2 NEWS OF CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA^" CITY'S SUBURBS j LATE NJIWJS FROM IUJi V_ALLEY. WOMEN WORKING FOR BOND SALES Committees Named For Cam paign in Mechaniesburg Dis trict of Cumberland County Mechanicslnnfc, Pa.. Oct. 2. A successful campaign is being waged by the women of the Me chaniesburg district on the Woman ! fevjurth Liberty Loan committee, which includes the folloing: Mechaniesburg District Mis John Wilmer Mapper. eliainian; Mrs. George E. Lloyd, vice-chair man! Miss Maude Williamson, pub licity chairman. Mechaniesburg—First ward. Mrs Charles Brlndle. chairman: Mis? Marion Bell. .Miss Grace Witmer, Miss Mary First. Mrs. Miles Soeger, Miss Sara bwartz. Second ward. Miss Margaret Blackburn, chairman; Mrs. I'. W Seidle. Miss Esther Hyen. Miss Vada Castle, Miss Pauline Sheedcr, Mis- Elsic Lenher. Miss Edith Springer. Mechaniesburg shirt factory. Miss Alda Snelbakcr, - Third ward. Miss Clara Titzel. chairman: Miss Edith Mumma. Mrs. Morris Pass. Miss Mildred Sheedcr, Miss Violet l-Vit/.el. Miss Esther Far rani e, Mrs. Harper Myers. Blue Ridge Knitting Company. Mechaniesburg Garment Company. Fourth ward, Mrs. F. A. Sehafhirt. chairman: Miss Hose Beistline, Mrs. Ralph Mumma. Mrs. Mervin Lamb, Miss Janet Eckels. Mrs. George Llovd, Miss Catharine Kcefer. Mri. N. W. Hers liner, Mrs. T. H. Tate. Silver Spring Township Miss LClara Mumma, chairman; Miss fVgnes M. Waggoner. Miss Mary E. Uumma. Miss Elma Fohl, Miss Kditli l-'oh . ■ Hampden Township—Mrs. r. J. chairman; Mrs. Simon Mrs. Clarence Bear,' Miss Basehore, Miss Genefrede Miss Miriam Swartz, Miss Shall. ■nvor Allen Township—Mrs. R. < . chairman: Mrs. Grcenlield, Corda Kunkle. Clipper Allen Township—Mrs. b. *. Williams, chairman; Mrs. John Miller, Mrs. Benjamin Eberly, Miss Helen Eckels, Miss Alice Neff, Miss Alice Cocklin. Mrs. E. 11. Cocklin. Monroe Township Mrs. John Sauder, chairman; Miss Anna Nell. Mrs. Charles Sollenberger, Miss Mary Lebo. , ~ . New Kingston—Mrs. Charles Het rick, chairman; Miss Miriam Kurtz, Miss Alice Hetrick, Miss Celia W on derly, Mrs. Vertie Triebly, Miss Helen Shoemaker. I Shircmanstown —Mrs. S. s. Lapp, chairman; Mrs. J. W. Bearner, Mrs. 1. C. Wcrtz. WOMAN COMMITS SI It'IDK Carlisle. Pa.. Oct. 2.— Despondent because of continued ill health. Mrs. Fannie Minnich, of Plainfield, com mitted suicide at her home in that town by hanging herself by a rope attached to a nail driven into the wall of an outkitchen. She was found by James Kerns, a newspaper carrier, who went to th.e house to make a collection. She was "0 years old and lived with her brother, who had been away from the house all day cutting corn. She had been dead for some hours when found. ESCAPED FRO At GERM VNS Carlisle, Pa., Oct. 2.—Friends ol fcOalvln Burtner, residing near Car "lisle, a member of Company G of the 112 th Regiment are anxiously await ing his return from the front to heai of his escape from the hands of the Germans. Reported captured he lias v.-ritten that he is again safe in the Fnited States lines but gives no de tails of his exploit. ACTIVE WORK STARTED Carlisle, Pa.. Oct. 2. —With* th< campaign getting well under way ant iho active canvass begun in the ma jority of the districts. Cumberland county is going strong after its quotf for the Fourth Liberty Loan. A headquarters here to-day it was es timated that approximately $250,00< lias already been subscribed. <KSC4KBK<WKt S ' $ M Kg | Sleep Sweetly \ , | Coffee, -tea and some other drinks | I when taken at the evening meal tend | to keep some people awake. || > I One o*f "the merits o*f |* I is that it never affects nerves or heart. | In fact one can drink as much Postum as he pleases just before,bed- f , time and no ill results follow, for Postum is pure and absolutely , | free from caffeine or any other I | harmful drug* or substance. | k £ Postum comes in two forms; P. and Instant Postum, made in the cup A \ in a moment. They are equally delicious ■ \ and the cost per cup is about the same. 'There's a | WEDNESDAY EVENING, ™ CUMBERLAND Liberty Loan Campaign Mov ing HapitHv in All Sections of County This Week (arllalr. To.. tJfct. 2.—Big Impetus has been given the Liberty Loan campaign in Cumberland county through a series of patriotic meet ings now in progress. Ttmro ate thirty-si* in all, twenty-four of which have been held and all of them have been well attended and had a good influence. Tills evening there will be a big meeting at Newville with Captain \V. G. Vint, of the Brit ish Army, as the principal speaker. Last evening twelve meetings were hold, the principal one of which was at Shtppenshurg. There Judge S. B. Sadler presided and addresses were made by Captain Vint and Pr. A. R. Stock, of Carlisle. A parade was held prior to the meeting. Assisting in the patriotic meetings are Corporal Albert Peal, a Persh ing veteran, who served for sevdn months abroad with Pershing and was invalided home. He was a mem ber of Company F, of the Twenty- Sixth Infantry and has been fur loughed from the Cape May Hospital to aid the Liberty Loan work. In addition James Parish. of the League Island Navy Yard is in Cunfberland county. In addition to the list formerly announced. a meeting will be held at the United Brethren Church at Wash ington Heights on Thursday evening, with two good speakers present. Opening of Dickinson Students' Training Camp Carlisle, Pa., Oct. 2.—Willi formal exercises yesterday afternoon, the Students' Army Training Corps at Dickinson College was established. There was a short parade, addresses and a flagraising, with the reading of the orders governing the corps, issued by Secretary Baker. A unit from the United States Xavy raised the flag, while the Car lisle band played and Lieutenant William Furby, in charge of the corps, read the War Department ®r ders. More than 200 students, in fohr companies, stood at attention during the ceremonies. Ofllcers from the War Department Hospital No. 31 as sisted. Addresses wore made by Dr. J. H. Morgan in behalf of the college. The Judge E. W. Biddle for the trustees and Prof. J. C. Wagner, head of the Carlisle schools. At the close a re view was held for the officers of the hospital. • Sessions of Church of God Eldership at Mechanicsburg Meclianlcaburg, Pa„ Oct. 2.—Thurs day, October 3 to Tuesday, October 8, the annual session of the. Pennsyl vania Eldership of the Church of God will be held in the local church, The opening sermon Will be preach ed this evening by the Rev. George R. Hoverter, of Lancaster, president of the Eldership. About one bun died ministers and lay delegates wit bo present. W. A. Sigler, of Me chanicsburg, will have charge of the ■music. A sacred concert will be giver in the evening of October 8, by th( choir of the church. TOWN IX DARKNESS Waynesboro, Pa., Oct. 2.—On sev eral occasions recently the town hat been thrown into darkness as th< result of the electric current beini shut off. The cause for this is the inability of the plant at Secprity Md„ which lias been lighting th< town for several weeks, to keep thi current circulating- regularly. WIF E-SEEKER IS NOT DISCOURAGED His Letter of August Lasi Identical With One 11c Wrote 13 Years Ago Mechanlcsburg, Oct. 2.—Much in terest and amusement is being dis played by some people of Mcchan ipsburg in regard to the letter pub lished in the Telegraph on August 26 from one Samuel Koontz, who writes for a wife, when it develops that his persistency is almost un paralleled and that discouragement is not in his dictionary, for it is known that thirteen years ago he wrote a letter almost identical to another woman in this place. Even at that date, he wanted a wife of 35 years, and probably has been sending out his love missives during all the intervening years. But the messages evidently failed to lodge Jn a tender heart. His letter of the year 1905 follows: "I will take the present oppor tunity to write you a few lines to ask you if I would bo welcome to come to see you, and if I can't have you, if you know of some Miss—one af the name of Kauffman or Witmer, or Bucher, or Null, or Brieker, or Snyder, or Fry, or Hoover, or Uhrich. or Eberly, or Nissley. or Snavoly, or Coover,/ or Myers, rr Bowers, or Swarlz, or Hoff man. or Miller, or Liglitner, or Qari'et, or Bear, or Grove; or if you know of some widow woman un ler 35 years of age, please give one my address and tell one to write me i letter and 1 will give information rnd come, to see her. I will bring this letter to a close. Yours respect fully. Write soon. Address, Samuel Koontz, Culbertson, Franklin Co., Pa." Fearing his good intentions to ivard her might be misunderstood, ic adds the following postscript: "I want you, and if X can't have you, get me one!" S. K. Thief Stole Clothing Donated to Belgians Lewistow n, Pa., Oct. 2.—Paul Ruhl, of Alliance, 0., has been ar rested by Sheriff Davis, at Lewis town "unction, charged with steal ing a suitcase tilled with Belgian ionations of clothing front the Burn ham Y. M. C. A. At a hearing be fore Justice YanNatta thfe man was held in the sum of S2OO for trial at Ihe next term of court. He came here several days ago and secured a iob at the Standard Steel Works. He roomed at the Y. M. C. A. Two Jugs of Honey Taken From Old Cigar Factory Marietta, Pn„ Oct. 2.—Two jugs of the most delicious honey were ob tained by smoking out a swarm of bees in a building owned by Jacob Croll, near Falmouth. They had been between the inner and outside frame of the building and were no ticed going in and out for many weeks. They have beerf in the build ing for over four years, since it was abandoned as a cigar factory. George Trayer and Arthur Doll secured the honey from two well-filled combs. TOBACCO CROP HARVESTED Marietta, Pa., Oct. 2.—The greater part of the tobacco crop of Lancas ter county will be harvested by Wed nesday evening. The greatest diffi culty of the season was the scarcity to get help to put it away. FOUR IX WAR SERVICE Marietta, Pa., Oct. 2. —Byron Bos tick, of Marietta, has four sons in the present war. Two of the boys have seen several years' service In the Philippine Islands. Three are a 1 present in France. SLAJEIR.T SI3tjK,G TELEGRAPII ' TIME FOR CLERKS Employes of Pennsylvania Railroad at Marysville Yards put on Eight-Hour Tricks jlauiivllle, Pd, Oct. 2.—After agi tl|lf! i covering a period of sovtral y M :. members of the clerical force . n , local rail. - tied yams vester (i.y vi-nt on eight-hepr tricks In st id co' the twelv-.honr tricks they liiiinto had beta working. Raises S will Inc.-? ...! the rrai- oven l,ec • c that which w\a b.ing paid u employ B for twelve-hours worlc. \l..)Ut seventy employes in the local preference freight yards are affected by the change, and at the present time there are not a sufficient number of men enrolled on the clerical force to ii!l -'ll positions. To meet this condition, some of the employes tire (I in..: double duty wlii e they ere willing to do so. and in other eases numerous men employed as brakemen have been called in to do clerical work until arrangements can be made to m< et the extlgency. This shortage of clerks as a result of the change raises the old question of the employment of women in the yards. For some time last year when the shortage was serious, the ques tion was much discussed but none were employed. Miss Hartman Entertains Big Party of Young Folks W ormleysburg. Pa., Oct. 2. —At enjoyable day was spent at the coun try home of Miss Pearl Hartmar near New Cumberland on . Monday Dinner was served to: Misses Elea nor Baker, Pauline Neidhamer, Mar garet Doepke, Marie Neidhamer Pearl II irtman and Catherine Hart man; II trry Swegcr, Russel Feniol? Walter Doepke. Wear Hartman anc Mr. and Mrs. G. Hartman. A moon light hike brought the end of a per feet day. The parly was chapcronet bv Miss Vada Baker and Miss Bcu tyh Neidhamer. Persona! and Social Items of Towns on West Shore Mr. and Mrs. W. Geiger and sot Carrol, of Wormleysburg. are spend ing the week at Washington. D. O. rfu B. Felix, of the 619 th Suppb Squadron. Detroit, Mich., was th< guest of Miss Ruth Mower at Worm leysburg, on Sunday. George Beckiey, of Fourth street New Cumberland, employed a Washington, D. C., spent several day: at his home here. READ ESTATE TRANSFERS Enola. Pa., Oct. 2. —Real estati transfers continue to grow along th< West Shore. During the past fev days these transfers have beet made: Enola Realty Company, lot t' Samuel B. Donache, consideralioi $360; Mary A. Mumper,,property, t( R. M. Spangier and wife, consideta ♦ ion $3,475: E. M. Hershey and wife lot, to A. I,: Ritzman, nominal con federation; R. O. Stuckenroth ktn< wife, lot, to TV. H- Smith, nornina consideration; James I* Young ant wife, property, to J. L. Devenny. con sideration. $1,400; Addie V. Wilbur lot, to W. E. Gardner and wife nqminal consideration; D. S. Reese: and wife, property, to Mary E. John son, consideration $4,050: Addie V Wilbur, lot. to Roy A. Zeiders, nomi nal consideration; D. H. Logan ant wife, twenty-one acres, to Emanue Hooper estate, consideration $1,500 Ida E. Kapp and husband, !ot, to D S. Burns, -consideration $535; P. N Gray an 1 wife, property, to D. S Walter, consideration $2,550,. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT New Cumberland, Pa., Odt. 2. — Ttillie Cookerly, of 216 Geary street New Cumberland, announces tlie ar rival of a little sister, Marian Valettf Cookerly. on Friday, September 27 1018. The patents are Mr. and Mrs W. A. Cookerly. Mrs. Cookerly wm Miss Carrie Zimmerman of Harris burg. WEST FA lit VIEW RF.O CROSS ISSUES FORMAL TH ANK' In , a statement issued yesterday the West l-'airview Branch of tli( Harrisburg Chapter. American P.ec Cross, expressed thanks for the eon tribution given them after the Sun day patriotic meeting in Reservoii Park. T!,- organization acknowledge! the receipt of $14.31, its share of thi collection. | WOMAN'S FINGER TORN OFF Marietta, Pa., Oct. 2.—While Mrs, Fannie Bloeher. of Stevens Hill, was (untying a rope on M. Hoover's truck the little finger of her left hand was caught and torn off. BOUGHT RITCHIE FARM Dillsbiirg. Pa., Ocf. 2.—A. S. Spec! has purchased the Dt\ Ritchie farrr about a mile north of Dilisburg oi the Harrisburg road and intends t< occupy it about April 1 next. Suburban Notes I.TVER POOL Mrs. Mann Eckels, of Hanrisbuig was a recent visitor among relatives here. Frank Brown, employed at Harris burg, spent several days here wltl I his family. Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Haine, • o Mlllersburg, were recent visitors a J. M. Miller's. Frank t'otier made a trip to Buf falo, N. Y., last week. Elizabetli Charles, of Hunter's Val ley. is attending High school here. Miss Elizabeth Coffmnn has re turned to Mechanicsburg where sin will continue her studies at Irvinf College. After spending the summer wltl relatives in nr.d around Liverpool Mrs. F. M. Cook a nd sons ret timet this week to their home at Clovis California. ATHLETE GOES TO ARMY Wormleysburg, Pa.. Oct. 2.—Nor man O. Hummer, one of the athletes of Wormleysburg, was to-day .'alloc to take his place in the ranks n: Camp Greenleaf. Ga. He Was em "ployed at the State Prlutery as r pressman. He was also noted as n ballplayer on (he West Shoro. 1 RED CROSS ROOMS OPEN Wormleysburg, Pa., Oct. 2.-—Red Cross rooms will be open on Tues day and Thursday from 1 p. m. tr 9.30 p. m. Workers are needed. IMPORTANT NOTICE On and ufter October 5, 1918, freight will not be carried on the lines of the Valley Railways Com pany between the hours of 4.30 p. m. to 6.30 p. In. inclusive, except when aeoompanifyl in person. Signed. VALLEYI RAILWAYS COMPANY. - i d-i I * FOCH IS WINNING ONE GF ; WAR'S BIG VICTORIES [Continued From Page One.] ! the.canal which cuts through the eastern suburbs. .North and | south of the town the French have advanced farther eastward. Withdraw Guns From Belgian Coast In Flanders the Germans are reported to have set tire to the railway junctions of Roplers and Menin and to be removing their big gufis from the Belgian coast around the submarine base of Ostend, which is being outflanked on the south,' The Belgians now arc five miles from Thourout, while the British are across the Lys seven miles north of Lille and arc within seven miles of Courtrai. All these are important railway centers and Lille is the strongest German position north of Cambrai. General Berthelot speedily is driving the Germans back to their old lines in the Rheims region. Further gains were made j between the Yesle and the Aisne and North of Rheims. Several j miles more and the French will be in the open country north oi | Rheims and threatening th eimmdiatc communications of Laon j The French advance here and ast of the Suippe is placing the Germans between Rheims an dth Suippe in a pocket. In Champagne there has been little change, but the French have rendered useless the railroad running through the Argonne forest from Chal'lerangc. This makes possible a further Americar movement on the, eastern edge of the Argonne. North and wesl of Montfaucon, in the center of the American sector west of the Mcuse, the Amricans agains have moved forward. U-Boat Bases Menaced Far to the north the Belgians are advancing apparently toward Lille, and at the same time threaten the German "subma rine bases on the Belgian coast. If Lille is outflanked, the Ger mans must retire from their trenches far to the south of that ; city. Continued progress will cut the submarine bases off from | rail communications. General Berthelot is cutting rapidly info the German lines I north and northwest of Rheims. His success there seems to carry peril to the Germans farther cast, for an advance toward the Aisne to the northward of Rheims would compel a retirement as far east as the sector where General Gouraud is smashing the German lines. Chajlerange has been taken and the French have reached Monthois. The French apparently are moving toward Vouziers, an important railroad point, communicating with long stretches of the front in the Champagne. Yankees Probably Held Back American forces between the Argonne forest and the Meuse river apparently are held up by the Germans. The advance of the French farther west however, soon will force the Germans to retreat. Turkey is said to have put out "peace feelers" and it is ex pected that she soon will follow the example of Bulgaria. Austria-Hungary too seems to be on the eve of taking a signi ficant step. Enemy's Line of Defense Between Cambrai and St. Quentin Broken by British London, .Oct. 2. —1.30 P. M.—Between Cambrai and St. Quentin the German line of defense has been broken. It is uncertain what lines the enemy has in the rear. The British "advance threatens the German line of retreat in the Oise valley and also from the massif of St. Gobain. Between the Aisne and the Vesle rivers French troops in the last three days have advanced on a front of ten miles to a depth of three to four miles. The Germans now are retreating toward the line they held in 1917. - In view of the loss to the Germans of St. Quentin and the lines to the north of that city an enemy retirement on a fairly large scale seems probable. Given fairly good weather some very big changes on the western front may be seen before winter. , Serbia Being Evacuated by Bulgars; Allies Go Forward on Every Front London, Oct. 2.—Serbia is being evacuated by the Bulgarian troops who are returning to Bulgarian territory, according to the Serbian official statement of Tuesday night. Paris, Qct. 2.—The armies of General Gouraud and Bertolet on the fronts east and west of Rheims continued to advance to-day against the Germans who appeared to be falling back more hurriedly than at any time since September 26. Paris. Tuesday, Oct. I. (Havas) —Menin and Roulers, railway junc tions in Flanders, have been set on fire by the Germans in the face of advancing Belgian, British and French troops. French guns now control the railway line running from Ostend, through Thourout and Roulers to Courtrai. British monitors are co-operating actively in bombarding the German lines on and near the coast Paris Oct 2 I'P. M. —General Bertholet's army to-day is making rood progress between the Vesle river and the Aisne canal. The French troops have captured live or six villages and their advance at some points has'.'reached a depth of five to six kilometers. With tlio British Armies ill Flanders, Oct. 2. —Field Marshal ITaig's force sto-day captured Rolleghemcapelle and advanced three thousand yards southeast of Roulers. Everybody's Health Bad With New Hampshire Dry Manchester, N. 11., Oct. 2.— Cer- j tain physicians in this city had an i unpleasant interview with Chief of Police Michael J. Healy, yesterday, relating to the liquor prescription law. The statute was read to them, 'and they were told if. after this warning, they persisted in issuing ! prescriptions on the city liquor agency indiscriminately, something would drop. Since the agency was , opened it has been doing a surpris- I ing business. 1 Chief Healy investigated the con- : ditions, and he found,' it is declared, j a number of doctors were cleaning j up big money by giving out pre- j scriptions to any applicant without diagnosing the "disease" in the case. | as required by the law. Sixteen-year-old boys have had no trouble in getting served in this way. One declared the doctor mere ly asked him if he was sick. War Workers Crowd Capital; Situation Serious Washington, D. C.. Oct. 2.—The . i possibility of housing the constantly , Increasing force of war workers in | : Washington has brought about a se rious situation in the nalional cap ital which will bring radical action by the government in the near fu ture President Wilson has address ed inquiries to the heads of all de partments with a view to ascertain !ii" which bureaus of the govern ment can be moved to other cities without interfering with war work. The availability of a number 1 cities as locations for these bureaus or departments is being investigated, 1 and it is believed that Philadelphia is among th<* number being consid ered. Some of thorn will go to New York. EVTKHTAIXS BIBLE CI,ASS Enoln, Pa.. Oct 2.-W H. Gar land of State road, entertained the Bible class of the Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church, taught by the pas tor the Rev. M. S- Sharpe, at his home. Following a short business session refreshments were served to: Koy H. Holmes, H. H. Way, C. L. I,averty. the Rev. M. S. Sharpe. H. W. Harter. John Roth, W. Sharpe, W. H. Garland, John Addams, Harry Sharpe, W. H. Arnold, Mr. and Mrs- George Trlnnr-r, son, Curtis Trlpner, and Mrs. W. H. Garland /i Mr. and Mrs. Levi Hempt Married Fifty Years Ago I New Cumberland, Pa., Oct. 2.—Mr, ] and Mr. Levi Hempt, celebrated theii j golden wedding anniversary at theii j home in Third street on "Sunday by giving a dinner to their children and : grandchildren. Mr. and Mrs. Hempl j were'married fifty years ago at New Kingston, Cumberland county, and I have lived at New Cumberland and ' vicinity nearly .-Wl of their married I life. They are enjoying good health. I Those who attended the anniversary j were: Mr. and Mrs.' Sherman Hull, i Vance Hull and Sara Hull. Mr. and Mrs Tolbert Hempt, Floyd Hempt and j Myrna Hempt and Robert Hempt. Red Cross Nurses Take Oath of Citizenship Camp I.ee, Va., Oct. 2.—For the first time in the history of the United States, women were admitted to citl ] zenship when thirteen Red Cross I nurses from the base hospital were | naturalised at exercises held in the j Liberty Theater, 1006 male aliens al lso took tho oath which admitted t them to citizenship. POWER MEASURE PASSES Washington, £>. C., Oct. 2.—The House yesterday passed without a dissenting \ote ajid sent to the Sen ate the administration emergency power bill providing for govern ment acquisition and extension of ' electric power plants. It authorizes the expenditure of $170,000,000 for extending existing plants or build ing new ones. ANNOUNCE IIIKTII OF SON i New Tluinbrrluud,. Pa., Oct. 2.—Mr. I and Mrs. Charles Snoke, of Third .'street. New Cumberland, announce . the birth of a son. William Snoke, j j Mrs. Snoke was Miss Sara VVontz, . J prior to her marriage. i AUSTRIA UIN'OS FOR PEACE Amsterdam, Oct. 2.—According to . I Budapest newspapers, the Austro . I Hungarian government desires peace ,: in agreement with Germany, not ■! withstanding the fact that measures . I have been taken for defense as a , I result of Bulgaria's withdrawal front ' J tho wur. OCTOBER 2. 191*. I NINE GO INTO | WAR SERVICE Marysvillc Youths Enroll For Training at United States Camp£ and at Colleges Marysvillc, To., Oct. 2.—When ties' week comes to an end it will And; nine more Mnrysvllle youths in ' hcj United States service than were on-' rolled last * Saturday. Six men from the borough were, sworn into the service in the vari ous student army training corp units at colleges at which they were in attendance ytsterday. They includ ed: Edison AVileman. Joseph bight ner and John Shearer, State College; Harvey Bratton, Franklin and Mar shall College; Cassias Kennedy and Dewey Bare, Albright College. L. C. Lichtner will leave for Fort DuPoot, Delaware City, Dei., to morrow by special induction to enter ?>■ ■ , - • " - I■<, •• .a. . - - v.'.'.u ■— •> •*• ; tH f; : Building a Fruhauf Coat over the knee. —A Fruhauf coat can do nothing but lit the size and model for which t; 5 it Is intended. It is molded j' <: and shaped like the artist's 0:J. - clay. j The Very Finest I Clothes at .1 S 3O to S 9O • f]JThe man who is apt to be careless in selecting his new Fall Suit or Overcoat will get just as good fit and value here as his neighbor who is very par ticular. ■ IJ Our Clothes are one standard and our service is the same for every man. I' '.■ A j j fflYou are in safe hands when you buy clothes here. | Schleisner's Men's Shop 28-30-32 N. 3rd St. STORE HOURS—Daily 9tp 5.30, Saturday 9to 9 |- Buy Liberty Bonds Liberally . BUT YOU CAN'T RELY ON SPRAYS AND IN HALERS. There is no use permitting yourself to be deceived. Per haps, like thousands of others afflicted with Catarrh, you are about ready to believe that the disease is incurable, and that you arc doojncd to spend the remainder of your days hawk ing and spitting, with no relief in sight from inflamed and stopped-tip air passages that make the days miserable and the nights sleepless. „ Of course this all depends upoi) whether or not you are willing to continue the old-time, make-shift methods of treat ment that you and many other sufferers have used for years with no substantial results. If you arc still content to depend upon the use of sprays, douches, inhalers, jellies and other like remedies by themselves, that arc applied to the surface and can not reach below it, then make up your mind now that your Ca tarrh will remain a life ; . com panion and will follow you to the grave. You must realize that the dis ease itself, and' not its symp toms, is what you havc to cure. Of course you know that when you arc cured of any disease its symptoms will disappear. Ca tarrh manifests itself by inflam mation of the delicate mem branes of the nose and air pas-i the Jteavy (coast) artillery service. Tb-morrow afternoon at 3 o'clock two other borough youths will report at New Bloomfleld with the quartet of\ limited service men from this county to go to Fort Thomas, Ky. • They arc James H. Roberts and ( Howard Kocher. U-Boat Chaser Goes Down in Crash Off Jersey By Associated Press ! • Washington, Oct. 2.—Naval sub | marine char No. 60- was sunk in a i collision with the oil steamer S. "W. ] Waller, off the const of -V w Jersey. W i Two men from the chaser are miss ing, bitt Hie other members of the crew were rescued. The missing men are Machinist Mate Walter, H. Ktuth and Seaman Martin A. Wilson. The collision occurred at 2 o'clock yesterday morning. No cause Was given, but It was assumed it resulted from the possible fact that both craft were running without lights. ~~TT.77 ~~~ sages, which choke up anc make breathing very difficult To get rid of these distressing effects you must remove theii cause. The blood is laden with the Catarrh germs, which direct their, attack against the tcndei % and delicate membranes of the nose and throat. These germs cannot be reached by sprays 01 douches, which, of course, have no effect whatever upon the blood. S. S. S. is a purely vegetable blood remedy, made from roots and herbs direct from the for est, which combat promptly any disease germs or impurities it: the blood. This great remedy has been used for more thai: fifty years, with most satisfac tory results. It has been suo ccssfully used by those afflicted with even the severest cases oi Catarrh, because it drives out from the blood the Catarrh germs, and eliminates every foreign substance from the blood. S. S. S. is sold by drug- . gists everywhere. For the benefit of those af flicted with Catarrh or othei blood diseases, we maintain z medical department in charge ol a specialist skilled in these dis eases. If you will write us fully, he will give your case careful study, and write yov just what your own individual cases requires. No charge is made for this service. Address Swift Specific Co., 406 Swift i Laboratory, Atlanta, Ga.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers