"Blackiish" Run Ashore at Nantucket Island New York.—One hundred and fifty "blaekflsh" (or about that num ber) ran ashore and were Btranded on the beach of Nantucket Island IBy Request We Will Close Our Store, Tomorrow, Saturday at 6:30 Do Your Shopping in the Morning and Afternoon 1 IF NOTICE ' K^ UrMAN ' S tifßpT(l '^ UrMANS I Our Anniversary Stie || In order to do away with the usual crowds which occupy the business , 4 II I 9 9 9 9 ——————————————— ||j jrl district on Saturday evening, the health authorities have requested the stores fit /m • J f* mms*m 9 M SZs/B/Bi d -J r- • • t-> j xir r j fffll m to close 7 6' n m mm a m Provides many fine economies m Ready-to-Wear for men, women and children, nil Tn.A..ni f Qsy + nvsl r-,Atl Cimn/tt/Y 9 9 W^yMBIf 9 wW&9\r 9 as well as in household merchandise of high grade. Those who have shared Rjl gj Tomorrow Lbaturday) tvening f /Jl in previous Kaufman events realize fully how beneficial this big merchandis- |H hj We shall, therefore, close our store as requested to-morrow (Saturday) „ j CL___J_„ \\ \ / JJ Fuerv Aonnrtmont nf nnr ' n 6 occasion is to the many thousands of people who rely upon the Big Un- [jy i e Y en ' n S at 6.30, and kindly request the public to shop in the morning end Only 9$ hoar, Shopping \v Shop early in the dey. to-morrow. I i " 'TIM.., .... ... .............. - tomorrow Saturday. The and help yourself, the general public and us. under the present conditio™. |J M mm aMI til, until 9P. M.. unleM condition* prcven t It, In which fif m trill notify the JflOYtMlg IS u€Sl TOY AIL f OUY J\IMIV€YSQYy uQl€. j MJ I Tomorrow (.Saturday) Will Be Women's and Misses Suit Day at Kaufman'si- Lfe Suits Jp Suits jf Suits j I Im'lP fi '222<* '2s^2 $ 29S I J(/ Pure Wool $1 A.75 J ItiL. Pure Wool $00.50 igHlITO Pure Wool Q, \ \J I Burella Suits 1 9 jf \ p-'fx, Poplin Suits &£* Poplin Suits | I. I Scr S e Suits ' ( £||l | JjP|' [u ft; VT/T /A, SuTts—braVd , °'a„d "button J v 1? Vy JIJ/JJlii 1 I ; ' Rimmed coats inter- J -blackXvy brown and —braid _ "peau | dM. *l9'" |m ' SS. f * 29 " 'jpi | hi & \ > / V&/\n\\ IVK / ! V\\ oerge suits M l) Pure Wool Poplin Suits 1 JfM ... fS| 111 I Pure Wool Poplin Suits Pure Wool Poplin Suits \ \ \\\ : • PkM —black, Navy, Burgundy V ' |l|§ V Vt\ / —fancy fur fabric col- "VA —plush collar and plush X\ f \ Pure Wool Men's Wear \ PC'A and taupe—braid and but- . Vy/i# S3 SS )\ \ I lars—belted braid trim- band a . r °" nd coat—belt- /Ml Serge Suits—staple, st.vl- /V V\ ton trimmed—plush col- YJ? b) It! / )>V 1 med black and* Navy • /) \\ ed—coat lined with guar- I'i ish mqdel coats lined / \ \ lars coats lined with I If Suits at $35.00 'j Suits at $39.50 w Suits at,545.00 f~ Suits at $49.50 || Chiffon Broadcloth Suits—big plush collars—smart pock- Genuine Silvertone Suits—in the best colors—beltless and High-luster Broadcloth Suits—nutria collars—peau de Velvet Suits—copies of the highest-priced imported |U h ets—silk lining—black. Xavv. taupe. Burgundv—also mod- if a nH fanrv silk linines cygne lining—belted effects—fancy pockets. Any woman or models—mostly one only of each style—lined with pussywil- U el with fur collar and band of fur around bottom of coat— models sell co s p > g miss who is looking for a strictly high-class suit at a very low silk—claret, rose, taupe, dark brown, Navy and black. |M h coats interlined and lined with peau de cygne—Navy, Afri- Among the handsomest suits shown this year and fully the i ow price will like this model. All the wanted colors are These stunning suits will be in great popularity, and we lead |S| K can brown, rose, taupe and Burgundv. best value to be had at the price. Be sure to see this model. shown. in values. la r, ' *■ . ' fli B Hundreds of Stunning New Dresses Are Here Stylish Stout and Extra Size Suits The Largest Assortments of Coats in Town Ml Dresses suitable for all occasions, for the woman, for the miss, for the small woman. Dresses of Sat- All Wool Poplins and Men's Wear Serges black. Navy, taupe, dark Coats for all, coats for dress, cbats for general wear, coats for walking, coats for motoring -big- jjlmj Is in Charmeuse, Jersey, Serge, Panama —new models, panel effects, fringes, etc. All the most desirable brown —35 to 53 and 40(4 to 50 V%. collars, big cuffs, plain and belted, button trimmed, fur trimmed, plain and elaborate models. All sizes |IV shades, and prices ranging— Youthful lines for stout figures and plain tailored models. for women and misses— W $7.95, $12.75, $15.00, $23.75, $29.75, $35.00, $50.00 $25.00, $29.50, $37.50, $39.50 $15.00, $16.95, $20.00, $25.00, $29.50, $32.50, $35.00, $39.50 || p| ' * v ■* |j| lH r. =AT KAlt'3l AX'S 7 ~ —IW ffl Boys Suits & KnitUnderwear&HosieryFortheFamilyatAnniversarySalePrices T\/f * T 1 I Overcoats 'mtLX'St | fe£lf^^.9Bc! is^TsSwJl- 25 lYlOtl S \DUIIS | Ladies' cotton ribbed vests, Ladies' cotton ribbed pants | Ladies' fine cotton ribbed Ladies' fine cotton ribbed 1 ~ , 1 1 " LM ki fleece lined, high neck, long 1 fleece lined, ankle length, reg- | pants, fleece lined, ankle vests, fleece lined, high necK, ~ S| i*lF) sleeves. I ular sixes. i length. long sleeves. * (N *1? (Extra le, ti.24l I (Extra sites. (1.114) I (Regular alaea. (1.25) g £ ■ _ _ , 1,, ¥ g m [M Ladies' Ribbed Union Suits Ladies' Ribbed Union Suits Misses' Ribbed Union Suits v KJ KsOCJi I/ITW7T\ Ladies' elastic ribbed Union Suits, fleece 1 Ladies' cotton ribbed Union Suits, fleece Misses' cotton ribbed Union Suits, fleece fi|j / j \f/- \ lined, dutch neck, elbow sleeves, ankle and lined, high neck, long sleeves, ankle length i lined, high neck, long sleeves, ankle length • |^| |b BOYS' AND GIRLS' iTaDIKS' COTTON I,AI)IKS' Bl IISON LAIIfES' SII.K j rXfiIEF"SII.Iv . LADIKS' SILK •* At Unequalled Low Prices in Our Anniversary Sale s t\) Hose 48c 24c 39c Ho * e s l - 75 Hose s l - 15 Hose ' 98c ri\n c • i —"N 1 V Boys' and Girls' Ladies' black cot- Ladies' black Bur- Kaysers Silk Hose Black thread silk Ladies' fiber Silk \fff f"Q /V#f/i fl tll ( \ \/7/ Buster Brown Hose ton Hose. double son o<sp white marvel top, double Hose, silk lisle top Hose, silk lilse top 4 9\f\9 kJUIIO UflU m w *V/ \W in "hite, black. sole & heel, slight so " A^ se, 11^ nUe sole and high spli- double sole and double sole and ■ ■ # ®flf |||J ft fc Ul! \\\ ill brown. Good stout imperfections. Will split sole, all sizes ce rj # heel, black, heel, all sizes. A heel, black, white, h 5^ / 1 f stockings that will wear as good as "Every woman will white, green, cham- | special value that grey, brown, cham ■ VSJL t Kll / \ L wear. any. know this brand. pagne. I demands attention. pagne. a - H Bl ILI / I |jjnfJUnrjJiij-jjijWj-jj-.-.jnr-.iJ r_r r. ji.r r AVP 1 V J Crowds Will Shaie esrr, Supply Your Entire 1 There isn't anj use in trving to hide the facts from INx Vr ItheAnniversaryValuesWinter Heeds How , coats in all of Harrisburg to be seen at this price that I W W ' will be anywhere near the value we offer. You might sS II 11) EXTRA SPECIALS , , EXTRA SPECIALS C perchance run across a few suits left over from last wlfwr r n WV It,| j p a p ' BricCVlOn Seamless ' season, but these are new fall garments and in a full j|| ' ''' flp J good papeW , Swltt . s P p rjde; 81x00 goo d. i 84x00 heavy ' 7flflaSfllVc /111// Cft \I: J I 1 OP 8 cakes laundry F(||"fzfw|fl N IffhtQ V j n s av ?" J" "A 1 , 1 " 1 seamless muslii I W kJUIIO UfCU. ■ KB "p H I fffJJ .-r. \ \ wLT 5S Boy? Norlolk $C 95 < 2Sc ■""" ror WOIO lilglltt ", ■ ir.r- I * I ** au I C•* C -I I Odorless and only burns $1.95 I A , , ■ ' f| I XI smts,special. * t *c A new military effect belt all m nours. 4jj.J- 1 )■ B\m 1 around. In cassimere and corduroy. M 0 "O-Muie Team fi'? Vfi 70 nnd EXTRA I fTi"- a'- "JBrVv'cß B\\% | vi, m„de ar.o ( models. \ Borax i-ib. Hand Dusters fiß. : 'v?'.!iC.Bl SPECIAL Huck Towels' i At this popular price a man fan select a suit or over- ,rjs'x \ li 3 jw Al "" '" '* C " kg ' : specia1 ' ea Good hand ibo.DU JJH?-BHL Border h U ck I coat here that he'd have a mighty hard time dup'li- I*' " Nl S I rz — c 10c co u S- special? ! New Taylor Oil stove, fully | Huck Towels' towels.'blue bor- eating in any other store in the town for a great deal I \ JU I Boys' Norfolk $Q 95 / 1Q„ guaranteed. $6.95 16x31. limited I "lore money. When we selected our stocks for this ) \lf| Vi.m W \ |J ?j c•• o r\>n . M % 13C special to each customer 17c ' ' ot we hept in mind the men and young men who y\u : m !S 11} JUlts & U LoaiS B O'Cedar qi " 1 91/ have always looked to us for clothes around this price ■ Vri i-M'/.'fj S % jj s h r?eat J Mops MusJin OIOVCS i ( an d we have a fine showing for them. I \ ffljl!. 1 P Si ££""' c„s m^:.v:: Pilw Ca,ts ""p," 1 "" ; s2^9 Huck Towe,s de Chine , tAA CA I iSm I—l SC® ' W '-, c bottlfe of L * tra heavy special Fine quality In pink. blue, I all B ■ a *lll ■ KM-.. : .W| I|U lIM Pit 1 B muslin pillow umJ huck towels, red white, etc.; yd. B V if ATj- " ',vtw Si j . J OCedar oil. cases. 18x46, Morning Star Gas Stove, burns borders, 18x36. only. ' W W _____ M w'V't* 'liTiwk fll b lorlolk1 orlolk $7-9S 1 69c I 39c $3 -95 I i9 C $1.49 C Overcoats at. .UM | Illy H hi Suits, Special .. V sio.o WOOL fibkr IMPORTED JAP A- EyT R A HEAVY TAPESTRY BRUS- TAPESTRY h bus-' i ■ js n Newest military models in cor- BROOM-SIZE RUGS—9x XESE GRASS RUGS— WOOL FIBER RUGS— SELS 9x12-FOOT RUGS SELS RUGS—9xI2 size; | IT ; Kanfman'o tinderoellimr ctmremarv cfnnHc V VwT.-lli* HI IS duroy and cheviots, coat made with %12 feet; in a large van- In green, blue knd brown 9x12 size: beautiful all- —Eight good patterns to five pretty floral and ) t lere again Kautman S underselling supremacy Stands ■ l u .gfc belt all around, pants cut full. # ety of designs; special, stenciled patterns; 9x12. over patternsf special, scelct from; special, Oriental patterns. DUt Strongly. Men who have had the time to shop B VIA'MIHI *S£ QJ j $769 $895 $14.95 $19.95 $23.50 ' around have come here convinced that no better values m Vr^.jjWß Hi /■ s K —. l Boys' Norfolk vToT I !° tts cio hes J man who thinks that he CAN get clothes at moderate ■ Via i^jlnk ft) c ' c * I I / J Irons Imm WW V ■> IB Si ft -Baskets.! prices for all he has to do is to come here for them. f> VTMrEI g| several dollar, | M f MsL I J Mlk. ■ I c?o°th"s bl's- / Fine Grade Men's and Young Men's New Fall Suits, | Vm-IKI W Rc°h n netv t i 1 o e t ,e su h i a t^ ~OT h e . h c°o!rt e s BP a U r n e I sadiroos. )W |i M _ | extra ) 4? O/I Cn I llllSM aroundTpantif ("I'°"£ T "SS W T' I 5bZ4.50 W9.50 I 8 |jM ARM Bto 18 Years M Jll 7U ft Bl "lc HV yyf' W The very best materials and styles worked Into siftts of the ■' ill Si _ 1 j ft " ft A Wpk HP'fi Bft v ft highest order for men who appreciate good clothes. ■ \ ||3 Lj FIRST FI.OOR ■ a BB .I. ■ ——— rmur iri.nnii m —ljll FRIDAY EVENING, the other day. This becomes more Interesting when it is understood that blaekflsh are not fishes at all. but small whales from fifteen to forty feet long and weighing from one to three tons apiece. They were driven up on the beach by fishermen and allowed to die there—Just for sport. No use was made of them. The huge car casses simply rotted and poisoned the air. The meat of these whales was worth in the market twenty-flve cents a pound. Their hides, for leather, were worth eight cents a pound. The oil derivable from their Jaws (the HAHRISBURG TELEGRAPH finest known for certain ldbrlcating purposes) wlis worth $8 a gallon. This Is "conservation." Massachu setts style. Naturally,, the United States Fisheries Bureau is Indig nant. So likewise the f#od adminis tration. But what can they do about it? In 1879 1,500 blacktish ran ashore at Provlncetown, near the tip of Cape Cod. They all went to waste. Nobody had the gumption to turn them to any useful account. The blackfish is a silly mammal. If one of a herd happens to run ashore, the others will follow it. Two 01 three men in u boat, getting out side of a bunch of them and bang- lng on tin pans and shouting, can so frighten them that they will all rush for the beach and become hopelessly stranded. OUR ARMY CHEWS LESS. BUT LIKES CIGARETS Washington. —The big American Army in France is not chewing as OCTOBER 11, 1918. much tobacco in proportion to its numbers as the old Regular Army, but is smoking an enormous number of cigarets. The Quartermaster Corps Is shipping to the overseas forces from 500,000,000 to 600,000,- 000 ctgarets a month. The younger men prefer cigarets to any other to bacco. GERMAN MUTILATES U. S. MILITARY BOOKS New York.—The police of Mounl Vernon are looking for a Germar who walked Into the Public Library there recently and mutilated eight hooks valued at about SIOO, bearlni on Americun military power. They have a description Of the man and his arrest Is expected. 5
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers