Strouse. son of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Strouse, 1632 North Second street, left Sunday evening for At lanta, Georgia. Mr. Strouse was a • student in the S. A. T. C. at Unl j versity of Pennsylvania and was sn ; lected as one of the fifty young men I from that institution to go to th 'Officers Training Camp at Camp Gor- I don. He is well known in Harriß ! burg. Pretty Romance Begun , in Telegraph Job Room Ends in a Quiet Wedding Waynesboro. Pa., Oct. 15. Ml#s j Ida M. Newcomer, daughter of J. W. i Newcomer, the largest, apple grower j in this section, was married Saturday i to Alvin P. Speas. by the Rev. J. it. i Rutherford, pastor of the Presbyterian ! Church, this city. The bride la • , popular and well-known teacher, hav ing taught last year in Porto Rico. The groont is an employe' of The Tele : graph Printing Company. ' The wed , ding is the culmination of a romance I which had its infeption when Mlaa Newcomer was a proofreader for the | book department of The Telegraph Printing Company. J. Edward Wetzel, chief of police, is spending the day in Philadelphia. ; where he is in conference with a | number of chiefs of police from I Pennsylvania cities on the subject of establishing a central office for the detection of criminals through out the state. He will return late this evening. Miss Helen Kochenderfer. of Pax , tang, is recovering after a short 111- ' ness. The Rev. George W. Hartman, 330 Maclay street, was called to New York yesterday to take up his duties .in the Y. M. C. A., either at home of abroad. sons of Mr. and Mrs. W. Harry Baker, who have been sick for some days, are greatly im i proved. Mrs. John S. Musser. Miss Cassan ; dra Musser and Frank'in Musser j are ill at their home, Washington j : j Heights. KTiSER MUST QUIT TO END THE WAR (Continued From First Page) i desperate straits, particularly for ! manpower. There also is striking evidence of waning morale. Trickery Forestalled Many officers have feared that by some diplomatic trickery the enemy would secure enough time to fall back oh the Rhine, shorten his lines, redistribute his forces, reconstitute ; his stocks of guns and munitions 1 and prepare for a long defensive i battle. President Wilson's reply has • [ shown the enemy, it was said, that i this program no longer is possible to him. He must fight It out now or surrender. Should Germany as a nation cry \ ! "kammerad" it must be treated in ' , the military view substantially as j the individual German soldier who surrenders is it must be dis " j armed and guarded. To Control Rhine I Disarmament of a nation means . possibility of demobilization, military , j necessity would require allied oceu , ' pation of strategic points of com ! munieation. To insure suppression , of submarines, occupation of subma j rine bases also would be essential. Guarding, in this sense, would mean absolute contra! of the mill j tary approaches to Germany. Bel ' glum, and the way to the Rhine Val i ley. The great fortified zone of Metz-Thionville erected by the Ger mans as an offensive threat on the I French border, at the same time guards the way to the Rhine in the south. Allied occupation of this fortress, officers believe, would be a certain requirement. . Light Company Borrows $25,000 to Buy Bonds | The Harrisburg Light and Power Company to-day followed the ex- I ample of the Harrisburg Railways Company and voted to barrow $25,- 1000 with which to buy more Liberty ! Bonds. ' | "This is good business," said • Chairman Andrew S. Patterson. "I s i hope the managers of other corpo rations will see their duty and do 1 likewise. We simply must meet our ■ i quota, even though we must all 'bor -1 | row to buy.' " . . SI NSHINH MEETING i | The first meeting of the Sunshine Society, scheduled for yesterday was postponed. The date for the meet ing will be announced through the daily papers and the president, Mrs. F. E. Dowones asks all members to ' watch for it and be present. Reports jof the summer work and election of S officers will be the main business of i the meeting. j RED CROSS AUXILIARY AT ,WORK Mrs. C. M. Spahr. chairman of the Red Cross auxiliary of the W. C. T. U., has announced that the work of the auxiliary will be resumed on Thursday from 9.30 to 5 o'clock at 1314 Derry street. FIRST BAPTIST IVORK RESUMED Mrs. Spencer has asked that all j members of the Red Cross auxiliary |of the First Baptist Church be pres • ent Wednesday afternoon and all day j Thursday when work is to be re- J • mi'd. SHave Your EYES Examined EVERY TWO YEARS By doing this and changing the lenses of your glasses, if examin ation proves it necessary, you will ! experience sight satisfaction to a I ripe old age. AVe are at your command Eyesight Specialist 2 NORTH THIRD STREET Seblelsner Building >K4IMBimO i t'll ■ hi x Gives Her Mite to Nation Bk 'Mp' -iHHGB&i MSB™ HBmbf WJr \" -fsA WHOLE ENEMY LINE IS CRUMBLING UNDER BLOWS [Cominnnd From First Page.] threaten Rethel, having captured Nanteuil-sur-Aisne, two and one-haim miles west of Rethel and about the same distance east of Chateau Porcein. * * Yankee Tanks in Action Keeping step with the American operations east of the Argonnc, the rrench are advancing west of the forest. West of Grand Pre General Gouraud has moved north of the Aisnc and taken the towns of Olizy and Termes straightening out a Bulge in the Allied line. Between the Argonnc and the Meuse the Americans are battling forward to-day through the German wire entanglements. Tanks have been brought up especially in the region west of Romagne. As on Monday, the Germans are resisting stubbornly, but satisfactorily progress is being made. SAVAGELY attacking the German lines in Belgium, British, French and Belgian forces have captured Roulers and carried their lines far toward Courtrai and Thourout. There are implications that the German lines have been oierced and that the enemy is retreating rapidly. Yankees "''ass Krienihilil Position American troops hate carried their lines well past the Kriemhild position west oJ the Meuse river. They now are holding a front that runs from north of Cunel, north of Romagne and thence northwest wardly to the vicinity of St. Georges, where it turns to the southwest and meets the Frenefi lines at Grand Pre. French and Italian forces slowly are sweeping the Germans back out of Laon salient. They now are well ito the east of the Laon-La Fere railroad, and have kept up a steady pressure against the enemy along the Oise valley northwest of La Fere. Blow May Be Far RcaelUng The Allied blow in Belgium ap pears to be one which may have a direct bearing on the course of the mighty battle extending from Dix PEOPLE OF PENNSYLVANIA ARE CALLED UPON TO BUY MORE BONDS 4S PUBLIC DUTY A CALL FOR people' of Pennsylvania to subscribe more freely to the Fourth Liberty Loan was issued today by Governor Brumbaugh at the request of Secretary of Treasury McAdoo. The proclamation calls attention to the importance of the Loan at this time and urges banks to assist the people in every way, while people are informed that the Loan will be a greater blessing to its holders than they realize. In his proclamation the Governor says: Under date of October twelfth the Secretary of the Treasury has wired me to make additional proclamatiop urging all our peo ple in Pennsylvania to subscribe or to increase their subscription to the Fourth Liberty Loan. Two thirds of the time for subscrib ing to this loan has passed and less than half the required sum has been given. The army of people at home must give if the army abroad is to win battles. If this war is to result in the unconditional surrender of our enemies, as it should, there can be no excuse for withhold ing any sum that is needed to that end. The more promptly the money is given the more cer tain and speedy the victory will be. The American mind demands the end of military despotism. The American people must pro vide the means of its sure ac complishment. Therefore, I call upon all our people, men, women and children to purchase all the bonds for cash that they possibly can and then purchase more bonds on the in stalment plan. We all ought to greatly increase and in gen eral double our subscription. We must buy until the sacrifice of It is keenly felt in our daily lives, we are slackers if we do not. We cannot evade the situation the Nation places before us. We cannot patriotically and worthily claim membership in the great family of democracy and righte ousness if we do not heed fully and promptly this call. Not all our banks and bankers carry at the same rate of Interest all the bonds our people may under the borrowing plan agree to take. Let all our fiscal institutions make this plain at once to all jmude to Verdun. j It is rumored that British mon itors have entered Ostend, but this report is without confirmation. Should it prove true, however, it is | possible that forces may be landed I in the rear of the Germans still hold ing the lines between Tliourout and jthe sea. Lille Is in Danger South of the new break in the | German lines, the Germans have been in a serious position for some I time. Lille has been in danger from j the south, and a new Allied attack | threatens to outflank the city from 1 the north Should this occur, Lille | probably will fall and, with its fall, I Douai Is certain to be involved. German Losses Heavy There appears to be every reason jto believe that th# Germans along [the flanks of the line from Solesmes •t othe vicinity of Rethel will succeed |in delaying the Allied advance jong | enough to permit the forces in the ; big Laon salient to escape in safety. All reports of the fighting in this area, however, agree that the Ger man losses In materials and muni tions are very heavy. The success of the Americans east of the Argonne forest seem to bring the Germans there face to face with the necessity of either greatly strengthening the forces holding the line or retreating northward. A strong stand is expected, however. our people and let all citizens, unsolicited and unurged repair at once to the banks nearest their homes and enter subscrip tions In large sums. Let this loan be more than fully sub scribed in Pennsylvania. I call upon the poor to buy more bonds. It will prove to them to be a larger blessing than they now realize. I call upon the wealthy in their corporate rela tions and In their individual names to borrow and buy to the limit. There is no virtue and no fiatriotism in the man today who s making large sums on war contracts and giving off small sums for bonds. Let the com mittee in charge go to such and tell them frankly what their duty is if In any case such be not voluntarily sense the gravity of the situation and the obligation that is theirs. If we unitedly Join In a strong pull together we can easily over subscribe this loan. Let there be no laggards, no evaders, no slack ers. The issue is world-wide In meaning. The purchasers of these bonds have the confiden tial assurance that they not only back our splendid men in the trenches but they back all that is dear and sacred and right In the governance of men.. Next to the army of our boys now press ing the foe to his decisive defeat the grandest army this Republic can muster is the army that will this week march forward and lay their money and their pledges solemnly, sacredly, sanely and speedily upon the altar of liberty. It is our supreme hour of sacri fice. Let us not falter and not fail. The Government needs this money. It Is our present duty to give It gladly. HER MITE GOES TO HELP NATION (Continued IVorn First Pace) sailed for France In May. Ho was In the big fight at Chateau Thierry In July, and was so seriously gassed that he is still confined in a base hospital. He writes his wife that he Is Improving slowly, but that his mind still wanders. In the photograph Mrs. Simpson is shown with her baby. Alfred David Simpßon. When Alfred David i Simpson was born his daddy was in Camp Hancock, learning haw to beat the Huns. "I decided that while Charley was serving his country I. too. had a place to fill in this war. So I de cided that while my husband was in France—lighting to keep this country safe for democracy, and for Albert David, and for myself, that I would save money and buy Dlberty Bonds. All the income I have is the Government allotment, but I have saved $5O and I have my bond. Per haps the money I loaned the Gov ernment the other day will repay the person who bought the $5O bond which is paying some of the money that is helping. my husband get well." "\frhnt do you think of folks who aren't buying bonds?" Mrs. Simpson was asked. ) "Read this," she said. "This" proved to be a much-worfi nnd tattered newspaper clipping, and it bore the following; In Flanders' fields the poppies blow- Between the crosses, row on row, That mark our place; and in the sky The larks, still bravely singing, fly- Scarce heard amidst the guns below. We are the dead. ' Short days ago we lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow. Loved and were loved; and now we live In Flanders' fields. Take up our quarrel with the foe. To you, with falling hands, we'throw The torch: be yours to hold it high. If ye break faith with us who die We shall not sleep, though poppies grow In Flanders' fields. "When I heard that my husband was in the hospital," said Mrs. Sampson, "I used to think all the time of that line—'lf ye break faith w-ith us who die we shall not sleep'. I think that if we buy Liberty Bonds we are keeping the faith, and fight ing a good fight." And that is all there is to the story of Mrs. Charles J. Simpson, 1409 Liberty street, who saves money and buys a bond. ADD DEATHS Miss Margaret E. Bacon Dies of Pneumonia Miss Margaret E. Bacon, aged 20 years, died this morning at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur D. Bacon, 216 North street, from pneumonia. Private funeral services will be held Thursday afternoon at 3.30 o'clock. The Rev. Dr. Robert Bagnell, pastor of Grace Methodist Church, will officiate. Burial will be in the Paxtang cemetery. Miss Bacon was a graduate of the Central High School in the class of 1917. She was extremely popular and her many friends will regret to hear of her passing. She is survived by her parents, two sisters, Anna E. Bacon and Rdfc trice Bacon, and a brother. Dan iel Bacon. She was a member of Grace Methodist Church and was very active in Sunday School and Epworth League work . POLICE CHIEF AT MEF.TIXfi J. Edward Wetzel, chief of the Har risburg police, is in Philadelphia to day attending a conference of police chiefs of Pennsylvania relative to the establishment of a Central Police Clearing House for stolen goods. The central office, will be located in Har rtsburg and Is destined to aid the po lice chiefs particularly in the appre hension of stolen automobiles. POLICE FORCE HIT Sickness on the police force still is handicapping the officials. Last even ing Patrolman Edward C. Ross, 615 Race street, became so ill of Spanish influenza it was necessary to relieve him while he was on his beat. He was taken home in the police patrol. Ahout a score of the city coppers still are off duty because of Spanish in fluenza. , SdveCoal If you must start the furnace now use WMC? One hour in the morning will make the house I IF c °mfbrtable FSt jM fuel Cbmmiffee >. ' Chaoiej <?/" Cbuzjuurce Are we all buying ALL we can of the Fourth Liberty Bonds? We Want Harrisburg Folks To Wear Monito Hosiery —not merely as a tribute to "home industry," but because they are —as you'll find them to be —the best hosiery you ever drew onto your feet. They've got the material in them, and the workman ship on them that leave no chance for betterment. Both men's and women's—full-fnsli toned and seamless—plain colors and fancy effects—lisle, silk and lisle, silk Ask for Monitos and let your dealer know you know what's what in Hosiery. Moorhead Knitting Co., Inc., Harrisburg, Pa. v nCTtTRKR 17, IPIK ' NATION MUST NOT RELAX IN DRIVE; WILSON EXHORTS Relaxation or Hesitation Must Not Defeat Success of the $6,000,000,000 Loan Washington, Oct. 15.—Tho declara tion of President Wilson that "re laxation now. hesitation now. would mean defeat when victory seems to be in sight," and the reply of the President to the peace proposals of Germany were expected to act as spur to workers in the campaign for the Fourth Liberty Loan. Nearly half the loan's $6,000,000,000 total re mained to-day to be subscribed and five days of the campaign remained. Officials emphasized that success can only be achieved by the most strenu ous efforts. • Subscriptions to the loan as re ported by the twelve reserve banks last night totalled $2,798,110,950. Un reported subscriptions to the close of business last night were estimated as swelling the total to. approximately $3,000,000,000. With such a showing bond sales for the next five days must be at a rate of nearly a billion dol lars a day. While the St. Louts district was leading in percentage of quota raised with 78 per cent., reports trom tho Minneapolis district early to-day in dicated that district had subscribed its allotment and would be thy first t be reported officially over the lop. The Atlanta and Philadelphia dis tricts to-day were the low districts, each with 33 per cent, of its quota raised. The Opportunity ofbuyingyour Fafland Winter wearing apparel on our Dignified Credit Plan should not be overlooked by you, especially when every thing: is so high. In the first place you gain nothing by paying cash for yourclothes in fact you inconvenience yourself, when as a matter of fact you can come into this reliable establishment tuid get thai very tame garment, for which you will have to pay cash, on our Easy Payment Plan. We don't charge one penny extra for this credit privilege. 36 N. 2nd. Cor. Walnut r . -! NOTICE By request of the Fuel Administrator, this Store will be closed every Wednesday at 12 o'clock noon, beginning OCTOBER 16TH BUTTORFF & CO. New Cumberland, Pa. Furniture ' Two Opinions Handed Down byCounty Court 1 iontfnVV; M " M 4 ° Carr#l1 ' ■ * opln o", ' and * d down to-day In ll,e suit , aeorgo If. Albright and Anna B a, ipam refu l '7 rl,,,,U, ' t Com pan? refused a motion shew wft, he should not reconsider his action l overruling a previous petition for now trial. Me aiso vacated Ms orde opening the judgment ag.| n , t d, : eCt ' n f th " iTT vsrdlcl to bo entered against them. The Jurj awarded Mr. and Mrs. Albright $6,66! Th?1 K . e . s hecause ot injuries whlcl when shl U 'r d . ,n an aeoideni Ttce?, wa ." about to step from ' street car. An effort was made >J to new w P i any i to ave a m °tlon Sor i ™ new trial reinstated after it hat chw n V u rrule< J' by olalmfnir that thi ?,i 7 s for the prosecution toe titled falsely on the stand. t„r/,r sit l. ent J Jl J d ? P Oeorac Kunkel yes terda> handed down an opinion in . suit brought by the parents of Ousipn Libera to against S. A. Hoyer and At bert Ilerr. dismissing the action an, advising that the claim for compensa tion because of the youth's death b accident should have been made befor the IV orkmen's Compensation Board It was contended the board could no award compensation, as the parent, reside in Italy. Their counsel, how ever, said they were entitled to re ceive the award because of the treat between the l*ntted Btates and Ital> The Court suggested the questlni should have been raised before thl board first and that it had no jurisdic tion in the case. , m ■m . MARLEY l\s IN. DEVON 2V4 IN. ARRCW COLLARS CLUETT. PCABQDY a CO.. INC. MAKERS TF YOU are particular j about your coffee, you j will be satisfied with GOLDEN ROAST COFFEE lb. at all grocers | R. H. Lyon Importer Harrisburg i ■ - | A plate without n roof which does j not Interfere with taste or speech. Plates Itcpnlrcd While Tou Walt llAftlf'Q DENTAL MHVN 0 OFFICES I 310 MARKET STREET
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers