16 New Methodist Leader of Harrisburg District Is Rev. Dr. E. R. Heckman Following: tho recent announce-j ment that the number of districts of the Central Pennsylvania Confer-; ence of tho Methodist Kplscopul! Church had been reduced front llvu! to four, which fast was accelerated, 'by the release of Dr. Morris H. j Swartz, formerly superintendent ofj tho Harrisburg: district, comes wordj to-day disclosing the name of his I successor. The latter Is the Rev. j Dr. Edgar R. Heckman, of Altootia, j who has been superintendent of the' Altoona district of the conference. I Ate appointment of Dr. Heckman \ canto after a conference of cublnet Ml.- TJ- Show Your Americanism I JLa, U Buy More Bonds H Greatest Kitchen Cabinet Value Ever Offered to the People of Harrisburg Study the Illustration and Learn Many Points of Superiority A Beautiful • Cabme j It must be seen to be appreciated—it is one of the best con structed and most practical Kitchen Cabinets on the market— built of solid oak throughout—and possesses features that are I usually seen in only the very finest and most expensive Kitchen I Cabinets that sell at $45.00 to $55.00. The China Closet at Top Is beautifully white enameled and has Venetian Art Glass Doors—next to It is a 40-pound Metal Flour Bin with Sifter Top and front of Venetian Art Glass to match the China I Closet. The interior of the work section is also white enam eled and protected by hinged doors. The Sliding Nickeloid Table Top Is one of the finest features about this Kitchen Cabinet —it Is full draw-out style—2s 4-! inches by 40 46 inches In size—gives you a perfect working surface —cannot tarnish and will al ways keep nice, clean, bright and sanitary. Other Extra Features For example—the work section is fitted with glass sugar jar, large tea and coffee jar and four smaller glass spiee Jars, all with metal caps—there are several handy wire racks —remov- able kneading board, convenient cutlery, utensils and sanitary bread and cake drawer, metal lined with sliding metal top— and the lower section is divided by a wire mesh shelf. SI Down, 50c a Week # • Miller & Kades FURNITURE DEPARTMENT STORE 7 N. Market Square ______ The Only Store in Harrisburg S =====& MThat Guarantees to Sell on J "W 1 111 l Credit at Cash Prices jj Time-Worn Wood Work OLP LACE before winter all pieces that show sign of decay or rot. The job may not appear important this time, but if neglected until next spring seri ous trouble may be caused. Don't let your property depreciate to the value of "hundreds of dollars just for the want of a little attention. -' 1 Ice and Coal Co. I --rat , FRIDAY EVEN-- T A • ! members curly this week at the be hest of lllshop McDowell, The district to be eliminated un j dor tho no\V ruling is that of Ju ntatn. Tito four districts now com j prlso Altoona. Harrisburg, Sunbury ! and Willlamsport. Lowlstown is put In tho Harrisburg district. Succeed ing Dr. Heckman In tho Altoona dis- I trlct is Dr. Emory M. Stevens of Htintingdon, formerly superinten ! dent of tho obsolete Juniata dis i trlct. The resignation of Dr. Swartz. the | entrance of several ministers Into : chaplaincies In the United States j Army and tho desire to conserve I manpower are the reasons assigned for tho reduction in number of d'js ' trlots. Dr. Swartz has assumed lits : duties us executive secretary of tho 1 Washington area for the centenary movement. MILLS REPORT SHOWS PRODUCT IS CLEAN Icc Cream Found Excellent by Tests of City Health Bureau For Month Just Closed Milk, cream am) ice cream sold in the city during September when tested by the city bacteriologist Indicated the care and cleanly methods used by the dealers in handling the products as reports issued by the City Food Inspectors siiow that in only u few cases disease germs were found. The reports for the month shows that of twenty-four milk samples which were tested, ten contained colon bacilli, or disease germs, and that with the exception of one the amount ranged frofn 200 to 4,700 a cubic centimeter. Only one of the samples of milk contained less butter fat than required, and all of the twelve samples of cream passed the fat test. The best showing is made in the ice cream report. But two of seven teen dealers had ice cream which contained germs and in most cases little other foreign substances were found. The complete report follows: MILK Bacteria Colon Fat Vendor. per c. c. perc. c. per cent. Cooper. C. E 43,000 3.60 Cohen. Max 150,000 4,700 3.60 Certified 8.000 I ...i. 3.30 Erford. C. H 6,500 1;200 4.10 Kgresitz. Frank 250,000 3.90 Egresitz, Frank 30,000 3.90 Kgresibz, Frank 40.000 2.90 Fought. J. H 11,000 200 3.80 Holler. It. D 75.0tf0 1,300 3.23 Hassler, C. C 18.500 3.50 Hassler, C. B 11.000 3.30 Hoak, C. A 62.500 15,500 3.60 Kramer. J. S 200,000 800 3.90 Mumnm, J. E 37,500 3.30 Nissley. C. M *. 225,000 4.20 P. M. P. Company 750,000 3.80 Rudy. X A 150,000 3,500 4.40 Rudy, J. A 20.000 • 4.40 Sheesley, C. E. M 7,000 700 3.80 Smith, C. W 1,000 • 3.50 Smith. C. W 8.500 6.40 Smith, Li. B 11.500 200 3.60 Wolf. J. C 13.000 4.30 Witman. R 75,000 1,609 19,00 CREAM * Fat Fat \ endor. per cent. Vendor. per cent. Cooper. C. E 22.00 Kramer. J. S 22.00 Erford. C. H 20.50 Patton, W. E 23.50 Hoak, C. A 20.50 P. M. Company T.. 20.50 Honk. C. A 20.50 P. M. P. Company 22.00 Jones. J. M 19.50 Sheesley. C. E 22.00 Kreldler. A. H. & Bro 19.50 Witman, R 18.50 ICE CREAM Bacteria Colon Gas Vendor. per c. c. per c. c. Flavor. percent. Cartwright. W. A 30.000 .. Vanilla ' 20 Dettling, C 325,000 . Vanilla Greek-American 62,500 .... Vanilla Golden Seal Drug ~,v . 350,000 2200 Vanilla 20 Latnpas. J. L 237,000 .... Vanilla Trace Matter. D. S 120,000 .... Peach McN'eai. F. W 500 .... Vanilla Palace Confectionery 65,000 .... Vanilla 5 Rose. John A 262,000 .... Vanilla 10 Walker & Craver 300.000 .... Vanilla 10 Aumiller, Anna 400,000 Vanilla Trace Brenneman. E. S • 800,000 7200 Vanilla 6 Collins. George 800,000 Custard 12 Conner. G. W 950,000 Vanilla Hershey Creamery Co 500,000 .... Vanilla Russ Bros 1.250.000 Vanilla 10 Spagnoli. Joe 250,000 .. ... Vanilla Trace WHAT MERCHANTS ARE I DOING TO SAVE FUEL Store Hours to Save Fuel DAILY SATURDAYS .. (Except Saturday) (Only) 9 A. M. to 5.30 P. M. 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. This store will observe the above business hours at the re quest of the Dauphin County Fuel Committee in order to save fuel to win the war. It is desired that you shop during these hours. DAUPHIN COUNTY FUEL COMMITTEE •Save Fuel—Win the War English Town Sold to Highest Bidder London Shaftsbury, a little old i English country' town, buried in the | heart of Dorset, with historical as- j sociations, cottage and manor house, shop and farm, post office, bank and i hotel, has been put up for public j auction and knocked down to a i commercial syndicate for $375,000.. Chairman of the syndicate is [ James White, popular host of the j weekly boxing entertainment for j American soldiers at the London . National Sporting Club, who, with Solly Joel, famous owner of race horses and Mr. Ormerod, a Man chester financier made the pur chase, their agent for this purpose being ex-Mayor Ball of Notting ham and father of the late Capt. Ball, the British airman. The property consists of the town — T- of some 2,500 inhabitants—which is beautifully situated on a chalk spar which rises out of the rich vale | of Blaekmore of "Lorna Doone" I fame. It is the center of an impor- ' tant agricultural district, an Old , World place of narrow and irregu-' lar streets. With the site of its an cient castle, the graves of King Canute and of Edward the Martyr, its associations with King Alfred, dating far back to Saxons and Danes, few towns even in old Eng land possess such a record of his tory. Also it is the market place of Lord Stalbridge's estate and thus came under the auctioneer's ham mer. The reason for the sale, Lord Stalbrldge said, is the increased j general taxation. "I have to sell in l | order to live," he added. To Delay Prohibition Bill Until After the Election Washington. Oot. 4.—Delay in final | enactment of the wartime prohibition | bill until after the November elec- i tions seemed assured yesterday, when 1 the Senate sent the bill back to con- I ference, insisting on its amendment! to regulate the profits of Washington landlords. The measure now goes to.the House for action on the rent profiteering and other amendments. Courthouse Notes Appoint Assessor—Jacob F. Hoak, 1434 Regina street, was appointed j assessor in the Ninth ward by the | County Commissioners, succeeding Burton F. Saltsman, resigned. Nonsnpport Court Nonsupport cases will be heard in court next Monday. Argument court sessions will be held on Tuesday with Juve nile court and suspended sentence cases to be heard on Friday. CITY RF:CETPTS LOW During September city depart ments spent $141,637.97, according to the fonthly report compiled in the office of City Treasury C. E. Weber. Receipts during September were $28,336.47, reducing the bal nce of $436,755.45 on September 1 to $323,453.95 on October 1, During the month $293,931.47 were paid to Mr. Weber, who Is also treasurer 'and tax collector for the city school district. This amount represents HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH. i school taxes for 1918 which have i been paid. Since October 1 a five ] per cent, penalty has been added to i all unpaid school taxes. DOCTORS HAND ! OUT LIVE TIPS ! They Take the Public Into Their Confidence I Prominent physicians claim peo -1 pie fail in life because of "nerve \ hunger," that it is the active, bright ' eyed, strong-nerved man or woman ] who is "there" at work or play. | Strong, well-nourished nerves is | the great secret of success, health and happiness. Men and women try to live re j gardless of health, strength, ambi i tion, energy and hope, they exceed I the speed limits, wasting nerve strength and energy and fail to store !up reserve force, afterwards they I only exist, life has no joys. Without energy, ambition, strong nerves, and pure blood, one cannot hope to enjoy the fullest measure of success and happiness. A noted specialist says, "Phos phated Iron brings strength to the blood, nerves and brain, that it is a perfect combination of vital ele ments of great tonic qualities when taken by 'Nerve-sick humans,' that ! it will increase body and nerve en- I ergy, restore ambition and staying I powers." He also says: "If you are the ! victim of overwork, worry, excess I o' mental and physical forces, have I the blues, and the pleasures of life j are no longer enjoyable, that you • need Phosphated Iron to brace, build you up and put you on your I feet again." Special Notice —To insure physi i cians and their patients getting the I genuine Phosphated Iron, we put I up in capsules only, so do not allow ! dealers to substitute any pills or tablets. For sale in Harrlsburg by j George A. Gorgas, 16 North Third I Street and Pennsylvania Hailroad ! Station. ! roy tlcian in the cSOtn or Caiifornian Riddles Hun Plane; Descends and Gets Enemy Crew of Flyer er et of Verdun, Oct. 4.—Aviator Rol lins Meyeer, of Oakland. Cal., shot down a German airplane yesterday near Very In a spectacular tight. Al though his motor was working badly he riddled the enemy plane with ma chine gun bullets, forcing it to land. His own machine came down im mediately afterward near the Ger man whose officers surrendered to Meyer. Carrying the machine gun of the German airplane as a souvenir aleyer brought the enemy airmen in on foot. Black Still in Race For the Legislature Ramsey Black to-duy corrected any impression that he has with drawn as a candidal for the Legis lature. "Such is not tin <se," he game out, "and on the contrary I h a win V K ry ass "r? nco If elected It will be possible for me to serve ° Ut V rm ; * fter the ''° an drive is o\et I intend to wage an active are I £o| S, !i an V Ur * e my friends who ,g. ahx>a , (ly "'fgistercd to attend row 1., t VCr ? lm P° r, duty to-mor row, Saturday. October 5." BOY SCOI'TS TO HAVK *. u OUTDOOR MEETINGS ? oy Scol "s cannot hold their meetings indoors. It was ruled the c lty Health Depart ment, they can go on hikes and hold outdoor meetings. This is regarded WORTHY CLOTHES Moe L. Cooper, partner of Charles J. Watson, in the firm of Watson & Cooper sends this message from the war zone in France: "Tell the folks back home to bay all the bonds they can and back up the boys over here. We've got the Hun on the run, and we want to keep him going." Show Your Americanism—Buy More Bonds WATSON CRCOOPEN PAT rocire vegetables less meat. You'll feel' perfectly cooked in butter, and new' creamed J . C °° K by Scout Executive J. Frederik Vor gln as an excellent opportunity for outdoors observation. As to the big rally scheduled to be held hero next week In the interests of tho Liberty Loan If was doclared by the scout lioad, "we're going to have that rally outdoors. It's soil bonds or bust!" I LEMON JUICE.' TAKES OFF TAN Girls! Make bleaching lotion if skin is sunburned, tanned or freckled Squeeze the Juice of two lemons Into a bottle containing three ounces of Orchard White, shuke well, and you have a quarter pint of the best freckle, runburn and tan lotion, and complexion beautifier, at very, very small cost. Your grocer has the lemons and any drug store or toilet counter will supply three ounces of Orchard White for a few cents. Massage this sweetly fragrant lotion Into the face, neck, arms and hands each day and see how freckles, sunburn, windburn and tan disappear and how clear, soft and white the skin becomes. Yes! It Is harmless. OCTOBER 4, 1918 432 MARKET STREET License No. G-35:105 Saturday Moruingj Specials, Oct. 5 SIRLOIN STEAK ENGLISH CUT ROAST PIN BONK ... Q Kin m\ CLUB LIBKUTY ..... /^. ROUNI> HOUND All-Day Specials Chuck Roast, I! 24c Country Smoked Sausage, lb. 20c Pot Roust, lb ' 22c Gnrlic Sausage, lb 20c Boiling Beet. lb 18c Smoked Jowl Huron, lb 28c Fresh Ground Beef, lb 2w Blood Pudding, lb 20c Isimp Chops, ib 25c Tender Liver, lb 10c Butchers' Bologna, lb 20e Sugar Cured Hum, lb 86c King Bolognn, lb 20c Sugar Cured Picnics, lb 27c Liver Ihidding, lb 20c Pigs' Feet and Tripe, lb. 10c BUTTERINE DEPT. Lincoln Brand, lb 27elCreum Choose, lb 38c (■cm Nut, lb 30c I Pinn mo Cheese, lb. 35c Premium, lb 33e | Liiuburgejr Cheese, lb. 820 We Advocate Cash and Carry System GET THE HABIT—BUY LIBERTY BONDS MARKETS IN FIFTY-SIX PRINCIPAL CITIES OF 14 VIMTES MAIN OFFICE. PACKING PLANT. ) CHICAGO, ILL. PEOR i A IL L. Absolutely Wo Fain J> r iHmmHßm tsed air apparatus, makes j4r Cm? *d U A.* P"I1 set at EXAMINATION /.iCp FREE ,* n ° 1 • AX V V Gold erowns and krlilg* nerk, (3,14, ih S \Y S „J? K o,d woo amMewd Jw a A Ottleo open dally 8.30 jmVV* • p. m.l Monday. Wed / j y' asaday ( and Saturday, tIU BELL PBOlflil 1333-R. (Ova* the Hab> S HARRISBURQ, PA. „ knrt . Mt ■■hi ■! i— wSmmmmmmmmmmmmammmmmßmsammmammammmu
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers