8 POLICE MAKE |236 ARRESTS P DURING MONTH Crusade Against Traffic Rule Violators Continues With out Abatement The Harrisburg poliee department made 23§ arrests during September, for which fines and forfeitures col lected amounted to $1,056.01, ac cording to the report for the month submitted to Chief of Police Wetzel by Earl M. White, secretary to the chief, this morning. Showing V.hut police activities have not abated during the month, it is added that the arrests equaled those of August, when an unusual numoer of offenders were hailed into pblice court. Tlfe arrests in August num bered 237, one more than last month. Hardly more than half of the goods reported stolen was recovered. The goods recovered amounted to $1,217.50, and those stolen amount ed to $2,306. City detectives, how- Hooray For Banana Peel "Gets-It" Only Real Way to Get kid of Corns. Which do you prefer—a corn that pulls or a corn that peels?. Butchery or blessedness? Only "Gets-It" can get rid of your corn the peel-oft way. the bleesed way. You don't need a pull. . . A. - > "Cam Ceeer Tro'tblc Mc. 1 UKS 'Goti-h'' ' Why hump yourself on the floor and I with your jaws set and eyes popping from pain, jerk and gouge and cut your corns? Why irritate your toes with - some salve or wrap your toe into a big painful bundle with some sticky I tape or plaster? Life is too short. Use I "Gets-It"—it takes a few seconds to I apply and there's no fussing. Corn ' pains go. Wear new shoes if you j want. Peel oft the corn with your | fingers—the whole thing, root and all, clear and clean, and it's gone! Only "Getsrlt" can do this. Take no chances "Gets-It," the guaranteed, money back corn-remover, the only sure way, costs but a trifle at any drug store. M'f'd by E. Lawrence & Co., Chicago, 111.. Sold in Harrisburg as the world's best corn remedy by Clark's Medicine I Store. H. C. Kennedy, G. A. Gorgas, i Keller's Drug Store and F. K. Kitz- I miller.—Advertisement. THE MEN IN CLASS A 1 A sound, healthy man is never a back number. A man can be as vigor ous and able at seventy as at twenty. Condition, not years, puts you in the discard, A system weakened by over work and careless living brings old age prematurely. The bodily func tions are impaired and unpleasant symptoms appear. The weak spot is generally the kidneys. Keep them clean and in proper working condi tion and you will generally And your self in Class Al. Take GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules periodically and your system will always b in working order. Your spirits will be enlivened, your muscles supple, your mind active, and your body capable of hard work Don't wait until you have been re jected. Commence to be a first-class man now. Go to your druggist at once. Get a trial box of GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules. They are made of the pure, original, import ed Haarlem Oil —the kind your great grandfather used. Two capsules each day will keep you toned up and feel ing fine. Money refunded if they do not help you. Remember to ask for the imported GOLD MEDAL Brand. In three sizes, sealed packages.—Ad vertisement. RHEUMATICS ARS SATISFIED Satisfied That "Neutrono Preserip toln 99" Does All That is Claimed For It They have used "Neiitrone Pre scription 99" for all forma of Rheu matism and Neuralgia, they frank ly tell how It has proven Its quick and lasting benefit. The words of praise from this city's relteved Rheumatic sufferers will prove to many a crippled suf ferer a welcome message pointing the way-to quick and permanent re lief. What Is more convincing than homo testimony? "Ncutrone Prescription 99" from its remarkable success has sprung Into almost Instant popularity; "It produces results," Get a See or $l.OO bottle today, you will be surprised at the lm-, provament even In a short time." Mall orders filled on $l.OO size. For sale In Harrisburg by George A. Gorgas. 16 North Third street, and P. R. R. Station. GET SLOAN'S FOR YOUR PAIN RELIEF You don't have to rub it in to get quick, comforting relief Once you've tried it on that stiff joint. Bore muscle, Bclatic pain, rheumatic twinge, lame back, you'll find a warm, soothing relief you "never thought a liniment could pro duce- Won't stain the akin, leaves no muss, wastes no time In applying, sure to give quick results. A large bottle means economy. Your own or any other druggist has It. Get It today. THURSDAY EVENING, ever, are working on larceny caees which wero reported during tho month. The department continued Its rec ord for making quick work of re covering stolen automobiles. The Hudson touring car of Henry W. Alt ken stolen from the Denby Sales Rooms at Capitol jiud Hay streets Sunday night, was recovered Mon day. The crusade against traffic Viola tors was continued without let up during the month. Thirty-nine vio lators were arrested and tines rang ing from three to twenty-five dollars imposed. Other arrests were as follows: Miscellaneous misdemeanors, includ ing one disorderly house raided, 24; miscellaneous felonies, 23; disorder ly practice, 150. There were 175 wagon calls, and IS robbery and larceny complaints. WAR NOT YET WON, SAYS CAPTAIN VINT [Continued front First Page.] . litle boys of five or six years old 1 who are now toddling about the i streets of your city will not bo i called in another draft twenty years i hence to defeat Germany again." "Pro-German Stuff" "When you hear a man say that I he doesn't believe it necessary for j him to subscribe to the fourth loan J you can be sure that whether he I knows it or not that man is putting i out pro-German stuff," said Chalr iman Patterson to-day. "Harrisburg must not this sentiment to get a foothold here. We did remark, i ably well in the threa other cam | paigns; we cannot fall down on the | fourth. Important Mooting To-night An important meeting of home 1 workers will be held in the federal [courtroom to-night. It is for the 'workers in the three divisions which | were not present at last week's j meeting, hut workers of who could not attend their division meeting last week are urged to be present. P. R. R. Coming Along The Pennsylvania railroad. Phil adelphia division, this morning re-' ported that it had sold a total of 2,443 bonds valued at $174,250. The Middle division has also added to its total. Chairman Leonard of the Philadelphia division says all pre vious buying records will be broken. Booth in Window Soon Within a day or so a booth is to be placed in the display window at Liberty Loan headquarters for the. sale of bonds, and every day it will be manned by the wife, sister, moth er or daughter of some man in the service of the United States. Bulletin Board Announcement The food administration bulletin in front of the courthouse will be 'transformed into a bulletin board next week, and on it will be display ed each day the total bond sales of [all the home teams and divisions. Big Crowds Heard Troupers Recorder James M. Lentz, this [morning said that enormous crowds yesterday heard the Liberty [Troupers cm their tour thro"ugh the northern secton of the county. There is great enthusiasm all through that district and more bonds are being sold then in the three preceding campaigns. Middle Division Showing The Middle division, Pennsylva nia railroad, reported at noon to day that the division to date has sold $170,500 worth of bonds. A to tal of 16S Harrisburg employes on the division have been canvassed and the buyers have bought $10,500 worth of bonds. Executive Committee Named Chairman Patterson has named the following executive committee tor the loan: Spencer Gilbert. Edward Bailey, W. M. Donaldson. C. E. Covert. Rob ert A. Enders, George A. Gorgas, E. A. Heffelfinger, E. S. Herman, W. T. Hildrup, Jr., W. M. Hoerner, [Charles A. Kunkel, James P. Mc [Cullough, George W. Reily D. W. Sohn, E. J. Stackpole, E. C. Thomp son, E. Z. Wallower, and Edward E. Beidleman. Vint at Marsh Run To-day Captain Vint, the British artillery man, who received such a welcome |at the Chamber of Commerce din irier yesterday, spoke to the men at Marsh Run to-day at 12.40. Hill Departments 100 Per Cent. Among the hundred per cent, bu reaus on the Hill up to this morn ! ing Chairman Albert A. Allen re ported the following: State Live stock Sanitary Board, Bureau of Chemistry, Agricultural depart ment, Dairy and Food Bureau, De partment of State Police, Water Supply Commission and Legislative i Reference Bureau. May Do It Again It is not beyond the range of pos sibility that the Liberty troupers [may tour the north county region [ again, so warm was their reception i yesterday. They held meetings at ; Millersburg, Lykens, Williamstown and Elizabethville. There was com | munity singing at ill meetings and the crowds ranged from 1,200 at Millersburg, to 3,000 at Lykens. Dr. Bagnell scored a great hit. Miss Buttorff's solo work was very en- I joyable. Speakers were Henderson I Gilbert, Private Pebernet, who was [wounded in France; Dr. Bagnell, -James E. Lentz and others. Corporal I Roberts sang. Campaign Sidelights 1 Plunvbers' and Steamfttters", Local | No. 520, has bought $2OO worth of bonds. i Among the "hundred per cent." 'establishments in the city are the [George candy store and Victoria theater. Messrs. George gave the ! girl employes the initial payment on l-their bonds. Dr. Bagnell to-night at S speaks [at Linglestown. I The condition of Harold Linder i man,. bond salesman and Liberty i Loan worker, who is a patient at the Keystone Hospital, suffering from pneumonia, is critical. "The Hub" to-day reported "hun dre dper cent." subscriptions by em ployes. Another "hundred per cent." re port was from the inspection office oa-dnance department. Harrisburg Boiles and Manufacturing Company, under charge of Capt. D. J. Fales. American baking industries, local representatives have received a tele gram from General Pershing thank ing them for their co-operation in the work of winning the war, and saying that the army is with the baking industries in bond buying. CITIZEN COMPANY CARNIVAL Last evening the street dance and carnival of the Citizen Fire Com pany, No. 3, opened at the firehouse, Third and Cherry streets. With Pheasant >eather a large number of young folks enjoyed dancing on Third street, which was roped off for the purpose, and a good* orches tra furnished music. Ice cream, cakes and candy, and all sorts of novelties were sold in the engine room. The festival will continue until Saturday night. FIND OIL NEAR LANCASTER * Lancaster, Pa., Oct. 3. Discovery, of an apparently extensive oil field at Leaman Place, about ten miles east of this city was announced to day. after an analysis had shown that, almost pure oil ig seeping into a well *on the farm of John- Welsh. Examinations of the soil and of the water have been going on for months, and out of the little well alone, eigh teen gallons a day of the pure oil I have been taken. I Use McNeil's Pain Exterminator—Ad. 118 DIE WHEN U.S." CONVOY IS SUNK [Continued from First Pago.] of wreckage, one of the Tampa's life' belts and the bodies of two unidentified officers in uniform were found. Reports of the disaster which oo | curred just a week ago, began to reach Washington to-day as the re- I suit of private messages sent by the j Navy Department to the families of the men lost. Then the department made the following announcement; Sinks Dining Night "The Navy Department has been informed of the ioss of the U. S. S. Tampa with all the officers and men on board on September 26. off the English coast in the Bristol Channel. The reports indicate this ship was sung at night by a torpedo, while en gaged in escorting a convoy. "It is reported by other vessels of the convoy that the Tampa for some unknown reason, had gone well ahead of the convoy and that about 8.45 p. m. the shock of an explosion was felt. Two Bodies Found "The vessel which conducted the search in the vicinity found large quantities of wreckage and one of the Tampa's lifeboats. Two bodies in naval uniform, but otherwise un identified, were found. "The U. S. S. Tampa was a former coard guard cutter and was in com mand of Captain C. Satterlee of ,the coast guard. Her complement con sisted of ten officers and 102 enlisted men, and it is reported that she had on board also one British officer and five civilian employes." The Tampa was a vessel of 1,181 tons displacement, and when in the coast guard service carried a crew |of eight officers and 6 2 men. She j was built at Newport News. Va., in 1912 and assigned to the Atlantic coast with headquarters at Kev West. I Fla. Tomorrow, October 4th, We Begin Our Greatest of All Anniversary Events Commemorating the Completion of 24 Years of Business Career of Wm. Strouse, the Leader Since 1894 The entire month of October will be noted for a great, big merchandising event, a month of Exceptional Qualities and Values, a period of MONEY SAVING, which in these days of stress must appeal to every man, woman and child whose thoughts dwell on ECONOMY.' Economy is our watchword during this month. To what do you attribute the success on the Western Front? Foch is a genius and had all plans carefully mapped out before the attack was made. You plan your work, so do we. Many months ago we knew that merchandise prices were going higher, just as well as you and we know now that they are going still higher. We made the plans before the attack. Since January we have been making won derful preparations—our buyers have been continually on. the alert for the best merchandise and have bought in such large quantities they were able to get THE BEST on the market at Great Savings. We are so well prepared for the Fall season with the Highest Grades of CLOTHING, FURNISHINGS, HATS, CAPS and all Wear ing Apparel for men and boys, that we can conscientiously and truthfully say to the people of Harrisburg that they will be astonished and surprised to learn that such popular prices should prevail under the present market conditions. Look These Items Over. Think Them Over, and Come in and Let Us Show You >■ -% 24th Anniversary Boys' Suits What More Can We Do? We have just what you are looking for and the best you can get for your money. Boys' Suits of unquestionable quality that are greatly reduced for our Twenty-fourth Anniversary Month. This means more to you than we could ever explain now. Corner in and look them over. We know your judg ment will verify our statements, for the C 7 /I suits positively cannot be equaled at y) A J 1 t > 24th Anniversary Hat Specials • Every Man Knows What a Balmacaan Hat Is It is a cloth hat reinforced all through the brim and crown with rows of stitching and taped. Just the hat for a rainy day, or for work, or the car. We have all sizes which are going at the small price of vp2IUU What is a better support than a good supporter? Brighton single-grip garters are known all over the world as being good supporters. Extra special 1 A only 1 v/C WM. STROUSE AK S" HARRISBURG iLfljjjftl TELEGRAPH GERMANS FLEE IN HASTE FROM LILLE By Associated Press *■ Paris, Oct. 3.—The Matin an nounces that the Germans are evacuating Llllo and that the commander there lias requisition ed all means of transportation, even wheelbarrows and baskets, to take away the booty. The newspaper adds that the evacua tion of the townspeople* to liel gtan towns near the German bor der Is being pursued hastily. A dispatch from the Dutch border asserts that the German Governor General til Belgium has given secret Instructions to the Governors of the provinces to send hastily all German arch ives to Brussels. Allied aviators linve flown OTer Brussels dropping thousands of pamphlets telling the public to have u little more patience that their hour of liberation is near. PRINCE OF BADEN IS IMPERIAL CHANCELLOR [Continued from First Page.] November 1, 1917, he was put for ward as the moderates' candidate for the chancellorship. His name, however, did not go before the em peror as Prince Maximilian objected for dynastic reasons. At that time there were vague rumors concerning Prince Maximilian to the effect that in moderate circles there was under way a movement having for Its ultimate objective the dethronement of Emperor William and the choice of Prince Maximilian as his successor. These rumors, hok-ever. were never confirmed, al though there seemed to be some foun dation forjthera. In his book. 'My Four .Years in Germany," former Ambassador James W. Gerard paid a tribute to Princq HELP STOP THE BARBARIA NS—BUY MORE BONDS WM STROUSE • i New Store Hours, Open 9 a. m. Close 5.30 p. m. Saturday Open 9 a. m. Close 9 p. m * 1 24th Anniversary Furnishings Specials Union means no separation. Some men have trouble with their underwear let us save you time, money and expense. Buy a heavy Spring Needle Union Suit. Exceptional If ~ $2.50 Maximilian and cxpresaed admira tion for him. Ho said that Prince Maximilian had been considered as the man to be placed at the head of a central department for prisoners of war In Germany and stated that It was his belief that such an appoint ment would have redounded to the benefit of both German}' and the prisoners placed In his charge. Early In the present year Prince Maximilian gave a seml-otllclal In terview In which he outlined Wis views on Germany's peace terms. His statement was a rude shock to tlfe pan-German In that he advocated the abandonment of all Ideas of con quest. He advocated an Anglo-Sax on peace. In the sense that the Ger man empire serve as a bulwark In protecting the western nations from the spread of Kussian Bolshe vikism. Prince Maximilian's wife was for merly Marie Loulae, duchess of prunswick-Lunebourg. and bears the title of Princess Royal of Great Bri tain and Ireland. Fortna Regains Lead in War Stamp Sale R. K. Fortna, Indefatigable W. S. S. salesman, is back in the lead of Harrlsburg mail carriers who 'are contesting- for the William Jd. Don aldson prize which goes to the car rier selling the most stamps. The sales of the carriers for the week ending last Saturday are announced as follows: - R. K. Fortna, $19,080.12; G. A. Holling<jr. $18,769.55; J. A. Geiger, $15,772.38; E. R. Gault, $13,238.34; C. W. Cless. $13,079.76: G. L. Eber sole, $10,679.59; T. C. Carpenter, $10,046.65: Charles A. Fortna. $9,- 943.36; Charles E. Rea, $9,706.02; George R. Prltchard, $8,560; G. L. Ehler, $7,943.48; William W- Dum, $7,867.92; W.'R. Manley, $7,598.49; John A. Snyder. $7,015.78: R. H. Weaver, $6,713.66; H. C. Jordan, $6,- 479.52; H. C. Young, $5,948.21; R. C. Weistling, $5,820.81; W. B. Berry. $5,237 52; E. W. Walton. $5,192.83; G. P. Satchell, $4,99 8.35; William H. / ' ■ ' ' 24th Anniversary Clothing Specials For Men Here's Good News I lrl\k 111 Wh > a ' : Will Interest You Men! ■■ f f A M \ |||| pl| Wc have an abundant supply of HIGH GRADE OVERCOATS and we have decided to START ALL OF HARRISBURG talking * . about these wonderful values. _ $16.75 Buys the best Overcoat shown in Harrisburg; all sizes up to 42. Just ithink what this means to you under the present conditions, but we feel jus- C tified in doing this, and we want you to just come in and look at,them, ar*'" Then and only then will you appreciate such values as these. Don't hesi 'Jll / tate, but come early. Don't forget to ask to see these overcoats at $16.75. ' ** means the most wonderful saving to you. L - An Excellent Opportunity For Early Christmas Shoppers \ Why buy a flimsy silk shirt when you can get a genuine Broadcloth Silk Shirt that will stand the test and always look right? The most aston ss.oo Bond. Jr., 14,747.89; John A. Haas, $4,552.51; H. O. Brady, $4,434.1!.': A. -W. Wagner. $4,326.17; Amos H. Sto ver. $4,159.91; J. W, Naylor. $3.- 886.68; D. P. Dougherty, $3,776.10; J. G. Laverty, $3,715.33; S. W. War den, $3,581.4"; P. M. Keen, $3,522.09; John H. Kurtz, $3,482.24; G. W. Hwt ler, $3,136.87; T. B. Stouffer, $2,- 901.11; J. E. Beatty, $2,869.77; C. B. Bufflngton, $2,777.29; W. 8. Hack man. $1,667.22; A. C. Rtneer, $l,- 136.97; J. A. Chrlstman, R. D., 2, $578.58; A N. t>lrich, R. D. 3, $484.62; O. L. T. Hohenshlldt, $464.81 ; -Joseph G. Popel. $296.75; W. J. Stonor, $124.81; L. X. Herman. R. D. 1, $78.18; F\ D. Kcrchnor. $94.90; J. W. Bates. $60.03; F. F. Bruker, H. D. 4, $58.86; H. G. Dy blie, $56.93. PERSHING ENCOURAGES BAKERS IN LOAN DRIVE A reply v came direct from General Pershing this morning to the bakers of Harrisblurg wkho were active In j co-operating with the national mes j sage' sent to the American Com | mander, and which explained how the I bakers of America are engaged In a I great Pershing Drive on the Fourth Liberty Loan. All branches of the Dyspeptics Can Eat What They Like If They Take Bi-nesia Ton can eat what you like If you take Bi-nesla. Make this test: Kat a hearty meal of the good things that usually disagree with you. then take two or three Hl-neala Tablets. If you aren't astonished and delighted, you can have your money back for the i asking. Get a 50c bottle to-day from J Geo. A. Gorgas or any other good j druggist; use as directed, and you will soon be telling your friends how you got rid of indigestion. Remember the |name — 81-neslu —the indigestion rem edy that costs nothing if it falls. ,A big Jumbo Knit Sweater. The kind that will have noth ing to do with an overcoat, but is an overcoat in itself. Wool and cotton mixed, made with a shawl collar. A big bargain O QC at PLiOO OCTOBER 3, # 19t8. business have been organized. The Na tional Biscuit Company has donated the services of Its whole organization, including 2.000 salesmen. To this. General Pershln grespond ed by cablel "The American Army In UNIVERSITY OF Wharton School PENNSYLVANIA of If Not Enrolled in Military Service— Foil Owe This to Yourself First, that you prepare for more efficient service, be it governmental, industrial or commercial. Second, that you equip yourself more fully to grasp the greater opportunities and responsibilities opening to you. Wharton trained men and women are everywhere meeting the demands of business for efficiency, initi ative and foresight. Quicker advancement, increased financial opportunities and your employer's confi dence become immediate assets. Courses for men and women are offered in— Accounting Advertising and Selling Moneg and Banking Government Regulation Commercial Lata ' Insurance # Registration every evening "except Saturday, 7-8. Sessions begin Oct. 7. For bulletins or further Information Chamber of Commerce, 24th Anniversary Boys' Specials One &reat big lot of Sweat ers for your boy to choose from at the greatest values ever offerfcd assorted col ors and sizes. A sweater everyboy $l.OO France Is with the American baklnf Industries wholeheartedly In thai t Fourth Liberty Loan Drive. Joint cor operation is the most Important facial in winning the war, and with It sua cess is assured," Here they are boys a Blouse Waist that will not fade or run when they are t washed. They are cut extra large and are going 00 £
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers