14 CHURCH WOMEN AT TOP SPEED IN GATHERING Mrs. Robert Bagncll Succeeds Miss Lodge as President of Methodist Body Important business was trans acted this morning by the Philadel phia branch of the Woman's For eign Missionary Society of the Meth odist Episcopal Church, which is holding a four-day meeting in the Fifth Street Church. The speed with which the different items on the program were disposed of evoked the admiration of a city of ficial present and brought from him tho observation thut so big a pro gram, involving the election of new officers and other important mat ters, "couldn't be done" without much lengthy ado. not to mention other glaring ways of carrying elec- j tions and doing things in political bodies. 51 rs. H. C. Sheaffer, chairman of the nominating committee, who facetiously reminded the delegates to the meeting what was expected of them by the "city official" in the course of the election, speeded up this part of the program in retalia- I tion for the "slander," with the fol lowing results which were achieved in record time and without "graft:" All the officers of last .year of im portance, with the exception of president, were re-elected. These j are: Mrs. Bagncll New President i President, Mrs. Robert Bagnell, I Harrisburg; vice-presidents, Mrs. Cyrus D. Foss, Philadelphia; 51rs. | Joseph F. Berry, Philadelphia; cor- I responding secretary. Miss C. J. i Carnahan, Pittsburgh; assistant cor- i responding secretary, Miss J. H. | Knox, Pittsburgh; secretary of Home Department. Miss Susan C. j Lodge, Philadelphia; recording see- : retary, Mrs. W. T. Cooper, Lans rtowne, Pa.; treasurer, Mrs. Curtis Sooy, Philadelphia; superintendent of Young People's Work, Mrs. H. H. Campbell, Holly Oak, Del.; su- j perintendent of Children's Work, 1 Miss Ina Wilhelm, Holly Oak, Del.; j editor of quarterly, Mrs. H. C. Sheaffer, Wlconiseo, Pa.; secretary I of literature, Mrs. Emma F. Shilling, j Wilmington, Del.; secretary of spe- I cial work, Miss Helen R. Pershing. | Wilkinsburg, Pa.; students' secre tary, Mrs. O. P. Akers, Meadvllle, Pa.; secretary of tithing, Mrs. L. L. • Swisher, Warren, Pa.; secretary of extension work. Miss Emma Becker, Lebanon; secretary of interdenomi national work. Mrs. Thomas 11. Alexander. Claymont, Del.; secre tary of publicity, Mrs. Charles H. Newing, Wilkes-Barre; auditor, Frank A. Sorber, Philadelphia. But Ouo Change in Leaders Miss Susan C. Lodge, who has had the distinction of being the society's president for many years past, re signed, Mrs. Bagnell being elected to this office. It was the only Im portant change in the personnel of the officers made at the meeting to day. Next in importance on the busi ness program this morning was the election of delegates to represent the Philadelphia branch at the general executive meeting of'the society to he held in Cleveland October 31 to November 5. These were decided upon as follows: Miss Catherine S. Maxwell, Cham bersburg. Pa.; Mrs. 11. H. Campbell, Holly Oak, Del.; alternate delegates elected wede: Mrs. C. 51. Olmsted, of Kingston, Pa., and Mrs. N. W. Nolen, of Pittsburgh. slcet in Altoona in 1010 By an unanimous vote of the members, Altoona was chosen as the next meeting place of the Phila delphia branch of the society. This will occur In 1919. 51any of the papers scheduled to . be read at the morning session were put over until this afternoon, but the few which were read were of vital interest to members and au ditors alike. Mrs. Curtis Sooy, branch secre tary of extension, read a paper on "Seed in Good Ground," describing and interpreting the work done among women in the home and else where, who, owing to invalidism, duties of motherhood or other rea- | sons are kept from regular church j attendance. Invariably such as | these are kept on the "inside i track" of things religious during their forced stay indoors with the result that when they emerge upon the spiritual life of the church proper they find themselves not a whit behind their more fortunate communicants. In the group of reports made this morning three missionary eandi- | dates were introduced and two an- j nounced. The former were sliss | Elizabeth Kilburn, Miss Emma E. , Donohugh and Miss Hazel Work- j man. ' The latter were 51iss Ruth j Dansom and Miss Frances Vander- | grift. Bishop's Wife on Program To-night The feature of the meeting this evening will he the address of Mrs. j William Frazier McDowell, wife of 1 Bishop McDowell. "The Queen of the j Treasure Garden" is the topic of this j speaker. slrs. Robert Bagnell, the j newly-electetl president, will preside to-night. Soldiers in South May Form Beidleman Club The Harrisburg Republican Club ' has received a letter from First Lieu- j tenant Thomas P. Moran. at Galves- | ton. Texas, in which he says he hopes i to get home to vote. "I am anxious I to get leave of absence to vote for j Senator Beidleman for Lieutenant j Governor," he adds. "Ithink every j citizen of Harrisburg should give I the Senator a complimentary vote, | for. he will be a credit to Harrisburg ana every citizen should feel proud j to know that one of the city's native ' sons is to hold next to the highest i office in the state of Pennsylvania, a j gift of the people of the greatest state in the union. "The Pennsylvania boys In this vicinity want to forth a Beidleman club but our duties are so divided we would have to have four meet ings a week so that all could at tend." TO OPPOSE EVANS' DEMAND FOB NEW TRIAL Much Interest has developed In legal circles In the city because of the efforts being made by attorneys for William Evans, colored, to get ,a third trial for the condemned 'man. Assistant District Attbrney Frank B. Wtckershani. who, han dled the prosecution of the murder case at both the first and second trial, was successful In securing ver dicts of murder In the first degree. William H. Earnest and Thomas C McCarrell, attorneys for Evans said they will he prepared to argue their motion for a new trial as soon as Judge A. w. Johnson, who was specially presiding in court, will come to the city. Mr. Wickersham will oppose the motion. THURSDAY EVENING, ; MARKETS , _ *HW YORK STOCK* I Chandler Brother* and Company, j members of Now York and Philadel phia Stock Exchange*—3 North Mar- I ket Square. Harrisburg; 338 Chestnut j street, Philadelphia; 34 Pine street, i New York—furnish the fallowing I quotations: Open. Noon. | Allis Chalmers 28% 23% American Can 44% 44 Am Car and Foundry .. . 85 35% Amer Loco 66% 66 Amer Smelting 77% 77% American Sugar 108% 108% Amer Woolens 53% 53% Anaconda 70 70% Atchison 86% 86% i Baldwin Locomotive .... 85% 85% | Baltimore and Ohio .... 53% 53% j Bethlehem Steel 75 74% Butte Copper 25 25 j Canadian l'acilic 166% 166% I Central Leather 70 70% Col Fuel and Iron ....... 44 43% Corn Products 43% 43% Crucible Steel 61% 60 Distilling Securities .... 49 48% I Erie 15% 15% j General Motors ......... 123% 123% i Goodrich B F 50 51% | Great Northern Ore .subs 20% 20% Hide and Leather 18% 18% j Hide and LeathcT pfd ... 90 90 Inspiration Copper 55% 55% i International Paper .... 35 35 : Kennecott 33% 34% Lackawanna Steel 80 80 | Lehigh Valley 60 60 : Maxwell Motors 30 3u% I.Merc War Ctfs - 27% 27% ; Merc War Ctfs pfd 107 107% | Mex Petroleum 121 119% I Miami Copper 28 28 Midvale Steel 50% 50% jXY N H and H 40% 40% Northern Pacific 88% 88% | Pennsylvania Railroad . 43% 43% Pittsburgh Coal 50% 50 Railway Steel Spg 67% 67% Ray Con Copper 23% 24 Heading 89 88% Republic iron and Steel . 90% 89% Southern Pacific 88% 88% Southern Ry 28 28 Studebaker 57% 57% Union Pacific 127 " 126% U S 1 Alcohol 108% 109 U S Rubber 62% 62% U S Steel 109% 109% U S Steel pfd 110% 110% Utah Copper 84 84 Virginia-Carolina Chem .55 55 Westinghouse Mfg 43% 43% Willys-Overland 21% 20% I*llll. AIIF.I.I'II I t STOCKS By Associated Pi ess Philadelphia, Oct. 3. Wheat No. 1, soil. leu. 32.25; .So. 2. red. $2.24; No. 2. soft. led. $2.22. Bran The market is steady; soft ] winter, per tun. $46.50@47.00; spriug 1 per ton. $44.01)045.00. Corn The market is dull; No. 2. j yellow, as to grade and location, $1.60®/1.75; No. 3 yellow, $1.60®1.75. i Oats The market is steady; No. 2, white, 81%®. 82c; No. 3, .white, i 80® 81c. Butter The market is lower; western, creamery, extras, 61t; nea--! by prints, fancy, 66@6Sc. Eggs—Market steady a Pennsylvania anu uihei nearby m.-is, nee cases. 315.90® 16.20 per case; do., current re- ! ceipts, free cases, $16.30®1a.60; per l case; western, extras, lirsts, free casus j $15.90® 16.20 per casej do.. Ilrsts, free I cases, $16.30® 15.60 per case; fancy, : selected, packed, 58®60c per dozen. Cheese The market Is higher; : iY4 w^Ao' rk and Wisconsin, full milk, j 31 % @ 33c. lien lieu Sugars Market steady ! powdered. 8.45 c; extra tine granulut- I ed. 7.25 c. Live Poultry—The market Is steady; I fowls, not leghorns. 30@40c; fowls,: leghorns, 25®28c; young softmeated j roosters. 24®25c; young, stuggy roost- i ers, 24@25c; old roosters, 24®25c; 1 spring chickens, not leghorns. 27® 3-lc' ' leghorns. 25@28c; ducks. Peking. | spring. 32@34e; d0.,01d.80,i32c; Indian Runner, 28@30c; spring ducks. Long Island. i.u®37c; turkeys, 37@350; I geese, nearby, 26®26e; western. 23® i 26c. " 1 Dressed Poultry Steady; turkeys I nearby, choice to T QS UC uu ' i fair to good, 32@37c; do., old. 37®3Sc" do., western, choice to fancy. 37@38c-' do., fair to good, 32@36c; do., old lorn* S 30c; old, common, 30c; fresh killed fowls, fancy. 37%®38c; do., smaller sizes.33®3ic; old roosters.2B%c; spring ducks. Long Island, 38® 39c; frozen lowls, fancy, 36fq/3a%c; do., good to choice, 32@34c; dt., small sizes. 28® 30c; dressed Pekin ducks higher. 34® 36c; old. 30@32c; Indian Runners, 27® 27% c: broiling chickens, western. 38® 40c; roasting chickens, large. 35@36c roasting chickens, medium. 30@34 c ' Potatoes The market Is firm- I New Jersey. No. 1. sl.oo®lls' per basket; do.. No. 2. 6u®76c| per basket; do.. 150-lb. bags. No 1 I $2.65®3.00, extra quality; do.. No 2 I sl.oo® 2.25, Pennsylvania. 100 lbs''! $1.30®1.65; New York, old. per 100 lbs ' ' $1.55® 1.75; western, per 100 lbs. $1 25 I ® 1.55; Maine, per 100 lbs.. $1.60® I.80; Delaware and Maryland, per ion I lbs.. 90c®$1.10; Michigan, per 100 lb $1.50® 1.70; Florida, per barrel" $2.00@4.00; . lorlJa. per bushel' ' liamper. 75@S5c; Florida, per 150-tb' bags, $1.50@3.00; North Carolina per barrel. $1.50@4.00; South Carolina ner i barrel. $1.50®4.00; Norfolk, per bar- i rel. 52.n0®4.<5; Eastern Shore ner I barrel. $3.00®5.00. . yer j Flour Dull: 'nfer wheat, new I 100 per cent. Hour, $10.00@10.30 perl barrel; Kansas wiijeat, new. $lO 7s® 11.10 per barrel; W.ring wheat "new $10.75011.10. Hay Market firm; timothy No. 1. large and small bales. $36 00® 37.00 per ton; No. 2. small bales. $34 00 @35.00 per ton; No. 3. $28.00@32.00 per tun; sample. $12,503' i.. fto per ton; no grade. $7.50011.50 per ton. Clover Light mixed. $32.00® 34.00 per ton; No. 1. light, mixed $32.00032.50 per ton; No. 2. light mix ed. $28.00033.00 per ton; no .grade $!8.0(i®20.00 per ton. Tallow The market Is firm' prime, city, in tierces. 18c; city special, loose. lS%c; prime counfrv 17% c; dark. 16@16%c; edible, in tierces. 20@20%c. CHICAGO CATTLE Chicago. Qct. 3. (IT. S. Bureau of Markets). Hogs Receipts. 29.000; market generally 25c lower than yesterday's average. Butchers, Sl9 no® 19.40; light. $18.76® 19.25: packing. $17.90® 18.75; rough. $14.35® 17.75; pigs, good to choice, $17.00® 18.00. Cattle Receipts. 15.000; steers steady; butchers' and canners' stock 10c to 15c higher; calves strong to 25c higher. Sheep Receipts, 42.000;* market slow to lower. CHICAGO no A JU> OF TRADE Br Assoriated Press Chicago. Oct. 3.—Board of Trade closing: y Corn November, 1.29%; DecelYiber. 1.96% . Onts November, 69; December, 69%.. cork October, 36.30; November. 36.80. Lord October, 26.65; November, 25.70. P'hs Octoher, 22.65; November. 22.60. 2.400 Wanted For Mechanical Training Stte draft headquarters was to day called upon hy the "War Depart ment to se id 2.490 white men quali fied for general military service and with n grammar school educatlpn to State College. Carnegie Institute of Technology at Pittsburgh and the University of Pittsburgh for special mechanical training. The men are t • b entrained October 15 and the period for voluntary induction will clove October 12. Fifteen hundred men are to fro to the University of Pittsburgh and 490 to Carnegie for U-aining In aut( niechanlcs. while 500 are to go to Btate College for general mechanical training for the Armv. Registrants of September will be admitted to these calls. LENS IS TAKEN BY BRITISH IN ADVANCE tContinued Fronl Pngg Oue.j istic elements of tho empire may gather In an effort to bring about a negotiated peace. German Lines Give Way With their lines broken in many places from the North 6ea to Verdun the Germans are beginning to retreat at many points along the battle line. Outflanked and imperiled by the advance of the Anglo-Belgian armies east of Ypres, the enemy now is rap idly retiring from the La Basse sector. It is reported that Mciiln and Roulers are burning, that the Belgians are within two miles of Turcoing and that Lille is being emptied of its civilian popu lation. • Around St. Quentin the fighting still continues in mostly rear guard engagements. Retreat Before Bertholet'B Army Near Rheims, the Germans are retreating before General Bertholet's army. In Champagne, the enemy slowly is giving ground as General Gouraud moves northward; f In the Belgian sector the enemy's situation apparently is most critical. Their retirement from La Bassee apparently necessitates abandonment of the district of Lens, to which the Germans have desperately clung. Move Heavy Guns Off Coast The Germans are reported to be moving their heavy guns back from the western Flanders coast, and rumors from Holland says the whole ooast may be evacuated. British, American and French forces apparently have broken the Hindenburg line between Le Catelet and St. Quentin. They are across the Somme rivers which was the strongest line of de fense in this sector. North of Rheims the French have carried the hill positions preparatory to pushing forward across the lowlands east of the Aisne canal. Hard Fighting in Two Sectors In the Champagne and the Argonne the French and Americans are fighting hard and progress seems to be very slow. The drive north of Rheims is closely related to that near Verdun. With Damascus lost to the British, Turkey again is reported to have unofficially approached the Allies with proposals for an armistice. Austria Clamors For Peace In Austria the demand for peace is assuming a more definite phase. Baron Von liussarek, the Austrian premier, in an address before the lower house cf parliament expressed belief that efforts to end the war would be continued by Austria. Fourth Loan Sales Pass Half Billion Mark With Nation That Far Behind By Associated Press Washington, Oct. 3, Liberty •Bond sales have passed tjie half Dil | lion dollar mark but the country still is nearly that amount behind sched ule for the first four days of the cam j paign. In addition to the half billion offi cially tabulated, however, Treasury j reports show many millions of dol t lurs' worth of bonds have been sold but not yet reported to banks. if will take two or three days to round up these reports and by Saturday loan headquarters here expects to have figures which will fairly repre sent subscriptions up to that time. State Police Work For Co-operation Plans whereby the State Policemen In various districts will get into closer co-operation with county, city and borough authorities, were inaugu rated yesterday af Pottsville. The officials, including district attorneys and police officers, were guests of the State Policemen at luncheon, and then shown the film, "Keeping Fit." Addresses were made by Captain L. F. Pitcher, the deputy superintendent, and various officers, and a basis of mutual help established. The film will be shown and a similar meeting held at Wyoming, in Luzerne county, on Saturday. The plan of the policemen will meet with general favor throughout the state and bring about closer co-opera tion for government and local work. Ilenton 1.. UCNII WIIM to-ilny appoint ed justice of the peace for Washing ton township, York county, and Ed ward sloore for Scottdale. DeWitt C. Parkinson was appointed alderman for the First ward of Monongahela. T.| .1. MeMnbon, of Montrose, was to-day appointed superintendent of State Police for Susquehanna county. Tlie Iteynolilsvllle Chamber of Com merce to-day filed complaints with the Public Service Commission against the rates and service of the Jefferson Electric Company. , Firearms seized by the State Game Commission officers and State Police men for violations of the allien gun and other state laws and sold by the commission are not taxable l>y the Federal government, according to an opinion given to-day by the Attorney General's office to Dr. Joseph Kalbfus, secretary of the Game Commission. Hugh A. Dnnson, representative from Scranton, and Itobert P. Silvei'- stein, secretary of the Scranton dis strict appgal board, were here to-day. slr. Dawson is on his way to camp to see his brother. He has four brothers in-law in service, too. PUTS fnn.ooo IN BONDS The Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, through its local represen tative, John Heathcote, has bought $15,000 worth om bonds through the Harrisburg district. This company has sold $107,000 worth of Thrift Stamps In this vicinity through it agents. Freedom Leads the Way lelajrjrisbttrg tslbgrslph! Letters Are Received From Corporal Listed as Missing Corporal Frederick DeWltt Stief fer, 222 Briggs street, named in re cent War Department casualty lists as missing in action, is wounded and in a hospital in France according to advices received from him by his family. According to communica tions from the War department ho was missing in action since August 7. Throe letters have hecn received from the corporal since that time. The first dated August 11, said he was all right, the second and third advised that he was wounded and in a hospital but the location was not disclosed. Corporal Stieffer is a brother-in law of Lieutenant "Jim" Long and is widely know nhere. Lieut. Von Bereghy Is Wounded in Action Lieutenant 51arcel von Bereghy, of Company F, 111 th Infantry, lias been severely injured, according to a mes sage received in Lebanon by his wife, who before her marriage' November 10 last was sliss Beatrice Focht, of Lebanon. Lieutenant von Bereghy is twenty-five years old and the son of Julius von Bereghy, of Harrisburg. While a student at Harrisburg Tech nical High School and at Lebanon Valley College, of both of which in stitutions he is a graduate. Lieuten ant von' Bereghy won scholastic and athletic honors. Kesher Israel Organizes Red Cross Auxiliary Four hundred dollars and twenty sewing machines were contributed to the new Jewish Red Cross auxil iary at the first meeting held last night in Kesher Israel Synagogue. The entire first floor of the synago gue will be used by the workers on Monday and Wednesday evenings. Misrf* slary Friedberg was elected rs chairman; Miss Mary Cooper, vice-chairman; Miss Bessie Kerson. secretary, and Mrs. Joseph Silber man, treasurer. WARNS STUBBORN OBJECTOR New Vork, Oct. 3.—Professor Wil liam G. Markuette, associate pro fessor of botany at* Columbia Uni versity, a conscientious objector, was arraigned yesterday for the second time in Federal Court here, on the charge of "wilfully neglecting" to register for the last draft. Judge Clayton said to him: "I want you to remember that I sent a man to jail for six months a few days ago for failing to register. Pray that the Lord may give you ilight and knowledge to see your mis take." Speedier Freight Hauls Please Regional Chief Harrlsburg freight men have been advised that Regional Dliector Us H. Marhham is pleased with the Im petus given the movement of freight trains over the Philadelphia and Middle Divisions of the Pennsylvania Railroad, The efforts of the officials to speed up so that shipments in tended for the prosecution of the war should move promptly to sea board, together with a desire to de liver coal shipments throughout the United States are meeting with suc cess, Mr. Markham udvlses, Gen eral Superintendent Joseph H, Oum bes quotes the regional director as saying! "I have had grcAt pleasure in noting reports showhig the move ment over tho various divisions for four consecutive days, over tho 7,000 mark, and 1 congratulate you und your organization on the good re sults obtained from your efforts to tnerenso handling of traffic over the main line, which is after all the key to tho situation and In a large way determines the efficiency of the Pennsylvania Railroad." Superintendent Johnson, of the Middle Division, announced that 7,838 cars were handled on that division Tuesday, 6,780 being past Denholnt and 1,072 Interchanged with Tyrone Division. Much diffi culty was due to bad engines, which ho declares ure enemies. Yesterday 7,657 cars wero moved on tho same division. Past Den holnt 6,591 were handled and with Tyrone Division a total of 1,066 wero Interchanged. RETURNS TO PKNXSY STAFF Having received a release from the United States Army, in which he held a commission as colonel, Horace C. Booz has been appointed corporate engineer of the Pennsyl vania Railroad. He was assistant chief engineer when sent to France at the request of Vice-President W. W. Atterbury, having been granted leave of absence to become a mem ber of Mr. Atterbury's staff as en gineer of construction in charge of port and transportation facilities required for American troops, their munitions and supplies. Railroad Notes A wrec koccurred on the Penn sylvania Railroad at Hyde's Grade, a short distance south of York, last evening, When a truck of a car on a freight train going west broke and threw the car off the track. The York wrec.king crew was called out to repair the damage. Mrs. Susan M. Miller died sud denly of diabetes and general com plication of diseases at the Altoona passenger station. Mrs. Miller was on her way to attend the funeral of an une'e, Eugene Price, Port Ma tilda, when she took seriously ill. Assistant Supervisor A. W* Duke, of the Middle Division, has gone to Wiiliamsport on business. When his brakestick slipped and caused him to fall, Charles Gen samer, an . Altoona Pennsy yard brakeman, suffered fractures of his third and fourth left ribs yesterday morning and was taken to Altoona hospital. Mars Still Is Evening Star; Moves Eastward I The planet Mars is still visible as an evening star, but is quite low in the southwestern sky. • It is moving | eastward and "will soon pass to the | northward of the bright star An (tares in Scorpio. On October 9 it jwill be near the melon. Jupiter is in the constellation Gemini, as we have I already seen. The position of in conspicuous Uranus is noted on the I map. The other planets are either morning stars, or in any case too near the sun for observation. As we have enjoyed the "Harvest Moon" during September, coming as the full moon nearest to the equi nox, so we shall in a less degree have the October evenings made pleas antqr by the "Hunter's Moon," I which is always the full moon fol lowing the "Harvest Moon." At this time of the year the moon comes to the full when traversing the portion of its path which lies nearly parallel with the eastern horizon, as it arises.! Thus the moon seems to skim along! the eastern horizon, rising only a I little later from night to night, and so gives us the numerous moonlight evenings. MAJOR GUN KRAI, IRKI.ANI) 1 TO RK SURGKON GENERAL By Associated Press • Washington, Oct. 3.—Major Gen eral Merritte W. Ireland, medical corps, was to-day nominated by Pres ident Wilson to be surgeon general of the Army for the period of four years beginning October 4,- 1918, vice Major General William C. Gor gas to be retired on Oetqber 5, 1918. INFLUENZA AND f , PNEUMONIA SPREADS tContinued from First Page.] l! attack of Irtfluenzfb His condition la hot Serious iljjtheritleS Pepqrted una ies Slightly .improved to-fJayi Qr'i Wiener has been confined there for the last few flays; ' In Serious CoiKlltlou Of the cases among the patients, one was reported this morning to be serious, Charles Sterks, aged 47, 8 4 Locust Grove, Steel ton, who was admitted yesterday, Is seriously 111 with pneumonia, developed from Spanish Influenza, All Vllstlng In the wards of the hospital has been suspended indefi nitely to prevent the spread of the disease. Only the immediate fami lies of patients In private wards are allowed to visit the hospital, Colds Widely Prevalent Other hospitals here report Span ish. Influenza and pneumontu eases. Colds are widely prevalent In the city. A number of deaths from pneu monia have been reported here. Sergeant Grover W, Stuhr, Five Hun dred aVid Third Aero Construction Squadron, stationed at tho Aviation Supply Depot, Middletown, died at 1.86 o'clock this morning of pneu monia. Ho had boon 111 übout a wook. His body has been sent to his home In Mtnden, lowa. . Die In' Camps A telegram received this morning informed Mr. and Mrs. William Ar nold, Middletown, of tho death from Spanish Influenza of their son, James Arnold, at Camp Lee, Peters burg, Va. He was 23 years old, and left for camp In June. He was well known both In Harrlsburg and Mid dlet'own. He Is survived by a brother, William Arnold, of Middletown, and two sisters, Mrs. Churlcs O. Obcr bear, of Columbia, und Miss Kath arine Arnold, who Is living at homo. Another local boy who died In camp woa Harry llrowcr Hoagland, aged 27, who died yesterday at Camp Colt, Gettysburg, after a short ill ness. The body will be brought from Gettysburg to-day to the home of his aunts, the Misses Hoagland, 1401 North Front street, where tho fu neral services will be held Saturday afternoon at 2 o'ciock, with the Rev. Rollln A, Sawyer, of the St. Stephen's Eplscopul Church, officiating. Rurlal will be In tho East Harrlsburg Ceme tery. Hoagland enlisted In the State College mechanical corps July 15. Mr. Hoagland is survived by his father and a sister in California and a sister in Pittsburgh. He was grad uated from Central High School In 1911 and had a wide acquaintance. May Resort to Quarantine City health department ottlciuls are awaiting notification from the State Department of Health which will require all physicians in Harris burg to report at once to the bu reau all cases of Spanish influenza, or grip. Dr. J. M. J. Raunick, city health officer, said that a number of doctors are already making re ports of all their cases and urges other physicians not doing so to communicate with the bureau at once. Dr. Raunick is of the belief that unless tho epidemic is soon checked drastic quarantine measures may be necessary such as are now In force in other cities where schools, theat ers, churches and all other public meeting places are closed. There is no indication yet that such a step is necessary in Harrisburg he said, but if reports from physicians show an alarming spread of the disease which has already caused many deaths when it developed into pneumonia, then health officials declared they will issue the quarantine order. Warning Is Issued • Dr. Raunick has issued a warning to everyone In the city to avoid large crowds and has requested that any p(*on who sneezdlj or coughs while in public or at home should use prop er care in preventing a spread of in fluenza germs. "Use handkerchief, or better than that, paper napkins if at home, then burn them," is Dr. Raunick's advice. "The best preventative is the use of o good nose and throat antiseptic to kill the germs. Plenty of sunlight, fresh air, keep windows open at night and plenty of cover on beds, use proper care in rapid changes of temperature from warm buildings to the open air, do not get into large crowds, and do not get too close to members of the family who may be sneezing or coughing—all of these precautions will prove a big aid in stopping a spread of the disease. "Physicians should report cases they arc treating at once. It is high ly important that the city health authorities keep a close watch on the number of cases developing so that they can determine with what degree of rapidity the influenza, or grip, is spreading. Unless everyone co operates in this manner there will be difficulty in checking the contagion and drastic measures may result. "The deaths from pneumonia which are being reported seem to in dicate that in a number of cases persons first become victims of in fluenza, and that other minor afflic tions follow rapidly developing into a serious condition often of such a nature that it can not be checked in time and results fatally." While there are no complete re ports at the health office Dr. Raunick said that from communications from physicians there is no doubt that the affliction is still spreading. i Archbishop Wanted to Lie With People St. Paul. Minn.—Archbishop John Ireland was buried Wednesday in Calvary Cemetery here in compli ance with his wish. The Rev. Thomas Welsh, secretary to the Prelate, ex plained that the body would not be placed in the Cathedral crypt. Father Welsh said- the dying Archbishop had said to him: "Let me lie out there with my people under the green sod of Cal vary.," Hundreds of telegrams and cable messages from many parts of the world paying honor to the memory and achievements of the Archbishop were received at his home. For three days Archbishop Ire land's physicians had kept their pa tient alive by the use of oxygen. Wheq the final relapse came, in the darkened room, priests and nuns! softly chanted prayers for the dying. The end came without a perceptible i sign. The Archbishop's sister, Mother i Superior Seiaphlne; Sister Rose; I Father Thomas A. Welsh, the Arch-! bishop's secretary; Vicar General J. C. Ryrne and Bishop Joseph Busoh, I of St. Cleud, were kneeling beside! the bed. Cleveland, Ohio. Oct. 3.—More than 20 workmen were killed and that many more were injured this morning j when a Pennsylvania flier smashed Into a crowd of workmen from the ! Interstate Foundry Company at Bed- ! ford, Ohio, ten miles south of here. | while the then were waiting on the tracks for a work train. Ten am bulances and a dosen physicians have .been sent to the scene. OCTOBER 3, 1918, Deaths end Funerals MRS. ANNA SHOOP Mrs. Anna Sheep, wife of Ohqrles Shoop, died At her late heme, i9OB State Street, 'faesday' evening After a long Illness, She Was Aged SS years, She is survived by her husband, one daughter, dune Shoop, her parents Mr, and Mrs, Frank 1, Sehrelner, one sister, Elisabeth and two brothers, Harry, of New Cumberland, and Frank, of WUUamstown. Funeral services on Friday after noon at 2 o'clock at her late resi dence, the Rev. Mr, Rhodes officiating, Injerment at Shoop's cemetery, Rela tives and friends are invited to at tend without further notice, KUIVARU Y, SNYDER Funeral services for Edward Yod er Snyder, well-known bandnian, who died Tuesday night, will be held at Reformed Salem Church, Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The Rev, Ellis N, Kremer will officiate, Mr, Snyder lived at 320 Chestnut street. As a member of the Zembo Temple band and the Majestic theater or chestra he was widely known here. SAMUEL, K. OH,BERT Samuel E. Gilbert, nged 33 years, died yesterday after a brief illness at his home, 1123 Wallace street. Fu neral services will be held Monday morning at 9 ©"clock. The body will be taken to I'addletown, York county, by Hoover and Son, undertakers and burial will, be made there. Mr. Gil bert was a heater at the Harrlsburg Pipe and Pipe Bending Company plant. He was a member of the Eagles and of the Modern Woodmen of the World. Surviving him are his wife, Maria; and daughters, Fairy, Ruth, Mary, Annie and Violet; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Gil bert, and brothers, Milton, Daniel, William and two sisters, Martha and Mamie. MRS. ANNA WOLF Mrs. Anna Wolf, aged 68 years, died at Bittlnger's Station. Among the survivors Is a son, Emanuel Wolf, 1266 Derry street. MISS MARGIE G. HARTMAN Miss Margie G. Hartman, an at tache at the State Library for the past seven years, died early last night . after a long illness, at her home, I 312 Cumberland street. Funeral ser vices will be held Saturday after noon at 3.30 o'lcock. The Rev. Rob ert Bagnall will officiate. Burial will be made in the Harrisburg cemetery. Miss Hartman was a member of Grace Methodist Church. She Is sur vived by her mother, Mrs. Sarah Hartman and a brother, John M. Hartman. CAPTAIN GOUGH 11,1, WITH INFLUENZA A telegram was received to-day by County Controller and Mrs. Henry W. Goiigh stating that their son. Captain J. Edwin Gough, is ill in a hospital at Fort Sam Houston, suffering from a serious attack of Spanish Influenza. The telegram was sent bv the com manding officer. Mrs. Gough left this afternoon for Fort Sam Houston, which is located about three miles from San Antonio, Tex. Captain Gough has been in the service for months, receiving his 'commission some time ago. MILK CONFERENCE POSTPONED Because Dr. Clyde L. King has been unavoidedly detained in New York on important business, the conference be tween the milk dealers and the noted expert, scheduled for to-night, has been postponed, it was announced to day. J. William Bowman, of the Milk Division of the local Food Ad ministration, was to- meet iwth the dealers and Dr. King, but the entire conference has been called off for the present. FETROW NOW lIEPOnT WOUNDED AND NOT DEAD Official notice was received in a telegram from Washington bv Mr. and Mrs. George Fetrow, 220 South Fifteenth street. that their son. Clarence Edward Fetrow. in Held ar tillery service in France, had been severely wounded In action. A report had bee nciroulsted and published that he had leen killed hut there has l een no official .confirmation of it according to the family. INFLUENZA CLOSES PUBLIC PLACES By Associated Press Philadelphia. Oct. 3. Schools churches, theaters and all places of public assemblage were to-day order ed closed by the Board of Health This action was taken by the Board < f Health after the receipt of re ports showing the alarming spread of Influenza. FIRE COMPANY" BUYS BONDS The Royal Fire Company has ap propriated $2OO for the purchase of Liberty Ronds at its meeting last evening. The company bought a $OO bond in the second loan. $lOO in the. third and doubled that amount in the' fourth. Owner having left the city Immediate possession can be given to Residence 1721 N. Second Street I Lot: 56x90. House: 1 1 Rooms, Bath, Vapor Heat FOR SALE Commonwealth Trust Company 222 Market Street D. B. KIEFFER & CO.'S Public Sale OP Western Horses and Colts ON Saturday, Oct. 5,1918 at 1 O'clock P.M. AT J. R. Kline's Stock Yards, Mechanicsburg, Pa. We will sell one carload of extra good, big, rugged Feeders and all-purpofte Western Horses and Colts, ranging In age from 2 to 4 years old and will have them weighing from 1,100 to 1,400 pounds each. This is positively a good lot of Horses and Colts, bought personally by W. M. Grove, who advises us that he has a load of the best that grows, with the size, shape, bone and weight. Will have several closely mated teams in Grays, Bays and Koans; also ' several good, big, shapely Mares with class and shape all over. D. B. Kieffer & Co. STOCK MARKET BROADENSOUT States Steel Rallies From Reversal but Feels Fresh Pressure By Associated Press New Y'ork, Oct. 3, —• Greater breadth attended the progress of the session, the market becoming Some what unsettled In the second hour. United States rallied from its early reversal but experienced fresh pres sure and Dutch Oil lost practically nil of its seven points advance. There was a marked reduction of the recent inquiry for rails, but ship pings and coppers were firm to strong. In the bond market, French government 5%s held at the year's maximum and on the curb Russian government t>%s and 6V4s rose 3'A and 4 points, respectively, to highest levels of the year, McFadden Predicts Solid Keystone List Congressman L. T. McFaddeh, of Canton, the Pennsylvania member lof the. Republican- Congressional campaign committee, yesterday stir red up Washington by predicing I that the Keystone state Republicans 'would thisfall elect a solid Repub lican delegation to the House from Pennsylvania. The Republican House members from Pennsylvania held a meeting yesterday to . lay plans for electing i seven Republican Congressmen to succeed the seven Democrats in the House from Pennsylvania. The seven Democrats from Penn sylvania are: Steele, of Easton, Twenty-sixth district; Dewalt, Al lentown. Thirteenth district; Lesher, Sunbury, Sixteenth district; Brod beck, Hanover, Twentieth district; I Sterling, Uniontown, Twenty-third ; district; Beshlin, Warren, Twenty ielghth district, and Campbell, of iiGrafton, Thirty-second district, li "The Republicans have strong ('candidates opposing each of these I Democrats," Mr. McFadden said, I "and Pennsylvania will have a solid j Republican delegation in the next •House of Representatives." Will Adjust Wages of Anthracite Miners Washington, Oct. 3.—With the approval of the general wage board of the Department of Labor, an ad justment will be made in the wage scales of anthracite coal miners. The first step to this end was taken last night by Fuel Administrator Garfield in calling a conference of represen tatives of the miners and operators with Secretary Wilson, the general wage board and fuel administration f officials. I Officials of the United Mine Work ers of America and representatives of the anthracite miners conferred with Administrator Garflcld yester day. BIG SERVICE FI.AG The local branch of the National Biscuit Company, 1370 Howard street, is displaying a service flag containing 1,812 stars. More than 15 per cent, of the company's male employes are at war. A third of the force is now com posed of women. The company is sup plying 13.000,000 packages of hard bread to the Army. LKGAL NOTICES NOTICE is hereby given that appli cation will be made to the Harrlsburg Light and Power Company on October 7 1918, for the lsoue to the under signed of a certificate for one (1) share of Preferred Capital Stock of said Harrlsburg Light and Power Company in lieu of certificates lost or destroyed. ELSIE McDONALD. Boston, Mass. ESSENTIAL LOANS If you work, keep house and pay your bills, consult us when you need money. Legal rate loans, $l5 to $3OO, made on personal property, real estate or guaranteed notes. Weekly or monthly payments arranged to suit your convenience. Co-operative Loan & Investment Co. 204 Chestnut Street BUY MORE LIBERTY BONDS B" lJßkfL.fr isiAMSIO IB SEALS & STENCILS lit, W MFG-BYHBG. STENCIL WORKS ■ li 130 LOCUSTST. HOGIPA. W
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