2 TIMELY NEWS OF CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA AND CITY'S SUBURBS Son Dead, Father and Sister 111 With Influenza l' lunibia. Pa., Oct. 15.—Alphonse jEdward Bittner. died in a hospital At Trenton, X. J., where he was em ployed. His father, Conrad Bitt- Jr.. who went to accompany the body home, was compelled to take Irs bed upon arrival at Columbia, and is now lying seriously ill with pneumonia. His only daughter, Catherine, is also ill with the same disease. Mr. Bittner is proprietor of Hotel Bittner here. MER GIVES RECIPE . ERR GRAY HI R Tills How to Make a Home-Miule Gray llair Remedy Mr. A. E. O'Brien, who has been nt arber in New York City for many years, made the following state ment: "Gray, streaked or faded lie : r can be immediately'made black, brown or light brown, whichever suede you desire, by the use of the fo lowing remedy that you can mako at home: "Merely get a small box of Orlex powder at any drug store. It costs very little and no extras to btiy. Dis solve it in water and comb it through the hair. Full directions for mixing and use come in each bok. "You need not hesitate to use Or lex. as a $lOO.OO gold bond comes in each box guaranteeing the user that Orlex powder does not contain sil \er. lead. sine, sulphur, mercury, r?iilii\e. coal-tar products or- their derivatives. "It does not rub oIT. is not sticky ir gummy and leaves the hair fluffy. Jt will make a gray haired person took twenty years younger." Vigorous Men and Women Are in Demand If your ambition has left you. your happiness has gone forever unless you take advantage of H. C. Ken nedy's magnificent oiler to refund your money on the first box pur chased if Wendell's Ambition Pills do not put your enure system in line condition and give you the energy and vigor you have lost. Be ambitious, be strong, be vigor ous. Bring the ruddy glow of heulth to your cheeks and the right spur ia le that denotes perfect manhood and womanhood to your .eyes. Wendell's Ambition Pills, the great nene tonic, are splendid for that tired feeling, nervous troubles, poor biood. headaches, neuralgia., restless ness, trembling, nervous prostration, mental depression, loss §fl appetite, and kidney or liver complaints; you lake them with this understanding, that: In two days you will feel better. In a week you will feel fine, and after taking one box you will have >our old-tiine confidence and ambi tion or the druggist will refund the 1 rice of the box. * Be sure and get ft 50 cent box to .> and get out of the rut. Remem lr If. C. Kennedy and dealers every where are authorized to guarantee them. STROUSE . v >,. I LEADER SINCE 1894 tShow Your Patriotism Buy More Bonds hi ere re Results of Months Of Thought and Planning ■ When you come to our store (as we hope you will with /I n y 3 //frSfrV > /f out delay) you wi'l see an imposing array of (l\ Wbf Stratford Clothes S&/J Jul \M Overcoats and Suits S i 'IL Every style, every pattern that the most exacting and dis y A i ; jjn criminating taste can demand. 1 I ' ■ ff\ For man y months the STRATFORD "Tailoring Shops" \\\ jpL have been planning and working to produce these clothes— \ 1 ' I man not on * y to P roduce th€m but to make them far and away "n L I SfISSH better than any other line of clothing on the market. 1 I Hlffif 1,,, So, with a feeling of most complete confidence, we say to | 'i you—"come and inspect STRATFORD Clothes—try them H on'—compare them with clothes shown by any other dealer, and prove for yourself the strength of our claim." Flannels, Cassimeres, Worsteds, Vff Velours and Serges Values that were unknown prior to our 24th Anniversary Month Overcoat Special Special for Youths $16.50 to $5O Wh Who are considering their first long trouser suits, in snappy models, up - to- Suit Special the-minute styles at $25.00 to $45 $22.50 and525 THE NEW STORE OF WM. STROUSE I 'I ' * * % TUESDAY EVENTING, " EPIDEMIC GAINS. IN CUMBERLAND Several Deaths and Many New Cases Badly Cripple In dustries of Valley Carlisle, Pa., Oct. 15.—Pay by day the influenza epidemic in this section 1 grows worse instead of better. The number of cases reported is increasl Ing and the total of deaths is mount ing. Among the latest victims are ! Hewitt G. Zullinger. a prominent manufacturer of Mount Holly Springs, ' and Miss Margaret Kline, of Chester i town. Md„ who died while on a visit | to relatives at Craighead's station. In the same town of 2,000 popula tion there are 300 cases of the dis- I ease and .only one physician. Dr. G. C. Irwin. A state nurse is here to laid in the work. Deaths are increas ing in all sections. The Cumberland I county .branch of the Pennsylvania I Council of National Defense, through I the Department of Sanitation and j Medicine, headed by Dr. C. R. Rick | enbaugh. of Carlisle, is co-operating. , Survived by*a wife and 10 chil • dren, the youngest of whom is two | weeks oljJ, Andrew Trauig. a steel j worker died after three days' Illness. GOOD RECORD FOR PI. AAT Waynesboro, Pa.. Oct. 15.—The Lan dis Tool Company, the big manu facturing concern on the south side of town,,is the first to go over the top in subscribing for Liberty Bonds. | Saturday it scaled the heights with a | grand total of $153,700 or $5,700 above i its allotment. Not only is the fac tory over the top but it shows a i clean 100 per cent, score in every j department. This means that every , workman and every office employed I is a subscriber to the Fourth Liberty I Loan. FOR EXCESSIVE URIC ACID TRY THE XVILI.IAMS TREATMENT 75c Bottle (32 Doses) FREE Just because you start the day , worried and tired, stiff iegs and arms j and muscles, an aching head, burning | and bearing down pains in the back —-worn out before the day begins— | do not think you have to stay in that .gondition. Be strong, well and vigorous, with no more pains from stiff joints, sore muscles, rheumatic suffering,, aching back or kidney trouble. If you suffer from bladder weak ness. witli burning, scalding pains, or it you are in and out of bed half a I dozen times a night, you will appre ciate the rest, comfort and strength : this treatment gives. To prove The M'illiams Treatment I conquers kidney and bladder diseases, ' rheumatism and all other ailments l when due to excessive uric acid, no | matter how chronic or stubborn, if I you have never tried The M'illiams | Treatment, we will give one 75c. bot tle (32 doses) free if you will cut out this notice and send it with your name and address, and 10 cents to help pay postage, packing, etc., to :/The Dr. D. A. M'illiams Company, i Dept. 1., 652 New P. O. Building. Kast I Hampton, Conn. Send at once and I you will receive by parcel post a reg | ular 75c. bottle, without charge and without incurring any obligation. Only one bottle to the same address or family. TRAGIC RESULT OF CELEBRATION Skidding Automobile Dashes Into Marchers at Lewisburg and Causes Man's Death Lewisburg. Pa., Oct. 15. —Lewis- burg's celebration over Germany's acceptance of the United States peace terms had a tragic ending about 3 o'clock Sunday morning, when Peter Stahl, a restaurant keep er, was struck by an automobile driven by Louis Banks and injuria so badly that he died in a doctor's office a half hour later. Following the receipt of the news here of Germany's acceptance of the : peace terms, the fire alarm sound ed. whistles were blown and church bells were rung. People gathe'red ! in the streets in throngs, including many students from Buckneli Uni ; versity, to take part in an im | proniptu parade headed by the flags ; of the Allied nations and the Citi zens' Band. The parade was moving down/he main street when Banks, driving his car towards the oncoming proces sion, attempted to swing the ma chine in front of the marching throng. The car swerved and skidd ed backward, striking Mr. Stahl, who was one of the flagjp bearers, knocking him to the paved street. Mr. Stahl was bleeding profusely about the head when picked up and hurried to the doctor's office, where his death occurred from injuries on the side of his head. I Another of the flag bearers, ! Thomas Shriner. was injured slight | ly, as were three members of the | Citizens' Band and four Boy Scouts. • . Carlisle Soldiers Reported Missing in Action in France Carlisle, Ta., Oct. 15.—Mrs. E. E. Mianich, of Carlisle, last evening re ceived a telegram stating that Ser geant Frank Shenk, of Carlisle, has been missing in* action since Septem ber 1. He was a member or Com pany G. of the One Hundred and Twelfth Regiment, formerly the old Eighth, and was in service on the Mexican border 111,1916. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bigler. have also received word that their son. Manning Bigler, also in the One Hundred and Twelfth, has been missing since September 9. Charles Lewis, also of Carlisle, in the One Hundred and Tenth Regiment is also missing in action. BOOSTING LOAN SI BSCRIPTIONS I Carlisle, Pa., Oct. 15.—The Liberty i Loan campaign in Cumberland county j took a boost as it entered the final ' week. Many persons are increasing | their subscriptions and others are ; falling into line. From the Pennsyl vania railroad came $37,000 in sub scriptions credited to Cumberland ! county. In twelve hours at a booth i erected on the Public Square at Car | lisle nearly $35,000 In bonds was j placed. MRS. MM. DOVGLAME DIRS Mnynesboro, Pa., Oct. 15.—Mrs. ! Anna S. Douglass, wife of William I Douglass, a member of the facility of the Mercersburg Academy, died at her home in Mercersburg, from influ j enza. She was 32 years old and is • survived by her husband and two children. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH 1,000 NEW CASES AT COLUMBIA Red Cross Members Volun teer as Nurses; Physicians Work Night and Day Columbia, Pa., Oct. 15.—Martin J. Rice, who died Sunday evening was the eighth victiiji of pneumonia in this place since the outbreak of influenza. He was 68 years old and was ill only a few days. The sec retary of the board of health reports about one thousand cases in the orough, but of this number com paratively few are serious. There is a shortage of nurses and among the women who volunteered their services are Mrs. H. M. North, Jr., chairman of Columbia chapter of the Red Cross, and Mrs. George P. Cooper, a former trained nurse. The medical force is handicapped by the illness of two local physicians with the disease and the remainder are kept at work almost day and night. To-day the Triumph Manufac turing Company, one of the largest industrial plants, suspended work on account of the epidemic. Nearly every plant in the borough is handi capped for lack of help. Suburban Notes LIVERPOOL - H. E. Bair spent the weekend at Dalmatia. Misses Mary and Gertrude Lefler, of Millersburg, were recent visitors here with Mr. and Mrs. H. A. S. Shuler. William Albright, of Harrisburg, spent the weekend here with his sister. Miss. P. K. Brink. Miss Hazel Bair, who has been visiting at Dalmatia is critically ill with, influenza. Miss Sue Kline, of Shiremanstown, is at home with her mother. Mrs. Saram A. Kline. Miss Kline is a teacher in the public schools at Shiremanstown, which are closed. Miss Margaret Hcimbucher, a stu dent at Penn Hall, Chambersburg, is home. Penn Hall is closed on ac count of the epidemic. Mrs. Charles H. Snyder spent sev eral days at Harrisburg. Mrs. Elizabeth Stailey and daugh ter, Lulu, are visiting relatives at Harrisburg. The Rev. Clyde W. Shaeffer has returned front Bellvllle, where he attended: church synod. HALIFAX v- Miss Helen Loudermilk is the new j clerk in the Halifax post office, suc ceeding Miss Mary Albright, who re signed to accept a position as teach- j er of Dunkel's school in Haliftßt township. Miss Esther Wagner, of Washing ton, L>. C., spent Sunday visiting her sister, Mrs. H. S. Potter. Curt Cratzer, of Atlantic City, spent Sunday at his parental home in town. Halifax now has three cases of/ diptheria. Ruth, daughter of Mr. and) Mrs. W. H. Alvord. John, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Killinger, and | Clarence, son of Mr. and Mrs. j Charles A. Zimmerman, being down | with the disease. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Harter, of Wil- ! liamsport, are guests of Mr. and j Mrs. George A. Fetterhoff. Mrs. Lydia Wilbert visited rela- j tives at Harrisburg over Sunday. The funeral of Paul D. Lebo, of Halifax township, w* o died last 1 Tuesday at Camp Lee, Petersburg, j Va., from influenza, was held Sun- I day afternoon from the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Lebo, in ' Halifax township. Mrs. W. P. Bitterman has received ' announcement from the War De- i partment that her brother, Llewellyn • D. Mellen, has arrived in France. I Mr. and Mrs. 0. R. Shope have re- | ceivedi word of the arrival overseaas j of their son, Lieutenant Leslie Reed Shope, of the aviation section of the I United States Army. ANN'Vrt/LE The Rev. and Mrs. R. L. Arndt, of ! Adamstown, spent several-days here. I Mr. and Mrs. Amos Graby an- | nounce the birth of a daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Barnhart! spent a day at Lebanon. Miss Emma Hoffnagle is spend- j ing some time at<Jshellsville. Miss Elizabeth Gallatin, of Rom- ! ney, W. Va., is the guest of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Gallatin, of College avenue. • Prof. J. F. Spangler is confined to his bed with illness. Mrs. Charles Christeson is recov ering from a severe attack of pneu monia. Mrs. Adeline Boltz, ot Jersey City, spent a day here. MILI.KRSTOWN Mr." and Mrs. C. I. Spangler kndij family, having closed the summer season of their show, have returned home. Harry Branyan was at Philadel phia last week. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Raleson, of I/ewistown, spent several days with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Fry. Mrs. J. I. Crane was aa visitor at Harrisburg on Saturday. A son was born to the Rev. and Mrs. R S. Caldwell, in Higganum, Conn, on October 12. Mrs. Caldwell was formerly Miss Jennie Ulsh, of Millerstown. Mrs. William Pooley and her daughter, Mrs. Ben Hughes, return-- ed to their home at Osceola, on Sat urday, after spending several weeks at the home of William Rounsley. Mr. and Mrs. James Kipp, of Har risburg, spent Sunday with the for mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Kipp. 600 CASES AT LEWI STOW X i/cwistdwn, Pa., Oct. 15.—1n two days 247 new cases of influenza were reported. Mrs. J. Leeds Clarkson, of the Red Cross nursing bureau and Miss E. L. Felker are keeping track of the number of cases. Fifteen young women from the various Red Cross nursing classes have volun teered their services during the epi demic. A temporary hospital is be ing fitted up. DILLSBLRG John A. Grove was brought to his home here yesterday from the Harrisburg Hospital, where he had been since September 5, suffering from the results of a fall at Marsh Run. S. H. Klugh and William Grove bought him home on a cot In Mr. Klugh's auto truck. G. C. Fishei has resigned his po sition at the Dillsburg Hardware and Furniture Company and has ac cepted one at the Deitz grain ele vator at Mechanicsburg. Mr. and Mrs. J. Harold Rearick spent several days at Chambers burg. Prof. Klugh, who is in the army service at Washington, and Maude Klugh, of Hershey, spent Sunday at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. 8. H. Klugh. W. H. Klugh, of Lemoyne, visited here on Saturday.. . I MIDDLETOV/N Influenza Claims New Victims in the Borough The funeral of Mr. Marion Barth Lingle vria held yesterday morning, the body arrived on the noon train over the Pennsylvania railroad from Philadelphia and was taken to the Mlddletown cemetery where short services where held. The pallbearers were: A. R. Hoffman, T. B. Boyd, A. B. Cressler, H. E. Smith, J. S. Ulrich. and H. V. McVjgir, the Rev. James Cunningham officiated. Felix Schraedley, aged 23. died last night at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Schraedley. South Catherine street. He was ill for about tlrree weeks. Meningitis was the cause of death. He is survived by his parents, brother, Rufus, and ■ a sister Sophia, at home. Funeral services have not yet been arranged. Mr. Schraedley had been employed at the Middletown station of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company be fore his illness. Prior to that he was in the employ of the Middletown Press for a number of years. Georgee Eshenour, Jr.. sexton at the | Middletown cemetery, with the as- I sistance of firemen dug six graves in j the cemetery on Sunday. 1 Walter Baumbach, of Wut Main street, received notice from IWL Steel ton Draft Board to report this morning. He be sent to Pitts burgh. where he will be put under instructions as an automobile chaf feur in three months. Miss Goldie Keifter. a student at the Beechwood Seminary. Philadel phia, and who had been quite ill there was brought to her hone in East Main street. She had been ill with the Spanish influenza. She is a daugh ter of Mr. -and Mrs. D. B. Keiffer. Seventy new cases of Spanish in fluenza wei% reported hy the local physicians to A. B. Croll, president of the local board of health on Satur day. Mrs. Albert Rudy, of Baltimore, Mr., is visiting relatives in town for a week. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Polst spent Sun day* at Carlisle, where ihay visited their daughter. Miss Rachel Poist, who was seriou#ly ill at the Carlisle Hospital, and found ner soma what improved. Mrs. Annie Hawk, of Royalton, was called to Philadelphia, on account of the serious illness of her daughter, Mrs. Aldus Drabenstadt. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Etnoyer, of the Washington House are both confined to their beds with Spanish influenza, and several of the boarders are down with the same disease. C. M. Moss and David Hickernell left yesterday for Delaware City, I where they have secure! work as [special police on government work. | Ralph SehaelTer, of Reading, and George Seltyer, of Downingtown, are spending several days in town hav- I ing come to attend the funeral of j Mrs. Clarissa Davis. • Mrs. Grace Witman is seriously ill at her home, South Union street. Mrs. Samuel Beckey, of Milton, is spending several days in town as the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Davis. Susquehanna street. Harry Landis and J. T. Mattis have | secured positions as special police at l the Ordnance Depot. I D. L. Ijfnith, who had been sexton the Middletown cemetmy for many I years has resigned his position there | and secured one at the local car ; plant. Mr. George Eshenour, Jr., is I Mr. Smith's successor, i The Londonderry township schools was ordered closed for the week on ] account of the Spanish Influenza, few leases so far have developel, but the j board decided to take all precautions | of spreading same, i The remalAs of Helen Elizabeth I Dapp the one-year-old daughter of j Mr. and Mrs. George Dapp. who died jat the parents' home at Camden, N. ■ J., were brought to town and burial | was made in the Middletown ceme ! tery. I The Middletown borough council, which meets second Monday of each 1 month and which was to have met I last evening has postponed same in I accordance with, the ruling of meet ! ing in a gathering. | Eli Metzler, Jr., of Camp Quantlco, I Va., is home on a twenty-day fur j lough. Young Metzler had been | quite ill, and was accompanied by his i father. j Mrs. J. W. Rewalt Is visiting her son. Dr. Robert Rewalt, at Willi,utie port for two weeks. Eignt members of the fuully of Frank Meinslar, South Wood street, are down with the Spanish influenza. Scott Xovinger, of Coatesville, spent Sunday in town. Middletown has a total of $241,300 In Liberty Loan sales up to late last night, it was announced to-day. flhe quota of the borough is $284,510. In I order to raise the remainder. A Lib ; erty Loan meeting is being held this ' afternoon in the markethouse on Emaus street. It Is believed by of ficials that at this meeting enough subscriptions will be Becured to pull the town over the top. '■WTT Pyms NexiTime Your Coffee doesn't suit you why not try Instant Postum When you stop ti think that tens of thousands of families now use it in preference to coffee, you •; must realize "There's a Reason* Little J EDITOR DILLSBURG BULLETIN DIES W. M. Elicker Was Widely i Known as Publisher. Banker 1 and Temperance Worker IHllsburg. Pa.. Oct. IB.—W. W. Elicker, editor of the Dillsburg Bulletin, died at his home in South Second street, on Sunday evening at 11 o'clock, after an illness of three months. He was 41 years old. He was born near Frankllntown.July 27, 1877, and has been living in this section most of his life, exceptfor jseveral years that he spent at York in a printing office. He has devoted his entire life to the printing business having been associated with E. W. Shapley here and finally organized the Bulletin Publishing Company, which purehas the Bulletin and has been publish ing that paper since. Mr. Elicker was elected a member of the town council several terms and af the last municipal election had an overwhelming majority and at the reorganization of the council he was chosen its president, which | office he continued to hold' to the I time of his death. He was the prime mover in an effort to establish a j lodge of Odd Fellows at Dillsburg and this object was finally accom jplished in July, 1915, and Mr. i Elicker was chosen the first noble grand. | He was also an active member of the P. O. S. of A. and was a past j officer in that organization and for I a time served as secretary of Camp I No. 777. He was also a member of the Modern Woodmen and the Hep tasophs, which later merged into the Fraternal Aid Union. He was active in all these organizations. Mr. Elick er was a member of the Presbyterian Church and for a time was a teach er in the Sunday school. He was a stockholder in the Wellsville Na tional bank and also of the Farm ers' and Merchants' bank of Dills burg, of which bank he was the no tary when his health permitted, lie was also a stockholder in the Key- I stone Harness Company. He Was an ardent temperance worker and never failed to use the opportunity to fur ther the cause. As editor of the Bulletin he had | ample opportunity to say a word or j present an argument for right and Ithese opportunities were constantly 'being used to advantage. i On October 2'4, 1916, his health failed and he took a term of treat ment at the York City Hospital later Ihe returned to his home and con tinued his treatment for a time, and early in the year 1917, he again re isunied his duties at the Bulletin of j tice. Relief however was not per jmanent but he looked after the | work of the Publishing Company J until July. j Mrs. Elicker assumed the man agement of the Publishing Company i during his illness. He is survived by his wife, two daughters, Margaret and Hilda, and his mother, Mrs. Susan Elicker. of Mechanicsburg. The funeral will be held to-morrow afternoon from the home and bur ial will be made in the Dillsburg Cemetery. MUSLIM COMMITTEE PLEASED Liverpool, Pa., Oct. 15.—The chairmen and muslin committee of the local Red Cross are much pleas ed with the splendid response to their appeal for muslins and it is expected that Liverpool has once again "gone over the top." j. st;asK3*^/? I ill ' _ ||fl in . • ' i#j.i wan * ypJ I | Twenty-eight, Thirty, Thirty-two—North Third Street ||| An open letter • jjj to the Health Authorities 11 jjjjj and the Public I < ill In an effort to Kelp the people of this com- [jig f||| munity overcome the influenza epidemic I take this means of suggesting to the health authorities, the public and the merchants generally that it ||J would be a wise measure to close the stores throughout the city, excepting the drug stores for medicines and the grocery stores. This would eliminate the very evident condi tions, namely: The going through the stores of people who are in contact with the disease. If the disease can be carried from place to place it certainly can be carried by shoppers and others. While I admit this will in some measure curtail business we must all realize that the health of the nation is its prime consideration at this critical period of the war. This should help the Liberty Loan because more people will be at their homes rather than elsewhere when the Liberty Bond Salesmen go to the homes. ■ Very respectfully, |li jj| MRS. WM. B. SCHLEISNER. jp IIiirrSBBBBBBSBfiK 1 '•fjMlltß'i i li ...StatiiViSU —~ 4 * * •' * ? OCTOBER 15, 1918. Liverpool People Cutting Wood For Winter's Fuel Liverpool, Pa., Oct. 15.—-Due to the scarcity and high price of coai I there will undoubtedly bo a large • amount of wood burned in Liverpool and vicinity during the eonving Mar. For years past at the request j of the government timber has been conserved, but fearing a repetition j of the conditions of coal shortage similar to lost winter and in accord ance with instructions received from j the Council of National Defense the i people of this community are lay- I ing in a good supply of timber and j will thus conserve the coal for less ! fortunate towns. "JIMBO" CHICKEN EGGS Waynesboro, Pa., Oct. 15.— J. Bow man Metz, projwietor of the Arco drugstore, has a half dozen chicken eggs on display in the store window that together weigh 17 ounces. The : average half dozen chicken eggs weigh 11 ounces. M. S. Hospelhorn, of Shady Grove, is the owner of the I flock of cjitckens that laid the .Jumbo eggs, which do not vary in size from day *lO day. ILL EIGHTEEN YEARS Columbia, Pa.„ Oct. 15.—Mrs. Dol ly M. Smith, widow of Samuel Smith, well-known colored man, died yesterday afternoon after an i illness of eighteen years, aged 78 I years. She was one of the oldest. i members of the African Methodist Episcopal Church. RHEUMATIC 1 TORTURE Take "Ncutronc Proscription Oil" and the Pain and Aching Will Vanish . Rheumatic misery is now a thing -of the past, It matters, not how sore your joints are, or how swollen and pain ful. one .bottle of "Ncutrone Pre j script ion 99" will make you feel line j and comfortable. "Neutrone Prescription 99" is a dif ferent remedy. It is. a liquid that | eliminates uric acid by absorption j through the blood and quickly ! soothes and heals the inflammation. It quickly takes the agony out of joiifts and muscles and nlakes them like new. "Neutrone Prescription 99" is a good thing to have on hand at nil times. It is especially effica cious when an attack is coqiing on j as in almost every instance It will I after a few doses, rid the system of rheumatic poisons. 50c and $l.OO the bottle. For sale in Harrisburg by George A. Gorgas. 16 North Third street and | Pennsylvania Railroad Station. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL dial 4016 ENTER ANYTIME BELL 694-R Two Klgbt School*: Monday. Wednesday. Friday Mshta— I Taeaday, Thursday .Marhla BECKLEY'S BUSINESS COLLEGE THE OFFICE TRAINING SCHOOL 121 MARKET ST. CLOSED TEMPORARILY By Order of Board of Health WATCH PAPERS FOR REOPENING DATE BOYS ridil.Mi APPLES Waynesboro, Pa., Oct. 15.—Apples by the thousands of bushels are now being gathered In this section. Large forces of men. women, boys and girls are employed dally In the large ap ple orchards of D. M. Wertz, tho Kedy orchards, Edward Nlcodemus, I". \V. Harshman, D. L. Miller, Aaron Newcomer, Kauhauser, and 'others. Now that the public schools have compelled to close down on account of Influenza the young people have migrated to the apple orchards, where they are receiving all from 52 to J5 per day picking apples. T Conquers Rheumatism In a Very Few Days *■ It is an established fact that a small dose of Rheuma taken once a day has driven the pain and agony ; from thousands of racked, crippled and despairing rheumatics during the last seven years. Powerful yet harmless, quick act ing and inexpensive, Rheuma gives blessed relief almost at once. The magic name has reached nearly every hamlet in the land and there is hardly a druggist anywhere who cannot tell you of a'rr.o&t. marvelous cures. If you are tortured with rheu matism or sciatica, you can get Rheuma from Kennedy's Medicine Store, or any druggist, with the un ! derstanding that if it docs not com ! pletely drive rheumatic poisons .from your system—money back. RHEUMATISM LEAVES YOU FOREVER | Deep Sfntril t'rlc Acid Deposits Arc Dissolved nml the Ithciiinntlc Pol- I son Stnrts to l.cave the System Within Twenty-four Hours Every druggist in this county is I authorized to say to every rheumatic I sufferer in this vicinity that if two i bottles of Allenrhu. the sure con i queror of rheumatism, does not stop I all agony, reduce swollen joints and do away with even the slightest twinge of rheumatic pain, he will gladly return your money without comment. Allenrhu has been tried and tested for years, and really marvelous re sults have been accomplished in the most severe cases where the suffer ing and agony was intense and pite ous and where the patient was help ! less. | Allenrhu relieves at once. Imnie- I dlately after you start to take it the j good work begins. It searches out i the uric acid deposits, dissolves the j secretions and drives rheumatic ooi- I son out of the body through the kidneys and bowels. It's marvelous how quickly it acts. I Blessed relief often comes in two ! days, and even in cases where the i suffering is most painful all traces I disappear in a few days. G. A. Gor ges can supply you.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers