2 TIMELY NEWS OF CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA AND CITY'S SUBURBS COLLEGE OPENS AT GETTYSBURG War Department Takes Over Institution For Training Students For Army Gettysburg, Pa., Sept. 26.—Gettys burg College opened this morning under favorable conditions, formal exercises in Brua chapel marking; the opening of the new school year. j The taking ever of the college by the War Department, who will govern, the institution during the year, re-i suited in the bringing in of a large j number of new men who will In this manner receive their preparation and training for service in the Army. A great number of the upper class-] men are now in the service, so that ( the attendance this year would like-1 ly have teen small in comparison with former years, but an incoming] freshman class of three hundred, or j more than twice the usual number.] gives an enrollment which has never before been equaled. All new ap plicants have been refused admission since September 18. when the limit of the institution was reached. The Student Army Training Corps will be in charge of First Lieutenant John E. Carney, who has seen active service in France. The four largo dormitories will be used for bar-j racks, and a mess hall that will ac commodate three- hundred and fifty men is being equipped in connection ■*u.th Stevens Hall. ;Your Best Asset j j—A Skin Cleared By— [CuticuraSoap I All drosMts: Scxp 2. Omtmot 9 ft SO, Tfclcva S. oftfh o: Ciior*. Dyi- X, MOTOR^IIIF' LIGHT - MEDIUH<? CATERPILLAR tractors, gasoline-propelled, now do much of the heavy hauling around shipyards and foundries that formerly required yard-cranes, loco motives and laid tracks. All wheels and moving parts must be lubricated with just the proper oil for these severe hauling conditions. It is-a matter of considerable pride that Atlantic Motor Oils are being used very ex Harrisburg B. F. Hoffman Garage. West End Eiec. & Cycle Co. Rex Auto Garage. Wm. Penn Garage. A. Redmond. Square Deal Auto Supply. Susquehanna Garage. Ensminger Garage. Ryder Hardware Store. Federal Square Garage. Bretz Bros. Mr. E. E. Lutz. Black's Garage. Mr. C. H. Uhler. Hudson Sales Agency. Mr. H. G. Zimmerman. Mr. C. L. Conover. * Swain Bros. Standard Auto Supply Co. Mr. F- H. Seidler. Mr. E. E. Packer. Mr. Geo. E. Runkle. Mr. L. G. Orr. Keystone Sale Company. Carr's Garage . Harrisburg Auto and Tire Re pair Co. Internationa! Harvester Co. J. S. Sible. Jr. Front and Market Motor Sup ply Co. Miller Auto Co. M. Brenner & Son Motor Co. Crispen Motor Car Co. A. R. Co.'s Service Station, Front and Market streets. Allen J. W. Donnelly. Bachmansville Mr. J. I. McCorkle. Mr. I. S. Techuddy. Balfour Mr. F. M. Walker. Berrysburg W. C. Motter. Bowmansdale Mr. F. H. Goodhart. Carlisle Wellington Garage. Mr. J. 8. Burtnett. Cochran & Alcock. THURSDAY EVENING, |j. T„ Suffel Dies From Injuries in Auto Accident Liverpool, Pa., Sept. 26.—-J. T. Suf-' j fel, aged 2 8 years, of McKee's Half, 1 Falls, above Liverpool, died at the] j Mary M. Packer Hospital at Sunburyj Tuesday, as the result of injuries sus-, | talned in an automobile accident near! ] his home the preceding evening. Suftel. with his two small children I and Charles Reidner, a neighbor's 'child, In his auto was driving along] a road near his home when a young man attempted to pass him with an- > other car. Mr. Suffel applied extra I power to his car and lost control. The; ' car left the road and crushed into a, 1 stonewall turning over. Suftel and the] i Reidner child were pinned under the; ] car while the SulTel children were] i uninjured. Suffel is survived by his wife and i three children, the youngest being; i only two days old. Young Son of Duncannon Constable Dies in France Dum-annon; Pa.. Sept. 26.—Dead from wounds suffered while in ac tion on August 25, Jacob M. Sterner, ■ serving with Company B, 109 th Regi-, ment, is the first soldier from Dun-J 'cannon or immediate neighborhood] | to lay down his life in the present ! conflict. Notification of the death of Stern-1 er was received from the War De partment by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Sterner. His name has not yet'appeared on the casualty list. The father had served as constable :of this borough for some thirty years. Young Sterner enlisted in the Enited States service in 1917, shortly) after the declaration of war and was ' ! sent to Camp Hancock, Augitsta. Ga.,j 1 for training and there was assigned] to the unit with which he was serv-, ing at the time of his death. Carlisle. Pa., Sept. 26. —An Inter-; esting meeting will be held this eve-1 ning when the Women's Liberty j ; Loan Committee in Cumberland; ! County will mobilize for service.; There will be a patriotic meeting in j the courthouse at 7.80 o'clock, ad dressed by Mrs. John O. Miller, of] the national committee, in charge of; the work in Pennsylvania. Mrs. Wll- j bur Harris, of Harrisburg. will sing! , and the Alien Squad will appear. I Craighead Mr. Thomas Cllne. Dauphin Mr. L. R. McKlssick. Mr. W. B. Garverick. Dellville Mr. H. F. Speace. Deodate Mr. C. M. Foltz. Dillsburg Mr. J. D. Gochenour. Kapp & Seibert Dillsburg Garage. Duncannon J. T. Wills & Son. Central Garage. Elizabethville Uhler & Co. C. T. Romberger, Swab Wagon Co. Enders H. C. Kitzmlller. Fisherville O. M. File. Fort Hunter Mr. H. M. Stabler. Good Hope Mr. J. H. Rauch. Grantville Mr. I. D. Lingle. Mr. W. D. Shertzer. Gratz Miller Bros. Geo. Adams. J. M. Hopple. Halifax O. J. Cooper. A. M. Smith. Herndon City Garage. Herndon Motor Car Co. Highspire Mr. C. E. Leldlg. Hockersville Mr. L. K. Goodhart. ATLANTIC g&G ASOLIN Ef|| Put s Pep inYour MotorfSmm 500 Cigar Workers Strike For Higher Pay Gettysburg. Pa., Sept. 26. Em ! ployes of twenty cigar factories in .! the eastern end of Adams county j went, on strike over the wase ques ition. The five hundred workmen [ concerned demanded an increase of : I from one to dollars per thou -1 sand. Failing to get an immediate j reply the workmen walked out and . the towns of MeSherrystown, New Oxford. Centennial and Hanover had j a real strike in the cigar industry. After a day's idleness an agree ; ment was reuched by which the , workmen went back to work for a j j period of two weeks, in which time | owners were to have a now schcd-! ] ule of prices arranged with tho re-' j tailers that will permit them to; j grant the increase to the laborers or] ! out they go again. Y. M. C. A. Will Care For Soldiers at Carlisle Carlisle, Pa.. Sept. 26. —Special j arrangements have been made by the Carlisle Y. M. C. 'A. to provide j for the scores of soldiers to be in i Carlisle during the coming winter. IThey will include the men stationed at the War Department General I Hospital, men of truck trains pass ing through here and also those in the Students' Army Training Corps at Dickinson College. Considerable additional space has bcn secured and reading and rcstrooms will be fitted up. OVERCOME BY GAS Waynesboro. Sept. 26.—Registrar I Alfred N. Russell, of Waynesboro, j came near losing his life yesterday I when the gas was not fully turned off in the kitchen when he retired for the night. The night before, ; Mrs. Russell and her sister. Mrs. j Millie Fertig. who are spending some time in their cottage at Pen Mar, but | were in the house in Waynesboro ; over night,had lighted the gas in the I stove and when they left thought they had turned it completely off, j when they did not. It happened Mr. ; Russell was in the house when they : left and was overcome by the gas ■ •! fumes. It took two physicians to I I resuscitate him. % tensively by America?big industries. In every type of- mqtor-driven apparatus, these superior oils do their part in keeping the equipment in first-class running order. You should use these same oils in your trucks and business-cars. They certainly "keep upkeep down." Ask any of these live-wire dealers just which one of the four principal Atlantic oils you should use. Hogestown Mr. Geo. R. Blesley. Mr. W. A. Roland. Hummelstown Mr. F. D. BlesslnS Nye & Conrad Mr. G. A. Zellers. Kellar Bros. Landisburg Mr. D. W. Wertz. Linglest.own Mr. C. B. Care. Mr. O. B. Leese. Loyalton H. H. Snyder. Loysville Mr. D. S. Jacobs. Mr. B. F. Kell. Lucknow Mr. J. G. Memmlnger. Lykens Lykens Motor Car Co. Marysville Mr. J. E. White. Mr. E. A. Wagner: Mr. \ M. Kellar. Mr. J. L. Holbach. . Mechanicsburg Mechaniesburg Auto Shop. Mechanicsburg Auto Co. Cumberland Valley Garage. Middletown Mr. J. M. Brlnser. Mr. E. M. Snavely. Millersburg S. N. Kawell & Co. Millersburg Auto Co. A. W. Troutman. W. J. Wltmer. New Bloomfield Mr. G. W. Keller. Mr. G. W. Garber New Cumberland Mr. 8. F. Prowell. New Cumberland Garage. HARRISBURG TkLEGRXPH One of Mechanicsburg Twins Wounded in France PHILIP H. LUCAS Moehaniosburg. Pa.. Sept. 26. That Philip H. Lucas was severely wounded in action in FranceVm July 26, was the r.ews received yesterday j by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil : liam T. Lucas, 109 East Portland I street, Mechanicsburg. He was aged | 18 years and was among the first in this locality to enlist. He is a 1 member of Co. A, Fourth Infantry, i United states Regular Army. Philips's twin brother William Is I also in the United States service in France, New Kingston Mr. Chas. Hetrlck. Newport J. M. Smith & Son. Mr. F. E. Taylor. Mr. P.. W. Keller. Snyder Brothers. Cberlin Mr. G. A. Stengle. Paxtang Mr. J. H. Snyder. Mr. H. F. Kramer. Penbrook Mr. Geo. Haversticl;. Piketown Mr. Geo. Fox. Pillow E. M. Bufiington. E. E. Dockey. E. K. Gessner. Rife H. ,M. Ronawitz & Son. Rose Glen J. P.. Leppard. Shepherdstown Mr. M. E. Spahr. Shermansdale H. L. Jones. Speeceville Mr. Wm. H. Colver. Steelton Mr. Geo. M. Ulrlch. Steelton Store Company. Swatara Station Mr. C. K. Curry. Union Deposit Mr. H. P. Peipher. Wertzville Mr. W. E. Duncan. West Fairview West Fairview Garage. West Hanover Mr. J. H. Kuntz. Mr. J. A. Boyer. Williams Grove Mrs. A. Myers. Cumberland Valley ARMY TRAINING •; I AT DICKINSON' Special Ceremony to Mark Opening of College to Stu dents' Army Training Corps ! Carlisle, Pa., Sept. 26.—Special ceremony will mark the formal re ception as a part of the life at Dick- . Snson College of the Students Army Training Corps to be located here. The exerciseß will he held on Oc tober 1 and will be marked by a j tlagrnising. address by the president ' of the college and the reading of ! orders from the Secretary of War. i The men will mess in Conway Hail, j the former preparatory building. The official in command of the j corps is Lieutenant William Furby, ; a Chicago man, commissioned at Camp Sheridan, who comes here s from directing similar work in Mas- j Five or six other officers . have been detailed for duty and w'll ! arrive in a day or two. Committee to Collect Clothing For Belgians Median iasbnrg, Pa., Sept. 26. — Mrs. R. Byron Schroeder, chairman' of the clathmg campaign for the; Belgians announces her committee! as follows: First ward. Miss Margaret Black-j t burn. Miss Grace Witmer. Miss Cath-i i erine Keefer and Mrs. L. G. Fire- 1 i stine. Second ward, Mrs. 11. C. Brown., 'Sirs. W. L. Fishburn, Mrs. Mervini ■ Lamb and Mrs. A. F. Schafhirt. I 'j Third ward, Mrs. R. X. Riddle,: j Mrs. D. W. Reidle, Miss Mary Clark! I and Mrs. R. B. Schroeder.- i Fourth ward, Mrs. Arthur N-i Toung, Mrs. Thomas Winston, Miss Marguerite Ulricb, Mrs. R. H.| Thomas, Jr. Fifth ward. Miss Jtee Zng. Miss' Manllva Zug, Mrs. R. A. DeFrehn.i Miss Caroline Saxton, Mrs. W. II. ; Rough and Mrs. X. W. Hershncr. I Big Day at Carlisle Fair Features Patriotic Numbers 1 Carlisle, Pa.. Sept. 26.—Thousands of persons came to Carlisle to-day for big Thursday, the main day cf j the Carlisle fair, which' was also! j featured by a number of patriotic I numbers. The attendance was esti ! mated to be slightly better than the: usual average and shortly after noon j ; about 16,000 persons were on the \ grounds. j At 2 o'clock a monster Liberty; sing was held, led by massed bands. The Rev. Dr. H. B. Stock presided: at a patriotic meeting following,! when addresses were made by John 11. Owen, field secretary of the Penn j sylvania Four Minute Men: Private : Paul M. Jones, of the Seventeenth I Engineers, and Dr. Robert Bagwell, lof Harrisburg. The famous Allen : Squad also appeared. Three battle j airplanes from Mineola, L. 1., were | expected at the fair this afternoon. COMMISSIOVED LIEI'TEXAXT Blaln, Pa.. Sept. 26.—Foster I* Gutshall, son of Mrs. Annie Gutshall,' of Mount Pleasant, west of town, has teen commissioned a second lieuten-i ant. He enlisted last tall and has! been at different camps the first be-1 ing at Battle Creek, Mich.,' In the! Ambulance Company Xo. 338. When he received his present officers com mission he was at Camp Hancock, J Augusta. Ga. Lieutenant Guthhall is ] now visiting his homfe on a furlough! of ten days. James L. Mort, son of Simon Mort.! of Madison township, has arrived i safely in France. He was sent with j the Perry county draft eight weeks; ago. William H. Snyder, son of John W. j Snyder, of Blain, has landed safely over the seas. He is in the 336 th' Machine Gun Company and was transferred from Camp Sherman. Ohio. —: Suburban Notes HALIFAX Mrs. Alfred Klinger has returned > to her home in Sunbury after a visit j to Mr. and Mrs- Harry Putt. Elmer H. Chubb, who spent the! past two weeks at the bedside of his i mother, Mrs. Samuel Chubb, left , Wednesday for his home at Topeka, ] Kansas. \ Miss Mary Clemson has accepted! the position as teacher of Baker's; school, near town, filling the vacancy) caused by the regular teacher. John W. Lebo, resigning to go to college. A double wedding anniversary was 1 celebrated Monday at the home of J. W. Clemson, In Halifax township, ! when Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Clemson and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Klinger, I married Just a year ago. Invited a few of their friends to enjoy the occasion with them- J. A. Hoffman, who last week was appointed rural carrier on Halifax Route Xo. 1, has begun his duties. Misa Brittor.marte Westfall, a pro fessional nurse, has registered for war work and may shortly be sent overseas. Ira Keister, of Wiconiseh, teacher of science in the Halifax High school, has been granted a month's; leave of absence by the school board and will go to Albright Col lege for Army training. Robert and Thomas Kelly, of Phil adelphia, the former a soldier, and) the latter a sailor, were entertained] Tuesday tnd Wednesday at the home! of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Etter. William Jennings, of Harrisburg. j chairman of the Dauphin county Liberty Loan committee, addressed Halifax workers at a group meeting held here Tuesday evening. Mrs. Xorman Lesher. of Mllters hurg, visited town relatives on Tues day. i LIVERPOOL H. E. Hitter made a trip to Wash-j ington, D. C.. this week. Mrs. Sarah Portzline is visiting her son Charles and family at Stcel rt>n. Mrs. F. P. Potter is spending sev eral weeks at Danville. Mrs. Mame Eckels, of Harrisburg, is spending the week here with reia-j tives here. Fred Sponenberger and Mrs. John Trimmer, of Harrisburg. were recent, visitors at Charles E. Deckard's. Walter Xagle and daughter Jennie of Sunbury. were recent visitors in town. Samuel Hauler] of West Virginia, is visiting here with McAllan Iviser and family. Frank Potter made a trip to Buf falo, X. F., this week. GIRLS' CORPS | TO SELL STAMPS {Hank Will Be Given at Car lisle Fair According to Amount of l\urehase Meclmucsburg. Pa, Sept. 26.— At (he Cumberland county fair at Car i lisle members of the Mechanlcsburg and Carlisle Girls' Military Service Corps will sell Savings and. Thrift Stamps. Purchasers of a | stamp from these agents will receive | I a card with the words, "Iron Bri | gade Reserves. lAm Helping to Bag i the Boche." According to the amount | jof purchase, these ranks "will be; ; designated: Private, one Thrift [ i Stamp: and as the purchase mounts{ j "P. first-class private corporal, sec-1 ond neutenant. first lieutenant, Cap-l ; tatn, adjutant, major, colonel, gen j oral and tinally marshal, for two hundred Wur Savings Stamps. These I cards and ranks are only given for | purchases made at the fair. Managers Named For Liberty Loan Campaign j | Moehairfesburg. Pa.. Sept. 26. I In the Fourth Liberty Loan cam-i I paign, the Rev. H. Hall Sharp will ! have charge of the clearing house, j with the Misses S. Edith Swartz andi ! Hattie J. Happle as assistants. * j Representing the National Wo ' man's Liberty Loan committee, Mrs.' J. Wilmer Happer is chairman of the Mechanicsburg district. Mrs. Rob-! ort M. Martin is chairman of the I fifth ward with the following com-! i mittee: Mrs. George M. Wertz Mrs. Arthur X. Toung, and Miss Kath . arine Kunkel. WILL DISCONTINUE FX CHANGE Waynesboro. Pa., Sept. 26.—M. F. j Hearn. division manager of the i Cumberland Valley Telephone Com , pany. with headquarters at Cham- ! tors burg, was In Waynesboro yester- 1 j day seeing subscribers of the com ' nany here and in this section. The ! j Waynesboro exchange of this com- \ | pany will be discontinued after Oc- 1 j tober 1 and after that date this ter- ! j ritory will he served by the Fayette- j j ville exchange. 1 28-30-32 North Third St. \ These New Arrivals in Fall Suits Portray the chic notes so much desired in the present day ready-to-wear Your attention is directed • to three groups of Women's and Misses' New Fall Suits Hy\. at Interesting Prices Jj] Al Velour& Silvertone Cloth 1/ 4-t" Suits at $55 and $59.50 \\ <3 Pre-eminent modes in the fashionable V straight line and belted models, in blue, ' \ brown, taupe and "reindeer." Oxford —TV\\ cloth is also represented. The superb <&*/}' tailoring is noteworthy. \p Smart (Wool Jersey) Golflex Suits $39.75 <1 The newest models in charming heather mixtures, novelty pockets and belt ef fects. Practical, serviceable Suits that can be worn nine months of the year. Very Modish Suits at $59.50 to $175 * •J Representing distinguished novelty models, belted and pleated and tailored modes. The season's choicest fabrics, luxuriously adorned with Hudson Seal, Beaver or Skunk. • ' \ • • * Fox and Lynx Fur Scarfs I ( ■' $45 $49.50 $65 ] The choicest pelts, most effectively developed and adapted to the prevailing ;! modes, in Taupe, Poiret and Black. Give Your Old Clothes to the Belgian Relief SEPTEMBER 26, 1918. Big Food Party Held in Honor of Pastor's Return Levrtstown, Pa., Sept. 26. —There was no business transacted in Lewis-, town yesterday, everything was at ai standstill and the town was almost; depopulated. It was the day for the Big Food Party at Burnham Park) I and it was a day of pleasure in hon-i or of the return of Held 8. Dickson, | pastor of the Presbyterian Church! from France on a furlough, and also 1 to celebrate the presence fo Howard J. Heinz, food administrator of Pcnn-) syivania and Captain Walter K. j Harris. _ It was tag day for the Lew into wn; Y. it. A. and every person wad decorated. Captain Harris spoke in the morning and the Rev. Mr. Dick son and Mr. Heinz In the afternoon. Duncannon Boy Holding No. 258 Gassed in France | Duncannon, Pa., Sept. 26.—Frank j Klinepcter, of Duncannon. the Perry i county man who held serial number j 258, and headed the Perry county 1 list, has been gassed in France, in- I formation recently received tell his I relatives. Klinepeter enlisted before Ihe was called under the selective act. ENTERTAINS FOR SOLDIERS Waynesboro, Pa., Sept. 26.—Miss Elizabeth Smith entertained a num ber of her friends at her home yes terday evening. The party was given in honor of several of the boys who have already donned the khaki and j were home on short furloughs. COLLECTIONS AT BtiAIN Blain, Pa., Sept. 2 6.—Clothing is being gathered at Blain and vicinity • under the auspices of the Blain Red Cross Auxiliary for the Belgians. : Members of the Junior Red Cross ] have been appointed to make a cau ! vass of the town. CHICKEN AND NOODLE SOUP Blain, Pa., Sept. 26. latjie* ; of the Methodist Episcopal Church will hold a chicken and noodle soup irauanytainHMiMi DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL BELL 694-R ENTER ANYTIME DIAL 4016 T\vo NteK School*r Monday, Wednesday, Fridnr Xlghts—Tueiday, Thnnday \ißht. BECKLEY'S BUSINESS COLLEGE THE OFFICE IRAISIXG SCHOOL lil MARKET ST. supper at the home of Mra. Harry Dunklebergcr, on Saturday at R o'dorlft. The proceeds to be placed In the treasury for current expenses. MEN'S LISLE HOSE Special, 30c Six Pairs for $1.75 g I&MIWWL 0] TOE"HEELI Q Third and Walnut Open Evenings I HAVE VIGOR AND VIM, SANPAN DID T My story can he told tn a few words says Mrs. Annie Gumby, 1148 Cumberland sfrect, Harrlsburg. 1 was to all appearance a total wreck: my nerves were all gone up, could not rest at night. It was just one constant 'osing about In bed, and sleep would not close my eyes, finally toward morning I would doze off when It was time to get up. I felt fagged out. Had a trembling in my limbs and a weak feeling in my stomach. I just forced myself to get around. I started to take Sanpan and now 1 have the vigor and vim that I lacked before and Sanpan did It. Sanpan is now being Introduced at Keller's Drug Store, 405 Market street, Harrisburg.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers