I • 55^ "The Live Store" ♦ • "Always Reliable" I A Fellow Beats on an Empty Shell Case I They say those who come back from "over there," that when a gas attack is made a cloud comes rolling along the ground and that the man who sees it first does not stop to put on his gas mask, but immediately begins to beat a tattoo on an empty shell that the men behind him in the trenches may have time to put on their masks and save themselves. The man who beats on the empty shell case sacrifices his life that others may live. M Thus Far There is.Not a Recorded Case of a -I Single Man Who Refused to Make the Sacrifice I: If You Love Liberty, Keep If You Love Liberty I . the Torch Burning—Buy All Liberty Bonds I the Liberty Bonds" You Can ... '* to the Last Dollar I There is a thin line stretching across |JJnpBS MBEB- We can't all of us go to the front— I I the Atlantic supporting the boys in the trenches "1 marching behind the fluttering flags—keeping step "over there," and we folks back here'at home are forging a Ir* 11V to t^ie Btra * n# °f the hf e the rattle of drums. All of us great chain that shall take the place of this thin line, strong 1U \ I |j can't be decorated with golden crosses and perform deeds of enough to drag the German Emperor from his throne. To JK Jr jmwb w m f/.. \ mj\ 1 bravery in hand-to-hand conflict, but each and every one of forge this chain it takes workmen who will stick on the job 111 f 1- /flI \ UB can B^en tly bravely, do our part and faithful still as a until it is finished - every individual is a link and no chain is p f Mgl f,'. bridge of stars fight in our home town —fight on and on in stronger than the weakest link—if one link snaps asunder W I "•" the day-long wars and, perhaps silent, unseen go down, the entire chain is useless to hold the world in place. Keep | ... f I And, if we stay on the job and see the day's work through, your "Liberty Bond" Link in the chain. jf V ; I we are doing just as much to help win this war as WC Wore a an^"to "^ battle * n Man's Land. I The test of our loyalty and patriotism is at Harrisburg needs the workman today as it I ' stake-WorkingmenofHarrisburg,let's pat oar P*BP W£ \ % "f er needed h,m befor fr~ he C ,T Tender ■ city on the map as the greatest place in the - 1 f oun ' "|" e w °rid a service I world for the laboring man to live. It is up W'' • sach , a ? % h r as neee . r h f J the opportunity of to us to do it NOW! rendering before---just by staying on the job. fl * • I Keep Harrisburg in the Limelight-Oversubscribe This "Liberty Loan" Workmen, we should realize that Harrishurg offers every opportunity that any other city offers for an advancement. Workmen, there is just as big a chance in Harrisburg to make good as there is anywhere else under the sun. Opportunity sits on the front doorstep of every man here —there is a diamond mine in everybody's back yard. % - Let's all put our energy right here in our good old town and while we may miss the plaudits of the world and feel perhaps that the man higher up does not appreciate our efforts, in our heart of hearts there will be consciousness that we have done our duty for our country—for humanity. Perhaps in the after years when the boughs bend a little lower—when the leaves fall a little faster —and the red glow of the sun through the western gate of life grows redder still-—and the little ones climb upon our knee and \ ask about this war of all wars —we can honestly say, "I did not go to the front—but I did do my duty back home—l bought Liberty Bonds —1 stuck on the job in the shop—l worked in the factory until 1 nearly dropped, but 1 stuck on the job until America won." A little extra effort will bring victory nearer. "A Fellow Beats An Empty Shell Case " You Are Asked to Do Is to and Gives His Life 'Over There'" Stick to Your Job and Buy' Liberty Bonds'" * S v.. ' - V i - i ' I'. - _ - 1 iMim ii?iiiMMirr-iiiiiii i i miisifin —i 111 ■ . - C-\?<•i \ • • . r i SATURDAY EVENING, ttAHRJSBGRG *&&&$& TELEGRAPH OCTOBER 12, 1918 7
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers