2 NEWS OF CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA, CITY'S SUBURBS Miss Violet K. Mark Bride of Howard Kreider AMU illi>, I'M,, Dot. I,— Mr. und Mr*. Joseph Murk announce the marriage of their daughter, Mies Violet K. Murk, to llowurd 11, Xraider, HIIII jif < 'ongroHNnian und Mre. A. H, Kreldor. The wedding took plJi'n on Hulnrduy evening ut fi o'clock nt tliu home of the bride'* jiurniitN, In West Muln street, the llev. W. I'. DCIUIIK, pastor of Christ Deformed Church, officiating, Pol lowing the ooreiuony the oouplo left oil u wedding trip. The groom I* tnnnitgor of Mm Kreider furin north of Annvllle. WIIUIIMHN RL.TK* AIIOITIUN Nuaumi'tMiiiii ii, Mid. t. Hummelu luwn Camp N". I•'711. Modem Wood men of Aiintrlr i, lire milking arrange •IIHIIIH fur ii li"*E cIBHH iidi/Utloil whh'li will I" held nt their hull on Thursday owning. Thin IH the Hrsl cIII MM adoption H* hurt of the Telbot fifteenth \iinlv*raar Campaign whh'li tliu riiiiih ha* entered Into, irnd II IIIH Minn I* aiiUclpated, It l* the titurpoao of the vamp to have tlie*e 'la* adoption* often during the winter month, but Mil* I* to o* one of tliu Inmost. All member* of the on nip eve I * muke every effort pus elide to 11 11 end Mint evonlnu. Mueio mid n luncheon bg ono of tbo fM ture* uf Mie evvillng. Till* chin* of oatidlduleu WII* written by Deputy J, It. Iteiiger, ■ill,I,HO 111' L>HIM)MOR L.rnimnii 11. I'LL., Del. 1. — Itelntlve* of Corporal I NIIIIV t\ Itublor, of llurn hiilu, reported drowned ut Kurt Hill, Okhu. revolved u mcuaago yeeterdny Mint Indicate* Mint the young mnu wn* killed liy escaped Mvriiian prison er*. lie wn* unit out with Ave other* to captur* the prlMittrg umt inter hi* here* wn* found, but the rider wn* IIIINNIIIM. M I- Miiuiiiht th'it Mm Mertuun* may have Ulllud the aoldtvr mid throw hi* body Into n trenin where It wm found Intor. |'jp2£^SZSBSasaWES2SSSISaSBS3SI|| 1 1 r "U Making Your Own l)j E Cough Rehiuidu Dj ran tnve nlimit *9, and he*e (n lirtlcr rctneily tluui tin. romly- pJ uuilo kind. Kaelly done. |Q If you combined the curnlivo proper tie* of wvry known "ready-made" cough remedy, you probnlily could not get mi mileb real curative power n* there in ■ till* eiiiipln home-innilo ' rough *.vrup, which in easily prepared In a few minute*. Got from nuy drugglut a'i ounce* ot J I""." i,u " "• pint bottle ■ rid nil the bottle with *vrup, using Other plain grnnuliiteil *ugar syrup, clarified molu**cH, honey, or coin fyrtip, as desired. 'J'hu result I* n lull pint of really belter rough Hymn thn you could buy ready- HI ado' for ihreo time* the money. Tuetci picas tut and never spoils, This Pines end Syrup preparation tcts right at the cause of u cough and rlveaalmoat immediate relief, ft !<><>•- m* the phlegm, Mop* the nasty throut ■ n'kle and heals tint sore, irritated uemhraiies so gently ami eaaily that t is really iislunisliing. S A dav'e use will usunlly overcomo lie ordinary cough and for bronchitis, roup, whooping cough and bronchial istlune, there i* nothing better. I'itiex la a moat valuable concen trated eompound of grnuino Norway due extract, ami lias been used for Snerationa to break up severe coughs. To avoid disappointment, ask vour ffußgist for "2H ounce* of Pinex" MUi full directions, and don't accept livthing else Dusraiifeed to give ah * lite, satisfaction or moiit-v promptly rfunded. The l'iiiex t'o., Ft, Wayne, tl, I \ iiluir wllh.nil ii rout uklrk doe* I mil lulrrtrrv i|llb ta*le r sperefc I'lulra Hrp.tlrrd While ton Wall HAPIf'C DENTAL mHvVI 9 OFFICES .ill) UtllhP'l STIIt.KT r Women Should Take bjierial tare to keep free from headache, hat k utile, cmthiiputiitfi, weakness ami deprcanion. IT' >r ihcbe recurrdpg uiln iitn ami ether condi tion pt t uli.tr tii women, Beaclum'i I'lllb are u testctl ami rlTeituul remedy. They act gently ami promptly on the btomach, liver uiui Uiwela, antl exert a tonic, birrngtlirning effect ou the bodily functions, These famoub |ilU are purely vegetable, contain no habit-forming drug, and produce lit) disagreeable afier-cffctu, Women the worltl over, liml needed help ami btrength in l fieeeparys Pills *' laifttr Jnfa ef 4<or RiJitiaa M lha Marhf" 'I Ituit* ol iai Valua to Wwotan tit oUO litu Not Sold b# Uiugg.ait tlnwuglnwM iha world In tloaaa. Ida-. Sfto. An A| Advaucen the I4vr llMinUte ovtaatoaal h,kt i I u . 11l I I It N Jgmm . . fib IN I'll I 8 oamM It INI I ll'A I ION. M I Hg (tlolm a hi. 0... rJC'ir.l'iTn.-'JWiXTft iaw't ha. I t [day ANU nichi school tnu iniiai "... m I i.. * ao. h '.' Mbbdbf t.a.da. iilfti aiai* fb*bdb r [ •KCNLCV'S •UIINKSS COLLKBK TUESDAY EVENING, CAPT. VINT'S FIERY SPEECH Ili'itiMh Army Officer Siiyn Hun Frlftlilfulncsn Chimed ill* Disposition Entirely Mccltuillcshiirg, PB,, Dpt. L,-~ THo ft IghirtlllltwM of l.lltl 111111 changed me front u pours-loving nun Into one Wild delighted to Ulll Mot'linS!" US elulmed Captain W. (J. Vint, of the Hrlllsh llnyul Flttld Artillery, In u. Mpinfml address Imml. evening at tt IIUIMN inK In lint Ftrsl United lirolltreit t'liuri'h in (hit interest uf lite li'inirilt latterly I.<•!• it campaign "l iiiii lull them, loo," added ' 'uitiii Vim, "unit, hollava inn, I inn going biok fm more<" In speaking of (be world wur, lin MM ILL I lit, i iti rm it IIN pro viotiMly warn ready ,to tho smallest detail, and thought of ever y thing lull one, llnii in tlin psychology or DM ether I">IIW'M mind. Until cV< oral woeko ago Captain Vint fought nmlur (limeriil Koch und with the American hoy*, whom ho praised greatly. The oudlsncn upplaudnd III* rop roNontatlon of Clorinany as a snaxt, 'iiiliiiiK round Mm world, but with one hrlghl spot nt present, lliul no la wounded. "AH snakes," ho *uld, "do not die till Kiiiiael, t hunt! Doll it I* now halfpiiMt four." An eloquent uddriuis was made by J. 10, It. I'linnlnghum, of llitrrlshurg, in wtdeh hi pm<l Irlbiito to Mm Alio* ii ml the Am Mlo*ll hoy*, With u Htrong up pun I to *ho pooplo to buy I-lhorty Honda, rhir* urs threo wuy*, ho I mild, for the govvriimont to got thai money hv taxation, by borrowing J n from ttao pooplo, or inking u ifj people <lo nol rlno cheerfully and. . dUtim rlho for hlbsrly Hond* he'lhluk* it would lie Mm duty of the govortt : ment to uomo right down und tnkn | It. Itu oloH.id with a glowing tribute to Mie imortoaa flag, whloh ho said wo will bnOk op with our ilqllar*. 'fliii inaiiti meeting wn* ut in of ihii hirgeat over held hora and the Hlngor Mn lid plu vial previous to I'hu oponlOß hour. A special feature of the occn*lon wn* tho oommunlty einging by u choir of about 100 volee* under the <ii root lon "f it. Byron Pabroodor. All i tho new 1-lberly hoaii and patriotic! Hong* woro sung, with Ml** Clarai Dromlolgh at tho organ. Burgeaa! John J. MtllelMon opened Mil! meet , Ing and after firayer liy tho Itev. I Oeorgo Kultori, Dr. K3. K. I'aniphell, proHldont of Irving f'cdlege Introduc | ed tho Mpeakor*. I 10 HON UN IV tr> MINI'TKH l Mo Jianli'Mhiii'g, Pa., Oct. 1. — Ve* j tcrdu'v upon tho Invitation of '.he president and superintendent of the I'ottH Manufacturing Company plant,! | a mooting was hold ut noon 111 the! I Inlerosl of tho Fourth I.lborty I-oan, j with Mli* Margaret Miner, chair-] nian of Cumberland county of the, Woman's Fourth 1-lberty 1-oun and! j Mrs. J. W. (tapper, chairman of thoj Mochantesburg district, as speaker*.| Tho mooting wan onthuslaMtlc and, Hueeeiiaful u* iilueteon bond* wero Hold In llttoeii in I iiu to* An effort is being made to have the plant one l|hundred per cftit. or uvery employe j,u purchaser of a bond. NKWVIbbK'B MIAN MICKTIN'O .N't-wvUlc, I'tt , Oct. t.—A patriotic mooting will bo hold In the High school and auditorium to-morrow evening at o'clock An uddros* will be made by Captain Vint, of tho i Hrltl*h Hoyal Field Artillery, wound-' ml ii MI bsttl* of Mio Homme and ! out of sctrvioe three tlrnes on account of woumla. An udilreMH will also he made hy Df M W, friMS, one of (lie Con J borlaud county's patriotic orstm*. t'tiis meeting will Inaugurate N'ew | villa's Ltborty l.oan drive. A hoiinc-to-hoilse CUIIVHSN will tuk-i | place on i ..ursday, Newvtlle's quota I being tTVt.S&o. The comniunlty' ; chorus is re<iusted to meet ut tho; auditorium at 7 45 p. m evening. ; KIYI.It I' lllti AT MVt lll>IK)|, IJvT|MMiI, (Jet. I Joaoph Jury lihh pur<'llitaoti the lot Mt llm old tall hury bulldln* at lh lowor end of the horoutilt ami la planning to t-ie< t hluiMi lf a new hotiM Ihoraoii The old Winner hulldliiif, UIOIIK the old .anal on lowur Kraut atroet, Whli'n Jury rat". titly aold to Mcaara Jouvand lurid latvlne, of the l.ivur pool aplti. | ulna mill, will ha turn down and the l-nllr n round to ha turned Into a I river park U.B. CONFERENCE AT MYERSTOWN One Hundred und Nineteenth Anmuil Meeting of Kind l'*nnylvfiiiiii Brunch : jA niAHOP W, M. MKf-l, Myerstown, Pn., f <'t. I.—-Prepara ] Don* have boon completed for life one hundred and nineteenth annual , cession of Kast Pennsylvania Con ference, United brethren In fthrlst, which win oonveno in tbo Zton'i I'nlted Brethren Church, Myerstown, the Itev. I. Moyer lleishny, psstoi, to-morrow. The various communi ties of tho local church are prepared to entertain tho two hundred dele gates—ministerial and lay—who will i lie present. The first sesNlon will be i lii-ld on Wednesday morning at 9 | o'clock. ItlMhop W. M. Hell, I' I'., of ' WnshlnVton, T> C., will proold#. ! lil*hop VV. M. Keckley, D. D., of i Porkoriburc, w. v., win itot at | tend the sessions and deliver an ad dreg*. The boundary committee will meet ,on Tuesday afternoon. This com ' inlttee <ginlst* of the following; The Itoverend* H. C. Enck, H. K. Miller, c A. Mutch, If. M. Miller, If, VS. ! Hhneffer, J, N. Heldomridge and , Me*rs. I. O, Mentxer. VS. Tobias and < 'he l ie* < irlh. , The finance coTnmlttee will also ; meet on Tuesday afternoon. Tlfe inllowiiig comprise that committee; | The H C. I.nek/A. H. Kreider, I. M. i lliink, Hobert A. Fnders, J. It, Rngle. j J, ft. Steiimon and the Itev, A. K. Wler On Wednesday evening the therne for con*ideratlon will he "F.vange j Msm." Tho Rev ir. it. it. Butter j wick, of JUrshey, will preside. Ad dre*sc* will he delivered hy the ftev. t A. K- Wler. of Hteelton; the ftev ! Dr. B. P. Dougherty, of f-ehannn : nnd the Itev. Dr. H C. Knck, of 1 Phlludelpiitn, A number of the genernl chureh officers from Dayton, Ohio, will at tend the conference. I* id MRUS' M<> III' WHIIOIJ Hlala, I"*., Oct. 1,--Farmers' Night HDIMOI carried on by tli* agricul ture depa.tmenl of the Blsln Voce- I tlnnsl Hchool will open October 1? 11l the lllein Hall, l-ecturee during the course will be givn by the beet .igrlculturlste in I'ennsylvani*. The tlret lecture on October 12, will be .delivered by It, O .Wlelc>. I HUM j farm sgent for fiauphln <0001), who will epeak on "Producing Pork (Economically." The second lecture will be given by Dr. M. W, Fletcher, bead of the lteparlmctil of liurti | culture at Pennsylvania Mtste Col lage, oil October 2*. Hie subject will J be- "The c'aro uf the Fstiu orchard." Third lecture on November 2 by Pre leasor N Hci,mil*., of Mtele College, subject, "Alfalfa end Its Kequtre ntenl*," twill VI K 111 HI It IIP lltli.lllin, llalllut, I'a , ii. l. I, Hi, and Mia Ua<ar ictaiiii, of North front atreat, announce the nirtn of a •laughter Mary atifuii, on Krlday laMtHhM >l. lal* Mra. xtt'.o hefora har n an lege Miaa Man I I'eltler, of I'alioatia. I<, lltliytt John Haltael, of t'aritala, ay* at in*- day al the home of hla yat*ola, frof. ana Mil d. •' lltllael Mr and m/. John Jl.g> of Mar rlahuiM, aytnl aundap aim Mia. Ileegy a aialer. Mr# halhta ttnoM* Mia, lydta Wllbarl iy#tl lha aeh and at MUMbory viainna rataiioea Mr. and Mra r• a <aMary, of 1% a thing lob, fr, tyara gobgla Ml' aiday al tha noma of Mia. iaia We at fall. Mr* Katma Maaa trtlltd Mar daagb tar. Mra t'hiiatian laafta at M■ n*< # laia oa aunda/ Mra ktlt Kaily, af boooaiy, la' •i . I i.| • ut hat ran l.i a <,..1.1, iii, 1..a If.■ *ei .... ...a U'ma t lr/yn The Re*, t, |r I*, a try fall te da# ] for My* rale an le aiiaad lha ana ear I owofaranat if lha tbaitbtt of to* i niled Itretblio |o I *•.*> If la te ft** tad that he aiM Ira iel erne# fa the yaoi.rtlt af Ilia fatal .Oanh for aaolaar I tar Miae kn M iroaif, af lfinfa*if. totl.l aada# ttari.og bar o.itii ; Mr* aaiah t* tro.il. Mra Ifaory ft —*. i aytt trim ylalted l I a heme | Mr Mr* to 1t...-it on Rob. if W eodarft of Mo>arabe<* ; -.* .0. ...... I Mat t .Ii I * ~.7 I • I' I* ** . * * r >1 , < M H tan . ■ •ad tiatlrta af MMf*.ea Mil I a hiwu • by the tletljity Iro .t 10 f.*n.t U . • feel ... ... • f. hd K.|n..fd | tip,,, Mr and Ml* d. i t 'tat ♦ r#red . lo.tr t al ill, wit eIWM I to! to# j i I*. ll# of f■ iiaaft eta# a.of,, i U<< W .'i#i.. It arafdl bar u • a . , , Mi # M't, #M Mr tnf# i i HfidttaM In* Mffbioii Mrii Mli 1rn..l f ya<tn<# Hi. aof If# ' I ItMbft l.rmaratd mJ • e-n* vol *•*"# l I*l I af Tj I " ♦ 1 t ' * •' ' * f'* *1 j j Ml'tt.yi bo ft, lb *#•< . • a BARRWDURO TELEGRAPH Suburban Notes . n. tIFFIt MMS M.M4THII llallfst, P„ <let- J, W|ei!tln of officer* ot Mi* I'nlted Hrgthren Mnn day echoid w* held Hunday with th* ruib/wlng reult; Mup*rlnt*nd*nt, Joseph K tilllmMhi a**latHfil, If, K> iiimrntrmun; aecretary, VS. lt*Mlng *r; fiNNlHtimi, A, W, Drove; treasurer, John a Miller; elementary wuperln tendent, Mrs, 11, 11, l.yter; SNHlNlanl, Ml** Man Dtillk*l; pbinlNl, Mr*,, 11, VS. /dmmermoii; librarian*, Joseph Chubb and lid ward t.sbo, chorl*ter, Mr*, liny ttutlnr; ml**lonry euperln tsndnnt, Ml** Mary itiever; temper ance superintendent, ft. K, Zimmer men; home department superinten dent, Ml** Marah lt*i*ch; credle roll, superintendent, Mrs, f,ro*s Killing or; elementary secretary, Warren I,olio; elementary organist, Marlln Hettinger, It l/A IN Mr, end Mrs. ltunlel Trawler end their eon, Oggflf Treeeler end wife, innilo an onto trip from Mont poller, tt,, ii dlsliince of *l hundred tnllee, to visit. Perry county friends, Mrs, 11, 1,, Hpohn and eon, I,avers, of Hershey, are visiting the former's mother, Mrs, Kllxnbeth Henry. Mlse Allsrn Noldlgh wes taken suddenly 111 with appendicitis. Hlie wn* taken to the llarrl*bitrg ho pltal for treatment on Hunday liy fir. VS. r, Klstb-r. Mis* Mabel Rnlmr wu* lip*t speller at Bpulllnu school, conducted *t Adum* drove liy A 1 Imm Anna Fstro, C, K. MeVny ha* returned from Colorado. ANNVILI.K Mr. nnd .Mr*. John N, Kvan* nn nounea ihe hlrth of a daughter, Anna Mirnrat Lean*, on Msptsmhsr 22. 191*. Ml** Ella Ilrlghtblll spent ft day i ,ut llurrlNhurg. Mr*. KllzuPoth Henry I* spend ing several day* i Lebanon. John Derlcksan, of liiinmnnnn, I* 'upending hri lro hero the gu*t j of hi* *on, ProfMor H. 11. Derlck *on and family. | Mr*, Helen Hmlth, of Cofttssvllle, I apent Momo time here the (fueat of Mr. nd Mr*. tleorge < 'oyle ftnl fttm ! Hy. W. (>. Hlurgl*. of LltltJS, spent n day here the guest of Dw*on W. j Yoke and family. Mr*. Alfred Mill* ha* returned to her home hero after spending sev : vhl day* lit New York f'lty. Ml** Halllo Suylor I* spending j t Nome time In Adam*town, Herk* , j county. Mr*. Raymond Roddy and *on, of i Philadelphia, *pent aeveral day* ; here. The Rev, K, If, Mommr lhaufch, of | ! Frederick, Md., npi-nt a day here. Paul Hay lor, of faifip Vail, N. J., I : ha* returned to camp after spend- ! , trig u ahort furlough here with hi*' parent*. Mr. and Mr*. Daniel Baylor. Mr. and Mr*, Charles M. Coover. 'Ml** Byrd Coover, of Philadelphia, and William E. Herr, of Norfolk, I , made a motor Irlp through i' 'umherland county. MVyKCOOL Newton Miller and family, of Har> , rlshurg, have moved to Liverpool. Russell Lute, wife and three chil dren, of Harrlshurg, *pent the week 'end here with Elmer Murray and , family. Ml** Jean Kerstetter, employed at ; Hteelton, vlalted her parent*. Mr. end Mr*. A. K. Ker*tetter. Hamuel Housed, of West Virginia, i* visiting MeC'lelan Kiser end fsm |lly. Mr*. Prank Potter 1* spending tfv. < ral week* at Danville. Mr* Ha rah Portzllrie I* visiting I with her will at Hteelton. A.,11 Martin, of Hummerdale, u I a recent visitor here. Mi** Caroline Mitchell left for 1 Philadelphia, where she will con- ' ] ilnue her studies at Combe Coneer-, . vatory of Music Mi** Margaret lleimhu'her 1* at , tending Penn Hall school at Cham ' bershurg. kl AKIH l I.AM I ATHITIIM II Hew • nulla flalul, Pa.. Oct. I , The senior < law* of the High - Pool were delight I oily enl< named ] t the home of Mi and Mr*. William it*iftter, on Thoieday evening A huff it luncheon wa served. ( Ml H< M ußi.ill*l NMiavt Hailelle, P.. I"t I At the regu Isr pert ice* Is at, Julm i t'bsuk. *• Monday luorniug, the tt< v. Herbert H I'utsifri. pi tainted a let- J i*> of f*gii ikruugk ike vestry of j •he church to Mis* Asule bisk, ano , .Us* itdl**4 s organist. The letter *•* se* "ii.peni* 4 try a nest purse ' 11' in l * sen.i* 11 of the congrega ' Hon Mis* bisk has lie* a the or ganist far lire past la.big-four yens. I ft" *tr> hay* "kunii Miss dsn- i i od V VMite. a autu.bei of the con- ' gr* g* I .us lit taioi 4 Mia* Uink a* ' ' . 'g*b.e< and *he will assume her I jdulia* ob awsday seat. Mia* Villa* ■ i* a blase pupil -I the Wolf htudio .. ls...ne, | ! Ev< ry true-blooded \ ! American appre- j$ I cirtit's I J POS L J TOASTIES J ♦ • T!W HiW lt wl4'rt< ufi'l i-iiul runUfclt ItlM ft|4t*4 WiyiilUT* rill rlmv4#r of CCji'H ityt'i* Mrviul in 4'4#in v I Ifkif. El * ■ WWWWWWIWSWWWW WEST SHORE NEWS % Enjoyable Party Held on Maxine Beckley'i Birthday New t iimlo-ibiml, Pe„ Oct, I. • tin Friday evening Maxine Ueckioy retainattni hoc •igblb lilrtliduy en tiivetsaiy at her home at lllllld Willi It liutnber of utile friend*. After eetnea ami mu*ic, refrssHmnnts wer(i| setvodi DIM favor* luting small (low er nankat* nihil with candy. 'J'hosa present were: Vorfia Maley, Jt.uneMo Malay, tieraldlno Mumper, Helen and Joyce Milftiper, Florenee William*, Frod Hong, Klotae l/ong, Hara llullon hauffh, Hata Miller, Margaret Htse gar, Hoiothy Kepnar, Kll/abeth Kelsfer, Frada llartnian, Hara Itavld noii, Hetty Klrkpatrlck, Hara Kni blOK, Mildred Kmhlek. Je*l He<-k --ley, Kleunor <'run, Helen Krney, Vlra) l/snbart, Italph J'aden, Hilly Heyk-J ley, Max In* Heekloy, Mr*, C. A. l-ong, Ml** Mary Hammelneugli, Miss iiou-i lull llartnian, Mrs. Ituymuiid I'uden, Mia* Catherlno Mnydcr, Mrs. John l/Ottg, Mr. and Mr*, itosx UuckU-y. ItFCNIDN DF (TiAKHMATKN HlilrciiiuiiMp'wii, PH., Oct, I,—The Iwciitleth annual reunion of elans male* of flak Hall schooi, wu* hebl on Huturdny afternoon at tho home of Miss Kinma Htrong here. The las* member* are; Mr*. Julius KuulTmaii, Mrs. John Hweoney and Mr*. June llolf, of New Cumberland; Mis* Iltunia Htrong, of| Hhlreinaiisiowii. Olhttr gm-Ht* lnelud-| ed: Mrs. Clara He*t, Mis* Portia Hcst, of Camp Hill; William Htrong. Hemuel Htrong, of Mochanlcsburg; I Mrs. |mb Htrong ami Mis* IntUf Htrotig, of Hhlremanetown. A pleas ant afternoon wu* spent und refre*b inenls Weic served. 41, ASH PItFHKNTK 111 III,K New Cumberland, I'a., Oct. 1. - On Sunday the Men's Bible cla* of th Church of Dod Hunday school presented their teacher, the Itev. <'. 11. Hslges, with a Hcotleld Deference Bible with morroco binding and with five greenback* a* bookmark* The Kev. Mr. Helge* will leave for the Eldership a Mechuntcsburg on Wednesday. I/AHT I (HIMIMtIN HKItVICIC New Cumberland, l'-, Oet. 1. i The l"t coiltmunlon service fur the i conference year will be held in Trln i Ity Fniteil Hrethren Church next ! Htin<luv at both morning and evening ! wervlce. The Itev. A. K. Ayres will | preach the closing sermon In the ! evening. . . I The official board and trusties of j the church will meet on Thursday J evening at H o'clock. Tl MPLItAMT: MI KTINtJ , Hlilrt-nmiistown, Pa., Oct. !• The monthly ineetlim of the Hhlremans town Woman's Christian Temper ance Union will he held on Friday evening ut the home of Mr. und Mr.*. J. It. Prey, in Ka*t Main street. I.VlvliH* Rally Day wa observed In Zlon I*Utheran Church and a good pro . gram wa* rendered by the young 1 people. The paator, the Rev. H. Jones, also delivered an Interesting talk. A aolo waa rendered by Hoi. Hit lei man. Communion aervlce* will j ibe held neat Hunday, October 6, in Zlon Lutheran Church, Mia. Maine Matter, of Market : • street, left for Tennessee to spend ; some time with her uncle and coin inn, Her couain meet* her at Wash ' ington. Mrs John Paul, of North street, j vlalted relatives at Millersbury. Miss Henrietta Thompson spent ' Sunday with her parents. Mr. and i Mrs. John Thompson, of Market street. Miaa Thompson teaches at the CaraonvlUc school, j Mrs. Samuel Hwcigaid, of Millers- j burg, has returned home after apend ! trig a week with her daughter, Mrs , Charles Roatner, of Market street. Mrs. Nora Moon lias returned home j | after a visit to Virginia. The boy* who left for State Col- j lege are Prank Htuppy, Forrsst ' i Keigle, l.ii Mar Coujirr, Howard Mil | h-f Jonas Kosier and Jacob Salttef. | 11. Km ton. of Main street. and tjeoige Lebr, are at Seattle, Waali j ingtuii. to take up military training. I <m Wednesday the Liberty Lome I train with its band chorus and speak ers will be here. Men hauls are requested to close ' ' their stores at Hp in. excepl Salur- j > day when they will be open till IV o'clock Ldward Kelaer has returned to ! i amp at Houston, Texas, after a j visit to bis parents. Mr. ' and Mrs. i ; Law aid b Mt-ian. I Mi and Mrs. (' T Slioop, relumed i hum a visit to their son, Hue M. { Slioop at Kortreas Monroe. La who i* a a* igeaul in the electrical de- i i paitmeiit of the Coast Artillery. ' Mr aud Mrs Marry Korman. of W icouls' o. are entertaining Miaa i Molly Muit-i, of Ontario, Canada. Personal and Social Items of Towns on West Shore Mr*. Ili'rttia Atland, of Nw Cum-I klfllUli Ini* rutiirned from a week'* vlNlt lo Pradnrlck, Mil,, und Hlch- I motid, Vn, Mr, iirul Mr*. John I'', Hupp nd Mr, | and Mr*, Hurry Wnher, of Hhlretnun*- j town, vlalled tliolr oti, Arthur K. Hupp und Clifford Wnher, at Camp law, l'tur*huiK. Virginia, on Sun day. Mr. and Mr*, Marie I4ppl*y n<l ' family, httVu returned to tholr homo j lit ClMhurn, after "pending th tfeek • tid with the forther'* mother, Mr*, Mary Jflppley at HhlrcmanMtown, Mi*. 4nnln Hupp, of MerhanlcNburg, wa* u recent gui'Mt of Mr*. John F, Snyder ut Hhlrenniriiilown. Mr*, ciiiirle* Chaplin and daughter, , | Hone Wagner Chaplin and Ml** Ida I I Wagner, of Worntleyahurg, were' . weekend Vl*Uor* With Ml** M. Irene j Stone ut Mhlreman*town, Ml** Alice Wallace and'Mm, Clyde , Smith, of HhlicmaiiMlown, vleltcd Mr, and Mr*. Charle* (Iru** at. Mechanic*- hurg on Huiiduy. "avid Howard, of White Hill, *pent Hunday with hi* grandparent*, Mr, und Mr*, i), 'W. Hurtnan ut Hhlrc hometown, H, W, Itoynold*. of Hhlremnn*town, ' *pi'ht over Hunday with hi* piinuit*. I I ut Hanover, • Mr*. 1., H. Khecly and her grand- i daughter, Ml** M. Irene Htono, of | Hhlreinanatown, are home from u vlnlt with Mr. and Mr*. Unite T, I ItclKey at their country home, Moun tain Breeze farm, near William* tit'ove, Mr,, and Mr*. William Htotlgh, *OIIH l.loyd stimuli und Merle Slough, of MechanicHburg, apent Sunday with I the former'* parent*, Mr. und Mr*. I Kdward Miller at Hhlreiiian*town, Mr*. Herbert Hupp ha* returned to her home ut HurrUhurg after vie- Itlng her parent*. Mr. and Mr*, Amo* Hower* and her eieter, Mre, pliver Well* at Hhlreninn*town. Mr. and Mr*. J. H. Hrlnton enter tallied the following guet* nt their home at Shlrciiiunatow ti on Sunday IHeorge Miller, of Ooldaboto" Mr*. | W. Wonderly, daughter*, Dorothy Wonderly and Kuthryn Wonderly, of | Hlgheplre; Mr. and Mr*. Charle* ICbert, mom Janu*. Mr. and Mr*. I Harry Hrlnton, *iin, Harlo Hrlnton, Hulph Hrlnton and t'hurlc* Hrlnton | daughter, Bvelyn Hrlnton, Andrew Illicit unit Jacob Tr*go, of Mcchunlc*- burg. I HAHVMNT IIO.MM SMItVU I H j Knolu. I'll., Oct. 1 JlurvcHt Home! cervices were held In St. Matthew * Itcforincd Church on Sunday con-| ducted hy the piuitur, the Hev. Mr. a row. The congregation will hold Hally Day exerclaea In the auditor ium next Sunday. DO AN MASS MHMTINO Knolu Pa., Oct. I.—The opening public patriotic ma** meeting in the intereat of the Fourth IJherty Igmii drive will he held in tlio uudltorlum of the Summit Street *chool hulld ! on Thuraday evening, ut M I o'clock. Several prominent apenkcm have been Bolected. Prof. John Phil-! lip*, of liarrlMburg, director of the! Fnola community cljorue, will direct ! the *lnginng. / , " • - ' - b X N S * . .. \ - , :... .. 111 || 28-30-32-North Third Street II .- \ Every Liberty Bond yon | n compliance with the buy is a step closer to \ Fuel Committee's re victory. Keep the Kaiser f J qu est °" r business hours nn ,h n.n Ti,. ™ \ are dfily 9A. M. to 5.30 on rne run. Ine more xSf n ,/ ' . a , _ , , , , , ' fc JHK P. M. and Saturday 9 bonds you buy the better. # il Four Groups of Blouses at Qg I litter ate introductory price* 6lld will be of interebt to those who wjblt to eecure one or more \ * ■ \ )\ very unu*ual blou*e* for gen- era! OCCMjoiti. I he very ex- /IllV n cepi tonal workroan*hip and ' {/fA b/' /IH ' quality will appeal to partn ular . nTjV a(jY * <JI ttetetite ll littet tntplttetejve x.Jr ,> /y laBFl model* are (4Ulte different from ' / J tire übual mode* offered in tire / / / / W average bhop arrd at theac rood a / J crate price* are extremely eco ' Btflffftlj Blount* ut $5 Blouses at $5.1)5 1 >■ s*rArM< IMb wl §WitekU at.f Mt'K oi sO's*" 1 "'l' l.wut put J i< Vf<M * se l rn M'V U-i *oij§ U-iMrd *id >br HS*I tdiUi t4 fc .J *iu M-il#i a rauaut'Ud f?. yttb oU> tru.**, A very origin#! inuilai in <aa.U at-*t It. t*bli muff, ibm mi wbut *4 paata a n# reef #a# ta#v vi m a#b a 4 wlet#. ir# ru# tertU| r* nam a i. fiutu Vstm# Iras (*tUt t4 s# jr*4 v-r#/ aiUva *>Jft tunalao *ub two rtraf vt pearl but t C # NV#t*S o.| viw Hutf An r*t<MnUu.rtfy viu aiiiigr. laainM —. aae'-j OCTOHF.R 1, 101 R. , ■ ,AaaMißßMn tiiih IN iiM' Miiniii oi- ALUMLTVIIf l-rilllllll 111 tllllllllllK II •■'l'll- __ MQ|inC| iMMir IHIIMI -1 ii III' I i-ILUC. , P ll IN tin* ninny .VIHI-N OF I**|Pl*l IIIIIMIIN MILL TFLBNVVF , I 0 till* tmliiliiu of IIIIIIHN whit iC • ill* tln- 11*11 Nl IM-I'||||- Miirk. ou ctn p w ' n t * i ' # war if you put up a good 19 v Men Can Wear Hand Tailored Clothes For the Same Price as the Other Kind Cost Elsewhere €J This is a great satisfaction to the man who seeks the utmost in clothes worth. €J We are the sole representatives in Harris burg for Fruhauf hand-tailored Clothes, ready to wear. ll <| The individuality of these clothes is accom plished by individual cutting and tailoring. fjj Yet they cost no more than inferior kinds New Fall Suits and Overcoats * ' nil S3O to S9O Schleisner's Men's Shop 1 28-30-32 North Third Street. •• r— * • - w : " > • V Jx SKfe - V 3 .
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