TELEGRAPH WANT ABS BRING BEST RESULTS • FOB LESS MONEY S)eaibs < SIEtKI.KY Mrs. Malinda B. Meck ley died September 23, 1918, aged <8 years. , , Funeral services on Thursday at ternoon, at 2 o'clock, from her late residence. 1311 Wallace street. In terment private at East Harrisburg Cemetery. IIICKB Harry H. Hicks died Sat urday evening, at 8:45 o'clock, agea 26 years and 9 months. Funeral services will be held on Wednesday afternoon, at 2 P. M., from his late residence, 2628 Main street, Penbrook, Pa. Interment East Harrisburg Cemetery. Rela tives and friends are invited to at tend without further notice. ■ yAHI) OF THANKS f MR. JAMES MORRISSEY, SR.. AND CHILDREN desire to thank their kind relatives and friends for tne sympathy they extended, and tne many beautiful floral tributes sent, j LOST AM) l'Ot'Xl) I/JST Half-grown dog. White, with black patches on bead. Long, thick tail. License, 6249. A n>tweis name "Snooks." Reward for leturn , to 2111 Walnut street. ______ LOST Small U. S. Navy pin. Lost between Post Office and Bowman s Store. Valued as keepsake. Kewara | if returned to Mrs. McGuire. Twelfth itnd Bridge, New Cumberland. LOST Somewhere between Pro fjress and Mr. George Shreiner s pla• . a Rood mackinaw coat. Reward if r - turned to Mrs. George Shreiner, near Linglestown. _ ~IN ST It U Cl'l O N is INDIVIDUAL PROMOTION in Gregg j Shorthand. Typewriting. English Bookkeping. Penmanship. Arlth.. etc. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL ALL \ EAR. Enter any time. Bell 694 R. Dial 401 . THE OFFICE TRAINING SCHOOL. 121 Mkt. St. Chas. R. Beckley Prin. Merle E. Keller. Bus. Mgr. ARRANGE NOW for your business ' course with the school giving approved by the United SUtes Bu - of Education. Fall Opening. Septem ber 2. School of Commerce, Troup Building. 15 South Market Square. Free catalog. Bell 4Sa. Dial 4393. * ~ HELP W.VNTR.' —.HALE WANTED A collector, expcrlenc- ; cd in instalment business. call Brow n & Co.. 1217 North Ihtrd. j WANTED One concrete finisher. Anulv Raymond Concrete Pyl© Co., care of Bethlehem Steel Company, Steelton. Pa. | WANTED A good man for outside ; Awork. Apply Grand Union lea Co.. . r 208 North Second. j )'APERHANGERS 55c an hour, j Steady work all winter guaranteed. H. | A. 1 io'dmcr. S2ti North Third street. j YOUNG MAN To solicit advertis- j ing. gMnmnent connection. Appiy , Box Sg T512. care of Telegraph. J TAILORS WANTED One first- J class coatmaker and bushelman. Ap- J ply Fred S. Lack, 26-30 North Dew berry street. WANTED, SEXTON —Large church, | -centrally located, wains a competent , and reliable man for sexton. Give ad- ; dress, with references, stating ; " Reply to A. B. C., care of Telegraph. | WANTED Insurance Agents over j 40 years of age, or married in draft age, with deferred classification. Good r position open for right party. APPIy Boom 17. Cameron Bldg.. H. G. Wal- . ters Supt. Apply from 8 A. M. until 8 P. M. COST CLERK WANTED Must give reference. Must be able to handle costs of a large corporation out of town. In reply, address Box H, 7366. care of Telegraph. WANTED —Two good, 'strong boys to learn a trade. Apply Superinten dent, The Telegraph Printing Co., Harrisburg. Pa., ___ BRIGHT BOY. Over 16 years of age. to learn ) f printing trade. Apply H. A. FRY. Telegraph Composing Room. I' MEN WANTED To load stone. 29 ■ cents per ton. Can earn $25 to $35 per i week. Apply Paxtang Quarries. Pax tang. MEN WANTED To learn the au tomobile business and do mechanical work on same. Thousands of men are wanted in the United States Army for such work as driving and repair- ■ t ing Auto Transportation School, 260 South Front street, Steelton. PLUMBERS wanted at once. Apply at 1001-03 CAPITAL STREET. GOOD AUTO MECHANICS WANT ED, AT ONCE Pay no object. Ap ply Mac's Garage. 117, 119, 121 South Third street. MAN WANTED i to work in ice plant. Steady, all-winter work. Inside job. Apply UNITED ICE & COAL CO., Forster and Cowden Streets. WANTED At the Majestic Thea plasterers who can run moulding. TWO MEN For outdoor work. Permanent • positions. Good wages, |' . Apply to Mr. Mailey, Harrisburg Light and Power Co. J We Will Try and Try Hard Yf you list your property with us to sell, and it is a desirable property, and the price is right, we will try and try hard to find a purchaser. It will pay you to give us a trial. Miller Brothers & Co. Locunt and Court St a. *" Member litis;. Ken I Rntnte lloiird ! f i> SEPTEMBER 24, 1918. HELP WANTED—MALE WANTED Boy to answer telephone calls, etc., in lumber office. jfpply UNITED ICE & COAL CO., Forster and Cowden Streets. TWO TRUCK DRIVERS—Must have experience and reference. Good wages to right men. Address W., care of Telegraph. WANTED A collector, who can devote part of his time to the collect ing of bills in and near city. Must have references. Address Collector, care of Telegraph. MESSENGERS WANTED Boys or men can make good wages. Apply to-day. Western Union Telegraph Company. WANTED Middle-aged man to | work evenings only, at the Majestic Theater. j EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY for salesmen or' good talker. Experience not necessary. Ali or part time. Greatest talked of and most needed commodity in. the world. P. O. Box 872. Pittsburgh, Pa. MAN WANTED For watchman— I $lB per week. Inquire Sanitary [ Laundry, Sixteenth and Elm streets. WANTED A man. or will employ man and wife, to do janitor work or work on farm. Apply 1700 North Sec ond street. 11KLP WANTED—FEMALE WANTED Good, reliable woman for day's work four days each week. I Good wages and car fare paid. Call Bell 4639R, or Mrs. D. 'J. Coloviras, Camp Hill. WOMAN To work three days each week, keeping store clean. In quire Brown Ai Co., 1217 North Third. LOOPERS WANTED Steady work. Good wages. APPIy Harris Hosiery Co., corner Calder and Marion streets. GIRLS WANTED FOR GOVERN MENT POSITIONS Have positions for thirty operators of Burroughs Calculating machines at $1,200 per annum and $1,320 per | annum after taking Civil Service Ex i animation. Prefer girls between ages [ twenty and thirty. Call at our Offtce I to tile application. I BURROUGHS ADDING MACHINE CO., 105-107 Telegraph Bldg., | Harrisburg, Pa. EXPERIENCED SHOE SALESWO j MEN, AT ONCE Excellent working j j conditions and good salaries. C. B. , j Rodney, 34 North Third street. j QIRL For general housework in j family of three. Call at once at 1533 | North Second stueet. I COLORED GIRL For light house- I keeping. Call to see Mrs. J. H. Hoff | man, 1757 Green. | COLORED GIRL For general I housework. No washing. No Sunday work. Call at 1603 Green street. i WANTED A number-of girls be i tween the ages of 18 and 28 years, for | office work. Good pay while learning. I Excellent opportunity for those who ! qualify. Apply Elliott-Fisher Factory I Employment Bureau. ! SALESLADIES WANTED Shoe salesladies wanted. Experienced pre ferred. G. R. Kinney Co., Inc., 19 and 21 North Fourth street. WANTED Experienced waitress and chambermaid. Apply Mrs. Robert Goldsborough, 821 North Front street. Bell phone 3741 R. WHITE WAITRESS AND CHAM BERMAID Small family, apart ment. Good wages. Apply Evans, 901 North Front street. WANTED White woman for gen eral housework. No washing. Good wages. References required. 309 North Front. WANTED Colored woman for general housework. Apply 1621 North ) Sixth street. WANTED A colored woman, with experience In short order cooking, for RELIEF WORK ONLY two days in a week. Apply at the "Plaza Hotel." ' BUSINESS WOMAN Middle-aged business woman to take care of i laundry records and telephone. State experience and salary expected. Cor respondence confidential. Box S, 7507,] care of Telegraph. STRONG COLORED GIRL To op erate can-washing machines. Good wages. Inquire of Hershey Creamery Co. WANTED Girl for wrapping counters: also millinery apprentices— paid while learning. Apply Astrich's, 308 Market street. WANTED Stenographer at the Majestic Theater. WANTED Young lady ushers at the Majestic Theater. PATRIOTIC, steady, well-paid em ployment in your own home. Knit urgently-needed war socks for us on the fast, simple Auto Knitter. Full particulars to-day. 3c stamp. Auto Knitter Company, Dept. C-821, 821 Jef ferson, Buffalo, K. Y. WANTED Woman with experi ence in institutional cooking. Model kitchen, with every convenience to work with, and good salary. Apply Harrisburg Academy. BOOKKEEPER OR CLERK Ex perienced bookkeeper or clerk wanted. Must be quick and accurate at figures. Permanent position. Good wages. Ap ply, in own handwriting, to Box M, care of Telegraph. GOVERNMENT CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS Everywhere Oc tober 5. 12,000 women clerks to be appointed at Washington. Salary, $l,- 200. Experience unnecessary. Women desiring government positions write for free particulars, J. C. Leonard (former Civil Service Examiner), 561, Kenois Building, Washington. j ONE YOUNG I,ADY For waitress, land middle-aged lady to assist in I ! baking. Apply Stouffer's Restaurant. 4 North Court street. OPERATORS FIFTY EXPERIENCED OPERATORS I TO MAKE FLANNEL SHIRTS FOR THE ARMY Also learners and examiners. j 1 HELP EQUIP THE SOLDIER BOYS. | I Good pay. steady work. Experienced | operators earned $3.00 to $4.50 per I day on our last contract. Apply JENNINGS' MANUFACTURING CO., 2012 North Fourth Street, or U. S. Employment Service, Third and North Sts. CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS everywhere October 6. 12,000 women clerks to be appointed at Washington. Salary, $1,200. Experience unneces- I sary. Women desiring government positions write for free particulars, R. lE. Terry (former Civil Service Ex i aminer), 467 Columbian Building, | Washington. | GIRLS WANTED Experienced or I inexperienced, for chocolate dippers. Good wages. Apply 331 Market I street. LADY Wanted immediately for scrubbing and general work. Apply Stouffer's Restaurant. 4 North Court street., HELP WANTED—FEMALE WANTED SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS From 17 to 60 years old Having orders enough on our books to keep our factory running at its full capacity, and with good working conditions, we are able to give opera tors regular work. Thus enabling ex • perlenced operators to earn front i $2.50 to $4.50 per day. i Inexperienced operators are paid $1.25 per day while learning, they are taught by experienced operators and at the end of two weeks' training are able to earn-$2.60 per day. A bonus is paid every pay to all op erators. BLOUGH MANUF'G CO.. INC.. Reily and Fulton Sts. MILLINERY APPREN TICES WANTED—Wages. $3.00 a week while learning. Astrich's. 308 Market street. WANTED. AT ONCE Fifty color ed girls, over 16, to sew canvas gloves. Learners paid $5 per week and bonus. After learning can make front $2.50 to $3.00 per day. Apply Steelton Glove Co., 709 South Second street. GIRLS and WOMEN wanted in the packing and finishing rooms. Apply DEVINE & TUNGEL SHOE MFG. CO.. Sixteenth and State Streets GIRLS WANTED Learners paid week work. Best prices and bonus paid. All girls from 14 to 16 with certificates employed. Call at once. Harrisburg Apparel Co.. Third Floor, City Star Laundry Building, Sixth and Herr streets. HELP WANTED—MaIe ami Female SILK MILL Experienced help wanted. Experi enced weavers average $3.50 to $6.50 per day. Other departments propor | tionatoly. Beginners wanted also. Best pay. Come and earn 30 per cent, bonus over and above regular wages. Apply ! ' HARRISBURG SILK MILL, Second and North Streets. WANTED Marker and sorter. Ap ply Ellis Laundry Service. SHOE WORKERS WANTED We need experienced opera tors in all departments, and can guarantee steady work. All work is paid for at piece rates but we guarantee every employe definite wages. The more work you produce, the more you earn. We also have openings in all departments for young men and women to learn a useful trade, which will be of value to them after the war. The shoe business is a necessary industry and is of much importance. Get a job making goods for Uncle Sam if you can, but if not, then consider the shoe manu • facturing trade as worth while learning. If interested, take this ad. to the United States Employ ment Bureau at Third and North Streets, and get full particulars. HARRISBURG SHOE M'FG. CO.. 1402 Vernon Street. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE TYPING of all kinds intelligently done. Work called for and delivered. The Accurate Typewriting Co., P. O. Box 977. SITUATION S WANTED—FemaIe WANTED Woman wishes posi tion as nurse. Inquire of Mrs. Earner, 410 North street. i WANTED Colored girl, age 17, j desires a position as chambermaid, I dishwasher or assistant in housework. Please call, or write, to 1110 South Ninth rtreet. SITUATION WANTED In private family by white woman—upstairs work or waitress; can give the best of references; six years' experience. Ad dress W„ 7321, care of Telegraph. WANTED Young girl would like to work after High school and part of evening; would like something in the line of typewriting. Call Bell phone 774 M. WANTED Young woman desires clerical position; has had experience and can furnish best of references. Address Y., 7168, care of Telegraph. WANTED Experienced steno grapher desires position; can fur nish best of reference. Address L., 7291. care of Telegraph. ~ SITUATIONS WANTED MALE ANI) FEMALE WANTED Man and wife desire permanent positions in private family. Call at 920 North Sixth street. ROOMS FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS $2.50 per week and up. Rooms with running hot and cold water; also with private bath. Wilson Apartment Hotel, Nos. 143-45 South Third street, corner Mul berry. PLEASANT ROOM For gentle man, next to bath; steam heat; hard wood floor; electric light; beautiful, open surroundings and best car ser vice in city; strictly private. Bell 834, or address R„ 7354, care of Telegraph. TWO nicely furnished front rooms, for light housekeeping; all conveni ences; rent reasonable. 2148 Penn j street. LARGE. AIRY ROOM Centrally | located, with steam heat, running I water, etc., on flRt floor; two min- j utes' walk from Pennsylvania Station; especialy suited for one or two gen tlement. X., 7169, care of Telegraph. j LARGE, second-floor front sleeping room; well furnished; all conveni ences; in private family. 921 North Second. ! LARGE, furnished, front room; ! steam heat; electricity and gas; use of bath. Apply 7 North Thirteenth street. FOR RENT Comfortably-furnish ed rooms, with all improvements, steam heat. Board if desired. Call 1125 State street. LARGE, well-furnished third floor front room, all conveniences, located on North Second street; private fam ilv. Will rent to one or two gentle men. Bell phone 4 406 M. • ROOMS IVAN'llilJ THREE OR FOUR unfurnished rooms, centrally located, by young couple. Small apartment, with bath will be considered. Possession on or about October 1. Can furnish excel lent references. No children. Address E„ 7458, care of Telegraph. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH ' \ : v - |j SOMETHING TO SELL—SOME !; THING TO ADVERTISE! For ad vertising and selling go together. If „ you have used articles—furniture, of | fice fixtures, vehicles, musical instru ments, anything useful the want ad columns afford you a lively market. " ' (i \ | ' 1 , I KOOSIS WANTED WANTED Two rooms or live room front apartment, with bath, cen trally located. M., 7023, care of Tele graph. . WANTED Unfurnished, third floor front room, heat, conveniences, housekeeping. $6.00 per month; per manent; adylt; Protestant of refine ment, north of Market street. Address w., 7429, care of Telegraph. APARTMENTS FPU RENT | THREE ROOMS, kitchenette and bath, steam heat and all conveniences, located 1501 State. Apply C. Cooper, . 4 North Third. TWO bright, front-room apartments of two rooms each, furnished com i plete for light housekeeping, adults, S"5 00 and $30.00 per month. Inquire at 424 Soutli Seventeenth street. APARTMENTS WANTED WANTED 5 or 6-room apartment, centrally located. Best references fur -1 nished. Address Box D, 7510, care of I Telegraph, stating location, rental and | date of possession. ! HOARDERS WANTED '1 TABLE BOARDERS WANTED—In j quire at 607 Forster street.- I 'j HEAL ESTATE EOR SALE j FOR SALE. VERY CHEAP An apartment on Market street, Allison Hill, paying 12 per cent, on the in vestment. Rents for $ll6 per month. Price, $9,500. Will accept $2,000 in cash. Balance can remain. 1 think this is one of the best Investments in the city. Inquire of H. G. Pedlow, 3-A South Thirteenth street. FOR SALE At' three-fourths of j its actual value, a twelve-roomed house, almost new. Must be sold at once. Call Bell S4IR or 2394 J. VACANT HOUSE, OCTOBER 1 3- story brick, all improvements, front porch, 8 rooms, easy terms, on Mar- I ket street near Eighteenth street. -Also 3-story brick on Market near Fourteenth street, with storeroom. C. H. CORDER. 1722 Green Street. Bell 560 J. REMOVAL NOTICE MOVED TO NORTH SECOND ST. A. W. SWENGEL, of 219 South Thir-" teenth street, has moved to his new home at 2131 North Second street, where he will continue in. the Real Estate business. 723 N. 19TH ST. 2 V4-story frame, 6 rooms and attic, in good condition; side entrance. Price, $1,550. I. w. Cassell. 1444 Regina St. SEVERAL DESIRABLE PROPER TIES FOR SALE On easy terms. Why not consider this and act before it is too late? Bell Realty Co., Berg ner Building. NOW VACANT No. 803 North Seventeenth brick and stucco dwell ing most roodernly equipped well constructed ideal location. .ICey at our ofttce. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FOR SALE No. 1046 South Cam eron street bripk house. Particulars from Bell Realty Co., Bergner. 8ui1d 52,750 WILL PURCHASE No. 1731 Carnation street brick house with 7 rooms and bath other improve ments. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. 1865 MARKET ST. Vacant about September 1. Strictly up-to-date. All improvements. Price reasonable. Terms to suit. D. A. Caley. 707 Kun kel Bldg. Bell phone 589. * FOR SALE —7-room cottage, Wash ington Heights, $2,500. 2%-story frame at Enola, all improvehients, $2,200. Both of these properties have garages on. Cheap and easy terms. Also corner houses in Lemoyne, three story. single, all improvements. C. H. CORDER. 1722 Green Street. Bell 560 J. FOR SALE 3-story brick on Market St. 3-stor'y brick on Regina St. 3-story brick on Walnut St. 3-story brick on North Sixth St. 3-story brick on North Second St. 3-story brick on Green St. 3-story brick on Evergreen St. 3-story brick on Crescent St. 3-story brick on State St. 3-story brick on Seventeenth. Eigh teenth and Nineteenth Sts. Possession soon. Some October 1 Liberty Bonds Accepted. C. H. CORDER. 1722 Green Street. Bell 560 J. FOR SALE —Derry Street, No. 3223 Modern brick house, 7 rooms, bath, steam heat, electric light. Price, $3,- 750. 3. E. Glpple. No. 1251 Market street. i FOR SALE —N. Fourth Street, No. 1922. 2%-story frame house, with all modern Improvements, well located and in good repair. Cash offer want ! ed. J. E. Gipple, No. 1251 Market j street. FOR SALE S. Seventeenth Street. No. 536. Corner brick house with 8 rooms and all modern improvements. Price. $3,500. J. E. Gipple, No. 1251 I Market street. FOR SALE Revere Street, Clov erly. Two modern brick and stucco detached dwellings. First-class con struction. Must be sold. Will sacri flce for cash. J. 3. Gipple, No. 1251 Market street. . FOR SALE Green Street, No. 2120. This week is your last chance to buy this elegunt home at a reduced price. Immediate possession. J, E. Gipple, No. 1251 Market street. FOR SALE Two-story frame, metal roof, good condition, yard. Cheap home for $l,OOO. Inquire Store, 1117 North Third. "PROPERTY On Second street, owned by W. S. H&rtßiiin. Lot, 27x 176 Price, $1,500.00. Inquire H E Pedlow. 3 South Thirteenth street. FINE PLANTATIONS 200 to 4 760 acres, near Richmond. Fine stock grain, grass and tobacco farms. Sam uel McCutchen, Blackstone, Virginia re a instate for sale FINE SUBURBAN HOME Three story; all Improvements; vapor heat electric lights; hardwood finish; large ' perches; lawn and lot about one acre' fruit and shade trees: shrubbery, etc' along State Road; 5c car fare to city' Eusy terms and payments. Will take city property as part pay. Possession sooc. C. I T CORDER, 1722 Green Street. Bell 660 J. Rents Collected. IF IT'S REAL ESTATE ' SEE SANDERLIN $160.00 cash. $25.00 per month will buy a 2% -Story, 7-roora home, with all improvements. Look at this before buying. 1552 Swatara street. Steelton, Pa.. Third St., corner Lo cust 11 rooms, with all improve ments; lot, 75x125. Good location for roomers. Small amount of money re quired. X have houses located all over town that can be bought with a small amount of money. Balance in monthly payments. D. A. SANDERLIN, Room 1. Security Trust Bldg., Bell 1390. Dial, 3573. . j FOR SALE Ten-room house, with I every modern convenience, centrally I located. Terms to suit purchaser. Inquire of Ed. Tauslg, 420 Market street. FOR SALE A GENUINE BARGAIN $2.450 —For the three-story brick property No. 267 Delaware Ave., Cor. Susquehanna Street, containing 8 rooms, bath, furnace and front porch. CHAS. ADLER, 1002 North Third Street. Member Harrisburg Real Estate Board. HOMES FOR COLORED FAMILIES One 2%-qtory frame dwelling, with back and front porch, on North Nine teenth street. $1,250. 1 Three 2 1 ,&-story brick houses, on Vernon street, $1,850 each. One three-story brick house on South Sixteenth street, $2,800. LINCOLN REALTY CO., 1129 North Seventh Street Open Evenings Until 8 O'clock. VACANT 3-story brick, all Im provements, front porch, on Market) street, near Eighteenth street. Also I 3-story brick on Green street. Vacant. Very cheap. Liberty Bonds accepted, j C. H. CORDER, 1722 Green Street, Bell 560 J. THREE-STORY BRICKS On Sec ond, Third, Fourth, Fifth and Sixth streets; also Green street. Market street. Regina street. All have im provements, front porches. Some have garages on. Two of the - now vacant. Some for $2OO and $3OO down. Pay as rent. Liberty Bonds accepted. C H. CORDER. 1722 Green Street, Bell 560 J. POSSESSION SOON Two-story brick houses; all im provements:; drive alley; front porch; bay window; 7 rooms and bath. $lOO to $2OO down, balance as rent. Also 3-story concrete block houses on Sixth C ° c^R Pa >' a rent. 1722 Green Street. Bell 56CJ. OPPORTUNITY TO OWN YOUR OWN HOME on our easy-payment plan. Small cost payment or Liberty Bond. Balance as rent. A. P. DORANZ, 1225 North Sixth Street. Member Harrisburg Real Estate Board. Real E6tnte For Sale—Suburban PEN BROOK. CURTIN ST. 7-room frame house; lots of fruit; lot, 30x190. Price, $2,300. Possession soon. WEST FAIRVIEW Double frame house. Annual rental. $2BB. Price, $2,300. J NEW MARKET 5-room frame house; lot, 56x165 ft. A nice home. Price. $1,500. C DAVIES, Real Estate. Rents Col lected. Room 204 Calder Bldg. Bell 4377. SEVEN-ROOM BRICK BUNGALOW —All improvements, gas. lot. 60x176 on Chestnut street. Camp Hill. Cash or terms. Apply Din I 56 46. J. F 11. i s| • Hill. RKAIT ESTATE FOR KENT j FOR RENT —Immediate possession, house and store suitable for a restau rant, 923 North Sixth street. Also | Captain O. M. Copeland's residence furnished —corner Fourteenth and Broad streets. Apply S. Friedman. Real Estate, Kunkel Building, or 217 Pcffer street. FOR RENT Vacant house at Pen -1 brook; all improvements; 15 rooms; suitable for apartment house; double garage. Apply C. H. Corder. 1722 Green street. Bell phone 560 J. "real ESTATE—For Sale or Rent" HOUSES AND GARAGES at Fifth and Curtin streets. Possession of some of the houses on thirty days' notice. Fred C. Miller. 31 North Sec ond. BellJ)hone_3o7J l __ real estate wanted I HAVE BUYERS waiting for prop erty in any section of the city, if cheap. What have you to offers Chex Adler. 1002 North Third street. HOMES FOR COLORED FAMILIES We have several very respectable : colored families who would like to purchase small homes, with or with- • out improvements. Please Kc us know what you have to offer. LINCOLN REALTY CO., 1129 Seventh Street Bell Phono, OFFICES AND STOREROOMS , ' OFFICES FOR RENT Furntehld ! or unfurnished, single or ensuite of two or three rooms. Apply H. & L. Lowengard, 210 North Third street. FOR RENT in the Commonwealth Trust Company Building. large, roomy offices. Apply to COMMONWEALTH TRUST CO.. 222 Market Street. DESK ROOM For rent in desirable office, Bergner Bldg., Third and Market streets. Rohrer & Son. LARGE STOREROOM FOR RENT— Suitable for automobile display room or other wholesale or large retail business. 1101-1103 North Sixth street Anrvlv to Louis. 414 North Third. FARMS 73-A. Farm. 4 miles S. city.... $7,500 SO-A. Farm, 3 miles N. city.... 8,500 75-A. Farm, 7 miles E. city.... 8,000 100-A. Farm, ti miles 10. city.... 9,000 145-A. Farm, 0 miles E. city.... 11,000 70-A. Farm, 7 miles 10. city.... 5,000 40-A. Farm, 6 miles E. city.... 4,000 181-A. Farm, 9 miles E. city.... 11,000 43-A. Farm, 11 miles N. City... 3,000 200-A. Farm. 7 miles N. city.... 12,000 115-A. Farm, 5 miles N. city. ... 7,000 115-A. Farm. 10 miles N. city... 3,000 122-A. Farm. S miles N. city.... 3,500 122-A. Farm, 10 miles S. city... 8.000 145-A. Farm, 10 miles S. citk. .. 6,500 88-A. Farm, 8 miles W. city... 5,000 80-A. Farm. 11 miles N. city... 5,000 30-A. Farm, 6 miles W. city... 3,500 I have several -mall Farms, -from 5 to 15 acres, close to city. The above Farm" mentioned are in good shape, and terms Reasonable. Will consider city proyperty in ex change on some of them. C. H. CORDER. 1722 Green Street, Harrisburg. Bell 560 J. FARMS FOR SALE Any size you want, from I to 204 acres each. 8. 11. 15. 30. 45. 70 80 100. 160 and 200-acre farms from 2! lo 10 miles to Har 'sburg. Some on State Roads. All hnve good buildings orchards and running water. Easy uo.' cess to city. _ C. H. CORDER, 1722 Green .Street. Rell 560 J. 98 ACRES—Farms good ground, 31 acres, mountain woodland, 2 horses 2 colts, 2 cows. 8 head of young cattle also 7 head of sheep. 20 tons of hav and all straw. 200 bushels of wheat 150 bushels of oats. 11 acres of corn and some potatoes. 100 chickens, pos session at once. !) miles from Harris burg on State Highway; price, $6,900- $4 000 can stay on the first mortgage' For information call at 107 Chestnut street. 30-ACRE FARM 5 miles west city; 5c car fare and 15 minutes' walk to farm; good house, barn, etc.; spring and running water; land level. Cheap. Easy terms. Or will take city prop erty in exchange. C. H. CORDER. 1722 Green Street, Bell 560 J. 12-ACRE FARM For Sale. Possession at once, 4 miles east of Linglestown. on the Manada River. Old house Good barn. Very productive. 100 fruit trees, a very good Truck. Poultry and Hog Farm Fronting beautiful on main road Beautiful Farms joihing. Price. $l,. GOO. We can help finance this farm. C. B. CARE. Core's Grocery. Linglestown; 409 Market St.. Harrisburg. FOR SALE—MISCELLANEO US ONE sideboard and extension dining table for sale. Must be sold either Wednesday or Thursday. Call 1821 Market. I BLOCH BABY COACH AND SULKY FOR SALE—lnquire 326 Crescent. FOR SALE Two glass show cases, roll-top desk and chair. Apply to G. R. Hurd, Trustee, 317 Chestnut street. FOR SALE One pair of confec tionery scales. Will weigh 6 lbs. Prac tically new. Call 1015 North Third street. FOR SALE One Old-Town Octa i Canoe. In good condition. Reasonable price. Inquire of X., 7022, care of Telegraph. BOOKS 20.000 new. old and rare books. 5c up. Aurand's. 925 N. Third. THE STORE across from the Y. W. C. A. is where you can save money on Men's and Boys' Clothing Furnishing Hats. Caps. Shoes. • We are famous for Low Prices. Give Us a trial. Men's Suits .$9.90 up Boys' Suits >....53.95 up Men's Pants $1.75 up Men's Hats $1.50 up Shoes QUTLET* CLOTHING 'cO.!' 9S " P 23 North Fourth Street. OPEN EVENING. /' Suits to Measure. $20.00 up. TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT FOR picti ALU MAKES RENTED C EXCHANGED. GEO. P. TILLOTSON, 205 LOCUST STREET. OPP. OR. PHF.UM THEATER, s BOTH PHONES. ALL kinds of Disc Records bought, sold and exchanged. N. Brenner. 1315 North Third street. ~ XV ANTFI) —M 1 S<:l■: LI -VN Ep t ;^ JUNK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION— Highest prices paid. Orders attended promptly. Write, or call Pell phone 1617W, National Iron & Metal Co., 941 North Seventh street CLOTHING. SHOES. FURNITURE— Bought at highest cash prices and i sold reasonable. S. Refit In. 407 Broad i street. Bell photie 3370 J. HIGHEST PRICES PAID for all kinds of empty barrels and Junk. Call Bell phone 421 5. B. Abrams & 800. 824-832 North Seventh street. MAX SME.LTZ Second-hand furniture bought and sold. Highest cash prices paid. Call Bell lSsi or Dial 5847. or drop a poa tal to Max sme.ltz. 1016 Market street. Will call, city or country. MORRIS SAYS save money buying new and second-hand furniture here. High prices paid for furniture. Morris Fchmertz- 1030 Market. Bell 3971 R. BUSINESS PERSONALS " I Diamonds Bought for Cash; appraisers for estate. P. H. Laplan Co.. 206 Mkt. 1 RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED ' Single edge. 25c doz.; double edge. 25c doz.; old style. 25c each. Gorgas Drug Store, formerly ut Henry Gilbert and 6on£. - QUININE—Look out fo that grippe feeling, likely to catch you this changeable weather. OUR LAXATIVE PHOSPHO-QUININE will stave it off If taken In time. Gross Drug Store 119 Market street. Money to Loan • MONEY TO LOAN on Real Estate security amounts and upon an! 1 terms to Address P. I Box IT/ • Harrisburg, Pa. 'j s TUESDAY EVENING, j Money to I.oan ! WE -LEND MONEY in compliance , with Act of June 17, 1915. to individu als in need of ready cash; small loans a specialty; business confidential; payments lo suit borrower's conven ience; positively lowest rates in city PENNSYLVANIA INVESTMENT CO? 132 Walnut Street. PAYMENT OF BILLS Need not worry you if you do not have the ready cash. We loan money in any amount on furniture or other good securities so that you can meet any emergencies. All our trans actions are strictly confidential. Call and see us to-day. EMPLOYES LOAN SOCIETY Room 206 Bergner Bldg. Third and Market Streets Licensed and Bonded by the State Musical PIANOS TUNED AND, REPAIRED by a skilled tuner only. Oyler's, 14 South Fourth street. IF your Talking Machine needs re pairs. Just call Bell Phone 3242 J. An expert will be at your service at once. Or bring machine to 1213 North Third street. Musical TALKING MACHINES of all kinds repaired by an expert. All work promptly done and guaranteed. Call Rrll 2804 R. or 1604 Howard avenue. Hauling unU Moving ALL KINDS OF HAULING AND MOVING DONE. CONRAD BROS., 341 KELKER ST. BELL PHONE 623W, DIAL PHONE 3518. HICKS & HOPKINS Local and Long-distance Hauling. 124 Reily. Both phones. WE MOVE anything to any point, lecai or long-distance. Large open and covered auto trucks. Experienced furniture handlers. Rates reasonable, phone Bell 623 J. "LOCAL AND LONG-DISTANCF. HAULING prompt service. A. & B Motor Express. 917 Capital street Cell Phone 1635 J. AUTO HAULING Local or iong d-stunce Furniture and piano moving a specialty Blue Lino Transfer. 917 Capital street. Both phones. HEAVY MAULING —Fully equipped for furniture, freight and piano mov. Ing No distance too far. Careful driver. Rain and dustproof body. ,T. E Grubber's Truck Service. Irvin Aungst. Manager. Hershey. Pa. Bell phone 15R-6. WE MOVE ANYTHING ANYWHERE ANY TIME We have a 2-Ton Denby Truck for Hire to do General Hauling. DAYTON CYCLE CO.. Dial 4900 912 N. Third St GENERAL HAULING AND FAST EXPRESS SERVICE to nearby towns with uuU trucks. Only experienced and careful drivers. Call Bell 3320. or Dial 2266. WE do all kinds of hauling—auto or team. Go anywhere. Rates Reason able. Phones. CONRAD BROS., 446 Broad street " WHERE TO iiIXIC ALVA HOTEL AND RESTAURANT? THF HOME OF SATISFACTION. STOUFFER'S RESTAURANT—Homo rooking served to Businessmen and Ladles In separate diningroom. Storage STORAGE —419 Broad street house bold goods, merchandise. Private rooms (it reasonable rates. Also haul ing of all kinds. D. Cooper & Co. Both phones. STORAGE —In brick building, rear 408 Market Household goods in clean, private roofs. Reasonable rates. P. U. Dlener. 408 Market street ! STORAGE Private rooms for ! household goods in fireproof ware i bouse. $3 per month and up. Lower storage rutes in non-llreproof ware house. Harrisburg Storage Co., 437- 446 South Second street ~ U N DEKTAJi KIIS SAMUEL S. FACKLKR, FUNERAL DIR ""TOR, 1312 Derry St. BELL 1956. DIAL $133. RUDOLPH K. SPICER, Funeral Director and Kmbalmer. 511 North Second Street BELL 262. DIAL 2146. Cleaners ana Dyers IT PAYS to have Clothes Cleaned. Pressed. Dyed or Repaired at the best place In town. Call and deliver. Goodman's. 1306 '■j N. Sixth St ~ AUTOMOBILES CHEVROLET TOURING CAR Model 490; year, 1918; new tires; ex cellent condition. Must be sold at once. Inquire 1540 North Sixth street, Mr. Jacob Lamparter. OVERLAND USED CAR oufAKTMBNT CLEARING SALE Our assortment of used cars is so reduced that we havje marked the re maining cars at prions that will move thero this week. Overland 2-passenger Roadster, complete and in running condition. Clearing Price $160.00 Overland 5-passenger Touring, with all good Upholstering, paint and top fine. • Clearing Price $375.00 Michigan Touring, with 40-horsev power Continental motor. A solid, substantial ear—would make fine truck. Clearing Price $250.00 Ford Speedster, brand new special turtle deck body. Newly painted red and blue. All good tires. Four-passenger Chalmers. Paint, tires and motor In good condition. Overland six-cylinder, seven-pas ger. Reflnished dark blue with red wheels. A handsome, powerful car. Convenient payments can be arranged. THE OVERLAND-HARRISBURO CO., . 212-214 North Second Street. SIX-CYLINDER, 1917 Model, 5-pas senger Overland car. In first-class condition. Price very reasonable. In quire Fackler's Furniture Store, 1312 Derry street. HUPP 20 In splendid running order. ,Just the thing to go to and from work. Three tires are practically i new. Equipped as racer, but will give < good top, windshield, fenders and i ii"bs<o-llte if Will sacrifice —less than $lOO. 711 Tele graph Bldg. AUTOMOBILES MAC'S GARAGE USED CAR DEPARTMENT Reo, 1917,. 7-passenger. Good condi tion. Chevrolet, 490 model. Bargain, $490.00 Ford 1917 Roadster. New tires. Packard Roadster. Cost $1,500.00. Now $'450.00. Ford, 1917 chassis. Demountable rims. Maxwell 1918 Touring. Used only two months. Owner in draft. Bar gain for quick buyer. Ford 1914 Touring, $275.00. Maxwell Touring, good condition, $450.00. Ford 1916 Delivery; 31x4 tires. These Cars are real values, and now is the time to buy. Open Evenings. MAC'S GARAGE. 117, 119, 121 South Third Street. Bell 3777. Dial 2413. 1918 DODGE $985.01) 1916 Overland $700.00 1914 Ford $265.00 16 Indian Motorcycle ...... .$l2O 00 Other Bargains. HORST, Linglestown, Pa. OLD AUTOS Wanted; used, wrecked or oldtlmers. in any condition. See me before sac rificing eisowhere. Chelsea Auto Wrecking. A Schlffman, 22-24-26 North Cameron e"et. Bell 8633. EXIDE BATTERY SERVICE All makes of batteries recharged and repaired; work guaranteed. Auto repairing; electrical work a specialty. EXCELSIOR AUTO & BATTERY CO 11th and Mulberry Sts. FOR SALE Willys-Knight, 7- passenger touring car, 1917 model, fine condition. Call Bell phone 2912. SEVEN - PASSENGER REO. 1917 model. First-class condition. Can be seen at Muff and Householder Garage. Steelton. Pa. FOR SALE Ford Touring Car Cheap to quick buyer. Owner leavimr city. Inquire Federal Square Garairo Court and Cranberry. ° ' SMALL FLANDERS TOURING Like new. $375.00; 1919 Mitchell, i.ib erty Six and Chevrolet Tourings. Also Truxton Trucks. Horst. Linglestown. 10 DAYS' SALE ON MOBILOIL 10 gallons Aor Arctic, gallon... ,66c 6 gallons A or Arctic. Gallon....70c If you furnish the can. Gallon cans Mobiloll. A. B, B or Arctic, gallon DAYTON CYCLE CO. kl2 N. Third St. Dial 4990. J OR SALE Model 32 Hupmoblle; excellent value; mechanically perfect. Special Price $400.00 HARRISBURG AGENCY CO„ 103 Market St 1914 KNOX Racing Car. In good con dition. 1916 Chalmers Roadster, In A 1 con dition. SUNSHINE GARAGE. Both Phones. MAGNETOS All types; 4 and 6 Bosch high tension, Eismann, Dixey, Splltdorf, Mea, Remy and different makes of coils, c rburetors, etc. A Schlffman. 22-24-26 North Cameron street Bell 3633. SECOND-HAND MOTOR TRUCKS FOR SALE CHEAP Consisting of variety of Ford cars, with rear-end ono-ton capacity; Vims, Buick, Reo and Mack, with power .hoist, dump body. All are good bargains. Inter national Harv -:ter Company of America Truck Dept., 619 Walnut street WANTED —All kinds of used auto tires. We pay highest cash prices. No lunk. H. Esterbrook, 812 North Third street. Dial 4990. GARAGES ACCESSORIES AND REPAIRS GARAGE FOR RENT In rear at 528 Camp street Call ut 1225 North Sixth street AUTO RADIATORS of all kinds re paired by specialists. Also fenders, lamps, etc. Best service in town. Har risburg Auto Radiator Works. 805 North Third street WM. PENN GARAGE 304-6 Muench street Limousines for funerals, parties and balls; careful drivers; open day and night Bell 4664. KEYSTONE AUTO TOP CO. All sorts of auto top and cushion work done by experts. Also repair work. Reasouable rates. 1019 Market St SUNSHINE GARAGES Auto re pairing by experts. Road Jobs a specialty. Charges reasonable. Both Phones. Sunshine Garuge, 27 North Cameron street UP-TO-DATE GARAGE Expert repairing. Storage space to rent All accessories. Prices reasonable. MufT Bros. Garage, 244 S. Front St., Steelton. MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES HENDERSON MOTORCYCLE FOR SALE $125. 1916 Model. 2-speed. Good machine. Call 24 Chestnut street Steelton. ONE THREE-SPEED INDIAN MO TORCYCLE FOR SALE —H. L. Enders. Auto Supplies. 239 South Cam eron street. Dial 5938. BICYCLE REPAIRING BY AN EXPERT. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. DORY SHANKR, WITH ANDREW REDMOND, 1607 NORTH THIRD ST. INDIAN. 1916—Good as new, $120.00. Good tires —one new. Bargain. Horst Garage, Linglestown. Pa. WE BUY old bicycles, coaster brakes, and frames. Call Dial 4990. ~ BICYCLES. BICYCLES. New and rebuilt bicycles at very at tractive prices; guaranteed repair ing: come here and get a square deal. H. F. ESTERBROOK. 912 N. Third Street Dial 4990. LEGAL NOTICES Proclamation in Divorce In the Court of Common Pleas of Dau phin County. Penna. No. 198, January Term, 1918 Margaret Urich vs. William Li Urich. To William L. Urich; You are hereby notified to be pres ent at the Cohrt House, at Harrisburg, Pa., on Monday, the 28th day of Oc tober, A. D. 1918, at 10 o'clock A. M„ when and where the Judges of said Court will hear, on behalf of the de fendant as well as for the plaintiff, all testimony submitted In the above case. W. JUSTIN CARTER, Attorney' for Libellant. Proclamation in Divorce In the Court of Common Pleas of Dau phin County, Penna. No. 117, March Term, 1918 Ella M. Walton vs. Harry M. Walton. To Harry M. Walton: You are hereby notified to be pres ent at the Court House, at Harris burg,.Pa.. on Monday, the 28th day of October, A. D. 1918, at 10 o'clock A. M., when and where the Judges of said Court will hear, on behalf of the defendant as well as for the plaintiff, all testimony euhmltted in the above W. JUSTIN CARTER, Attorney for Libellant. 11
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers