6 Economyinßuying and Using Meat Although meatless days are not t present a part of the official pro gram of the United States Food Ad ministration there is still great need #f intelligent economy both in the buying and in the use of meat. Because the larger beef is needed for the soldiers, the civilians are asked to use only the lighter cuts now. Since meat is bound to be the most costly of all foods In these days of laving, every housekeeper should become acquainted with the use of the less expensive cuts. There are 10 many ways of serving these Cheaper cuts, in the form of Ham. burg steaks, curry balls, kibbee, itews, ragouts, pot roasts and dishes with white sauces that the clever housekeeper can get along quite well without using the more expensive cuts. The following are two satisfactory receipts: Kibbee—Chop uncooked tough meat very flne, put it twice through 1 grinder. To each pound, allow a tablespoon of grated onion, a table ■poon of chopped parsley, a teaspoon of salt, Just a dash of jvipper. Form Into balls about the size of an egg, Stand in a baking pan. add a half pint of strained tomatoes, a table spoon of bugter and bake slowly UNIVERSITY OF • Wharton School PENNSYLVANIA of A Vital Question for Business Men and Women What is it—eliminating chance—that is to be the determining factor in my success? A trained mind—this is the answer. A mind that is able to grasp not only the meaning and execution of my immediate position, but its relation to other business activities. Wharton graduates are everywhere meeting the demands for men and women of clear vision, broad judgment and per sonal efficiency. Courses are offered in— Accounting Advertising & Selling Insurance Commercial Law Honey and Banking Government . Regulation # Registration every evening, except Saturday, 7-9 o'clock. Sessions begin For bulletins or further Information Itepwseatll ■ C. K. KNIGHT Chamber of Commerce A Comfortable Davenport by Day I Have You a 1 | Bed Davenport J I In Your Home? | A Pullman Bed Davenport practically, 11 [H adds another room to your home, for by vg j|| a simole operation you immediately con- fl §3 ve< :- it from a living-room davenport to a p II ful' -size bed H Pullman Bed Davenports sold by GOLD- if Hi SMITH'S have revolving seats —no tugging or II Hj twisting —no complicated mechanism—absolute- lp 11 ly sanitary. J|| Leather and Tapestry upholstered Mahog- ij| any or Fumed and Golden Oak frames. J $6O to slli3 I A Comfortable Bed by Night I GOLDSMITH'S || *North Market Square FRIDAY EVENING, thirty minutes, beating three or four times. Beef Timble—Chop fine one pound of left-over tough bits of lean beef, cook together for a moment a gill of strained tomatoes and ope cup of bread crumbs; add to the meat, rub to a smooth paste, season with a quarter of a teaspoonful of celery seed, a half teaspoonful of salt and a dash of pepper; mix then stir in carefully the well-beaten whites of eggs, All into custard cups, stand in a pan of boiling water and cook In a mbderate oven twenty minutes. Serve with tomato sauce. POTATO MEAT DUMPLINGS Take any pieces of cold cooked meat, chop them fine, season care fully with salt, pepper, chopped parsley or celery. To each pint al low two tablespoonfuls of melted butter. For the crust you may use left over cold mashed potatoes; if so, add a little milk and stir them over the Are until smooth and hot. If potatoes are boiled for the pur pose, add salt, butter; and milk, and beat them until light. Line to the depth of one inch, a baking dish, put the meat in the center, cover the top with mashed potatoes, smooth, brush with milk and bake In a mod erate oven a half hour. ACCORDING TO THE BOOK Young Husband "My Dear Mabel, I must say this pudding does not taste very nice!" Young wife—"All imagination, dear! It says In the cookery book that It tastes . excel lent!" Flying With Shaffer TAKING A REST LEXERS FROM A DAUPHIN BOY TO HIS MOTHER Escadrille Spad, 38, Secteur Postal 240, Q. C. 22, Aug. 11, 1918 Dear Mother: I have just sent a little souvenir to dad, made from one of the shells X use in burning balloons. Tell me if it arrives. If so, I may send some more souvenirs. The Boche bom barded us the other night but did no damage. However, they are com ing a little closer for I heard some of the bombs whistle as they came tumbling down. What did I do? Oh, rolled over on the other side and hoped the racket would soon stop so I Could go to sleep. They don't shut off the electric lights now when the Boche come overhead, because we have none. We're back on a war basis and using candles, but X am glad to report that our barracks are finished and I live in a tent no more, with its leaky roof and danger of falling' on one every time a strong wind comes up. Of course,.we don't have the con veniences here like we had at Me lette, such as electricity, baths and tennis courts, not forgetting the bathing fountain and, come to think of it, I guess those conven iences are pretty well busted un, since the Boche have been bombard ing that place pretty regular. One bomb landed squarely on the officers' barracks. Fortunately, no officers were in at the time, so no one was hurt. The damage was not very great, either. Up in the Clouds I have not done much flying since I burned that balloon, except one patrol, and that was a voluntary one with two Frenchmen, and then the clouds were so low (800 meters) and thick that we lost our leader before we had £ono half way to the lines. I soon lost the other Frenchman in the numerous balls of "cotton," but kept on for the line just the same, for if any balloons had been up It was perfect weather for attacking them. But nary a one was up, ex cept a French one. Since there were no Boche flying in the air either, they rarely flying unless the weather is very clear, I spent some time flying around this lonely French balloon, approaching it from differ ent directions in order to train my eyes in judging distances, since the gun I use will not take effect at close range or too far. Hard to Judge Judging one's distance from a | Boche balloon while attacking is ; quite a difficult matter, what with j so many 'distracting'' things going off around one. You can see how valuable this training my eye on a French balloon would be, where everything was calm and tranquil. X didn't go very close, however, be cause it had been reported the day before that a Spad, flown by a Boche, had brought down a French balloon in flames. I did not want to be taken for that Boche, so soon stopped maneuvering, flew around a cloud, took a look around Rheims : and seeing neither balloons nor | Boche, pointed my plane in the gen eral direction of a German antialr- I craft battery near this city, which is noted for Its activity and marks manship, and let go with both guns. In that murky atmosphere the flam ing bullets from my balloon gun looked like shooting stars as they sped toward the "kultured" side of the lines. Another Plane I was merely trying my guns, you know, and they were working beau tifully, when I had an intuition that something was coming down on me. Something was, for on looking up I was startled to see a plane coming straight down my way. Instinctively I got out from under, watching the oncoming plane meanwhile. As he darted through a thin cloud I was much relieved to see the white nose and tail of my leader's machine, and then he started to chase me all over the lot. . I didn't know what the big idea was, but orders are to always follow your leader, so I did my best to get behind him, but he seemed in a very polite humor that'day and did not want to turn his back to me. I was just as determined that he should, though, so for some ten minutes we were chasing each other's tails. In cidentally, doing it right opposite this battery X spoke of. It's a won der they didn't help the fun along with several well-placed "archies. Probably they were tired, after the big battle for none came our way. and my leader Anally started home There is a place to shoot neir our camp, the target consisting of three white rings drawn on the ground, and I generally practice shooting here every time I come home. As we came to the target, however, my leader on one side and I on the other, I noticed a big French plane high overhead, so decided not -to practice just then. That the big bird above me might lay some "eggs." And that Is just what he did do. His aim was pretty punk, though, for the bomb even missed the outer circle, and as luck would have It, came down on the side on which my leader was pass ing so close that he was somewhat startled as a bomb came whistling past and landed on the ground be neath him with a tremendous splash and roar. The big plane having passed on, I had a little practice myself, and say, I hit that inner circle nearly evciV time. When I landed I want ed to know what my leader was chasing me around in circles for. He laughingly explained that he was having a mock combat and had kill ed me four times and then surpfls ed me by complimenting me on my maneuvering, saying it was "tres, treh bien." Sqch a compliment from such a man, for he is an "ace" with twelve Huns to his credit, carries some weight, and you can believe I properly appreciated the compli ment. . Honored With Bouquet It may interest you to know that the day I burned that was not only Sunday, but the 4th of Au gust, anniversary of the beginning of the war, so the Frenchmen told me. They celebrated it with a ban quet of rabbit and champagne, and got very angry at me because I re fused to drink any. Not that I never do, because drinking is as Axed a custom to a Frenchman as eating bread Is to an American, and sometimes on very special occasions I drink just a little. One could not do otherwise, else ho would Insult the whole escadrille, but since I in tended to go after balloons directly after dinner, there was no celebra tion big enough to force me to help it along, for I knew I would need every faculty I possessed In perfect working order to be successful. Even the Frenchman that was going with me laid off the champagne. Of course one always comes back trAIURISBTTRG TELEGKXPH from attacking a balloon in a zig zag course, but I preferred my brain to direct said course Instead of a glass of champagne. I have one balloon now. It Is a start, and we will now see if the rule that a "milk and water" man is a failure cannot be busted. In one of my former letters I once re marked that "(he greatest danger in approaching a balloon is run ning into the cable"—"and a bul et." I should add, now that I have been near a Boche one. While we are on the subject of balloons, I belter tell you that my commander, Lieut. Jladon, when it was officially confirmed that I had burned a balloon, congratulated me heartily, glad to know I had, at least begun to fulfill his expecta tions. But his words of praise were much fewer than his words of cau tion. Naturally he knew of the dif ferent planes I .had ventilated with 111 Opening Day Specials f IVINP Real Bargains For | (FRIDAY AND SATURDAY I * 111UJI.V/1T X FRIDAY AND SATURDAY I I The Money Saving Event of the Season 7 and 9S. Market Square| REAI> | A Tremendous Showing of Women's Suits, Coats and Dresses. Never have we gathered together such a remarkable || collection of Outer Garments. Hundreds of New Styles, Fabrics and Shades; and for two days, FRIDAY and SAT- || URDAY we are going to give special reductions in Suit, Coats and Dresses. Women's and Misses' Suits Women's and Misses' Coats Women's & Misses 3 Dresses 1 Serges—Poplin—Velvet—Velour—Pom Velours Pom Poms Velvets—Broad- Serge Jersey Tricolet Satin Taf- jg Pom Gabardine, etc. Sizes 14 to-58 cloths—Plush—Burella Cloth, etc. We have feta, etc. —Here is your chance to get a new || $25.98 Suits—loo Suits to (bJI qo 600 Coats in Stock to choose from. Fall Dress and save money. PHce^o^Friday 1 " 1 $20.50 Women's and Misses' Coats $14.98 $l2-50 Women's & Misses' Dresses $8.98 1 <tey $25.00 Women's and Misses' Coats $17.98 $17.50 Women's & Misses' Dresses $11. 9S Sj fection ,98 $27.50 Women's and Misses' Coats $19.98 $22.85 Women's & Misses' Dresses $14.98 6 imaginable for Friday and Jrrlik $30.00 Women's and Misses' Coats $23.9S $27.98 Women's & Misses' Dresses Jf>17.98 I Saturday ~ 3 ~ |jj $37 50 Suits Extraordinary QQ $35.00 Women's and Misses' Coats $25.98 $30.85 Women's & Misses' Dresses $21.98 values wonderful styles $37.50 Women's and Misses' Coats $27.9S $35,85 Women's & Misses' Dresses $24.9S 1 sample garments only $45.00 Women's and Misses' Coats $32.98 $40.00 Women's & Misses' Dresses $29.98 11 1,000 BOYS' NEW FALL SUITS 1000 SWEATERS I Placed on Special Sale For Friday and Saturday „ , pla d on Special Sale For Friday and Saturday in o , . ... Mens—Women s—Boys—Girls—Children s and Infants | Be sure to get a good supply at these spec.al prtces Sweaters | L69| $B . OO Sweaters $4.98 ! I $ 4 - 00 Sulta f 2 " 49 $ lO -0° Suits $6.98 $4 00 Swea t ei . s $2.49 $8.98 Sweaters $5.98 I iss 00 Suits $2.98 $12.50 Suits *7.98 $5 Q0 Sweaters $2.98 $9.50 Sweaters $6.49 i J $6.00 Suits .$3.98 $15.00 Suits $6.00 Sweaters $3.49 $10.75 Sweaters $6.98 | II $7.50 Suits $4.98 $16.50 Suits $7.00 Sweaters $3.98 $12.50 Sweaters. . . .$7.98 B I $8.50 Suite $5.98 $lB.OO Suite $12.98 1 I i NEW FALL WAISTS I Men's and Young Men's Suits A Overcoats For Women—Hundreds of New Styles and Creations—in Georg- I , , , „ . . ~ , .... A ette, Crepe de Chine, Satin, Voiles A wonderful collect.cn of Clothes for Fall and Winter wear. 5Q 98c 57,50 WaisU 54.49 | I For Friday and Saturday We Offer Specials in This Department $3.00 Waists $1.98 $B,OO Waists $4.98 § I $30.00 Suits & Overcoats $19.98 $37.50 Suits & Overcoats $27.98 $4.35 Waists $2.49 $8.98 Waists $5.49 | J $32.50 Suits & Overcoats $22.50 $40.00 Suits & Overcoats $31.98 $5 qq Wa ; sts $2 . 98 $ 9 . 50 Waists. ..... .$5.98 1 I $35.00 Suits & Overcoats $25.98. $45.00 Suits & Overcoats $35.00 Q() Waists $3 49 $10.75 Waists. .... .$6.98 1 MEN'S TROUSERS $6.98 Waists $3.98 $12.85 Waists $7.98 B For Work or Dress. Plenty of Styles to Choose From. NEW FALL HATS HCOAh o i. Q1 OS KC nn QQ For Women, Misses and Children—New Creations—Prices range H I 53.00 Pants $1.98 $6.00 Pants $3.98 from 98c $15 . 00 . and for Friday and Saturday we offer ® | $4.00 Pants $2.49 $7.00 Pants $4.49 Specials in Our Hat Department 1 $5.00 Pants $2.98 $B.OO Pants .$4.98 f I NEW FALL DRESSES For Children & Girls I • MEN'S AND BOYS' MACKINAWS Ginghftms—Serges—Lawns—Linens—Chambrays, etc. _ 39c Dresses .29c $2.00 Dresses $1.49 | At Special Prices For Fnday and Saturday 50c Dresses... 39c $2.50 Dresses $1.69 I n $7.50 Mackinaws. . .$4.98 $12.50 Mackinaws. .$7.98 75c Dresses 49c $3.00 Dresses $1.98 j§ pf $8.50 Mackinaws. . .$5.98 $15.00 Mackinaws. .$9.98 $l.OO Dresses 79c $4.00 Dresses $2.49 1 I $lO.OO Mackinaws. .$6.98 $16.00 Mackinaws.sll.9B $1.50 Dresses 98c $5.00, Dresses $2.98 H Boche bullets, and the fact seemed to him to point to recklessness on my part. Anyway, he cautioned me never to attack a balloon If I saw a Boche in the air, and to always look thoroughly and carefully for such Boche before attacking. "If you don't, said he "you may per haps burn fifteen more' and then— he finished the sentence with a ges ' ture of shoulder, eyes and hands so eloquent of my finish, that It left no doubt as to-my next habitation. Good Advice That they were good words of advice I knew well, and am quite willing to follow. It did amuse nie though to see how high an average (15) he placed on my victories be fore my guardian angel fell down on the job. "Allek doucement." ho ended up, "and you get 20, 25, 30"— and I thought I was ambitious! It's nothing at all to what my com mander expects of me. (No that French word "doucement" does not mean "sweetly" in that case. It means slowly.) The flutist has come back from permission and we are now suffer ing again. We are near Vitry-le-Francois now, and since my engine is now un dergoing repairs, I went down there yesterday. Unfortunately the stores closed before I had half the things bought I wanted and when we came home the auto ran so badly it was necessary to stop four times and tlx It. One of these times, happily, we stopped near an orchard. There were actually some plums on the trees. The reason I say actually, Is because of all the orchards I have seen (and I have seen a lot) this was the first one that contained some fruit. Why, I don't know, unless It is that the soldiers take It green. Believe me, I did not pass such a golden opportunity up, for I do not get fruit often, and promptly un burdened a number of trees. As for the Frenchman In charge of that auto, I never saw such a thirsty lot. About every live miles we would stop at a roadhouse and they would imbibe some more cheer out of a bottle. What with the four stops for en gine trouble we were a long time on the road, and did not get home un til late in the afternoon. When I finally did reach camp, a lieutenant was waiting for me. and wanted to know where I had been, for I had been listed to fly that morning in another pilot's plane. He was all primed to ball me out, but didn't go oft when he found out I had asked for permission from my com mander. Had a letter from Helen Miller, our Red Cross nurse from Dauphin, and was sure glad to hear from her. ' WALTER. SEPTEMBER 27, 1918. Advice to the Lovelorn DOST CONFIDE YOUR INTEREST TOO SOON DEAR MISS FAIRFAX: I am twenty, and 1 have taken quite a fancy to a man of twenty two. 1 do not know him personally, but I expect to be Introduced to htm wllthln a few days. Is there any thing I could say to him ao he would know I cared for him? I have a friend who has spoken to him about me. and he thinks I am a very nice girl. The other night I saw the young man I am going to meet, talking to another girT. From what 1 hear, this girl is very jealous of him. Pleaae tell me how I can gain his friendship. I have no one to tell me what to do, as I am all alone, so I thought you might be kind enough to help me. ANXIOUS. I wish it were possible for me to talk to you instead of writing, poor little girl, who has no one to ask for advice. The first thing I'd tell you would be that nothing could be more 111-advised than to tell the young man. at your first meeting, you cared for him. He would probably take to the "tall timber," and who coul°d blame him. It takes a great deal of skill and much worldly wisdom for a woman to tell a man. successfully, that she cares for him, and then—she does not really tell him she only shows her preference in many little ways. But to come out and say what you suggest would be the greatest pos sible mistake. When you first meet the young man talk about every-day things or listen while he talks to you. At the same time, there is no telling how deeply he may be Interested in the "other girl" you mention. Try and interest yourself In other things, have plenty of young friends, read the news —that will give you some thing to talk about save your money and put it in Thrift Stamps. Don't let falling In love with a man you have never met be your only consideration. Attention To Help Our Government during Its time of need in build ing local operations I had quit con tracting for several months I wish to announce that I am ready again to take work and give you the same good service as In the past. 1 also sell the Nueller Pipeless Furnace IT WILL PAY YOU TO GET MY PRICES BEFORE YOU BUY. H. W. HUMMER. CONTRACTOR and BUILDER 1423 Liberty Street BELL 4430
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers