2 TIMELY NEWS OF CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA AND CITY'S SUBURBS LAST WEEK OF LOAN CAMPAIGN Cumberland County Commit tee Will Make Strong Effort to Reach .$2,(500.000 Carlisle, Pa., Oct. 14. —Cumberland county entered the last week of the loan campaign to-day with subscrip tions of only about $1,100,000, as against a quota of over $2.6600,000 and every effort will be made during the remaining period to secure the needed amount. The influenza epi demic has hampered activities con siderably. A general observance throughout the county yesterday of "Gold Star Hour." a time of memorial for men who have died in service and to awaken in those at home a sense of their responsibility, was reported. This is expected to aid In the sales. The campaign this week will be run at intense speed. With banks closed Saturday, bank ers aided in the campaign. The booth erected on the Public Square at Car lisle was a center for sales and in all about $20,000 in bonds was sold and It will be kept open. Dr. H. T. Sadler, of Carlisle, offered to match fifty $5O subscriptions obtained there and they were secured in two hours. 100 New Cases Reported Over Weekend at Carlisle Carlisle. Pa., Oct. 14. —With the death of John Daron. son of Borough Secretary and Mrs. W. W. Daron from the disease, and reports of about 100 new cases over the weekend, the in fluenza epidemic here appears to be unchecked in the town at large, al though at Dickinson College it is apparently under control. Because of the fact that fourteen nurses are ill. aid was sought for the Carlisle Hospital from the Harris burg Red Cross. Everything in the town, except barber shops, was closed on Saturday evening. . EXHIBITION AT ORCHARD Carlisle. Pa.. Oct. 14.—With the O. K. of the State Health Department, the Cumberland County Farm Bureau is arranging for an exhibition on Tuesday. October 15, at the farm of R. A. Wickershani where the apple orchard has been under careful treat ment during the year with various kinds of spray. A number of prob lems will be explained. Cuticura Produces ' Skin and Scalp Health The daily use of Cuticura Soap, ; assisted by occasional touches of Cu ! iicura Ointment does much to kec p j the skin clear and soft and the hair ! live and glossy. I B*acF Frw ter Kgl AcMress p-wt-erd: I "Cctlcsrs, Ppt 20A Boston." Sold everrwhere. Soap Kc. Ointment SS ar.2 60s. TalTOttl 25c. Almost a Shadow, Afraid to Eat "My son-in-law was so bad from stomach trouble that he was re duced to almost a shadow and was afraid to eat anything, as all food caused bloating of gas which pressed against his heart, worrying him very much. Our druggist persuaded him to try Mayr's Wonderful Remedy and in two months he looked fine, can eat anything and works hard every day." It is a simple, harm less preparation that removes the catarrhal mucus from the intestinal tract and allays the inflammation which causes practically all stomach, liver and intestinal ailments, includ ing appendicitis. One dose will con vince or money refunded. On sale at Geo. A. Gorgas. H. C. Kennedy, Clark's 2 Drug Stores and I druggists everywhere. THE MOST DANGEROUS DISEASE No organs of the human body are'i BO Important to health and long life as the kidneys. When they ! slow up and commence to lag In | their duties, look out! Danger is in sight. Find out what the trouble Is— j without delay. Whenever you feel nervous, weak, dizzy, suffer from [ sleeplessness, or have pains in the ; hack or difficulty in passing urine— wake up at once. Your kidneys n~ed help. These are signs to warn you that your kidneys are not per- J forming their functions properly. * They are only half doing their and are allowing impurities to ac- ; cumulate and be converted into uric j acid and other poisons, which are 1 causing you distress and will destroy! S. S. S. Greatest Blood Remedy Gives Results When Others Fail Nature's Remedy For Blood; Troubles. The purifying and curative prop- j erties of Nature's great remedy have j made "S. S. S. for tho Blood" a house-1 hold saying. Thousands today en- j Joying perfect health owe their re-; covery from blood or skin diseases to'this universally used blood puri- ; tier. S. S. 8. is made entirely from icots. herbs and barks, which pos-j >:i cleansing and healing ingredi-: tnts. You cannot be well when your blood is impure; you lack j strength and energy natural with | health; your complexion becomes i Mi f and sallow; your vitality is; v. eakened. When waste or refuse i MONDAY EVENING, West Shore News j William Springer Dies of influenza at Greenl&af .New Cumberland, Pa.. Oct. 14. I William Springer, a son of Mr. and I Mrs. Jacob Springer, of Fifth street, who went to Camp Greenleaf. Ga„ j pbout six weeks ago, died of pneu • monia on Saturday. The body will |bo brought home for burial. When I the telegram announcing the young I soldier's serious illness reached the i parents they were both too sick to I go to his bedside. BURIAL OF MIDS. YETTER j . .New Cumberland, Oct. 14.—The i funeral services of Mrs. Clifford Yet ! ter will be held to-morrow morning jat 10 o'clock from her late home iin Bridge street, conducted by the ; Rev. David S. Martin, of St. Paul's | Lutheran Church. • Mrs. Tetter was ' 28 years old and died of pneumonia j after an illness of less than a week, i She is survived by her husband, two 1 little girls, Florenee and Berryl. She j was a. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. j Walter Heveru, of Baltimore. L JACOB SLOSEMAN DHLS New Cumberland. Pa., Oct. 14. j The third death from pneumonia oc- I curred here yesterday morning. ] Jacob Sloseman, aged 26 years, died ' after an illness of a week. He was | employed at the Pipe and Pipe i Bending Works, at Harrisburg. His j wife and two little sons survive; also i his father. Martin Sloseman, and j a sister. Bertha, who made their I home with him. Private funeral services wilt be held • Wednesday j morning at 10 o'clock. The Rev. A. R. Ayres, pastor of Trinity U nit ; ed Brethren Church, will officiate. ! F \TIIKR AND TWO CHILDREN DiK AT I.EMOYNE HOME Now Cumberland, Pa., Oct. 14. . Mr. Jensen and two children, of Le ■ moyne, died of influenza and the '• bodies are now at the undertaking i establishment of M. A. Hoff here. ; The family formerly lived at Xew Cumberland. Mrs. Jensen is said to | be seriously, ill with the disease. RED CROSS ROOMS OPEN* Xew Cumberland. Pa., Oct. 14. Officials of the Xew Cumberland ! Red Cross Auxiliary announce that i the rooms will be open every even i ing this week and all workers, s members and others are requested Mo come to the rooms and assist in j making masks for use in the epi ! demic of influenza. Miss I.etb and other members of the auxiliary have been working daily at the government plant at I Marsh Run and need more help at that p'.acc. , i RED CROSS ROOMS OPEN ' The chairman of the Lemoyne i Red Cross announces the rooms will j be open during the day this week j and also on Tuesday and Thursday l evenings. Social and Personal Items of Towns on West Shore Mr. and Mrs. George Markell, of ! Waynesboro, spent a day recently ; with Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Wallace at Shircmanstown. Mrs. Brinkley. of Harrisburg. is j spending some time with Mr. and j Mrs. S. K. Morgret. at Shiremans- I town. Mr. and Mrs. Burrell Yoke, son lira, daughters Ruth and June, have i returned to their home in Lemoyne after spending some time with Mrs. Yohe's parents. Mr. and Mrs C, P. , Xebinger, at Shiremanstown. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Kingsbor ough, sons Merle. Eugene and Paul, of Shiremanstown, spent Sunday with Mrs. Kingsborough's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Burdall, at MOhler's Church. Mrs. Harry Sheaffer, of Shire manstown, is home from a visit with friends at Sparrow's Point, Md. James Lee Thornton, of Camp I Hill, who has been ill with influenza at Newark, X. J., is improving, ac cording to advices received from him recently. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Thornton, Camp Hill, and is well known on the West Shore. Finns Tell Germany to Withdraw Troops Stockholm, Oct. 14.—The Finnish government has asked Germany to : withdraw her troops from Finland. The request was recently delivered to General von Der Goltz, the German commander in Finnish territory. The republican and socialist papers of Finland have begun an agitation in favor of an approach by Finland to the Entente, alleging that the re | cent policy of the government in con- I nection with Germany has been un neutral. 'I you unless they are driven from your system. j Get some GOLD MEDAL Haarlem . Oil Capsules at once. They are an ! old, tried preparatjon used all over | the world for centuries. They con j tain only old-fashioned, soothing oils t combined with strength-giving and system-cleansing herbs, well known and used by physicians in their . dally practice. GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules are imported direct from the laborities' in Hol j land. They are convenient to take, | and will either give prompt relief ; or your money will be refunded, i Ask for them at any durg store but be sure to get the original im ported GOLD MEDAL brand. Ac cept no substitutes. In sealed pask lages. Three sizes. j matter, which Nature intends should i be thrown off, is left in the system, it absorbed into the blood and boils, i pimples, rashes blotches and other • eruptions of the skin appear, j 8. S. S. jyies into the circulation | and removes every particle of blood | taint or poison of every character. | All skin diseases and eruptions pass i away, and tho smooth clear skin, glowing with health, shows that the body i$ being nourished by rich. ■ pure blood. Rheumatism. Catarrh, Scrofula Contagious Blood Poison, ! all are deep-seated blood disorders, and for their treatment nothing | equals S. fe'. S. Get S. S. S. at any | drug store. If yours is a peculiar ! case, write Medical Adviser, 446 I Swift Laboratory, Atlanta, Ga. MIDDLETOWN | The funeral of Mrs. Clarissa Davis was held this afternoon from her ; home, South swatura street, with ser vices at 2 o'clock, the Rev. James ! Cunningham, pastor of the Methodist I Episcopal Church, officiating. The pallbearers were: Clarence Davis. George Davis, Lewis Uurver, Davis ] Carver, Frank Uarver and Peck Car ver, six grandsons. Burial was made i in the Middletown Cemetery. Mrs. George Luft, aged 26, died at : her home, Catherine street, Saturday morning, at 10 o'clock, from pneu i monta, which developed from the Spanish influenza, ufter being ill for one week. She is survived by her husband, ono son, Robert Luft, and . two daughters, Mildred Duft and Marian Duft, all at homo; three breth i ers, Archibald Aulenbach, Wllkes liarre; Lewis Aulenbach, Philadelphia, : and William Aulenbach, Pottsvllle. Funeral will be held on Tuesday af- I tcrnoou at her home, Catherine street, with services at 2 o'clock. The Rev. Fuller Rergstresser, pastor of the St. Peter's Dutheran Church, will offici ate. Burial will be made in the Mid | dletown Cemetery. The funeral of Mrs. William Reel was held from her home, in Nlssley street, this ufternouji, with services at ( 2 o'clock, the Rev. T. C. McCarrell, pastor of the Presbyterian Church, of i floating. The pallbearers were: 1 George Schadt, Oscar Dong, D. 3. Weinrich, C. V. Wall. F. T. Atkinson j and W. It. Reddlg. Burial was made ! in the Middletown Cemetery. Mrs, H. B. Garver, of Kast Water : street, was called to Hampton, Pa., on [ account of the death of her mother, Mrs. Margaret Myers. The funeral of Claude Hoffman was held from the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hoffman, Penn street, Royalton, with services at 2 o'clock. The Rev. William Beach, assisted by the Rev. C. R. Beittel, pastor of the Royalton United Brethren Church, of ficiating. Burial was made in the Gever Cemetery. Hillsdale. The funeral of Mrs. Barbara M. Denny was held from the home of her mother, Mrs. Barbara Mumma. Water street, on Saturday afternoon, with services at 2 o'clock, the Rev. J. H. Albright officiating. Burial was made in the Middletown Cemetery. The body of Mrs. Marion Barth Dingle, wife of John C. Dingle, Jr., who died at Philadelphia, will be brougtit to town for burial. Her hus band is at present serving in the, ser vice of Uncle Sam In England. Quite a number of new cases of Spanish influenza have developed in town, and the local physicians are overworked. One doctor started out at 12 jioon on Friday and did not get home until 12 midnight. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bloomson. .who reside in Dawrence street near Wilson street, were both found in bed seri ously ill. The neighbors had missed them and tried to get Into the house, but all was locked up. Dr. H. W. George was summoned, and, with the assistance of several neighbors, forced open the back door and went upstairs and found both in bed with the Span ish influenza. The fourteen-day quarantine was lifted on the Ordnance Depot, Sat urday evening. Morris Hippie, who was running his automobile on Saturday evening, ran into the machine of D. W. Huntz liorger, Swatara street, which was standing in front of his store. Both machines were badly damaged. Mrs. Hippie and Mrs. Devi Cain were in the machine but were not hurt, but badly shaken up. J. L. Weller and daughter. Bess Weller. spent Saturday and Sunday at Mt. Gretna. Daniel Palmer spent Saturday and Sunday at Tork. Pa. Richard Schaeffer has gone to Dela ware City, where he has secured a position as a special policeman on government work. Mrs. H. A. McKee has returned home from Philadelphia, whore she had been called on account of the seri ous illness of her son, Benjamin Mc- Kee. • The Boy Scouts of town, who did much good work In selling Liberty Bonds in the Third Diberty Doan drive, will help to sell bonds in the Fourth Liberty Doan drive. Medals will be given to the first two boys who sell most bonds. Tn the third drive Harry Roth and Raloh Hoover won medals. Reports will be turned in every day to Scoutmaster Christian Hoover. Mrs. AVilliam Baird and daughter. Grace Baird. returned to their home, at Altoona. after visiting relatives In town for several days. John Seheffer spent Sunday at Har- 1 rlshurg. Joseph Schaeffer. of Xorrlstown, i spent Sunday in town with his fam- ' ily. in South Union street. • The School Board will not hold their i regular monthly meeting fhis even ing. but officers of the hoard will met at the barbershop of Secretary X C. Fuhrman and nay the bills due. All groeerv stores In town observed ! the 6 o'clock ruling during the past week, and all closed but one. but later : closed his store. Professor D. C. Barnet has arranged to give music lessons to pupils at Elizabethtown. Turk at Camp Colt Will Wed Belgian Girl Gettysburg, Pa., Oct. 14.—A mar riage license has been granted by Clerk of the Courts Sheely to persons from far away countries who are now in Gettysburg in the persons of Leon Smvrneo, of Seala Xuova, Turkey, who is one of Uncle Sam's soldiers at Camp Colt, and Marie Collard. of Bel gium, but who claims New York City as her.home. LIVERPOOL Mrs. Margaret Sturtevant and Mrs. j Lou Sturtevant. of Harrisburg.* were : recent visitors here with relatives. Miss Alma Lutz, of Harrisburg, was a recent visitor with her mother j Mrs. Annie Lutz. Sirs. S. W. Snyder and sons, James L. and Roscoe. spent a week at Bloomsburg. Ernest Koch who is attending Motor Mechanic Training school at ! Pittsburgh was a recent visitor at Lowe's. B. F. Lower and daughter, Esther, ! Dr. F. P. DeHaven and Herman Wil ! liamson spent a day at Harrisburg. Mr. and Mrs. John Bair, of Millers burg, are visiting here with Noah Bair and family. WEDDING AT HALIFAX Halifax. Pg., Oct. 14.—A quiet wedding was celebrated on Friday j morning at the home of Mr. and , Mrs. Charles E. Motter, in Market street, when their eldest daughter. Grace, became the bride of J. Mer | rill Grove, a telegraph operator at I the Halifax # tower. The ceremony I was performed by the Rev. J. George i Smith, pastor of Halifax Methodist i Episcopal Church in the presence !of a few close relatives. Following a wedding breakfast the young couple ■ left for a trip to Erie. Buffalo, Nia gara Falls and Toronto, Can. MANY IV FAMILY ILL Marietta, Ph., Oct.. 14.—Funeral services of Mrs. George Weigel, at j Columbia, was held yesterday aft lernoon from her late home, the Rev. P. S. Balsbaugh, of the Salome Unit ed Brethren church, officiating. Bur sal was made In the Laurel Hill Cem • etery. The husband of the deceased and two sisters and two brother-tn laws are ill. MARRIED 64 YEARS Marietta, Pa.. Oct. 14.—Mr. and Mrs. H. P. L'.pp, of Abbeyvllle, have been married sixty-four years. Both iare enjoying good health. Mr. Llpp |ls In his 94th vear and his wife In her 88th. r \ fa. • ■' .. , '■ BLAJRJUSBTJRG TELEGrotPH FOUR NEW CASES AT CAMP COLT Gettysburg Board of Health Working Hard to Overcome Spanish Influenza Epidemic Gettysburg, Pa., Oct. 14.—The 'local board of health is taking rigid steps to prevent, if possible, any spread of Spanish influenza through out the town. While the jin the town are not yet alarming, all I steps are being taken that would i help to stay the disease in its course. I Although almost two hundred cases at-e known }o exist in town, only three deaths have as yet been report ed. The disease has spread much more rapidly in some of the rural districts of the county than it has in town and this, together with the conditions at Camp Colt drying the past two weeks, during which time one hundred, and twenty-fouif of the boys died, has made the citizens use I every precaution to prevent conta gion. | The disease at the camp is appar ently abating, seemingly to have run its course, and few new cases are being reported. The Methodist Church has been offered to the board of health to be used as a hospital, the board accept ing the offer In case it becomes nec essary. At the meeting of the board of health Friday evening, at which was present Dr. Phillips, of the State ; Department of Health, this action 'wa s taken: i "To recall Miss Kate Briel, the j civic nurse, from Xavier Hall Hos : pital, where she was allowed to go i during the height of the epidemic at Camp Colt. | "To call for volunteers, either practical nurses or others who are (willing to help out in an emergency, to be instructed by Miss Briel. : "To hold the Methodist Church in readiness for an emergency hospital (where many of the patients could be taken and cared for. "To supply needed articles for sick in the homes, and to help furnish the emergency hospital, if needed. "To instruct the people of the community regarding the necessity for every care and immediate attcn tention in case they show the first signs of influenza." NO CASES AT LIVERPOOL Liverpool, Pa„ Oct. 4.—At a spe cial meeting of the local board of health it was decided to keep churches and Sunday schools closed until further notice. As there are no cases of influenza in town the pub lic schools were allowed to keep open. All Liberty Loan meetings and Red Cross meetings were ordered con celled by the board of health. LANCASTER MUSICIAN DIES Marietta. Pa., Oct. 14.—Roy Scott Shimp, of Lancaster, one of the best known musicians of the county, died from influenza Saturday. He was a graduate of the Xew York Conser vatory of Music, and was in his 25th year. He was choirmaster of the First Methodist Episcopal Church and is survived by his parents, his wife and a daughter several months old. Old Carlisle Industry Goes Out of Business Carlisle, Pa., Oct. 14.—Because of the scarcity of labor, trouble in se curing materials and other war time problems, the stockholders of the E. J. Gardner Axle and Machine Com pany, one of the oldest local indus tries, have decided upon dissolution and steps were taken to-day to put the plan In force. The plant was founded in 1883 by the late Franklin Gardner and sev eral changes in ownership took place. It manufactured axles and other steel products and had a considerable trade. At one time employing up wards of 100 persons, the force in the past few months has been 40 and all of these will be taken care of at local industries on war work. By a peculiar provision in the deed for the land on which the plant is located it must be used for manu facturing purposes and the plant will probably be leased. Miss Ora M. Harnish Bride of Thos. Guinivan .Mechanicsburg, Pa., Oct. 14.—1n the presence of the immediate relatives, the marriage of Miss Ora M. Harnish, daughter of A. B. Harnish, of Ale chanicsburg, and Thomas Guinivan, of Mechanicsburg. was solemnized on Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Silver Spring Presbyterian Church. The Rev. Dr. T. J. Ferguson officiated, using the impressive double ring ceremony. As Mrs. Clair Har nish played the "Bridal Chorus," from "Lohengrin," the wedding party en tered the church, the bride with her father, who gave her away. The best man was Frank Steele, of Mechanics burg. After congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Guinivan left on a honeymoon trip for two weeks. j The bride who is an accomplished j young woman, holds a responsible . position with the State Department !at Harrisburg. Mr. Guinivan is an ! employe of the D. Wilcox Manufactur j ing Company plant. Mr. and Mrs. [Guinivan will live in Mechanicsburg. Misled on U-Boat War, Bernhard Now Says ; Copenhagen. George Bernhard. : writing in the Berlin Vossische Zei | tung, says that the submarine war fare would never have been pro claimed if the German people had not been deceived and misled. Dis cussing the peace steps taken at Washington in 1916 and 1917, the wfiter says: "If we had known tha* President ' Wilson had been continually re [ quested to act as peace mediator and even that specified conditions had been submitted, our action would have been different. Had we known that at the moment unrestricted sub marine warfare was declared Presi dent Wilson had agreed to accept the role of mediator, the German people, in the great majority, would never have tolerated a policy which brought upon them the reputation of being double-tongued." All this, says Bernhard. goes far toward making President Wilson's sharp words understandable. "It also explains," he concludes, "Ambassador Gerard's unmeasured speech, when one recalls that the German Government permitted him to make a friendly address in the presence of high officials at the very moment when the submarine cam paign was already decided upon." j PV —joysuiuuaixa upM s,IIN:>K asfl J GOVERNOR ASKS ALL TO ASSIST Appeal Issued to Help Fight Influenza, Which Is Gain ing Ground in State A joint appeal signed by the Gov ernor and other officers active in the state's campaign against influenza and calling upon everyone to give free service to the sufferers was is sued last night from the Capitol. It sets forth the situation as it existed at that time and to-day officials said that they saw no change. The proclamation says: "The epidemic of influenza now sweeping through Pennsylvania has reached such alarming proportions and is increasing so rapidly that tl'e feci it our duty to cafl public atten tion to the danger which threatens the entire Commonwealth, and to appeal for aid to all citizens, both men and women. "Up to the present time approxi mately two hundred and seventy-five thousand persons have sickened and each day records a higher number o L new cases than the day before. "In Massachusetts where the epi demic started earlier than here, ten per cent, of the whole population have been affected and a death rale of five per cent, of the cuses has been reported. "The Commissioner of Health of that commonwealth advises us that except in Boston and vicinity where the disease firrst broke out the num ber of new cases continues to equal the high water mark. "We have no grounds to expect an early abatement of the epidemic; on the other hand all reports from affilcted districts indicate ' that con ditions will become worse before they become better. "The great anthracite and bitumi. nous coal fields, the populous in dustrial and shipbuilding centers teeming as never before with thou sands upon thousands of workers are alike crippled in their output and the gravity of the menace to our continued output of munitions and ships is very great. We must save Pennsylvania's citizens. We must win the war. "To deal with the situation the State Department of Health has di vided the Commonwealth into nine teen districts, each under supervis ing medical and nursing officers re porting to the acting commissioner and with the help of all the forces of the Adjutant General of the Com monwealth and the use of all state property under his control has as sisted in establishing sixty-four emergency hospitals in those dis tricts most affected. The depart ment has also enlisted the active co operation of the Red Cross and the Council of National Defense and Committee of Public Safety and all other relief organizations, but the demand for workers still far ex ceeds the supply. One-fourth of Pennsylvania's doctors and one-third of her nurses are serving under the colors, the first call for help from the Xew England states further di minished the supply and similar conditions in neighboring states ren der it Impossible for them to give us help. "Notwithstanding all efforts which have been made the sick in some places may lie for days without a physician's attendance. There is a most distressing lack of nursing help for tending the sick at their own I homes and the same conditions pre vail practically all hospitals, both ! those long established and those hastily improvised for the emer gency. Even the dead in the popu lous centers lie too long unburied and the receiving vaults and morgues are more crowded than the hospi tals. "Citizens of Pennsylvania, the call for immediate personal service is imperative. The only solution of the problem is by free community serv ice, tending the sick, feeding the hungry and bearing the burdens of the weak. "Both men and women are need ed and should report for duty to their local health authorities or Red Cross chapter. "Disaster to the essential war industries of the nation and calamity to our people can only be averted by united and vigorous action. Each community should as far as pos sible finance its own relief require ments, calling for aid from the Commonwealth or from state or na tional relief organizations only when 'needful, thus equalizing the bur den. "We call upon- the clergy, the press, educators, teachers and all those molding public opinion to bring tij the hearts and minds of our people the gravity and necessity of this appeal." The signers are Martin G.-Brum baugh, Governor of Pennsylvania; B Franklin Royer, Acting Commis sioner of Health; Charles Scott, Jr., division manager, Pennsylvania- Delaware division, the American Red Cross; George Wharton Pepper, chairman,' Pennsylvania Council of National Defense and Committee of Public Safety.' MRS. CATHERINES KKIFKR DIES Hummelatonn, Oct. 4.—Mrs. Cath arine Keifer, of Sunny Side, south of town, died at the home of her daugh ter. Mrs. George Eyster. She was aged 73 years. The body will be taken to Elizabethville on Wednes day for burial. Emphatically Asserts Worn Out, Lagging Men Can Quickly Become Vigorous and Full of Ambition 7 A DAY FOR 7 DAYS Don't blame the man who la perpet ually tired; his blood needs more red corpuscles and his brain and nerves are craving for food. Given the right kind of medicine, any tired-out. Inactive, lagging fel low can quickly be made Into a real live, energetic and even ambitious .man. 80 says a student of the nervous system Who advises all men and women who feel worn out and who And It hard to get up ambition enough to take a regular job to get a package of Bio-feren at any druggist. This le the new discovery that pharmacists are recommending be cause It Is not expensive and speedily puts vigor and ambition Into people tvho despaired of ever amounting to tnytHng in llfa People whose nerves have been wrecked by too rapid living, too much tobacco or alcohol, have regained their News of Mifflin County Soldiers in U. S. Service l.nrlilonn, Pa.. Oct. 14.—Coporal John M. Young Is recovering after being badly gassed on the western j front in France. I A son of David Young, of Rceds ville, died at Camp Qreenleaf, Ga.. from pneumonia. Robfrt Bowden, of Burnham, is ill In a western training camp. Eugene Y'eager, of Yeagertown, is ill at Camp Lee, Petersburg, Va., of ! I induenza. ' James Miller, a marine stationed at I I B'ort Crosket, Galveston. Texas, is i home on a ten-day furlough at Yeag | ertown. | Leo Coutry. of Lewistown, ya pri- I vate in the United States army, >dled jin France, September 20, of pneu monia. Norman Fleisher, of Yeagertown, is ill ijt Camp Lee, Petersburg, Va„ of influenza. Lieutenant Michael Mateer, of Com pany M. One Hundred and Twelfth Regiment, fighting on the western j front in has been commend- | * ed for bravery. I Charles Hinkle, of Lewistown, is 1 in the United States Army, j Pearl Miller is stationed at Camp | Dix, Wrightstown, N. J. : Mother Dead and Entire i Family 111 at Hoernerstown Hummel*town, Oct. 14.—Mrs. Wil- I ; liam W. Gingrich, aged 39 years, died i at her home in Hoernerstown, yes terday afternoon from pneumonia. She is survived by her husband and five children, all of whom are con fined to bed with Influenza. Burial j will be made on Wednesday after noon at 1.30 o'clock in the Hanover dale cemetery. Funeral private. Aid !is being given the family by the : Hummelstown Red Cross auxiliary. i AUTO CAUSES RUNAWAY i Hulifax, Pa., Oct. 14.—0n Satur jday night while returning to their home from Millersburg to the Isaac I Gilbert farm, in Halifax township, i about one mile north of town, a team j driven by Raymonds Hoover, with his i family, was struck by an automobile ' causing the horses to run away and ; throwing the occupants out of the I buggy, slightly injuring all of them. : The horses were later caught by Mr. | Hoover. LEVI BOWERS DIES i Marietta, Pa., Oct. 14. —Levi Bow ;ers, a prominent retired carpenter, jdied Saturday night in his 85th year. (He was a native of New Holland, 1 and assisted in the erection of many j larjfe buildings and churches j throughout the county. He is surviv ed by seven children and a number jof grandchildren. VALUABLE HORSE STOLEN Marietta, Pa., Oct. 14.—A valu able bay horse, with two white hind j feet, and a star on his forehead, fif- I teen and a half hands high, was i stolen from the_ stable of W. W. I Frymyer, a mail 'carrier at Marietta. I The lock was forced from the door, !the halter taken oft the animal, and i nothing else missing. GIRLS' PAINS AND WEAKNESS Yield to Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. | Thousands of Girls Benefited, j j St. Louis, Mo.—"When I was only fifteen years old mother had to put me to bed every suffered such fered from a I H weakness and mother took me . mother made mc , -"EL, a Pinkhajn's Vege j: , x ~ table Compound | ~ " lV and it has made :me strong and healthy. So when ' mother or I hear any woman com i plaining we tell them about Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound I and what It did for me." —Mrs. j JOHN FRAME, 1121 N. 18th St., I St. Louis, Mo. Girls who suffer as Mrs. Frame i did should not hesitate to give this j famous root and.herb remedy, Lydia i E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, j a trial, as the evidence that is con | stantly toeing published proves be- I yond question that this grand old remedy has relieved more suffering j among women than any other medi cine. ! For confidential advice write I Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., j Lynn, Mass. The result of their forty years experience Is at your | service. NOTICE TO MOTHERS" You canquickly heal baby's sore, chafed skin with Sykes Comfort Powder which contains antiseptic healinf ingredients not found in anr other nursery powder. 25c at the Vlnol and other drug stores The Comfort Powder Co., Boston. Mass. i old-time confidence and mm In lem than two weeks. No matter from what cause your nerves went back on you: no matter how run down, nervous or tired out you are, get an original package of Bio-feren at once. Take two tablets after each meal and one before bed time—seven a day for seven days— then one after each meal till all ara gone. Then If you still lack ambition: It your nerves are not steady and jrou haven't the energy that red-blooded, keen-minded men possess, your pur chase money will be gladly returned. Beta to Physlelaasi JThere Is no secret about the formula of Bio-feren, It Is printed on every package. Hero It is: Lecithin; Calcium Glycero phosphate; Iron Peptonate; Manga nese Peptonate: Ext. Nux Vomica: Powdered Gentian; Phenolphthaleln: Oiearesln Capsicum; Kola. OCTOBER 14. 1018. ' YOUNG GIRL DIES Wlconisco, Pa., Oct. 14. Mary Schoffstall, aged 17 years, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Schoff stall, died at midnight Tuesday of heart failure and dropsy. Private funeral services wore held Sunday afternoon, conducted by the Rev. D. H. Yergey. v;* - iiU"'-..;.. ... \ ' | £ | '\\ Hand Sewing the Fruhauf Sleeve to Shoulder \'A a| The final joining of the sleeve to the coat is one of the most impor j 0 tant operations of a Fruhauf coat. . ■>M It's like putting the roof on a house. No sculptor uses finer i] technique or skill than does this ■ A tailor. €jj Men are telling us daily that after all M is said and done, after comparisons are made, after the test is completed—our clothes are the most economical and | j the best of any to buy at any price. - :'j •1 We sell the only hand-tailored clothes in Harrisburg Fruhauf ready to ''•kA ■ ; wear. I JtS $3 to $9O | I if p | Schleisner's Men's Shop 28-30-32 N. Third Street II ' II Avoid the "Flu" Keep away from crowds. Don't expose yourself to contagion. Keep premises clean —disinfected and well ventilated —fresh air and sunshine are very essential. \ Sleep under plenty of cover. Keep the hot water bottle convenient. Avoid exposure to drafts, dampness and decided changes of temperature. Take good care of your general health. Insist on members of your family covering the nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing— if the symptoms are serious send at once for your physician. Leading health authorities say: The best pre ventive is the use of a good nose and throat antiseptic. Cl>l> \ "V" Your Nose and -1 Throat With Petrin Inhalent GORGAS A superior antiseptic and one of the best pre ventatives of colds, grippe and influenza, v 50c When You Feel a Cold Coming Take O-PAAC Knocks a cold over night. A useful remedy for the Grippe and Spanish Influenza. Small tablets, easy to take. Keep a box on hand. £sc I Gorgas Iron, Quinine and Strychnine Will build up yoilr health to resist contagion. It is'the best tonic for those convalescing from colds, grippe and influenza. • BUILDS BLOOD, STRENGTH, FLESH 50c and $l.OO Gorgas' Drug Stores' 16 N. Third St. Penna. Station * JJ WILT, NOT REBUIIJ) Halifax, Pa., Oct. 14.—The factory of the Halifax Rubber Company, which was destroyed by Are on Tues day afternoon, causing a loss of $5,- 000, will not be rebuilt at present, owing to the scarcity of building: ma terials.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers