| I !|! We Must Furnish - I By REV. WILLIAM A. SUNDAY | I Uncle Sams Liberty war chest needs filling thousand-headed, thousand-horned, thousand-fanged pirate p a £ ain ' ' of the air, assassin of the seas, despoiler of the earth and am \\7 u .i i ru • • bassadorof Hell! ■ We have the cash to fill it as many times as he lifts the lid. The army and navy will dig the grave, but g hpi t . . we must furnish the spade. H 1 here are only two horns to this dilemma— Q you are either a patriot or a traitor. Our boys will soon hang crape on the door of p • .. . , , the Potsdam Palace, and the bands will play Yankee-Doodle IT Ihe men on the firing line and on the battle- and Dixie along the Rhine, ships have turned from business, home, mother, wife,cchi- e dren, and they stand ready to give their lives and shield with Uncle Sam IS the cactus in the Kaiser's pillow. P their bodies us who remain at home. TTT .1.11 , Our Boys have, gone over to clean up on that m We are unworthy to be thus protected, if we fool bunch of Huns and it is up to us to supply them with do not do our utmost to sustain them. whatever they need to finish the job. It takes money to keep ttt , . , . the riveters riveting—the sawyers sawing—the machine guns WM We must be one in our determination to Win spitting bullets ana the grub wagon always on hand with the this war. We are traitors to the cause for which they are eats. There is nothing too good for our brave defenders. H giving their lives, if we do things here that make their efforts k arder - Our vocabulary contains no words adequate m T 4.L r • * i . to express our approval of the achievements of our erovern .. 9 living unless there IS some- ment since we threw our hat in the ring. We are rich on top 111 thing to live tor. Life would not be worth living if that bunch of the ground; we are rich under the ground and our rivers H °J s houldwin. # creep like silver serpents to the seas, bearing our products. 1 hat is why they cannot win. That is why The children of England, France, Italy and H we cannot lose. Belgium are laughing once more because they are being fed H * * t j i i * from Uncle Sam's bakeshop. One carload of meat every two What a mountain of crime God has. on his minutes, one hog out of every four, nine million pounds of B books against that horde of Hellish Huns. What grave is meat a day—all going over to feed our boys. We are in this deep enough for this thousand - armed, thousand - footed, scrap to the last dollar, the last grain of wheat, the last day. Oj We will never stop until Germany dips her dirty blood-stained rag to the Stars and Stripes. 1 It's a whale of a job we've tackled, but we can and must put it over. But you must help. Don't whine. Don't knock. You can't saw wood with a hammer. Don't turn the hose on the fire; add fueL Buy Bonds! Buy Bonds! Buy Bonds! | This Space Contributed to Winning the War by Central Iron & Steel Company, Harrisburg, Pa, Ei ''•> , ; 1 SATURDAY EVENING. - HARRISBTJRG TELEGRAPH! SEPTEMBER 28, 1918. 3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers