LOST-HELP-REAL ESTATE-FOE SALE-fANTED-AUTOMOWLES-STOtAffi ~ * iDeatbs MO.WKY On October 10. 1018. at bosiun, Mass., Mrs. Kleanor Bonney, iu-e W'eityntman. BUrial ai Freeland. Pa. < UKIL.UY William Dennis Ueiley Wined October 'J. 1018, at 0 o'clock, at ine home o£ his father, John Frank lin Keiley, a&ed three years. Funeral services will be held batur uuy morning, at 10 o'clock. Services private. Interment in Harrisburg Cemetery. Ml UMA Luther Dayoe inumma died Thursday, October 19. 1919, at . o'clock, at his late residence, 151 • Bellevuo Koad, aged 21 years. Funeral services will be "J 1 Saturday afternoon, at 2:30 o clock. I Strictly private. CARD OF THANKS THE widow of the late Wesley J. DICE desires to thank her many friends for the sympathies and kind ness shown during her recent bereave ment. Also for the many beautiful lioral tributes. .-.TOIS MRS. WKSLLY J. DICE. LOST AND L OF N'D LOST—One automobile tire, mount ed on wire, disc-covered wheel, be tween Millerstown and Liverpool. Llb eral reward. Walter J. Lee. Altoona. l'a. IXSTKCCTIOXS * FRENCH AND SPANISH Private and in class. Evenings, llarrisburg Academy. C.-ISSIO FOMAK. A RIGHT START 13 BATTLE Oet a 1 HOUOLOII, STANDARD course in Harr.sbuigs ACCREDITED Business College,_School of Commerce, Troup Building, lo south Market Square. Bell 49a. Dial -LIE. INDIVIDUAL PROMOTION in Gregg biiortnana. Typewriting. Eiigvisn Bookkeeping. Penmanship, Aritn , etc. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL ALL YEAR. Enter any time. Bell 694K, Dial THE OFFICE TRAINING SCHOOL. 121 Mkt. St. Chas. R. Beckley, Pun. Merle E. Keller. Bus. Mgr. > ~ HELP W ANTED —-MALE FOREMAN Construction work. * Permanent. Must be steady. Oppor lunity to advance. lelepnon® Bell 4296J, between 6 and 7 P. H. ANYBODY can increase their in come S2U weekly, spare time, raising mushrooms in cellars, sheas, etc. riee Illustrated booklet. Hiram Barton, 5J6 West Forty-eighth street. Dept. sl, New York. MAX WANTED To book orders for Nursery stock and hire agents. ' Big pay. Exclusive territory. tree outfit. Emmons ei Company, Newark, N. Y. PAINTERS Experienced on au tomobiles —striper, varnish rubbers and rough hands. Steady work. 40 to oo cents per hour. F. J. blocking 4c Son. 926 N street. N. W., Washington, D. C. WANTED —Ten house painters. Ap ply, ready for work, before S A. M., at 1594 Wood street, to J. A. Gill, SEVERAL White men for work in warehouse. Permanent position. Protected. Apply Witrnan Broth ers, 40 North Tenth street. WANTED, AT ONCE A first class motor truck driver over 31 years tlu t' age. $25.00 week to right person, p. O. Box 352, Harrisburg, Pa. MAN With large acquaintance, whose time is not entirely occupied, can earn good money in spare time. Address S., "556, care of Telegraph. WANTED A man, or will employ man and wife, to do janitor and housework. Apply lToo North Second street. • ' WANTED Fifty ashmen, team sters or helpers. Steady work whole year around. Apply 134 South Cam eron street. YOUNG MAN To solicit advertis ing. Permanent connection. Apply Box S.. 7512, care of Telegraph. WANTED Young man to repair bicycles. Dayton Cycle Co., 912 North Third. WANTED —Two good, strong boys • to learn a trade. Apply Superinten dent. The Telegraph Printing Co, Harrisburg. MEN WANTED To learn,the au tomobile business and do mechanical work on same. Thousands of men are wanted in the United States Army for such work as driving and repair ing. Auto Transportation School. 260 South Front street. Steelton. AN Al FURNITURE DEPARTMENT MANAGER WANTED f We have a permanent position open here now for a man who is competent to run successfuly a furniture depart •* ment. To the right man we will pay a good salary. Apply at once, S. P. Dunham & Co., Trenton. New Jersey. BRIGHT BOY. Over 16 years of age, to learn printing trade. Apply H. A. FRY, Telegraph Composing Room. DISTRICT MANAGER and local Representative wanted to represent an Old-Line Pennsylvania Health and Accident Insurance Co. Our new policy covers every form of disability by sickness or accident. Natural and accidental death. Also Military Ser vice. All occupations. Both Sexes. * I/)- monthly or weekly premiums. Large indemnities. Splendid opportu nity for right man. Part time men also considered. Permanent Income. Address National Relief Assurance Co.. 108 South Fourth street, Phila delphia. WANTED An experienced book keeper who Is familiar with modern cost keeping work. Permanent posi tion with manufacturing corporation. Good hours. Give age, details of ex ' perience and salary desired. Married man with dependents preferred. Box X, 7551, care of Harrisburg Tele- ! v graph. * I / % Prospect Hill Cemetery This Cemetery is beau tifully situated on Market street east of 26th, and on the north and east faces the new parkway. The prices of lots are moder ate. Miller Brothers & Co. Locust and Court St a. ' 1 Member Hbg. Ural Estate Hoard SATURDAY EVENING, . HELP WANTED—MALE | MEN Age 17 to 55. Experience "'unnecessary. Travel; make secret in -1 | vestigations, reports. Salaries, ex • penses. American Foreign Detective | Agency. 603. St. Louis. MEN-WOMEN raise' belgtan Hares ■ y I for us. We pay you $7 pair. Use cel -1 lars, backyards, etc. Catalog and con- | ■ tract FREE. United Food 5c Fur As- , i sociation. 329 West Forty-eighth ! • street. Dept. 35. New York. j • ' MEN WANTED —To load stone, 29 ; I cents per ton. Can earn $25 to $35 per i ? week. Apply Paxtang Quarries. Pax- | ? tang. \ 1 1 ! ' [ HELP WANTED —FEMALE 1 WANTED Woman, for large New j • : York Company. Experience not nec _ : essary. Four orders a day pays $2O a " j week. Room 24. Spooner Building. "* i CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS in | ; i Harrisburg November 2 and December | 1 7. 12,000 women clerks needed. Sal-1 " ary, $1,200. Experience unnecessary.] : Women desiring government positions 1 write for free particulars. K. E. Jerr;,, (fowner Civil Service Examiner). 467, , Columbian Building, Washington. PATRIOTIC, steady, well-paid em ~! ployment in your own home. Knit ' I urgently-needed war socks for us on " ! the fast, simple Auto Knitter. Full " ; particulars to-day. 3c stamp. Auto • j Knitter Company, Dept. C-S2l. 821 Jef -1 erson, Buffalo, N. Y. WANTED Competent bookkeeper " and stenographer. Good salary to | right party. References required. Ad- : ■ dress to Box R, 231, care of Telegraph. I WANTED Girl in book and sta tionery store. Apply W„ care of Tele • ; graph. i! i 50 OPERATORS WANTED, AT ONCE -j Work has begun on the GOVERN- i , , MENT CONTRACT, making FLANNEL . SHIRTS FOR THE ARMY. Rates' . • nave been made high so that experi- | .enced operators will earn $3.00 to . I $4.50 per day and bonus. JENNINGS MFG. CO.. 1 2014 North Fourth St. :!_ J LADY DEMONSTRATOR To call j I ; on ladies of means to sell article in! universal demand. Large salary to I . capable person. Address X.. 7552, care I of Telegraph. WANTED—Maid for general house-! . work. Inquire at 2138 North Third. -I ' ! WANTED GIRLS AND WOMEN For ! SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS j 5 ' Experience unnecessary, as we will . teach you to be an operator in a very 1 [ short time, and will pay you $1.25 per , day while learning; here is your op . portunity to learn something which will enable you to earn good wages at pleasant work. We are also em- ' i ploying experienced operators. Bonus , is puiu every payday. ' j BLOUGH MANUFACTURING COM-! PANY. INC.. ' Rcily and Fulton Streets. I '! I, WANTED Middle-aged woman ! for general housework. Good home In ■ small family. Address, with refer -1 ! ences. to Box C, 2519, care of Tele- : ; ] graph. | ! WANTED Two young ladies for ' . i waitresses. Must give references AD- ! ]! Court?*' '"' B Rcstaurant - * North | GIRLS WANTED Experienced or inexperienced, for chocolate dippers ! ■ Good wages. Apply 331 Market i ; j street. j j* LADY Wanted immediately fori scrubbing and general work. ADDIV I ■ | Stoufter's Restaurant. 4 North Court ' i street. ! 'I WANTED —, Woman for general' ■ ; housework. Apply after 6 P. M 1011 i j South street. ' j ■; YOUNG LADY For general office 1 work. Past experience not required ' , Apply M., 6999. care of Telegraph. ' I WANTED Experienced pianist I and saleslady. Write X, 7514, care of! ; j Telegraph. ; GIRLS WASTED Learners paid! week work. Best prices and bonus I ' i paid. All girls from 14 to 16 with I 1 certificates employed. Call at once. Harrisburg Apparel Co.. Third Floor i ; City Star Laundry Building. Sixth and I j Herr streets. ' HELP WANTED—MaIe and Female ! YOUNG MEN AND LADIES over 171 years and 6 months of age to attend P. R. R. School of Telegraphy, after- ! . noon and evening sessions. Tuition free. Room 32. Pennsylvania Railroad i ! Station. j i WRITE A SONG Patriotic or 1 popular. I compose music and guar- > antee publication. Send words to-day j j Thomas Merlin, 721, Reaper Block I Chicago. I ] U. S. Government is appointing thousands clerks. Men—women—girts i 'lB or over. Commence $l,lOO year.' ' Easy, office positions, Washington! [ D. C., or near home. 7-hour-day. Va- j ■| cations. Commpn education sufficient I ] Experience unnecessary. Harrisburg' examinations coming. Very simple, i i Write for free sample questions and ; coaching lessons. Franklin Institute ' Dept. 403-H, Rochester, N. Y. ! THOUSANDS MEN WOMEN— ! GIRLS, 18 or over wanted immediate- ! 1 ly by United States Government Easy office positions at Washington and in every large city. Experience • unnecessary. slou month and up 7- I . hour day. Your country needs 'you 1 ■Help her. Write immediately for! free list, positions open. Franklin j institute. Dept. 403 G, Rochester, N. Y i SILK MILL j Experienced help wanted. Expert- I | enced weavers average $3.50 to $6 50 | per day. Other departments pronor j tlonately. I Beginners wanted also. Best pay i I Come and earn 30 per cent bonus over ' and above regular wages. Apply ! HARRISBURG SILK MILL Second and North Streets. i MAN OR WOMAN For bookkeeD • ing and shorthand. One who is em ! ployed and wants additional evening work. Preferably one who has taught | school. Inquire D.. 7547, care of Tele ; graph. I SALESMEN WANTED ! ! MAN WANTED —To take care of I ! local business of large New York! company. Apply Room 24, Spooner ! j'Bullding. SALESMEN AND SERVICE MEN : New carburetor for Ford cars. Simple I not a moving part. Installed in thirty : minutes, guaranteed to double your : mileage and start In zero weather without heating or priming. 15-dav i I* REE trial. W rite U. &J. Carburetor Co., 505 West Jackson Boulevard, Chi cago. SALESMAN Acquainted in Har risburg District, to sell stock for a t commodity in great demand. Great fu ture. earnings. Man accepted' must be a worker and producer. Ad- 1 dress D., 7657, care of Telegraph. J AGENTS WANTED WANTED, INSURANCE AGENT Splendid oportunity for a live wire. To one who can produce, the results, we offer $25.00 salary and commission. Apply Schoollnik, Room 21, Spooner j Building. , | AfcENTS 20x24 Gold Framed Pa | triotic Pictures, 16c. sell 50c. Over | Top. Paul Jones, Colored Heroes, etc. ■ Everybody buys. Sample Free. Peo ] pie's Portrait. Station D. Chicago. 1 AGENTS WHO ARE SALESMEN— I We have the greatest gas saver on I the market for Fords, the only one j throttle-controlled; Ford light equal izer with dimmer, and best line of | ready selling automobile accessories. I E"ine profits; exclusive territory, must i have Ford car. Auto Appliance Co., 141-15 Wazee street. Denver, Colo. I SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE j WANTED Young man (white) I wishes position to help to manage or assist with cooking; six years' experi | ence in Atlantic City one place; best ■of reference. Call 13011 North Second I street. SITUATIONS WANTED—FemaIe WANTED Woman, with child fivo years old. wants work as house keeper. Address M. E. F., 313 Chest nut. WANTED Piece washing to do at j home, such as crepe-de-chcne, fine clothing. Reasonable rates. Inquire 326U North Sixth street. , I STENOGRAPHER Wishes posi tion; can furnish best of reference. I Apply Box Z, 6985, care of Telegraph. WOMAN Would like - position as housekeeper in small family. In quire 1506 Howard street. ROOMS FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS Unfur j nished, single or communicating j kitchenettes; laundry, phone and bathroom privileged; stoves furnished | free. Weekly payments. Inquire 429 j Broad street. ! FURNISHED' ROOMS For light I housekeeping. Sink, gas range, steam ] heat, use of bath and Dial phone. Good I location. 1930 North Sixth street. ' FOR RENT Furnished room, with i home privileges, to a refined lady. ] Address H„ 7*498, care of Telegraph. ! FOR RENT Two furnished rooms on third Hour. No objection to light I housekeeping. Inquire 814 North j Sixth street. i FOR RENT Comfortably-furnish |ed rooms, with all improvements, j steam heat. Board If desired. Call ] 1125 State street. j ! FOR RENT Large, warm, second : !loor room, comfortably furnished; all ! improvements; private family; refined ; ' neighborhood; reasonable rates. Bell ! phone 3842 M. or address 26 North ! I Eighteenth street. | FOR RENT Second floor furnish- | ed front room; use of bath and Belli phone. Apply 9'-'3 North Second ! street. . ! LARGE, well-furnishea third floor | front room, all conveniences, located \ i on North Second street; private fam ily. Will rent to one or two gentle men. Bell phone 4406 M. I FOR RENT Large, furnished. j ! front room, facing River Park. Inquire i 609 North Front street, between 6 and | 8 P. M. APARTMENTS FOR RENT ' . APARTMENTS At 1101 North ' Sixth street. 4 rooms and bath, for ! light housekeeping. All modern con veniences. Apply to Louis, 414 North ! Third street. I FOR RENT Second floor apart ment, four rooms and bath, steam I heat, furnished or unfurnished. Ap | ply 229 North Second. j FURNISHED KOOM3 $2.50 per week and up. Rooms with running hot and cold water, also private baths. No. 143 South Third street. Wilson ] Hotel Apartments. ROOMS WANTED THREE OR FOUR unfurnished rooms, centrally located, by young ! couple. Small apartment, with bath. I will be considered. Possession on or I about October 1. Can furnish excel- I lent references. No children. Address I 8.. 7458. care of Telegraph. I 1 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE I FOR SALE Storeroom properties on State, Mar ket, Walnut. Sixth. Third and Green streets. Terms* reasonable. Also sev ! eral houses to exchange on farms. Vacant houses. Possession at once | Two and three-story bricks; all im | provements; front porches; drive al- I ley; uptown and on Hill. Small amount down. Pay as rent. Also sev . eral suburban homes, all lmprove ] inents. with H to 1 acre land. Easy I terms. c H. CORDER. 1722 Green Street j Harrisburg. Bell 560 J. I FOR SALE Two-story frame, ! metal roof. good condition, yard ! Cheap home for $l,OOO. Inquire Store' 1117 North Third. j NORTH SECOND STREET New i brick house; slate roof; lawn; all im ; provements; immediate possession i steam heat. Price, $5,000. Address | h., 72,07, care of Telegraph. EARLY POSSESSION Can i given to 414 Hummel street; brick house; all improvements; steam heat ' drive alley in rear. Price, $3,200. H ; G. Pedlow. 3 South Thirteenth street." AN exceptionally well-built two-and- ' ! one-half-story house, size 30x28 ft • I I stands back from pavement 35 ft in ; | lot 60x248 ft.; contains eight rooms' iand bath. Situated on Hamilton 1 street. Camp Hill, Pa., short distance' ! from trolley. Built for residence, not for specu ' lation. For terms, etc., apply to H. M. ASKIN, South and Pitt Streets, Carlisle, Pa. FOR SALE An ideal location for i 1 a popular apartment house—located ! on three streets Third Dauphin 1 —Logan, with three houses in rear paying good rent. Will sell at a great i bargain if sold before owner leaves | country. Size of plot, 45x210 ft Ap- ' ply S. Friedman. Real Estate. Kunkel ' Bldg.. and 217 Peffer street. FOR SALE Two-and-one-half- I story brick house, 10 rooms and bath steam heat, located at 634 Race street' I ] Inquire Mrs. F. W. Liesmann. Camn I Hill. Pa. Bell phone 3174 J. p : ] TWO VACANT HOUSES FOR SALE —Practically new equipped with jail modern conveniences one for I sale on easy terms. Bell Realty Co j Bergner Building. I NO. 803 NORTH SEVENTEENTH STREET One of those better houses in one of the best neighborhoods practically new—most modern now vacant get key at our office. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Building. FOR PALE Two-story brick bun galow. located at Fort Washington, containing 6 rooms, bath, cemented cellar, front and rear porch, water gas. electric lights, open fireplace, gas i range in kitchen, steam heat, hard j wood floors in livlngroom and dining . room. Lot, 40x150. Immediate pos ! session. Brinton-Packer Co., Second [and Walnut streets. HARKISBURG TELEGRAPH jf —-v I, If You Don't Need It, Advertise It and ■ r Sell It to Somebody Who Does! MANY Of us are such creatures of habit , that we store away something of use r and value which is not lmrfiediately useful to us, on the theory that "sometime It may come In handy." In these times, when useful things are In special demand, and t|ie production of com j modifies Is necessarily curtailed, there is a e real market for USED ARTICLES. What article of value are tou storing f away for possible—but not probable—future • j use?" 1 Would It not be advisable to advertise It, anil sell it for cash, to somebody to whom , ] it would be immediately valuable? You may not particularly "need" the money it would bring to you. But you i could USE THAT MONEY to better advan r ! tage now than at any previous time of your life. You could use it to buy war securities -r-and every dollar of it would thus be en listed in the great fight for the freedom of , mankind. Do you not feel that such an additional Investment on your part over and above I the amount you can afford to expend out of your regular income—would be of real service to your country and your cause? .) For It IS "your cause" Just as surely as this t j v IS your country! ' Jl i REAL Lb'lATh FOR.SALE 'I j FOLLOWING PROPERTIES CAN BE I I BOUGHT WITH SMALL MONTHLY , j PAYMENTS "SAME AS RENT." ;! I i HERR ST., 1919—52,100 will buy ; three-story brick house. - $l5O | ; down, $25 a month. • HERR ST., 1921—52,100 will buy ! i three-story brick house. $l5O ' I down. $26 a month. 1 1 NORTH 19TH ST.. 1005 I j NORTH 19TH ST., 1007 NORTH 19TH ST., 1009 •I NORTH 19TH ST.. 1011 NORTH 19TH ST., 1013 i THESE FRAME HOUSES CAN BE •I BOUGHT AT VERY LOW PRICES I AND ON LOW MONTHLY PAY MENTS. I PERRY ST., 1334 Very modern, i three-story brick; 9 rooms and i bath; immediate possession; j steam heat; front porch and lawn. Can be bought with $5OO cash. EVANS-KINGSBURY. 36 NORTH THIRD ST. ' BELL PHONE 1390. t | NEW BRICK HOUSE FOR SALE I six rooms bath gas electric | light steam heat porch front | cemented cellar. Price, $3,800 and I terms easy. Bell Realty Co., Bergner ] Building. j 1400 STATE ST $5,000 | 1810 Briggs St. $3,500 1821 Briggs St. 2,200 All very desirable. Immediate pos session of 1810 and 1821. A. S. MILLER, Eighteenth and State Streets. A WELL-PAYING ROOMINGHOUSE FOR SALE —107 Chestnut street. HOMES FOR COLORED FAMILIES Four three-story brick houses, on Sev enth street near Calder, $l,BOO each. $lOO cash, or in Liberty Bonds, and $2O per month. LINCOLN REALTY CO.. 1129 North Seventh St. HOMES FOR COLORED FAMILIES We have houses on Fourth. Wallace, Cowden, Muench, Linden, Currant. Seventh. Fulton. Balm, Summit. Cam eron and In Steelton. All of these on monthly payments. LINCOLN REALTY CO., 1129 North Seventh Street Open Evenings Until 8 O'clock, Bell Phone. ' OPPORTUNITY TO OWN YOUR OWN HOME on our easy-payment plan. Small cost payment or Liberty Bond. Balance as rent A. P. DORANZ, 1225 North Sixth Street Member Harrisburg Real Estate Board. FOR SALE At three-fourths of I its actual value, a twelve-roomed house, almost new. Must be sold at once. Call Bell 841R or 2394 J. 723 N. 19TH ST. 2%-story frame, 6 rooms and attic. In good condition; side entrance. Price, $1,550. 1. w. Cassell. 1444 Reglna St 1 IF IT'S REAL ESTATE, SEE SANDEKLIN. MOVE AT ONCE. I $l5O cash, $25 per month, will buy I 7-room home, all improvements, now I vacant, 2030 Kensington street. j JEFFERSON ST., 2215 2-story brick 8 rooms, all improvements. A very cozy home. Right price. Pay same as rent CURTIN ST., 604 3-story brick, 9 rooms, bath, electricity, gas, heat. LAn ideal home. Pay same as rent I I have houses located all over town ' that can be bought with a small i amount of money. Balance in monthly I payments. D. A. SANDERLIN, I Room 1, Security Trust Bldg. Bell 1390. Dial 3573. Kcal Estate For Sale—Suburban SEVEN-ROOM BRICK BUNGALOW ,1 All improvements, gas. lot. 50x175. !on Chestnut street. Camp HHI. Cash or terms. Apply Dial 5646. J. F. | Hempt. Camp Hill. i I HAVE several fine suburban homes for sale. 54 to 1 acre of land with each house. All improvements. On State Highway. Easy terms. C H. CORDER, 1722 Green Street. Harrisburg. Bell 560 J. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT i 1 FURNISHED HOME FOR RENT, ! Front and Calder, $9O per month. Ap ply D. A. Caley, 707 Ki>nkel Bldg. Bell phone 589. j REAL ESTATE—For Sale or Rent | HOUSES AND GARAGES at Fifth ! and Curtln streets. Posses on of some of tiie houses on thii y days notice. Fred C. Miller. 31 North Sec ] ond. Bell phone 307 J. REAL ESTATE WANTED HOMES FOR COLORED PEOPLE i If-you want to sell your home for j cash or payments, let us hear from ! y ° U- LINCOLN REALTY CO., 1129 North Seventh Street Bell Phone. j WANTED. TO PURCHASE—-Prop erty along State street, or Penbrook or Progress. State size of house and lot and improvements. Price must be right. Owners only need reply. Address L.. 7627. care of Telegraph. SALESMEN WANTED 1 HAVE BUYERS waiting for prop erty in any section of the city, if cheap. What have you to offer?, chas. Adler, 1002 North Third street FARMS FOR SALE 6-acre Fruit Truck' Farm; 7-room frame house; barn 2Ux) 40. and other outbuildings; best of water at the door; 300 bearing fruit trees —apple, peach, plum, cherry quince and small fruits. Within one mile of Grantham Station, P. a r. r. R.. York county, s miles from Harris- Prl , ce - °n>>' $2,000 for 30 davs. ?. eC -P, a a Davles . 20-* Calder Building, I Market Square. I FARMS FARMS FARMS , 1 FARMS of all sizes, from acre i! each ' ,£ rom 1 t" lo miles from Harrisburg. Terms reasonable. C. H. LORDhR, 1<22 Green Street Harrisburg. Bell 560 J. FARMS On hand; any size, with I or without stock. 107 Chestnut street. FOR SALE—-MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE One double-heater in good condition. Will sell cheap In quire at 408 Strawberry street. PROSPECT HILL CEMETERY I Beautifully situated on Market Street I east of Twenty-sixth, and on the | north and east faces the new park- I way. The prices of lots are moderate {Miller Bros. & Co., Agents. ; ; ~ T H* •I ,*, OR s ALE Upright Piano, in ex pedient condition.' Very reasonable to! quick buyer. Samuel McMorris, 120 i South Second street, Wormleysburg. | ! RABBIT HOUNDS AND ONE , BEAGLE FOR SALE at 107 Chestnut !- street. j ' k B P ORS -ikOOO new. old and rare books. 5c up. Aurand's. 925 N. Third i TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT FOR CASK ALL MAKES RENTED EXCHANGED. GEO. P. TILLOTSON • * . 205 LOCUST STREET. OPP OR PHEUM THEATER. R I BOTH PHONES. A $600.00 PIANO FOR SALE At a bargain. Call, or phone. 1933 Green ■ street. WANTED i ! Bids for large quantity of used lumber, and about 8,500 6-inch by 12-inch by 12-inch tile. Apply FENN-HARRIS HOTEI* i NATIONAL FIREPROOF AGENCY. REFRIGERATORS AND COOLERS ! H ne J S, eat Cooler, Bx6xlo, Hill make. One Meat Cooler. 6x7x85-i. Otten-' heimer make. - P?„ e Grocer's Refrigerator. 50-inch. ! ■ by 28-inch, by 80-inch., McCray Make ! : One Restaurant Refrigerator 6454- l inch by 3554-inch, by 78-inches. Mc- Cray make. WRITE McCRAY" REFRIGERATOR CO 2602 DERRY ST., ; HARRISBURG. PA. PAWNBROKER S SALE . \ bl ,J ot o' unredeemed overcoats -to be sold at the very lowest price? 1 NOTICE vt'ce. To those holding pawn tickets fn.! overcoats and other winter articles ■ r should please come and redeem thim . or they £ill be sold without furth? ' notice. .miner | , | N. BRENNER 1315 NORTH THIRD ST. I I I FOR SALE Large quantity nf i used lumber from Penn-Harris HA.I ! Also 10,000 6-inch tile. Apply °N 'i tional Fire-Proofing Co. at Penn-Har i' ris Hotel. " ——————————— - THE STORE across from the Y W C. A. Is Where you can save money on ' Men's and Boys' Clothing, Furnish I ings. Hats. Caps, Shoes. u "Hsb- I We are famous for Low Prices Giv us a trial. ' ,Ye ! Men;s Suits 90 ; ■ . Men's Overcoats j 7 90 "P Boys; Suits $3.98 uS 1 ' Boys' Overcoats $4 98 on - Men's Heavy Union Suits.... si' 9 y JtfJ ! ' Men's Corduroy Psnts | 2 ; 60 J, I Boys Pan { s 79eup| ! I Men s Pants u £ Mens Shoes $1.98 uo OUTLET CLOTHING CO 23 North Fourth Street.' > OPEN EVENINGS. to Measure. $20.00 up. FOR #ALE Cuban parrot. Good talker. Inquire 1253 Derry street or Bell 3954 R. OFFICES AND STOREROOMS ' a : FOR RENT Storeroom at 24 ' North Third street. Newly remodeled and new front. Also offices for rent In same building. Apply next door : The William B. Schleisner Stores. LARGE STOREROOM FOR RENT— ' Suitable for automobile display room • . or other wholesale or large retail business, 1101-1103 North Sixth streeL Apply to Louis, 414 North Third. FOR RENT In the Commonwealth Trust : Company Building. large. J roomy offices. Apply to COMMONWEALTH TRUST CO 222 Market Street. ' OFFICES FOR RENT Furnished or unfurnished, single or ensulte of two or three rooms. Apply H. 4 r. i Lowengard, 210 North Third street. WAMTKU—MISGRI.I.A \ EOUS WANTED Cylinder block for 1915 I'ullman. 139 South Alain street ] Chambersburg. CLOTHING. SHOES. FURNITURE i " Uought at highest cash prices and < ' sold reasonable. S. Refkin. 407 Broad 1 i 1 street. Bell phone 3370 J. I HIGHEST PRICES PAID for all = i kinds of empty barrels and junk. Call . I Bell phone 4375. B. Abrams &. Son. ! 824-532 North Seventh street. MORRIS SAYS save money buying new and second-hand furniture here. . | High prices paid for furniture. Morris i Schmerls, 1030 Market. B*ll 3971 R. * J I EXTRA! EXTRA! EXTRA! L. Cohen & Co.. York and Ash ve | nues. have opened up a place. Whole- ] 1 sale and retail seraplron, metals, rub- , ber. and rags, paper stock. All grades | | ■of junk and barrels bought. Pay . I highest cash prices. Send postal or - ! call Bell phone 3221 W. Will call. MAX SMELTZ j Second-hand furniture bought and ( sold. Highest cash prices paid. Call - I Bell 13S1 or Dial 6847, or drop a pos tal to Max Smeltz. 4U16 Market street. 1 I Will call, city or country. ] | —========== ! BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ' ' t GREENHOUSES Of the R. M. j Maeder Estute, 80x26x70 feet; large double-thick glass, Iron construction j work, in sections easily removed, i Must be sold immediately! Any rea i sonuble otter will be accepted. Inquire ! ut the greenhouses, one mile east of I Dauphin, along Stony Creek. EDNA M. MAEDER. Dauphin, Pa., ' R. F. D., care of Mrs. S. McElwee. ; NO ICE NEXT YEAR I control a wonderful device that will put ice in every home at a cost of less than 5 cents a day. Tremendous . demand. Biggest sensation in years. Exclusive to live wires able to finance their sales. Act quick. Ter ritory going fast. Came, wire, or ■ write. Fred W. Wolf. Dept. 126, 321 North Wells street. Chicago, 111. We manufacture a carburetor for 1 Ford cars which is guaranteed to) give double the mileage over any ' other carburetor ever constructed re gardless of name, make or price. Aloney refunded if fifteen-day FREE ' trial does not prove it. Entirely new | principle—simple plain tube —not a moving part. Guaranteed to start in j zero weather without heating or prim ing. Tremendous demand. Thousands]' now in use in Chicago territory. Reliable, energetic man. who can j guarantee sales and carry stock of 8500 to $2,000, depending on demand. ] I can secure exclusive territory and will easily net $lO,OOO this year. No ■ special experience necessary. Will also furnish carburetors for other cars in about sixty days. FRANK A. URWAN, 509 W. Jackson . Blvd.. Chicago, 111. BECOME OUR REPRESENTATIVE without investing. A fortune to be i made opposite Bethlehem Steel Cor-I poration. No limit to your earnings.!' I Write quick for particulars. South | I Mays Landing Company, Dept. F. I Guarantee Trust Bldg., Atlantic City. N. J. — —I j WANTED Wide-awake fnan to I open hat-cleaning and blocking estab- j lishmonts. Small capital. Excellent I profits. We supply equipment and tell you how. Write for booklet. E. W. I Bender & Co.. Dept. 191, Charlotte, X. C. business personals I Diamonds bought for Cash; appraisers for estate. P. H. Caplan Co.. 206 Mkt. RELIABLE ELECTRIC AND LOCKSMITH SHOP GENERAL REPAIRING. 1303 N. SIXTH ST. BELL 3995. DIAL 6854. RAZOR BLADES SHARPENER Single edge, 25c doz.; double edge, 25c doz.; old style, 25c each. Gorgas Drug Store. QUININE —Look out for that grippe | feeling, likely to catch you this; changeable weather. OUR LAXATIVE PHOSPHO-QUININE will stave It oil'. if taken in time. Gross Drug Store, 119 Market street Money to Loan I MONEY TO LOAN on Real Estate ! security in any amounts and upon any ! terms to suit borrower. Address P o 1 ' Box 174. Harrisburg. Pa. '!. WE LEND MONEY in compliance! i with Act of June 17, 1915, to lndlvidu- | 1 | als in need of ready cash; small loans ! : I a specialty; business confidential, i - payments to suit borrower's conven- i lence; positively lowest rates in city PENNSYLVANIA INVESTMENT CO. 132 Walnut Street. i- -1 Musical FOR SALE A brand-new $4OO ' piano, never used. Will sell at a sao ; rifice to quick buyer. Call and see it I Inquire 1504 State street. ! VIOLINS. MANDOLINS. GUITARS I BANJOS. Band and Orchestra Instru | ments promptly and carefully repair ' ed. OYLER'S. 14 South Fourth street. ; IF your Talking Machine needs re pairs. just call Bell Phone 3242 J. An expert will be at your service at once. ] Or bring machine to 1213 North Third street. * PIANOS TUNED AND REPAIRED by a skilled tuner only. Oyler's. 14 I South Fourth street. ! TALKING MACHINES promptly and i carefully repaired by an expert only j OYLER'S. 14 South Fourth street. TALKING MACHINES of all kinds ! repaired by an expert. All work 1 promptly done and guaranteed. Call | Bell 2804 R. or 1504 Howard avenue. HORSES AND CAKKIAQEtT^' i HORSE, HARNESS AND WAGON I FOR SALE On account of changing J delivery to trucks. Call at 400 South ] Second street. Henry Gilbert & Son. | HORSE FOR SALE Apply Eck ert. Long street. Camp Hill. P a . Hauling and Moving auto HAULING Local and long distance. Furniture moving a spec j laity. Bate.)£Uonabl. Prompt ser j vice. Call Bell 623 J. LOCAL AND LONG-DISTANCE I HAULlNG—Furniture moving. Prompt I service. krn#st Corbln, 36 Colder I street. Both Phones* HEAVY' HAULING—FuIIy equipped for furniture, freighfand piano mov ing. No distance too far. Careful driver. Rain and dustproof body. J 1 E. Grubber's Truck Service. Irvin Aungst. Manager. Hershey. Pa. Bell 1 phone 15R-6. GENERAL HAULING AND FAST EXPRESS SERVICE to nearby towns ' with auto trucks. Only experienced ! and careful drivers. Call Bell 3320 or Dial 2265. LOCAL AND LONG-DISTANCE 1 HAULING Prompt service. A & : B. Motor Express. 917 Capital street 1 Bell phone 1635 J. ' i ■ _ t ALL KINDS OF HAULING , and movinu done. CONRAD BROS.. 341 KELKER ST. I BELL PHONE 623 W. DIAL PHONE 3518. ' I OCTORER 12, 1018. Hauling ami Moving HICKS & HOPKINS Local and Long-distance Hauling. 424 Reily. , Both phones. AUTO HAULING Local or long- , distance. Furniture and piano moving ! a specialty. Blue Line Transfer. 917 Capital street. Both phones. i "" WHERE TtTIRNE ALVA HOTEL AND RESTAURANT. THE HOME OF SATISFACTION. STOUFFER'S RESTAURANT —IIome cooking served to Businessmen and Ludies In separate diningrobm. Storage STORAGE —419 Broad street, house hold goods, merchandise. Private rooms at reasonable rates. Also haul- : ing of all kinds. D. Cooper & Co. Both phones. STORAGE—In brick building, rear 408 Market. Household goods in clean, private rooms. Reasonable rates. P. G. Diener, 408 Market street. STORAGE Private rooms for household goods in fireproof ware house. $3 per month and up. Lower storage rates in non-fireproof ware house. Harrisburg Storage Co., 437- 445 South Second street. UNDERTAKERS SAMUEL S. FACKLER, FUNERAL DIRECTOR. 1312 Derry St. BELL 1956. DIAL 2133. DAY AND NIGHT CALLS promptly attended to. H. M. Hoffman. Funeral Director, 310 Nortli Second street. RUDOLPH K. SPICER, Funeral Director and Embalmer, 611 North Second Street. BELL 252. DIAL 2145. Cleaners ami Dyers IT PAY'S to have Clothes Cleaned, Pressed, Dyed-or Repaired at the best 'place In t( wn. Call and deliver. Goodman's, 1306 54 North Sixth. Both Phones. AUTOMOBILES ' FOR SALE 1911 Maxwell car in Al condition. Good tires. Price is | right. West Fairview Garage. Both phones. FOR SALE. CHEAP Hudson 6 54 speedster good runnning condi tion new battery two extra tires —all in gOod shape. Bargain. Inquire P. O. Box No. 686. 1916 MITCHELL, 6-passenger Tour ing Car, Al shape, $450.00. A real bar gain. Inquire Camp Hill Garage. FOR SALE One 1917 Hupmobile. Owner expects to be called in the ser vice. Apply Sunshine Garage, 27-29 North Cameron struct. TOURING Flanders, $350.00; Fords, $275.00 and $350,00; Overland S7(CO.UO; Regal, $600.00; Palmer. $375.00; Maxwell, $725.00; Oakland, $376.00; Dodge. $985.00; Metz. $500.00; Reo Roadster. $250.00. Hoist, Linglestown. FOR SALE One seven-passenger, eight-cylinder Cadillac. Call Bell ; phone 4667. 1918 DODGE $985.00 1916 Overland $700.00 1914 Ford $265.00 16 Indian Motorcycle $120.00 Other Bargains. HORST, Linglestdwn, Pa. EXIDE BATTERY SERVICE All makes of batteries recharged and repaired; work guaranteed. Auto repairing;- electric work a EXCELSIOR AUTO & BATTERY CO., 11th and Mulberry Sts. OLD AUTOS Wanted; used, wrecked or oldtimers, in a; J condition. See me before sac rificing elsewhere. Chelsea Auto Wrecking, A. Sell iff man, 22,24,26 North Cameron street. Bell 3633. FOR SALE Ford Touring Car. Cheap to.quick buyer. Owner leaving city. Inquire Federal Square Garage, Court and Cranberry. SMALL FLANDERS TOURING Like new, $375.00; 1919 Mitchell, Lib erty Six and Chevrolet Tourings. Also Truxton Trucks. Horst, Linglestown. MITCHELL SIX ROADSTER 1916 model; Al shape; fine, new tires. Can be seen Saturday afternoon from 2 to ! 8 o'clock, at 1945 Briggs street. OVERLAND USED CAR DEPARTMENT OVERLAND ROADSTER Tires good, in running con dition. A loader. Priced this week at $l5O. BUICK — 1 Roadster; electric lights and starter, mechanic ally fine. Tires good. A splendid car for any purpose. . OVERLAND Six-cylinder touring, a 7-passenger car; overhauled, repainted, good tires; good for years of ser vice. THIS TRUCK WILL INTEREST YOU GARFORD CHASSIS 2-ton with cab; most carefully over hauled; front tires new; rear in good shape; repainted and ready for immediate delivery; used not quite a year and priced at about one-half pres ent new selling price. One of the best bargains we have ever offered. TIME PAYMENTS CAN BE ARRANGED. OVERLAND-HARRISBURG CO 212-14 NORTH SECOND ST. 10 DAYS' SALE ON MOBILE OIL 10 gallons Aor Arctic, ga110n.... 65c 0 gallons Aor Arctic, gallon... ,70c If you furnish the can. Gallon cans Mobolloil. A, B. E or Arctic, gallon DAYTON CYCLE CO., 912 N. Third St Dial 4990. CASE TOURING CAR In fine condition. Full electrical equipment extra tires, etc. Bargain. C. A. Fair 1131 Mulberry street. MAGNETOS All types; 4 and 6 Bosch high tension, Eismann, Dixey siplitdorf. Mea. Remy and different makes of coils, carburetors, etc A. Schlftman, 22,24-26 North Cameron street. Bell 3633. n SECOND-HAND MOTOR TRUCKS FOR SALE CHEAP Consisting of variety of Ford cars, with rear-end one-ton capacity; Vims. Bulck. Reo and Mack, with power hoist, dump body. All are good bargains. Inter national Harvester Company of America Truck Dept., 619 Walnut street. NO CITIZEN MEETING URJ ™.. res ° ctober meeting of * b ? PH ,z ? n , Flre Company No. 3. Ist heduled for next Monday evening mnJr !Cn " banilonecl on the health lTi.e n,cv 0r , r r ? latiVG t° gatherings. ,11? hi gent business of the company nnli m attondod to by the officers Sswi&C wl " " DAUPHIN TO RAISE MORE PORK DURING WAR Some definite work on the eco men a , P roductl °n of pork has been included in the program of the Dau phin county farm bureau, as a re fer.;. the ... reqbest by the federal rood committee lor live per cent in studvenffnoo r , ,' ootl sows - A careful S j!., ! p , hln county has shown i raising has increased dur ing the past year. AUTOMOBILES tir^s AN 'w D r" A L'. k . lndB ot llse <l auto turps. We pay highest cash prices £?i J 1 ") 5 ' Esterbrook, ai2 North Third street. Dial 4990. ortn mod^r° N Fi^ S t!E ER conffiUon c" aget e steel t ton"pr d Housel '" Gar ditlon 4 . KN ° X Raclns Car . ,n sood con dition! Chalmers Roadster, in Al con- SUNSHINE GAIiAQE. Both Phones. HUPMORILE Five-passenger in good condition. Bargain for cash Address 1420 Walnut street. FOR SALY: One 1918 Chevrolet ?47 Sof,H, r^ hoap to quick Car Company!"'""'" Drlsqqß i? 1 7. $385.00, no less. Dodge $850.00. Flanders Roadster, positively 390 00* di n Indian Motorcycle, .festown, Paf Bar * alnB ' "ng- NI i W OVERLAND >. 8 Has never been u Exceptionally snappy car. Bargain to quick buyer. R. L. Bon &. ■ B ° x "• Business phone. I _ ONE NEW CONESTOGA TRUCK ! bargain bot | y - f; 000 Itjs - capacity. A Quick Lunch n<lUlre 0l Philadelphia GARAGES ACCESSORIES AND REPAIRS AUTOMOBILE TIRES, slightly used at a great saving. used, asxshi Motorcycle Tires ... sin no 30x3 Tires and Tubes. 11 *2 no 31x1 Goodyear Tire ' " S 32x4 Buckskin Tire ...... ?no 33x4 % Firestone Tire ... i no 33x4 Morgan Tire 15 no 34x4 Federal Tire "is no 34X5 Miller Tire 'in no 34x4 Goodrich Tire i liH 35x5 Goodyear Tiro .... * x 31ix4i4 Limed States Tire . i.X 36x4ha Batavia Tire ...... iX XX 40x4Vs Tires and Tubes ....!" it XX DAVTUN CYCLE CO 912 North Third at.' AUTO RADIATORS of all kinds re paired by specialists. Also tender lamps, etc. Best service in town Har risburg Auto Radiator Works ?ns North Third street. ' ® O5 WM. PENN GARAGE 304-6 Muench street. Limousines for funeral, parties and balls; careful drivers; open day and uignt. Beii 4564. KEYSTONE AUTO TOP CO H All sorts ef auto top and cushion work done by experts. Also repair work! Reasonable rates. 1019 Market St. SUNSHINE GARAGE Auto re pairing by experts. Road jobs a specialty. Charges reasonable. Botn Phones. Sunshine Garage, 27 North Cameron street. UP-TO-DATE GARAGE Exnert repairing. Storage space to rent. Ail accessories. Prices reasonable. Mult Bros.. Garage, 244 S. Front St. Steelton MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES INDIAN MOTORCYCLE Dike new. Bargain at $95.00. Horst, Liug lestown, Pa. HENDERSON MOTORCYCLE FOR SALE $125. 1916 Model. 2-speed Good machine. Call 24 Cncsmut sireeL Steelton. ' ONE THREE-SPEED INDIAN MO TOKCYCLE FOR SALE —H. K Enders, Auto Supplies, 239 South Camt erou street. Dial 6938. BICYCLE REPAIRING . BY AN EXPERT. ALL WORK GUARANTEED DORY SHANER. WITH ANDRED REDMOND 1607 NORTH THIRD ST. INDIAN. 1916—Good as new, $l2O 00 Good tires —one new. Bargain. Horst Garage, Linglestown, Fa. WE BUY old bicycles, coaster brakes, and frames. Call Dial 4990 Esterbrook. BICYCLES. BICYCLES* " New and rebuilt bicycles at very at tractive prices; guaranteed repair ing; come here and get a square deal. H. F. ESTERBROOK. 912 N. Third Street. Dial 4990. NOTICE The regular monthly meeting of Areme Chapter, Order Eastern Star, postponed until ban has been lifted by State Health Board. No additional notice will be given, H. EVANS, Secretary. LKGAL NOTICES NOTICE Whcrea's letters of ad ministration to the Estate of Sol Meddings. late of Harrisburg, Dau phin County, Pennsylvania, have been granted to the undersigned, all per sons indebted to said estate are re quested to make Immediate payment, and those having claims or demands ugainst the estate of the said de cedent will make, known the same without delay to TONY DEMMA. 310 South Second Street, Harrisburg, Pa. Or his Attorney, ROBERT STUCKER, , Russ Building, Harrisburg. Pa. NOTICE The Board of Revision of Taxes and Appeals will meet for the purpose of hearing appeals from the assessments as made by the City Assessor for the year 1919, for the different wards of the City on the dates set opposite said • wards, between the hours of 2 P. M. and 5 P. M., Room 8. Second Story, Courthouse; First and Second Wards, Monday, October 14, 1918. Fifth and Sixth Wards, Wednesday, October 16, 1918. Seventh and Eighth Wards, Thurs day, October 17, 1918. Ninth Ward, Friday, October 18, 1918. Tenth Ward, Monday, October 21, T9lB. Eleventh and Twelfth Wards, Tues day, October 22, 1918. Thirteenth and Fourteenth Wards Wednesday, October 23. 1918. Third and Fourth Wards, Monday October 28. 1918. DANIEL L, KEISTER, President Board of Revision of Taxes and Appeals. 11
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