2 YANKEE TROOPS KEEP UP SPEED TO WAR FRONTS Total Shipments in September Exceed 250.000; Americans iii Great War Drive By .4 ssrciatcj Press Washington, Oct. s.—Despite the epidemic of Spanish influenza, em barkation of American troops is be ing continued at the rate of more than 250.000 -per month. General March announced to-day. The total embarked to date now has passed the X.550.000 mark. The September shipments exceeded 250,000. al though cases of influenza in camps at home exceeded 100.000. The policy of the War Department in sending overseas only men who have not had the disease and who have not been exposed to it has ne cessitated material readjustments of the shipping schedule but has not interfered with the total number em barked. The American advance northwest of Verdun threatens the greatest single line" of communication be tween Germany and t£e west front. General March said to-day. and General Pershing's forces now have reached a point within eighteen miles of this great a^erv. The progress of Pershing's forces • caused the German general staff to throw into this sector many divisions of reinforcements, the chief of staff paid, but despite this the Americans not only have maintained the posi tions won but have Rushed forward ■ nl they now face the German- Krlemhild line of defease. Mifflintown Church Buys Property For Parsonage Mifflintown, Pa., Oct. s.—The Presbyterian congregation of Mif flintown has purchased W. H. Manbeck, the residence known as the Robinson house in Washington avenue for the sum of $4,551.04. Several months ago Senator Man beck purchased the property from Mrs. Rebecca Rofcison for $4,000 and since he has made improve ments to $581.04 and he has sold to the congregation the property to be used as a parsonage, for just the sum it has cost him.—James Mc- Cauley. of Philadelphia, is visiting his mother. Mrs. Joseph H. Mc- Cauley—A large crowd of Juniata people from all parts of the county gathered at Mifflintown on Tuesday afternoon to take part in the Fourth Liberty Loan meeting. The meet ing was in charge of F. M. M. Pen nell and he introduced the speak ers who were Captain Campbell, a Scotclj, Highlander: the Rev. Reed Dickson, of Lewistown. and Corporal McCann. of Boston. Mass.—Ralph Espenschade. of Newville. spent Sunday with his father end sister. —Mr. and Mrs. Charles 14. Craw ford returned home on Sunday from Germantown. where they attended the marriage of their niece. Miss Margaretta C. Irwin, to Lieutenant F. Engle Childs. of the United States , Army, located at Camp Meade.—Mrs. Charles H. Cherry, of Philadelphia. is visiting relatives here. Lieutenant Cherry is in France.—C. C. Shellenberger, who underwent an operation at the Har risburg Hospital for appendieities. is not getting along well and it is thought another operation will be necessary. Miss Tvelvn Schweyer. left Friday for Germantown where she was bridesmaid at the mar riage of Miss Margaretta Irvin to Lieutenant Engle Childs. Flanning to Build Foot Bridge Over Juniata River Mount Vnlon, Pa., Oct. s.—Efforts to throw the Kistler bridge open to the public have failed. The business men will start a movement to build a foot bridge across the Juniata in the near future.—Hundreds of houses * are needed in Mount Union.—The Mount Union. Building and Loan As sociation has taken on new life and new members are being sought.— Mount Union auxiliary of the Red Cross collected more than 6.542 pounds of old clothing for the Bel gians last week.—Prof. J. A. Myers, formerly teacher of science at Juni ata College has been elected to fill the science position in the local high school which has been vacant for some time. He will begin his new duties on Monday.—Ferd Barnes and Clarence Bowserman, privates, at -Camp Lee, Petersburg. Va., spent some time here en furloughs.—Dr. and Mrs. Harold C. Culver, formerly of Philadelphia, are visiting Dr. C. E. Culver. Dr. Culver will soon leave for dental work at some southern camp.—A mass meeting to boast the Liberty Loan drive was held on Wed nesday evening at which a wounded soldier and sailor made addresses.— Two thousand three hundred and fifty persons reviewed the government car of German- war relics Wednesday mornin# in two hours time. France Warns Germany Ravaging Will Be Punished Paris. Oct. s.—The French govern ment has issued a solemn warning to Germany and her allies that the devastation of territory from which they retreat will be punished inex orably. The warning says the German peo ple who share In the crimes will bear | the consequences with the authors | and that those who order the devas tation will be held responsible mor ally, penalty, and pecuniarily. RIITTUVG CO.\BTA.\TI.\OPLE l.ondon, Oct. s.—lt is learned in official quarters that German resi dents of Sofia and.Constanitnople. in cluding officers and their families, are leaving hastily and going through Rumania to Germany. j Even bread and butter and jam dont tempt me, says as long as I can have p• % POST §V ' TOASTIES (MADE or CORN) SATURDAY EVENING, HAJWISBURG TELEo*CAPk OCTOBER 5, 1918. What He Can't Understand /* WE OFFERED HIM J AFTER TAKING J LIEGE— BUT HE • I / |\/' refused J \ I "Flu" Bound (With profound apologies to WhittierO The moon that long October night. Rose cheerless over city light. The street crowd surged—but where to go ? The bar 1 ? the concert? movies? Xo! Old Influenza's locked the door To Pleasure Land. Oh, what a bore! Shut in from all the world without. Shall w£ stay home without a pout? An ill wind. true, that blows no good,— We'll live in family brotherhood. The house-dog. with his paws outspread, May at our feet lay his tired head. What matters how the night behaves? What matters now if Theda raves? Blow high, blow low: not rain nor snow Can quench our hearth-fire's ruddy glow. Oh. Influenza, such as thou Dost take the hurry from our brow. — Show us home faces —daughter, son— Whom we but seldom look upon. Oft. haply, 'tis some lull in life — Some trick of Fate—which breaks the strife'. And sits us by the homeside" hearth, Where, once again, our hands stretch forth And warm them at the wood-fire's blaze. Forgotten are the city ways. —EDNA GROFF DIEHI [Written for the Telegraph.] CITY ACCEPTS HEAVY QUARANTINE [Continued from First Page.] hard hit by keeping their places closed. Situation Is Serious From rgports received to-day at the local health offices it became evident that the epidemic would be come a serious one unless drastic action was taken at once. With the quarantine rules and closing orders which have now been issued it is hoped to check the spread of the disease. At present schools in outlying county districts are not to he closed officials said. The State Department of Health, however, ordered that the annual county teachers' insti tute scheduled for the week of Oc tober 14, should be postponed in definitely. Notices to all teachers and directors will be sent out next week, according to W. R. Zimmer ! man, assistant county superintend ent. All court sessions will be discon tinued for two weeks. The nonsup port cases listed for Sfonday will be heard October 21; argument court will be held October 22, and pro bation and juvenile sessions have been continued until October 25. At the Harrisburg Academy the football game scheduled 'for this afternoon was canceled. The school has been closed. Public schools in the city were ordered closed yesterday afternoon at a session of the school board at which Dr. RauniCk was present. Public Meetings Off So far health officials said every one is co-operating in the move ment to check the epidemic. Orders issued yesterday closed all amuse ment places, saloons, churches, pri vate and parochial schools where students arc not under medical su pervision. Dr. Raunick also con ferred with the City Commissioners last night on the situation in the city. The Public Library and the State Library have been closed indefi nitely, all lodge meetings, conven tions of every kind, banquets and dinners are prohibited and every other precaution has been urged to stop the spread of the disease, which since October 1 has caused j numerous deaths from pneumonia developing from Influenza. > The order of the city health de- i partment closing soda fountains ap i plies to all sales of soft drinks and ice cream from stores except ice ; cream sold in boxes. Hotels and res j taurants are permitted to serve ice j cream with meals as before. In explaining the order in regard to the sale of ice cream. Dr. Raunick ; said that any quantity may be sold j in boxes and that cones may be sold also. The sale of ice cream and a piece of pie in restaurants and hotels is prohibited as the only order, but ice cream may be sold with meals ! which are served. • In addition to ordering private funerals, regardless of the cause of death, Dr. Raunick has urged that no visitors should be allowed at hos j pitals, except that close relatives may see patients in private rooms. ! Visiting homes where persons are j suffering from Influenza also should be discouraged, he said. Dr. B. V. Royer, State Commis ! sioner of Health, issued an addi ! tional order yesterday from the of . Sees of the State Department of • Health. The order follows: Protection of Dives "In order to as fully as possible protect the lives of our people as well as our essgntial war industries, the department has issued an order closing all theaters, moving picture places, amusement places, saloons, j dance halls and all unnecessary pub ! lie gatherings; forbidding unneces { sary visiting of the sick, and requir ■ ing all funerals, no matter what may ' have been the cause of death, to be I private. "For the public good, as well as I for your individual safety, the de j partment calls upon all good clti l zens to help make this order effec tive. i "Avoid crowds and places fre quented by large numbers of peo | pie: stay at home and do not use j the street cars or trains except as your duties or employment may ab solutely require. Crowded cars af ford unusual facilities for spreading the disease: make them less dan gerous for those who must use them in necessary industry. "Your hearty co-operation is necessary In this grave emergency. "Wholesale liquor dealers, bot tlers. fraternal organizations and social clubs are requested to discon tinue the sale, delivery or serving of liquor for the period during which the hotel bars and saloons are closed. "Compliance with this request is expected on the part of loyal deal ers and patriotic organizations. Those who have been affected and in some instances greatly incon- i venienced by the direct order are j everywhere willingly and cheerfully; obeying its requirements," Entire State Co-operates in Quarantine on Epidemic "Wevhave everywhere heard of the ! ; most dheerful compliance anyone, could hope for in carrying out thei order closing places of public amuse-1 ment and saloons to prevent spread •of influenza. Local health boards, have taken hold of the questions in- ! j volving closing of churches and schools in an energetic manner," said Dr. B. F. Royer, commissioner of health to-day. "I intend to issue an appeal to people in charge of automobile ser vice stations to remain open to-mor row to help doctors and those en gaged in emergency work because of the epidemic. I shall ask those per sons to identify themselves and the service people to look after only such . persons. I trust that they will also do their part in confining automobile service to emc-rgqncy work" continu i ed the commissioner. "Reports to-day showed thirty three deaths at Wishaw,. the mining town in which we established an emergency hospital. To-day centers reporting the disease are Pottsville. Sunbury. Bradford and Reynolds i ville. Philadelphia seems to have , 40.000 or 50,000 cases, but Pitts burgh is not much affected as yet." State draft headquarters is author ; izing local draft boards to postpone physical examinations of registrants where necessary, but not many have asked the privilege- , Towns and Boroughs , Close Schools and Churches \ Virtually every township and bor ; cugh board o fhealth in the vicinity :of Harrisburg has made arrange | ments to close the schools and i churches during the influenza epi j demic and to see that the order of ! the State Health Commission closing | saloons and places of amusement are tarried out to the letter. Stcelton 1 is following the request of the health j authorities in keeping all gathering ! places closed. 1 At Highspire the churches have i | been ordered to remain closed until . j further orders. There will be no ser : i vice of any kind permitted and the I Sunday school classes are prohibited j from meeting. Xo decision has been i I reached on the public schools. The Shiremanstown board of ' health has ordered all schools and ! ! churches to remain closed and all activities are to be curtailed until the epidemic subsides. Similar action was taken at Xew Cumberland. The churches and schools are to close and the full ! order of the State Health Commis ; sioner obeyed. Semiweekly Reports on Influenza Are to Be Given i j Dr. Rover will to-day send to all , jlocal boards of health a letter calling ■ rfor reports to be made semiweekly , to the State Capitol on influenza cases. The letter suggests that as ' physicians will be much occupied in distric\s where there are violent out ' ! breaks of the disease that Boy 'lScouts be organized to act as clerks ' to physicians and gather the infor rmation flor local boards to forward . to the state commissioner. ' ! Reports from the Pennsylvania ' i doctors and nurses detailed to aid in ' I Massachusetts show that pneumonia lis less prevalent ainong patients in canvas tents than in hospitals or private houses, said the copimission |er to-day. "The lesson should be for i four people to give influenza patients 3-open window treatment and where | possible outdoor treatment," said he. j Regarding the suggestion that : i automobile service stations remain . jopen to aid medical men and nurses to get about during the epidemic the commissioner said "Workers should so Identify themselves and cars so that the fuel administration order ' may not be imposed upon." I WRITES FROM HUN PRISON ; i Private John A. Beaver, who is in '{a German prison camp, has sent to ! his mother. Mrs. E. A. Beaver, 2052 Fulton street, the cheering news thßt 1 he is in good health. *The card is • dated July. Private BeaVer is a . member of Copnpany M, 109 th In -1 fantry. He is well known here. TYRONE PARADE ON LIBERTY DAY Town People Preparing to Celebrate October 12 With Big Sale of Bonds HAS BEEN COLUMBUS DAY Miss Elizabeth Flegal Given Banquet Before Departure For Home in Florida Tyrone. Pa.. Oct. 6.—Tyrone Is reserving its celebration of the suc cess of the American arms, and | also for its great I-iberty Loan sale da> J , the 12th of October, which is to be officially designated by the government as Liberty Day.' Plans are being formulated fof a monster parade and big doings on that day, hertofore known as Columbus Day. -r-Xiiss Elisabeth Plegai. who has i lived in Tyrone for several years, i has resigned as forelady of th* shirt ! factory and gone to Florida. Before her departure the young women tendered her a farewell banquet.- 1 Xlrs. Harry Bell spent several days j with relatives at Philipsburg.—Xlr. I and Xlrs.>Clyde S. Wynn have re- I turned from a vacation trip to New j York City, thence up the Hudson j River to Albany and later to Bos- i ton. Xfass.—Xlrs. John Jones spent three days with relatives in training at Camp Sherman, Chillicotte, O.— Xtiss Luella Fulton and Xiiss Xlary > Weighman are visiting with friends j at Palmyra.—Women were installed I as platform sweepers at the local j passenger station this week and the j men all removed to work that more befits their sex and ability.—This I week recorded the death of another j Tyrone boy in France and one'more ' name goes on the honor roll of the i town's soldiers. This last victim I is Richard Gilbert Fisher, a son of Xlr. and Xlrs. Dan Fisher. He was ! killed on September 12 in the as- | sault incident to the withdrawal of ! the Germans from the St. Xlihiel sa- ! lient.—Herman Smith, the first Ty- j rone boy to be wounded on the I field of battle in France, is home. | He surprised his parents. Xlr. and j Xlrs. Walter Smith, when he arrived j in the middle of the night one day j this week. He has been in this coun- j try for about a month, being in the ' Army Hospital at Norfolk, Va. 'He j returns home with only about one half of his left hand, and on the I back of his neck he will carry a j wicked scar the remainder of his I life.—Xlr. and Xlrs. George Bindle j is on a visit with relatives in Ohio.— | Xlr. and Xlrs. J. S. XlcNells were at J Philadelphia this week. Xlrs. : Frances R. Sholly and young son. of Akron. Ohio, are visiting her pay- ' ents. Xlr. and Xlrs. J. S. Hardy.— j James Fleming was a visitor at Phil- j adelphia the latter part of the week, j —Xiiss Justine Xliller. a student at i the Xlt. Aloysius Academy at Ores- ! son. is confined to her room with a I badly sprained knee received in | playing basketball.—S. XI. Widney j and family are on an automobile trip through Western Pennsylva- ! and XVest Virginia, where they will 1 visit relatives. Miss Annie Al- j bright is spending two weeks at Al toona. Bible Class Members Surprise Their Teacher Eliznbothtown. Pa., Oct. s.—On Wednesday evening the members of the Ladies' Bible Class of the Church of God treated their teach er, J. E. Xliles, who has been in ill health the past month, to a sur prise at his home in East High street. They met at the home of Xlrs. R. S. Ross in South Xlarket street and proceeded in a body to his home, completely taking him by surprise. The evening was spent in an enjoyable manner and a lunch eon was served in the dining room. —Xlrs. Elizabeth Drohan spent | Wednesday with relatives at Lan- j caster. —J. E. Miles is ill at his I home in East High street.—Xlrs. Susan Keisey is ill at her home in | Park street. —Xlrs. R. H. Forney.is , on the sick list at her Xlarket street home.—Xiiss Alice Laury is ill at ! her Park street home.—Elvin Kil- j lian, of Harrisburg, visited his par ents, Xlr. and Mrs. Jacob Killian, on Thursday.—Xiiss Ethel Keisey, daughter of the late Dr. George R. j Keisey, has entered the general hos pital at Lancaster to become a trained nurse.—G. XI. Eshelman, of I Harrisburg, was in the borough on Wednesday.Xiiss Sue Dougherty, of Rheems, was among friends in the borough on Wednesday.—Xlisses Nellie Xlorrin, of Rird-in-Hand, and Adlene Walker, of Intercourse, were guests of Xiiss Virginia Xlartin, in South Xlarket street. Xiiss Mary Graney entertained a number of friends at her home in .North Mar ket Street, on Saturday evening in honor of her eleventh birthday.— j Xiiss Emma Nitrauer, of Xliddle town, was the guest of 0. T. Nit rauer and family, for several days. —Xlrs. H. F. Hoover attended a missionary meeting of thq. Church of God at Enhaut. —Xlr. and Xlrs. C. S. Wofmley, of Northumberland, former residents of this place, an nounce the arrival of a daughter. guest of relatives at Harrisburg. One Hundred Attend Big Cornroast Near. Halifax Halifax, Pa., Oct. *s.—The social and cornroost held on Tuesday on the lawn at the home of Mr. and 'Mrs. George Xlotter, a mile north of town by the Christian Endeavor So ciety of the Halifax Uhited Brethren Church was attended by one hund red people.—A. XI. Smith and daugh ter, Winifred Smith are spending a few days at Philadelphia and Tren ton, N. J.—F. E. Corsnitz and Mrs. Hannah Hicks, of Xlatamoras spent Sunday at the home of Xlr.'and Mrs. Austin Dimpsey.—Edith Thompson spent over Sunday at Lykens.—Xlrs. Edwin Weaver and son, William Weaver spent Sunday at the home of Xlr. and Mrs. John Brocker, in Clark's Valley. Elmer H. Chuff, who was called'here from his home at Topeka, Kansas two weeks ago on account of the serious Illness of his mother, Xlrs. Sarah Chuff, left on Sunday for his home. Xlrs. • Chuff has been in the west for thirty-three years.—Joseph Umberger, of XHI - spent Sunday at the home of Elmer E. Daugherty. xiiss Blanche Gilger, of Shippensburg vis ited at the homb of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Schroyer.—Mr. and Xlrs. R. A. Shumaker spent the week-end at Williamstown visiting her mother, CHARLES C". ROEBLING DIES By Associated Press Trenton, N. J., Oct. s.—Charles C. Roebling, president of the John A. Roebling Sons Company, wire and cable- manufacturers, died at his home her* to-day after an illness of .several months. Ua was 69 years of ■age. I Rowenna Brothers on Casualty List in France JAMES M. DAVIS Marlettn, Pa.. Oct. s.—Rowenna, the thriving little village . along the banks of the beautiful Susquehanna river, nestled in the valley of up per Lancaster county, has something to its credit which no other town in the county has. and yet a sad moth er's heart beats at the expense of the incident. Mrs. Anna Sweigart has two sons serving in the present war, and also a stepson. James M. Davis and Earl C. L. .Davis, sons of Mrs. Sweigart, enlisted at Columbia, in the old Com pany C, of the Fourth Pennsylvania Infantry, and went to the Mexican border in 1916, where they remained until the trouble was over, and the company returned. Earl returned from the forder in poor health, with too much sand on his lungs, and for a time it was thought he was going into tuberculosis. He was honorably discharged, and went to Lancaster where under the care of a specialist and working on a gov ernment farm, he regained his health. HUNS DESTROY ALL PROPERTY * i , , IN ST. QUENtIN By Associated Press Paris, Oct. S.—AH factories and business houses in St. Quen- | tin which were likely to compete against Gorman industries were methodically destroyed by the Germans. French and American troops in Champagne have gained fur ther ground north of Blanc Xlont in the direction of the river Vines, says to-day's war office i statement. Along tile Aisne canal in the i region or Hhcims the French arc pressing the Germans vigorously and have crossed the canal at several points. The French have reached the outskirts of Bermcri eonrt east o fthc canal. X iolent fighting continues north of St. QucittJn. In desper ate fighting the French have driven the enemy from the heights southeast of Chardon- Vfrt. Church Conference Conies to End; 2 Bishops Chosen York, Pa., Oct. s.—Following an all-night session, forced by the State Health Department's closing order, the Rev. W. F. Heil, of Allentown, and the Rev. XI. T. Xlaze, of Lemars, Idaho, wero this mOrnin gelected bishops of the United Evangelical Church at the General Conference of thut denomination. The conference convened Thursday for ten days, but the officers were notified last night by the local health 'authorities that they would have to end their ses sions to-day. INFLUENZAIATAL TO HOSPITAL DOCTOR [Continued from First Page.] I hospital still is under the most strict quarantine. Dr. Samuel Gabronsky, resident | physician at the hospital, is the lat | est victim of Spanish influenza. He died at 8.10 last evening. Xlrs. Al- I berta Matthews, 331 Reily street, I died at 3.10 yesterday afternoon. All the nurses at the hospital aro I under strict orders to wear mouth j and nose masks while working with the patients. Physicians treating pa tients observe the same precautions. There are ten patients suffering from Spanish influenza, or Spunisn I influenza complicated with pneumo nia, at the hospital. Some of them are serious. Dr. Gabronsky, the latest victim of Spanish influenza, was 23 years old. He had been a resident physician at. the hospital since July 1. He was taken ill Wednesday and sank rapidly yesterday. Dr. Gabronsky's home was at Perth Amboy, N. J. He was grad uated from the University of Mary land last spring and carrfe directly to the Harrisburg Hospital to serve as an interne. His wife, parents, and his wife's mother, reached the city last evening and were at his bedside when he died. They will accompany i the body back to Perth Amboy for burial to-day. Dr. Gabronsky is survived by his wife, parents, a brother, Xlax Ga bronsky, stationed at Camp Xleade. I and two sisters, who live at homo. | Mrs. Gabronsky who arrived here | last night in time to see her hus jband before he died, to-day gave birth to a daughter at the hospital. Xlrs. Xlatthews was in the hospital less than twenty-four hours when death occurred. She was admitted Thursday at 4.30 and died at 3.10 yesterday. Miss Marian Burns, aged 20 years, died early this morning af the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Benja min F. Burns, 213 State street, af tel lers than a week's illness. Death was due to pneumonia which devel oped from Spanish influenza. Miss BurnH attended Xiiss Seller's school, later going to St. Mary's school at Burlington, N. J. " She graduated front St. Mary's in June of this year. She is survived by her parents, two brothers, John and Samuel Burns, who are both In the government ser vice. Funeral arrangements have not yet been completed. f *. Y. M. C. A. WORKER, SPEAKS Hhlpprnnburg, Pa., Oct. s.—The Civic Club held its first fall meeting on Monday afternoon. —The Rev. J. L. Grimm spent a day at Chambers burg.—J. L. Hoffman, who had charge of Y. M. C. A. war work in the west, spoke In the Presbyterian Church on Sunday.—The Rev. R. S. Bowers, of Wooster, Ohio, Ailed the pulpit of the Lutheran Church on Sunday.—Vesta Brandt, of Harrisburg.. spent Sunday with friends in town.—Dr. J. D. Baaehore is spending several weeks at Bayonne, N. J.—H. F. Oyer has been re-elected class leader, In the Messiah United Brethren Church. EARL C. DAVIS |He applied for re-enlistment in the I service and passed a good' examlna j tion and was accepted for service. I He joined the Medical Corps, and left | for France January 1 of the present I year. On the last day of June he was se verely gassed in action, besides re ceiving serious wounds. The last . week in July, with many other Atner | leans he was sent to the United 1 States on a special ship and taken to | the United States General Hospital. • where he is now t being cared for. | James was wounded by a piece of i shell, July 28, being a member of j Company D, One Hundred and Tenth : Infantry. In a letter to his mother from foreign soil, James says that | he received his wound when the regl- I ment went over the top. Besides the j two sons on the casualty list, a step- I son, Adam E. Sweigart, is in France, jHe left last May. for a southern i training camp, and went ncross in | August. He is attached to Company jE. Fifty-sixth Regiment United | States infantry. NEED BOOKS FOR CAMP LIBRARIES Appeal For Contributions Is Sent Out From Library As sociation Headquarters BENEFIT OF SOLDIERS i * Xewvillc Civic Club Making a Collection of Volumes to Be Sent From Town Xewvillc, Pa., Oct. 5. —An appeal lias been sent out from the Ameri can Library Association at Wash ington, D. C., for the collection ot books of adventure, biography, his tory, poetry, travel and good fiction for distribution to soldiers in camp and on duty in France. Bring or send your books to Mrs. R. C. Es penshade, Fountain Square, or leave at ' Espenshade's drug store, from where they will be forwarded to the association through the Newville Civic Club.—Mr. and Mrs. U. G. Fry and daughter, Chloe, and Miss Sue Fitting, of Camp Hill, spent several days with NewVille rela tives. —The Rev. E. L. Ditzler is at tending the Pennsylvania Elder ship of the Church of God in ses sion at Mechanicsbiyg.—Miss Caro line Clouse left- on Monday for Washington, D. C., where she has accepted a position.Robert Hays, of Kansas City, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Hays.—Mrs. F. Barr Swigert is visiting friends at Burkettsville, Md.—A. Liberty Loan exhibit train will be at the railroad station on Wednesday, October 9, from 5.30 to 6.15 p. m.—The Junior Red Cross observed Tag Day Satur day, September 28, and thereby raised the sum of $l4O. Dr. and Mrs. Wiener Are Seriously 111 With Grip I The condition of Dr. Hyman R, I Wiener, 234 State street, who is at the Harrisburg Hospital suffering from Spanish influenza, is serious. Hospital authorities this morning an nounced there was a improve ment in his condition, but that he is not yet out of dahger. He was ad mitted to the hospital Tuesday. Mrs. Wiener, his wife, who was taken to the hospital the day follow ing hSr husband, also is seriously ill with the disease. Hospital phy sicians have not diagnosed either case as pneumonia, and it is likely both are suffering from Spanish in fluenza. : BIMPKR CANTALOUPE CROP Enders, Pa., Oct. 6.—Henry Louder milh is marketing a bumper crop of choice cantaloupes. He almost daily takes a load to the - surrounding toWns. —Mr. J. Manor Fitting left for Lewiaburg. where he is attending Bucknell University.—lra P. Snyder, contemplates removing to Halifax. — The Rev. H. H. Fertig, pastor of the United Brethren Church.left for Myeratown on Tuesday to attend the annual session of East Pennsylvania Conference. It is expected that the pastor will be returned for another year.—Dr. C. B. Flowers, of Eliza bethville, and his brother, Elmer Flowers, of the Harrisburg Postofflce force, were callers in toWn on-Wed nesday. BOHEMIA MAY PROCLAIM HER INDEPENDENCE Amsterdam, Oct. s.—The procla mation of the independence of Bo hemia will be issued shortly, accord ing to the Budapest newspaper A Zest. / Beckley's Closed In accordance with an order issued broadcast by City Health Officer Dr. J. M. J. Raunick to Private Schools, we hereby advise our 300 students thai the Day and Night School will close in order to asstßt in eliminating the Influenza epi demic. Watch this paper for the opening announcement. Beckley's Business College 121 Market Street Cliarl<4 R. Bccklcf, Principal V PEACHESSOLD FOR RED CROSS Small Basket Brings $33.75 at Sale For Benefit of the Greencastle Branch WEDDINGS ANNOUNCED % Missing Wireless Operator on Torpedoed Bucna Ventura Lived at Greencastle Grreneaslle, Pa., Oct. 5. H. M. Burkett lias closed out a, basket of I peaches which he was selling for the I benefit of the local Red Cross Auxll- ' iary. Ho realized $33.75 from a five eighth basket.—Announcement has J been made of the marriage of Miss " Michael Gilbert, of East Baltimore street, to Thomas Ward of Cham bersburg. The wedding took plaee on Thursday, September 26, and the ceremony was performed by the Rev. W. Morgan Cross, pastor em eritus of the Lutheran Church. Mr. and Mrs. Ward will make their home at Mechanicsburg.—Mr. and , Mrs. Leo Kauffman, of Baltimore, were visitors at the home of Edward Cooper. South Washington street. I Mrs. Kauffman was Miss Isabel Cooper and her marriage to Mr. iKaulTman took place on Monday at [Baltimore. Announcement has noon made of the marriage of Miss k I Ada Virginia Lear, daughte?- of the I late Alexander Lear, of Greencastle. Ito Captain Marion Gilbert Donk, of the United States Army. The wed ding took place September 25, at Washington.—Graham Lee Hera minger, who was a wireless operatov on the Beuna Ventura, when she was torpedoed on her way homo from Bordeaux, France, is a nephew of Misses Alice and Ada Hemming er and A. G. Hemminger, of Green castle. Mr. Hemminger is reported missing. He was aged 23 years and enlisted when war was declared 1 with Germany. He was a frequent contributor to many of the well known magazines.-*—Miss ' Gladys -m Fleming Is home from a two ' months' sojourn at Brown's Mills, . N. J.—Miss Helen Lesher, daughter ,/ qf Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Lesher has entered Irving College, Mechanics burg.—Greencastle friends have re |eeived announcement of the birth of a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. William Weiler, Detroit, Mich. Mrs. Wfciler will be remembered as Miss Evq, jMowen, of Greencastle Mr. and I Mrs. Fred Fletcher and daughter, i left Monday for their home at Jacksonville, Miss., after spending a week at the home of L. H. Fletch er.—Mrs. W. T. Shaw and Miss Gladys Fleming were hostesses of an enjoyable fancy work party Thurs day afternoon at their country home.—Guy Shiifler, a member ot' Medical Unit No. 59, which has been stationed at Camp Merritt, is the first Greencastle young man whose regiment has been sent to Siberia. Private Shiifler advised his mother of his destination last week.—Mrs. Daniel Nelson and son have return ed to Jacksonville. Fla., after spend ing the summer with Mrs. Nelson's . parents.—Miss Nina Davison, super- J intendent of the Staunton Virginia 1 Hospital, is spending her vacation with her mother, Mrs. Mary L. Davison.—Mrs. Fred Hinds, of Am- bier. Pa., is visiting her parents, Mr. w and Mrs. D. Z. Shook. Entertains Big Party of Friends at Summer Home Lcwisherry, Pa., Oct. 5. —Mrs. Elizabeth Reiff and daughter, Miss Ellen Reiff, of New Cumberland, on Monday evening entertained the fol lowing persons at their summer home here: Miss Margaret Ross, ot Wellsvillc; Miss Rosalfrie Cline, Mrs. Ella M. Sutton, Miss Julia Sutton and Miss Edith Cline. The evening was spent in listening to selections on the Vietrola and Miss Reiff, who has written quite a number of poems on birds, recited some of them for her guests.—Mrs. Harry Spangler left Wednesday for Jersey Shore where she was called by the sickness of her mother, Mrs. Shirey. —Mrs. Smith, who spent several months with, her daughter. Mrs. Frank Downs, returned to the home of her daughter, Mrs. Harry Kil mdre, at Lisburn. —Mrs. J. E. Har lacher and daughter, Evelyn, spent Sunday with Mrs. Ella Byers, at New Cumberland. —Julius Atticlts Is j confined to his home with sickness. Several days ago he had a hem orrhage of the nose which lasted • several days.—Mrs. L. L. Owens is ■ at State College where she was called two weeks ago by the Illness of her mother, Mrs. W. McKendree Relley.—Robert G. Stonesifer. of Steelton, spent Sunday with his i parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stonesifer. —Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Armstrong and daughter, Laur'abel, of Harrlsburg, and Mrs. Amanda 1 Armstrong, of New Jersey, were were guests of Mrs. Laura Kline. — Miss Lorena Kilmore, of flechanics burg, spent several days with her grandmother, Mrs. Annie Laird. Miss Kilmore resigned her position in the Second National Bank at Mechanicsburg. Stetler T. En- • sminger and daughter. Marjorie, to day attended the funeral of the former's brother, Harry Elbridge Ensminger, at his late home at Dillsburg.—Miss Mary Frankeberg er will return home this week from a visit with her sister, Miss Rena Frankeberger, at Williamsport.— Miss Margaret Ross will return to Wellsvllle this week after several weeks' stay at the Frankeberger , ,home. WANTED Man or Woman to Teach Bookkeeping and Gregg . y Shorthand, evenings. Address, A Box O 2434 Care of the Telegraph
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