2 JEAN SOTHERN ACADEMY OPENS; AT MAJESTIC MANY ENROLLED Screen Favorite Entertains Vaudeville Crowds With Novel Program Jean Sothern. popular screen fa vorite. is the leading attraction on the Majestic program for the first half of the week, offering to the vaudeville crowds a novelty song list which brought much applause. "House or Hate" —Adding a pa triotic twist to this serial "meller" the writers ciose with the last scene on a, battlefield in France. Jack Wentworth and Hog —Jack and his pet do some good tricks for the folks and deserve more applause for their' efforts Keller and Yardon —Sor.gs by these maids are sure to please many and . their program includes sonfe good comedy numbers. "Spare Ril-s of Love''—This orig inal comedy sketch is laughable be cause of the humorous situations whi< h develop. The capable com pany presenting it includes Hojncr Miles. Helen Hay, Helen Courtney, ! Frederick Reane, Dorothy Gane, i Charles Hunt. Jean Sothcm—The only way to . appreciate Jean is to see her and hear her songs She was recalled for encores on "he evening programs, giving a good patriotic number. ' Hall I.ros, A- Co.— . -lapstick noisy comedy tumbles close ' •.'le program and the stunts of these entertainers are so amusing that few leave until the last curtain. MAX ROBERTSON. Confederates Revive Army Days Out in Oklahoma TuUn. Okta.. Sept. 24.—Nearly 4.-' 000 confederate veterans revived the memories of their army camping days by sleeping last night in the school ' uildings here. Blankets were pro- 1 vided by the War Department. The first session of the cenfeder ates will be held to-night but the veterans will not begin their meet ings until to-morrow. ONLY POWERFUL MEDICINE WILL END RHEUMATISM It matters not whether you have had agonizing pains from rheuma- j tism for twenty years or distressing twitchings for twenty weeks. Rheuma is strong enough and mighty and powerful enough to drive rheumatic poisons from your body and abolish all misery or money back. Kennedy's Drug store and all druggists sell Rheuma on a no-cure no-pay basis. A iarge bottle is in expensive. and after you take the small dose as directed 'once a day for two days, you should know that 1 at last you have obtained a remedy i that will conquer rheumatism. For over seven years throughout America Rheuma has beeTt pre scribed and has released thousands from agony, pain and despair. A Great Change Enters Into Life Of Storekeeper i A certain unassuming gentleman. Tn this city who happens to be a : prominent dealer in furniture and ' who up to a few weeks ago had be- I t one a recluse because of his phvs- | icnl condition tells this remarkable an t most interesting talei "For a number of years," he said. • "1 have beer so closely confined to \ iv.y business, working zealousy to ; make my store representative in ev- ! ery respect, that wear ar.d tear finally got me. my face became drawn and haggard and my disposl- ! tlon seemed to urge people to evade | rr.e. It was then that I began to despise my own company. My book- ; keeper, who has been with me a long time, one day suggested that I } needed a rest and that my nerves i required attention. She told" me that | her father had been in the state of health which I was experiencing and thai he had taken Phosphated Iron. ! 'Look at him now,' she said. 'He ; works ten hours a day and appears ! to be the happiest man in the wrrld which he believes he is. he says." "All this happened less than a j month ago. I followed the advice, and took at me now. Back in the harness with a smile all the while. | 1 am feeling more fit than ever. ■ When I see a tired-looking face the ! name of Phosphated Iron immedi ately comes in my mind. lam con vinced that it is concerting marv a i worn-out body into a life rich in ; thought, ambition and enthusiasm." ' Special Notice —To insure physi cians and patients receiving the gen- . vine Phosphated Iron we have put | up in capsules only so do not allow j dealers to substitute pills or tablets, insist on the genuine in capsules; on'iv. For sale in Harrisburg by Geo. A. j Gorgas 15 N. Third St. and P. R. R. i Station. i 'IT'S NOT YOUR HEART; IT'S YOUR KIDNEYS Kidney disease is no respecter of persons. It attacks all classes, re gardless of age, sex or conditions. A majority of the ills afflicting peo ple today can be traced back to the kidney trouble. The kidneys are the most import ant organs of the body. They are the tilterers. the purifiers, of your blood. If the poisons which are swept from the tissues by the blood are not eliminated through, the kid neys. disease of one form or another will claim you as a victim. Kidney disease is dsually indicated by weariness, sleeplessness, nervous ness. depondenev, backache, stom ach trouble, difficulty when urinat ing. pain in loins and lower abdo men. gall stones, gravel, rheumatism, sciatica and lumbago. All these derangements are na ture's signals to warn you that the DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL BELL 694-R ENTER ANYTIME DIAL 4016 Two Mgfat Schools: Monday, Wednesday, Frldny Nights—Tuesday. Thursday Nights 3ECKLEVS BUSINESS COLLEGE THE OFFICE TRAINING SCHOOI. 121 MARKET ST. TUESDAY EVENING, Student Body Increases De spite War; Seven New In structors Engaged Registrars at the Harrisburg Academy are busy to-day complet ing the entrance records in one of the biggest enrollments in the nis torv of the uptown institution. The total will be over the 200 mark. Headmaster Arthur E. Brown says, when the final entrance blank is I filed. The enrollment is decidedly larger than last year, and while many of the old students will not he back due ; to war conditions, the entrance of new ones is especially large. The ! dormitories are expected to be well . filled and the number of city pupils enrolled as day students swells the roll considerably. War conditions have not left the faculty of the institution ttnehang -1 ed. Headmaster Arthur E. Brown and Senior Master Howard R. Ora j wake, with a number of teachers in ' the junior school, from last year's i force, are ready for the conimence ! mem of classes to-morrow morning . But a number of new faces will be seen in the several class rooms. The new instructors are seven tn number. Arthur Kunkel. an Acad ' erny alumnus and a graduate of Franklin and Marshall College. 1915. (will be in charge of the history classes: Franklin G. Williams, a Middlebury College alumnus, the mathematics department: F. C. Po ! mar. educated in France and a grad : uate of the University of San Marcos, the modern lauguage department: A. j R. Hollinger. Gettysburg College and ! Georgetown University, the English department: J. E. Rudisill. Gettys- 1 burg. 1915. the science department, and will coach the athletic team:, ' Charles Bowden. a University of, Pennsylvania man. will take charge, | of the arithmetic and English clases, 'in the lower forms. Frank Van Shaak, a Lebanon Valley degree holder, will be another new mas- ; ter. Three teachers are leaving or have left because of war calls. Gordon! J. Piatt, head of the English depart-' tnent, faculty adviser to the Specta tor staff add the debating and pub lic speaking teams, is awaiting • call for Army service: William B. ! Jackson, fcrrner modern language j instructor, is now engaged as a Y. M. O. A. war secretarVin France, and H. X. Pritchard. tennis coach and fac- ' ! ulty advisor to the glee club, is train ing at Camp Meade. Md. French Artillery Busy in St. Quentin Region Pari*. Sept. 24.—The artillery was ' active last night on the French front , below St. Quentin and between tht ' Ailette and the Aisne. but no infan- ' try action is reported in to-day's statement. The statement reads: j "In the course of the night there ( was marked activity by the artillery ! in the region of St. Quentin and be- 1 tween the Ailette and the Aisne. "In the Champagne, two raids upon ; the German trenches in the region of Perthes and in the direction of the Butte du Mesnil resulted in the tak- • ing of 49 prisoners bv the French." EXPECT TOTBREAK RECORDS IN SALE [Continued from First Pago.] j Harrisburg the scores of thousands iof posters and placards which are to be used in advertising the Fourth , J Liberty Loan campaign. This truck will reach Philadelphia to-morrow, and .on Thursday headquarters will , begin the distribution of the posters. ■ Quota Not Definitely Known Chairman Andrew S. Patterson this morning said Harrisburg dis ' trict's quota for the Fourth loan has j not definitely been established. The | quota for the big Third Federal Re : serve District, however, is $500,000.- 1 000—or double the quota for the | Third loan. If that system is fol j lowed throughout, it will mean that Harrisburg's quota will be double : the previous one. Ship or Tank? ; In all probability the Harrisburg r district will be asked to record its ! opinion as to whether a big freighter or one of Uncle Sam's fighting tanks will be named by this district, pro i vided the bond sales come up to J the requirements necessary to ob : tain the privilege of naming a ship j or tank. Ten ships and ten tanks will he named by the- Third Federal Re ! serve District,. No community may 1 name a ship and a tank. The thought of being represented on the Euro i pean battlefields has appealed to hundreds r>f people: but there are ; many others who say they would rather that the name Harrisburg appear on the prow of a huge : freighter or transport. This ques tion will be decided later. Want Crowd Tomorrow Chairman George S. Reinoehl, of . the Industrial Committee, to-day re quested that every member of that j committee be in attendance at the first meeting to-morrow* evening at 6 o'clock at the Harrisburg Club. ! Plans will be discussed for the j opening of the industrial drive on j Saturday. The house-to-house cam- Ipaign will not open until October JO. ' kidneys need help. Tou should use GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Cap sules immediately. The soothing, healing oil stimulates the kidneys, s relieves inflammation and destroys the germs which have caused it. Do not wait until tomorrow. Go tt [' your druggist today and insist on ; his supplying you with a box of GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Cap : sules. In twenty-four hours you should feel health and vigor return ; ing and will bless the day you first heard of GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil. 1 After you feel that you have cdred ' | yourself, continue to take one or ■ two capsules each day, so as to keep • in first-class condition and ward off ' the'danger of other attacks. Ask for the original Imported ! GOLD MEDIAL brand. Three sizes. ■ Money refunded if they do not help s you. SPEEDY TRIALS FOR OFFENDERS CLEARS LISTS Grand Jury Is Compelled to Make Special Report to Keep Judges Busy So rapidly did the wheels of jus-j i tice move in the three criminal courts to-day that at noon activities! were suspendede in Judge McCar-j . rell's room for a full half-hour be-i .: fore more cases were reported by thd| , Grand Jury. Judge Kunkel and Judge .•Johnson were sitting in the other , f two rooms. | Just one hour prior to the timej ! when Judge McCarrell was compelled [ to suspend activities, a special report. had 'u'on required from the Grand! Jury because all cases in which the '.Grand Jury yesterday had found true! bills, had been called for trial. Many Petty Cases All of the dozen and more cases ! : acted upon this morning were of petty nature. Joseph Robert Hall, a! colored youth was convicted in Judge: McCarrell's ivourt on two charges of. pocket picking and one of larceny. I and he was given six months in thej i county jail. Hall robbed three men. . at the Verbeke street market several ■ weeks ago. John Williams, colored. • and John Eagle, an Indian, who had ! been employed at Marsh Run. avere ; convicted of assaulting City Detec tive Speese and resisting arrest and ,they were sentenced to serve six months. A large pistol taken from Williams was described by witnesses as a j young cannon. It was wrested from! his hand as he pointed it a£ the do-: tective. H. M. Howl got four months: ion a larceny charge and Arthur, Elsie was sentenced to serve three j I months on a charge of felonious as- j i sault. Many Jail Sentences Joe Magares confessed to carrying, t recover and was given six months, j Robert Robinson, got six months on| i felonious assault charge. In Judge i j Ktmkel's court the trial jury couldn't i j agree in the case of John Burreli.j j charged with felonious entry and' larceny and the Jury was discharged.! ! Another jury was out several hours: before it convicted Roy Martin ot i ; stealing a suit and overcoat. The J | court wants to know more about j Martin's reaord. and therefore, did. j not impose sentence. i John Morgan got seven months for. j carrying concealed deadly weapons., and Willie White was given a month j 'on a petty larceny charge. These sentences were imposed in Judge; i Johnson's court: James Lasbar. lar fceny, three months: George Toad. 1 'larceny, six months: Joseph Wil-j I hams. revolver carrying. three, I months; James Ferguson .felonious j 'assault, six months: Samuel Wash-. I ington, larceny, two months. George j Johnson was convicted on twoj clfarges of felonious entry and lar | eeny, but sentence has not yet been i imposed. These bills of indictment were ignored by the Grand Jury: John ■ Taylor, felonious assault: Anthony • Garguilo. carrying concealed deadly 1 weapons: Earl Jamerson. larceny. Require Defendants to Show Registration Cards Nonresident defendants being tried ; this week in Criminal Court, particu- Ilarlv those who are being prosecuted by District Attorney Stroup. himself, j are being compelled to show their, draft registration cards because Mr. , Stroup said he wants to know how : many, if any. have been roaming i | about the country evading the draft, j Mr. Stroup wouldn't say whether he 1 actually found any slackers, but he took data from some registration cards. He said he is planning to t forward information to draft boards , so they will know the whereabouts of I the registrants. He also suggested j 1 that some of the men might be needed ; for immediate induction. STEEL DIRECTOR WILL ' SPEAK AT LUNCHEON [Continued from First Page.] * - ar munitions and war products into whose making any amount of steel ' enters. "Steel and the War" Mr. Replogle will speak on the j I subject of "Steel and the War." ' While he is the nation's foremost ; expert in steel production and manu- i i facture.S his talk will not be a dry; , technical discourse on steel. Manu- ' facturers of essential products will ■ learn how their steel supplies are | regelated. Manufacturers of non ' essentials will learn why their steel : supplies have to be cut down. The ; I talk will be of interest to every one ; who has any interest in the war. Some of the leading men in the man- 1 ufacturing business in central Penn-'| sylvania will be at the luncheon meeting. York, Lebanon. Lewistown and Reading will be among the ; neighboring cities to contribute to : the gathering which will hear Mr. I Replogle tell what he knows about steel and the war. An invitation committee will hold a meeting this evening in the Cham ber of Commerce offices to send no tices of the meeting and invitations to the big men in the steel business in the surrounding district. The Committee is composed of the fol lowing: Frank Robbins, Jr., general manager of the Bethlehem Steel Com pany plant at Steelton: Robert H. Irons, president of the Central Iron and Steel Company: W. P. Starkey, general superintendent of the Har risburg Pipe and Pipe Bending Com pany: John Grey. general manager of the LaLance-Grosjean Company; C. W. Lynch, president and manager of the Harrisburg Foundry and Machine Company: Samuel F. Dunkl£, presi dent and manager of the Harrisburg Manufacturing and Boiler Company, and Francis J. Hall, of the Subcom mittee on steel distribution of the American Iron and Steel Institute. Mr. Hall also is Vice-president of the Central Iron and Steel Company, but is at present in "Washington. Mr. Replogle's rise in the steel world has been from the bottom of the ladder to the highest point that can be reached. He began as a boy in the employ of the Cambria Steel Company, at Johnstown. He arose from the lowest position in the works to vice-president of the company. A few years ago in a master coup he secured control of the Mldvale Steel and Ordnance Company, con solidating it with the Cambria steel, after a battle with powerful antagon ists who attempted to secure control of the company. Later he became president of the Wharton Iron Company. When the War Industries Board needed a man who could handle the vast steel un dertaking attendant upon the war, Replogle was the man who was called upon to go to Washington and take the job. What Charles M. Schwab has been to the shipbuilding pro gram. Mr. Replogle has been to the steel business, and the enormous out put of steel is largely dpe* to his handling of the steel resources of the country, manufacturers claim. ILVRRISBURG C?FS#2|SI TELEGRAPH BLUE DEVILS WANT SOUVENIRS Telegraph Will Forward Pic tures Made Here; Desire Them For Propaganda The Blue Devils of France who visited Harrisburg last summer are so enthusiastic over their reception here that they want to preserve in album form a record of their enter tainment by the local committee. Harrisburg people who have kodak pictures of the Blue Devils, made in Harrisburg. are asked to send them to the Harrisburg Telegraph, with their names and addresses on tho back and the date and place where they were made. These will be for warded to Lieutenant R. A. Cluzeau, Paris, who has requested them in a letter received by Captain Henry M. Stine. who assisted in entertain ing the French soldiers while here. The letter is as follows: "I have come back to France after the finest tour of the I'nited States you could imagine. I want to thank you once more and your fellow citi zens for the beautiful reception we had in Harrisburg and for the pa triotic demonstration you showed us. "I am trying now, for the propa ganda in France, to make an album with souvenirs a'nd pictures of the states. "Unfortunately. I have not many things of your beautiful city, so I take the liberty of asking you to send me. if possible, one of each picture taken, especially by the newspapers, as well as the articles written, dur ing the day we spent in Harrisburg. "Your boys are now doing great work here. You may be proud of them. I thank you very much, dear sir. for what you will send me."- Siberian Leaders at War With Huns Serve Notice on Horvath By Associated Press HnrMn. Manchuria. Friday. Sept. 10. —The Siberian government is report ed to have served an ultimatum on the troops commanded by General Horvath to disband or join the forces of General Semenoff, the antißolshe vik leader in trans-Baikalia. 'The Siberian government referred to probably is that at Omsk, which re cently declared war on Germany. It is probable that the ultimatum is an order combining the commands of Horvath and Semenoff. both of whom have been active against the Bolshe viki from bases in Manchuria. 18-Year-Old Youth Dies From Infantile Paralysis Chnmbersburg, Pa.. Sept 24.—Hia arms seized with infantile paralysis last Saturday, and the dread dis ease creeping over and affecting his entire body, Charles Edgar Fore man. 18 years old, died at his board ing place here last night. Foreman's death is the first from this disease in this section of an almost mature youth and is unusual. Foreman had visited friends at Fayetteville last Friday, returned home in his usual health that even ing, but awoke the next morning with both arms paralyzed. His legs were next attacked and then his throat, with death resulting shortly after ward. He had been employed here for some time, coming to Chambers burg from Fort Loudoh, where his parents reside. Bishop C. W. Currier Dies on a Baltimore Train Baltimore. Sept. 24.—Bishop Charles Warren Currier, of the Catholic Church, died on a train last evening, when on his way from Waldorf, Md.. to this city. Bishop Currier had been in appar ently good health and confirmed a claSs Sunday at Waldorf. He was paitor of St. Mary's Church. Wash ington. before being named bishop of Mantanzas. Cuba. 4n 1913. He long was active in Indian mission work. He resigned from his Cuban charge because of ill health and had been living in Washington. IM'tIEXZA CLOSES SCHOOL W'Ml Cheater. Pa.. Sept. 42.—West town Friends boarding school. the largest and oldest in the United States, was closed to-day because of an epidemic of influenza. There are seventy cases among the students. All pupils were sent to their homes to await the call to studies. Funeral Services to Be Held For Earl C. Martin Funeral services for Earl C. Martin, aged 19. son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Martin, of 1924 Penn street, this city, formerly a gunner in the United States Navy, who died 1 of pneumonia early yesterday morn ing following a short illness, will lie 1 held at 8 o'clock to-morrow evening at the home. The body was brought to this city from Philadelphia this morning. In charge of the service to*nor row will be the Rev. Dr. Edwin A. Pyles, pastor of the Fifth Street Methodist Church, who will also de liver a short address covering the life and heroic example of the pa triotic young gunner. Mr. Martin was a member of the Fifth Stieet Church for a number of years and a i constant attendant of its Sunday school. -Another speaker atAhis ser vice will be tlit Rev. Harvey Klaer. pastor of the Covenant Presbyterian Church of this city, who knew the dead gunner intimately for years and i is a close friend of the family. The body will be taken to Sunnv brook, Chester county, on Thursday I where another service will be held 1 in the Methodist Church there. Bur ial will be made in the Siyinybrook Cemetery. The numerous friends of the late gunner in and about this city will have an opportunity to view the body , after fi o'clock to-morrow evening | at the home of his parents in Penn street. Hoover and Son will have charge of the funeral arrangements. SOPHIA DENISON DIES ■ Sophia Denison, age 4 50 years, died this morning at the Harrisburg Hospital from a complication of di seases. The body will be taken by Undertaker C. H. Mauk to Hunting don for funeral services and burial on Thursday. MRS. GERTRUDE T. LEIBY Mrs. Gsrtrude T. Leiby, aged 37, wife of Charles E. Leiby. died last evening at the Harrishurg Hospital. Funeral services will be held Thurs day afternoon at 1.30 o'clock at the home, 2121 Moore street. The Re-'. Edwiri A. Pyles, pastor of the .Fifth Street Methodist Church, will offi •ciate. Rurial will be In Middletown Cemetery. Mrs. Leiby is survived by her husband, a son, Harold K. Leiby, and a daughter, Helen A. Leiby, SOMERSET OUT TO GREET SPROUL Nominees. Receive Hearty Welcome Erom People of the Insurgent County Senator William C. Sproul. Repub lican nominee for governor, and Sen ator Edward Beidleman. Republican nominee for lieutenant governor, toured Somerset county yesterday, speaking at several small towns on their way to Meyersdale, where the big meeting of the afternoon was held. Loyalty to the nation, good roads and the proper expenditure of the funds of the state formed the keynotes of their nddreses. John S. Miller, Republican candidate for State Senate, and Paul D. Cluttcn, Republican candidate for tho As sembly, also spoke. The trip of the candidates wound up for the bay with a mass meeting at Somtrset last evening. Somerset county people turned out in thou sands to greet the candidates and the reception that followed the meeting was the best ever held in that town. The candidates arrived in Johns town this morning and will leave at once for a tour of giorthern Cambria towns, returning to Johnstown in the evening. A noonday reception is scheduled for Ebensburg, arrange ments having been mado for dele gates from a number of points to meet at the county seat. From Eb ensburg the party will go to Fatton and later to Barnsboro. A reception will be tendered Sen ator Sproul and the party at the Fort Stanwix Hotel in the evening to which the citizens of Johnstown, irrespective of party, are invited. Dr. Jackson Is Now Lieutenant Colonel John Price Jackson, state commis sioner of labor and industry, now in France with the Army, has been ad vanced to the grade of lieutenant colonel. Colonel J. G. Steese, son of James A. Steese, hief of the state bu reau of mediation, has been ordered ] to Washington as a member of the general staff. Mr. Steese has four sons in the service—Colonel James Gordon Steese, Colonel Charles McH. Steese, now in France; Captain John Z. Steese and Captain George M. Steese, all in France except one. JOHN H. WIEAND . LOSES LIFE ON RAIL [Continued from First Page.] Brotherhood of Railroad Conductors the Jr. O. IT. A. M„ and the Ridge Avenue Methodist Church. _He was in charge of extra freight 17 7S, eastbound, which had stopped. The conductor was crossing the tracks evidently to go to a telephone. He was walkjng on No. 2 eastbound passenger track at a point 500 feet east of the block station when a fast train approached. He took the ad joining passenger track for safety. , The roar of the passing express | drowned the noise of an oncoming | local, which was several minutes | late and running rapidly. Wieand was struck and tossed , ahead of the engine, the train then I passing over him. When the local ; was halted, the conductor's lifeless body was found along the rails. His . head and left arm were almost com pletely severed. His left leg was broken and the body otherwise mu tilated. One shoe was in shreds, but remained on the foot. His body was placed on the train, taken to the Pennsy morgue at Al toona and later removed to the Hickey & O'Neill undertaking estab lishment. Deputy Coroner C. C. Rothrock was summoned and the body was prepared for burial. The coroner had not determined this aft ernoon whether an inquest was nec essary Wieand was widely known over the j Middle division. His train had left lAlfoona about 5 o'clock and he had visited the local offices prior to em barking on the eastern run. DIOCESEWILTHOLD JUBILEE SERVICES [Continued from First Page.] Earlier on Sunday an informal re ception for the visiiting clergy will be held in the Episcopal residence. In view of the important ceremon ies at the Cathedral other Catholic churches here have arranged an earlieb hour for worship. Compiles History of Diocese A history of the diocese in the form of a beautiful brochure has been compiled by Bishop McDevitt | for distribution among members of i this diocese. ( | The following ecclesiastical digni ; taries and priests will attend the j ceremonies next Sunday: i His Excellency, Most Rev. John 1 Bauzona, D. D., apostolic delegate; ' Rt. Re* Philip R. McDevitt, D. D., I bishop; Rt. Rev. Mgr. M. M. Hassett, ; D. D., V. G., recto, St. Edward Church, i Shamokin, Pa.; Rt. Rev. Mgr. A. F. j Kaul, rector, St. Anthony's Church, ! I-ancaster; the Rev. D. J. Carey, the Rev. P. J. Phelan, the Rev. F. K. Feeser, St Patrick's Cathedral, city; the Rev. W. T. Dailey, rector, St. ; Mary's Church, city; the Rev. P. S. Huegel, rector, St. Lawrence Church, city; the Rev. Jos. R. Murphy, the Rev. A. J. Hoerninger, St. Francis Church, city; the Rev. Joseph Schmidt., rector. Sacred Heart Church, city; the Rev John P. Stanton, secre tary to Rt. Rev. Bishop McDevitt; the Rev George L. Rice, former pastor Sacred Heat Church, now in Chap lain's Training School, Camp Taylor. Louisville, Ky.; Very Rev. John C. i Thompson, rector, -St. Jame's Church, j Steelton; the Rev. Willia Huggen. j rector, St. John's Church, Steelton; j the Rev. Luke Gladek, rector, St. I Peter's Church, Steelton; the Rev. A. j Zuvich, rector, St. Mary's Church, j Steelton; the Rev. George W. Brown, I rector, St. Peter's Church, Columbia; j the Rev. P. G. Brueggeman and the i Rev. p. M. Stlef. Holy' Trinity Church, i Columbia; Very Rev. H. S. Christ, ' rector, St. Joseph's Church, Lancas ter; Very Rev. Adam Christ, rector, St. Mary's Church. Lebanon; the Rev. Henry G. Ludes. Chaplain. St. Joseph's Hospital Lancaster; Very Rev. James McGrath. rector, St. Patrick's Church, York; the Rev. John C. McGovern, Mt. St. Mary's College, Emmltsburg, Mr.: the Rev. William White, and the Rev A. Wolf, St Clement's Church, Ephrata; the Rev. Jules Foin. rector, St. Mary's Church, Middletown; the Rev. George J. Breckel. rector. St. Mary's Church, York; the Rev. Bren dan, O'Callaghan, St. Mary'B Church, Abbottstown; the Rev. Michael Har gan, Conewago Chapel, Hanover, Pa.; the Rev H. J. liowart, rector. St. Roses Church. York; the Rev. T. J. Crotty, rector, St. Mary's Church. Lancaster; the Rev. C. M. Ehehalt, rector St. Joseph's Churcln Dallas town. BULGARIANS DESERT GERMAN RANKS IN MACEDONIAN WAR [Continued l'Vom Phge One.] advance to the Yardar are retiring on a one hundred-mile front. The Allies have reached the Vardar northeast of Monastir on a front of more than ten mfles and Serbian forces have crossed to east of the river in pursuit of the Bulgarians. On the left of the Allied line Italian and Serbian forces are closing in on Prilep. Along the entire front the enemy is burning villages and war material. Escape May Bo Cut Off By crossing the Vardar on a wide front south of Gradsko, <0 miles southeast of the important town of t'skub, the Serbians threaten the rear of the Bulgarians facing the British and Greeks around I.ake Dotran. The Bulgarians there are reported to be retiring northeast toward Strumnitsa. in Bulgarian Macedonia, evidently with the hope of escaping before the Serbians can cut off their retreat northward. Around Prilep the forces oftho central powers also are in a serious position and they may be cut off completely if the Allies can press northwestward along the Vardar to Veles and L'skub. London, Sept. 24. —The Serb-] ian troops continue to cross the! river Yardar northeast of Monas-r tir and arc in contact with the Bulgarians, says the Serbian of ficial statement of Monday. The Bulgarians arc burning villages and stores of material. The Serbians, however, have captured great quantities of material. Paris, Sept. 24. —Bulgarian troops are deserting, according to advices from the Macedonian I Hollinger Takes Lead in the Letter Carriers' W. S. S. Prize Contest Increasing his sales enormously during the past -.veek, G. A. Hol linger passed K. K. Fortna and took ■ first place in the William M. Donald son War Savings Stamps prize con test for Harrisburg letter carriers. Fortna took the lead almost at the. start of the contest, and until now has never been headed. Hollinger s sales until September 21. total $lB.- 158.55. and Fortna's have reached the $17,901.12 figure. The sales of tile various carriers are: G. A. Hollinger, $18,158.55; R. K. Fortna, $17,901.12. J. A. e'ger. $15.- 473.35; C. W. Cless, $13,050.16; K. R. Gault. $12,717.34; G. 1- Kbersole $9.- SS7.6D; T. J. Carpenter, $9,669.85. C. E. Rea. $9,501.77; C. A. Fortna. 264.96; G. R. Pritchard, $8,253.40; *i>. U- Ehler, $7,600.83; W. R. Manley, $6,975.44; J. A. Snyder, $6,551.38; W. W. Dum. $6,734.82; R. H. Weaver, $6,-I 481.81; H. C. .lordan. $b.2.3.92; H. C. Young. $3,791.96; R. G. IV iestling. $5.- 633.36: E. W. Walton. $5,019.38; G. P. Sat.chell, $4,768.06; W. H. Bond, Jr $4,624.64: W. R. Berry. s4.boS.4_: J- A. Haas. $4. 422.21: A. 221.26: H. C. Brady, $4,1. ..02. A. H. Stover. $3,898.86: .1. W. Noylar $3 - 769.68: D. P. Dougherty. $3,64-.00. .1. G. I.averty. $3,634.03; G. VI. VVar den $3,560.82: F. M. Reen, $3,307.34, .1. 11. Kurtz. $3,222.39; W. E., bwiler. $2,959.17. J. E. Beattv. $2,863.3.; T. B. Stouffer, $2,756.91: C. B* BufTington, S2 777.29; W. S. Hackman, $1,62..62: A. C. Rineer, $1,075.72; J. A. Christ man. R. D. 2. $836.53: A. N. Ulrlch. R D. 3, $480.42; G. 1.. T. Hoenschildt. $419.86; J. G. Popel, $296.25; \\. J. Stoner. $124.81: L. T. Herman, R D. 1, 9T8.15; F. D. Kerchner. $.4.00; J. B. Bates. $60.03; F. F. Bruker, No. 4, $55.86; H. G. Dyblie, $54.98. Local Red Cross Chapter First Collection Center The Harrisburg Chapter. American Red Cross, has been selected as the first of eight collection centers for the fruit pit and nut shell collection now being held under the auspices of the Red Cross, in the Pennsylva nia-Delaware division. This an nouncement was made in a bulletin received at the chapter headquarters in the Public Library building this morning: Other collection centers in the Pennsylvania-Delaware division are: Wilkes-Barre, Eastern Pennsylva nia Supply Company; Pittsburgh Chapter. American Red Cross: Read ing, Berks county chapter; Erie, Lovell Manufacturing Company; Williamsport, the armory; Altoona, Blair county chapter; Wilmington | Delaware chapter. The selection of the Harrisburg Chapter as first in the list is a high ! compliment to the enterprise and pa i triotic service "of local workers, it is explained. Will Allow Autos to Park in Second Street Parking of automobiles will be allowed in Second street, between Strawberry and Walnut, if City Council pases an ordinance which Commissioner W. H. Lynch intro duced at the meeting to-day. Second street businessmen urged him to introduce the measure. It will come up next week for final passage. Adjournment followed the pass ! age of these three ordinances: Mak ing an appropriation of $1,50 to i help pay the cost of new overcoats for the city patrolmen; appropriat ing $25 to cover deficiencies and extraordinary expenses, and providing that Romper Day here afte rshall be known as Kunkel Romper Day." Friendship Club Will Hear Patriotic Talks At the meeting of the Friendship Co-operation Club of RailVoad Men in the Eagle's Hall, Sixth and Cum berland treets, on Thursday evening at 8 o'clock, a program of patriotic addresses by prominent speakers will be given. N. W. Smith, general super intendent; J. C. Johnson, Middle di vision superintendent; F. W. Smith, superintendent of the Philadelphia division, Jesse E. B. Cunningham, prominent lawyer, and other speak ers are included on the program. When You Suffer From Rheumatism Almost any man will tell you that Sloan's Liniment means relief For practically •every man has used it who has. suffered from rheu matic aches, soreness of muscles, stiffness of joints, the results of weather exposure. Women, too, by the hundreds of thousands, use it for relieving neu ritis, lame backs, neuralgia sick headache. Clean, refreshing, sooth ing economical. qut*kly effective. Say "Sloan's Liniment" to your druggist- Get it today. SEPTEMBER 24, 1918. ] front. It is reported that 560 men f| from one regiment have been executed at the command .of | German officers. Over a front of ninety miles the Teutonic allies are stream ing back in disorder which is ! said to be indescribable. On the west they are trying to reach I Prilep from the vicinity of Mon astic, but Prilep is outflanked by the advancing Serbians, who now are marching upon the II city. To Collect Red Cross Material on Saturday EliznbethvUle, Sept. 2 4.—Eliza - bethville will have a grand Red 'Cross campaign jflay Saturday when rubber, scrap iron, peach stones, nut shells and clothing will be collected 'in one drive for tho benefit of the war relief organization. Chairman James E. Lentz of the local Red Cross chapter has set aside this date. Boy Scouts will canvass the town and motor trucks and automobiles have been commandeered to collect the material. Earl Romberger has been placed in charge of the collection of rub ber and kindred materials while Mrs. D. M. Stine will supervise the collection of clothing to be sent to the Belgians. In charge of Dr. W. L. Stevenson, scoutmaster. 25 Boy Scouts will assist. The material will be stored in Mrs. J. C. Stroup's audi torium. It has been requested that farmers who come to Elizabethville Saturday night bring with them their con tributions. Home Economics Expert Will Resume Work Here Miss Mary Ruth Fisher, State Col lege Home Economics Extension ex pert. who has been visiting her home in Topeka, Kansas,for a month, re turned to her duties this morning. She also has spent several days at I State College. To-morrow and Thursday she will be at the fair at Carlisle where she will conduct canning demonstrations. She is working in co-operation with the Dauphin County Food Adminis tration. S jwfe"l " You Have Any Clothing; You Cnn Spare— CtZS I I Give It to the Belgian**. I ySBLj ' Clothes For Fall That Save For You THERE has been a lot said about the scarcity of good merchandise for Fall and there's just enough truth in it so that it may cause you some concern, particu larly if you appreciate the economy in good clothes. You don't need to worry when you'can get fine clothes like Hart Schaffner & Marx They're rail wool, carefully tailored, in styles that make the best use of material and labor. These clothes save because they wear so long and satisfactorily. H. MARKS & SON Fourth & Market Sts. The Harrisburg Home of Hart Shaffner & 1 Marx and Society Brand All Wool Clothes UNIVERSITY OF * • Wharton School PENNSYLVANIA of A Vital Question for Business Men and Women What is it—eliminating chance—that is to be the determining factor in my success? A trained mind—this is the answer. A mind able to grasp not only the meaning and execution of my immediate position, but its relation to other business activities. Wharton graduates are everywhere meeting the demands for men and women of clear vision, broad judgment and per sonal efficiency. Courses are offered in— Accounting Advertising & Selling Insurance Commercial Law Money and Banking Government Regulation ©Registration every evening, except Saturday. 7-9 o'clock. Sessions begin For bulletins or further information Representative—C. K. KNIGHT Chamber of Commerce Get Permission to Fire Courthouse Heat Plant 1 The courthouse is no longer "cold as a barn" and unhealthy. Instead it was "warm as toast" to-day and city and county officials and .attaches found it necessary to open the windows. When it was found yesterday that a few electric heat i crs and oil stoves would not suffice | to heat the big court rooms and that it would be too costly to provide 1 j many such heaters the County Com | missioners laid the matter before j ltoss A. Hickok, county fuel adminis trator. Mr. Hickok gave his approv | al to tiring the boilers and the steam ! heat plutit was put into operation 1 late yesterday. The county prison | also is getting steam heat from the | courthouse system. ; { Catarrhal Deafness May i Be Overcome i I I If you have Catarrhal • Deaf- f I ness or are even just a little • j i hard of hearing or have head j i noises go to your druggist and I ' L get 1 ounce of Farmlnt (double I I strength), and add to it (i j . 1 | pint of hot. water and a little 1 * I 1 granulated sugar. Take 1 I I I tublcspoonful four times a day. I I 1 This will often bring quick 1 1 relief from the distressing i I I head noises. Clogged nostrils i ' I should open, breathing become I I easy and the mucus stop drop- i ping into the throat. It is easy i to prepare, costs little and is i pleasant to take. Anyone los- 1 ing hearing or who has Ja- • tarrhal Deafness or head noises • should give this prescription j j a trial. Sour Stomach Mi-o-na Puts the Stomach in J Fine Shape in Five Mnutes l If your stomach is continually kick ing up a disturbance; you feel blout- I ed and distressed; if you belch gas ! and sour food into the mouth, then you need Mi-o-na Stomach Tablets. I Mi-o-na stomuch tablets give in- I stant relief, of course, but they dc more; they drive out the poisonous ' gases that cause fermentation of | food and thoroughly clean, rennovate and strengthen the stomach so that ' it can readily digest food without j artilicial aid. | Mi-o-na stomach tablets are guar [ anteed to end indigestion, acute or I chronic, or money buck. This means I that nervousness. dizziness and j biliousness will disappear. Druggists everywhere and H. C. Kennedy sell | Ml-o-na. MEN'S LISLE HOSE Special, 30c Six Pairs for $1.75 pS? Q ED TOE ""HEEL! • [j] J.\ Tjjiird and Walnut J Open Evenings
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